The Doxology Of The Delivered

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[Music] [Music] open your Bibles with me to the Epistle of Jude the book of [Music] Jude chapter one in verse number one verse one of Jude Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James to them that are Sanctified by God the father and preserved in Jesus Christ and called thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower thereof fadeth away with the word of our God shall stand forever I want to talk a moment about the doxology of the delivered the doxology the song The the praise the worship the the Hallelujah sir the the the the shout sir of those who have been delivered John Phillips in his expository commentary on the Epistle of Jude calls this smallest book in the Bible the vestibule of the Book of Revelation Philips calls Jude the vestibule of the book of the Revelation because its contents and its position in the New Testament Canon reinforces the idea that Jude is the preface to the apocalypse the end times apostasy of the church age seems to have come the Holy Spirit who in the past always sent Revival this time in the book of Jude he seems to be stepping aside the book of Jude is God's final warning God's final warning before the trumpet sounds before the Rapture occurs sir and then there will be ruin Beyond recovery or recall because the wrath of God after Jude's writings the book of the Revelation the wrath of God the Bold judgments the trumpet judgments the books will be opened and the wrath of God will fall violently on the face of the Earth like as has never been seen in the history of man in this small book Jude touches one of the Monumental differences between the Old Testament and the New Testament in the Old Testament to be where God could bless you one had to be in the land in the New Testament we have to be in the Lord in the Old Testament everything had to do with a place in the New Testament everything has to do with a person in the Old Testament one had to be in Canaan but in the New Testament one has to be in Christ Jude the servant of Jesus Christ before I move into this message Jude is the blood brother of Jesus Christ by his mother Mary and Joseph who was Mary's husband hband but not Jesus's father Jude is the brother of Jesus but in the text he calls himself the servant of Jesus Christ uh the Duos the bond servant one who was free but made himself a slave he's the brother of James the servant of Jesus Christ Jude was not a follower of Jesus when Jesus was on Earth during his ministry as a matter of fact Jude came along with Mary and his other brothers and sisters to get him out of his house where Jesus was teaching and someone went in the house and said to Jesus your mother and your brothers and your sisters are outside and Jesus said who is my mother who is my brother who is my sister but them who do the will of my father Jude was not a Believer until after the resurrection he became a follower of Jesus Christ after the resurrection and the Ascension and he doesn't even relate to Jesus on his mother's side because that would give him relationship materially but he relates to Jesus on the side of the Father which gives him kinship spiritually which ought to be good news to us in here this morning who are related to Jesus Christ not naturally because we are aliens and strangers cut off from the covenants of promise but the middle wall of petition has been brought low and now we are related to him not by birth but by our New [Applause] Birth Jude the servant the Duos the bond servant the free slave he chose to be a slave of Jesus Christ and the brother of James to them the Saints to them that are Sanctified by God God the Father preserved in Jesus Christ the son and called by the Holy Spirit if you are a child of God you are Sanctified by the father preserved in the son and called by the spirit now when you look at this text this one verse Jude calls us them in the Pauline epistolary in the Johan Epistles they are called or we are called Saints but but but but Jude interposes the word them which really means Saints it's a noun we are Saints now I didn't learn much in school uh not not very much I learned the parts of speech I didn't learn much in school high school junior high school I had my mind on girls I I couldn't do anything with him I just had my mind on them but but I learned that uh a noun is a person of place or thing that a verb can either show action or state of being and an adjective modifies or describes a noun so the noun in the text is them interposed from the Pauline Johan scriptures Saints so let's put the word in there Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James to the saints that are Sanctified by God the Father preserved in Jesus Christ and called we are Saints and that are some adjective modifiers that make us who we are there are some words some three words in the in the text that describe that modify who we are as children of God but before I get into that you've got to make sure you're a child of God um walk with me around the text to them to the saints that are number one Sanctified that word Sanctified does not mean speaking in tongue it does not mean being rubbed down with oil and and Roll It on the floor and and it does not mean you have some esoteric knowledge or some spiritual energy that nobody else has that's not what it means to be Sanctified sanctification is the relationship with God into which we enter by faith in Jesus Christ this holy this holy character is not vicarious it's not an attainment you cannot have it transfer heard from your mother or father it is not imputed to you because you belong to a particular denomination sanctification has nothing to do with the house you were raised in cuz your mama can't be Sanctified for you your father may have been chamon of deacons at your church where you grew up but he cannot transfer his sanctification to you he cannot impute his sanctification to you it's a relationship that you must willingly enter into with God through faith in Jesus Christ um it is an individual possession built up as a result of obedience to the word of God and following the example example of Christ in the power of the holy spirit let me say it one more time it's obedience to the word of God is following the example of Christ in the power of the holy spirit let me run it by you again it's obedience to the word of God following the example of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit and so obedience to the word of God following the example of Christ in the power of the holy spirit sets you apart as Sanctified it does not make you better it makes you [Music] different I wish I had one the two more witness you are not better than that sinner that's walking on the street because were it not for the sanctifying power of the word of God the example of Christ and the power of the spirit you'd be in the crack house this morning we are not here because we are better we are here because we are different if any man be in Christ he's a new creature old things I wish I had two or three more Bible reading are passing away and behold all things are becoming new sanctification is a [Applause] process that takes a lifetime I'm better today than I was 5 years ago have I got a witness and and then there are some areas where I'm weaker today than I was just one year ago I wish I had two or three Witnesses here but that doesn't have anything to do with my position in Jesus Christ because he saved me and once he saves me he never [Applause] repents I'm in God's family I've been born again and I can never never be unborn let let me see if I can help somebody um it's just naturally it just makes sense from natural birth to make the application to make the connection with our spiritual birth a baby can be still born a baby can be born with a birth defect but a baby can't be unborn on once once you're born yeah nothing can ever change the indisputable fact that you've been [Applause] born you you might disown your family but you can't change the fact that you were born have a got a witness here I've been born again I don't always act like it I don't always sound like it I don't always look like it but nothing will ever change the fact that I've been born now I need somebody here who know you've been born again with all your issues with all your junk with all your problems with with all your sinful ways with all your ugly habits with all the stuff you wish you didn't have to deal with you know youve been born [Applause] again that's that's that's something to shout about that's a that's a doxology that's a that that's a shouting thing that's it's time to give God glory it's time to listen listen thank you Holy Ghost God doesn't love me because Jesus died for me but Jesus died for me cuz God loves me that was pretty good was God did not wait to loved me at the cross God loved me before the foundation of the world He sent Jesus to die for me not so he could love me he loved me before Jesus even came in the [Applause] world that's something to shout about I said that's something to raise your hands about that's something to get happy about that God did not wait for me to get my act [Applause] together I was accepted in the Beloved before the foundation of the world and so he Sanctified me another word for Sanctified in the text is loved me God loved me God loves me God loves me God really really sure enough no kidding for real absolutely with no qualifications loves me and he knows everything about me but he still loves me he knows my downsitting I wish I had a witness he knows my Uprising he knows my thoughts even before I think them he knows the wrong I'm going to do tomorrow but he goes in my tomorrow to forgive [Applause] me I wish I had a low down sinner like me I I wish I had a crook in here like me who could help me testify before I get up in the morning there are brand new Mercy Great Is Thy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Faithfulness I'm Sanctified I I don't speak in tongues but I'm sanctified [Applause] I I don't have to roll on the floor but I'm Sanctified I don't do no dance but I'm Sanctified I'm not against you doing a dance I'm not against you with a tambourine I'm not against you raising your hands I just want you to know you're Sanctified and if you don't do any of those things because that's tied to emotion [Applause] but when you take emotion out of the picture and put facts on the table even if I never raise my hands you can't judge my sanctification by no hand raising cuz a whole lot of folk raise their hands who ain't been Sanctified but I've been washed hey my name is written in the Lamb's Book of [Applause] Life I've been set apart sanctify that that's that's one adjective participle let me give you the second adjective participant not only am I Sanctified but I am [Applause] secured it's right here in the text Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James that are Sanctified by God the father and preserved secured in Jesus Christ am I doing all right it's right here in the Tex I I am secure preserved that word preserved means secure after the love of God sanctifies me he sends his son Jesus to secure [Applause] me you want to know what that word secure means what that word preserved in the text means it means he watches over me it means he takes care of me it means he's keeping an eye on me it means he's observing attentively everything that happens to me so that nothing will get me out of my sanctification I still don't think I got that over to you he watches over me he takes care of me he keeps his eye on me he's observing me attentively so that nothing can ever happen to me that he's not aware of if it comes in my life he let it in to get Glory my trouble is for him to get Glory I wish I had a witness here my sickness is for him to get Glory my problems is for God to get Glory because if I couldn't handle it he never would have let it come in my life no weapon sown against me shall prosper greater is he that is in me than he that is in the world we are more than conqueror I'm persuaded that neither life nor are deaths angels are principalities things present are things to come nothing shall be able to separate me from the love of [Music] God for we know that all sin where together for good to them that love God and to those who are the called according to his [Applause] purpose [Applause] listen I'm Sanctified in the father so when I get saved the father has me in his [Applause] hand and he says who I hold in my hand the devil in hell can't pluck him out now that's all I need but to make me shout he said sends the son to put his hand on his daddy's hand and said now if the devil think he can get you out of my hand I'mma put my son's hand on my hand let him try to pull those two a [Applause] loose which means I'm Sanctified and secure [Applause] you you you got to watch The Devil cuz the devil will make you think that when you sin you got to go get saved again no you you you ain't got to go get saved again because security of the believer says if you confess your sin I wish I had a sinner in here this morning he is faithful have I got a witness here and just to cleanse you from all that sin I wish I had one or two more witnesses God can sanctify and secure with Jesus Blood on the cross yes sir sir whenever I sin notice I didn't say If Ever I say cuz I need to tell some super Saint in here this morning Who's acting like you don't walk outside the line and and and and you got Wings on we just can't see it cuz it's covered by your clothes and you got a halo around your head stop lying to yourself cuz if you say you have no sin you make God a liar and the Bible says you are a liar and the truth is not in you cuz everybody in here this morning has fallen short of the glory of God I said I wish I had a crook here like me I I wish I had a sinner in here like me who can testify the reason I shout so loud the reason I praise God with such enthusiasm the reason I give God my best at church cuz when I was in the world I was just as good at giving it up in the world as I am in [Music] church now um I can't give the devil more of my time then I give my [Applause] savior if if if you if you turn BB King on right [Applause] now and I'm in this pull [Applause] pit but if I hear 3:00 in the morning I might have to ask Reverend Washington to take [Applause] over and if I can get happy on that yeah and that don't mean nothing I get happy when I think about what he's done for me he brought me out of Darkness have I got a witness he opened doors that were closed in my face he made my enemies leave me alone he took my feet out of the my clay and establish them upon a solid rock now if God's been that good to me I don't need no preacher to tell me give God some [Applause] praise I'm sanctified is right here in the text I'm secured finally I've been selected it's right here in the text Jude the servant of Jesus Christ and the brother of James to them that are Sanctified by God the Father preserved in Jesus Christ and call selected I've been divinely called to be a partaker of the blessings of redemption it is both my vocation and my destination somebody going to get that here in a minute my Divine calling to partake in the blessings of redemption is both who I am and where I'm going it's a vocation yeah and a destination now there is a general call that goes out to everybody whosoever will let him come that's a general call but then there is is an effectual call that certain ones of us have been called to take on what God knows others can't handle somebody here has been called to be the strong one in your family you're not the oldest you you're not the wealthiest but God has just called you to be the strongest whenever somebody's got a problem they call you cuz they know you know how to pray you know how to get on your knees and ask God for a blessing they know that whenever there is a a stress or a fracture in the family to call on you because God has just given you something that nobody else in the family has it's a strength and and endurance that you can stand up under anything and they don't understand how you do it and they don't know where you get the strength from they don't know where you get the courage from they don't know how you're able to Bear what it is that you bear you got your own bills but you help them with their bill you got your own problems but you help them with their problems you got your own sickness but you taking care of them in their sickness God just caused special ones of us to handle special [Applause] situation it's an effectual calling everybody doesn't have it everybody can't smile in adver [Applause] I wish I had one or two more witnesses everybody can't laugh in the face of disaster everybody can't come to church when the bottom has fallen out in their life everybody doesn't have the strength to stand up to take care of an aging parent or some somebody in the family has got to do it on your own the other brothers the other sisters it's their mama is their daddy but they're not going to do it God has called you to do it and don't be mad with God for calling you to do it because he said if you honor your father and your mother he'll make your days long somebody ought to help me preach it if you do right by your mother and your father not only will God give you a length of days but God will make those days is so special and then God has called some of us to be sick the sickness didn't come from the devil it came from God because God knows you can handle it you going to help me preach this won't you Paul said I had a Thor in the flesh the messenger of Satan to Buffet me Satan brought it but God sent it it's the messenger of Satan to Buffet me lest I should be exalted above me he said I went to the Lord three times and asked God to move but God said in essence no I'm not going to take it away you going to have to go through this but while you're going through this my grace is sufficient have I got a witness most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmity that the power of God May rest upon me for when I am weak then am I strong God's strength can only be appropriated in my weakness some of us have been called to go through life with no children you prayed and asked the Lord for a child and God hasn't answered that prayer but God raised up some more children for you they they they call you mama or they call you daddy or they call you Granny they're not even your children your God never open your womb but you are so good to other people's children that if those children didn't have you they wouldn't have a motherly Godly influence in their life God called you to that that's a special calling cuz some women who got children don't need to have them cuz they don't have a motherly bone in their body but God didn't open your womb but he made you a mother to somebody that's a special calling and you ought to give God the glory that even though I didn't bear children you gave me your [Applause] children and then some of us have been called to know how to pray for people to ask God to bless people have I got a witness here you you wanted to be married by this time you thought you ought to have a husband or a wife but God didn't let that happen perhaps saving you some trouble in the [Applause] [Music] book this is this is just a little this just a little aside here I'm I'm going throw this in for free you perhaps remember those old Delaney sisters who lived in Mount Vernon New York U Sadie and Bessie come on preacher one of them was 106 and the other was 103 and they were on Oprah winre Show once and Oprah asked them how did they live so long they said cuz we never had husbands to worry us to death [Applause] and and and you may be praying for something that God don't want you to hand because God can get solitary use out of your life and godly use out of your life if you're single and by yourself now everybody's not going to be married everybody not going to be single but whatever God called for your life to be be satisfied doing that he can get more devotion out of you by yourself if he could with you being tied down in a relationship now he may choose to give you something down the road but don't ask God for what he's not going to give [Music] you Paul had a special calling on his life Jesus had a special calling on his life and every Christian in here has a special calling on your life and brothers and sisters you ought to ask God what your calling is because I'm sure the most uncomfortable thing in the world is to try to be what you ain't been called to [Applause] be I mean it's got to be a mess it's got to be an awful fix the try to be doing something you ain't been called to do you going to help me close this won't you but once God sanctifies you once the son comes to secure you and then once the Holy Spirit selects you how does he keep all these balls in the air how does he keep this sanctification going how does he keep this security alive how does he keep this selection pure because the devil is always trying to snatch you out of his hand the devil is always trying to take you away from God's purpose for your life so how does Jesus keep all of this stuff going at the same time you going to help me close this W you how does the Lord keep me Sanctified yes sir how does the Lord secure me in my sanctification and then how does the Lord select me through my sanctification and my security you got to come on with me down to verse number 24 that's how the Lord does it you got to follow me down to verse number 24 that's how he keeps me Sanctified that's how he keeps me secure that's how he keeps me one of his select ones you got to go down to verse number 24 you going to help me preach it won't you now unto [Applause] him let me talk about him a minute now on him let me talk about him a minute he's a rock in a weary land he's a shelter in a time of storm he's a friend when you're friendless bread when you're hungry water when you're thirsty y'all know him don't you he's Adam's Redeemer he's Abel's Vindicator he's Abraham's sacrifice he's Noah's Ark he's Moses Bush on fire I wish I had somebody who know him this morning is there anybody here who knows who I'm talking about he's God's only son he's Mary's baby boy he's James and judee's older brother he's Matthew's King he's Mark's suffering servant he's Luke's great physician he's John's word made flesh he acts coming of the Holy Ghost he's the only begotten of the father full of grace and truth y'all know him don't you now unto him here it is who is able who is able let me talk about him being able he's able to open doors that will close in your face he's able to make your enemy your foot stool he's able to put food on your table he's able to save a Wretch like Me he's able to lift up a bow down head he's able to dry tears from your ey he's able to pick you up turn you around place your feet on Solid Ground He's Able He's Able I tell you able do you know he's able why don't you grab somebody tell him he's able to keep me from falling is there anybody here ever fail down and the Lord pick you up shake somebody's hand tell them now on the him now unto him who is able to keep me from falling won't he do it I said won't he do it won't he keep you till your hair turns gray won't he keep you until you're old and feeble won't he keep you when Mama and Daddy is gone won't he keep you won't he hold you won't he guide you now un him who is able to keep you from falling and to present [Applause] you hold you up present you faultless all the mess I've been through all the trouble I've been through all the trials I've been through he just presents me faultless like I never did anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] wrong he presents me like I've been good all my life he presents me like I never told a lie he presents me like I never committed adultery he presents me like I Never Smoke Weed he presents me like I never went to jail he presents me like you never got [Applause] pregnant he present man F [Music] [Applause] left know he's all right [Applause] hey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] presents me faultless before his presence with exceeding great joy now if sanctification ain't enough if security is not enough if selecting me is not enough he presents me with exceeding great joy to the only wise God be glory Majesty dominion and [Applause] power not just right now but forever [Music]
Channel: Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church
Views: 66,712
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reverend Terry Anderson Pastor Lilly Grove Missionary Baptist Church Houston Texas
Id: EXqfT1PyPwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 12sec (2892 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 07 2016
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