The Last Days

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study are we come to the 49th chapter of this great book of Genesis in the beginning this is a real special chapter because it is Jacob issuing the blessings for the 12 tribes that's to say his twelve sons the 12 patriarchs basically it's why they were named and much of this holds true even lost much of it basically all of it and when you recognize the nations and the tribes and where they are these blessings for it were - it is given as an endtime thing the blessings are they have been all the way down through that's why you can trace the people and that's why our Father is on the throne you don't have when you recognize that and when you love him and when you follow him that's when your blessings begin to flow to you because in him if you're a child of his if you love him he's going to return that love and therefore you find that peace of mind that is very difficult to come by in a troubled world but it's so easily accessed simply by believing and knowing and loving our Heavenly Father so with that having been said ephraim and manasseh have already been blessed and that's the tribe that's the offspring of Joseph who was the type of Savior for all of these 12 why well because they sold him into captivity he went to Egypt and took by the and ten years had passed he controlled Egypt and saved his own people fleshly makes him a type of he that will save them spiritually the Lord Jesus Christ and through these blessings we can identify that chapter 49 verse 1 were the wisdom from our Father and it reads and Jacob this is the natural father of the house of Israel and with his name being changed to Israel by old none other than Almighty God called unto his sons and he said gather yourselves together that I may tell you what shall be that which shall befall you in the last days now I don't read over that when when was this in the last days that's why this is very important to you even today gather yourselves together and here you sons of Jacob that's the father of the natural seed all 12 of them and hearken unto Israel your father Israel being the spiritual father the name given by Almighty God verse 3 the firstborn Reuben thou art my firstborn my might and the beginning of my strength the excellency of dignity and the excellency of power however do you remember what Reuben did verse 4 unstable as water unpredictable undecided wishy-washy thou shall not Excel because down win us up to thy father's bed then D Paulus now yet he went up to my couch and that was when he seduced Bilhah one of the wives of Jacob and naturally that was an incestuous affair it removed him from the firstborn and he was replaced basically by the double blessing to eat from the NASA of the children of Joseph putting Joseph as the firstborn which Joseph was the firstborn of favorite wife Rachel verse five Simeon and Levi are brethren instruments of cruelty are in their habitations now I you know many people might rush to judge Levi and Simeon I don't I think they did the right thing I don't think they were cruel at all one more verse 6 o my soul come not thou into their secret unto their assembly mine honour be not thou United for in their anger they slew a man they slew a letter men and in their self will they digged in a wall and certainly you remember what happened when they first went to this land Dinah Dinah the sister of the twelve a beautiful girl decided she was going to go out into this community and meet some of the people there in the community and and she was raped the son of the ruler there just I mean fell head over heels and instead of courting her or asking he took her and naturally her brothers and her or she her full blood brothers were Simeon and Levi they didn't need any help the two didn't so they went to the city and they talked to hay more and Shechem and said what will be your neighbors and you'll live next to you but as is our belief you've all got to be circumcised and they circumcise heavy because they were so sore in three days they could hardly move and Levi and Simeon killed all of them I mean kill them dead right because this was the line and minions too which Christ would come and they could not mix with others that was an impossibility it was against God's law against his plan and so I this happened back in chapter 34 verse 26 if you'll remember I cannot hold that against them for protecting their sister okay I think most people would do would protect their sister even to this day at least I would hope they would and and so it is that but he's coming down on them pretty good and I'm I'm not gonna hold him guilty yet God is judge and I won't judge them but I think they did a good work verse 7 cursed be their anger for it was furious and their wrath for it was cruel I will divide them in Jacob and scatter them in Israel they still got their part you would sitting in he got his and Joshua 19:1 and and Levi would get his in Exodus 32 26 through 29 maybe they were taking good care of okay but but I think God did not hold them as severe as their father did but a cut maybe maybe because they didn't ask their father maybe they did it without their father's permission that's fine he was a little upset at them I still think they did a good work they protected their sister they brought her home they freed her and they did away with those that would overcome them what would have destroyed them would have you you wouldn't even have salvation today there would not have been a lineage with force the Savior to come through it would have been corrupted so it becomes important this has to do with the last days when we really need our Savior and it was through this family he came and so it is let's go with the next verse verse 8 juda thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise and of course that's what the word Judah means he's the the priest line thine hand shall be in the neck of thine enemies thy father's children shall bow down before thee bow down before they one because he's King and will be king this would be the ladies through which Christ would come along with Levi okay verse 9 Judah is a lion's whelp from the prey my son thou art gone up he stooped down he couched as a lion that's a male lion in the Hebrew tongue and as an old lion and the word old lion here is female okay it's a mother lion who shall who shall rouse him up what it means is if in the Hebei ism is that the old lion the well you know they're going to protect the mothers going to protect that and the old male line might be pretty vicious but you start messing with the whelps and that female line is going to tear you up she's going to protect her own and so it is with Judah verse 10 the scepter that's the ruling scepter shall not depart from Judah nor a lawgiver from between his feet until Shiloh come and until in unto him shall be gathering of the people be now naturally we're talking here about Christ and where is Shiloh but Shiloh being a place of rest there is no other place of rest than Christ he is our place of rest our father said that he would overturn overturn and overturn and certainly this this stone was with them and this stone is still this day and it has been overturned overturned and overturned and naturally if it happens again then the end shall be for shiloh will come meaning Christ shall return and take it for himself as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 21 verse 27 I'll say that again Ezekiel chapter 20 21 verse 27 the return of Christ after the fourth overturned 11 binding his foal unto the vine and his ass's colt unto the choice vine he washed his garments in wine and his clothes in the blood of grapes now this confuses a lot of people all it means is is that he will always be in a plenty of State there will be there would be enough grape juice or wine to even wash clothing in there never be without land property money or control basically there would it was to be a blessing from God that they would always have plenty and that's that's all it means and don't try to read anything else into it it just it means there would be if there would be so much sure wine you could even wash your clothes in it it may be so plentiful verse 12 his eyes shall be red with wine and his teeth white with milk that's from from the sheep flocks okay there would be plenty of everything that's all it means is that's quite a blessing but you want to remember what the real famine for is for in the end times through which would come from that scepter is the Word of God the famine is for hearing the true Word of God and to be blessed you must feed that true Word of God and God will always bless that and you must remember that you must stick with God's Word if you wish to have those blessings if you wish to have plenty why because it God does bless verse 13 here we go to a different tribe and Zebulun shall dwell at the heaven of the sea and he shall be then foreign Haven of ships that's that's a port of safety and his border shall be unto Zion and and so it is we this still holds true to this day we show a documentary occasionally concerning Zebulon and his partner and it has come to pass here comes the partner fourteen issue car there's a strong-ass couching down between two burdens that those two burdens would be Jezreel that's good time Charlie and Carmel land of plenty verse 15 and he saw that rest was good and the land that it was pleasant and bailed his shoulder to bear and became a servant unto tribute in other words he would rather pay tribute than fight that's not good Jezreel there's a name for Israel whenever it's heaven good times and could care much less about too many things any of anything but he would just rather always pay tribute or buys friends rather than protecting his own were by the enemy respected him now that still holds true to this day you cannot buy friends you must earn their respect out one way or the other through friendship or through war if it takes it you're supposed to love your enemy and sometimes you got to get a two before to them and kind of give them a little attitude adjustment they'll shape up okay that's tough love and unfortunately war comes in not tribute and when you have too much aid going to foreign governments if you're not careful you're slipping into that doling out or tribute not a good thing why you cannot buy friends they will not respect you so and so it is with is your car next verse please verse 16 and we go to a different tribe Dan shall judge his people that's what it means as one of the tribes of Israel and and so it is we would see in judges 15 2017 Dan shall be a serpent by the way and Adler in the path that bita the horse heals so that his rider shall fall backward I have waited for thy salvation O Lord not and this is kind of what Dan did he would stay in the byway and worship the serpent more than he did serving God and he would practice idolatry until when when you read in Revelation chapter 7 the anointing of these tribes of Israel Dan's missing he's not there why well because of idolatry worshiping serpent rather than God falling away slipping away listen to sue there's anything for religion and you do not want to fall into that category that tribe has suffered greatly because of that very reason verse 7 verse 18 19 go to a different one get a troop shall overcome him the word dad means a host or a troop okay but he shall overcome at the last in other words he will what it means is he will press them underfoot he will it be Victor and and so it is with God's blessings you're always a winner and but you have to follow the Lord and when you press someone under your feet that has offended you kind of puts them out of business that will bring respect verse 20 out of Asher here we go to a different one out of Asher his bread shall be fat and he shall yield royal dainty's he's gonna be very prosperous or Lasher is and and so it is why well why would he be because he loves God that makes the difference in a family when you worship Almighty God and you're loyal to him you're going to be blessed you don't have to worry about it verse 21 nepto law is a high let loose he giveth goodly words and and so it is you know and he was present in judges 5:18 this Natalja was and he was one that kind of followed Deborah when no one else would lead that Israel he followed her 22 Joseph here we come to the one that was the savior of the flesh the favorite son by Rachel of Jacob let's see what he gives him Joseph is a fruitful bough even a fruitful bough by a well whose branches run over the wall and naturally he had he had sustained Israel as well as Egypt you might say not playing favorites with any people but feeding all and and and providing salvation for all that would would adhere to the regulations that he would set forth well who set those regulations God did God was in control all the time that little seventeen-year-old didn't was not betrayed by his brother and sent to Egypt on his own and bring all this to pass it takes the hand of God and even after even after his brothers would finally come those that sold him someone to kill him and met him face to face when he was ruler bowing to him as the 17 year old had seen a vision from God that the rest of them would be doing that that's why they were angry at him and sold him but even then he told them do not be angry among yourselves it was God that caused you to do that it was God that caused you to do that to send me to Egypt to take charge so that we would have food in this famine that God knew was coming a seven-year famine and in other words gods on the throne the sooner you can learn that in your life at whatever age the better off you're going to be because all blessings flow from God all true wisdom comes from God and many still to this day was a flaw I had never received any blessings but look at you we would want to bless you when you don't earn them you have to serve Him love and what it takes is love mainly that's what he wants from you and you got to talk to him and let him know you love him and he's going to see that those blessings flow and they will right he always keeps his word our Heavenly Father loves all of his children and and so it is but certainly James Joseph was blessed and we said we could see that by give he be being given the double blessing through his sons Ephraim and Manasseh okay next verse 23 and the archers have sorely grieved him and shot at him and hated well they kind of did 24 and Hizbollah Bowden Street and the arms of his hands were made strong by the hands of the mighty God of Jacob from this is the shepherd the stone of Israel don't don't read over that whatever you do okay what stone are we talking about well that stone is the support that stone our rock is Christ and again I would go back to the tenth verse overturned overturned overturn until he returns who will who it rightfully I repeat rightfully belongs to Almighty God verse 25 even by the God of my father who shall help thee and by the all 90 who shall bless thee with blessings of heaven above blessings of the deep that lieth under blessings of the of the breasts and of the room within that if you were a hebrew scholar you would recognize that the almighty is el shaddai and el shaddai in the hebrew tongue is a beautiful word so it's one of God's names do you know what it means it means what this verse says it means the breasts and the wound the breasts were feeding in the wounds supposed to be the safest place in the world that is why El Shaddai is our Heavenly Father that he feeds you and nurtures you if you ask and he makes it safe for you as it is in a womb maybe not in this generation whereby and you have every right to know serve love and be blessed by him verse 26 the blessings of thy father have prevailed above the blessings of my progenitors unto the utmost bound of the everlasting Hills they shall be on the head of Joseph and on the crown of the head of him that was separate from his brethren and Joseph was they sold it he had every right to really to be ticked if he were to stay in the flesh and think as one would in the flesh sometime but he knew better he knew God was on the throne and he knew God was strengthening him and God has his hand on you you don't have any choice in the matter he had to do what he did because God had shown him in dreams and visions concerning the lean cattle and the fat cattle concerning the the sheaves that stood up in the sheaves that bowed even when he was a lad and showing him and being an interpreter of things difficult to understand throughout his life God used this one verse 27 benjamin shall reign them as a wolf in the morning he shall devour the the prey and at night he shall divide the spoil he's a warrior of a warrior he's a warring one verse 28 all these are the twelve tribes of Israel and this is it that their father spake unto them and blessed them everyone according to his blessings he blessed them whenever these blessings can I remind you again when were they to apply in the last days that's why you want to be alert and you want to watch you want to understand and it is good to understand the Abrahamic covenant we have a little booklet titled Abrahamic covenant it was it helps you follow these people not maybe to the letter because there has been so much crossing but certainly giving you a good idea of verse 29 and he charged them and said unto them I am to be gathered unto my people bury me with my father's in the that is in the field of Ephron the Hittite I want to be buried in that same grave and of course with the people that are buried in it you have an acrostic and that acrostic by the people being buried in it is the name Israel and you take the first letter of each name and and so it is oh there's no things nothing happens by accident our Father is on the throne and he doesn't wake up every morning and say I wonder how many people I can confuse and zap today he wakes up loving his children leaving guiding directing and blessing and at the same time if God loves you and you missed out he's gonna he's going to correct you you can count on it that's that documents that God loves you always thank him and get to get the act together verse 30 concerning that burial in the cave that is in the field of Machpelah which is before memberi in the land of Canaan which Abraham bought with the field of Ephron the Hittite for possession and of a burying-place he bought this he buried his wife Sarah there and so it was and and this is why he purchased the feel the if you remember right the Hittite offered he said hey it's yours I don't ever use that it is yours you take it and and do whatever you want with it and and he said no I want a title this is why you want to always take care of business you were given a full chapter in other words a deed to that property why because it was a bearing place do you know how you can double sure that this is the end times because even to this day that same cave that same burial place it is much coveted much looked after and much sometimes ward after and and so it is it's a highly honored place especially for the children of Israel when they know and understand the benefits thereof now let's look at the acrostic next verse verse 31 there they buried Abraham that's a and Sarah that's s his wife there they buried Isaac that's I and Rebecca that's are his wife and there I buried Leah that's el and of course what would you have then is our AEL the valve all buried airings one place in that field and what a precious spot it is to this day and and naturally Jacob wanting to be buried there and of course where did this there was really a double I because the one that was all in all was he whom God Himself chose the Prince that God allowed to prevail the Prince that God loves that's what Israel when you say Israel that's what it means that's what you're saying in the Hebrew tongue was overall and buried there as well but then do you think they were still there no they're only buried there they're all with the Father Christ documents this and in Luke chapter 16 when Lazarus the poor man the beggar when he got to Paradise he he was embraced by Abraham and naturally Abraham not in one in this grave he was with the father and so it is that all that passed on instantly immediately go to the father in a spiritual body and what happens to the flesh isn't that important but in this case I think God felt it was important that this place be honored as a symbol of the house of Israel and the cap on the blessings of all twelve tribes because indeed they are all blessed verse 32 the purchase of the field and of the cave that is therein was from the children of him the hep 33 and listen carefully now and when Jacob had made an end of commanding his sons understand it said commanding his sons he gathered up his feet into the bed and yielded up the ghost and was gathered unto his people do you think gathered when incidentally he was with them he would be buried in that place but instantly he was gathered to his people in heaven with the father again I would borrow from Luke chapter 16 where God makes it through the son the Lord Jesus Christ makes it very obvious that the rich man could see Lazarus in the arms of Abraham that's what paradise is and it has both sides as it is written in Luke those that make it those that don't why they're all awaiting Judgment Day and the Millennium so there you have the commandments and the blessings the commands rather to each of the sons the twelve tribes of Israel and don't ever forget there was extra ephraim and manasseh in the closing verses of the chapter before this one what a pleasant thing it is to see these prophecies coming to pass before our in these end times for which it was supposed all right don't miss the next lecture we'll complete the book of Genesis stand by and listen a moment won't you please the mark of the beast on CD is our free introductory offer to you what is the mark of the beast many false teachers would have you believe it will be a tattoo on your forehead or a computer chip implanted under your skin it is getting late in the game you need to know what the mark of the beast is as it's written in Revelation chapter 13 verse 8 many will be deceived there is no need for you to be deceived Christ said in mark 13 23 behold I have foretold you all things Jesus indeed told us how not to be deceived in pastor Arnold Murray takes you on a step by step study of God's Word concerning this critical subject the mark of the beast the telephone call is free the CD is free we don't even ask for the shipping and handling it is free as well all you need to do is call 864 three four six four five to request your one-time one per household copy of the mark of the beast you may also request your free CD by mailing your request to shepherd's chapel post office box 416 gravid Arkansas 77 36 don't be deceived by Satan and there we are back let's have the 800 number please 1 864 three four six four five that number is good from Port Federico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada the spirit moves you got a question share it once you do that please never ask a question about a particular reverend or denomination we don't judge people we've got a judge it's our Father he's perfect at it and you do have the right to discern you can tell if someone is with you is with the father and you can intuitively it's just human nature it's a gift from God along with human nature that you have that discernment of spirits there's good spirits and bad ones and that's the precious gift especially in this generation those of you that listen by shortwave it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our in a dress and on the net I'm still happy that in China as much trouble as we have around the world that it's one of the major nations of people that we hear that we that study with this shepherd's chapel and it I realize that it has a heavy heavy population but still there are many Christian nations that don't study the word as much as China the Chinese too so we're real happy to have you with us and to be studying God's Word now if you got a prayer request you don't need that number and you don't need an address why God knows what you're thinking all you have to do is talk to him you don't even have to say it out loud he's a mind reader Cardian or in the Greek he knows your heart mind and all you have to do is let him know he loves you and he not love what you do always but he does love you so bring him into the equation of your life and be blessed Heavenly Father around the globe we come we ask that you lead guide direct father touch in Yeshua's precious name thank you Father amen okay and we'll get into some questions here we're going to take this all one yes Beulah from Minnesota my question is will there be people living on earth outside the holy city and it will still be night and the Bible in the Bible to meet small the meek meek yummy ek that means the humble shall inherit the earth if you're humble to God before God that means that you open yourself to him and when God uses you to how humble means that if God uses you to do a thing don't take credit for it yourself give credit to God just as Joseph did in today and as I mentioned in today's lecture he gave credit to God don't brothers don't worry about selling me it was gone you've got the credit okay and and that will always help yet in the eternal in the eternal earth age that's the third one there will be people living outside the holy city and you can read of it in Revelation chapter 21 verses 20 through 24 who's this coming across the river who's this coming into and approaching the temple of God it's the nation's that word in the Greek is ethnos meaning the ethnic peoples that have their own areas own lands and in their own kings as well as the king of kings and Lord of lords again revelation 21 verses 20 through 24 okay we got Lehren from Michigan hope I'm pronouncing that right pastor what hits you or started you going on such a wonderful ministry well my father did he kind of has a way of talking to us and getting us spread out you know you'll see these great GPS in the sky sometimes it needs to go plow don't mean go preach so you kind of want to well how can I tell for sure God wants me to teach that's when people begin to want to listen to you if people don't want to listen to you you're not quite ready okay but as long as people really are interested in what you say and God blesses you of course you can you be ready but you you got to know what you're teaching and you've got to know God's Word because you are really responsible for what you teach if you mislead if God gives you a Ministry of a million people and if you miss teach a million people that causes them to sin guess who's responsible for it you you are so it's an awesome responsibility God's Word is and never take it lightly and always never fear God's Word but do your homework study again if you feel led Gale from Virginia does one Bible address how the Muslim nations are against the United States and what we must do to prevent a Muslim worldly takeover well you want to remember the danger in the end times as world peace when you hear that that means the Antichrist is soon upon us I just gave a lecture here at the fall thought these Passover meeting that covers that subject and it will be playing on television before very long and it goes into the locust and the fact that they are swarming that's what those nations in them East at this time means they're swarming so you can read of them in the book of Joel or you can read of them in Revelation chapter nine and this is a time for all Christians to be awakened alert Ronnie from Tennessee in Luke chapter 16 verse 24 the rich man said he was tormented and a flame while in heaven pale heathered if one goes to hell will one be tormented before being destroyed please clear this for me well let me ask you a question we know he's in paradise and we know he's on the opposite side of the gulf pray tell me how he could be in hell because you sure don't find hell in paradise so think about that just a moment he is hurting at the end he is in Hell within his own self wine because he had everything he was rich I mean he gave orders if he wanted something he ordered it and here the miserable wretch is in paradise and he's in Hell mentally because he didn't make the cut he is a loser and and he can feel the embarrassment to stupidity on his part to see that beggar over there with Abraham and - God making over him loving him and he's got nothing and can order nothing and can buy nothing he missed the boat and that's what put him in hell you can't be in hell and paradise at the same time it is a a statement of degradation from within have you ever burned up inside with with with shame and that's what was happening to him this is john from south carolina and i can see that this is an old marine simplified when I was in the Corps I was held on two legs but most Marines are ok but now I have had a stroke and I'm 76 and no longer can shoot a rifle because of my stroke I have however still got the use of my left side and now use my left hand to shoot I still inhale on one leg that's good I like I loved the Corps I was a recon scout and I would give your number I love the way you preach oh yes I was 52 and having a stroke well god bless you we'll be praying for you simplify marine you did a good job okay we got Marie from Texas my question is and my Strong's how can I understand it and what's the difference between Hebrew and Greek okay that's that's a fair question the Old Testament basically is in Hebrew and Aramaic so you would use the Hebrew dictionary of your Strong's when you're using the Old Testament when you get to the New Testament basically we're and we're going by a King James Bible not a Septuagint or something else a King James Bible and I'm sure that's what you have the New Testament is in the Greek tongue most of it and and so therefore to decipher what the manuscripts say you go to the Greek you use the numbers of the strong and go to the Greek dictionary the New Testament in Greek the old and Hebrew if that'll make it easy for you remember and it's like using a Webster's dictionary it is it can help you also assist you in finding verses in the Bible that maybe you've forgotten let's say that if you wanted to know the shortest verse in the Bible Jesus wept well you would know Jesus as mentioned many times and wept would not be so you would turn in your dictionary to the word wept and you would find it it would give you the scripture where it is located at and in the Greek tongue it would decipher what the word actually meant in the Greek and that might all be Greek to you anyway so but we'll we'll be praying that you catch on to it and it works real good Abraham from Minnesota pastor Murray thank you for your comment god bless my question is is the book of Matthew 17 135 stated that Jesus took three of his followers Peter James and John on a high mountain and was transfigured before them now the transfigured body that Jesus was in with Moses and Elijah is transfigured body is different from a spiritual body or a flesh body or are they all one in the same really they are transfigured they never died and it is written that every man must die once now Christ was transfigured for a different reason Christ did die on the cross but he was transfigured for a special reason Psalms 110 will give you part of that reason why because there would be many people that would say if if only his spirit body ascended back to heaven that it didn't happen because that there lays his body so therefore God saw fit to transfigure even the flesh body and even the wounds were still visible when he appeared after the resurrection and he was transfigured so no one could say the resurrection did not take place because there were witnesses eyewitnesses that documented that it that so it was Bob from Connecticut during one of your recent telecast I heard you read someone's question RIA one must be born again you said it's should read born from above and you told them that if they go to the above or the again in their Strong's they will find the definition mind James strong concordance only has an appendix which does not give my any description or definition where would I find definition of again or above the word used there was again but this is why I hope that all of you order concordance is from our library there there is more than there's many adaptations and republishing z' of the Strong's Concordance and we regard very strictly that the complete one be in our library so if you order it it will have the word again in it it happens to be for your benefit even in the concordance you have go to the Greek word anything anything its 509 in your Greek dictionary I don't say that again it's Bible 9 in your Greek dictionary and the thing in the Greek tongue it means from above like we all came from above with gut from God when the soul was placed in the mother's womb Billy from Texas where can I find it in the Bible about the seven deadly sins there are six deadly sins and a combination of all seven is that Obama and you will find it in Proverbs it's real easy to remember it's 6:16 6:16 in the great book of Proverbs okay Mitch from Michigan we have Judy our All Souls now on the opposite side of the Gulf coming to Earth for the Millennium if not how are we to be able to help them god bless your ministry and staff those that those that have a right for an opportunity will be here I do have a little bit of a question of those as it is written and in first Peter chapter 3 verse 17 and 18 where Christ went to the people that had died all the way back to the time of Noah and preached to them you see they got to see him in person and had the opportunity to accept him now if they had were preached to by Christ himself and did not receive him I would not be I would not be surprised if they were not in the Millennium but be that as it may God has judged we're not ray from Massachusetts rain we need fish when it's good to have knowledge and information but sometimes you become a giant of knowledge and you've got to we've got to go down to that level you know I stand 6 foot 4 I'll use this as an example probably I never always get in trouble when I use myself as an example a six foot four and when we Marines were grouping in Japan to go to Korea the Japanese people at first were very afraid of Marines then because of propaganda that was spread in world war two but if I wanted to talk I loved children then the Japanese children were very small and I would always have to kneel down and get young on their level to talk to them and and have them not be afraid of me when I was empowered above them they were not used to that but so so it is when when you become a student of God's Word and you cram and cram and you become have grab that wisdom then you got to be gentle so that's why God always used the expression be a Fisher of Christ be a Fisher of men how do you fish you go out there and you just totally with it and then when you get a bite you sink that hook and reel them in but wait until the seed grows before you start trying to harvest if you try to harvest before the seed even sprout you're going to end up with an empty net okay got to give it time to let God do his part that is to say bring the knowledge into the mind of the person who planted it Sharon from Kentucky I believe you are our city right well thank you God sure uses us doesn't he why the book of Jude - the book of Jude not in your books of the Bible CD list but it is but it is so so short that we added it onto the end of the book of Hebrew to fill up a complete tape we always try to save people on buying tapes so you will find the book of Jude in the list and following Hebrew and in other words it's a part of it I believe it's Hebrews taped with one Lissette one five seven but Jude has fallen entangled in the book of Hebrews at the end okay from Texas we have the end that's a very pretty the end from Texas thank you I have a question I was saved and I sinned terribly the consequences is critical for I am dying my question is can i still be saved of course you can of course you can all you what's the court what is what is demand repent and tell him you loving and and when when you repent and have a change of mind then salvation is assured to you you don't have to worry about it you know I suppose there's not a human being aside from Christ himself that hasn't sinned in flesh bodies in one way or the other and sometimes you can get bit pretty hard but hey go for the eternal life where there is no illness there's no sickness and you have a perfect body you find that by repenting that that's repenting means you tell him you're sorry and when you ask his forgiveness and you have a change of mind that you you're not gonna do that anymore and he will take you in his arms and you are heaven bound okay we've got I'm looking for a name real quick this is I would like to well I don't see a name oh it's Milton from Minnesota those of us who work at night God's light will keep us safe and make it brighter it is is it okay to work at night isn't it of course it is many people have to work at night and security and many other reasons but the point being the reason he makes it light is we're children of light you might you might make a note of first Thessalonians chapter 5 and read the first five or six verses your child of light you're never in darkness because you always have Christ with you whether it's night or day you're right on and thank you for serving this country Frank from California where can you find in the Bible that the devil is a scripture lawyer well probably the best places Matthew chapter 4 where Christ was being tempted in the wilderness what did Satan tempt Christ with Scripture I mean I would I'm not gonna wager because I wouldn't do that but there are very few Christians unless they're really students of the word when Satan quotes a scripture there they wouldn't be able to spot what he did wrong because he twisted every one of them enough to make them untrue and yet their scripture that's what makes him a scripture lawyer he knows the Bible better than most Christians I can say that and not have to doubt it a bit he knows the Bible better than most Christians as oh therefore you got to be sharp and you gotta you simply know you got power over him and not listen to him don't argue with Satan you will lose every time okay just tell him to get behind you and get out of your sight in the name of Jesus Christ Chris from Kentucky well God forgive you for dishonouring your mother and your father will he forgive you for an addiction of prescription drugs and for other bad things you have done in your life is there any way to make up for it thank you very much yeah it's real easy repent read Hebrews chapter 5 don't and find salvation Christ is the savior he does the saving you do the repenting I can sense from your from your note that you have repented within your own self repent to him have a change of heart as I said earlier and and you have an eternal life ahead of you thank God for that I'm out of time hey I love you all because you enjoyed studying our father's word most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you make his day boy is he going to make yours you can count on it well brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you bless God he will always bless you now most important listen to me good you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble you know why because Jesus Yeshua is the Living Word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a tape catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing the shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 6 once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas 77 3 six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music] Ezra and Nehemiah these two books are necessary to understand the returning to the Father in that sense of the example set forth in the end times of the rebuilding of God's most favorite place on earth also within these two books you find the hidden secret hidden from most people's eyes that the study in the Hebrew and the Cal D that is given in these particular books will teach you how that the priesthood itself became polluted during this period of time this is to say about four hundred years before Christ walked the earth to the time that he did walk instructing you very wisely setting the example of how it is that we gather back to Christ himself Ezra and Nehemiah fantastic you'll enjoy them [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible [Music] and now here is pastor Arnold Murray all right good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our the arc of the last days what an interesting subject you know there will be an arc in the end times as there wasn't Noah's day there was an arc will the earth be flooded again with water no not at all but there is a flood coming and it's a flood that if you're not aboard they are
Channel: NCPTV
Views: 30,682
Rating: 4.8712754 out of 5
Keywords:, Nashville TN, Lebanon TN, Wilson County TN
Id: WlAu8hGio1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 0sec (3660 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 04 2017
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