Using Beds to Troll in Bedwars

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in today's video we used beds to troll random players in lucky block bed wars so basically in lucky block bed wars you're able to get placeable bets and see the thing is with placeable beds is that whenever you buy traps most people think that you place traps around your base while in reality the traps are actually spawned around your bed so whenever you're able to move your bed you also move the traps so we use this mechanic to our advantage basically what we did is we hid beds underneath enemy bases and then repeatedly bought blindness traps so that every time we fought them at their own base they were unable to see anything and they also got slowness so we're guaranteed won the fight like every time it was a ton of fun if you guys do enjoy all the trolling and shenanigans along the way make sure to subscribe turn on notifications if you haven't already check out all my social medias they're up here at the top of the screen and linked down in the description along with that this was recorded live over on my twitch channel so if you haven't gone and given that a follow go over there give it a follow chuck on them notifications and also if you're active in chat while i'm recording future videos you'll see your own chat messages in future ones as well anyways that's all i got so let's hop into it we have a pink team incoming already oh that's cool oh he's like here here oh he fell off and i jumped well i mean at least at least you traded by not attacking each other whatsoever but you traded it's just a really good speed run of bed wars huh was that a pacifist speed run oh yeah yeah yeah avoid any perspective anyways here's a hot potato you could go give it to that guy i am i'm going right now okay uh this bridge doesn't go high enough okay i'm just gonna go underneath them while they're distracted i didn't punch him with the potato don't worry i saved you with the ice bridge never mind my bed's dead and i'm dead okay that's fine i can just get two pairs of cute pants here do you want some cute pants guy i just want you to look fashionable before you die here you go no you can't have somebody in there in their casket not looking stylish you know what i mean i mean you didn't give any pants to me when i died well that's because you fell off the map it was um it was one of those where like you didn't actually have like an open casket because i don't know where you went you're gone i mean he took the pants ah so he's the pants of this fight got it as opposed to what not the pants do you think what do you think i meant oh yeah oh of course so how'd i miss that yeah i mean what do you think this guy's a pair of levi jeans nah he's only a pair of pants these guys doing here catch there's a chicken with your name on it did the skeleton just shoot my chicken oh hey [Music] okay good fight i guess i wouldn't even call that a fight just you just got my strange business cards here come off the water stream it's safe all right i'm out of here these guys are boring so the true reason you got me to play with you after you kill this guy there we go yeah true reason you got me to play with you is because you want to make the video like a solo clutching in bed wars right uh yeah i planned that yeah totally i have that much foresight to know what i'm mm-hmm yeah yep that's what it was how'd you know uh you know um i'm i'm psychic hmm art pokemon yeah is that why you're scared of the dark i was gonna say i'm part didgeridoo but that's not a pokemon no that's just an australian thing yes it is i was making type references on what psychic was weak to or strong against and stuff you just didn't notice it that's fine i'll just be over here can you visit me oh once um why are you killing me no oh well actually this is more realistic if this is you yeah oh hey i'm over here what's up it's just two blue team and uh one white team okay oh i don't know what his plan was um not to have an internet connection apparently he's needs to get on that and add some extra tin foil to that router dock holy moly hi i can see you uh-huh yeah okay let's go this way i mean they're trying their best that's good blue team versus a wall what will they do so far they're losing [Laughter] do you have a wild card yeah i had a wild card oh and the wall wins they have speed and jumpers i've been scared [Music] i almost clutched with the bridging that would have been cool but um okay and the wall wins and the wall yeah the invisible wall that time uh i'm i'm i'm going to meet switch in switching okay okay oh man this is some terrible acting um okay i mean i mean this is totally legit i don't know what you're talking about um i um yeah we've been in the game the whole time um yeah the the uh the uh entire time yeah see look look we were in the lobby the whole time see oh my gosh that was terrifying i was zoomed in on my face and all i see is just your massive grin zoomed in all of a sudden when you spawned in after me that's me i brushed my teeth like five times an hour wouldn't that like wear down your teeth no it makes them perfectly white like they are here i'm also stuck with the smile 24 7. so you like the joker yeah but a lot prettier yeah but the joker has a much better color scheme totally on the green and purple [Laughter] you ever been to splash mountain no okay me neither but anyway here's some water enjoy thanks just making sure you weren't getting dehydrated you know just trying to help help you out you know that's how it goes so which ones are we saving uh-huh yeah yes okay um i mean we can try to go for some duplication stuff but those rounds are very luck based so what we could do is just try to get an army of skeletons and why is this water not going away it was supposed to go away it was supposed to be a funny meme that lasts like 10 seconds go away no we need we need more water no no i just got rid of the water you should probably go somewhere that is not our base right yeah i'm gonna get on that see ya oh my oh why does it lag the bridge just what they just got karma by the server what anything interesting i got an explosive chicken i have this thing oh cool and i'm gonna run across oh you're gonna run across it as well oh my god we're live everything's fine everything's under control here you're just gonna stay over there and then i'm just going to casually mine this don't mind me i'll just yeah yeah you just you just stab that guy and then yeah you got it yeah there's also also a skeleton yeah this guy's also trying to murder me if you could uh you could help with this that would be awesome i'll throw water at him why is he only going for me what is up with this i'm going to pass away okay everything's fine everything's fine really he just left me alone you know cool coley how much did you pay this guy block off the water i was in the water whose team are you on now i'm stuck yeah yeah yeah i'm going to block off the water now oh oh yeah i'm good okay okay well yellow team is good yeah your actual teammate just died yeah um yeah yeah it goes yeah yeah yeah classic classic classic um noticing a serious lack in um in bridges okay i'll use that bridge okay i didn't like your bridge your bridge was kind of stinky your bridge has too many right angles in it oh there's a guy with a stick okay i'm going to run away he's just it's friendly oh good here here i'll deliver you a magic toy stick i mean a knockback stick as well yeah yeah this guy knows what's up he just ran away he's like i know better than to deal with that do you think if i hit this at you you would fly there we can try it you have a water bucket no but i have slime blue blue blue blue blue okay you got this oh my god i didn't like it did you make it oh i could snowman kill me ow that's an explosive there's an explosive chicken though now you missed i missed oh teleport beam everything's fine just respawned with all my items everything is cool no need to panic i did not scream at all i don't know what you're talking about i have a scythe that's not how you pronounce my name try again oh by the way you're off the map i'm gonna walk off anyway hmm i wonder if this will do anything oh my god oh it doesn't do knock back well i mean it worked as a scare tactic oh it does knock back to me hmm guys i tried okay are they telling you what to do no maybe yeah i don't have anything to call you with right now i don't have anything to kill me with either i've heard that now huh what i put on the hair net there we go well you see you get the hair net and then you put it on your head all right there we go all right you gonna not do anything about that nope i have this magical thing called slash heal oh i see you're cheating yep i messaged the admin before the stream actually uh yeah pretty crazy um yeah can he hook me up with youtube rank well you see he um he doesn't speak australian sorry ah that's disappointing okay i was gonna do a cool moment there and then he did a thing hello oh okay hey cooley that guy's got a bow it did not do much i am stuck in a wall this is all you sir bye-bye they're so oblivious oh my gosh [Music] oh that was great how did they not notice well you see they don't have eyes actually i have these are paid actors uh oh god oh lord hold on one second intermission no no no murder catch okay good job i deflected his fireball back into him and now he's stuck in a bad spot haha you're dead oh man he's been flying i don't know if i should have helped you there so i just that's fine don't worry i have it under control uh they're dead that's great [Music] ow that's an angel of death sword [Music] okay nadja is that really necessary do we really need nausea is that why why oh my gosh dude okay yeah nothing like fighting somebody while you feel like you're underwater in real life that's great [Music] oh is this guy running with all the items okay catch thank you oh six emeralds nice no i wish i could be a part of this i've walked off the map three times in a row i was wondering where you were i wasn't gonna say anything but i was like this is duos right like where have you been see jazza did a prediction see trying to guess how many times i would team kill you and you haven't had to do that at all yeah it's because you're team killing yourself so i can't really i can't really team kill you if you're dead you know um yeah it's kind of awkward okay thank you oh you just oh oh that's a placeable bet you didn't even realize no i was looking at chat oh you good down there oh okay he just got comboed by a chicken all right wow that was that was kind of depressing because he gifted me a chicken hat and then and then died to a chicken you know what goes around comes around i don't think that's makes sense at all but i'm gonna say it anyways oh oh you know what we could do we could do uh another one of those decoy bed defenses like we make a massive bed defense at our base and then just like have it just like on the roof or something like in like some weird spot i like this idea okay okay okay that's what we'll do then okay i'm on my way i'm being beat up by a angry green person you know it's it's kind of like a lot of the um star wars trilogy really what's green in star wars like who are you imitating what is that so we're just building it here right a super big bed defense yeah yeah so what we can do is we could try to duplicate obsidian and make like a super big bed defense and then just like put our best somewhere else okay well that means we need red blocks which i don't have blue blocks oh blue blocks first try first try oh wait wait wait wait actually actually toss me the blue blocks wait wait i'm trying to duplicate right yeah yeah so i gotta place them for you i don't know also do you have um oh my god so um new plan we're gonna sit in this corner until the game ends um you know what we actually could do instead of the decoy thing new idea new idea we we just okay get a lot of the diamonds and what we're gonna do is i'm gonna hide the bed underneath their base right and then all you do with like 20 diamonds is just buy blindness traps over and over and then the blindness traps will activate near their bed and they won't be able to see at their own base that's the game plan now okay i just got another bed oh we have two beds what's the plan now and you plan your plan uh well what we do is we have a backup one to continue giving them blindness okay i should not fall in the void then right oh that'd be a good idea to not do yeah i'd say that's a pretty solid solid game plan to to be alive is usually good for most plans to work unless your plan is to die then that wouldn't really make sense but other than that i do that on my own so but yeah basically what we're going to try to do is we're we're going to sneak underneath their base give ourselves like an obsidian in bed underneath their base and then figure it out from there so we need a water bucket to go under their base i think it's what needs to happen okay you're the expert here not me i'm not going to kill cooley while he's a final kill and has all of the items guys i'm not a psychopath most of the time most of the time not okay most that's okay sometimes it's fair but like most the time not really give a bridge egg i have an ice bridge okay can you open these until we get a bridge egg i would if they appeared on the ground they're not appearing i'm clicking them and they're not appearing oh please please please please did you hit me from over there what ha okay well he's a bridge egg and he's a regular egg and here's a chicken bomb that's three eggs for you now i can't even eat my white get please don't give it to me i will literally die don't give it to me i'll literally die my gapples just disappeared where are my gapples okay they're my what is this dude why does the server just have a heart attack as soon as we nuked every okay you know actually that's a fair point um okay so the game plan here is that like you like go from their diagonal so that they're looking at you and then i'll invis over and then place the bet i see that's the game plan okay are you ready yeah i'm just going to invis over there okay hello it's me the distraction they're not being very distracted they're they're kind of chasing after me with murder in their eyes i'm bridging as fast as i can well you see you just need to make them look at you you don't have to actually make it completely here i know they're not looking at me watching the stream oh that's an issue guys don't look it's not where you think it is guys it's not it's not here i don't know what you're talking about guys guys we're cool right guys hey if you if you want to start buying blindness traps now would be a great time oh yeah let me go back why miss trap thing coming which one's blindness which one's blindness the one that says blindness is it activating or is the bed not close enough that would be really awkward if the bed isn't close enough i mean activating i think i might have placed it too low tiny this guy's very blind he doesn't see me hiding in the shadow oh oh it's activated it's activated it's worked he can't see he's blind oh he's also dead but that's unrelated the other one to the diamond jam and he's coming my way you want to just keep buying blindness trips yeah i can do that here i'll actually buy some um where's the blindness this one yep okay okay and then continue continue fighting this guy that's right yeah yeah let me let me just continue beating this guy up with a stick okay all right this is fine this is okay this is good this is good all right we're just gonna keep gonna keep oh my gosh i am so sorry um yeah also you can't see down there that's uh kind of awkward um yeah how's that going for you well they're not alive so pretty good did you just nuke us panic in her chest panic in their chest panic in their chest wait it wasn't at me actually you were lying i just put everything in her chest and he's beating me up it was just a prank it was just a prank i nuked you earlier that's why it was red oh i see okay oh hi team killed that's not a team kill i'm just grabbing all my stuff out of the chest while somebody's kidding me out no big deal okay let me just fly a punchbow okay anyways uh i'm are you okay i'm beating you into a corner yeah i'm doing great oh they put their head down um you don't want to make the guy uninstall the game that's what i want to do no i'm kidding i'm kidding i'm kidding let me get out of the hey do corner see their bed defense do you want to see a magic trick how you see it no you don't no i don't see me either oh two for one hey buy one get one free magic trick baby that's one team kill for me baby i didn't even mean to do that i mean i meant that yep hi um here you want me to i can help you with that here you like like a house here here's a house here go in this little house right here it'll be good it'll be good just you just want to go let's go and you live here now okay this is your home this is your home go no no just in there just right just almost perfect okay cool um anyways all right now what we need to do is now we can buy some mining fatigue traps because i trapped them in obsidian of course you did they're punching the obsidian with mining fatigue they don't even have a pickaxe oh this is perfect let me just you know get in their way they just look at you like why he's a gift as well cool free stuff you think they'll get a hot potato if you keep placing orange blocks for you know the ice bridge is normally effective when you can walk on it actually well now get our potato that's awkward anything we need to say before they die uh here give me the hot potato there we go just place a bunch of those there we go perfect and just break those orange lucky blocks and you'll get a hot potato green tea and you got this that's an ice bridge they're beds i should get my bed right yeah yeah you could just place the bed right here actually i mean you can do the honors there you go okay perfect perfect [Music] that's so vm we just placed it where their bed was i bet they won't even notice it probably drown him why is my chat just shouting drown him what is wrong with you guys okay fine i kind of wanted to do that anyway so good great minds think i mean you guys are messed up um hey you got this what if i pass them four bed pointers do you think they'll find out bad maybe give them bad pointers very good inventory might be full oh they got it find the bed um i think they're determined to mine this piece of obsidian with their hand here let me help them with that hold on they're also under water that's going to be slow and with the mining fatigue because they get mining fatigue underwater with their hand breaking obsidian hey you might as well be punching bedrock oh hey what a shame sorry about that they just look up how are they not drowning by the way said it no oh there we go oh there we go this is this is really sad if only there was a way we could free them ah i wonder i wonder how they're regenerating faster than they're taking damage wait do they have prop 4 in a heal pool uh cooley do you have items that help you live oh oh oh they get afk kicked yeah we forgot about that oh the guy's in middle right the last guy it i actually don't know okay i'm gonna launch you to middle all right okay all right cool glad you're on board you might want to just like stand on top of that wall it'll go really well what have you got to launch me um well there's quite a few options actually if you think about it so it depends on if you want to live or not um i'm fine with any oh you're like you know you know you know death ain't too bad actually changed my mind i mean i edit your videos it's better to die at this point that's that's fair that's fair okay it's a magic toy stick oh you went up that that didn't go well all right well i'll see you thanks mlg dude i'm alive we're this guy what is this dude i don't know they're not in middle there's nothing everywhere oh that's you in the middle okay oh another placeable vet are you kidding me i'm gonna go give it to this guy oh another nuke oh my gosh oh my god our luck this game hey buddy i have a bed for you here you go here you go this is merry christmas please don't stab me i'm trying to be a nice guy okay hey hey where are you going hey this is present here you go we have a gift for you hello sir do you like this bed on the house oh god okay anyways i'll give it to you there you go enjoy oh he's paying for it oh yeah this is a transaction yeah yeah yeah oh like a speed potion yeah yeah okay the bedrooms but piglets trade op items thoughts you calling him a piggle i called him my penguin yeah that's that's what you did that was that was you you did that my mind was like a goldfish i just forgot the last eight seconds that went past he didn't speak oh he placed the bed there we go there we go okay that isn't here the bed isn't here hmm i have something i want you to read out loud on stream that i have in my hand yeah come on i'm waiting cooley um you know i don't know if you know but i'm about as white as you can be um i took two years of spanish see the thing is the ice bridge actually the eye the ice the ice let me help you there you go the ice bridge actually disappeared um whoa yeah i can't read it actually i don't have the book to read it yeah awkward um oh that's portuguese oh whoops that guy's gonna die he saved himself from good we [Music] we insane oh yeah by the way i have a punchbow that was very anticlimactic for a punch bar did he die did he huh back i guess so he might add a wild card i mean he has a bed as well but like the thing is there's this entryway here that um see this it's kind of don't go through that kenny oh you can yeah well you see minecraft players are two blocks tall and um this is a two block opening so really sorry one six perfect good good effort good effort try again try again again you got it get it get it uh oh wait no that's the ocean over here you see this this is the water that's the sea oh oh yeah okay okay try again try again try again i don't have anything to kill you this is disappointing ah it's okay i got something to kill us i have i have uh i don't know no i don't you should probably [Laughter] please save us please [Laughter] i actually placed a block instead of a [Laughter] cobweb all of our stuff is just gone so what's the plan here sir well normally we play bed wars what's bed wars yeah just purposely making it as awkward as i can uh where is this guy by the way i don't know but it's a question i cannot answer oh okay all right well he's not that way thanks dragon how did i what this is the pain you feel i feel inside wait how are you talking what happened it's it's the pain that you you make me go through real playing bed wars with you all right so i'm gonna just uh head out of here you can't see me i'm not on your team you can't believe i disappeared i'm gone ah no dragon please dragon please oh what happened oh okay everything's fine everything's fine no need to panic no need to panic okay all right everything's everything's under control i didn't panic at all no no no dragons chill dragons okay okay everything is fine long time no see hey so is that prediction still up about the team killing uh jazza actually broke it so it nobody gets it he uh he did a dumb oh ow that's a gravity gun so uh is this the part okay all right all right hey we're cool right we're cool i know you only have one more um [Music] hi i didn't think this far ahead you'll regret this i should have probably opened more huh yeah okay what is this around so what about that would i regret huh oh hey you've got a horse nice right here can you make this jump oh it doesn't work you tried to hit me off that would be funny if i could do damage to horses [Laughter] oh wait wait [Laughter] does that count i think so i don't know i made him turn around so i think so i'm crying why am i stuck in the world where did this guy go by the way we need to kill him we need it in this game well we need to find his bed well we gave it to him it's over here at yellow base where he said hey the bed's not here that's where it is oh yeah i once again i got a minefish gold mine what you have a minefish gold yeah yeah yeah same yes help me 3 30 in the morning please my stomach i'm crying i can't see through my teeth oh my gosh hey guy there's 10 seconds left if you could fight me on this really sketchy bridge that would be great oh i think he tabbed out he died with one second left let's victory go deserved totally normal game [Music] you
Channel: Zyph
Views: 181,697
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Using Beds to Troll in Bedwars, Bedwars BED Bridging, The FAKE Glass Bed Defense in Bedwars, Bedwars, bridge, the bridge, minecraft bridge, breezily, god bridge, moonwalk, bedwars zyph, zyph bedwars, hiding spot, bedwars hiding, funny, laugh, zyph, #1 bedwars speedrunner, #1 bedwars player, Scaffold Bridge, The FAKE Bed Defense in Bedwars, mc, fake, Trap, 1000⭐, Water Bridging, The WATER Bridge in Bedwars, water, Hiding Beds in Bridges, Bed Bridging, Bridging with Beds, bed, Bed Troll
Id: beld2FP8dL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Mon May 24 2021
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