The Cathedrals | Can He, Could He, Would He | 1987

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that i found until my question themselves i want to thank jesus for the plan of salary spent just to say lord i love you for you understand i want to be there is a crowd slowly so sad like the lamb he was to his father's own thank you lord just to say lord i love you for you understand i want to be there is just to say lord i love you for you understand i judgment is i do want to thank him for that plan of salvation you know gary mcspadden of the gaither vocal band wrote that psalm brought it to us in nashville tennessee a few months ago and you know what gerald i love those words the planet and i love my verse and i love to hear me sing give me that key again one more day a crowd listen so sad was the same thing the birds they're singing like the lamp he was to his father's own i want to thank jesus for the plan of salvation just to say lord just to say lord is his thank jesus was a carpenter a long time ago joseph taught him all the things he needed to know working on the shores of galilee is make it clean and good again is oh and he can make a brand new jesus is that's a good job right there yeah he's the master builder the the young man singing that song for i tell you what the young when i said young i always think about glenn and i are so proud of these young men that the lord has sent along to help us carry on our ministry glenn's been singing for this year he's celebrating 43 years in full-time gospel singing and i've been singing yeah 43 years and this makes 41 years for me and so we really thank the lord for these yeah thank you so we really thank the lord for these young men you know what i'll tell you when we know the lord sent these young guys to us is when glenn and i are sitting on the bus and watching them unload all that heavy equipment we know we'll stretch forth a hand and say bless some lord you know what talking about the old days glenn and i ben and i went to stamps baxter school of music many years ago and that's 1903. it feels that long sometime it was but we went there but we went there to learn how to sing this style of music to learn how to read the shape notes the do-ray me's and when i come in today somebody we always get a request for this i guess we're about the only group now that's going to do what i'm about to do right now and that's to sing the notes to a song instead of the words do the dorae means to your part i'll tell you what let's do let's do a verse and a course of oh happy day and we'll sing the words the first time then we'll do the next verse and we'll sing the do-re me's now that ought to be hard enough right there angry through is oh you know what after 43 years i believe the old man is singing better right now he ever sung his life you know and he thrills me today no doubt about that i was going to wait a while to do this but i i can't wait you're most of you are looking at the cathedral quartet and you're seeing a new face in our group a young man from morristown tennessee his name is gerald wolfe he's 23 years old 23. i got socks older than that i believe no i'm on it i don't have them all we're so proud of this young man he joined us december the 26th and let me say this after 41 years of traveling and singing the lord sent a young man along that's blessed the hearts of the rest of us when we knew he was going to need a piano player uh there's a jig and we had a g in calls he's the only man we tried out dino liberace but he's the only man we tried out because when he walked into the room and at a in atlanta where we were going to rehearse with him sit down at the piano saying the first song we knew the lord had sent him our way you know what i mean i'm going to i'm not going to have him play the piano right now feature at the piano i want you to listen to him sing the young man has got his dynamite tell you what i'm i'm going to move right over here where i can get around behind you and look at you and if you don't do good i'm going to slap you right off that pen a bit no no i won't in fact glenn unless you and i just not saying let mark and danny and gerald sing land of living oh it's a land of milk and honey oh it's more than just a dream it's a land of life beyond the crystal seeds forever victory the sun is nothing but a legend in this paradise beyond the crystal sea glory but we are nothing more than just till we is you enjoy geraldo thank the lord now you know why i said that gerald has been such a blessing to us the last few days he's blessed our hearts and they say dynamite comes in small packages you know lady walked up to in jackson mississippi the other night after gerald got through testifying she walked to me and said he's a short little thing ain't he i said yes ma'am every time he pulls his socks up he blindfolds himself i made that up girl i didn't tell her that he don't even wear socks tonight's third time he's had shoes on me ah we're proud you know what i where there's the presence of the lord jesus christ there's freedom and i feel so i feel his spirit in here tonight and if you know what i feel i feel the love you people are sending our way and i appreciate that from the bottom of my heart i really do but i feel the love of jesus in here and where his presence is there's freedom and i want you to listen i've been standing beside a glenn for 22 years now heard the old man sing a jillion songs he can take a song like this and magnify the name of jesus i think better than anybody ever heard listen as we sing into his presence glory surrounds us blessings as we joyful his headland and give all your burdens him say peace amen and there's his spirit before is with praise is of praise you is praise you are soon coming dreams is oh tonight i'm glad that i'm packed and i'm ready to go i'm glad i got my house all in order and i love to say that so i'm going to say it again i'm glad that i'm packed and ready to go and my house is all in order should he come tonight i'm ready to go what a way to go yeah i feel another glory coming on there's a song that we have to do right now so somebody said do it early because they had to couldn't stay for the whole program we were up in milbank south dakota several months ago and and the snow oh was it snow deep it was cold too snow was a snow was about hubcap deep on a ferris wheel but i mean it was deep but glenn called to nashville to check with our title agency that we uh the books for us and they give them some good news this song we're going to do was the number one song just they just found out so about three months in a row it was number one and we're so proud of that bill gaither produced this album and gary mcspadden bill gaither and gabriel speden you may not know who that is bill gaither he's he's an up-and-coming songwriter we're trying to help out yeah we sent him a care package for christmas that i don't know here's a song called candy cootie woody yes he can he could he wouldn't he did the best that i could was to wander around in the love that i found in the christmas party you can think what you choose but let me tell you the news yourself bye let me tell you a hey hey for 22 years i said a moment ago i've stood beside glenn somewhere most every night about the united states or canada and uh you know after 41 years for me 43 for glenn let me share this with you and i praise god when i say this that we're enjoying ourselves right now more than we ever have in our lives and it's because of god's blessing now the miles don't come as easy as they used to uh i confess that to you they don't come as easy as they used to but we're enjoying what we do more than we ever have in our life and i've seen so many guys after 25 or 30 years they it just a form and a ritual with him you know i praise god that he's given me joy and excitement to serve him like i've never had before and i serve him tonight not out of a sense of duty not because we feel that we have to we serve him simply because we love him and you know what this ain't on the program talking about bill gaither a moment ago we do this song once in a while and uh i hope i'm not throwing you guys a curve give us the key to i will serve thee gerald just a verse i will serve because i love you i was um please was because i love you jesus thank you mastery now you have to says god was you have two one day the master touched me boy i tell you what now i know that i know that you're not supposed to do this here's the songs not on the program i like our singing driving into here last night we had about 12 hours to drive and we decided that on the way here that we'd just soon hear us saying has anybody we ever heard no i made that up we never knew oh you didn't either this features danny thunderberg and danny thunderbird if i was a tenor singer i'd want to sing just like that little pip squeak right there he thrills me to death then he thrills me to death now that i'd want to sing like that i wouldn't want to look like it no danny i just i just threw that in there i want you to listen to the song that this if this song don't light your fire your woods wet somebody touch it many years he walked in darkness as he groaned along the streets his hands traced up somebody but since you touched me let me share something with you real quick i was going to sing that second verse but the lord wanted me to say something right here i don't usually talk an awful lot but i once was blinded and crippled by sin my mom and dad's here they know what i'm about to say but i used to be in church every sunday morning and sunday night my dad is a pastor a church and i was always there i'm a pk i learned how to play church i learned how to say and do things around the right people it became easy just to just to do the things and just like a former ritual like george was talking about while ago you know i needed a touch from the savior 13 years old i gave my heart and life to jesus christ but you know i only became really happy when i was 19 and i'd totally give him my life and let him become lord of my life and that's the touch that if you don't know this evening that's why we're here that's why we're singing you listen to the words of the second verse i once was blind and crippled by sin i thank god tonight that he knows me by my name yeah and i know where i'm going if he was to come back tonight you listen to the words of the second verse listen one day he touched that crippled man and he made him walk again but since my master came all the way yes i jesus is to hear that course one more time when jesus me oh shall not cry out exalted high above the earth all creations shall declare it but i've got praise he gave all his love my place right yes i've heard glenn sing a lot of songs i said a moment ago this is the most powerful song i've ever heard him sing you know and i already meant that a month ago glenn after uh 43 years and i work with you every night and i believe you're singing better right now and you ever sung you're like glenn and his glenn's never had a toothache in all his life he ain't got no teeth no no i mean i don't know why i said but back back during the christmas break though we did stop glenn from biting his nails we hid his teeth now you shared enough so i'm gonna i'm gonna let glen gum one for you no no you shared enough already i want you to listen to the most powerful song i've ever heard glenn saying i want to dedicate it to a good buddy of ours here paul ferrin glenn and i have known for many years and paul's been a real buddy to us we see paul all across the country and way out and where was we at in colorado estes park and we were kind of new out there oh we were scared but we didn't know how this is going to accept us in esther's park and to walk in to see paul and paul come up and hug our necks and we appreciate his friendship all down through the years paul god bless you here's a song especially for you we shall see jesus just as ease once all as thousands were fed and he touched the blind eyes raised up the days watching as jews he was crucified no to the lord yes as he served and he died people for jesus he rose is yeah we shall see oh oh i'm glad i'm saving i'm glad i know where i am we shall see jesus and all of his power jerry and all of his glory i'm glad i know him on a personal basis i don't glad i may be i think so this and that and the other i know i know him beyond a shadow of a doubt oh something somebody said the other day says you may know a lot about him but do you know him or you could call each disciple's name and all them kind of thing but unless you have him as lord of your life and into your heart not a head knowledge but a heart knowledge thank you for them amen listen i'm glad i'm saved i'm glad my name is written in the lamb's book of life i'm glad i'm a child of the king on my way to heaven and shouting the victory if you don't like shouting you better cancel your plans for heaven because i'll aggravate you today yeah watch your pacemaker there old man my daddy used to take me to hear him sing you know i as george told you we stood side by side for over 22 years and there's a song that i want him to sing i'm glad i didn't come seeking justice in my life i'm glad i came seeking mercy it's nothing like the mercy of the lord jesus christ i've never been in the hospital all those 43 years of traveling god's been so good to me i've never had laryngitis oh listen if anybody in the world has a right to get excited and shout a little bit it's me that's all right oh i sing with the greatest quartet in the world greatest bunch of guys i'm mean but we having fun here tonight i'm glad you all could be a part of it i'll tell you that oh listen i really believe this year is ordained you'd be here tonight yeah i don't believe it's no accident you're here george i want you to sing a song it's on the program we're supposed to do it but i want to introduce it i've heard george john sing a lot of songs you know there's a lot of bass singers they sing down low you know and they growl around you know i'm pretty good bass singer myself but george is beyond a shot of a doubt the best bass singer i ever heard so i don't make any bones about it and we didn't come here to brag on ourselves tonight we come here to brag on jesus but i believe in giving the roses why you can smell them some of you catch that in a few minutes i'll tell you i during the holidays you know we just had 17 days off during christmas and i was i'm an old texan i was raised on a farm in texas and we always had a fireplace you know and it was good in the holidays you know to sit next to the fireplace and prop your feet up a little bit you know until i was about 16 years old i thought my name was get wood get wood you better go get wood right there i love old people why he's so crazy about himself but i want him to sing a song he can you know a lot of bass singers like i say they sing low but george can take a lead sing it like a lead singer and this is what i love about george johnson's base things and this is one of my very all-time favorite songs says jesus have mercy on me i'm not even worthy of all of the blessings i've had while living below when i thank of heaven and all of it's splendor i know i'm not worthy to go i feebly to do what you wanted and be what you'd have a need of me but when you make up your jewels and call in your home jesus have mercy on me jesus have a mercy on one of your children who's failed and far and already overly blessed i've heard of the globe that awaits all the saints but that's too high too hoped to be lord i'm down here where you used to be but i failed all the tests that you passed and so i won't be first in the race but run it was all that you asked when i stand before you on that final day i'm sure that you may see it's not justice but mercy jesus have mercy on me jesus have a mercy on one of your children whose fail have been far from the best jesus unworthy and already overly blessed i've heard of the glory that awaits all the saints but that's jesus jesus have mercy on me not even worthy i may have shared this with you before but the lord just spoke to my heart let me share it i'm from a little town up here in lenoir north carolina i was born in patterson an old dumb old country boy and i went into the 82nd airborne division joined the paratroopers and went to fort bragg north carolina and let me tell you how dumb i was i when i wasn't the paratroopers i never had even been in a piper cub before that is done never forget the first time they stood me up in that c-47 and said jump and i said do what i bunked beside a little boy called mausa gonzalez mousey introduced me to marijuana way back then 1950 51 52 53 i was smoking them left-handed cigarettes thought i was a toughest thing in fort bragg a little later on in life nearly wound up in the gutter because of the bottle and when i came to the master i didn't want justice i didn't come seeking justice i came seeking mercy and i claim the word of god tonight it says when i confess my sins to him invited him into my heart that he blotted out my yesterdays never to be remembered again well i remember those days and i'll i'll i'll take scars with the grave to me from those days but i claimed the word of god tonight that said he would remember them no more and to stand here and to think i've got a homeland yeah you ask us where we're heading when we leave here oh we'll be gone several days but you know where we're really heading we're heading home there's a home home we're going to geral let me put you on the spot again there's a song called homeland we sent that album home with you and told you to learn them words i sure hope you learned them because you're going to sing them right now do that song homeland know how sweet it's gonna be just to see you back on to my loved ones and how my tears did fall though i tried i could not hide how it hurt to see them go now i know that they just left this world and moved to a better place but someday soon you'll call me too and i'll see them face to face is oh how sweet it is my god you want to hear that first one more time come on and i'll see them face to face know oh is are you packed and ready to go tonight is your name in the lounge book of life have you got a home man since this is your first time here with the cathedral quartet why don't you just share whatever the lord may have on your heart again right now i'll tell you what you this this little man knocks my hat in the creek that's all he is too yeah i'm so glad that jesus loves me yeah and he's made a way that i can go to homeland you know i think that verse talks about people dying and and you know loved ones dying i've had all that happen to me but you know when i get to heaven sure i want to see grandma and mom and dad all those people but i want to see jesus whether you believe that or not i want to see jesus i want my whole life here to be used to glorify the son of god and to magnify his name here's something that ain't on a program which is usual go ahead sir i want you to listen yeah i like it already bless the name of the lord me you enjoy that little man a few months ago uh we were in muncie indiana and bill and gloria gaither came it was an evening with the cathedrals and we've been doing that quite often in that area and all across the country we sing sometimes three and a half to four hours sometimes when they have just the cathedrals and bill and gloria gaither came to spend an evening with us as they have in the past glenn and i have known bill and gloria since they were kids we've known most people since they were kids you ride again old man but they said they sat on the front row that night and uh i gave my testimony as i did a moment ago and gloria said later she said george i've heard your testimony a jillion times at different places where we've been with you but tonight you really spoke to my heart and bill and i asked god to give us a song especially for the cathedrals and that was quite a compliment that they had asked the lord for a song especially for us we left they left and about three weeks later they called said you got to come by our house in alexander indiana one morning we went by gloria had breakfast all fixed for us you ought to go by there and eat sometime tell them a cathedral sent you but the lord had given them the song they had asked him for i've never had a verse of song fit my life like the one that god gave gloria for me i want you to listen to their latest effort at songwriting called just an old center saved by grace and i guess we're going to do this with a track if you could see what i once was if you could go with me back to where i started from then of love that took me and its sweet embrace and made me what i am today just an old setter saved by a grace now i live and breathe in freedom with each breath of life right how good i've ever seen or know how crude i dare to claim as mine victories so my oh i'm i'm i me there is no the storms of life nobody like me he's my lord yes the storms thank you would you sing little course with us sing it with us give them the words there is no other one there you give rest there's no doubt about it there's no mark mark trammell our baritone singer bass player one night about 2 30 in the morning i think it was way up in topeka kansas one snowy night when the roads were so icy that we were going about 10 miles an hour god gave mark that song he's my lord there's no doubt about it you know there's not a doubt in my mind that god didn't give mark that song just a comment i want mark to come around and sing it one more time i'll tell you what just i want to hear just you folks and mark sang that song could you do that mark isn't the right key for you oh i don't make no difference singing it ahead he's my lord sang it with him there is no other who can calm the storms of life give new life just one more thing we got to do gerald they wanted another verse a homeland a minute ago and you didn't do it would you do it right now my tears and i'll see them is foreign is have you really enjoyed it you
Channel: Josué Carvalho
Views: 667,665
Rating: 4.7318273 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel Music
Id: -MLll7myILM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 44sec (5024 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 24 2020
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