The Langoliers CD1 1995

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she's just an innocent bystander so what's new tell him I want to do it it has to be done by next Thursday Nick and make sure it happens in plastics city in London on Saturday will have a pipe to celebrate the whites on zoomy mr. Kelly thank God I caught you I checked over the figures on this floor and Vaughn supa and as it turns out you haven't made 43 million dollars you've lost it well you know of course I know I'm the head of the bond department RNA talk to you from blows wish to me you can't go to Boston all these transactions were personally authorized by you the Board of Directors will crucify you no that's why I have to go I suggest you just relax because everything's gonna be fine that's gonna be wonderful there's something strange inside that man's head later dinah now that i've given you a lift to the airport we're going to tell me why you're going to Boston Doris I'm not gonna tell you yes because there's just someone like you flying off to some strange city for lolis we're not even telling your best friend why 8:00 flight 29 to Fausto this is to announce they're these gauges they don't tell us anything what pressure Li could have been anywhere don't worry about it it's the engineers problem now how can I not worry about it you know what a pressure blowout can do we were all damn near human pate you have been doing this for too long captain angle yeah but I don't know what to tell you we couldn't find that pressure move anymore this isn't about the late captain could I talk to you outside please why what's wrong outside please you want to tell me what's going on it's about your wife my wife oh you mean my ex-wife we're divorced why what about it there's been an accident perhaps you better come up to my office what about Annie how badly you should be here is she dead yes I'm afraid she is there was a fire in her apartment are you alright captain yeah just a shock that's all there's a red-eye leaving for Boston right now you can deadhead back on it everyone yeah I guess I'm better ladies and gents American prides like 29 s fosston is now boarding passengers in all girls please looks like a full flight I guess what's the weather like clouds of 20,000 feet or the Great Plains all the way to Boston oh and we've had sightings of the aurora borealis of the Mojave government Northern Lights over California this time that year who knows whether it's been really freaky this year I asked for a window seat and that's what I'd like see right there yes it is I want a window seat why don't you talk no no no no no why don't you talk to the ticketing agent I only want to talk to you I don't want to be her problem I wouldn't be one of every flight in there well I guess this is it captain have a nice trip my condolences but did you what Roger burger bite when I hear clear for takeoff have a good posture our fight tonight the Rocky Mountains and thank you for flying and Vicky did I have a glass of water please and Vicky and Vicky would somebody speak to me please I'm sorry but my aunt's gone and I'm blind well does anybody hear anybody gulps please let someone be here anyone know it's alright what's wrong where is everybody they've gone they've all gone what do you mean where's everybody they're all right sir what happened did we land while I was asleep and let the others off where's my aunt I want my aunt please I want my hands they're gonna be all right what's your name Dinah I came from my aunt I'm blind I can't see her I won't come her seat was empty screaming is the plane in trouble mister where is everybody what's going on we embossing already I want my aunt now and Vicki and hey what the hell is going on here but someone shut this brat up you're not alone there are other people here can you hit him yeah I can hear them but where's our Vicki and who's being killed killed has someone been killed if we've been hijacked no one has been killed I felt her hair someone cut off her hair there's ten tenten yourself and the bloke asleep in first class what about the crew anybody know about them yeah I was just about to find out you stay with a girl yeah alright no but what's happening you got to come back with some answers everybody just calm down well are you guys open up oh so what do you think happened do you think the plane landed let the other passengers off I don't know I was asleep you're a teacher aren't you that's right sweetie the fifth grade how'd you know that it's in your voice Miss Lee my teacher at the blank school sounds just like you well if you'll excuse me I'm going forward to join our friend I want to know what is going on here and I want to know right now I'm a bit surprised you said before that you had felt someone's hair what did you mean by that over there on one of the seats I felt someone's hair this this is a wig it's not a human scalp set what you felt what do you say nothingjust Mountains and darkness hello hello hello what's wrong fly crew disappeared with everybody else yeah no I don't know then I naturally my calls and the doors locked from the inside I was afraid of that sorry to get you wind up Nick hope well I am praying sir that the pilots cap I noticed on one of the first class seats belongs to you it does captain angle but under the circumstances you can call me Brian I'll call you Saviour if we find what I expect to find on the other side of that door well just try and get it open surely okay how could someone disappear and leave their hairpiece behind it's quite a mystery don't you think oh yeah you're not kidding somebody's bridgework I was afraid of that what's going on here hello excuse me come out from back there who's back there hi yeah I'd like to know exactly what's going on please currently we're about to break the lock on the cockpit door it seems our crew have abdicated along with everybody else but we're in luck all the same my new acquaintance here just happens to be a pilot you work for American pride friend yes I do but I think what's important right no no I'm gonna tell you what you know I'm gonna tell you what's important you know what's important I have a meeting at Boston's Prudential Center at 9 o'clock this morning promptly at 9 o'clock that's what's important now I booked the seat on this conveyance in good faith and I have absolutely no intention of being late for that appointment now I have three questions for you number one who authorized an unscheduled stop for this airliner while I was asleep number two where was that stop made and number three why why was that done you ever watched mr. Spock on Star Trek what the hell are you talking about just if you don't shut your cakehole you bloody idiot I'll be happy to demonstrate his Vulcan sleep I hope for you don't you talk to me like that Do You Know Who I am of course I do you're an obnoxious little twerp who likes to hide his fear behind aggression no I mean that but you are in the way listen oh noes hold I can break it easiest thing in the world trust me ah I said I could break it do you understand signify if you understand oh I haven't got time to discuss your business appointments there I'm gonna send you back to the cabin with this gentleman a striped shirt darn Gaffney nice to get me will be your escort once you've arrived in the main cabin you will sit down in your seat stop your seatbelt firmly around your nipple and keep your mouth shut do you understand please favour me with a thumbs up if you understand you and your nose now when I do if you so much as utter a word a syllable you will be investigating hitherto unexplored realms of pain I wouldn't missed it guy means you better come on back to me this bad idea we can find someone knows right then let's get the cockpit door I'm sure Wow no one's driving the plane happen forever was but there we look here if you want watches you can take your pick there are tons of them back in the main cabin while they're in day watches jewelry and glasses also purses but the weirdest thing is their stuff that we're pretty sure came from inside of people but surgical pins pacemakers you know I've been going on roughly the same assumption is our rude friend either when I use the nose lock on the plane had landed somewhere for some reason and then most of the passengers and crew was somehow offloaded and then all there couldn't have been a take off while we were sleeping oh you fly that plane on automatic but you need a human being to take one up our way in it so we're the passengers and crew that when I play they find it out won't hand me that paper please well rounds - it is right 37,000 feet one on the course are you figuring out our closest major Denver Center this is American pride like 29 you read me over devvra Center come in please this American pride flight 29 will have a problem big problem what's going on Mayday Mayday this is American pride flight 29 requesting emergency aid come in please Unicom this is American pride flight 29 request the immediate radio contact over Denver come in come in please this is AP flight 29 you answer me dammit he's a night I thought won't bark either what they do down there have a nuclear war look Daisy tell me what you mean the dog won't bone I mean Denver control that dog I mean FAA emergency that dog Unicom which gives advisories in small airports that dog - this is a medium shortwave man people should be jumping all over this like frogs on a hot sidewalk but I'm not even picking up static the vor beacon on a denver that's not working either what does that mean it means we have no radio means we have no Denver navigational beacon and my board here says everything is peachy keen which is crap it's gotta be a kid would you run back there look out the left side of the plane look behind us tell me what you see my equipment says we're less than 50 miles south of Denver right now well there's nothing out there nothing at all Denver's black Towson either that or it's gone all right people back to your seats we need a little piece of corn we are being quiet come on my young friends let's go sit in the back captain has a lot of work to do we do using the military aircraft band Strategic Air Command is never off the air what's going on the captain and that British fellow are trying to raise an airport on the radio I suppose that we should introduce ourselves I'm Bob Jenkins I'm a mystery writer written more than 40 novels none of strange as this my name is Laurel Stevenson and I'm a school teacher in the San Fernando Valley and this is the first vacation I've had in eight years my name is Dinah bellman and I'm on my way to have an eye operation in Boston afterwards I'll be able to see again probably be able to see again the doctors say there's a 70% chance I'll get some vision and a 40% chance I'll get all of it Albert cows nur I'm on my way to the Berklee School of Music I play violin I'm Bethany Sims I was gonna spend a couple of days with my aunt and Worcester Mass now and you sir what's your name how about you what you know I'm Don Gaffney and what do you do I'm a tool-and-die worker for Hughes Aircraft I'm on my way to Boston to visit my first granddaughter okay at least we've met and that leaves us with the $64,000 question where did everybody go and why didn't we go with air force control this is American pride flight 29 do you read me over I thought won't work either Rolla Bolla beer completely totally all along they listen to me my friend we don't want to panic on our hands do we you got ten people on this airplane and your jobs the same as it ever was to get them down in one piece you don't have to tell me what my job is I'm afraid I just did you look at downside better now what do you do for living Nick don't tell me you're an accountant yeah junior attache British Embassy old man my arts hat well that's what it says on my papers and it said anything else I suppose it would be a Majesty's mechanic I fix things that need fixing right now that means you thank you but I'm fixed you're nothing so what do you intend to do can you navigate without these ground beam thingies can you avoid other aircraft I got now again just fine with the onboard equipment as for other planes this thing right over here that says there are no other planes well we don't have to worry about running into anybody then do we so what do we do now on to Boston Logan at dawn one of the busiest airports in the world with no idea what's going on in the country below us normally now we're heading to Bangor Maine and I think it's time to talk masters few vinay left anyway one of you gentlemen kindly tell me what's happened to all the service personnel I've had a lovely nap look where did everybody go but it doesn't make any sense where'd everybody go I don't know what perhaps captain my butt shut up as you know we have no cockpit to ground communication and about five minutes ago we should have been able to see the lights of Denver clearly from the airplane we couldn't the plane is undamaged we have plenty of fuel the last thing I want to pass on to you is that our destination will now be Bangor Maine what I can't say the same for a navigational beams under the circumstances Bangor International Airport important business meeting in Boston this morning at nine o'clock and I forbid you to fly us into some Whistlestop main airport there you are babe would you please be quiet you're scaring the little girl scaring the little girl scaring the little girl lady we're diverting is unpin pod and weren't in the middle of nowhere I've got better things to think about than scaring the little girl why don't you just sit down and shut I'm gonna pop you one I don't think he could do it alone but he won't have to I'll take a swing at you myself if you don't shut up I'm real scared now I'll help them if you don't stop it mister I really will okay okay fine you're all against me that's fine it doesn't have to be this way mister you should just relax take it easy anyone here know how to work this little oven up in the galley I didn't think so that man was just upset you know he's better now we all look like monsters to him I'm sure we don't what made you say that I hear things sometimes people's thoughts I always have but just now for the first time I saw what that man was seeing it was dark and fuzzy but I still saw sweetie that's that's just your imagination that's all that's what my aunt used to see - but it's not why don't you get some sleep you'll feel a whole lot better no I won't besides I was asleep and now I'm all slept out see anything I don't think so may I ask you something did you happen to hear anything the little girl said earlier no well she was telling miss Stevenson that she didn't think she could go to sleep because she had already been asleep I also had been asleep what about you dear boy well what about me what and were you sleeping you were weren't you well yeah yes we were all asleep everybody well maybe nonsense maybe I'm a mystery writer deduction is my bread and butter don't you think if someone had been awake when all those people were eliminated that that person would have screamed bloody murder and awakened the rest of us I guess so chorus so I deduce that everyone was asleep including all those people that were subtracted along with the flight crew of course dear boy could you call me Albert please mr. Jenkins that's my name oh I'm sorry yes applause yes I'm upset and when I'm upset I tend to get a little patronizing please forgive me it's just that I'm trying to figure this thing out what do you have any ideas well II if it were just the plane I could easily come up with a scenario what scenario oh well let's say for instance that some shadowy government organization decided to conduct an experiment and we were the test subjects and the purpose of such an experiment given the circumstances would be to document the effect of of serious emotional stress on a number of ordinary Americans and the scientists who designed the experiment loads the oxygen system of this plane with an odorless hypnotic gas but after this is released into the air everyone falls asleep with the obvious exception of the pilot who is breathing uncontaminated air through a mask then the captain lands the plane at a secret airstrip in Nevada let's say whereupon with the exception of the nine randomly chosen test subjects all the sleeping passengers are carefully carried off the plane and placed aboard another identical plane the captain then gets flight 29 airborne again and returns it to its original altitude and heading he activates the autopilot he disables the radio systems and then as the effect of the gas begins to wear off the captain tears on his intercom the voice of the little blind girl calling for her aunt and he knows that this will wake the others the experiment is about to begin captain angle is one of them throughout him in this scenario he is if captain angle is one of the people who did this to us we're gonna have to capture them as soon as we land are you me mr. Gaffney and perhaps that British fella but it doesn't hold up you know what this scenario I just gave you it doesn't hold up but you just said what I said was if it were just this plane I could give you a scenario but unfortunately it's not just this plane the city of Denver is probably still down there but all its lights were off if it was and it's not just Denver I can tell you that Omaha Des Moines st. Louis there isn't a trace of any of them down there either now what has happened has not just happened on this plane and that's where deduction breaks down st. Louis Center come in please this is American pride 29 heavy repeat American pride flight 29 heavy do you read me over not on the ground or in the air it's like the entire country has suddenly cease to exist I suppose you had to read science fiction dear well that's crazy about as a kid you yeah until I was 18 Oh son I've been sitting here running all these old stories through my head you know time warp space warps alien raiding parties I mean we really don't know if there's anything left down there do it not with all this cloud cover no we don't only might hold all the way to Bangor there traffic control a lot of commission there's no way of knowing these funds you just took us down for little looks now too dangerous with no ATC and no other clients have talked to you laughing me if you want oh I'm not laughing ninety far from often suppose we have slipped into another dimension I get a science fiction story why don't we know what's down there I mean this earth could have the Rockies in upstate New York what we seem to have the sky pretty much to ourselves up here that's true down there who knows it who knows this very dicey situation for an airline pilot so for now we just go on right and wait right again well you're the skipper that's three in a row what do you see the Sun's up that's about it what about the ground I can't see it it's all clouds down there perhaps it's just as well maybe feeling better a little I don't mean to pry but what you can ask me what you want why did you lie about why you were going to Boston how did you know I lied I could hear it in your voice I can hear lots of things maybe because I'm blind I don't know but I know you don't lie otherwise I wouldn't have heard the difference I'm going no I was going to meet someone a man named Darren Crosby how did you come to know him well that's the embarrassing part and that's why I lied I've never actually met him before we started corresponding through a personal ad in a magazine and I liked him I mean I liked what he wrote and what he looked like in his picture so I agreed to fly to Boston to meet him that string isn't it fly all the way across the country to see someone you've never even met before yeah but I just realized it didn't have anything to do with mr. Crosby it was really about me I didn't want to play it safe anymore I was trying to break out of the confines of my life and have an adventure now I guess I got more of an adventure than I bargained for you're very pretty Laurel I'm sure you'll find what you're looking for do you think we're gonna be alright I think so I hope so kind of scared well might be under those clouds then I'll scare it anyway about Boston my mother all at once decided he'll be a great idea if I went to spend a couple of weeks with my aunt Shawna I think the idea was for me to get off the plane and then Shawna pulls a string on me which Jane do not pass go do not collect $200 go directly to the nearest rehab and stay there typed right out and everything just seems so weird before that this just seems like more the same this is really happening isn't it I mean I'm not just imagining in am i it's real enough all right do you need a rehab Bethany I don't know I guess I might I used to just think it was party time you know all the booze and drugs I could get but now I don't know but getting shipped off this way just makes me feel like a pig in a slaughterhouse shoot I'm sorry I'm sorry too but I guess this is the wrong time to worry about it huh well I think it's time to fish or cut bait hello again ladies and gentlemen this is captain angel speaking we are currently over the Atlantic Ocean about 30 miles off that Lagos I'll be commencing our initial descent in the Bangor area very soon I want y'all to make sure your seatbelts are snug and secure now I want you all to become my board up here is green across and all procedures in the flight deck remain routine well that's very comforting that is you should that politician right all right out there feeling very comfortable right now I know I'm not 30,000 feet still the same I'm telling you Brian I'm scared stiff Papa he wants to grab you and make you take us back up again oh I'm doing too good we can't stay up here forever I realize that I'm still afraid of what's under these clouds no wonder well we'll find out together I figure we might as well all be together on this one you might stop in that it's driving me crazy well at least we'll be able to get some chow when we land you know something diner what I really don't want to go down there I mean I really don't well if it'll make you feel any better you're not the only one I'm scared I mean very scared pass out ordinary turbulence folks most of you even seen this before so yes just remain calm plane crash I don't think so sweetie I hope not it's gonna be alright is it really gonna be alright god help us all maybe this wasn't such a good idea Brian maybe we should climb back up again and think about it enough time and I'm not fuel hang on Bethenny Bethenny what the hell was that there's a drink charlie loose up front they probably roll into the gala water effects of birth please I don't want to die I just don't want to die let's quit it right now you were I'm gonna take what's up that magazine and stop it right down your throat check 3000 feet hello is this second part I don't know sure well that makes me feel a lot better I'll take it down to 500 feet we still haven't broken through the cloud cover I think he's back up again we'll find out important well maybe you should take us that way now the weather down there is almost always worse than the weather here this starting to look like a bad decision mate we haven't struck out here but we are running out of room aren't we I mean 2,000 feet somewhere underneath all this grayness the grounds rushing up to me isn't it yeah there's what we stood there we go a common throw all right if we're broken through the ceiling ladies and gentlemen in a few minutes you're going to hear a thump from below that'll be the landing gear lowering in place I am continuing our descent into the Bangor area wish me luck Nick my dear my tea I do what do you see Laurel or overlay oh I see a field and a force and what looks like a pond it's all here I'm sorry miss but you're completely wrong I can see the airport I can't what a beautiful sight buckle up coming Bangor Tower this is 8p flight 29 heavy I am declaring an emergency if you have runway traffic get it out of the way I am coming in the runway likes a dead one I'm kind of worried about that dude routine landing after thank you for that welcome my friend my deep appreciation stems from the fact that it appears you're the only one who's going to extend one this place is utterly totally deserted no it can't be unfortunately I'm afraid it is so what are we doing out behind we get out of their plane and we see what's what after you squat the pilot that landed us safely ladies and gentlemen I assure you it was a very routine landing Oh shucks man it weren't nothing if I could just have your attention I know you've all looked out the windows so you know as much as I do not only of the passengers and the crew on this flight disappeared but it now appears that the people on the ground disappeared as well but logic suggests that since we survived whatever it was that others must have survived it as well false logic I think the best way of dealing with this is just to take things one step at a time and the first step is exiting the plane I bought a ticket to Boston and Boston is where I'd like to go shut up we're gonna have to use the emergency slide so I want to review the procedures with you and listen carefully and then form a single-file line behind me well here we are at last you know there's something wrong with the air here Brian it it's what do you mean I don't know poisoned no Lisa don't think so just no odor no smell what is there something wrong I mean I'm not sure I really want to know but if there is honey honey there's nothing wrong here but there is this place smells wrong really badly wrong and we have to investigate we don't have any choice you understand that done why why do we have to there's no one here well we really won't know that until we check will we I know already listen there's nothing to smell and nothing to hear no birds singing no motors revving no nothing but what never mind well what now captain you tell me us I suspect this is more your territory than mine you realize I can turn you in for this don't you you realize I can I can sue this entire airline for 30 million dollars in named you as primary respondent well that's your privilege mr. to me Craig to me mister to me mister to me are you aware of what has happened to us mister to me just mister to me stop wasting time mr. Toby this is terrible just terrible an a-minus and a B or B for God's sake what you go to dig ditches for the rest of your life the Danny a there are no excuses this that's a B that stands for bum what happens to lazy bums who lie down on the job Craig they do more than get them they get them and they eat them they tear into those lazy little boys with their dry hungry chomping teeth they will get you unless you get with the program and stop wasting time they will eat you alive alive and screaming mr. Tully mr. Tully stop wasting time Craig mr. Toomy are you listening to me of course I'm listening to you and I know what happened to everybody here these stupid lazy people the Langille ears got them pardon me you know how important my meeting at the Prudential Center in Boston is do you understand that the economic fate of nations may hinge on this meeting a meeting from which I shall be absent well that's all very interesting but really right now I don't have the time time what the hell do you know about time ask me about time that's me time is short sir and what you reckon the best way is inside the terminal Brian well I guess I'd be through the luggage conveyor all right then now let's hike on over ladies and gentlemen shall we let's go mr. Toomey let's keep together please I only see if we can get something city ugly man if there's a restroom you don't have to worry so much Dyna it's just that the situation is strange therefore everything seems strange including the sound your heels make hitting the concrete you're right they sound weak that's right weak almost as if they don't have any strength coast clear it's really wrong here watch a concert just wait wait for me all right then let's try the telephone shall we what I scare you a little God at least that's better didn't dare do it on the plane I thought I might blow something up excuse me but I quit those old ten years ago no lectures please I've had enough to last me a lifetime no no no no no I was gonna ask if I could have one thank you Thanks Albert what here I know I acquit him Albert what time's your watch say quarter to nine yeah so does mine but I don't trust it it feels much later than that to me you know it does it feels like it's almost lunch time isn't that nuts this is jet lag no I disagree with you young lady we traveled west East and any temporal dislocation at Westies travelers field works in the opposite direction they feel it's earlier than it really is I wanted to ask you about that exact thing on the plane when the captain told us that there must be other people here you said false logic but it seems straight enough to me we were all asleep and we're here and if this happened at 4:07 Bangor time with an almost everybody in town must have been asleep yes yes so where are they so wash out you're all dead no dial tone operator nothing you can have the sound of no phones ringing to that of no dogs barking Brian so what do we do now let's go upstairs that's where the restaurant must be you know you got a one-track mind mister in the first place my name is really work not mister sorry and second people think better when their stomachs are full it's a law of nature I agree with mr. Warwick I think we could all use something to eat yeah why not I'm starting to feel like Robinson bloody Crusoe anyway you know something don't you I might but then I might not but I do have a suggestion young lady save your matches well I don't get what you mean there's got to be a newsstand upstairs with tons of matches and disposable lighters I just still say save your matches wait a minute where's mr. Toohey okay good riddance to bad rubbish Sorry mate I didn't see him go till they Craig to me where are you something's wrong there's no echo what do you mean and that's impossible hello is anybody there hello everybody there they're coming son manga leaders are coming know know what's coming they're coming for you you've been bad you had an appointment in Boston and you it wasn't my fault that hey I was kidnapped there are no excuses lying down on the job is lying down on the job I don't want my job what I don't want my job and I don't want my life since I was five years old you've been you've been loading on the pressure seeing if you could make me explode well I am going to explode father and I don't give a damn you know what I dad I bought 43 million dollars worth of bonds I knew we're total garbage what I press on the targa on my own head I want out I wanna get'em for God's sake no are you ready to get with the program it's not part of the big picture now are you gonna look at the big picture or do I have to like them they don't even exist exist though they were here and they'll be back they'll be back for you lazy sack of dirt what can I do what can I do you do whatever you have to do you get to Boston because if you don't crazy wayy they are gonna chew the eyes right out of your head that is just way too polite to me Frank to me okay let's go wait what dear dear I feel the light the glass is wrong - Dinah I hear something there's nothing out there dinah it's your imagination that's all dinah tell us what you hear I don't know it's very faint I heard it when we got a fear of plane and then I decided it was just my imagination now I can hear it even through the glass it sounds a little like Rice Krispies after you pour in the milk you hear anything bloody thing aren't you she is blind I mean she's used to making areas do double duty I think it's hysteria do you hear anything not a bloody thing mind you she's blind she's used to making her is to double duty I think it's hysteria hmm what are you talking about I was talking to Nick and she heard us from over there by the window you've got great ears on I hear what I hear and I hear something out there in that direction and it's awful a really terrible scary sound if you could just tell us what it was from this you would really help but I know it's closer than it was we have to get out of here and soon because something's coming there's something making that horrible cereal noise the diner the plane we came in on it's almost out of fuel then you have to put some more in it it's coming don't you understand it's coming and if we have a gun by the time he gets here we're all going to die I don't wanna hurt anyone don't forget Craigie lady the Langille ears were here and they will back you'd better be gone they get here you know I know what'll happen they'll eat me they'll leave me all up well if this is an airport there must be other planes planes with fuel and I'm if we find one can you fly it yes there's just one little problem where exactly should we go away away from that sound is it closer now than when you first heard it diner I don't know I think it's still far but I can't be sure then I think we should do what mr. Warwick has suggested let's find the restaurant have a bite to eat and then we can figure out what's gonna happen next who elected him leader of the group we better go along I think he really knows his stuff what kind of stuff I don't know exactly but well I think it's worth finding out what right I'm see I told you I didn't need to save my matches you were right but let's try one of these okay sure but why oh that's what we're going to find out son of a B it's likely discovered yet another problem can I borrow your book of matches Mithras wait a minute matey exactly what is it you do know only that this situation is even wider implications than we thought what's happening folks be damned if I know but I don't like it much huh even that's more than I expected all right tell us about it I know well it's spoiled damn I hate that spoil no no I doubt that well you can tell from the clocks that the power in the cold case must have won out less than five hours of it you don't think it's spoiled you try it that's not spoiled it's just tasteless like chewing paper but I can understand why you might have thought that it was sporting it was spoiled try your beer see how that is I don't want it anymore yeah give it to me I've drunk I'm warm before don't cross my eyes none mmm flat flatten taste is like an old time oh good that's good flat that's something we can see can you get some more beers on some soft drinks from the cold case over there you can't dilly-dally any longer crazy lady you have to get to Boston and you have to do it now I don't want to shoot you but I will if I have to yes I will you're out there aren't you you ate up all the useless lazy people and now you're coming back for me but I'll be gone by the time you get here I'm going to Boston so we're all agreed the B is flat but why well I have an idea but before I say anything else I'd like you all to look around this place very carefully and see if you can tell me what's different about in here than on the plane the Rings the wallets the purses the surgical pins none of that stuff is here correct that's 100% correct as you say there's none of that stuff here but when we woke up it was on the plane why isn't it here maybe nobody was here when it happened no that's nonsense I think I've been shot Albert Albert Albert you all right kid you all right how bad in my head were you able to stop the bleeding oh I think you all live old son yeah souvenir for you found it on the floor it must have hit you square in the chest and bounced off I was thinking in the matches I sort of thought it wouldn't fire at all that was very brave Albert and very risky God what if I'd been wrong you almost were a little more pop and Albert here would've been a bullet in this one okay so here's what we do I thought it was really brave I mean credible strong it wasn't much hold his hands for me say I didn't kill that guy did I I hit him pretty hard he's out like a light but he's still alive nice pulse is strong I'm regular he live he'll just wake up with a bad headache in the meantime I think it might be wise to take a few precautions don't you oh do you have to be so rough yes if you want him safely secured you do want him safely secured don't you all right just like when I father John's Christmas turkeys neatly trust yeah where were we before we so rudely interrupted let me up let me up love your brain shut up stop it hey what you have to do that for now listen to me you need waking up fellows and girls and I haven't got the time to do this gently Dona says something's coming towards us rather nasty at a rate of knots and I for one believer now having a knowledge of what it is may not save our lives but I'm bloody saw that a lack of its gonna put an end to us and soon anybody disagree jolly good mr. Jenkins pray continue I'm sorry but I write about these things I just haven't taken part in them until now that is I think you're doing great mr. Jenkins and I like listening to you too it makes me feel better oh well thank you thank you that's that's very nice of you to say that dinah I think I found a fallacy in our thinking and it is this we all assumed as we began to grasp the dimensions of this event that something had happened to the rest of the world but the evidence doesn't bear that assumption out what has happened has happened to us and us alone I'm convinced that the world as we know it is ticking along as it always has but it's we the ten survivors of flight 29 who are lost please tell us what you know mr. Jenkins I can't help but feeling that we're running out of time and fast
Channel: sayap biru
Views: 506,198
Rating: 4.7218199 out of 5
Id: xrs96eihvy8
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Length: 81min 42sec (4902 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 11 2014
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