The Last of Us: Episode 5 - Review

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but the last of us on a Friday well I might get this up Saturday morning it's a little late right now sorry about that so it looks like the universe recognizes something has to give and since it's called Super Bowl Sunday not the last of us Sunday the last of us gets bumped to Friday so here we are also going to talk about spoilers for episode 5 of the HBO series The Last of Us not going to talk about anything spoiler based in the game going forward or looking forward if you don't know the plot of the game you are safe but if you haven't seen episode 5 of The Last of Us and you still watch this video well you're kind of screwed I know we're halfway through season one of The Last of Us in this episode I gotta say starting to see some cracks in the armor still an enjoyable show but there are things most anything that this episode made up that wasn't a part of the game just wasn't as good as the game I don't mean in the capacity of it's not exactly like the game Ergo it's not as good as the game that's not necessarily true I think in the case of the live-action last of us though in this episode in particular I feel like this episode overcooked a couple things whereas the game just kept it in the pocket if not kept it simple it's the last episode we left off were Henry and Sam meet Joel and Ellie now Henry and Sam are hanging out with Joel and Ellie now in the show they made a change with Sam Sam is deaf in the show the characters hearing impaired the actress hearing impaired that does present an opportunity to show the dynamic between these two brothers and how in the show Sam relies on his brother Moore to survive this world in an episode that shows that Sam might step on glass and make noise when he doesn't know that he's stepping on glass or making noise in a world where there are zombies and monsters that hone in on you on the basis that you're making noise however I do feel this show dropped the ball in showing that Henry would have to be more hardcore would have to get his hands dirtier and the name of protecting his brother in the show Henry's like aiming a gun at you is the closest I've ever come to being mean or however he said it the whole time I was just thinking how the [ __ ] are you still alive so it's funny how change works you make a change to one character and it's gonna Trickle and you're gonna have to make a change to another character because the situation is different but they didn't in fact back the change they made was like no and uh Henry's nicer in the show than he was in the game not that Henry wasn't nice in the game I'm just saying he's like I feel like Henry in the game would kick Henry in the show's ass these are just little thoughts I've had but where I feel they really overcooked it is the backstory of Sam and Henry in the leukemia treatment and so because in the game it's just like we were a part of a group we tried to take supplies from this other group we got caught they killed the other ones and now we're just trying to get out of Dodge very simple because most beefs in the apocalypse will come down to food and supplies this show was like What if Sam had leukemia and then Henry needed treatment for Sam's leukemia and this group had it and so Henry goes to the group and the group's like hey we want you to sell out this other guy and then we'll give you the meds and then Henry does it and then Karen is her name Kathleen come on we were all thinking Karen now she hates Henry because that guy that Henry sold out for the leukemia meds for his brother was her brother and so now she's right it's it's just a bit overcooked in a world like our world where civilization hasn't fallen yet where elitists keep [ __ ] for themselves you know what those in power would do with leukemia meds in the zombie apocalypse were resources are scarce leukemia meds most of all yeah they would keep it for themselves now I have no doubt a deal would go down with someone who needed leukemia meds for his brother in the name of yeah you sell out that person bring them to us we'll kill him and then we'll give you leukemia meds the deal would happen and then once they had the guy that wanted to kill they would kill that guy and then kill the people they made the deal with and they would keep the leukemia meds for themselves look I aim to survive the zombie apocalypse folks and I want you to as well so just know that that's what would happen in that scenario So Not only was the scenario unbelievable it was overly convoluted to a degree it didn't need to be also I didn't care about that whole plot line Kathleen like if Kathleen's character if she was like Sam Gerard and she's chasing Joel Ellie Henry and Sam through the entire Series yeah I'd want to know a bit more about it but they all die in this episode so I didn't need the backstory Sam Henry Joel and Ellie that's that's the episode right there spend more time with them also I didn't buy her as a zombie apocalypse later stop you put that keyboard down I'm not saying women cannot be leaders in the zombie apocalypse Marlene apocalypse leader qualities for days the vibe is there let me look at Justified that lady not the apocalypse but still I feel like she could be an apocalypse leader she has that Vibe of you screw me over and I'm gonna kill your entire family in front of you kind of lady casting's important I just didn't buy her as a leader in this shitty Fallen World but we're told that she is and we're you know like the dude even says like you got us out of a tough spot we're following you we're here for you this is another classic case of the characters are telling the audience what they're supposed to see without showing them essentially the second half of the episode got really exciting yeah that big bloater [ __ ] you saw in the trailer coming out of the ground whole horde of zombies I guess they're not technically zombies though they're zombies clickers they're zombies whatever a whole horde of them come out of the ground it's just it's a firefight it's not in a firefight it's just what you call spray and pray you're just hoping you make it through it I'm not buying the fact that a clicker is a little girl clicker Ellie's hiding in a car and this little clicker crawls into the car a clicker that just operates on sound a lot of gunfire going on out there and apparently this thing was like I hear something obviously there's a girl in a car breathing but I do gotta look back and touch on episode three episode three how it feeds into a episode 5 or at least how it did for me it was actually quite smart that they did episode three the way they did because episode three was this optimistic twist optimistic comparatively when dealing with fungus horror and uh zombies you know what I mean the characters got a nicer resolution than they had to get in the world of The Last of Us that is to say nicer than the game so in episode 5 anytime it looked like Sam and Henry they might stay with Joel and Ellie maybe they're not gonna die I kept thinking that I'm like they kind of did that before though the characters in episode three did die but they have gone against the game in the name of having a nicer outcome for the characters so there were quite a few times in this episode I was like are they gonna live are Sam and Henry gonna dude is it the optimism of us now turns out no they died just as horribly in the show as they did in the game but still I had doubts gotta say I appreciate that even though I've played the game I still didn't know how this was gonna play out that's because of episode three so although by and large I didn't enjoyed this episode by the end hopefully I've Illustrated why I say most of the things they made up in this episode that weren't in the game were better in the game than this episode I feel like this episode would have been better would have been more heartbreaking it was already heartbreaking absolutely but it would have been harder hitting if we spent more time with Sam and Henry rather than the militia who gives a [ __ ] group led by the leader we don't care about hope I'm not seeing diminishing returns for the last of us but there's part of me that feels like maybe I am though to be fair to the show the show started out pretty strong so if you're a nine where do you go from there right you hoping for ten don't hope for ten it doesn't happen alright so The Last of Us episode five have you seen it what did you think about it whatever you thought comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to see more [Music] one thing I can say for certain is Joel keeping the sniper rival after he killed the snipers the most video game based thing I've ever seen in a live-action adaptation
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 280,234
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TheLastOfUs, Episode 5, Sam, Henry
Id: zhX3JI6QjYs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 47sec (467 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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