The Land Before Time Full Episodes | The Great Egg Adventure 121 | HD | Videos For Kids

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[Music] [Music] well what are you waiting for [Music] I found it the other day pretty neat huh I can't believe Ruby spike and Sarah aren't here to see this yeah me no believe they go to mud pools and not come with us come on I saw them go this way that sounds like hip know me go now let me know like him no Petrie this way hey wait for me hey guys who's him and why are we running from him hip and his friends mutton not are the biggest troublemakers in the Great Valley they can sometimes be very mean [Music] be careful you do not want to step on any of the eggs what eggs all I see is the babe right of us [Music] burning Braddock with a newborn son [Music] [Music] guys those aren't just it's they're fast spider eggs fast fighters they're Sharptooth eggs special we found the eggs so we get to decide what to do with them what makes you think that what's in those eggs won't eat you they haven't hatched yet but we can't let sharpteeth eggs hatch near the Great Valley it's too dangerous then let's move them too far from the Great Valley as we can but we can't take the eggs away from their mommy no no no what if eggs mommy come looking for them I know we can get the fast biter mom to run after Petrie here then the rest of us will scram that is a very mean idea hip it is it is what he can fly Kenny wait it might be on to something oh no I am listen a mom would always follow her eggs right [Music] so we can use the eggs to lure the mom away from the Great Valley maybe Sharptooth Jesus on purpose you gotta be crazy that Sharptooth mom's gonna chase you wherever you take those eggs that's the idea sounds like a bad idea to me but you guys have fun if we're gonna move these eggs we need everyone's help if you do not help these sharp teeth could hurt someone in the Great Valley maybe even you do you really want to take that chance ah where's my egg [Music] we need to hide the ads in the place just like this there's a cave in that big mountain that should work okay we'll take the eggs there but that's really far away that is probably a good thing [Music] egg hatching now not yet but we don't have much time before they do it's probably the mom coming for her eggs she sounds like she's really close then we better get going come on [Music] I told you she was close that's the mom oh right and she's back okay hip and I will distract her the rest of you head for the lake past the trees we'll meet there come on hip let's go [Music] Hey over here look what we've done go for the trees [Music] and all hurry now no time to look back follow me and do not let go of the eggs it would be very very bad [Music] good [Music] [Music] are you [Music] scared I'm not scared you scared what well maybe I mean no I'm not scared right then what so physics I hold little foot in hipper okay great idea we're trapped now what are we gonna do I'll think of something yeah just like you thought we should run down this Canyon be quiet I need to think here's a thought we dumped the egg and get out of here we're not leaving the air [Music] oh yeah [Music] at least he distracted her and now is my chance [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] Thanks yeah well see me you what that you dad you did it just took a little teamwork that's all well we better keep this team moving if we break into three groups she'll have a harder time following us it's someone else's turn to be sharp tooth pain I'm through head for the canyon past the gray meadow you guys came over the Sharptooth next good idea we will see you at the canyon [Music] good luck Chomper don't worry Littlefoot we'll be okay I know how sharp teeth if we go straight across the water ready Matt hmm it'll be okay we just need something for the edge to float on Oh we'll need something for me to float on to what do you mean I'm not a very good swimmer that's okay I'm not the best swimmer either now let's see that should work [Music] [Music] don't worry mutt if you hold on to the edge and kick you'll be ok hey Champa wait for me [Music] I got it good job partner yeah good job [Music] whoa we made it now we have to make sure the fastball you mom follows us maybe she can't swim either I'll get her attention [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] Me Not sure moving head good idea Petrie it cannot hurt you it is still just an egg it is it is me no worried about egg me worried about hole mysterious beyond [Music] that too close come on you're not helping I am - you're lucky I'm here at all helping move Sharptooth eggs it's crazy it's the right thing to do and it's helping the Great Valley we wouldn't be in this mess if he - listen to me instead of that Sharptooth why would I listen to you come for my t-shirt kid but he's my friend Littlefoot and he's a lot nicer than you all you ever think about is what you want to do Littlefoot the egg [Music] make sure this break [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we true [Music] [Music] duckie you're light enough to make it up I'll help you I am Here I am if you guys balance on each other's backs chopper and I can hand the eggs up to ducky [Music] [Music] [Music] what you saved me yeah well I couldn't carry this egg alone could I [Music] we're almost there the cave I was talking about should be right across this little she never gives up she loves her eggs she does love talking run [Music] this is it [Music] over here everyone she won't see us here [Music] [Music] yay mama is going to get her baby she is she is but maybe she can us [Music] [Music] they're really world babies in there and they no look that scary most babies don't now they have their mommy they do they do maybe we did do the right thing yep and now no one in the Great Valley has to worry about them happy when adventure ring can move the sharp tooth pegs to see the match was such a treat just remember what day [Music] we all helped let me read adventuring so we could all do the right thing and those sharp [Music] [Music] thanks for your help guys of course yeah sure and to think you guys wanted to just get rid of them [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] digging for a berry bush mr. three-horn want me to help pull it out for you [Applause] [Music] you think those little arms would do a better job than my horn ha not likely [Music] mr. 3-1 said my arms are loom hmm maybe but pans are handier than horns if you ask me watch horns might be good for some things but not for everything right your little arms aren't good for much are they oh yes they are watch this [Music] [Music] all I see is the dead bride of us [Music] [Music] [Music] did I do that I don't know what causes our shakes but I'm sure your little arms couldn't start one my arms are blue come on you guys let's make sure nobody's hurt [Music] so bad only a few rocks and trees fall down I am just glad the earth shake did not hurt anyone I am I am huh look at that the watering place is full of nothing no water here nope nope nope no wonder the ponds empty the fast water has dried up too if you ask me I think the earth shake made the water go away the big pond going dry is bad for everyone this is not as bad as the time all the water dried up we still have other water besides the big pond there may be hardships but we've overcome bigger challenges can I say something grandpa but of course love afford everyone is welcome to speak here first there is an earth shake and then the big pond Rider what if the earth shake made the water disappear the water is gone now what does it matter because the earth she did make the water go away maybe we can do something to get it back again or maybe not someday Littlefoot you'll learn the difference between what you can change and what you can't [Music] everyone seems to agree with you mr. three-horn so for now we'll just make the most of the water we still have spread the word don't take water for granted and remember it's important that we all work together [Music] I still think we should do something like what well we could follow where the fast water used to flow and see what could be done how about it I will go yep yep yep hmm hmm hmm me go - I'll go with my arms that are little the fast water had to come from somewhere so he might as well see where that somewhere is all right let's go already it is very strange to be here without the fast water it is your arms are too short here I'll do it [Music] and thank you for trying Chomper [Music] so this is where our water went all those rocks and trees are blocking the fast water you think the earth shake shook down all those rocks and trees yup and we'll need to clear them away to get the fast water flowing again well that's easy we can smash it down I don't know Sarah we don't even know how deep the water is well I am the swimmer I can go under the water and look good idea duckie but be careful [Music] say what's that swimming thing that isn't ducky sharply teeth swimming Sharptooth I can't tell [Music] [Music] I know that laugh oh it's mo you scared us mo Chou mo was just for yourself mom's the friend we made after the Great Valley was flooded mo this is Chomper and Ruby hiya hello moe hello any friend of little forth as a mother brother of mine so how did you get here from the big water mouth Rosi nui land water and hoped it would lead to more brothers somos ram up it and then mo oh dear the fast water must be backed up all the way to the big water [Music] [Music] [Music] we went there once some time ago we went again [Music] and mud leathers meat right there anytime except all of this water is supposed to go into the Great Valley it is it really is you're right ducky I was so glad to see no I almost forgot Oh littlefoot's walker friends need water help see that big pile of stuff it's blocking the fast water yeah but once we finish it push all the water will run down into the belly Mo's right if all the water goes away at once he'll be trapped in the Great Valley so will all their big water swimmers then what are we gonna do we have to clear just enough stuff to get the water flowing slowly then Moe will have enough time to get back to the big water little forts month those little arms of yours ready to work chopper yes [Music] okay we're down to the last rock [Music] spike I'm gonna need some help don't you want my help Chomper I'm not so sure this job is for you I know I know my arms are too little okay come on Chomper we can do this together [Music] Littlefoot needs somebody strong like me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music] what take so long [Music] choppers all tangled it up in vines show me where Chomper is I'll go to [Music] [Music] chopper you okay I'll be fine I'm just what I guess I wasn't much help after all don't talk that way stay here and rest till you feel better [Music] [Applause] [Music] very bad and we worked it so hard so we'll just move some more rocks I think other rocks would just fall to replace the rocks that fell then what's the use smart you think of something this is no time for drink no spike wants us to look at something water cutting out of the log so what do I do I do spike is saying the water dripping out of the log is coming from the other side so we can use the water come slowly hmm I'll say it's slow the water says trickling out I think there's a rock inside the log that's blocking the water can you reach it Ruby huh the only way I'll know if I can is if I try you can reach it Ruby your arms are the biggest and longest established hey Ruby I see the rock that's blocking up a log I see - oh but my arms aren't long enough to reach it but you could reach it from here maybe I could reach it if I could reach in there but that holds too small for my big arm to fit well my arm can fit we better get off the barrier it doesn't seem too stable hold on region [Music] [Music] it never would have worked without you chopper get those little arms are good for something after all good job chopper [Music] water go already Mall must go you're right mo we have to go to we're going to miss you do not be sad Littlefoot remember we had much fun today [Music] remembering remembering is a kind of a helpful thing to hold on to let God's Word [Music] so if you're ever feeling remember [Applause] [Music] remembering [Music] goodbye moe thanks for your help [Music] [Laughter] [Music] we better go home - come on [Applause] [Music] tonight is a night for celebration the fast water has returned and we have these young ones to thank it was Chomper who really helped without his arms we never would have gotten the job done [Music] ones have set a fine example it's a lesson we could all learn it's like I always say if you want things to get better you better get going [Music] [Applause] [Music] I never thought him again there was all sorts of trouble the last time he was here well I hope he doesn't bring any bad luck with him this time [Music] good game guys yeah next time spice on our team who's coming back where have you guys been dogs coming back doc you mean the lone dinosaur all I see is the bus [Music] [Music] [Music] it wasn't that long ago everyone thought the great valleys good luck had run out because source Rock had been damaged I tried to bring her luck back by taking a tooth from a dead Sharptooth the only problem was the sharp tooth wasn't dead [Music] grandpa tried to save me but you have to fight to shirt that's when Daksha [Music] [Music] to sharp teeth never bothered anyone again thanks to Grandpa and doc the lone dinosaur how exciting no I know why everyone's so excited so where did balloon dinosaur go where's he been he never stay in one place very long and he is always alone he is he is well yeah that's why he's the lone dinosaur but wherever there's trouble with sharp teeth he'll be there you said trouble right yep he always seems to know and sharp teeth are coming here uh you don't think don't worry Chomper I think he'd understand about you I don't know how his dogs supposed to know choppers different I'll tell him doc doesn't seem like the kind of a longneck who likes to be told he's after me use me of course not could be he'd never pick on a kid but he'd always pick on a Sharptooth whatever's going to happen won't happen until it does so let's all just get a good night's sleep so we're all well-rested okay you're right Ruby good night everyone [Applause] don't worry it'll be okay if Doc's as good as they think I'm sure he'll think you're good too huh the worry it'll be okay don't worry it'll be okay [Music] [Music] understand I'm never going to be a mean Sharptooth [Music] [Music] he's coming for me he's coming for me Oh who's the heat it's coming for you the lone dinosaur he is where is he he was in my sleep story and he tried to crush me with his tail that does sound scary Chomper but it was a sleep story and now you're awake so you shouldn't worry unless you fall asleep again one less is really coming after me hmm hi everybody Chomper had a scary sleep story but the lone dinosaur was coming to get him so did I really was he trying to crush you with his tail um no he was trying to crush you he's coming for me Clippy no he's not Sara they only come for sharp teeth and past see so what do you want to do try to hide a Chomper until Doc's gone that's a great idea then that's what we should do okay I'll try to distract doc while you guys hide Chomper so talks big enough that I'd see him coming right oh yes yes very very big [Music] shoulders Brian [Music] his heart is breathing he sounds like he is frightening [Music] [Music] [Music] um oops sorry hello kid have you been great what I've learned you want my tail just like you you uh might want to work on that a little more I will maybe you can teach me more trips while you're back sure kid by the way have you seen a longneck named Darla around no who's Darla she's my lady friend huh lady friend yeah she's the prettiest long night these tired eyes have ever seen I remember the first time I saw her the big blue eyes sparkle brighter than the big water itself she understands my need to roam and has been my travelin partner for a while now lonely longneck couldn't ask for much more [Music] you're supposed to be out there alone well I was for a long time right and that's why you were able to keep an eye out for any sharp teeth causing trouble just the same kid you care to help me find Dara she's a stranger to these here parts let's hope she hasn't run into any trouble but doc if you're busy spending time with Darla how are you going to have time to protect all the other League feeders she said she made me here you can't be the lone dinosaur if you're not alone anymore [Music] still no sign of Dera best we keep looking [Music] what are they doing you think looking for something he's coming for me haha I was right all along [Music] [Music] he's gonna find me well not let doc hurt you oh no no no little foots probably too little to stab doc right that's why we better find a place to hide chopper I really don't think she's here maybe she decided not to come she said she'd meet me here so unless there's a problem that's just what she'll do and that's why we have to hide you now where we got nothing to look for a small little Sharptooth of course the rocks quick everyone gather around Chomper and we'll all move together [Music] [Music] okay everyone be very quiet Chalmers life is depending on it [Music] [Music] what was that miners shake been through enough of those let's keep looking [Music] [Music] another hiding place hmm me think may have one right now I'm thinking but me really think me no good hiding place okay what is it Willie all fit ah good thing me family not home today your good idea was really a good idea Petrie it was it was I can finally calm down we'll see this way up hi doc not find us here not find who where I know but you promised I'm sorry Chomper but it's going to be ok Doc's not looking for you he's looking for his lady friend Dara right doc doc I can't believe you're friends with a sharp-toothed what do you mean I mean there's no use being friends with him you're just gonna have to fight him someday no I'm not Humber's my friend and always will be yeah and I'll never fight my friend neat trick teach never talk Oh he learned it all in his own see he is different he is he is maybe I didn't even use my snuff roots help you find your friend that'll be the day what will the day I ever accept help from a Sharptooth what I'm telling you chompers different I ain't never had a good experience with a Sharptooth and I don't reckon I'll start having one now let's go a little foot no I'm not helping you anymore [Music] have it your way kid you know I still think I could use my sniffer to help that would show doc do you wanna help me Joe what do you say Littlefoot just because you won't help doc doesn't mean you shouldn't help Dora you're right Ruby come on Chomper let's go find Dora [Music] you can do it Chomper you can you can yeah not with the nose full of mud this want this all of sneaky mud spots I hope Doc's friend is okay me too then come on we gotta find her the smells stronger this way she's gotta be here somewhere but we've looked everywhere Oh No [Music] oh please little ones please you must find my friend dog to help me get out you know me but how will never find doc in time we have to get you out now but there are too big how we help her there we can use that tree to pull her out all we have to do is bend it down to her great idea we're calling Dora thank you thank you so much [Music] why you're a little Sharptooth it's true but I just want to help try to grab the tree so we can get you out a cute helpful Sharptooth why for you [Music] oh no kids [Music] don't do anything look [Music] so is this way you were late and chopper here why he risked his little life to save me I know I'm sorry what for I was the one who was wrong kid you are different and I hope you can find it in you to give an old longneck another chance well sure thanks doc [Music] so doc why were you and Dora coming to the Great Valley well I don't really have any kin of my own so I wanted Dora to meet Littlefoot and his grandma grandpa which reminds me where is Littlefoot over there excuse me you feel like talking sure I'm sorry I said all those things before it was disrespectful it was the right thing to do kid huh no one's ever really told me when I was wrong before Littlefoot do you promise to keep doing it oh sure doc then we're good let's join the rest and I'll show you how to really do that tail whip it's like the bright circle is shining [Music] when dog came back I was afraid that all this heroic ways come to him but you told me your friend the sharpest new friend everyone to see it's like the bright circle shining inside [Music] like The Shining inside of me [Music] [Music]
Channel: The Land Before Time
Views: 7,492,206
Rating: 3.5982888 out of 5
Keywords: the land before time, land before time, the land before time full movie, land before time movie, land before time film, the land before time 2, the land before time songs, the land before time sharptooth, land before time theme song, land before time soundtrack, the land before time trailer, the land before time movie, the land before time 2 the great valley adventure, the land before time 1988, land before time ducky, land before time season 1, littlefoot
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 1sec (4081 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 18 2017
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