The Last Of Us Ep. 8 RECAP With Bella Ramsey! - The Last of Pods Podcast

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is the big episode of The Last of PODS that you've all been waiting for I am Brandon Davis I'm Ash Crossing and we are here to talk about I think the most brutal episode of the Season thus far yes oh my gosh episode 8 of The Last of Us is the scariest episode so far and it doesn't that's not even because of bloaters or clickers or in fact that it's because of awful humanity and we'll talk about that but we're not going to spend too much time dissecting the episode as we usually do because this is the biggest episode of The Last of PODS ever we have Bella Ramsey on them Bella Ramsay is on the show this has been in the work since before we even started the podcast um we we knew that Bella was interested we did not know which episode um we were trying to lock it in we didn't want to say anything to you guys just in case it fell through for some reason but it is officially happening today two nights Bella Ramsey oh this is basically why we started the podcast let's be honest we were like we gotta talk to Bella we gotta make this happen and here we are and what a brutal episode to talk to Bella about my goodness all right well let's let's talk about the episode for a little bit here before we before we bring Bella into the show I thought this episode was powerful it was crazy um and on the heels of last week which we agreed was a really my least it was I don't know if it was your least favorite it's my least favorite episode of season one it's my least favorite out of all great episodes like oh yes 100 yeah yeah like that doesn't mean it was a bad episode it just means it was my least favorite like out of a selection of Eight Episodes so far that are all very good episode seven is the least of the very good like that's still like that's not an insult it's just that's I don't know to me it was that it was the side step in the momentum that took me out of it and took it told a really slow story that did not progress the story forward at a point where we're late in the season I want the story to move forward if this had been like an extra episode as the DLC was later you know we talked about that last week if you want to hear more about it go listen to episode seven of the last of PODS we didn't poo all over the episode we just didn't say it was the best for sure uh and then this episode really writes that ship the momentum right out of the gate is is rolling and if you've played the game you're like wow we're rolling through this it's it's happening she's meeting the cannibals these terrible people and I thought I mean I thought Bella was great in this episode I'm not just saying like she's on this show today she face planted in the snow and that looked legit Troy Baker told us how cold it is out there so I I think I think Belle did a great job she had to carry this episode because Pedro was barely in it and I thought she did a great job yeah in the game this is where you play as Ellie Joel is um down bad she needs antibiotics for him but also yeah she comes across these these two guys David and James I think his name is and James is played by Troy Baker who's the original Joel In The Last of Us um but in the I mean even in the game and in the show it's like I think in the in the show it's a little more obvious that these because they're a little culty and they kind of reveal that at the beginning whereas in the game it is such like a surprise to me like I actually was like oh we actually come across some good people for once I didn't really see the twist of them being crazy evil scary cannibals coming well once you walk through the doors and you're led into like a crazy cult like that I feel like nothing is off the table not even human meat literally so I mean yes it was surprising it was gross but it was just like as soon as they opened the show with that and then you see inside of the like this does the game this is another thing the show does again that like it's been doing all year it deepens the story of these characters you meet that become adversaries and end up becoming just a chapter in the game and they're just a chapter in the show but they get a bit more depth and so you saw this guy wanted to be a leader he really demanded like adoration and no questions from these people which is to me just insane I I don't know that's why I'm not an occult I guess but yeah yeah it was giving Far Cry 5 for sure my goodness but he was so creepy uh and then I mean a lot of this was straight out of the game like when Ellie first meets them she's holding a bow and arrow in the game when she first meets those two characters in the show she's holding a rifle but she points out she's like stop right there but Put the gun down buddy boy too uh and she even calls Troy's character buddy boy in the show so there's a lot of stuff in this that is word for word beat for beat you know pulled from the game and they just keep doing that and it's it's I love that I I really appreciate that as a as a an obviously I say this when I first watched the show I binged all nine and I was like you know I liked it I liked it and I really you know I really like the game a lot more but I think the show is very good it's very impressive it's just you know I like and as I've taken my time now and had the chance to watch each episode slowly and appreciate it and analyze it the show has really won me more than it like it never didn't win me like I never thought it was bad I just think if you don't talk and hyperbole on the internet people think you hate it and I just I thought it was really good just not I saw all the praise and I was like man I wish I felt that kind of Praise And The more I've watched it the more I've kind of my appreciation of every episode has gone up yeah I think one of the the differences and it's a criticism that you have talked about the whole time is that there are not enough infected or clickers and in the game there's this whole sequence where her and David fight a bunch of infected they kind of like essentially Bond because they're like fighting off these infected together and then they sit down and have this conversation we're just like wow like you're really not a shoe blah blah and everything happens for a reason even me coming across you because you killed your little dad killed a bunch of my friends and yeah and it's such a creepy moment too it's such a jarring moment when you have a shift of just like yeah and because as a gamer I trusted this guy we killed clickers together bro what the heck we call Duty zombies in here and boarded up the windows and tried to keep the zombies out and then all of a sudden the other guy James walks in with a gun and and you don't see it until David is like yeah man the crazy guy and the little girl and then he's like Put the gun down James and then the camera Pan's over and you got the James from the game who was played by Troy in the show and Troy was right Troy said people were gonna hate him yeah I didn't hate him as much as David but I hated him well um and and yeah this guy I mean I think it's even worse in the show like he is so aggressive and scary with her and at the end like when she reunites with Joel I I it just like broke me when he grabs her from behind and she thinks it's another person coming after her maybe that David is somehow not dead even though she just hacked him to death with a freaking machete and just that moment where like you know Pedro says baby girl just like he did in the in the game it's just uh collapsed me yeah after the big fire you find that fiery fight was creepy in the game too because you gotta like hide and Crouch around and really hard to get through yeah hard as in like I died a million times when I played that that's the whole game oh my gosh I swear that's like I I die on easy mode in this game yeah that part is really hard um but yeah so then they're reunited and Ellie is POS possibly really broken like she's been through a lot but I feel like this is one of the most trying awful things she's experienced and I hate that for her because to this point Ellie has been so like almost annoyingly optimistic like yeah because I mean the Riley thing obviously traumatized her I think it was like a really big trauma for her but it also set like everything in motion it was kind of her purpose because it was like okay like I'm gonna live for something if I'm gonna live up I'm gonna have the survivor's guilt I'm going to I have this purpose now whereas like this was just all bad yeah but she made it through and she's back with Joel and hopefully I mean it's the last of us what could go wrong obviously the good things to come uh people who don't play the game and watch a show like we'll text you after and be like what the hell is with this show cause every week it stands on such a Towner it's like yep just wait yeah my mom text me um she was like these salmon Henry kids better not die especially Sam and then 40 minutes later what the hell and then she said is Joel dead she calls me up I'm like well she's like does Joel die in the game I was like I don't know she's like is he gonna survive and I was like oh you gotta keep watching uh and I I kind of messed with my mom I was like well I'll just say this this is the part of the game where you start to play as Ellie and she was like I know my friend I like would not tell her whether or not Joel lived or died because I was like it's just I don't know just like messing with people but go ahead no you go ahead oh mine was totally unrelated it was just another story about my mom okay tell it I only I I've only ever spoiled one thing for my mom and it was a Walking Dead thing in the episode where Tyrese died I interviewed him before the episode came out and I would always talk to my mom about every interview back when she used to be impressed by this stuff now she's just like oh he got another one but Michael she would call me up she's a huge Walking Dead fan and she was like well what did he how was he interviewed with the Tyrese guy Chad Al Coleman and I said well he couldn't really say much because he dies and she was like he dies I was like oh my God I'm so sorry and I've I've never spoiled anything for her since then that was like year one at sorry AMC I know I wasn't supposed to do that but I haven't done it since with anything I had a guy well I want to keep digging into episode eight um but I think we should do it with the lead of the freaking show what do you think I absolutely think I wasted too much time talking about spoiling things for my mom and now it's time to talk to Bella Ramsey so in one minute we'll be right back everybody on the last of pause this is your chance to thumbs up the video subscribe to the YouTube channel leave us a five-star review share us with your friends we'll be right back with Ellie herself Bella Ramsey [Music] welcome back to the last of PODS everybody Beady here with Ash Crossing and we are talking about Last of Us episode eight this is the moment we have been waiting for for longer than we've literally been admitting to you while we've known this is happening for a minute we are so excited Ash uh how you feeling I'm feeling so good because well you can literally see here Bella Ramsay is with us right now yes Bella Ellie herself Bella thank you joining us today well of course thank you for having me and I my cat is joining uh you can't see him because it's quite dark but he's gonna be a part of this because he is incredibly old incredibly needy pets are welcome pets are welcome on the last of pots I'm loving the show I've been a fan of The Last of Us game for a decade now uh I I would love to just start there I mean for you one of the these last few weeks been like uh is it is it bigger than you expected is it is it like what is what is this experience been like becoming Ellie and now the world gets to see it yeah I mean yeah it's been a little crazy um it's definitely bigger than I expect I don't know like I knew signing on to it it was going to be a big deal um but I don't think I really like registered it that much uh but yeah it's been cool I've just been doing everything's sort of the same I've just been doing like more interviews and traveling a bit more like I go back in Paris yesterday it was kind of bougie um but yeah just like little bits and Bobs You Look So Good In Paris I have to say oh thank you guys you're wearing like Dior I think it looks so good yeah before last of us a lot of us knew you from Game of Thrones obviously and as Leanna Mormont so I want to ask I don't know if anybody's asked you this I haven't seen it anywhere what do you think uh how would Leanna and Ellie get along if they were ever in the same world I think first of all I would initially I just feel like Ellie would annoy lyanna it was like I don't think lyanna would take very well to the Ellie's sense of humor and all these puns and stuff um but I think once they got past that I feel like they'd find level ground and they'd like go and kill zombies whether they be white walkers or clickers together I think they'd uh be besties they'd be besties now let's dive into episode eight I think this is the most unsettling episode of the show it is a rough watch um and it's also coming off the heels of last week which was like the DLC which was such a beautiful back story until it wasn't um rough ending uh but what did you learn about Ellie from that backstory from that DLC and seeing her relationship with Riley I just love there's this moment where Riley gets out the five dollar bill and Ellie's like kind of says like oh have you done this with anybody else before essentially and I was like that is me that was me as a teenager yeah I mean that's that's really funny that you say that um yeah I mean I think that episode was really just about like what it was like for Ellie before like she I mean like the experience at the end like the first time she's experienced loss at the end of that episode and then like obviously that continues and continues and continues like once she begins this journey but yeah this this took place I think they say like three weeks before Ellie first meets Joel so I think it's just really cool to have that backstory and like and to see what Ellie was like before all of this and before she knew she was immune and like just existing and having a crush on her best friend and like how that plays out I just think it's cool and it ties in really well to her uh relationship with Joel like the point that they're at I love that HBO Max tweeted the best friend stare with like you guys looking at each other and I was like okay best friends history will say they're a roommate yes I that episode last week on the on on our show we were talking about you know we have we all have our imagination of what happened after the Riley and Ellie's story ended in the show and in the game and at the same point they had the choices and then it doesn't really tell us what happens next what do you think as some you know the person who is embodying Ellie you are Ellie what do you think happened uh do you how do you think about that yeah I did think about that quite a lot um because it also was going to inform like how Ellie is going is going forwards I don't know like depending on the level of trauma like it's gonna be it's gonna be different but there was conversations that happened around that actually and um I think we sort of agreed on I don't know what to say because it's like I think it's up to people's imaginations really but from our point of view I think Ellie probably had to make a really hard decision and do something she really didn't want to do and experience great loss like that links back to that scene in an episode oh possibly uh I lose track of the episodes um where she's like it wasn't my first time oh yeah seeing somebody and yeah like could that this time of Ben Riley possibly that's what I was thinking and then the whole survivor's Guild of her probably just going through this whole thing of being like why am I not turning what is going on like I just and even like being kept in the dark with it makes it so much more tough yeah and that's why I don't want to like I don't know if we ever did like explicitly agree and I think it's it's it's more powerful that it's kept like unspoken and character people's imaginations because I think the imagination can often be like darker than reality yeah geez sorry no you guys you and you and Joel are traveling across the country in every episode you're in a completely different setting and this one is the winter set What were what was this set like compared to the other ones was it freezing what was it like it was pretty cold this was the in episode 8 we did the coldest day um it was minus 17 in February in albuques Canada I mean it was pretty rough I mean I loved it though but it's also like I think you there's a clip of it in the trailer when I'm holding the gun like at the at those guys at uh David and buddy boy and that girl that was like the real gun because they didn't have the like the the foam double so I was just holding this like real really freaking heavy gun in like minus 17 and freezing my ass off and I it got to the point where I couldn't like the words didn't come out properly like I sound weird in those scenes because it was so cold in my like local books froze so we were talking to Troy and he was like I was freezing but then there's always the crew guy in shorts yeah like our blessings are a different breed that scene was like one of those scenes that was straight from the game you and you too buddy boy I love that you called him buddy boy he called Troy buddy boy yeah yeah and this is the part of the game where it's the first time we play as Ellie because Joel got impaled so this like so this week and last week you're kind of like you're you're in this show without Pedro like it's it's this is Ellie kind of on your own how was it did it change does the set change does the experience the expectation the day change when it when there is no jolt around how does that change the energy for you it completely changes it like suddenly I was well my whole National experience has been so tired to Pedro so to like then find like how to like I don't know how to function on set without him was weird um I had we had withdrawal symptoms from being around him all the time and his stupid jokes and playing Xanadu um on his phone endlessly um so it was uh yeah it was a weird change and I missed him I really really missed him um which I think actually worked like for them to the episode and it was just it made me also appreciate it even more when he was back I'm like oh yeah I missed you I talked to him last night at the Mandalorian Premiere and I was like is there anything you want me to say and he was like just uh warn her about you like about me oh yeah color godspeed oh my God Pedro wasn't there but the original Joel Miller Troy Baker was I'm curious what that experience like was like for you uh were you because I know you were kind of encouraged to stay away from the game were you encouraged to not pick Troy's brain about joelisms or aliasms at all I mean I that wasn't really anything that was talked about it was I think me and Troy had this immediate respect for each other because I had seen bits of the game um and he was obviously coming onto the show and it was um it was actually really it was a really special experience meeting him for the first time and being like it's like that Spider-Man meme where it's like yeah it felt like that um uh but I didn't I don't really know how much we talked about the uh like I think he was basically encouraging me that I was I was Ellie you know and um I was like equally as um and in all of his uh jaw and I think we just like bonded over that a little bit we didn't talk about it a lot we didn't pick each other's brains we just sort of like took it as a new thing he was singing your Praises when we interviewed him to the point where I think we actually have a little gift for you Brandon do you wanna do you want to speed this up we have a we have a little a little message from Troy who who has who wants to share his thoughts on how things went down in this episode I'm terrified I mean the neck dude in the neck in the neck and that scene was a lot longer so my next question is to Craig we'll talk about it he did tell us about how messy it got and how many times they had to reset the blood bag and all that stuff but so how many times did you have to kill the original Joe Miller on set tires I just remember him walking around it's like acting his neck all day and also me being so uh like desensitized to like all of this and just being like Oh Troy has an ax in his neck like it didn't it's a problem of like growing up in this industry you really become desensitize to things like that um that was a long day it just kept going and going and going and going and I think Troy was even there like they had to do a little insert shot I think of him after yeah I killed I killed Original Joe quite a few times but he was like he was on the he was like gonna murder me and like eat me so I think it's fine I think it was justified I think it was justified and actually I mean the the reunion you were touched on this about like how kind of you know how you actually missing Pedro kind of worked for this episode and so by the end of the episode we have that reunion and by that point now Ellie's just terrified because she's just gone through the most horrific experience that we've seen in this show so far it wasn't even infected it was worse it was people and to this point like Ellie has been almost relentlessly optimistic despite the terrible things that have happened and I I think that's a big reason why we all love Ellie so much and your work as Ellie like you do such a good job embodying this character who is just trying to love and be loved and be a light in this dark world I would like do you think that like how does this kind of change Ellie and if if at all now that because that that reunion maybe Joel expected more of an Embrace and it comes but it's it's at this horrific moment and what do you think this kind of like what happens now oh that's a big question uh yeah I mean it's definitely a like she's experienced traumas before but like this is like nothing that she's ever experienced I don't think she ever anticipated like of all the things that could have gone wrong in this world like all the time she could have died up until now like she did not anticipate this um I think is if she she is also scared not only of like what happened with with David and and what was what he was going to do to her but she's also I think maybe more afraid of what she did to him and that violence that lives within her I don't think that she's we see how it actually punch Bethany in the face in the last episode and like we've seen her be violent but not like this like this is uh and I think that's that scares her like what she's capable of I remember in the first episode the look on your face when Joel kills the fedra soldier it's like such a shock so I mean how different do you think like I mean it's been I don't know the exact amount of time off the top of my head but it's been a while you guys have been on the road and from that moment till now so much has happened I mean how different of a character do you think Ellie is from that moment where that facial expression was just like couldn't look away in shock over Joel killing the federal soldiers to now I mean having to bring out these survival instincts that become quite violent for as it means to keep going machete yeah yeah I mean like I think that look was one of shock but also with like it was she liked it and and she like she liked seeing someone be so violent for her and then I knew it oh oh I wasn't gonna say it because I didn't want to be wrong but I thought that's what was happening that's what's happening you called it she was like yeah it's like seeing someone be so violent for her it's like she secretly loves it I mean I certainly think it's a secret um and um and so then this it's like the full circle of now she's basically doing is she like replicating that essentially replicating Joe's actions like she killed David probably within like the first two hacks of the ax to his face and she just kept going and kept going and kept going and it felt good um in the same way that like when Joe was beating that guy to death it was like he didn't have to do that um it's sort of yeah I don't know it's a lot what was that like just for like the technical aspect of filming that on set that had to be such a draining day of just hacking someone with a machete over and over and over well the the actual hacking part was right at the very end of the day and it was we were pushed for time it was that was that was one of the longest dates that I did on set um or like the basically or the lead up to that moment took the longest amount of time and then the actual hacking part was right at the end it literally like had to leg it back to unit base to get blood splatters like painted on my face and then um Sprint back to to just do it within the last like 20 minutes of the day I think we did two maybe three takes of that um squished into the end and uh yeah it was a lot but I think I had all the energy from from the rest of the day just like that that adrenaline item you're so tired that you're you suddenly have like so much energy I feel like that's what that's what happened um and I was like the actual thing that I was hitting was like a tray of it was like spongy it was like a sponge filled with blood and yeah it was uh it was interesting for sure it sounds fun what has been your favorite reactions to the show so far um I have a couple um I like oh man this is a hard question there's been you know how also I had an oath with Craig amazing I wasn't gonna look at comments and I feel like I've slightly dramatically will open that oath the last couple of weeks um I've I've liked people's I saw I'm aware I'm very aware that I have like it's like a uh a gay army who are like who were on Twitter who are just like supporting me and Ellie and it's like they're so much louder than any people who still hate it or hate the show like the homophobic trolls whatever and it's just like that feels nice to just have like um that Army but I mean that's been a reaction that I've really enjoyed um and also just people being like uh I like I love um Gamer's reactions to the show like that's the thing that feels the most validating is when like Gamers beloved uh Gamers you've uh so invested in the game to then say like this is so good and like lives up to all my expectations and exceeds them like that's the thing that's the reaction that feels like really really cool have you seen it's like the meme it's it's Joel and Ellie in the game and Joel's wearing a shirt that says I love my lesbian daughter oh yeah that's my favorite oh and actually you know to answer your question better like it's all the memes that have come out of it oh the the meme reactions that people are doing like there was one the other day that I loved um after the episode seven where it's like Ellie gay Melody has her hands in her head and she's like I'm so gay what the um and I I just love them I love people like rehashing game the game memes to like react to the show who's the best if you if you search your name it's like because like I think a lot of people harp on like the Pedro the daddy the fan cams you have so many fan cams I feel like that's like you know you made it when you have a fan cam at it someone who uh that I know who's like uh used to be really obsessed with Tumblr and like apparently they like check Tumblr for me they're like oh you're trending on Tumblr again which is fun like I I've never been on Tumblr so it's uh I have like different people who are invested in different things like keeping me updated on like the Tumblr fans it's quite it's kind of hysterical okay but so if you were going on time on Twitter or anything to be a fan of something else what is it that you're you geek out about the most I would have geeked out about if I had Tumblr when I was like watching Merlin for the first time I would act it up like Mullen was my show I loved it um that and then more recently feel good moving and feel good I would like I would be on Tumblr for hours looking at that no okay we got I want to talk that's not a take away from the fun of being a fan uh but I do I do have to ask you about this episode this show specifically you talk about the reactions to it each reaction each episode seems to really punch Us in the gut whether it's whether it's Nick Offerman and the Romantic tragedy ending or uh you know Henry and Sam or this episode eight each one has a different emotional punch to the point that my mom will text me and be like I hate that I love this show it hurts me so much but so has any any of the episodes stood out to you as like memorably challenging emotionally to get through what has been the toughest one for you to like look at and be like wow Ellie's got to go through this I have to perform this episode 8 for sure this one no question yeah yeah this one um it's just the most intense like it's Ellie surviving without Joel and surviving for Joel and enduring so much pain for him um yeah and and it was cold like it was emotionally and physically this was like the toughest episode uh for sure but I loved it like I had a great time um but yeah it was I remember reading the script and I actually have videos of me reading the script for the first time because I was so it's a sort of funny story I was really concerned that my American accent wasn't American anymore because I'd like got so used to it so it's like I'm gonna record myself reading this episode out loud so that I can listen back and see if I sound American and then it just turned into me like live reacting to them the crazy that I was reading and uh I have them somewhere I I dread I don't think I can ever watch them back but I remember the first time I realized reading the script that like these guys were cannibals I was like what it was yeah I want to see those yeah if you don't want to watch them we will maybe one day um I mentioned I talked to Pedro last night and he was like I was like oh is there anything you want me to ask and he was like I talked to her constantly I'm curious of what that friendship means to you and what's the last thing you guys chatted about oh the last thing we chatting about was the fact that he came to London and didn't see me I know I would be so mad you better you should go you should go buy some golf clubs oh don't you know Bella if it makes you feel better he left his Premiere outfit for the Mandalorian in London and then had to change his outfit so that's Karma wow yeah that is calmer you guys are all wrapped up on season one and season two renewal we're all so excited to hear about are you like how did how do you get ready to go back to work and do this again are you what how are you feeling about that I'm really excited uh it it still feels surreal to me that it's gonna go again um but also I'm going into it with the X like I don't want to go into it comparing it to the uh experience the first season because I'm like that that's never gonna like season one of The Last of Us was like the best year of my life and it's not gonna be the same so I just have to like go into it being like this is season two and I loved season one but this is just gonna be different um I'm I'm really excited I just yeah I want to be back in Canada like with Craig amazing and and Pedro for a little bit it's gonna be really nice I'm really excited we're we're all we're all so terrifiedly excited for season two and we haven't even finished season one yet but it's great Bella thank you so much for hanging with us on last of PODS thanks for having awesome yeah yeah we'll be right back in just a moment everybody we're going to talk about spoilers from the game and what you can expect in the season finale of The Last of Us we'll see in just a moment foreign we've ever had on the last pods and I say that after every interview they're all equally the best but that was the best I that was amazing also I love I I did not know that the Riley to Joel uh timeline was only three weeks I didn't know that and I also find it interesting that I appreciate I was wondering if she was going to say anything and I kind of appreciate that she didn't that it seems they did have conversations about what happened after the Riley Ellie moment but I think Bella recognizes that if she says anything that's going to become gospel on the internet that's going to be the Canon that we all tell and it's just I appreciate that she left up to imagination because we just talked last week about how it's so powerful when you don't really know yet you just know it's bad yeah yeah um so this is the part of the show everybody where we talk spoilers for next week's episode based on the game so if you don't want to know what happens in the game what could be happening in the season one finale of The Last of Us this is your stepping off point if you stick with this show till the end there's a little extra treat for you a little bit of a little extra interview bit coming up uh later in the episode at the very end we will sign off and then we will play a little clip for you guys so stay tuned for that but uh you got to get through some spoilers first so we are at the end of the game pretty much now yeah I feel like we've talked about the ending of the game so many times that I there's almost like nothing much more to say but like we I assume we are going straight to the hospital after this and it's gonna be a bloodbath and uh yeah it's they're gonna kill me on which dog yeah Joel Wick Joel Wick we should have we should have asked Bella to FaceTime uh Pedro just now we should be like hey can you guys talk all the time can you get him to say hi Pedro is so sick of me right now dude been hanging out a little too much all right I need some Pedro time more than I see you at this point I didn't even get to interview him at the uh at the Mandalorian junket I got but I did have a good time but I saw you guys interview and you Daddy a little close too close to the Sun now guess what that's your that that's your new phrase no I uh I'm retired from Daddy it's it's done it's jumped the shark um it's done we've buried it to Sea there's no more daddying with Pedro he's now father um all right so back to the last of us uh yeah so basically the and the only other thing really that we haven't seen yet is the running little Easter egg in season one yeah the giraffes there has there's a there's this beautiful scene in the game where Ellie and Joel are kind of getting to Salt Lake City and these this herd of giraffes goes by and it's just this beautiful moment right after this horrific sequence and it just kind of shows you there's still some beauty in this world and Ellie can still be enamored with something which is important to me may I tease something for next week who may I please guys you are going to want to tune into next week too because we did ask Bella about the finale and we do have some things that she may share with us this week as well so I love that we did that I was we did yes 100 that's great tease just basically listen to the last of pots every week always so oh also I know we've teased a bonus episode but for now no longer in the plans we have one more episode of The Last of PODS next week uh and it's the season one finale of The Last of Us so if we are able to put together a bonus episode we absolutely will right now kind of putting those plans on hold so yes one more episode of The Last of Us they're headed to the hospital don't mess with Joel's girl uh it will be bad for you if you do if they follow the game uh that's all I got to say for this week's episode Ash this was this was incredible I'm so glad we got to talk to Bella this was amazing Sam yeah I got I got nothing else all right so one other thing actually that's right we do have one other thing you want to tee this up uh sure so we talked to Troy Baker a few weeks ago I actually think it was like last month um but we talked to him specifically about this episode and some insight into filming it and so we're gonna leave you with that and we'll see you next week that was a long day that was that was my longest day on set and I went through I think eight yeah probably eight sets of wardrobe um because there is a blood bag that is attached to a hose that somebody has on an air compressor so that when I'm sitting there and it hits It's you know quenched it's blood and blood and just blood and blood and blood and blood and blood and then I hit against the wall I slide down into my own blood and then I sit there in my own blood that gets very cool all I could think about was that line in uh Interview with a Vampire goes the blood gets cold so quickly doesn't it it really does my blood gets really cold and then it just soaks soaks soaks and then they're like okay and it's like do we need to we're only seeing it for here so you want are you fine with staying in the same pants I'm like yeah I'm staying in the same pants and it's just like I looked like something truly awful had happened to me um but that doesn't include like there's a prosthetic so that the the cleaver like goes in and it was magnetically attached so that it stays in there um so there's this huge prosthetic that they attached that allowed for the blood to go through so that we're not just doing you know fake blood it's like it's it's practical and we walked that through so many times that's actually Bella that's swinging that towards towards my neck she's thankfully but better than this thankfully because otherwise that would have gone into my head the hardest thing that actually happened is that room was built out and everything that is there but we're on a sound stage but I went back and I hit this metal shelf so hard I don't think it's a thing that they use but everyone I saw everyone basically went oh we may need to get a new actor oh no how did it look we got it [Music]
Views: 102,676
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, interview, easter eggs, the last of us, the last of us episode 8 reaction, bella ramsey the last of us, bella ramsey ellie, bella ramsey interview, bella ramsey interview the last of us, troy baker interview, troy baker the last of us, troy baker joel the last of us, the last of us episode 8 vs the game, the last of us episode 8 review, the last of us ep 8 reaction, the last of us ep 8 review, the last of us ep 8 recap, the last of pods, hbo max
Id: MAokPEb6SB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 10sec (2710 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 05 2023
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