Vanishing Point 1997 full movie

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] order to stay back all of you civilians stay back if you do not stay back you will be [Music] [Music] arrested [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] h [Applause] right keep those people back we not allow them access how long weak tops 3 days down overnight 3 days is back promise baby you're not due for a month I will be here keep taking your prant Zone Sarah's going to check in on you every day well don't forget Chris and Tony oh don't forget this Jimmy wild hsees couldn't stop me Z28 is waiting on a clutch andreid ready what else Cuda still needs a master cylinder Cory can handle that wow that sweet hey did you get the hair Grabber working oh yeah 71s are always a but when they're done right they're bitching how's finny handing in the lopas yeah she's hanging in can you make her some of those EMP bananas come on on my hey take it easy Kowalski Dr Snider wants a new motor broken in not broken [Music] okay i' like H but don't bre my car okay make up your mind yes Dad it's worth [Music] it [Music] [Music] hey Jim how was the [Music] ride I'll take that hey my bus didn't leave till the morning can I crash here no problem let me see if there's something going north hey sweet there's a 70 Hemi Challenger in Santa Fe needs a correct Dash pad Hemi Hemi where's that go Salt Lake City I've got a pad I'll get the C down here tomorrow we'll put it in you'll pick up another six Bills going home hello you okay darl hi my love yes I'm fine not having a flare are you no no just a little fatigue how'd you like to have the baby in the hospital instead of at home can we afford it well I got to delivery to Salt Lake City if I want it well that's wonderful means I won't be home till Monday though I live I'll call you from the road every chance I get okay I'll be here I love you I love you too bye bye you're [Music] on man there is something about a Hemi Challenger come on it's just a car excuse me Honda Accord break job right yes ready not until I explain something 1970 Hemi Challenger is not just a car it is the apath is of American Muscle TI technology okay a reminder of when we were number one whatever let me know when it's done some people just don't get it hey this is class one show car how come the owner doesn't want a trailer you're cheaper [Music] [Music] listening to the voice of the Rocky Mountains on kbx radio ladies and gentlemen the voice that's right citizens this is the voice bringing you truth instead of misinformation facts instead of fluff and music real music not the Mindless noise and simper and Pap you find everywhere else on your dial this is the John Doe thing with a little tune called volun tears that Spotlight theing just for a minute on a pretty face that cry daddy it hurts how you pleasan it's a radio be bounced off of the moon coming from one [Music] count hello Sarah uhia is not answering the phone Sarah is that you or not where are you Jim I'm in Gallup New Mexico why what's up how long you think it would take you to get here it's almost 1,200 miles what's going on fenny's Lupus has flared up she's in really bad shape Jim where is she she might lose the baby where are you guys we're at St John's and Boise tell her tell her uh tell her to hang on I'll be there tonight [Music] [Applause] Locust d [Music] [Music] please [Music] copy officers I'm sorry but I I got hold right there whoa whoa close your mouth clasp your hands behind your head and turn around come on never know do you routine traffic sto Guy starts to rush you that's how Bert Travis got killed hey slick we put you at 102 M an hour failure to stop and resist an arrest I'm not resisting my wife I don't want to hear it you're going to see the judge what cover this puke stain what's this problem it's routine every speeder has to go to the station post bond has a routine to throw down on every speeder too you're supposed to remain seated in your vehicle with your hands in plain view how long's this going to take depends on his mood great look my wife's in the hospital qu flapping your gums and get the vehicle registration ain't your car is it flash it's in the glove Mar what the hell are you doing you're really going to shoot me hey shut it off come on move your ass rookie let's [Music] [Music] go 7911 Northbound bis suspect V white 7 71 Dodge Challenger New Mexico plate Kansas Stingray zebra 620 request 1029 and 1036 on suspect driver Kowski James 7911 dispatch 1029 and 1036 on suspect St James you got nothing on [Music] it 911 please respond [Music] fight get lonely out [Music] here [Music] [Applause] Excuse Me Miss how can I get to boisey right away right away huh yeah I can check yeah actually we have a flight 637 that goes to Boise with one stop in Salt Lake City when's that life 3:30 okay yeah how much is that it's 3:30 tomorrow no I got to go I got to go now gee must be an emergency yeah thanks anyway hey wait there's this guy Jeff Taylor he rents Charters out of here he could probably take you all the way with a couple of gas stops where's he at I'll time at home we got a chall out here please we got a in purs in Pursuit [Applause] dispatch he just he just checked [Music] time unit dis request for all available [Music] [Music] units [Music] you all right 7615 are you all right [Music] [Applause] go unit three we just had a large explosion out here at the salvage yard y large expion get a fire un out here on the fire units are on their way you boys [Music] okay hey voice what about the IRS the IRS oh don't get me started the 16th Amendment was never properly ratified compensation for labor is not income you understand read the Constitution it is the highest law in this land rights entail responsibilities knowledge is power use it or lose it now listen to this I need to speak to my wife she's a patient there Rafia Kowalski Kowalski k [Music] [Music] w hey aall hey hey he just blew right past us looks like it's Colorado's problem now Roger we adise [Music] Colorado nice car don't see too many 70 challenges these days heard New Mexico Chase one this morning that's so yeah picks up all sorts of things you a ranger was you disobey a direct order to pull back sir I stay forward calling air strikes and get those tanks knocked out you like to freelance don't you play Cowboy I've been here 9 months Captain I know what's going on this war is over Sergeant the military is downsizing maybe you ought to think about a career change soon as my hitch is over I'm gone sir dismissed GOI I guess you ear in these you Marine we think Rangers are candy asses J is lck you're all right man what else you need scanner I can order you one unless you're in a hurry just a little sounds to me like you really need to know what the man's up to too don't we are it's a sad truth New Mexico this is Colorado no s suspect W Challenger you sure he came through here New Mexico Colorado this is New Mexico suspect challeng Leb 666 Colorado 477 southbound 145 at Cortez we have nothing repeat no contact with any white 1970 Dodge Challenger Arizona this is unit 29 a motorist has reported some kind of wild man in an old muscle car uh speeding westbound on Highway 160 East of mexic goof in the old west Outlaws use fast horses to escape from paries and hide out in the vast undeveloped Wilderness in the depression Desperados used Ford v8's Backcountry roads and The Sovereign borders of state lines to dodge Johnny Law today with satellites computers urban sprawl and limited access highways there's nowhere to run and no place to hide but somewhere out there there's at least one man who hasn't gotten the message he's already blown through three states and nobody's been able to stop him now we don't know if he's out for a joy Rod or on a mission but we're going to watch what happens so this next tune is from my man in the Challenger light him up brother we'll see your lights up what [Music] hey Sergeant Gil you're about that boy running around Arizona yeah you think he's a drugie or what all I know is he's terrorizing Four Corners he's in Utah now where oh we just got a report from up a Monument Valley let's go in the charger absolutely you think we're going to nail him at a dog Pie Chevy takes a Mopar to catch a Mopar right on good [Music] shotgun [Music] dispatch Sergeant Preston South 163 Monument pass have deputized black beast and am in position to intercept suspect Roger that Sergeant pres use caution [Music] [Music] hopefully this will be short and sweet get in the car what are you going to do terminate this Pursuit [Music] hey Chuck Chuck what are you doing [Music] [Music] shot come man this guy's nuts he is totally nuts yeah this is calling the choer let him eyeball this fruit loop until he runs out of gas you kidding he knows what this is all [Music] about we are northbound on 163 request assistance and Air Support over support Vehicles will join you in landing over well how about that Chopper uh chopper down for schedu maintenance we'll get it in the [Applause] [Music] air [Music] [Applause] come on Chuck let's back down we don't have to do this it's okay Gilmore relax I didn't get that wall of trophies driving demolition derby [Applause] [Music] hey Chuck come on don't disguise a speeder not a serial killer Governor's directive officers must be terminated by any means necessary before reaching populated areas what populated areas we're coming on to Blanding blending population 50 he meant Salt Lake City for God's [Music] sake [Music] H TR look out easy God [Music] now how's she doing can I talk to her where are you I'm in southern Utah you're not on a plane no I'm I'm it's a long story she's in surgery so what are her chances I don't know they won't tell me anything but they seem confident the baby not sure you got to get here Jim I'm coming I'm coming [Music] hurry I'm on my way yeah well get here as soon as you can take it easy boy we'll get you out of there it's going to be too late how do you know by the time your man with dark on gets here we'll choke itself trying to escape you're crazy if it teares me up too bad shoot me I don't want to shoot that lion I said shoot me why can't you just jump off a bridge like any other [Music] nutcase [Music] okay [Music] who are you Kowalski James World Route 3 Chile Idaho former Army Ranger one Bron star and Desert Storm police record serve nine months in Chicago batteries some kind of drug case that's how the drugs are guns sir that he's running how do you figure Guns Idaho daram extremists right-wing militias that's it that's our way in domestic terrorism this boy could be carrying High explosives planning another Oklahoma City he could be sir but we don't have any evidence of that we'll get it he's run across four states it's got to be something [Music] big mom's uh mom was a drug casualty I never knew my father yeah my mom ran away with a lawyer when I was five and um daddy was a prospector he yeah died drunk in Nevada panning for gold that sounds like we're made for each other you Catholic no well if you want to be with me you're going to have to join the church you really believe that all that stuff and don't tell me the only thing you believe in is a 426 Hemi I believe what I can understand mm something goes wrong with an engine I can fix it mhm and people aren't like that I guess I don't trust things that don't come with a repair manual engines don't demand love they also don't give it [Music] I know it doesn't look good just see what you can do okay let's go we going home Chu I think we've done our bit here besides he's out of our jurisdiction anyway come more get in a car that's a direct order dispatch Sergeant Preston go ahead Sergeant what's the latest on uh suspect Challenger suspect Challenger last scene West Route 95 Glen Canyon area we are rejoining in The Pursuit that's negative Sergeant Preston the chief has requested federal assistance FBI Chopper is in the air now let me talk to the chief uh he's in bed you want me to wake him up uh negative uh I'll call him in the morning Roger disch oh you would love this citizens this is America Circa 1996 the Federal Bureau of Investigation has joined in the hunt for our man in the Challenger Kowalski now what business does Big Brother have sending a high-tech helicopter after a mere speeder you may ask why our new anti-domestic terrorism statute of course driving too fast now makes you a threat to the well-being of our great Republic people theill Bill of Rights is as forgotten as the Dead Sea Scrolls stay in line keep your head down and your mouth shut cuz if you get on the wrong side of Uncle Sam your life is over streets [Music] are don't you think you ought to tone it down a little why to give yourself some room in case this guy turns out to be hauling a trunkload of cocaine Lake City CH are west5 Canyon we got a make on a negative on that to get some answers to these questions we've come to the place where the fugitive Works Mr Moss could we get your opinion of the situation it's total harassment okay wasy hasn't done anything he's just trying to get home to his wife she's in the hospital with a difficult delivery and there you have it guy actuallyy for CNN we are back now those of you who have been watching CNN know what this whole Kowalski thing is all about he just wants to be at his wife's side for the birth of his child now there was a time in this country when the police would have given this man an escort instead of trying to run him into the ground I'd like to give you an update on our investigation on The Fugitive James Kowalski now this individual is a convicted felon who served a prison sentence for battery with known drug connections and possible links with right-wing racist militia groups in Idaho that he has in dangered the public safety caused injury to police officers and has destroyed public and private property he is considered to be armed and dangerous and I can assure you we will not rest until he has been brought to Justice don't move Jim come on young fell put your head through there Out Boy thanks Jim that's easy money who are you name's Moses how you know my name did didn't I call everybody Jim Jim what you do with the snakes trade them on the r the coffee sugar cigarettes salt flour beans lots of beans J you live out here I'm the original Desert Rat the dark skin model I know these Hills like you know your girls backside you lost are running away from somebody now lost then we better get this machine out of sight what whirly Bird's coming I don't see a thing black means federal or military [Music] you must be a real bad man right up there with Dinger another set of tracks we're getting low on fuel he could be in there it looks like another Dune buug your four-wheeler closer to this spoted just keep your head down and keep the Fai let's refuel and come back Gone With the Wind let's go thanks MOS no thanks necessary Jim that's why we put on this Earth to help each other what can I do for you drop me at the RS you got itle 21s open thanks you need sleep boys not yet you're on the air with the voice yeah I'm calling from Chicago I'm a copper welcome officer got some info on the drug stuff with his Kowalski guy all right his mother was a mope a crackhead she got behind on her payments Kowalski got pinched for beating up the dealer who was leaning on her well now the feds say that Kowalski was involved with drug drugs as usual the G don't know what the hell they're talking about Kowalski was clean but the dealer he hammered had a brother on a job so Kowalsky went to the Joint that's the real story you heard it here citizens the truth about our lone Wolf's police record things are not what they seem are they take it hey good to see you hey you did not speak that's good it shows respect the snake Spirit has power in war in medicine in the Vision Quest the one who makes all things wants you to become a man you accept this listen uh I need some gas you need more than gas get where you're going you know who I am I watch CNN then you know I'm in a hurry your journey here has purified you your white car symbolizes the white clay that my people once used to prepare themselves for a Vision Quest he's going to ground somewhere between Glen Canyon and the AY reservation his Luck's about to run out every road out of the area is covered Lake City this is Chap one we have refu and our back in the [Music] air James I baptize you and with the father and of the son the holy spirit [Music] amen [Music] the lion is your spirit guide he seeks the untrodden path once this world was his now he has little room to roam what happens when he runs out of room then his Spirit seeks [Music] release the horn toad can tell you which way to go this toad says to go west I'm headed north go west to the Salt Lake Desert then turn north it's rough country police will have difficulty following you there Polie have helicopters helicopters can't fly in high winds why you doing all this for me the federal government has called you their enemy I will call you my friend do you believe in everlasting life my wife does but do you I'm working on it M Mike m I'm ky's partner okay we own a performance car shop the double m in Sun Valley Idaho we restore and rebuild the finest muscle car okay Mike I got the picture how long you known Kowalski five years he's my best friend is he a white supremacist yeah and I'm married to Cindy Crawford Kowalski is no bigot and he's not no militian neither as far as I know he don't even own a gun thanks for setting the record straight Mike Kowalski uh if you're listening you'll be happy to know that citizens across this country are forming a Grassroots movement in support of you don't break your arm patting yourself on a back because big brother is not happy he wants to turn the Lone Wolf into a lap dog every Road in Central Utah is blocked and the eye is in the sky so you better spray that Challenger of yours with some invisible pain kbx Challenger watch 9 call your Congressman tell him the FBI should leave Kowalski alone kbx this is Kowalski another one hey wait don't C me off why don't you call the inquire and impersonate Elvis cuz I've been busting my ass for 36 hours straight and I don't have time to screw around hold on possible Kowalski line three is this a joke when you make the 10 most wanted list for just trying to get home hope somebody's laughing Kowalski listen to me they don't know where you are right now but you can bet they got St John's Hospital covered like a typhoid tent I got to be there man my wife might be dying you won't make it what do you want me to do just give up excellent idea get a lawyer try to make some kind of deal no deals voice conditional surrender is the only option lawyers take time I'm a little short on that must be a celop phone call Frank fiser to NSA get some satellite time try to pinpoint the signal how am I going to sell it you're going to tell Mr Fisher that The credibility of the federal government is on the line with all the heat we've taken with Waco and Ruby Ridge we can't afford to let this Kowalski character embarrass us now get on it now all right now we got the story on your bogus prison record and we know you're not some kind of Nazis so I'm going to let you concentrate on the road wait I got a question for you shoot couple of troopers were chasing me in a 68 Charger they had a bad wreck anybody hurt just some pride far as I know good anything else you want to say just that I never meant for this to become a circus you know I'm not a hero or a symbol of anything I'm just a guy trying to get home to his family he's a stray bullet and we got to stop him good Lux Skil you'll probably get a promotion out of this and the Challenger up I'm going to be getting transferred out to Zion guarding elk migration routes that's what I'm going to be doing St John's Hospital uh Dr nazin please Jim Kowalski one moment please for you this is Dr Nazar and Miss kski how is she doctor she's fine and the baby we are preparing to do a cerian we had to stop the bleeding first how long uh we'll operate tonight if we can so you'll be able to see them in the morning I'll be there just fine doctor yeah yeah we got him NSA satellite locked on to sell the transmission he headed west on 50 that's the he'll have to cross the interstate we can block all four viu uh Down 2 and now depart at the tone the time will be 207 and 30 seconds dispatch this is unit 22 at the [Applause] [Music] inter [Music] [Applause] [Music] unit 22 I lost all four this 26 I'm on him I'm on [Music] him all units all units supect the an compromise All In going now the conc building we got him now we got him now come on go get he okay back up look for another way out the special agent Brown State Police is disabled but I'm still after [Music] him give situation Brown I'm on the tail [Music] I got him out son of a [Music] tly look this better be good maybe he can drive but the jerk can't stay off the telephone he's double back now he's headed east on 70 I'm taking the Cho for this time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you must be Kowalski you must be insane why why joy riding on a Salt Flats half naked you're trying to outrun the combined police agencies of four states and the FBI halfway across America so who's Crazy there's a difference I didn't set out to do this oh you wouldn't have know where I get some gas oil pan what take a look [Music] still transmitting doesn't make sense Le he forgot to hit end and the circuit is just hanging open I've done that [Music] before [Music] hey I I I'm coal prove it who else would I be the G the Vanguard of the federal Invasion to destroy me no I just want to buy some gas and and I'll I'll be on my way of course you'll move along just move along the Storm Troopers will move in he ain't the G semi he's alone I don't buy it check him out check the car she wouldn't go to that much trouble semi smart gal protects me for myself sometimes it's nothing personal ever since I unvolunteer to file tax returns the G has been hassling me man threatening me I know I ain't going quietly it needs an oil pan for a Hemy I ain't got one around here Mountain City I might find one in Mountain City how far is that 30 Mi 30 Mi out of host state line if we patch it I think I could make it don't let him go Sammy Mountain City crawl him with heat she's right right as hell you stick I'll go do a little Recon wait attention this is the FBI driver stop the vehicle driver stop the vehicle hey come out everybody out everybody out come on hands up come move come come come [Music] come sir sir [Music] time will be 437 and 2 seconds son of a that's it not interested what would Sammy say my body's my business I'm married she must be quite a woman yeah she is for her I didn't care about anything she saved my life she's about to have my kid well she's quite a woman so are you I appreciate you Son thank you this might be nothing but a biker just bought an oil pan for a 1970 Challenger at a junkyard in uh Mountain City Utah dealer was suspicious called the state police I've beginning to think there were no decent citizens left in this country available units proceed to road block route 226 North of M City at ID can't help but wondering wondering what how he's going to get through this time he's not I don't police back and set all the way don't go soft on me gil I'd love to run hard like kski too but I can't it's called growing up someone come knock on your door for helping me Sam's got friends out here they make the price too high hey man Smokey's all over that state line better get [Music] busy thanks for helping me out you're not a hero Kowalski never said I was you're just an ordinary man feel more like one every minute too I'll tell you what though they are inflating you into some giant villain a menace to society so they can look mighty when they squash you he's always little apocalyptic on Saturdays there's no way around that roadblock well I'm might to have to find one no you won't but I can get you through it how's that g press and dispatch FBI units are in route to take charge of the road block and investigation over 10 four FBI's on the [Music] way they're not stopping make a hole move it move those cars let them through make a hole there's the car M it [Music] [Music] [Music] Ming we're on him we're on him what the hell where the hell he go where the hell the spa come from you see him I can I got no visual I got no visual on the suspect stay low where is he where he [Music] go suspect vehicle El looted road block Utah 226 at Ido 51 appears to have vanished vanished my sweet aunt Melissa we'll find him Dam give me that give me that infrared Som he's out there somewhere damn [Music] [Music] [Music] it to much wind I'm going to have to set her down no we're going to smack into the mountains ride it out sir we've got him he's gone the ground right below us somewhere every road is covered there's no way out let's just cordin off the area and wait him [Music] out do you miss racing yeah you sorry I gave it up no you gave it up for me if I want to be with you I got to [Music] live I don't want anything to ever break us apart nothing never [Music] [Music] will [Music] thanks I think this Baby's about had it we need a car anyway way I'll put a new motor in the truck when we win the lottery okay well we got about 9 months to get lucky made through last winter all right Jim you can't fit three people on a [Music] motorcycle they not happy I never thought I wanted to be a father I do kiss [Music] you ain't it risky though with the lupus youy life's a risk [Music] [Music] oh [Music] f St John's Hospital this is Dr [Music] nazin [Music] attention all unit suspect vehicle Northbound 51 heading toward riddle proed s paciic railro good morning citizens and happy Easter this is the voice your voice things are not looking good for our man Kowalski the Lone Wolf the last American hero he's running North up Idaho Route 51 with the state police on his tail and a welcoming committee forming up ahead in the town of riddle will the state finally crush this free spirit or will an Easter Miracle save him now Kowalski has said he's no hero but of course modesty is one of the Prime virtues of heroism he's an ordinary man forced into extraordinary actions by the Mindless mechanical bureaucracy which seems determined to control every aspect of our lives but citizens let me ask you this when an ordinary man like Kowalski is pillared and vilified where are we going as a society what road are we driving down when everything we say or do May violate some new government regulation when we are all criminals who is [Applause] [Music] free the FBI you [Applause] suck [Applause] [Music] B down what are you guys doing here whose orders my order Sheriff Warren Tapley FBI get your vehicles out of here now the FBI is in charge of this investigation or haven't you heard my man have got more important things to do than chase down some poor devil who's just trying to get home to his wife I Waring you you watch your step Mr Gman I am the duly elected Sheriff of this County you going to arrest me and this whole thing is a fiasco and you you ought to be ashamed why don't we let him through what what's the harm sees his wife play hoochie coochie with this kid we pick him up at home next week nice and easy no media no hostile crowd no problem you obviously don't understand the situation yes I do sir that's why I said what I just did well you got two choices you can stand here and do as you're told or tomorrow morning you can be fetching coffee for Dudley dght A dispatch we're right with him he's holding steady at 50 maintain your position do not try to force to stop uh copy that we'll give him [Music] [Applause] room [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] a hey [Applause] [Music] St John's Hospital Dr nazarin please one moment this is Dr nazarin how to go with my wife I'm sorry her kidneys failed during the operation she died at 719 this morning no no why [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] it's estimated that the Challenger riddled with more than 200 bullet holes hit those bulldozers at over 185 mph no one could have survived that impact but no body was ever found so what happened to Kowalski the authorities say he's dead vaporized in the explosion some witnesses swear they saw him bail out and escape with the help of allies in the crowd still others claim that he and his daughter are now living Somewhere Out West I don't know but it's somehow reassuring that even in this computerized barcoded era of data banks and thumb prints at least a few Mysteries still remain [Music] m [Music]
Channel: Cruizers Motorsports
Views: 1,751,680
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pdWtR96qdCY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 13sec (5473 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 22 2023
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