The FAKE Roof Bed Defense in Bedwars

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in today's video myself and target got some placeable beds and some obsidian and hid beds inside of an obsidian fake roof in bed wars it was extremely ridiculous and there was no possible way for the enemies to break our bed it was very fair and balanced totally totally not not broken at all anyways if you guys do enjoy make sure to subscribe turn on notifications and if you haven't already all my social medias they're up here at the top of the screen and they're linked down in the description but before we hop into it i have a sponsor for today's video today's video is sponsored by dragon city dragon city is a free-to-play game that is available on android ios windows and amazon when playing dragon city there are dragons you can collect along the way wait no no not that dragon i'm talking about all of these hundreds of unique dragons no but like seriously there actually is like hundreds of them that is not even an exaggeration once you gather your favorite dragons you can battle your friends in real time in various pvp game modes you can feed and train your current dragons or you can also breed two different dragons together to get new unique dragons as well along with this there are weekly events and other adventures to discover along with fully custom dragons for other youtubers including mr beast laser beam dream and many many more if you want to support both dragon city and myself make sure to click the link at the top of the description to earn a large food chest which can have up to 1 million food in it along with the legendary blaze frost dragon but if you're a true legend and want to support me then download dragon city on every platform so you can play dragon city from any device whether you're at home or on the go once again thank you to dragon city for sponsoring today's video and that's all i got so let's hop into it so um i just want to i don't want to alarm you or anything like that actually i think i more want to make you excited um look where i place that block so you can place blocks right here so if we fireball up place down a bed you can fireball up onto that light fixture yeah i'm saying we can we can place the bed up so it's hard to it's hard to get to though and it's in our spawn that would be a really funny spot like let's sit on the light fixture i've never even looked up in this room before i'm just saying we have a yellow oh there's a guy in her bed give him hot potato that's you give him a hot potato bye-bye okay now he's really gonna use still i know i know i know stupid fire oh god oh god i don't think he knows he's not gonna get me in time oh he's gonna die then also i got some emeralds so we can start working on trying to dupe there you go there's a bridge egg over to the diamond gin oh yes whoa oh god oh god uh our bed's 100 percent open oh crap okay this is gonna be close our bed's gone our bed's gone brick he just got two blacks and two greens as well ah oh my god okay well now we definitely want to get another bed what is that guy doing some dude sky basing in mid on aqua yeah i mean let him do it it'd be kind of funny wait he threw water up to me i might burn to that not defend okay i'm not gonna burn death i'm not gonna burn death i'm not gonna burn that okay please don't oh i'm gonna burn it frick dang it dang it of course i jump off the thing and i land in fire oh my gosh yeah i was trying to hit him off of you but i think you were dead regardless because of the fire oh my gosh dude i can't believe this try not to take 40 minutes or whatever though okay i got a bed what got a bed oh my god thank you that was so annoying all right and a magic toy stick all right how do i place this thing uh you're gonna need the fireball up onto the light fixture i came up with this this game for the record um i just looked up and i'm like maybe we could do that uh you can fireball up get jump on the light fixture place out two pieces of gray wool and place it on that so just get on the light fixture okay nice okay and then place enough gray wool to jump up place the bed and then maybe place the gray wool everywhere you can so it blends in you just make it like solid here yeah it's everywhere you can at least i can get like a an aerial view of you doing this nice okay all right so i'm gonna place it like right there nine oh that's such a good spot that is such a good spot oh crap okay we have one block left i you're gonna need to i don't know how you're gonna get that because you're not gonna be able to i don't know how you're gonna i got rouletted oh my god that could have been bad if the timing was worse okay i'm gonna slash rejoin yeah you gotta hub rejoin i'm back i was so annoyed for a few seconds there i was like are you it was like literally as soon as you died i got an i i gotta i know thank god well we had that round earlier where was like 25 minutes i was spectating and i was like i don't have time for that [Music] okay sorry wait you might be able to just jump off this yeah what is your oh chest oh sick you can barely see the end of the bed there and that is so invisible guys our bed is up there i would be so surprised if they can find it i i don't think i've ever looked up in this room like i did not know there was even that area up there and i play this map a lot so i've i've um back in the day when we were looking for hiding spots i noted this spot so when i spawned in today and i looked up i'm like oh i wanted to do a fake roof hiding spot and so i tried it and it worked so here we are yeah it's like it's i feel like it's not tall enough to have much wiggle room if you're in there like as a hiding spot it'd be like a three by three but as a bed you have the whole ceiling to place them in there yeah there's so much more space well now now we're set and now we're fine like i was like man that my i have had a roller coaster of emotions these last 10 minutes you went from packing dying to we're back in here to we got a bed now in the roof it's like it's all over also i have a punch bow now so uh oh nice i have a telly go across the bridge go across the bridge bonk chicken bow bomb oh you got it first i think if you didn't hit that poor guy didn't have a chance he was getting double shot there oh is he gonna run to our base oh really no oh i would love to i would love to see what happens with that well i should have kept him alive then oopsie um hold on to our base though we ran to the other way so whatever okay uh whoa okay loki uh you know copying my inventory who did uh low-key somebody my user [Laughter] yeah but doesn't it like pull them towards you yeah exactly that's what i did that's so i put my back to the void and then used it and launched them over me oh man i got obsidian that's about it i got obsidian as well okay you just make the roof obsidian well like i said we cannot we can still try to like dupe people wait scythe if we made the roof obsidian how would they ever break it open i'm serious they wouldn't be able to be able to blow it open he just killed himself oh god oh hey what's up hey if it makes you feel better um i mean i feel great already that was a good effort though that was a good effort you almost got me oh we're in the same block oh hey we can't even block each other off because our box is overlapping solid oh my god oh hey whoa hey buddy hey go up and around and up downtown ball damage okay dude let's make the roof obsidian what what are they going to do crap like i'm serious besides cry they can't not break it there's no way for them to be able to reach it that's actually busted i mean how are we gonna i mean we're gonna have to blow up the roof yeah we just fireball the roof and then we do the same thing that we did to place the wall obsidian hey blue you like fire yeah me too all right i'll see you at our base okay how much i'm sitting down wait uh how about a three but i can get eight okay i have six as well and i can get four more so i think that might be enough i know it'll be close i think i'm gonna try and do i'm gonna have two more two more emeralds and then we'll have enough to cover the whole thing okay so i got 11 uh right now oh he's open all right uh you want to throw me your obsidian uh yeah here's 14. okay this is the only chance people have to break our bed right now [Music] i don't know what you're talking about do it from this side over here okay here we go try first try first try uh get shears mine them out yeah oh this is great and i can get all the way around yeah you just walk all the way around we're gonna do all of this first how are they i i like i you can't even get up here like how are they gonna i seriously have no idea how they're ever gonna break their bed this this is yeah this is this is unfair this is straight up unfair uh definitely not going to have enough i don't see more do you need uh however however much is left right here uh so we're we're short by a decent job 17 18 something like that yeah we can get that yep i mean but like come on look up that's insane yeah it's crazy uh one minute until red spawn again i think that just got broken okay so we gotta kill pink so it's just us in blue and blue blue is definitely the better team i think that's why it's gonna be fun to watch them uh struggle to oh yeah that's true do anything against our bed but they could just spawn kill us mercilessly as well well the only way they could get it is with the um is if they void makered it oh yeah or magic toy stick or magic toy stick oh yeah that's a very specific location to use those two items and you'd have to fireball jump voidmaker okay they killed pink team by the way okay good so now they're going to come for us okay this blue guy isn't that good though yeah the other one's the good one he's trying to team yeah no we can't let that play we can't have this non-fighting they have to come they've got i mean we can have them come look at it oh i know but you know we got a little time before oh yeah yeah it'll be later in the game when we start doing that stuff only one red spawned here i got three oh okay that's why you started at that one then hello buddy oh he's dead wow oopsie here uh you want to open them up with me i already opened one and oh i got chain helmet but ye nuke oh placeable wither and here we go pony emeralds you have helmet and helmet how many emeralds you got five okay i got seven look more spawning right now so you get you get these this side and i'll get the other okay another guy in mid cool i like to see him try to do something yeah if we can get a diamond pick we can wait he's going to run to our base that's fine wait i i know but our faucet wasn't done i i don't think he's gonna see it i'll be honest i don't think it really matters is he there i'm just following him down the bridge i wonder what he's gonna do he's mining where our bed should be oh he's got a mining fatigue trap yeah he's like but it should be here he's like maybe it's under this okay don't even look up at the thing all right i'm just gonna punch him this guy is not that good yeah i think it's the other guy that's good oh no i don't want you opening up my black lucky blocks okay oh i wanted to yoink it you almost got it all right um how many uh nine okay thank you no problem how many nine i knew what you're gonna ask there you go oh sick that should be plenty [Music] just for good measure give them another mining fatigue yes okay okay oh this will be enough i think you have three five i four might be one short uh okay so we're gonna need like two more we'll just leave the one hole like yep [Music] what i'll do is i'll upgrade my pickaxe and i'll go mine the obsidian uh dude there's a guy at her base hold on let me oh my god i'm just gonna kill him stay crouched oh he's sorry i don't think so i don't think it really matters that's that i have frog boots this shouldn't be a problem okay one more helmet yeah the frog helmet oh no he left a bad guy left dang it okay i'm gonna go we need one in mine we need one more obsidian yeah we need one more obsidian and then we gotta get this guy to come over here and look yeah and we also need to not stomp him yeah so he doesn't leave i agree that other guy literally turned off his pc um we shouldn't have just stomped him so many times where is this other guy feeling like a hiding spot or something that would be weird be kind of funny we have done a few hiding spots on this map so it wouldn't be super surprised hiding spots in lucky blocks aren't very common is that you placing water off the side of the base yep i'm setting up a trap for later oh what the heck okay it's solid obsidian good all right uh you want to shout out there's one in the corner here that we can okay hey um i need you with your your bouncy frog thing i actually have a jump boost oh i can just do it there i completed it it's all good there was one in the corner that you couldn't reach from the uh little fixture or whatever there we go that should bring him over right yeah yeah so even if he gets a clue that is up there because we made it a little bit more obvious with the obsidian okay are you gonna kill me no we'll just watch i don't think i fought this guy the whole game i don't think any of us have fought this guy seems like he's really passive we're just busy doing his own thing but he typed back to us pretty fast which most people today haven't been so yeah i'm helping you mine the bridge by the way okay well there's definitely a direct pathway now oh god the cobweb trap is visible uh yeah i thought oh god it's a big tube like i think it's it's fine what's he doing building along this little middle bit hey hi hi he's cool he's cool yeah he's awesome i'm gonna make sure he's got under pearls and fireballs in his hands okay come on [Music] he's just staring into the eyes of a winner all right loki my user welcome to our base i hope you have a wonderful time trying to find our bed he just got playing this i am sorry about that how did i say is it a blindness trap i did a blindness trap he just gave me his diamonds oh nice guy you just buy another blindness trap with it see if we can find it he's sneaking around find our bed find our bed you got this man it's like it's like a little mini hide and seek site yep are you all on your last one or do you still have two only one left say that there sorry man only one left i mean that's only a minor fatigue trap that doesn't even affect him at all he's on the roof yeah i know he's looking around i'm gonna come on building and looking on top of the island topper or no he's checking up he's checking on top of the hoppers on the roof oh that's like that's actually a good spot okay by the way when beds are gone in four minutes i say we try to trap him with the cobwebs yeah uh i set it up and it goes straight to the void it'd be hilarious okay okay oh my god just jump down and block clutch he just ran out of here like he literally is not able to find our bed although it's right there all you have to do is look at look he's oh oh oh oh no way wait he actually fell for that let's go i thought no he's looking at all the crevices on the side like all the weird little like little holes in the side and stuff yeah he's looking at the roof here this guy's pretty thorough yeah i know he's definitely like he knows what he's kind of doing yeah it's funny it's like a fake steve skin he's on lunar client as well like he's he's a decent player he's just doesn't know where to look because who covers the roof and obsidian you know i mean we can't even mine it to show him because we can't get up there on top or bottom say i say i same same middle i don't know yeah middle middle this is actually like a full-on hide-and-seek but with a bed yeah this is cool i'm glad we have this uh with her he the funny thing is he's he's like he's actually right level he's looking on the ledge on the outside and then he just runs through this room every time do we have a bed pointer you get them out of the orange ones right uh yeah yeah i have a stack of orange blocks if you want to okay guys i have 40. oh god he could trip me out if he wants yeah but we have a bed that's fine he's trying to get a bed pointer as well oh i got one i got one here you go oh nice here you go does he have the bed pointer okay he's got it in his hand he's not in his hand oh he didn't see where what no he hasn't thrown it yet skeletons shooting him yeah yeah you know he threw one of them he threw one oh he has two yeah oh oh here goes here it goes oh it flew straight to it it flew straight to it it went this way oh sorry sorry he doesn't know he's just looking around like oh no i'm gonna try and get another one no i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna stand like this right here just look straight i got a hot potato by the way so be careful with this hp he's on 30 seconds by the way until the bed breaks i'm just looking straight up hey this hot potato just went off he's kind of low you got a gavel no [Music] two skeletons oh my god ah sorry [Music] we have no way to show him either i do have six explosive chickens no get off the map thank you oh i got one hey you realize there's no bed right did i jump no can you guess where the bed was look look i gave him one more can you guess where the bed was oh wait dude the bed's not here it's not gonna work anymore oh you're right you're right you're right yeah he's punching punching do you think it's like up in the in the roof or something of like the outside should i just show him yeah try to one of those holes in the middle he thought it was in the holes on the outside hey hey hey hey nope it was above the obsidian you can't type you can't type i'm happy hold on let me should we party him yeah party loki my oh i'm literally watching your video from today that's awesome that's so cool that's so that is so neat her bed is above the abbey well it was [Laughter] that's actually so neat i it's so cool i still think we should hit him another cobweb trap and have him slowly sink to his death that would be fun too oh yeah of course it's always fun he just gave me a bed what what we don't have a void maker we can't actually open this can we i have a void maker oh you have a void maker yeah oh i'll just open that in the front this one right here the one right here all right right above the iron gate yeah then you can fireball into that or you can even purl into it don't die buddy you made it there you go it doesn't go sideways they can only beds can only be placed one direction there you go wow this guy's the mvp dude what a legend what a legend he's like wait a second here can you here oh he just gave me emeralds dude this guy this guy's so cool there we go and we blocked it back up like i don't even know how you'd there's no way there's just no way you'd have to know where and just keep mining it little by little and then guess what it's under yeah that's how i got the wool but it takes forever that's the only way you're doing that without a void maker or like an ender pearl or something to like glitch between the iron bar i mean maybe here on this no because it's totally you don't understand how happy i am this guy is awesome oh man that's so scary i'm friending that guy this is cool this is cool you know what i'm gonna find him right now it like went from like like we're trolling we're taking out people too this is really wholesome hopefully the last guy is nice and then we it turns into a tour we play an actual game of hide and seek we find out he's a viewer we invite him to the party and now he's on our friends list it's a mix of emotions also i have seven explosive chickens it goes from oh this guy's so nice to let's blow him up with chicken like so try to say follow me follow me you're just gonna portray this man's trust to his face i love you oh no oh he just tried to purl out i blocked it and he fell back in oh my god oh no oh god oh god it's the point of lower turn buddy wait no no no no no no oh yes he killed me he killed you he killed me with that oh my god he's slowly sinking wait maybe i can ah what's up oh my god oh my god he's gonna live he's going to get knocked out by the chickens whoa whoa zaif you don't want to do that zaif you don't want to i'm sorry i stole your kill i didn't do anything that was all him i was just minding the blocks we wouldn't get out oh my gosh that was amazing what the heck was that round i don't even know but i have no complaints wow what on earth that's so cool dude that guy is the mvp what an absolute legend once again today's video was sponsored by dragon city make sure to download dragon city with the link in the description to claim your free reward today [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 81,588
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The FAKE Roof Bed Defense in Bedwars, The FAKE Tree Bed Defense in Bedwars, The FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding spot, funny, laugh, zyph, best bedwars player, Obsidian Trapping, Hannahxxrose Bedwars, mc, Hannahxxrose, The FAKE Bed Defense Strategy in Bedwars, fake, FAKE Dirt Bed Defense, tree, Hiding in a FAKE Roof in Bedwars, Hiding Beds in a FAKE ROOF in Bedwars, bed
Id: Wl8qLx2bKzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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