St. Helens (1981) - Full movie with eng. subtitles

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're just specially headed back to the air [Applause] [Music] [Music] what are you trying to do you crazy son of a but [Music] [Applause] cool off God George we'll get him later I don't know Matt except for a minute that I was back at nab pissing in my pants you're talking about something hit me four maybe five times take a look for yourself incoming from nowhere [Music] today [Music] I just don't believe it what our guy that's scary they shot a little lake it's like to play with this horn that's all the hell is he no I had a 40-pounder on the end of my line all the toys you might grow balls why didn't you just drive to goddamn Jeep out the middle of a lake I'm sorry to come up here to shoot some tourist plane I know where there's a couple of a dress out to around 200 apiece you know those tercera can't live with them can't live without him oh [ __ ] I can't live without them Duane look at them ten cannons out there they got more goddamn equipment than you've ever seen in your life I got big Gaffin hooks you're gonna stab the bastard sitter Hey don't piss in my light I don't know what the world is coming to next thing you know they'll be using radar we need some music and a drink hell maybe captain terrific could use a shot too for me so does Kayla that black kid who went up that damn flies helicopters for Whitaker sometimes oh you notice our local hero nice fella got a magic touch with machines he sure cured my old County they're more than water well he's full of log this morning over by Dog Creek and a bunch of quail bashed into him damn near knocked him out of the sky not sure well don't give a [ __ ] for Heroes and helicopter he's up around to 250 feet kind of I booked well that's what I was thinking maybe he was wrong uh uh no sir I was there I saw it well if it did happen I'm not saying they're dead seeing as I wasn't there but if it did it was most likely deodorants that caused it you want to run that by me again Harry you say deodorant why don't you keep up with science or nothing gotta take the Reader's Digest like I do there was an article in there a while back explained how them them spray things know that your fire at your armpits got some sort of [ __ ] in and it goes way up in the in the ion I anise something or other heats up the atmosphere too much Sun gets in throws everything out of killing yeah the area Seoul cans you think that's what it is uh no doubt about it some of them killer rays from the Sun got in there drove the quail crazy put that in your report it's a 20th century Duane you got to think up some new ideas explain the mess things run no I'm going fishing freak the quail [Music] [Applause] [Music] leave me alone [Music] hey Jay [Music] [Music] today marks the 139th day of captivity for the 53 American hostages and signals out of Iran suggests there is little hope for their immediate release Mount st. Helens located in Southwest Washington only 45 miles northeast of the portland-vancouver area may be sending out signals of her own after 123 years of inactivity earthquakes have been increasing in the area since yesterday when the mountain was rocked by a quake registering 4.1 on the Richter scale the US Geological Survey in Boulder Colorado announced today that one of its scientists David Jackson has been sent to the st. Helens area to investigate the continuing seismic activity [Music] [Music] you David Jackson she's as beautiful as his sister what are you talking about sister long Fuji Oh how old are you all right get it you were expecting someone older with gray hair glasses a pipe not exactly but I thought you'd be more I don't know what your schedule is chef but I've got a lot of work to do do you think we'll be able to get my gear into your rig yeah I think we can handle that [Music] are you talking about every use a dog whistle yeah I would have some kids been away from one one time now looks like that and the earthquake or volcanic activity is always preceded by a change in the Earth's electromagnetic field the animals feel this change and they become disoriented that's what equator flying so high it's all interconnected mountains men volcanoes everything you know there's a legend here that a long time ago two Indians got in a fight over [ __ ] got throwing rocks and fire across the Columbia River well the gods got tired of that changed the Indians in the mountains one of the Warriors in the mountain head the other one into Mount Adams though the [ __ ] she became Mount Saint Helens I like that what's your guess about this mountain of ours Jackson I don't have one but if she goes I want to be there hell sheriff relax volcanoes are like people every now and then they have to burp relieve the pressure they burp [Music] come on it's good on the right frequency got it every frame of masterpiece Jackson you brilliant [Music] [Music] sometimes lose [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this guy goes duck hunt right and he brings some ducks miss my wife Patti Jean friend of ours Linda steel this is David Jackson geology fella I was telling you about well I should be sleeping in the snow or thing is that what geologists have to do only the stubborn ones I'm afraid hey Cindy we have couple more pictures over here please have you been around these parts before I've done some exploration for the south are you from here Chicago washed up here about nine years ago no there's one hiding in here somewhere those things are gonna kill me not quite tomorrow okay where's the machine inspector you didn't tell me it's cute well I didn't think he was well don't you think he's cute little too serious for me though but he does have sexy green apples well you girls feel free to talk dirty when I'm gone because I don't want to hear when I come back you boys don't care what kind of scum you hang out with do you this guy dropping it logs on you yet oh well they don't matter he ain't gonna be around much longer anyway you keep messing with me and I'm gonna kick your butt so far between your shoulder blades you gonna have to stand on your head to go to the John I understand you're gonna be doing some work on the mountain that's right my name's Clyde Whittaker I own this in half a dozen logging operations in the area what kind of work do you think you're going to be doing just setting up some instruments to record the amount of volcanic activity in the area volcanic activity yeah I've lived around these parts all my life Creek we've never had anything like that I guess that's what we'll find out there now just hold on just it's just that it's such a sensitive issue you know awful lot of tourism in these parts how many people you think are gonna want to pitch their tents on a volcano only take one wrong word and this place is gonna turn into a ghost town mister either you have a live volcano or you have a dead one but you're not gonna find our switch by keeping your eye on a cash register well I don't like to listen to that kind of talk I never knew an old fighter did [Music] we used this guys talking about volcano [Music] to do with 20 decide much for misery but you don't take me seriously it sure did [Music] [Applause] you know people here quit dance music stops wouldn't want to break a local custom where the hell is the goddamn water shut the hell are you doing in there duck woman up looks a little black around the wings I see what et says about her duck being black around the way they stuck every 20 minutes and cherry sauce cherry sauce German et home are gonna base the duck and cherry sauce I'm all out of cherry sauce looks like I gotta make a load of sauce I had some cherries I could make a load of sauce what are you gonna do at least you could do is set the table so how about you and he lives in your life I'm afraid have been accused of only relating to mountains well my marriage only lasts a couple of weeks I thought was gonna last forever but the guy left and I never saw him again and a month later I found out I was pregnant boy or girl boy you know sometimes you do the right thing even when you're crazy I saw this picture of this beautiful mountain it looks so cool and far away I just packed up my bags and left Chad was born here he says one thing I never regretted doing you're right Martin country's a great place to raise kids [Music] like some cut thanks Jimmy I'll call you the morning back okay watch out I'm gonna make some coffee Chad and you're gonna go to bed see those lizards Chad did they only lizard in the world I can swim cuz that's a Galapagos Islands and I've been there they have giant turtles there too I know I rode one once he didn't like it much gee I'd like to go there someday Chad um move it now night mom thank you David don't forget to brush your teeth yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] why don't we take him now shut up hurry this is my party he's gonna pay for dropping [Music] [Music] [Music] looks like as good a place as any you take the passenger side I'm really gonna enjoy this you won't drop any more logs where is that chopper Tucker well I guess I'll just have to bust up this gold bank are there you go over that way you go down there [Music] come on [Music] [Music] [Music] hey what's going on here this is private business get out of here [Music] Oh descaler you do this sort of thing every morning only on Tuesday and Thursday Monday Wednesday I go to the gym what the hell was that a four-point 500 risky baby six months away cold lake was right here to me hey you have volcano dude ain't you yeah tell me something man is that thing gonna blow huh I don't know for sure but you sure trying to tell us something we've been recording oscillations all morning minor quakes four point five no no harmonic tremors at present but these quakes are continuous well it may look like that from Boulder Lloyd but not from here we just had an avalanche on the North Face I would recommend that you call the governor in preparation to be made for a possible evacuation I said possible evacuation Lloyd for Christ's sake give me a break yeah Lloyd great no I don't want to unduly alarm anyone either sheriff's right here he'll take care of the local level I'll keep you posted yes Jackie I don't understand it what a minute you arrived you're talking about volcanoes burping the next minute you're planning an evacuation now what the hell is going on Wayne I'm not planning an evacuation I just want to be prepared that's all what is it you wanted me to do is there anybody who can provide us with accurate information as to who's working living vacationing in this area in case they have to be evacuated yeah Harry Truman know that he knows everything but he's not the easiest guy in the world to talk to I don't care about that can you get us together with him yeah sure now listen Jackson I don't know about Victor scales or harmonic tremors but I've lived here all my life and I know these people who can't shove around like pieces on a checkerboard without giving them good reason now is that goddamn not gonna blow or not in 1883 there was a volcano in the Pacific called Krakatoa exploded they heard the noise 2,000 miles away 33,000 people died that's what a volcano does you can worship them or you can get the hell out of their way but you'd better not ignore them well you later you see st. helens is just one a great circle of volcanoes to go all the way around the Pacific Ocean David do you ever think about anything besides volcanoes have you ever seen the Wizard of Oz it's one of the first movies I ever saw I think it was about six I was fascinated by the tornado do you remember scared me but I'm frightened of a thunderstorms I kept dreaming that the tornado was coming after me it was gonna take me up inside where everything was swirling I go higher and higher until finally you can see right down inside right into a time so sure I'd like for you to do that [Music] that's your friggin truck yeah that's my truck why what's the doing out in the middle of the world blocking traffic or traffic me yes all I'm the traffic no movie damn truck now you got enough room no ain't get enough from this is a big car now you gotta move your truck what do you mean that gotta move my truck any idiot could drive through there listen you're happy prick twenty an idiot Parker stuck in the middle of the road put you and drugs or something I'm working truck or I'll run you down there's a crud geriatric idiot sure he'll fool I'll end it how you doing how's that Sonny Boy he's fine tell him I'm gonna come by one of these days take a picture go with him he got too far over he's gonna have to get some water something put under that back wheel if he wants to get any traction who the hell was that that was Harry Truman kiddo [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] at 12:36 this afternoon mount st. helens became the first active volcano on the north american continent in over 60 years in southern Washington residents were startled by the force of the window rattling blast and in Portland people witnessed a spectacular view of the eruption a deep crater 1000 yards long 120 yards wide and 50 feet deep was ripped out of the North Face of the summit Washington State authorities report that the explosion has caused a massive traffic jam on the major highways in southeastern Washington as people try to get a good view of the volcano and Lloyd Wagner head of the US Geological Survey on his way to the mountain says today enough sophisticated equipment now is in place to provide adequate warnings of any major eruption [Music] [Music] you say some give me on the phone about law enforcement authorities taking care of thing let him pass the single cop on the way up here every freaking Highway north from Vancouver's clogged with traffic what in the hell do those stupid bumpkins think they're gonna see it anyway nice to see you too Lloyd don't you get smart with me Jackson every time you show up someplace there's chaos well now I'm in charge of monitoring this mountain whether you like it or not we're gonna have some order around here you do understand that David oh yeah alloy I've never had any trouble understanding you Lloyd don't go up empty-handed [Music] more like him out there Harry oh sure maybe not as big we have to pull not son show you start her up that's good that would ease the quake okay put it on the drive [Music] okay go never mind big just steer it did she go fast like the wind mean the wife used to drive over 100 miles an hour every night I think it easy easy all right one for crash there Harry if you crash your I'll feed you to my dog take a couple of days to finish you up all right hold on camera turtle Harry can't say has a hat well they live on the club cuz I'm that's funny I don't get over that way like a year still Turtles huh I got something not a turtle my hip don't dive off what's his name I don't know he's your puppy well maybe I call him Harry yeah you could do that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Thank You near the street Farms can't get in there directly you got to go way around take this lock and road that comes in from the northwest that's open of course you got to drive very careful not lose your temper you had more than enough room to drive around and you know it Oh gotta touch any Duane the scientist fuller now what about the duck bay area oh there's just some [ __ ] loggers in there what's that independent Whitakers got a much cruise if there then there's a bunch of ten canners ten Kenny's drink at a barn is like yourself dropping tin cans and plastic bags all over the place and I got a pickup well honey good up country in there Oh total s be a hundred head scattered on that you just gonna tell all them folks to pack up move on I'll handle that Harry oh hell no wait let me do it nothing I like better than to tell somebody to get their ass or their truck out of the way I said I'll take care of it Harry I really appreciate this Harry you do want want to give me cash you'll write me a check William O Douglas Supreme Court justice my god you're right that is wait a mo Douglas you recognize the word look engaging with him do you know Douglas oh sure a good friend of mine we went on a five-day pack trip together huh forget it got so goddamn drunk I fell in the fire burn my ass wasn't that funny Dwight my ass was on fire don't forget the cider Doug was running through the trees trying to pour water on my ass yeah about six weeks later when he got back to Washington he sent me a picture you know all dressed up in his supreme court outfit on the bottom of the picture he wrote take it easy Harry you won't always have William O Douglas to watch out for your ass alright tell me professor who is it are we gonna all get blown to hell or what I don't know for sure you're gonna have to come down off the mountain to Harry [ __ ] who told you that no friggin way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] but this order's wrong you want some ovaries can you please just do them over easy you try reading on 25 tables at a time and being felt that by every guy out there with three beers and him 25 cents chips are down 50 an hour 20 minutes LaVon and still won't be that bad because you won't have to work for [ __ ] clive Whittaker so you can take your foreign dollar ball Cato burgers and shove them because I quit oh yeah you're fired [Applause] [Music] like that but everything's been so crazy new season me people in my life and everybody wants something that were to write down know what I did come on good in here did it really fries me losing so like that I hate it I can't stand it [Music] are you alright [Music] will you come home with me [Music] check all the back roads and check for stragglers all right and make sure those kids stay together sheriff temple down here at shirt mixture to my way 607 is off later we should be out here in 20 30 minutes [Music] I'm gonna use your bathroom bet the net face inside I don't want your money on my port that cruise those steps I want to go to the John we gotta get on that's ridiculous haters ridiculous if what I'm looking at you should have better facilities for your visitors these are totally inadequate if you feel that way about it get your head out of the trees point your ass as you please it'll bring out the barrier [Music] [Music] stay away some structures for evacuation sir in case of volcanic eruption move away from the explosion not towards but a brilliant piece of the Paris assumably some young sociologist has been given a tremendous amount of money to come up with this idea what did you write it no sir I didn't write it in this man do something to help us or not will you hold your tongue girl cut it out and send it to your mother [Laughter] take it easy thank you thank you thank you thank you darling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] stop me you're not going anywhere except back where you came from look I don't know who gave you a license to drive this thing but if you're not careful mister I'm gonna have you hauled out of here what the hell are you Lloyd Wagner chief of operations at the USGS where you're from fella Minneapolis let me tell you something sir Lloyd Wagner this Skamania County we got three Chiefs and I'm told I'll get the hell out of my way I want to go home it's for your own good I mean we can't be responsible oh [ __ ] me buddy I got a turd in every pocket [Music] almost every day Harry well I tell you something I do like talking to you people better when you're not sticking things in my face oh come on Harry who do you think you're fooling you know you love the attention the whole world's watching you don't mean [ __ ] to me no seriously I tell you something you can sit out here sometimes the middle of the afternoon it's so peaceful and quiet you can hear chainsaws fifty miles away clears a bell and sometimes the wind starts blowing up at the tops of the trees it comes in gusts you can hear it coming and all of a sudden right over you and then it's gone don't you ever get lonely Harry yeah I did for a bet I think after Edie died but it's better to be lonely up here I tell you that I've been in cities I I've seen that rat race yeah you stay up here awhile and you lay eyes on a city you want to I always survived this long yes sir this country was founded by people too stubborn to do exactly what some crazy king told him the old fence attended an area yeah we're the only country in the world it's got a constitution that says we have every right to do what we want to do used to be people were proud to say they're Americans [Applause] [Music] [Music] to stop working well how are they going to support their families is a volcano erupts in their kill that is panic talk nobody's going to be killed you're going to have to stop work and your men are gonna have to move on to the red zone you can close down and move out voluntarily but the National Guard will do it for you I think you better get out of here think about it Whitaker one way or the other all right what do you say let's get back to work colonel there's someone coming up to see you they just let him through the barrier dr. lucious Roma rantin founder and pastor of the Holy Church of the Dark Arts Hall in North Carolina I understand the Great God folk and has chosen to make his parents in this half of the world my correct gentlemen gentlemen there is volcano in the area Mount st. Helens that believe yes that's right well I believe I found a way to pee the Greek god [ __ ] are you gonna do that Colonel you will be our holy escort to the top of the mountain now you will escort panelling myself she's 15 years old and a virgin after a brief ceremony at the top of that fiery Inferno she will hurl herself into the jaws of that treacherous teething fire and thereby appease the great god Vulcan the mountain were not erupting your people the same what do you feel about this panel whatever the doctor says Oh doctor I don't want you to think that we're not great for you coming all the way from Raleigh and all but we'd like to try a couple of other things first maybe we could hold you in reserve and if we do get to sacrificing I think we'd like to use a local girl don't say I never gave you a change don't even though she'll be a virgin tomorrow [Music] see these three knives right here I do you see the break right here yeah that's not my children in video oh yeah how many seven seven sorry about you and Whitaker hon oh well no big deals not the end of the world I didn't expect you to come back here how they play some cougar to go hey look sake what's safe today well reports from the US Geological Survey indicates that I ain't coming down off this mouth I don't give a damn what anybody says the governor the President of the United States even the King of England huge matter of fact Harry we have a queen of the moment what's your problem yeah keep sticking that thing up my notes he expressed that reporters so you're saying that people should decide for themselves I'm saying what I said I can't believe they put it on television don't they realize people see that may say right on hearing you tell him Harry we won't come off the mountain either they have no idea what they're dealing with okay Media the pot a state of emergency was declared in Washington today as smoke and ash continue to spew from Mount st. Helens by order of the governor a red zone and a blue zone have been created in the area around the mountain which scientists feel is in the most immediate danger in the small town of Cougar 12 miles to the south it has been closed by the National Guard roadblocks to all but residents merchants and shopkeepers protested the action which sent a booming volcano business plummeting when the town was cut off well despite this action the US Geological Survey and the u.s. Forest Service issued a joint statement today that quote all observations imply there is no indication that a major eruption of molten rock will occur at any time in the near future unquote yeah no one not put these barriers here I knew that priority on the authority of the governor the state of Washington you've cut me off dammit look at all those people you've cut them off you've cut off Goga there's no choice within a thousand miles right like you said who'd want to pitch his tent on the side of a volcano I want these barriers move now can't do that by the way I understand you argued up the North Fork of the Toutle that crew will be moved out by me within 24 hours we'll see about ball if nobody can get this town I can't make any money if this keeps up I'll be bankrupt in two months as you know there is a question as to where the berries are placed in this area now I talked to the governor's office today we came to an agreement the governor has delegated the authority to mr. Lloyd Wagner to determine where the barriers are to be placed mr. Wagner has determined that Cougars should be open to tourists again [Applause] I also talked to the Attorney General today what I'm saying is all the residents all the workers in this area you can go into the red zones provided you sign a simple little legal waiver which absorbs the state of any responsibilities before you sign those waivers I think you have a right to know what rejection I'm sure nobody's interested in what you've been yakking all day long let him talk I want to hear what he had to say I don't think you have any idea what you're getting these people into mr. Wagner knows do you know what would happen if mount st. Helens had a major eruption and you were standing anywhere near it you'd melt you'd liquefy in the blink of an eye 1,600 degrees Fahrenheit that's fat no hair no eyes no flesh you're a puddle now let's say you're standing five or six miles away from me do you think you're gonna be any safer there you'll be just as dead only it'll be slower first the sky will go black let's start to gag choke because there's so much boiling ash in the air it burns out your lungs don't worry about the logging there won't be any trees we'll be flattened for miles laid out like toothpicks fried in the heat the fish its spirit Lake will be boiled alive and the water they're swimming in you'll never see them again in your lifetime you won't even want to look at this land it'll be worse than the surface of the Moon don't worry you sign these waivers you go back to your homes and your jobs because chances are you won't be around to see anything anyway you have no right to talk it's irresponsible way out of line ladies and gentlemen there is absolutely no conclusive proof that there will be a major eruption no matter what mr. Jackson has to say about it is that David no Lloyd not yet there isn't since there is no definite proof I think we can trust mr. Wagner's assessment and let calmer heads prevail I have waivers for everyone to sign so come on up here let's sign these things [Music] hurry I have a special one just for you perhaps sign on now I'm waiting man I told you with study you look at too much TV Clyde how you doing a professor was it not too good hearing don't worry about it I liked your speech George I'll get something think about your mouth ah that's right here that's what happens oh [ __ ] Oh way to go I'm very successful was I you told him the truth you put yourself on the line and you told them exactly how much that was wonderful I love you you don't really love me just overwhelmed with my fantastic ability to get large groups of people to follow my advice don't joke you affected some people in there today you affected me the very first time I laid my eyes on you just let me finish you know that before I met you I didn't think I ever wanted to be with a man again I just want to go someplace quiet and work it's Chad I don't feel that way anymore whatever happens I just want you to know that [Music] [Music] [Music] now as you can see from these photographs there's a bulge which has appear in the North Face of the mountain it's the most serious potential hazard that we've encountered so far our primary concern is that this bulge will overextend itself and shear off during an earthquake as you know we've been averaging 33 earth quakes today for the last week and a half excuse me mr. Wagner but wouldn't a Bulge expanding at such a rapid rate suggested there's going to be an eruption well it could be molten rock pushing up inside the cone of the crater and if that was the case then the answer to your question would be yes however it is my opinion that it's insignificant but strictly our gravity anomaly I have some photographs here taken by NASA they show where the mountain is hot so far we don't have any conclusive death is there any way to find out if there's going to be anybody heard of going down inside the volcano's crater and taking samples now I don't think anybody's crazy enough to do that [Music] are you sure you know what the hell you doing I'm doing this fly [Music] right up my ass just dig it with his war on us it'll all come back to you she goes we won't feel a thing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we're evacuating now governor there's no longer any doubt one of my men went down inside the crater took some samples of volcanic gas the presence of hydrogen sulfide indicates that the magma is rising inside the volcano no no he's here with me right now uh-huh I'll tell him that you're grateful Thank You governor what you did was the most unbelievably reckless and irresponsible act that I've encountered in my whole professional career irresponsible this done even beats the one you pulled off in Alaska you'd have been gone if I hadn't yanked you off that mountain what about those barriers you wanted to have moved what about those waivers you advised people to sign I advised no one to sign anything cuz you become a politician Lloyd you risked the life of every single person in this community with your goddamn crock of [ __ ] at that meeting you knew the boat was growing five feet a day but you didn't say anything so don't talk to me about irresponsibility as far as I'm concerned I have a chance of a lifetime here to watch a dormant volcano awaken and that's exactly what I'm gonna do I want to watch it all of it because I'm a scientist Lloyd I really don't know what you are [Music] didn't be that time Harry my time is that plane time drop this mount before she blows time to get the hell out of here come on plane you get the sound like the professor besides you know me better than that god damn it Harry if you don't pack up right now I'm gonna throw your ass in the back of that rig you got that who else oh [ __ ] Harry won't you come stay with Patti Jean and me huh till this thing calms down you know I can't do that Duane I buried my wife my daughter up there besides I got to stay here and take care of my dog yeah I guess you do take care hurry Dwain you know what the problem is like I told you before it's all those goddamn aerosol cans some of the killer rays from the Sun got through drove everybody crazy for a while my girl don't view me to put on the feedbag come on [Music] Hortis let me give you a hand with that [Music] don't want to take a look at my machine huh keeping one take a ride well you're gonna get one this morning buddy I don't want to go I'm gonna stay here with you it's not gonna be for long a week maybe less that's right Linda I have a job to do and when I finish I'll be coming straight to you you know that don't you what if something happens what if you don't come off the mountain I mean I would nothing's gonna happen [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] how they got professor lets you have a home bizarro nope you're Harry this is for you let you nectar really God how'd you know I had a cold or drink to a tea who's Edie and I ever tell you about 8080 was the most beautiful woman God ever created everybody around here new lady we had 24 years not bad she's the one about the pink caddy for girl her she loved them go will you imagine some guy offered me seven grand further after she died I ain't never gonna soak lovin [Music] Jesus I just realized something I ain't played the piano for anybody since Edie died you know I play the bagpipes Harry I'm got them woody out of it no good I hate the bagpipes sounds like pigs being murdered you know Dave that mountains gonna blow its cork anytime I know it is I think I knew it from the beginning how come you can feel it so good and you just got here seems like I've been here a long time how come you stay in knowing what you do same reason you are hearing not really professor I'm in love with you you know I got an awful lot of fans out there I can't enjoy all the attention I'm getting besides where would I go anyway come on Harry I make the same Dave I Bandhan I've done went to war live with a woman I've seen a lot of times but George is still ahead of you a lot of promise - I'm not gonna pull me off this goddamn Mountain this one's mine I want to be there I can't explain it any better to me the worst thing that could happen would be at the moment when I felt my life slipping from me the last thought I'd have would be oh god if I'd only done this but only done that I think that's the same no matter how old you get don't you yeah but you're gonna be dead for a long long time maybe maybe not nobody really knows the answer to that one do they here maybe we just keep coming back over and over again till we finally get it right well it's sure something to sleep on yeah I gotta get going I want to take a couple of pictures of the mountain in the morning Dave you're more than welcome to stay here if you want thanks Harry I'd like that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yo you're supposed to be here at 6:00 not 2007 time is money you waste any more of either you're out on your ass can you say that so I get the work [Applause] [Music] let's go over the rich [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] god I walk it towards light I can see I can feel the ash now my eyes it's getting very difficult to breathe birds at this very moment I mr. cotton believe I'm dead misuk we do know that harry truman was at his Lodge at Spirit Lake which was obliterated by the explosion and that David Jackson the young geologist from Boulder was monitoring instruments on the North Face of the mountain when it exploded on the international scene the price of [Music] me the worst thing that could happen would be at the moment when I felt my life slipping from me last thought I'd have to be oh god if I'd only done this I'd only done there [Music] you know you can sit out here sometime remember they have to know so you can hit change so it's 50 miles away Claire's about and sometimes the wind starts blowing up at the tops of the trees it comes in gusts you can hear it coming and all of a sudden right obeah and then it's gone [Music] the eruption of Mount st. Helens was equivalent to the explosive power of 500 atomic bombs it was heard over 300 miles away more than a cubic mile was instantly blasted from the top of the mountain that's over a ton of rock for every person on this earth enough dust and ash to cover all of Manhattan Island to a depth of 400 feet the blast flattened 200 square miles of forests over 175,000 animals were killed 59 people are dead according to scientists Mount Saint Helens could erupt again at any time he told us he [Music] some foes think he's crazy you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is where I live where [Music]
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Views: 1,735,547
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Keywords: Mount Saint Helens, St. Helens, Harry Truman, David Johnston, Spirit lake, Washington, USA, Full movie, St. Helens (movie), St. Helens (1981), May 18 1980, Goro488, Eruption, Mount Saint Helens eruption, Mount St. Helens eruption, Harry Randall Truman, Harry, Randall, Truman, David, Johnston, May, 18, 1980, May 18, 18th May 1980, Movie
Id: y3SdIC-Fu3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 58sec (5818 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 27 2018
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