The Last of Us 1x03 "Long, Long Time" Reaction

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hello everyone and welcome to my next reaction to the last of us so just a little update for you guys um as some of you guys know I filmed these on Mondays and then I try to get them out as quickly as possible to you guys this probably is a little bit later than normal because I believe this episode's a little bit longer than normal so that means it's going to take me a little longer to edit it as well next week for episode four I will not uh be able to watch it until Tuesday I will be traveling this weekend and um though I'm very excited about it and all of that um I am gonna have probably a fairly long travel day on Monday um where I'm gonna be super tired and I just truly do not think that once I get back the you know next thing I'm going to want to do is uh you know get ready and then film a reaction and all of that so I'm you know moving it to Tuesday so it's just gonna be a day late um and hopefully you guys are are okay with that um I'm ready to get into this episode you know the first episode was very emotional for me the second episode uh maybe not as emotional as the first episode but still emotional so you know um I'm two for two let's see what happens in episode three let's go [Music] only a couple more miles to go right just just a few look I've been thinking about once you're sorry I'm gonna say I'm sorry I was gonna say that I've been thinking about what happened you needed a truck battery or whatever and you made a choice so don't blame me for something that isn't my fault okay I'm not entirely sure he is blaming her um but I don't know much longer no infected oh hello what are you looking out for people they're going inside nice you know seeing this is just so I was thinking well she keeps trying you know there's just one character named Melina who takes off her mask and she has monster teeth and then she swallows you whole and Barks out your bones oh no I don't know it might there might be bad things I cannot express how much I wouldn't be doing this [Laughter] [Applause] see you go down a rabbit hole and they're shenanigans [Music] foreign [Music] the Prosthetics and like makeup Department killing it girl what page over my ass hmm quarter sets mutated someone that got into the food supply not from your basic ingredient like flour sugar pancake mix oh pancakes on Monday everything was gone wow thanks oh this stuff up there you shouldn't see no I have to see it no whatever it was I think it's gone it's gonna no it's gonna be damaging it's gonna be psychologically damaging whatever the it's what I told you you were going to accuse me and you were if there was room ah it wasn't [Music] no probably not that people can't be infected huh jeez jeez oh my goodness no I don't need to say this oh my goodness I don't need to see this oh underground bunker please [Music] oh oh goodness you are ready sir oh my God oh my God shut the front door shut the back door shut the side door oh my God it's Nick Offerman oh my gosh okay okay I'm coming down I'm coming down a little bit yeah it's funny when he smoke down in the bunker I was like I need that voice [Music] environment [Music] wow quite the setup I I am so in love with him being in this [Music] holy holy goalie it doesn't get old I don't love all the copyrighted music [Music] and don't infected are you armed and I'm just trying to get to Boston alone it was starting at 10. oh no [Music] haven't eaten in two days doesn't sound very long out loud does it but it's gonna show up here looking for a free lunch and this is not an RVs damn Harvest didn't have free lunch was a restaurant sorry you already know I'm bad at lying oh thank you this is amazing oh oh it's really sweet oh my God he said the table nice I mean he was eating very in the previous seeds we saw but It's gotta be so jarring for uh Frank here look at that oh mwah beautiful everything tastes good when you're starving yeah but it's not like this oh oh thank you you're welcome oh staring at this the whole time is it antique oh you know how much these are worth currently nothing [Music] [Laughter] [Music] no thank you sorry wow oh my God I'm very excited for this love will abide for a long long time oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness oh what an icon there's no girl I don't know what's your name oh my God this is so adorable and wonderful and lovely oh my goodness and these are obviously the the guys that Joel and Ellie are heading towards I love it I love it I'm so excited [Music] okay oh my goodness I want you to know that I'm not a [ __ ] I don't have sex for lunches I'm gonna stay for a few more days it's okay okay here oh [ __ ] you come on oh my goodness you say Resource Management so help me I will run through one of your tripwires wow we took a turn this is my street too just let me love it the way I want to oh but we are gonna have friends oh excuse me we will never have friends because there are no friends to be had I've actually been talking to a nice woman on the radio oh you've won a lot about that look at the hotel the paranoid schizophrenic too we are working together oh oh look at those two and then look at these [Music] nearby oh well aren't I the lucky one ah up here looks we can't help each other and get that gun out of my face oh sooner or later there will be Raiders you know beat that fancy in your trip wires quiet and armed I believe it we'll be fine oh I also possibly believe that too come on this is gonna be the start of a beautiful friendship oh I traded Joel and test one of your guns for a packet of seats oh this is sweet see what having friends did helps you know so amazing and adorable and iconic getting older faster than you oh I was never afraid before you should [Music] oh [Music] oh my goodness oh my goodness [Music] oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no oh well he might have taken what Joel said to heart you know what I mean set up all kinds of traps oh sweetie you be careful [Music] oh my goodness [Music] I gotcha I guess oh my God oh my goodness I'm so nervous okay are you okay I feel stressed out you're okay you're okay oh my goodness no you are not I'll take care of you oh are you kidding me are you kidding me stop stop it how dare you stop it just passed out he may have just he just get it oh he said Bill great oh we're winning today [Music] 10 years like okay we're getting close big Roundy oh yeah oh look at the painting [Music] I'm not fighting about it back in bed I promise you I'm gonna stay up why because this is my last day what what I've made up my mind oh my God ah no guys I don't want to cry again more good days with you than with anyone else oh God give me one more good day where how to help outfits for us we'll get married oh God then you will crush all of these up put them in my wine I can't I can't handle this hand and I will fall asleep in your arms okay don't love me the way I want you to okay okay I'm not okay I'm not okay I'm not okay [ __ ] this show [ __ ] the show like how dare you three episodes in a row three [ __ ] episodes in a row are you kidding me are you kidding me show stop it jeez [Music] e yeah wow oh enough to kill a horse and you were my purpose oh my okay it's incredibly romantic take me to bed oh my goodness okay okay my heart also hurts for Joel because he just lost tests and I know she's a hardened man but they were friends and this is hard to whomever or probably Joel oh you want I'm guessing you found this jewel is anyone else would have been electrocuted which will not be one of my traps [Music] take anything you need I never liked you but still it's like we're friends almost and I respect you I used to hate the world and I was happy when everyone died because there was one person worth saving that's what I did I saved him that's why men like you and me are here we have a job to do oh my God help any [ __ ] who stand in their way exactly oh thank you all of my weapons my equipment use them to keep oh God oh Joel holy moly he is holding it together far better than I I just finished making the truck battery it's charging right now okay I have a brother out in Wyoming and my guess is he knows where some of them are out there maybe they can get you to wherever this lab is that's true it's a plan listen about Tess rule one you don't bring up tests ever matter of fact we can just keep our histories to ourselves what you say it goes okay [Music] let's go on a road trip so what now I'm taking a shower and in your shower seriously well oh no no she's back Kelly [Music] oh my goodness [Music] okay I need a moment okay guys well I am three for three on the tears scale um three three episodes I've been crying in all three um I am very aware that I am one of the more uh emotional reactors out there it's very on brand for me however it's you know they um each and every episode I feel like has packed an emotional punch and what I do love about that is that they are really putting a very human and vulnerable face to what it means to survive in a situation like this you know there's a difference in a lot of shows like this um post-apocalyptic or maybe some other um types of shows but there's a main difference between surviving and living and having a purpose and having a reason to want to go on um I think on a very basic nature of humans we want to survive we want to keep living it is just in us right um and I think that that very early on that's what bill was doing you know he and he was prepped he was ready he had the setup I mean not just even um the setup of what a typical survivalist uh might have but also a way to make good meals um a way to I mean he he still had a a piano um that seemed to be in tune and I you know I I think that there's an element of he he knew what was important to him he prepped for this scenario but it wasn't until Frank really showed up that he you know I think the best line of the episode one of the best lines of the episode was when Bill said you know I wasn't really scared until you showed up which is just such a beautiful and sweet thing to to say um you know uh sometimes when you care about somebody being you know having that love caring about them can feel almost I hope you get what I'm saying when I say this it can feel almost uncomfortable because you leave yourself up for hurt for vulnerability you know um especially in a world a world like this where you know anything can happen Raiders can show up now um listen I I really thought we were gonna lose bill in that moment and I had the relief that we didn't lose bill in that moment and then it went downhill from there it surely did and you know it's a Bittersweet story I feel like you're gonna or I'm gonna be saying that a lot about this show there's something very beautiful about the fact that these two men found each other experienced love and experienced a much more fulfilling life than if they were separated um and yes it's sad in the end you know um watching them both go um spending their final day together getting married I mean it's beautiful but it's also sad obviously this is their their last time together on this Earth and um you know I I I love that this episode really honed in on what it means to to have a purpose what it means to actually care about someone and it just really showed you know um a lovely parallel between Bill and and Joel and you know Joel is guarded Joel um you know I I feel like is is not really going to be opening up about his feelings or hasn't been opening up about his feelings I I feel like eventually he's gonna open up a little bit to Ellie but we're gonna see how that goes um as time goes on but he's very guarded I feel like obviously what happened with his daughter even though such a you know a long time ago in the in the show has a very lasting effect on him and of course yes he's probably become jaded because of that he's probably he's become very hardened and his you know um very guarded with a lot of stuff it doesn't mean he didn't care about people I think we we can tell he cared about Tess and he might not be outwardly showing it but he's kind of going through a bit um to lose somebody that maybe you've felt some sort of camaraderie with during this really dark and scary time you know that's going to be tough and through an extension also losing Bill and Frank who I will say were his friends he may not say it he may deny it okay denial it's not just a river in Egypt he may deny it however um you know these are these are the people that he's probably gotten closest to even if to him maybe it's not that close but closest to during this time and if nothing else but maybe more specifically Frank but Bill and Frank I think probably meant a lot to Tess and she meant a lot to them and you know there's probably a lot of inner emotions swirling about with Angel on top of all of that being worried about his brother and just a quick um little this is a little side note um I don't know if they're ever gonna kind of show this or go back or whatever but you have to think that after you know um Sarah died that Joel specifically was probably a mess and I would assume this is all speculation but Tommy probably had to hold it hold it down for a hot second um and I wonder if that'll ever get kind of brought up um and what they both went through I mean I'm sure Tommy was morning as well I'm not saying but there was probably a lot in those few days after well longer than that but I mean that initial you know I it came to my mind when um Joel was talking about like it was like Fri I forget what it was but like by Monday he said you know by the a few days you know the world was like completely to [ __ ] and it just like came into my mind of like and those days were probably so [ __ ] hard for them for countless people um because you got to think a lot of people went through very similar situations but um you know I I did want to mention that that that came to mind and I don't know if they'll ever touch on it but you know so he's also worried about Tommy and then there's this whole thing with Ellie which is just another added layer onto it you know he's keeping a very um I would say like stoic demeanor uh and I I get it and he's probably um that's kind of probably what he's most comfortable with at this given moment in time and everything but my goodness can you imagine going through what he has gone through not just obviously when this all started with his daughter but I think in this you know kind of these recent times he's worried about Tommy because he feels like he's lost Tommy he did lose tests he lost his two friends that he might not admit were his friends but they were his friends and then seemingly he possibly has the weight of the world on his shoulders with Ali I mean if he wanted to take a second to just sit and like cry it out or scream it out or start punching [ __ ] or whatever I don't know I mean he did technically punch that that card a lot but maybe you know I would give him his moment I would be like if I was with him I would be like do you need to go scream in the woods for a while or something are you okay you know um so I I think we're gonna see more of of that get expanded his mental state and everything that's going on with that but it was quite a a beautiful Story I mean I was so heavily invested in the two of them I completely loved you know I loved that this show sped the time to talk about the relationships that you make the love that you can find in such uh dire circumstances even if Bill may not have thought of it as dire circumstances you know he started the note off with like you know when everybody died I was fine with it and then I met somebody who was worth living for and that's you know and I don't think that um when the world went to [ __ ] that Joel was fine with it obviously not given what happened but I think he's been a bit apathetic to things since maybe this is speculation from somebody who has not played the game so you can uh maybe disagree with that but I think there's a level of apathy there's a level of self-preservation there's all of that and it's possible that Ellie might bring out something that's that's buried a little bit deep in there um and uh it's going to be interesting to see that unfold all right I think that is about it I don't want to um talk too long talk your ear off and you know rant forever but um this was amazing it was a great episode I loved it um oh and can I just say uh obviously both of the actors were Bill and Frank killed it obviously I'm familiar as a lot of people are familiar with um Nick Offerman and I think a really great casting choice and uh the reason that I'm saying that uh well he's phenomenal but other than that um there's something about uh how he played such an iconic character for so long in parks and rec which was a character that was supposed to be very uh grumpy and not a ton of emotion on his face and very hardened and you know but he still had this like spark he still had this charm he still had this something that came through and even in this episode you could see that spark almost very similar characters but uh that spark came through that charm came through that comedy came through and it was quite perfect and and lovely for this specific episode so I thought the casting was really really great for that part specifically uh but both of both of them killed it in this episode and a round of applause for them icons both of them all right I can't wait to continue just a reminder again uh that the uh next episode episode 4 will be out on Tuesday as opposed to Monday um and I apologize but it's just how it has to be all right um I think that is about it if you would like to support me on patreon or subscribe I would really really appreciate it but if not I'm just happy that you were here thank you guys so much for watching
Channel: sesskasays
Views: 64,340
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Last of Us, Reaction, sesskasays, 1x03, S01E03, Long Long Time, Bill, Frank, Nick Offerman, Murray Bartlett, Joel, Ellie, Tess, Friends
Id: SzS_fKWKkX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 37sec (2077 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 30 2023
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