The Kingsmen Quartet - Live at The Joyful Noise (Dec. 10, 1985)

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[Applause] [Music] when I pee the thing well come down [Music] welcome Oh joining him king of all kings [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank God you know who loves and watches over you and he'll walk beside you you know he'll be comforting you guys and away my turn it's over we'll take the other side rest assured that Jesus loves you you don't even right it's not rest assured years old [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can almost view Morty and I can't see my just look there's mother friends and loved ones will welcome me oh that will we [Music] [Applause] that's Oh [Music] I get there on that [Music] I will see those beauties right and I shall seek the face of Jesus and forever his goal [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right thank you huh we're gonna do that again you know usually usually when the group sings a song the audience enjoys it they enjoy seeing it they go back to the second verse but old Ray's singing Seban son back up they give me my key there wait for that first well you that mall the old man still got it and I can see my Manchin [Music] now just look don't you hate jealous people there's mother and dad for antenna [Music] here that [Music] [Applause] [Music] that's all [Music] I get there on [Music] I will see those beauties right I shall see place of teeth and [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you oh you're delightful Odin's happens at the little piece of paper you know it's where does that turn me some lights on that there a minute we where's that bunch from the First Baptist Church of Douglas stand up stand up I've seen a lot of churches would like to have that many in today where's the pastor in the music minister of music all of you sit down with them remain standing please worse where's the pastor which ones are passable you can't afford a suit and tie but the music minister of music now you know this is strange I had a I had a dream that these gentlemen you know I'm kind of a psychic no no I didn't say psycho psycho and and I dreamed that these two gentlemen were going off to hold a conference and were killed in an automobile wreck and of course both of them went to heaven and pastor Blair would just got almost to the pearly gates I mean pastor there that's who's the pastor you're the pastor you're Hudson just completely wore out the music directed like any good minister musical will just climb up on my back and I'll take you the last few yards into the pearly gate and they got there and the gate swung open Saint Peter said welcome all you've lived a good life welcome home to just how you donkey after it come on now now what oh one of the church members brought me this and said for me to do that and I don't know who he did not sign it he didn't he did not sign it in his letters going out tomorrow to some other church but we're glad to give them a big hand we're glad to have that fruit with us tonight here we go with Jubilee [Applause] [Music] do that that's a church intro do that [Music] just sayin [Music] [Applause] this movie has [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] haussegger has been dead and we can do the eyes he said his life praise God either coming back forward there's going to be [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] they don't hang in that city Foursquare [Music] [Applause] [Music] we [Music] thank you thank you sir introducing the Kingsmen to you the young man playing the piano has been with the Kingsmen since he was 16 years old and I tell you what he's doing a tremendous job he arranges a lot of the music we sing and he's just a tremendous talent he's been voted gospel music's number one musician for the past six years in the role would you welcome from Cleveland Tennessee Anthony Berger Tony burger playing all the instruments comes young man midfield Alabama boy if you don't know where that is that's the slums of Birmingham he's doing a great job would you welcome Gary Dillard Gary Schiller drummer boy been with the Kingsmen since he was 13 years old and I want to tell you right now there ain't nothing worse in the whole wide world than a 13 year old drum player they will drive you absolutely crazy a banging on them drums but his father owns the Kingsmen you got the picture now don't you for me to have a job sweetie pie back there head to have a job he's doing super he's 22 now I hadn't killed him yet doing a great job Greg Fox little pop come in with usually he's on that Beverly world's oldest living based singer talk JD Sumner to sing bass traveled with the Blackwood brothers in a covered wagon The Statesman in a Studebaker tuned to first guitar for the chuck wagon game we got him from the nursing home today got his oxygen bottles filled up its wheelchair agrees hey I know it's doing wrong awake Regan got something in common you go the same hairdresser that's just in black of it what about it voted gospel music's bass singer this year right race ready great I'm up here gentlemen this one right here played linebacker for the University of West Virginia does a great job on our team we couldn't get along without him he plays bass plays piano sings does my high notes for me like he's gonna have to do tonight a bit too much time on the gun don't pick your nose oh right about it Big Ed Crawford Big Ed give him a hand the Canon West Virginia's home I'm on Sutton oh I'm saving you buddy I guess so come here boy George tell you right now that one right there is doing off a good job singing tenor for the king and he doing good well old old Ernie left that into what we was gonna do boy you know he was with us almost seven years and boy what good tenors are hard to find somebody sings like a man saying you got some Poligrip in your pocket boy I'll tell you what he's doing a great job singing the tender for the keys he comes from out notes Missouri's written 350 songs loves the Lord with all his heart what about a hand for Gary Shepherd Gary Shepherd come up here Spyder me don't get behind that mic standing can't see now listen right here is getting married Saturday I've known him all his life ever since he was in third grade his daddy used to walk him by my house worked out good as both in the same groom and I've known him I never did like him you know still don't like but he's raised cousin you know and ready I feel sorry for that girl he's gonna marry getting somebody's too skinny he tread water and test too but John was just got one strapping but I tell you [Music] any pitiful but when we needed when we needed somebody to sing I didn't know what was gonna do Ray Ray said what did my cousin can play bass and say I didn't know who this cousin was you know it had I known I know you know but Ray said my cousin can sing hide him do good I said Wes it bring him on the bus and when I saw him I like to hyperventilate it you know I've known him for 14 years Jeff and see a kid you just didn't like I mean I just didn't like him I had one nerve and he stayed on it all time he was around and we took him down there to Alabama with us to sing a song and I brought him up to sing and he was dressed I mean awful you know we wear nice clothes we make cheap clothes look good doing I mean in here he was dressed he had on a seersucker suit well Sears made it in the sucker bode it was an ugly stop and I told the people I said if he does a good job on this song we're gonna buy him a suit like calorie well I don't you know he sung that song and then people stood up and they cheered and they hoot and a holler I finally got him settle down a man in the back said Jim I said what he said just give him your clothes he sings better than you do so we hired him right there what about it authorized he's doing a tremendous job for the Kingsmen father right all right did I miss anybody anybody want me to dinner to introduce Conway Twitty no I'm Jim Hamill are you glad to see all the king's men making well what you listen to listen to Anthony is he plays for you the medley of songs from our album we recorded live at the University of Alabama Anthony burger [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give-give the bass to Gary there I want y'all to to do that do that you did last night everybody enjoyed it we've got about three or four piano players in this bunch and either you get over there and then get ready I don't you join in with them about that life [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I tell you I I tease author and without I love him I levy singing and I will be praying for you sir oh boy home got married he didn't marry very good said his wife smarted off to him one day and said he hit her right in the face said didn't see her for about three days and and said he's right I started opening up just don't leave me I want you to listen to out there sing a song I think he has one of the most exciting voices to come into our industry in many many years I want you to listen to him as he sings a song from two three albums back a song entitled just another empty vessel the great voice [Applause] [Music] Ewald places I sold and smelled or [Music] [Applause] [Music] to bring up as [Music] now as the multitude well that day they they was down by the sea [Music] Oh the Sea of Galilee that they are hold it [Music] well [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh I'm just like those little those and those fish [Applause] [Applause] [Music] another [Music] it's a bracelet you have promised good [Music] turn to your table or ready [Applause] do they smoke a feeling Lord [Music] he bets all [Music] that's all I say yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] what you'd listen to Gary sing a song from a new album written by a young lady down in Georgia down down by making and tremendous song tell us exactly how we feel and we enjoy having fun having a good time if you think you got to go around all the time with a long face you don't have religion you got indigestion we've got something to be happy about we got something to be excited about my God's alive in Jesus Saves and we feel and we believe that God's people Christian people people that are saved a lot of churches don't like to say saved anymore like they made a commitment sick of that stuff I'm saved rather I'm on my way to help we don't need to look like the world we don't need to sing like the world we don't need to think like them look like them act like them I don't want these boys to look like a bunch of rock and roll singer's I don't want them to sound like a bunch of rock and roll singer's I can't stand that stuff this is not show business this is God's business and I think that we need to be called out from the world on that say [Music] [Applause] [Music] some folks I know by their names some I just moved [Music] my mother's known by the kingdom of our Lord so in my mind I have no doubt my baby man call and you've been called a purpose to be a servant [Music] Oh [Music] we shall forgive this fall from this world [Music] in the prison walls on that day the jailer he bound up their feet and stripped of their garments their Nene from where they were be cut along about midnight Oh begin to pray my god [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's cold [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I thank y'all for the difference that he put on my life I can't remember a time when I have enjoyed seeing as much as we have here tonight and the spirit that is here is is one of laughter and I guess God's people I know God's people ought to be happy we ought to be the most happy people in the world we got everything to be happy for I thought it was just I had too much coffee but I guess it it's a spirit here this is happy now I won't tell you what Jesus Christ put the greatest joy in my heart when he came into my heart when he came into my heart and made me different when he made me a separate person pain ain't always been fun it's always been different in my lifetime I'm used to being different been running out of enough men's bathrooms talking like this tell you different ain't no it's been fun but it's always been different I [Applause] said well we're laughing I want to I won't let you know we're not rushers they've been a lot of people coming up thinking it ain't been bad when a person told me to show him where the men's dressing room was I did that when a woman asked me to light her cigarette for I did that but when she asked me to pull the car around I thought it was time draw the line and tell you that we're not in us ain't it good to be happy ain't it good to be happy baby when I was young and growing up I can't think of anything else I would rather do than and sing for the Lord he was all that occupied my mind at that age I wanted to sing for him grow up and be a singer and then later on in my years I strayed away from the Lord and got away from him and I struggled with because I didn't know what being born-again was I'd heard it preached on my life I've heard it talked about all my life but it made me uncomfortable when people started talking about Jesus see a lot of people can talk about God and they say yeah I know God when they start talking about Jesus that's where it's at now I used to get uncomfortable and I started thinking maybe the reason I wasn't comfortable is cause I didn't know Jesus Christ there's my personal Savior see if the Holy Spirit's around you he make you uncomfortable that's his job if you don't know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior he has the job to make you uncomfortable one day I was walking down the road in a lead mine worried about my life wanting to change it and suddenly God spoke to me in a very small way they said I said if I could only start over that was my words if I could only start over I've made a mess out of things if I could only just start from the beginning starting my whole life over I'd do it different see that's what being born-again it's all about Jesus Christ said you can just trust in me I'll wash everything away behold I'll make all things new I'll erase your past I'll start your life over that's what we're here to tell you Jesus Christ loves you wants to start your life over you've made a mess if you don't like the way things are trust in Jesus that's the simple message that's salvation don't make it any harder than that that's what being born again means starting your life [Music] whoa [Music] inje [Music] our sins and used [Music] it is just for us to carry [Music] every little thing to our god [Music] Oh [Music] or the precious friend we Oh our sins enter [Music] Hank [Music] Hey a little [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] now [Music] say [Music] change though [Music] [Applause] [Music] peytie [Music] oh I tell you when he was singing what a friend we have in Jesus I've got my crank turn off all our sins and griefs to bear we don't have to bear the heart aches and pains of life we don't have to bear the sorrow life we just turn it over to him that's something to get excited about something to get turned on about while ago on on that song Gary was singing that Paul and Silas in jail at midnight in the midnight hour no it's easy to have a song in broad daylight it's easy to have a song in your heart and everything's going your way it's easy to preach when everybody loves you it's easy to sing boy when the PA sets just right musicians are hitting on all eight it's easy to lead the choir when everybody knows what they're doing the boy you let the storms of life start raging round about a song to sing in the midnight hour that's what Jesus will give you give you that song to sing when this trouble to this whole world of piling in on let's sing that second for a slow it down a little bit [Music] have you a ratio Jesus gave us the light so that you can join I have a few major preparation weights or go into Saint Saint [Music] but Jesus gave us live from answer so that you can join back [Music] so we sang so [Music] your morning when trumpet sound [Music] rowena to CP Jesus [Music] the same [Music] put your hands together come on everybody and forget until you sing [Music] [Applause] [Music] drop it side to see Jesus [Music] [Applause] come on everybody put your hands No [Music] [Applause] [Music] see Jesus [Music] yeah to see King Jesus shed we'll ride there [Music] drop it side [Music] say kgs and share a central ride Jesus will ride [Music] [Applause] have you enjoyed the Kingsland so far tonight you have that annoyed ladies and gentlemen my buddies were Liberty quartet Jackie I want you to sing one after why Jackie's got a new solo album I produced Point and best thing you ever heard the best thing now he's there they're some of my best buddies and they just stood doing a good job there's another 13 or 14 year old drummer down there that's driving them crazy but we've enjoyed George singing for you tonight so far a worst Bill flurry now we'll tell y'all something we had a little golfing game today come here you edy now how many y'all know a bass singer Rex got a real pretty daughter they got a family group and he's got to knows that this big Rex Neyland yeah Rex Neely now Rex Neyland and our partners against lurch here and mr. Fleury I want you to know they beat us every way you can possibly beat in the dark but the old man and mr. Fleury had a little patch on the side I was playing him and how many of you gentlemen play golf out there let me see him our ladies okay now when we made the turn on the second nine he had me down seven shots and I want you to know I called him and beat him and give me a hand thank you thank you thank you baby [Applause] [Laughter] thank you I'll never beat you get it cause the lights to go out is that your new marker fire yes sir no it's just it's it's my old one just been repaired I like to see old people have fun no one won nobody you sounds good you give us these $50 microphone you do see $700 do you enjoy the Kingsmen all right doc real quickly before you go anywhere now let me tell you about our albums cassettes and everything we have our stands set up outside let me tell you this first the new songs who we did tonight on our new album we have those on sheet music we have a whole rack of sheet music out there the top 40 songs in gospel music did our drummer make you really make you that crazy we we have the latest song since each musical has a number one song and gospel music when he was on the cross I was on his mind we have that called out and many many more if you would like to have gospel music written to sheet music we have it at our record table like I said so eight dollars a piece we have put this package of four cassettes ten hymns of the church ten of the Kings mom's favorite songs and 20 of gospel music's top 40 songs that's 32 dollars worth and our Christmas blue light joyful noise came our special here's $10 oh these these what we have is all we have does that make sense did that make any sense what we well anyway we have a very limited supply and when this supplies gone we'll go out to the bus and get another limited supply [Applause] well anyhow those four cassettes are $10 they're fully guaranteed they're not seconds and you can write a check if you'd like to our album special there's four albums for only $10 that's $28 for the album's we have the Kings and alive within a concert with Grady Nutt we have the Rex needle singers the Kingsmen spear family the hem fields the Florida boys on that one and this is a Christmas album that's included into this four set Squire Parsons the kings when the Kings boys the Easter brothers the hemp Hills do a Christmas album together the Kings moons your ride is on the way album $28 with albums for only $10 so for now while I've got that in my hand let me tell you the Christmas album you can purchase it by itself it's normally $7 and the cassette is only $8 but tonight if you'd like either one of them the Christmas album or the Christmas cassette bicep $5 free the one album this album I know that you'll enjoy most people do some people don't but it's Anthony's solo album and if you'd like to have some of the finest yeah Anthony's mother likes it a lot if you'd like to have some of the finest music on the piano played by the piano by the finest piano player we think in gospel music you'll love this album Anthony Berger solo album that's $7 a brand-new album that Jim was telling you about it has called out Mary's little lamb God made away the other than we did oh okay here mama likes that one but okay this is our brand-new album and that's seven dollars and one other thing I want to tell you about getting close to Christmas they're all going crazy now everybody this whole group is crazy except me and Anthony and I'm starting to wonder around him but we we have something a little bit different that's called the heroes of the kingdom and these are we think of the greatest thing that comes come along in a long time most of you are familiar with some of the things that the plastic political movable figures that have been the kids have been able to get a hold of it I think these are a little bit different in the right direction I think they're headed in the right direction these are Bible figures characters of the Bible this one for example is Moses each one has a cassette that comes with it to tell the Bible story about that particular person I've got David and Goliath I've got Samson we got Moses got Peter I got John the Baptist and I got some of Jesus there so if you'd like to have these why they're nice Christmas gifts so come by the Kingsmen record table remember all the things I've told you about and we also have some of the plush Prince of Peace pets out there I don't have any more sanctified skunk and that really the lady some were tonight about the lights sanctified sky she did well she did well I'm glad okay all right no no no no no but anyway we've still got some enduring elephant promise puppy truthful teddy holy cows god bless you come by the Kings and record table we've enjoyed singing [Music] the streets [Music] [Applause] [Music] you should [Music] [Music] that's the street [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] crying inside a berries I knew [Music] Oh baby you decide [Music] [Music] meet [Music] way [Music] now [Music] we've had a lot of requests to feature ray so you brought your grandmother tonight right I want you to listen a lot of people like bass singing you know personally I don't yeah but you can't have a quartet without a bass singer and listen to racing for you got away [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] wonderful happy day [Music] god [Music] whistles say he's coming by [Music] they gonna take me home Tuesday [Music] all along but Golden shore [Music] one day God made over [Music] [Applause] [Music] the unmet will see I mean take me home this day I live for on that golden show for the one day [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah say he's coming by not hate me [Music] [Music] Lu [Music] Oh oh the wonderful after day got made away [Music] [Music] thank you while we're doing funny stuff let's let the man sing their song yeah y'all come on yeah let's get this over with quick as we can we had some people that won't hear I'm saying and they put this on the app you know we you just can't take a song off an hour after it once put on there and so we're stuck with it and the few folks want to get another cup of coffee or go look at some records or some it's gonna take about two minutes [Music] Amazing Grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me [Music] cuz Grayson told my heart to fear and grace my fears relieved how precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed [Music] was pretty sad brought me safe thus far and grace will be me [Music] we know to see God [Music] [Applause] the grace that was given to me [Music] Hey [Applause] [Music] that's it thank you music lovers we've had some requests to do excuses and we don't normally do it this tenor here from Missouri and he doesn't talk right that little part that says wouldn't even shake my hand comes out shake my hand and we're gonna try it one more time and try to do it right there [Music] excuses excuses you'll hear them every day now the devil killed sublime him if Church who stay away when people come to know the Lord their love which loses so to keep their pups away from church three offers them excuses well the preacher he's too young maybe he's too old them sermons they're not hard enough for some time to get to mold his voice is much too quiet like sometimes he's just too loud he needs to have more dignity or else he's way too proud well the sermons are too long hear that never too short the outer crates a word now instead of stomping snort with that creature we've got must be though stuck-up man for one of the ladies told me [Music] every day now that ever feels lighter to stay away people come to know the Lord allows lenses so to keep that books away from church from the elders damn excuses give you one more change from the University of Alabama more excuses this is it but it's gonna get down to 25 degrees here Sunday will be in Florida I'll leave you here I know what the works are you know a lady came to church life suddeniy and she brought her baby with her for when she left that morning she was really in the didn't the pastor went to her house her reason just to hear she said I put my baby in the nursery and that preacher's kid pitched its ear you know another lady came to church boy she never did return the good Reverend went to her house her reason just to learn she gave the parson her excuse with a cold [Music] [Music] and she explained that scared a mr. Sunday [Music] yeah thank come here jack don't you sing a song Jackie a partner is the tenor singer for the liberty quartet and they're all all levels down here except for the lead singer and we're glad you fellas made it I hope you learning something how to sing and I'm just getting like Kingsman country there boy but Jackie is quite a tenor singer and loves the Lord and we're delighted to have him saying you want to do crossing time what are what do you want no you're not doing battle my knees and cries hold it I don't like that so you will do cross in town what look for me [Music] I dreamed all the city surprise [Music] when I enter [Music] I cried movie we jail Oh me [Music] to my and [Music] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] Oh my [Music] yes [Music] as I hate her [Music] my love [Music] [Applause] [Music] see [Music] I [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi [Music] [Applause] Oh [Music] Oh cry [Music] yes I [Music] yes [Music] [Music] I produce a couple albums for the liberty quartet a solo album for Jackie and they've just special people to me except I asked him one time to pray from the me and they couldn't walk for two weeks but they're just they just super people and they love the Lord and I'm just just what Gerald didn't know me well good judgment but that's that's great and we love you we've enjoyed coming with joyful noise and we hope the songs have been a blessing to you we should know we love you wish you Merry Christmas Happy New Year and all that good stuff and remember as we go into the Christmas season the main reason the real reason that we celebrate Christmas I enjoy oh I like eating presents and the fun and being off for about two and a half weeks and in vacation time I enjoy my favorite time of the year a lot of times we get caught up in the parties and fellowship and we forget why we celebrate Christmas some of the greatest church services that I've ever been in there's been right around the Christmas season with the cantatas and the music the message we love you and we thank you for your support some of you come to see the Kings when 5 6 7 8 9 times a year buy tickets to the concerts and come to the churches and put money in the offering and we think and we love you for it I'd like to just sing some songs right now about the carnival three or four nice easy songs and let's not have any applause Anthony while we're doing this I want you to play a holy night for me would you do that [Music] [Applause] [Music] give him a hand I think that yeah I'd like to I'd like to do something that I usually let all these young boys sing and they're doing a tremendous job my daughter got married in August and I had to she wanted me to sing at her wedding and the son a song for and I'd like to do it for you now let's do the Lord [Music] which are I love it [Music] Kingdom [Music] give us this day and courgettes [Music] and Lee entered it [Music] is the king [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is the king and the [Music] Oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] when I know once it all the world nice I hear my power [Music] this year when Christ shall come with shout about [Music] maisha and he's gonna do [Music] Oh what joy it shall feel and then I Oh Oh [Music] duration we're broke oh how great [Music] they're the same [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] ladies and gentlemen if you have letter know-it-all the Kings from from Asheville North Carolina we've enjoyed
Channel: Jeff Whitehead
Views: 16,344
Rating: 4.931818 out of 5
Id: zf5lZsbSbmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 32sec (5432 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 10 2020
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