The "Komaeda Love Mail" Portal.

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i'm nagito komaeda nice to meet you january 5th 2015. this is the date that the committed lovemail account was first created the account's aim was to spread positivity where people would give anonymous confessions with the account replying back as kameda would the account didn't seem bad or out of place and looked like a group of dinganopa fans trying to help each other or the community however this innocent looking page would turn from spreading positivity to creating one of the biggest most disturbing websites to ever grace the ding and romper community before going to the main point of this video let me explain the page a bit more as you already saw the page started the first couple months spreading positivity with comedia being the main source of it but ever since now has turned into a very creepy and disturbing place according to the page there are a large number of mods running the page all at once and they're basically allowed to post whatever they want and the thing is even to this day the mods are still anonymous so we have no clue about who they are who even runs the page this video will be focusing on the comedian lovemail portal which is an archive of every website that the comedia mail has made over the years with some more disturbing than others there's 153 in total so we're going to be here for a while but i'll be going over each website and giving as many details like as i can find on the page i won't be talking about anything law related within the commander love mail because i would not have a clue plus the this video would be like eight hours long so this video more so serves as documenting what these pages are in case people have not seen it or don't want to go through it themselves i also want to give a big thank you to the commuter love mail wiki they have a lot of info on some pages there some don't but they definitely helped making this video to a degree so a lot of info there i would not have so basically go i'll leave a link in the description for that too but with that out the way let's go through the commander love mail portal secret this website is just a blank page with the words i can't [ __ ] breathe if you go into the coding of the page you can see a secret message that says we all die the same remember this oh great commander death this is very similar to the first one being just a blank page with a text that says is this what you wanted for all of commander kind to die from what i know committed kind is referring to the commander within everybody's hearts in addition to this the website also says commit a kind is he loves you again another blank page with the words sometimes people ask me why i love not too kameda so much but the answer is simple he has prehensile fingers to latch onto things his bed is made of his own hair 3000 thread count also hitting in the coding of the page reads the lions comedia i saw an oath in your name to always love you i will never forget this oath as long as my tender legs stand on this wasted earth without you i would be nothing important okay this one may look very long but it's the same sentence repeated 31 times so i'll just repeat the original sentence commander please help me i have been on the run for five months avoiding the authorities and the laws they have they upholded i am thirsty i am hungry but most of all i am tired i am tired of running of hiding and all i want is a home and a friend commada please help me save me if not out of concern for my plight then out of the goodness in your heart you are my last hope your worthless son henry gatto something to note is that this is all the exact same except for the last one which actually says the words henry got goative instead of henry got to the end this page is the very first of many interactable games that appear on the portal the page plays a very eerie song during all this called the deep despairing hall of camada the game starts with the welcome were you surprised to find me here then continues with aha but of course no one expects to see me i don't blame you for being so shocked well what do you have to say do you want to see it after this point the game asks you multiple questions with each answer having different reactions from the text however every answer brings you to the same ending of bringing you up a google form post for you to fill in say in the lines open your eyes listen to the world does it affect you does it enlighten you with them asking you for your name and if you can see it which my guess is the hope's core as when playing through if you pick the choice to see it they tell you that it's the hope's core and says that that's how hope is made something interesting about this game too is that there are random events that have chances of appearing for example there's a 10 chance of a small commader to appear in the background to the left side and a bit more disturbing is that there's a twenty-five percent chance of comedia's hair facing away from you with a light shining on it and that's all it is if this random event occurs you can't progress or can't even do anything in order to access the rest of the page you have to refresh smell this is yet again another blank page with the words would you imagine his smell his touch his feel i would i would think he smelled of labrenta sex zone here we have multiple pngs of comedia either being his sprites his hair or just his hands with rainbow text in the middle reading welcome to my secret web zone shh don't let anybody know know what i am here for always smile and may hope shine through i love you praise thee o nagito of kameda may your holy light shine on us and protect us from evil and harm for all eternity rejoice sing hallelujah without the bottom being the copyright for the page itself with the message saying disclaimer i am now responsible for all commanders you use at your own risk 2016 blank page he's big he's bald dress this is a game i guess at the top of the page it says please dress camita he's very chilly and needs more clothing on top of his jacket here is a sprite of comedo where you get to put multiple different types of clothes on comedic sprite basically being a dress-up game but and there are some basic clothes to choose here and whatnot but the thing is within the coding of the website i don't know how to activate it but there's a secret costume and it's the this of the png is called gomeda and this character appears much more the further we go so please keep that in mind hello just a block of text that says ah repeated over and over classified this page seems to show four different types of emails from four different people my guess or well a lot of people guesses are that these are the emails sent by the mods or these are the mods because the names on the emails are actually censored so we can't actually see who it's from or by who there's nothing really too important with these emails it just kind of seems like small talk plus there's this image of a lizard at the bottom hope blank page with the lines are you nervous hahaha if you were to highlight the page you'll be able to see a secret fourth line underneath that says did you expect for me to be so tiny to be able to fit in your palm no one ever does thoughts this is a game where you get to see what commander thinks of you this is basically a look game of reading the dialogue kameda provides and then depending on what he says you either gain or lose health from what i'm seeing there isn't really an ending to this game unless you lose all of your health which the text says you have angered him leave now at once if you don't leave and instead click the button again the text changes to do not continue to bother him pressing the button a third time will make him say leave now and finally if you do it a fourth time it says value your physical form while you still have it do not push your luck choice a sprite of camada in the middle of the page with the option which do you pick with the word hope question mark being in red at the bottom but if you click the page commander sprite will flip to a different one but instead of saying hope it will say despair that's really it nothing really else to say honestly but at the bottom is a secret message if you highlight highlight it that says or do you pick your nose shoes this is a page with one image that is a drawing of comedo with his shoes and him saying these darn old things thanks for your help when you click the image it sends you to the emails page that we just discovered a while ago with the four emails in addition to this hiding in the page codes is the sentence who are we to play god with the photo included just being called blood toes blank page with the lines he has nimble finger-like toe that can grasp objects with incredible accuracy faq this is a page where it's like frequently asked questions but there's only three listed here with them being are you okay he is in stable condition perfectly healthy the second question is when is the end when it's done and the last question being did you see my ask why wouldn't you answer my ass there are thousands of you and a large yet much less able amount of camatos nest this is a game which you have a bunch of camatos hair in a nest and as the player you get to decide what would be the best material for use for the nest but from what i've seen there's actually a lot of different endings depending on what you pick but i think most of the endings are kind of the same with the only difference being that they see the thank you for your help or don't thank you for your help however at the end there's one last choice fire when clicking this fire will appear from the bottom of the screen with the rest of the pages colors changing the text box will say ah the pinnacle of hope the warmest thing you could have brought for my young before they all disappear from the page byf normally byf usually stands for before you follow and is used a lot on tumblr and twitter however this page just has 10 things listed saying that somebody which i guess would be comedian doesn't have skin hair teeth eyes a skull legs flesh a heart and lastly organs for the things listed here are underlined and if you were to hover over them they actually give you extra text hovering over hair gives you in his early 20s around 22 a youngest hovering over school gives you i just hate them hovering over legs gives you please don't make me look at them and lastly hovering over flesh gives you the text i don't really want to talk about this one hospital this page consists this trippy looking text that says yes is true the surgery went well and that said there isn't anything else on the page intrusion this page has the same floating comedy hair facing away from the camera that we saw in the end page where it has a rare chance of getting this image but the thing is that this page is auto playing the same image over and over with a dimly lit uh lit light flickering on and off as i can tell there's nothing else on the page and it's just this shrink it's tagged as an interactable game but in this page is a sprite of comedy with the lines click that [ __ ] and make him pay when you click the sprite it gets smaller for every time you click committer the sprite of him gets smaller and smaller with each time the text changing there isn't really a point of me saying what all these lines are as it's mostly just words of encouragement except for the last click being click 14 the screen changes to black and it says the lines that's enough i'm sorry for making you do my dirty work please don't hate me for this with an image that in the website's code is called shrink mater hovering over the image says i'm so [ __ ] trash and if you click the image it sends you to the classified page with the leaked emails glued a blank page with the sentence liquid hide wood glue this glue should do the trick that will hold him ah liquid hide wood glue this glue is made of horses he's gonna get stuck in horse that'll hold him this glue is made of horses he's gonna get stuck in horse ah liquid hide wood glue that'll hold him this glue is made of horses in addition to this hidden in the pages code is the line hold me tight and dirty it's so cold four the only thing on this page is the words help me repeated four times and a bunch of ease repeated at the bottom halloween there is a jacqueline wearing a hat in the middle with the text happy halloween everybody hold on to your grandma's and then after a while the page gets spammed with a bunch of different special effects eyes this page is just an edited image of comedia with his eyes really big looking like one of those [ __ ] post edits you see on google so that's really nothing else on the page josh this is josh on this page they consistently fade in and out of the darkness when hovering over them it says the text i'm so [ __ ] sorry my sweet we were not meant to be and if clicked on we'll take you to the next page on the list which is called letter letter this is a website with the lines i am so sorry my tender josh my lovely josh and two all departed i'm so [ __ ] sorry i will make you real hovering over the text says i'm so [ __ ] sorry and that's it for the page i have legit no clue what this means but yeah real this page has the words here is a little hint it always works when i'm feeling sad i go to the computer open up and type in instant messenger bring me to a new world i blank always fun to meet new friends honestly i doubt there is a way that we would be able to tell what this blanked out text is so there's no point of trying to figure it out grow maida another blank page that just says the words i will update this page as i learn more about computers please be patient with this old grow meter there is nothing more else on the page love this site is tagged with the word story which is just a page of a giant story so i'll i'll detail what it is it begins with the character that the story is based upon saying that things are bit like puzzles and how they fit together fitting nicely but still being able to split apart easily they're going to say there are people who glue puzzles together and hang them up as decorations explaining that their grandmother was such a person they talk on how she would buy a thousand puzzle pieces and work on them through the night she enjoyed the act of building them and considered them decorations filling up the walls of their house with them though the character didn't like this and didn't tell her to stop they strongly disliked her hobby and the puzzles and wished something would happen to them to be destroyed their grandmother however used a special glue to keep these puzzles together assuring that they would stay intact the character deeply hated this praying that the puzzle's destruction would still someday happen one day the character explains that grammar of a prized puzzle above her bed fell down they waited with bated breath in hopes that this would bring her to a moment to clarify and lead her to stop assembling them their grandmother picked up the puzzle threw it away and the very next day she got a replacement puzzle and put up in the same place the puzzles never stopped the last line reads something to note about this page too is that the words glue and the word painting are links when you hover over them glue sends you to the glue page we just covered while painting sends you to a new page painting this is a massive page with red text on this black background this may look like some random keyboard typing or whatever but this is actually coding this is something called base64 which allows you to get strings of text and turn them into images when translating these words into images this is the first image which is a white background with the words it's not his fault his memory was wiped he only yearns again to be fully human the second image when converting the text is an image of one of kameda's sprites edited to blend with the background with the words hope remains in humanity and no other organic this site is tagged as an interactable game it starts with the text box saying you notice a sprout picking its head out of the otherwise cracked and dry earth it seems to be struggling for survival in this landscape clicking the box leads to the first question of you lean in for a closer look perhaps what is this plant need some water with a yes or no choice from what i can gather from this all the so-called endings make you restart and start the whole thing over again except for one ending which sends you to a link to the next page on the portal apart from this ending all the rest just talk about how you killed the plant by accident or on purpose sentience as you can see this page and the organic page are linked in which you get to see the sprout that you ordered from what i can tell that's all these pages it's just this and nothing else but when you hover over it it does go blurry acid here we have a scoring background of a cake with comedian's face and name on it clicking on the background changes the image to another cake with kameda on it but if you click on the page a couple times and wait the lines would you take a bite out of this just wondering hug this whole page is kind of hard to look at in my opinion as the background and the trippy looking text has hurt my eyes however this page is another story which i'll read out sometimes i think we forgot the positive effects of physical contact we are on our computers locked behind closed doors forget what it's like to embrace somebody it doesn't matter if they're our friend or not it doesn't matter if they're alive or not it's been a long time since i embraced anybody i think it's because my limbs are so disgustingly long people have said you seem to be the big spoon type you know and of course i don't know i suppose it would be awkward for me to be the little spoon they need to be small the little spoon it doesn't make sense having a big little spoon i was inclined to agree well it's not like i care that much i just want to hold somebody i'm scared i'm scared of being held by myself though i don't think i could trust anybody with my internal organs like that i like to though i want to fill somebody's hands on my cold body i want somebody to hold me i want someone to hold my heart raw and flesh in their hands look at it shaking as they do i imagine it would be quite scary i want it to pulsate in their hands to throb unbelievably until they're too scared to keep holding it and then they throw to the ground as though it was trying to attack them perhaps it was i'd never know the reason my organs are inside my body is that i don't have to hear what they say one time during surgery i think it was my skin was peeled back and my lungs were uncovered they said such awful things i hope i never have to hear them again afterwards the doctors didn't really know what to say it was unexpected that's the first time it happened the first time in a while at least hark this consists of shaking text on a black background that says oops i weep myself to slumber i exist alone you see i wish for somebody to reach inside my chest and pull my rib as though he be god and i am adam and craft another soul of flair this lowsome garden of eden combined with clay we build a new darling i am in love with you ken this website is a google maps location looking around kind of shows you in the middle of nowhere apparently this is nevada state of 79 but i don't really know what this means 43 another google maps location this time located on the road of a grassy field with a small town in the background this is located in russia but again just like the previous page i have legit no clue fight this page is a blue background with the text who wins in a fight mod 12 or mod 43 click to generate a result with a small click me button underneath it clicking it shows a big text of which mod won the fight and keeps the results at the bottom the only thing else on this page i found is that if mod 43 gets over 50 wins it brings up the text stop making me fight so much you're only testing fate [ __ ] missives this site contains multiple really small emails i won't be reading it through each one but it looks like to be a conversation about two people talking about being lonely with each other and talks about thinking of happy memories before surgery oh and just like the other email website from before the names are censored so we can't see their names or who they are mystery a blank page of a piece of text saying well hello and welcome to my blog i have a little question for you today are you ready to hear it well here it does where do elks live another four are elks real now you may be wondering of course elks are real but i'm sure if they were real how come all their photos are fake or come with sort of real elk today question mark i'm here to discuss if elks are real and if anybody would like to help me then please feel free to just add some more information i'm really worried if else are real because there are some noises that i'm certain is an elk i'm not sure if it's harmless or not elks have been said to have really small but have pointy claws helied shows what the old commuter lovemail blog looked like with the text hi just a small update it's been years since i last saw him i hope he remembers me i miss him so much hopefully he remembers me i really hope so bad end another blank page with the text i want an ending where kameta curls up in a ball on the floor eating bread and the scene ends like this in addition to this website the code of it says i want to roll him up in tin foil and put him in the fridge and never let him out until he molds funky kong it's just this image of kameta from the anime with some ram rainbow light looking thing surrounding him as far as i'm aware this is the only thing on the page proof this is actually a link that redirects you to a google search that says who is drake's dad does he have a dad if he does how structure this site is tagged a story containing scrolling text on a gray blue background which says there's something jarring about skyscrapers most people have a fear of heights i know a lot of my friends have i have get screamish just being on these glass elevators that look over the city i'm not particularly fond of them either however what i don't like about skyscrapers fits in its own category entirely perhaps is the way they just jut out from the rest of the buildings that a natural way they come out to be so tall among their short peers and for what reason at least in nature trees grow to be hundreds of meters tall for the purpose of reaching the sunlight so they can photosynthesize it into nutritions who would put a sona planner on a skyscraper after all no skyscraper and p the people inside them have no use for sunlight it's all artificial uv lights installed on desk lamps blue lights and heaters for potted plants they have little use for nutrition as well looking up at a skyscraper you cannot fathom how tall it is i can't process how large the sun is either it's so far away it's so bright to look at i can hardly manage to look up at skyscrapers when the sun is out even on cloudy days as i peer up at the heavens the dim light strains my eyes i'd rather not look at the sky i think i'll remain looking at the ground i'm safer when i'm closer to the earth's core christmas this page has a striped christmas pattern as its background with the box in the middle that says wow lol this jpg s guy always making cool wordart i love it lol mods again just like the heli page from before says what the old comedy love mail blog look like with the text box having two links and the words more coming soon i'm stupid both of these links share the same names as the ones on the committee love mail portal however they're completely different clicking on the 12 gives you this website of a bunch of photos of comedo from the anime all heavily edited with the lines i'm so [ __ ] faded clicking the photo in the middle brings you to a tumblr blog called extremely lifelike clown doll with realistic eyes the four page is just an image of kirby with a clown power up when hovering over it it starts shaking rapidly but if you click it it sends you to this tumblr blog of what it just seems to be a person's personal blog and they even still posted this day nagito kameda a page with the words oh god i want to meet him suicide this page consists of giant text where you have to scroll in order to see the whole thing but it says is everything okay if you're somebody you know is struggling with thoughts of suicide please call the lifeline or 1-800-273-8255 with a trained active listener from seven cups of tea however after this is a really small text at the bottom which says i like to go to seven cups at public library so they don't know my ip address and my role play is hinata and i tell them that i don't know my super high school talent and i woke up on a mysterious island and they tell me to get into therapy and i tell them there's no therapist on this island i've gotten banned a couple times so i keep hopping onto different libraries for new ip and getting banned again but they can't get rid of me eat it does the same as the other two pages and send you to a google search with ragu source regulus i don't know 12. this page bullet points 12 different things with it being like the 12 days of christmas thing on the 12th day of christmas comedia gave to me 12 moderators 11 bags of oats 10 doctor hoppers 9 pairs of scissors eight fina senators seven six five i'm really sorry i gave up on this halfway through marge a red background with the black text saying i'm terrified of marge simpson she held me at gunpoint to make this page 2017 a blank page with the words there's plans not concrete not guarantee i don't [ __ ] know comedy love mail this page has a notepad as its background with special text font that makes it look like it's written on the page it says do you know what goes into lovemail love of course that's a given male also you can assume a couple things right off the bat effort time and some words these are always put into the lovemail mixture but what else goes into lovemail not a shred of humanity nor is any human emotion required to make lovemail lovemail could be created and published entirely by robots although i don't think we've reached that kind of technology breakthrough but wouldn't that be nice it might save us some time but it might nullify the love of lovemail maybe what do we define lovemail as is it all sorts of things lovemail could be a hello from a friend or goodbye from an enemy it's see you soon and welcome back simultaneously it's music recommendations and her homework help lovemail doesn't have to be right or wrong or even true or even useful in the slightest sense to any tube's eyes fall upon it it is lovemail simply by existing and so this is lovemail and you are its recipient as you can see at the end is a link but it sends you to the page coming up later on within the portal called bottle everything as far as i can tell this is just an earlier version of the portal with links to all the pages that were created before this point hinata bright yellow background with the text that says it's a hill billy twister close up the cops shut the gates boys we got a hillbilly twister on our hands ibuki this site is more like an introduction for somebody called maribuki the pages multiple different ibuki sprites followed by the mod talking about them applying for the job and that they had a full conversation with the different mods of the page with her doing loads of emoji faces along the way despair blank page with a text i bet you feel so smart typing this into the url you little [ __ ] well [ __ ] you sleep so it starts with a bunch of random letters and then repeats the letter h over and over again till you get to the bottom that says oh [ __ ] sorry i think i fell asleep on my keyboard i'm so sorry with an image of pixel camata sleeping message this is another interactable game where if i'm being honest it's a very long one and has many different endings however the game seems to be a conversation between a couple talking over text but the true ending consists of the person saying they will destroy kameda lovemail with a link to the page everything which i just talked about which was an earlier version of the portal bottle this page consists of the text good morning traveller with tiny text underneath saying my ship has sunk age this site starts with this insanely small text but if you zoom in enough or just copy and paste it it's actually a poem which says the following when i was two i built a shoe and ran away to his domain and when he found a lack of sound he cried until the morning when i was four i took a tour around the alps and all its scalps and when i saw the great big bore i cried until the morning when i was six i had ticks and cried until the morning uncovering klm this page has scrolling text that says suspicion arises and that's it i just ate a meal all this site has is a blue background with the text oh yes i did and it was a good food comedia junior so this page details the life of a character called comedia junior as you can see by the photos it's a blue glove with kameda's face drawn on and at the top of the page it says november 24th 2016 to january 9 2017 he lived as he died blue wet and full of powerful energy comedia jr was full of so much fertility that sometimes i swore he was speaking to me even though i knew no voice could escape his water-filled body the words that came out were garbled and moist he told me on several occasions that one day he would finally escape his hydrogen dioxide cage by god he kept that promise he was so soft and warm i miss him at the bottom of the page details facts about comedia junior he was born 11 30 pm he lived for 46 days he was constantly coated in a layer of oozing slime and plaster chips he never saw the outside world water is his favorite element his nails were painted red then black i cried when he was born wish this website has a bunch of random pieces of text in bright red letters with the bottom of the page reading i wish i had human organs instead knight this one consists of two pieces of text saying in the deep of the night i howl however if you go into the coding of the website there's a png image of this the text reads you can kill me you can kill my family but understand that you'll never kill my hope phone this page has red glowing text with the following please contact us on our care line we love you very much the number is between the space of text is an invisible text saying please forgive me for everything i did it was a mistake i'm so sorry middle one piece of text that says i'm tired of centering pages seven a blank page of invisible text that says what's out there is it you i'm so cold i'm so cold where am i now there are no more lights last night i dreamt i was holding your hand hey boys it's just a this pink red sheep looking background with the words hey boys in the middle meaning you look so sick support this page repeats the same three words either breathe in hold it breathe out with as you go down the page an image of comedo's hand slowly fades in dance here we have a gif of kameta dancing with this music playing in the background this site has a background zooming in and out almost as if it was breathing and with as the name of the site says it's implied to be a meat background clicking on the image causes the text please stop it hurts appearing and i don't think there's anything else here vore this page has the words go to hell if you look this up go to hell right now honey i think this one is broken as whenever i try to access the page nothing shows up not even like the coding of the website has anything so my guess is that he's either broken or i'm overthinking and like this is actually the entire thing skin here we have an image of comedo on a boat during the ding number two and every time you click the image it starts shaking with somebody saying the word skin in the coding of the website it says feel free to download these mp3s really feel free you can do whatever you want you're in control of your own body just right click and hit save link as and save it just do it i mean you want to body this page consists of a faded commander sprite with the text oh god please tell don't tell anyone but i broke his body i don't think anybody's noticed yet i'm so sorry i don't know how to fix it please don't tell on me at the bottom of the page uh your mouse cursor changes to a flashlight but as far as i can tell it doesn't do anything since it gets cut off at the bottom also hitting in the website's code is a link to a future site on the portal called organs this page just says sorry hold on and that's it i think that's how you say it this site has music playing in the background that sounds like you're in a forest with purple and red text are scrolling in the background which says did you think i'd forgotten would it be better if i had what does it matter to pos postulate nothing yes that's right it isn't yes that's right isn't it i'm sorry it had to end this way with this image at the bottom this character seems to be from an anime called yama mushi pedal i think that's how i'm saying it i probably said that wrong but oh well basically it's from an anime and a manga about people riding bicycles but when you click on this image an mp4 an mp3 file plays which i'm not going to play it but it sounds like an animal screeching campaign organs this page um yeah it has multiple different images of organs slashing at the top of the text saying oh hi you found my little hiding spot don't didn't you haha well it's all right i don't mind you being here as long as you don't tell anybody else it's our secret now okay please keep it a secret though i don't want anyone getting jealous oh you're looking at my organs i bet you're interested in them huh i can tell you all about them from left to right these are their names intestines stomach liver pancreas kidney lungs and bladder they're pretty neat aren't they i grew them myself i'm so proud ah thank you i bet your organs are cute too oh you mean to say what do you mean my face i thought everybody's organs had their face printed on them it's not weird is it now i feel bad what do you mean oh but you said it's so cute thank you that makes me feel better at least i'm unique right so what types of organs do you have i have all those too and all those glands and skin and whatnot and the stuff that's not in my torso too my brain's not pictured here but i assure you he's real cute wait but you said there's something missing i don't know what you're talking about clearly that's not an organ if people can't can function without it do you have a that's weird i think i'm a bit grossed out to hear that you say you hear you elaborate on that no thanks i'll do without the details um but are you sure even sure that's a real organ like haven't you seen it up close have you one time in science class years ago and you still think it's real no sorry i don't think i believe in that i send all my organs and i guarantee you that thing doesn't even exist sorry you can actually click the intestines and the bladder images at the top which sends you to different links appearing as the same name that appear later on the portal bladder this site has some weird looking text that says aha you found me aha wait what that look on your face nothing is going on i'm just full to the brim i am hopeful it's squeezing against my walls hmm i oh this is a situation the side of you makes me full full of hope i'm having trouble containing my excitement ah sorry did i spook you i'm just so full slush trimble trimble it's hard to contain it any longer i can't take it anymore with this gif of well um i'm not even going to explain it valentine's hello comedolings it's been quite a long time since we last talked one-on-one like this hasn't it i'm sure you're all wondering why i brought you here and why you were required to wear this full body scalp but scout beetle costume before you were allowed to enter the premises but no worries all your questions will be answered in time just follow me back this way he fumbles around with the buttons on the interface on the wall the heavy metal standing before you slides open and suddenly with a click then proceeds to show the naked commander shot from the ding ramp of free anime and then the rest of the page screaming 3d a blue box with the lines don't worry about it baby clicking on the link send you to this video if you take a look at the comments on this video it's just filled with people talking about kameda birth the words my little petri dish boy i'm so in some trippy looking font and in the background is a photo of what they like to call venus sonata 23 this edited image of kameta sprite with the lions the mods of the commander lovemail would like to thank the five of you making none of this possible with it infinite scrolling at the bottom wake her up blanket can one of the mods code me a blanket here i'm really cold please make me a blanket really cold can you message me when it's done just to let me know so i don't freeze to death i don't care if it's pretty or even more than a [ __ ] up html i don't know how to code i'm just so cold i i just want a blanket thanks i hope this isn't too much to ask made when you enter the site this warning comes up saying this page is [ __ ] up if you're sure you want to proceed viewing it press continue otherwise feel free to exit with the background being this a drawing of comedo wearing a made outfit clicking continue brings up another warning i [ __ ] warned you i told you it was [ __ ] up but you're going to ignore me aren't you do you know what you're getting yourself into here that warning was supposed to scare you off and here you are clicking continue anyways you're beyond help after all these warnings page sends you to this with creepy music blasting really loudly the text on the right is very long so i'm not going to read it out but it looks like a bunch of people talking to each other with them saying you look cute in a maid outfit about pouring honey on the floor or something however the second paragraph repeats the first one but instead replaces certain words with the word clown or hunk credit sorry i lied there's no theme credit some idiot [ __ ] mod made this i wonder who with an image of shrink meter clicking on them send you to the shrink page covered earlier on within the video sex this site consists of multiple gif of clowns with clown music playing in the background blood the background here is red blood cells with shaking text that says there's something strange about it there's something not quite right when i look under my microscope and it glows under the light hakka corey there is a png of yasuhiro hagakori sprite and when you click on it it plays a sound file of toadsworth from the mario series greeting you junko shaking text off i'll get you someday [ __ ] clown many different clown gifts moving across your screen with the text hidden in the coding of the site that says hi welcome to the circus i hope you have lots of fun smiley face please you have to help me get out of here this place is filled with clowns i need your help are you having fun take a balloon on your way out automatic so this is another story tagged site however instead of reading it i'll just give a quick summary of it basically two people are talking to each other with them talking about how the future holds mentioning stuff such as having podchips to take trips to different locations from your bed or being able to track everybody's movements through tunnels without any malicious intent with the later half of the story talking about the new realistic futuristic world designed specifically around each other and having electric organs in plants so uh are we born with these remove my organs and fondles them in my hands letting the squishiness of them jiggle between my fingers or do i put them in later heart this site is a bunch of different texts with clicking on the arrow preceding the text bahu bahi kameda's not here he is away if you want to see him you should not stay he's wasted away but dumb but done where is his thumb with the hands of a human but his fingers all numb he goes down to the water takes one big large dip he let it all slip with the last string of text having an image of a heart underneath recipe the first thing you see is an image of phoenix another laying down on what looks like rice saying yum meal complete the text underneath it says howdy all let me introduce myself to y'all i'm mod chef maida i gave one of the mods this recipe and i'm glad they decided to share it all with you i remember the day they let me outside the sun was shining behind the clouds it was about a rain felt the grass between my toes they let me play with the rats for a while i felt like i didn't do enough that day the rain began to fall and my skin began to burn that was the first day i smelled flesh it delighted my nose i couldn't get enough i felt as though i need to experience with all my 23 senses when the rain stopped i sneaked out again i didn't have anything to cover my feet so the muddy and wet terrain burnt my soles of my feet it didn't hurt so delightful i picked up one of the rats and hid it in my extra fat pocket skin i ran back into my humbler home and got out a pan i cut his fur off and cooked the little fella hiding in my skin unlike anything i've ever experienced before they found out i had a knack for cooking so they began to bring me more and more things oh but you're probably wanting the recipe aren't you well here it is after this the post begins to explain the recipe and then says goodbye 18. an image of kameda holding venus another sink my mcrib cartilage is inflamed a sign that it's time to begin the harvest chiaki the only thing here is a blank page with the words he falling on the left side anime we see the sprite of a comedian saying the lines ah hello my name is nagito kameda i'm inside your computer right now it's warm in here if you don't mind maybe maybe you'll let me out it's okay if you don't it's just a suggestion oh yes i can fix your hard drive from inside here ah could you pass me a screwdriver thank you this is the right one mingled in the intimate sputterings of your overworked computer vent you can hear soft subs from deep inside your workstation pc naiaghi a drawing of makoto naiki as a lizard wearing his hoodie as his own skin grass floating at the bottom of the page with farm animal noises playing in the background intestines an image of some intestines fading in and out while also zooming in and out that's it there's literally nothing else on the page dream i actually have no [ __ ] clue what this story is but it's about someone talking about saying how much you lie to yourself with the future being able to call towards comedian hold his hand as if he was being able to drag you closer to water and save your life however at the end of the story when you go to hold his hand he blows with the sand basically saying that they had hallucinations and that they were trapped in the desert desperate for water feeder sonata this site quickly says he's getting away with a drawing of fenus another in a jar infinitely scrolling down the page trying to escape hidden an image of a clown looking at you shows up with a boxing clown clown horn a dormant clown headdress in addition to the name of the site being translated from chinese to say spying clown cartoon character stone work in progress me oh yeah i know all about stones god i get that this is some type of fun that translates to something but i legit have no clue like i'm trying to research and i really don't know what this translates to sorry hair here we have kameda's hair floating up and down the page with the text saying i wish i was scribed in an ancient miss so whatever the [ __ ] i was born in the wrong generation sad face i found them you got these spinning shapes and that's it angel open the clown box during this jack-in-the-box music playing in the background with there being a code if you get the wrong code it just tells you that you're wrong you have to try again in the coding of the website it says hello hacker [ __ ] this is mod commander 12. here's the deal if you hack this clown box i will find you wherever you are and break your legs and that's a promise i have to do some research the code to the clown box is commander's birthday zero four two eight opening it send you to another page that says you've done it you've unlocked the clown box my little puzzles you enjoyed them yes you've worked hard and you deserve a prize don't you it's like we're back at the carnival after all this practice you finally beat the ring toss game having wasted your whole wallet's worth just so you could get that stuffed bear on the top shelf of the display case and now i'm supposed to give you a stuffed bear aren't i i suppose you deserve it after continuing it instantly switches to this black vortex background with this image of clown comedia hey take my balloon if you wait too long to grab the balloon his nose falls afterwards and then the background disappears with the clown commander zooming out into the distance after this the page stays blank forever and you can't do anything box this is an image of a clown with the letter b next to it heaven here we have a photo of what i guess would be an angel and it says click me however hovering over the site changes changes its appearance with a clown saying you will click him you will click this clown when you click the clown a pair of clown shoes falls on the screen hanya robbie apparently this is a line from the second verse of the bible but i can't find it so i'll just read out the whole thing a whole lot of secrets waiting until it's unlocked somebody will find it fat not stow away they'll find your burial place no matter how deep the second of sun perhaps another like eve wears the garden and on the third day time continues a week past horns that's when he was born see this page is just a drawn eyeball that follows your mouth mouse movements hollow clown commander's back hey how have you been recently i heard things weren't going so well i just wanted to let you know that i'm here for you me and the rest of the clowns anytime you need us just call me on my clown phone just dial me up you know my number i'll drive on over in my clown car bring all your best friends we can have a party we can have a good time you aren't alone in this you need to lay back every once in a while need to clown around you know so i just wanted to reiterate that i love you and if you need me just let me know oh and one more thing take my balloon click in the text send you to this and when you click on them they say this welcome i'm commateros this is my cave you've entered it and never thought after all these years someone would find me i've been here for so long my body is failing me i'm not as strong as i once was did you know i deity though i am i'm not the creator of commander kind do you know maybe you do the true crater their god gremada is not it he is a false god and shrink mater their devil i'm stuck to this rock as i have been for the past centuries i passed my time by scratching tire marks on the ground with my sickle little old cook mater he paid me a visit once nice guy he broke my third sickle and kicked out in my face called me an old freakish hag i admire audacity like that have things change in the surface world did something happen to gromada i don't hear the beck and call of commadelings in the nest like i used to though my cave is so deep in the earth i could hardly i could clearly hear their scrubblings it brought me joy hope i miss feeling hope i think we could use more hope do you know ah yes that's right i'm sure he already showed you what it's all about then i have nothing to share with you besides a passing word of caution gramata is not what you think that's all yet again ending with another link with the text that sends you to uh here so you decided to come after all your negligence will be your demise it surprises me that your moderating powers haven't oops from you yet but perhaps just this once your your naivety is a blessing in disguise do you read me mod commedo1862 come to my chambers foreign you haven't visited me even once since i was freed from prison but things have changed since then the least you can do is pay me a visit now and then we have the same figure from before sitting in a different location but with even more text there is a lot more text after this so instead of reading it like i am i'll just give a quick summary once in here they refer you to they refer to you as mod comedo1826 a lot and tells you that they're they are here to caution you about cremator saying that he has some power beyond everybody else and created something that doesn't even exist but they don't say what it is or describe what it is either and that you should never trust anyone not even the other mods on the page with the last piece of text showing the image again with another link saying i'll see you in two and a half years however this sends you to a future page on the portal so we'll get to that when we do eight five four three eight nine seven nine three okay this is by far my favorite page on the portal hey nice phone what nice phone you have a nice phone where did you wear where'd you get it please nice phone where did you get it the nice phone where'd you get it in the computer store fly this image just shows a png of what they call harry styles flies across the screen and hitting in the code of the website says my body is absolutely sweating all over i'm shaking like a newborn cattle in ireland why the word schizophrenia is spelled in spinning squares omar this sprite edit of omar i'm not sure what this sprite editor is supposed to represent or mean but he's shaking rapidly with ibuki's song from ding on patoo playing really loud in the background life here we have a 3d model of what i can only guess is makoto nagy lizard from what we saw earlier clown nose well just as the title says it's a clown nose and when you click on it it makes a clown honk noise bibo clown dog we have a logo of the hot dog company in america called bebo hot dog shaking in the middle of the screen with the whole background being the same image of a clown so these last five on the portal are all linked stories to each other with each page linking to each one when you finish reading it so instead of reading each one i'll give a quick i'd give a quick summary of each one massage this story talks about how you're working in a spa with somebody really tall sketchy and scary looking coming into the store well you're only while you're the only one working there they talk about how you're nervous and scared but in the end the tall figure just asks for a spa treatment spa this one details the tour figure speaking quite a lot saying stuff such as you won't be here anymore and trying to have a deep meaningful conversation with you however your responses each time are small as if you weren't listening aftermath here we part ways with the tall figure as they talk about it being risky traveling this time of night then talks about when you fumble through your tip you find a small piece of paper thank you thanks for the massage you have satisfied my hunger greatly i'm sorry i could never do the same for you please accept this in exchange turn you turn the note over on the back there seems to be a little drawing love mail and lastly shows this image of the moon and loveheart saying lovemail just for you but this isn't the end at the bottom of the page is the text that says hmm what's this clicking on it sends you here here we have 22 more pages in what they like to call the depths so let's go through them commanderos the old commander love mail layout with the text commaterus a tale of treachery coming soon ancient one.txt the old layout again with this drawing attached and details about information about comedies with this image below saying this is their symbol beheaded this page only has a playable mp3 file which is just a bunch of drums beats followed by an autotune voice saying hear me baby guff this site details multiple people called edward clive who lived in the 1800s under each one of them are links to wikipedia pages and books about them with a short description of each i really don't know why honestly but at the bottom of the page it says wig snatched on the 22nd of december night 1845. uh whatever this title is pretty sure this is a birth certificate of one of the edward clives mentioned in the page before this 161-7161410151765 here we see an image of the inside of a room with the light peeking again inside from the curtains the audio on this site is just really loud screaming so i'm not going to play it just see we already covered this page it's the one that's like right after the clown commuter one jest there's a floating clown nose with what looks like to be stairs next to it clicking on the clown nose makes what they call big clown to appear they spam this text box with the rest of the page turned in black and then you can't do anything else afterwards crime we already covered this page during the clown commuter one teef here we have a drawing of comedo wearing something i'm not sure what it is but it's definitely some type of animal costume you can't interact with anything on this page but if you go into the coding of the site they give you a step-by-step guide on how to change the image however if i'm going to be honest i've been trying at this for a while and i legit have no clue how to do this on the page but i can just grab the images from the coding of the site instead basically it has different sets of teeth within the same art style of the page and in addition to this the commander here is called rebirth.png in the site 1862. this is a five-page comic of comedia waking up from bed seeing this at the end of their bed before disappearing the last panel is the note but i'm not sure what this means that it just doesn't make any sense either way after all this there's a link at the bottom of the page that sends you to the next page on the depth of the portal a lab this is a story page which from what it looks like it's about somebody questioning how they were created and for it was something directly from a grim fairy tale in which they start reading out saying that you and every other mod were created in blank's own laboratory with every time they mentioned this name it's blanked out and then they mentioned that they were made the same way as fetus henata by coming out of a mod commander and then ending off with them saying i never really figured out how mud commanders were born and i really don't want to know how they die turkey okay just letting you know if you keep the charades up any longer i'm going to teleport to your [ __ ] face piece of [ __ ] house and show you what a turkey is all about [ __ ] you clicking the link send you to this page of them spamming stop googling turkey this link click and continues how to kill a turkey how to murder a turkey big gun one turkey in the middle of a field some people weep after killing their bird or even witnessing the act others have discovered that they were surprisingly accepting of the bird's death and found that they were in awe of the beautiful creature and all of its work it takes to get the turkey from the farm to the table one farmer mentioned that if everyone had to slaughter and evacuate their meat many people would turn to vegetarianism not just because of the emotional impact of the creature's life but also the sheet work involved to do so turkey not the continent the animal has five finger-like tendrils of varying colors is eden is worshipped as a god i wish you would die [ __ ] and it all ends with this drawing of a turkey thanks this seems to be a chat log from mod 371 to an unknown mod the log talks about them killing a turkey and that this unknown mud was upset and missed the turkey however the other mod lets them know that they were thinking about them as they were cutting open the turkey and they even mentioned we thought of your overcooked body sitting on the table and no one being audacious enough to eat you steven stone this site has this drawing of somebody i don't know who it is but they basically say the lines say your final words and may your descent to hell be over flooded by the torrents worn by my fuckbuster this link sends you to the next page on the depths organite you found me and now you have to deal with the consequences clicking this moon sends you to the next page on the depths banned may he rest in peace he's not dead but he's where his mouth be [ __ ] him then the rest of the text underneath talks about as if you had died but in reality just got banned for some reason each of the sections here ends with you know who you are smite this page details how to do a spell to turn yourself into a baby for one hour first light the candle start shaking the rattle while you chant gu guga ga turns my skin soft my legs short goo goo gaga no hair no rules a baby's life for me stick the picture of the baby over the candle and let it burn keep shaking the rattle until the picture is gone then repeats the same text at the bottom saying there may be some lack of discipline however you may find enjoyment but underneath all of this is some giant random text that doesn't mean anything venus this site has loads of floating red eyes staring at you while this creature with comedies hair fades in and out of the screen after some time the words enter will appear and if you click on it it will send you to the next page on the depths mother there's this number at the top of the screen as far as as far as i'm aware it doesn't do anything have you heard that the planets are going to align so close together that they'll collide with the earth all the nine great performers in our solar system are finally going to hold hands mercury venus earth mars jupiter saturn uranus neptune and pluto a great thing will happen a star will be born the three great lords of water will reach out to us flooding this expansive planet of blue and green and at once it will finally become it will become fully blue the second best part we can see it all from home the best part clicking this last bit of text causes this to appear i'm not sure what this is but in the codes website it's called sepian underscore small.png and when you click on it it just shakes organs this is an extremely long and i mean extremely long visual novel so i'm not going to talk about it all but i'll just detail some stuff so the game starts with the surgery of one of the mods happening we see them in hospital here and we get to talk to them a lot of their dialogue is just random text that doesn't make sense but during the game we get to tell the truth or lie to them multiple times with different outcomes later within the game we find someone called dr kameda to help with the mud commander currently in hospital and we learned the doctor treating the model has been mistaking and calling them a grenada kisser after some talk the doctor commander tells us that the mod will be reborn as the same mod as if nothing ever happened it ends with the doctor kamida telling us that we are all giant golden turkeys with a link saying gobble this link takes you to a kids site where you can dress up a turkey in different outfits flesh so we have this thing on the left with kameta's hair i have legit no clue what this is you're good your guess is as good as mine but within the coding of the site this file is called beautiful underscore 500.png and this page kind of details about the burning of flesh saying that they're going to lay down where they're supposed to die moon burned into my skin i could feel it dangling and there we have it that was the entire comedia lovemail portal if you made it this fine to the video thank you so much for watching and i do appreciate it i just hope you enjoyed i mean no will harm or anything against the comedian love mail i just wanted to document all the pages and make a video on it as there's nothing like this of the thoughts on youtube so i thought this would have made an interesting video either way more ding and offer videos to come i am back for my break so yeah a lot more dinging up content to come and i'm really excited to come back and show everybody more videos and stuff i've been working on so yeah anyway sorry about that um i'll see everybody in the next video thank you for watching goodbye
Channel: DanganMandy
Views: 109,448
Rating: 4.9754305 out of 5
Keywords: Danganronpa, Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc, Danganronpa 2, Danganronpa 2 Goodbye Despair, Danganronpa 3, Danganronpa anime, Danganronpa v3, Danganronpa v3 Killing Harmony, Danganronpa 2020, Danganronpa Love Mail, Nagito Komaeda, Komaeda Love Mail, Nagito Komaeda Love Mail, Danganronpa Creepy, Danganronpa Theory, Danganronpa Rumours, Danganronpa Scary, Danganronpa Stories, Danganronpa Tumblr, DanganMandy, Clown Komaeda
Id: Yrn7X72aeps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 29sec (3809 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 03 2020
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.