The KUHN 9400NT No-Till Seed Drill Returns!

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[Applause] now hold up wait a minute this looks [Applause] familiar so [Music] let me swing the drawbar so we have seen the return of the pro system 9400 nt so as you guys will remember we ran this no-till seed drill from last year so if you guys haven't checked out those videos i got lots of good content featuring this thing so we're going to back it in the shed ben's going to come up get the 7600 all set up on the tractor side and uh we're gonna be able to start using it very very soon hey everybody it's ryan welcome back to how farms work so we're standing here with ben from how's it going ben hey good so uh as you guys can see ben brought back the 9400 mt and uh he's going to get it set up on the 7600 today for us so what are we going to be installing on the 76 yeah so similar to what we were in last year uh big change we're gonna hook in the scale system so it'll have a separate uh display in the cab that basically weighs everything in the hopper so you can kind of tell as you're going along you keep track on the other monitor that you've done in acre and you can see the weight went down 10 pounds or whatever rate you're applying it'll show up on here and kind of also helps you know when you're getting low too if you need to stop and refill so no more that getting out and praying that is disappearing yeah so we have a really easy calibration system and this is just kind of an extra layer of security on there to make sure it's doing what you thought it was cool alrighty well let's start getting set up i don't care if it's front or back oops doesn't matter which way you flip it or you um i think i'd care have it in the front because then i could see it i think so to refresh our memory and to give those of you who haven't seen videos on this yet a little walk around on the seed drill ben's going to tell us a little bit about it yeah so 9400 nt this is the 10 foot model we've got 12 and a half 15 and 20 foot versions so anything to fit different size operations obviously a big heavy duty drill built for no-till conditions and what basically from the perspective what makes it a no-till drill is having the integrated coulters up front uh so it's going to be able to go in and cut up in size residue without having to do you know any much tillage ahead of time and then kind of the big thing for a drill is going to be the pro style opener here so it has a leading and trailing gauge wheel and they're able to pivot as you're going through the field and that really helps maintain a consistent seating depth so you can see we've been running this pretty shallow and that's one thing you'll notice on any uh drill is it'll only have the paint worn off however deep you run it if you look at a conventional uh single pivot opener where they only have the trailing gauge wheel the paint will be scrubbed off the whole disc because it's a lot more likely that it's gone through a you know a hill or something and dirt is rubbed all the way up to the hub whereas with these when we have the two wheels it really helps maintain that accurate depth and that's really important with you know expensive alfalfa and stuff like that you plant it too deep or too shallow and it won't germinate so something we have in there to help maintain that accurate depth control otherwise the big thing we talk about on the 9400 nt uh the simple drive system so there's no gears or sprockets to swap it's got the variator so you look at the chart in the lid or we have a the seed set app that'll tell you uh where to set this gauge for basically how fast the shaft spins then you turn the micrometer here to control how far open the seat cups are in there for setting the rate and then it has the integrated catch pan on the front so we're calibrating the whole width of the drill by turning the crank here um i think 50 times on this one so you compare that to a lot of competitive drills where you have to jack them up and actually turn the drive wheel you know a couple hundred times in many cases uh to do that accurate calibration or if you're only calibrating one row unit it can vary across the width of the drill so we're calibrating the whole thing all at once where are the scales located like where's the sensor you look right in here it's that little black bar okay so there's one on each side all right and they just feel the whole weight of the so i guess with this one with the split hopper you're not going to tell if it's a front hop or a rear hopper getting empty but you'll know overall most time you have them set to run out kind of ben just got the scale and the monitor hooked up to the 76. yeah yeah so here's the scale readout just kind of a normal i don't know where you want to have it pointed but normal reading so once you put seed in there it'll actually read up i think we got it set to go in two pound increments right now uh then over here is the monitor for the drill it notices it's not got any seed in it right now but it'll basically keep track your counters um how fast your shaft's spinning and things like that it also has the calibration assistant in it okay to help with all that there's a touch screen yep touch screen or buttons all right yeah it should warn you if you run out of seed and okay say take your counter speed acres an hour so you know how productive you're being all right let's go test the accuracy of your weight weight scale you shouldn't you want to watch the scale or i'll just go up there and we'll see how much i weigh what do we got well obviously it's it's not that accurate is it 234 we can adjust that that's good that's good i like to hear that cut cut that about half now ben's got the monitors all set up we're all hooked up now the only thing left to do is uh wait for the ground to dry up enough to where we can take it out and make a test pass with it make sure that everything's set as it should be and once we get the seat in there we'll do a calibration just to make sure and we should be good to go oh thanks for coming down and setting up the monitors and of course man i appreciate that i guess i got everything wide open here before you don't yeah it might be a good idea to close that up why are there different hole settings for different seat sizes basically oh so that's an adjustment okay yeah when you look on the chart it should tell you one or two okay i'm guessing if you're doing an ultrasound sorry if the microphone is picking up wind noise it's really really windy out right now so now we are standing out in my 10 acre hayfield and as you guys can see last year we came through and seated this down with the pro system 9400 nt and it did a really nice job the planting consistency the depth and everything just made this field come up beautiful this year in hindsight there is a couple things that i wish i had done differently i wish that i had bumped up the rate on the alfalfa to about twice as much because i do like the quality of alfalfa as a crop i'm very accustomed to it and i'm familiar with it so what i kind of wish i had done was planted roundup ready alfalfa and then bumped up the rate on the alfalfa twice as much and then came through this year and sprayed off the ryegrass to have a true alfalfa field so the rye is coming up in between the alfalfa here as you can see it does look like it's coming along pretty well what i did last year is uh actually it was on august it was the day before the duration i went out and spread fertilizer on this field i went all throughout the pasture here as well as i spread on the patches across from my house out in the pasture as well which we intend on making this year um we want to bring my cows out to the pasture gate over here and then let the cows into this pasture and make the other one and then when the time comes we can go through and open up the gate and switch pastures and then hopefully close them out of this one so the grass can grow back up um i found that doing that kind of stretches the feet a little bit so anyway that's just kind of my few thoughts on this hay field looking back i wish that i had planted i wish that i bumped the rate up probably twice as much and what i noticed is that as i started getting towards the end if i can recall correctly i started running out of alfalfa so i lowered the rate even more i can't remember what it was but uh you can see right here that where the ground is especially thin there's a lot of rocks through here is that there's more rye grass than alfalfa especially which is true for the whole field but especially right here you can really tell that there's not a lot of alfalfa growing overall the field looks beautiful which it really should because when i was spreading fertilizer i had a little bit extra and by a little bit i mean quite a bit and i went over this field three times because i didn't want the fertilizer to go to waste i didn't have anywhere else to go with it so i'm like you know what i'm gonna hit this real hard and uh it's growing up pretty good i'm excited to see what it looks like in another month and a half we probably aren't going to be cutting this until first week of june that's usually when we start um this year though i think the grass really had an early start so it might be interesting depending on how planting goes so i just wanted to reintroduce you guys to the sea drill i'm excited to start using it this year i'm not totally sure how much exactly we have to see down i think it's roughly about 10 acres plus waterways not nearly as much as last year but i'm excited to use it i'm excited to start planting corn and beans as well though it's getting to be that time so anyway that's pretty much it for this video thanks for watching guys be sure to check out all of our other videos be sure to like comment and subscribe and be sure to follow us on facebook instagram twitter and snapchat all our farms work and with that i guess i'm just a man outstanding in this field i'll see you next time
Channel: How Farms Work
Views: 54,017
Rating: 4.9398413 out of 5
Keywords: gmo, farm, farming, farmer, agriculture, ag, tractors, tractor, pulling, hay, corn, alfalfa, fieldwork, chores, straw, grain, harvestore, combine, cattle, dairy, beef, crops, crop, rural, silo, soybeans, soy, ryanfun1, How, Farms, Work, How Farms Work, Ryan Kuster, farm bureau, organic, animals, farm work, John Deere, tillage, millennial, harvesting, Wisconsin, Potosi, New Holland, RhinoAG, education, harvest, GMC, food, science, family, how farm works, midwest, JCB
Id: 279oY0ZOQvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 6sec (786 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 16 2021
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