The Last of Us: Episode 3 - Review

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episode three of The Last of Us just aired an episode concentrating all around Bill played by Nick Offerman I've been looking forward to this one bill everyone's favorite apocalypse curmudgeon so just so you know this is gonna be a spoiler video I'm going to talk about everything that happens in the episode not gonna jump forward and talk about things that happen later in the game but if you're just watching episode to episode you don't know anything about the story as a whole you are safe I mean you're safe if you've watched this episode if not you should watch it first time you know what I'm saying so in the game The Last of Us one of the characters that Joel and Ellie run across is a character named Bill Bill clearly has history with Joel clearly doesn't really like Joel that much so this is the episode where we get to see that character and this is also the episode we see the deviations in the story deviations that don't affect the story of The Last of Us as a whole did you see Joel and Ellie in this episode yeah I mean Joel's gonna be like no we're not getting close at all I don't care but he does care because in the end he still didn't want her to see the skeletons that were dead bodies he wanted to protect her from that you don't protect a kid from that if you don't give a [ __ ] again we see that nugget that Joel Heart of Gold there I like that and I won't lie the fungal apocalypse looks appealing for the second reason in a row first reason was the fact that a fungus caused the apocalypse caused all these infected zombie walker-esque folks civilization Falls everyone's Gonna Hate fungus which means no more mushrooms on pizza ever the second reason koi not Mortal Kombat 2 machines they're still around as long as there's Mortal Combat when civilization Falls I will be fine I'll be happyish so one thing I found of note as I'm taking mental notes on watching the episode mental notes that'll help me out when I'm word vomiting in my video I was like this is the first episode that did not have a flashback at the beginning spoke a little too soon on that one this episode did not have a flashback at the beginning this episode was a flashback at first you get a little insight into the fungus and how it spread because Ellie was like how did this thing spread Jill breaks it down it's like well it got into the food flour sugar whatever and then every everyone just kind of ate it at the same time because that was what went out that was a Friday by Monday we were in shitsville one weekend you start your bender on Friday and before your hangover even clears up on Monday civilization has fallen then it goes back 20 years you see Nick Offerman playing Bill everyone gets moved out of his town and then they die they do this Schindler's List kind of thing you know with the girl with the red dress and Schindler's List and you're like oh That's Heavy there's a blanket with rainbows in this one basically the government was like yeah everyone you're you're going to shelter if there's no room you're going in the ground we're not going to tell you that because we're the government but trust us then you see Bill the gun toting conspiracy theorist and his bunker his bomb shelter the security cameras about 78 000 of firearms lining his walls but he was like no thank you for trusting the government showing that the difference between a conspiracy theorist and a realist is no longer six months no it's a [ __ ] weekend then bill fortifies this little neighborhood and he's like I'm gonna live here then someone runs into one of his traps he's in this hole in the ground and you're like okay so this is why bill becomes the grumpy [ __ ] we know him to be which is kind of half rise right for the game not really for this episode I'll get there so rule number one the apocalypse you just don't trust anybody but Bill does and he has dinner with this dude and there's a scene where he's playing the piano he's like oh no no no don't turn your back to the good like you're playing the piano and you're concentrating on the music dudes behind you this is it this is when it goes bad it doesn't it it all just it's fine and they start a relationship together and I was like Frank building for I know the Bill and Frank right Frank as in dead Frank I knew I recognized that I'm okay so this is why bill becomes the grumpy [ __ ] we know in the Apocalypse in the future oh it's gonna go so bad for Belle here we go so that's really what the episode is about is Bill and Frank and their relationship over the course of the next couple decades they fortified this neighborhood this neighborhood that only got raided once in 20 years I am calling [ __ ] on that in the game I get it where Bill is it looks like it looks like a lot of infected maybe you'll get a can of beans out of that screw that noise but in the show the houses have electricity there's fortification there's clearly people there and most definitely resources one raiding party ever attempted and that was it and granted they were [ __ ] themselves they're like running into the flamethrowers like their NPCs or something half expected these idiots to die like and he runs into Jolin test which was great to see Anna Torv again she's not just out of the show entirely I mean she might be from now on depends on how many flashbacks we get so long story short Frank comes down with some sort of illness looks like ALS might not be ALS I don't know this is where the comment section is going to be like clearly it was I'm sorry we didn't cover terminal illnesses in the projection booth at the movie theater in which I worked before I did YouTube point is he has this degenerative disease that is getting worse so he tells Bill he's like this is my last night we're gonna crush up a bunch of Vicodin we're gonna have a great day in the meal tonight we're gonna pour the Vicodin in my wine I'm gonna drink it I'm Gonna Die In Your Arms almost technically not Vicodin stop Bill agrees to it which he also slammed a bunch of pills with his wine he was like we're going out together I was like but Bill's gonna live through it because Bill's grumpy bill in the apocalypse we know that no they just die together this is the deviation I was talking about folks Bill dies with his boyfriend actually husband they ended up getting married and Bill's just gone for the character episode that this was it was actually a great way to go it was a great way to end it because it makes complete and total sense if you hold to bill that you know from the game you're gonna be like I feel like that guy would have just survived because he clearly did survive after Frank was gone and he's a grumpy dick as a result and that's what happens and that's how that goes but if you look at this episode as the character piece there's it makes sense still survive and he survives the apocalypse and he gets into this relationship which becomes this beautiful relationship over the course of the next two decades Bill's like dude I've lived these past 20 years or so with you in a more fulfilling manner than I'm ever going to live without you in this [ __ ] world what did we call it uh shitsville right it's everywhere it makes sense to go out together you're just going to be surviving you're not going to be living you've already done the living so do I get it for the episode yes did I want to see Nick Offerman play grumpy Bill and do dealings with Joel and Ellie in live action absolutely we all know what's coming next episode next episode is the person in the street saying help I'm hurt there are things in the last of us that stand out as iconic bummer is um Joel and Ellie dealing with Bill that's one of them for me the other one is Joel and Ellie in the truck and they're driving down the road while someone's on the road saying they're hurt you know why I'm looking forward to that because as long as they don't deviate from the games Joel from the games loves killing folk I know that because as I was playing Joel in the games well I love killing folks I didn't just Escape into the weeds no no we gotta get to murdering humans the next episode might be that time but I really like the episode as a character episode but me personally I always found the world of The Last of Us was just a little cooler because Bill was out there in it you just I liked his character in the games liked his character in here too satis no longer around alright so The Last of Us episode three have you seen it how do you feel the show's going are you liking it so far every time Joel and Ellie start bonding and getting a little closer you just look forward to the end I do I just I can't wait to see it whatever you think comment below let me know and as always if you like what you've seen here and you want to see more click right here to say more [Music]
Channel: Jeremy Jahns
Views: 526,460
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the last of us, episode 3, bill, frank, hbo, series
Id: c3xi88MEVIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 53sec (473 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 29 2023
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