The Promise Is Bigger Than The Problem Pt. 5

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[Music] open your Bibles with me to the Gospel of John at chapter number 10 verses 7 through verse number 9 John at chapter 10 verses 7 through verse 9 I won't talk again about the promise is bigger than the problem the promise is bigger than the problem then said Jesus unto them again verily verily I say unto you I am the door of the Sheep all that ever came before me are thieves and robbers but the Sheep did not hear them I am the door By Me If any man enter in he shall be saved and shall go in and out and find pasture thank you you may be seated the grass withers and the flower fades but the word of our God shall stand forever if you're going to be a good student of the Bible scripture must always be read or taught or preached or understood in its context contextual in chapter 10 follows chapter 9 without transition so Jesus audience in chapter 10 is the same people he's speaking to in chapter 9 and if you would a good understanding of what Jesus is talking about in chapter 10 we've got to go back to what happened in chapter 9 in Chapter number nine of John's Gospel there is a man born blind and the disciples asked Jesus who sinned this man or his parents that he was born blind and jesus said neither this man nor his parents sinned but that the works of God might be made manifest in this man's life I must work the works of him that sent me while it is day for the night is coming when no man can work Jesus spits on the ground and makes a clay and puts it on the man's eyes and say to him go wash in the pool of Siloam the man goes to the pool of Siloam he washes out his eyes and he comes back seeing the Pharisees when they find out about it they asked a man who healed him of his blindness the man says a man named Jesus and the say to him don't give him any glory give God the glory they call in the young man's parents and he asked his parents is this boy your son and the parent says he is our son he was born blind but for fear that they would be excommunicated from the synagogue the parents do not want to answer the Pharisees question and they asked the parents who healed your boy and the mother and father said he's of age as him let him speak for himself I wish I had two or three Bible reader and the scripture says they called a boy back in and says who healed you and he said a man named Jesus I told you that the last time it was a man named Jesus and they say don't give him any glory because this man is a sinner and the man in the story says he might be a sinner I'm not arguing that I'm not disputing that I don't know him that well all I know is one day I was blind but now I can see and and Jesus healing of the blind man had led them it had led to the man's being expert expelled from the local synagogue and he leaves these people to follow Jesus in the way Jesus looks at this as an arrogant accession of usurped authority that called for further commit not in chapter 9 but to the same audience in chapter 10 but the Pharisees were not only blind themselves but they were leading other people astray that's the problem with blind guys not only are they blind but they cause other people to stumble in the way the dark backdrop of Jesus is Good Shepherd discourse is therefore the blatant irresponsibility of these Jewish religious leaders and so Jesus has to proclaim in response to them being thieves and robbers Jesus said in chapter 9 or in the beginning verses of chapter 10 anybody who came before me is a thief and a robber I am the door of the sheepfold and anybody who comes in any other way but through the door comes in as a thief and a robber I am he says the door I want to talk about that door for a moment in those days in the Bible days sheep were kept out of doors in a sheep pen that was made of stone walls and briars and thistles were put on top of the walls keep this the Sheep from escaping or jumping over the walls but there was no gate to the sheep pen there was no door to the sheep pen the Shepherd would put his physical body down at the entrance of the opening so that the no wolf could get in but no she could get out the shepherd himself became the door to the Sheep pen Jesus says I am the door of the sheepfold if you're going to come to God you've got to come through by me there's no other way to get in the kingdom of God but by a relationship with Jesus Christ hear me brothers and sisters baptism won't do it church membership will do singing in the choir won't do it mustering out the back door won't do it preaching the gospel even won't do it because it's not about a religion it's about a relationship let me see if I can make this mixing a door let me tell you what what what the significance of the door is in this text a door serves to divide rules in your house or divided by doors and there are some places in your house that's off-limits to guests you don't let everybody in your bedroom come on talk back to me if you can Oh everybody just don't walk in your house and and go in the china cabinet and and get them a cup in the plate and come sit at your table because there are doors that that divide entrances in your home come on help me preach if you can that's some Besim doors that that you don't let company either in because it's private is your it's your personal private space and so there's a door there to divide in the kingdom of God doors divide us because not everybody who says Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdom of God there are some requirements that come along with being a child of God [Applause] brothers and sisters you hear me being a Christian being a follower of Jesus Christ is exclusive there are some things you've got to cut out of your life there are some things you've got to divide from your life there's some people you're gonna have to divide from your life there's some social entanglements come on talk back to me if you can because the scripture says you got to lay aside every weight and every sin and there are some weights that are not sins but if they keep you from serving God you got to separate from it I haven't seen it like this since in the recent years when this matter of these sporting events for young children on Sunday and the parents I don't believe have the wherewithal to tell their children you're not playing ball on Sunday but that wasn't the problem at 7:22 South Beulah Street where I was born and raised because my parents decided for me what I was going to be involved in particularly when he came to Sunday morning because if God got us up we were going to church on Sunday morning I wish I had somebody raised like I was ready and nothing got in the way of us giving God our time our talent and our Treasury but now everything we put everything in the way of God and in the way of his church shiok wide you got right there let me let me let me just talk about my family this ain't your family I'm talking about my family I had a family member who is a member of this church or say to me that she wants to do a baby christening and that's fine I'm willing to do that I don't have to do it at a church I get to do at your house if you don't go to church but she she hadn't been to church in a number of years and I said to her are you still a member here and she said yes we still members there but we just worked so much we just worked so much we just got so much going on at work and we just work so much me and my husband we come in but we just work so much and so I text her back I'm gonna pray and ask God to take all that work off your plate because anything that gets in the way of you serving God I'm ask God to move all of that move all that work out the way cuz you you're making too much money and you can't serve God or your child is in your way I'm ask God to take all that out the way because nothing ought to come before God see I cried you're getting again but you can't you can you can you can find this in the scripture jesus said if you love mother and father more than me you're not worthy of me if you put your hand to the plow and look back you're not fit for the kingdom of God seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you but anything you put in front of God becomes an idol and he says I will have no other God before my face if your work is in the way of you coming to church is an idol if your children is in the way of you coming to church it's an idol if your money is in the way of you serving God it's an idol and so as a Christian you need to put a door up to divide anything that separates you from serving God I think I need a Bible reader to help me here it's gonna get kind of rough in here it ain't gonna get no better so you might as well stay with me Joshua told the people when he was getting ready to go meet the fathers you said you can serve the gods on the other side of the flood or you can serve the gods in whose land you dwell if you want to be with the amorite and the hittite that's all right with me or you can stay here and serve the gods of the Canaanite but let me speak for myself as for me and my house we gonna serve the Lord have I got a witness here and when you put God first you lose your appetite for everything else once you taste and see that the Lord is good you lose your appetite for everything that does not satisfy adore not only does the door divide a door secured Jesus said I'm the door a door secured you don't sleep in your house with the door but if you got good sense you want to be secure you want to be in your house secured and so you shut the door and lock the door to keep what belongs to you in and to keep a predator out somebody ought help me preach it you need security and in Christ who is the door of the sheepfold we have eternal security [Applause] nothing can pluck us out of his hand I wish I had one or two more Bible read I persuaded that neither life nor death angels or principalities things present seems to come nothing nothing can separate me from the love of God because he secures me until the day of redemption but but but now let me push the illustration a little further I have been careless on occasion and I have slept in my house thinking I was secure with my gate and my garage open all night my carelessness my sinking that I had locked the door my thinking that I had made myself safe and secure when in fact I was not but all night no robber broke in no thief came in to steal my stuff no murderer came in to take my life when they had every opportunity to do so cuz I had not locked the door I was living in the door I don't think I got that over to I didn't lock the door but the door was already locked because he said Who I hold in the palm of mine the devil in the hell him let me see if I can make it mix this again you didn't get in the wreck last week are you such a careful driver God slows somebody down I wish I had a witness in you're not looking good this morning because you dieting and exercising all night all day God's got angels watching over me [Applause] he that dwelleth in the secret place I wish I had a Bible reading of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty I will say of the Lord he is my refuge and my fortress my god in him will I put my Troy the Lord is my light and my salvation you go help me preach this won't you whom shall I fear the Lord is the strength of my life of whom shall I be afraid when the wicked even my enemies and my foes came upon me to eat up my flesh just before they got to me god rip them they stumbled and they fell though our host should encamp against me and this will I be confident one thing have I desired of the Lord and that will I seek after that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life for in the time of trouble and the body has ever been in trouble anybody ever been down to your last dime anybody here ever had your back against the wall in the time of trouble he shall hide me [Applause] even though in my carelessness I left my door unlocked all night somebody was outside you missed that you were still shouting when I made that point I said even though I kept my door unlock all night somebody was outside you're gonna get that on your way home even though I was careless and left my door open I had somebody outside around every window I write every corner of my house around every blade of grass around my sidewalk around my fence in my bed keeping me I will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on me but brothers and sisters it's not just a song it's the real truth you ought to really think about it the next time you sing it what a fellowship what a joy divine leaning on the everlasting honor what a blessedness what a peace of mind leaning on the everlasting arms oh how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way leaning on the everlasting leaning on they have what have I to dread what have I to fear leaning on the everlasting on I have blessed peace with my lord so men leaning on the everlasting off a door divides but a door also secure but less I keep you too long not only does the door divide and secure a door opens Jesus said if any man is open to any man anybody who would accept Christ as Savior he says the door is open the church is not an exclusive social club it's not an elite sorority or fraternity If any man hear my voice he says harden not your heart I wish I had a Bible reader he said By Me If any man enter in he shall be saved that means Christ door is open anybody in him everybody is welcome in the kingdom of God homosexuals are welcome lesbians are welcome homeowners are welcome homeless people are welcomed drug addicts are welcomed alcoholics are welcomed because we are no better than they are we just got saved before they did because if God took his hands off of Us Weekly in the crack house - you gotta you're you ought to push it over on Sunday morning and let people get into people with you because you don't know who God want to say you ought y'all to move down and let somebody come in because God is always open to save into some Bible cover got a witness here God is always ready to save somebody you might have seen this commercial on television I've seen it often with the son of the late President Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan jr. who is an avowed atheist he's made a commercial for the Atheist Society of the United States that has this foundation for the separation of church and state and he ends the commercial by saying I'm Ronald Reagan a proud atheist who is not afraid of burning in hell and every time I hear that commercial every time I hear him say that with a smirk on his face I'll say how arrogant how foolish because the Bible says The Fool has said in his heart there is no god but if he turns around this morning God loves them enough to save [Applause] you might remember if you've been in Texas for a while you might've remember remember this young girl this young woman who killed these people to abandon his wife she killed them with an axe pick Tanya Tucker I believe her name one and she killed these people and she stabbed them to death with an ice pick and when she got in which he went to prison she stayed in prison and he started bringing her Bible and saw the witnessing to her and she got saved President Bush tried to intervene to get her sentence commuted to life in prison so that she would not die the Pope made some statements that the state of Texas should not kill her but nevertheless she went to the death chamber and died because she killed these two people with an ice pick and and I've said that I'm making this point that grace is so amazing and God is so open to saving somebody that sometimes grace looks so radical that it seems unfair that this woman who killed these people went to heaven and if they were not saved they went to hell you think about that a minute the letter goes to heaven and the murder if they didn't know Jesus Christ goes to hell that's how radical grace is but all of us deserve hell in the first place but Jesus went to the cross to die for our sins to throw open wide the doors of salvation and that's why we are not ever saying who God does not want to be saved if any man and I'm glad he said that I'm glad he said if any man I mission to the people who were here in there in the service I'm glad that the Bible says God is the God of Abraham the god of Isaac and the God of Jacob the included Jacob because Jacob was a liar of schemer a trickster a rascal underhanded and lowdown thank God he's the god of Rascals and lowdown people because if that were not the case on some of us in here would be in hell right now but thank God he loves the low-down people he loves the people who've been on drugs he loved the people who had abortions he loves people who've been divorced he loves people who've been to jail Jesus Christ is open the door is open for everybody not only not only do doors divide not only do doors secure not only do doors open but finally doors give access you couldn't get some well you couldn't get in some places if somebody hadn't opened the door for you go help me close this won't you there's some places that I've been but I didn't have the credentials to get in but somebody else open the door for me and I was able to gain access I wish I had two or three witnesses in I've been in the halls of Congress because somebody opened the door for me I met and shook hands with Bill Clinton because somebody opened the door for me I wish I had two or three witnesses I met the mayor of London when I visited there several years ago because somebody knew him and opened a door for me I've been to Austin to shake hands with the governor because somebody opened a door for me I know and I am good friends with the mayor of the city of Houston because somebody opened the door for me I've sat in a suite and had food with the governor of the state of Louisiana because somebody opened the door for me there were some things I didn't qualify for but somebody who had authority somebody who had higher credentials than myself were able to walk in first and open the door for me you see where I'm trying to go don't you I've seen some important people I've been to some highfalutin places but no place is more important for me to gain access to then to the very presence of God himself because I don't have the credentials I don't have the name qualification so I need somebody to go in before me and announce me so I can have access Jesus Christ is my access to the very presence of God himself it will help the closest wants it there is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the spirit thank God I've got an access I can go in and out whenever I feel like it if I need something I just got to ask him in his name if somebody's on my trail I've just got to call up my father because I have access is there anybody here know God's been good to you is there anybody here recognize the sacrifice he made for you is there anybody here resting ideo salvation rejoicing in God's goodness raising your hands because of God's refreshment if the Lord opened doors for you you are the praising me if the Lord save your soul your teregoths link you if the Lord works your name in the Lamb's Book of Life you ought to shout hallelujah if the Lord made a way out of no way don't let anybody intimidate you don't let anybody make you be quiet don't let anybody tell you it don't take all of that next time somebody tell you it don't take all of that turn around and telling me don't take all that for you you don't know how many tears I've had to say you don't know how many doors God is open for you don't know how many ways God has made for me so I feel like telling God's thank you thank you for all you've done for me thank you for being a mother for me thank you when my child was in trouble I called your name and you came to my rescue thank you and I was sick in my body look like I was going to lose my mind you spoke peace to my dying soul and I want to say thank you for all you've done phone maybe somebody needs to be encouraged today maybe somebody here with a Hyundai on hand why don't you say somebody thing why don't you encourage somebody why don't you tell them from your own experience come on you can preach it like I'm preaching tell them from your own experience I'm so glad I'm so glad [Music] so glad so glad so glad glad is same granny darling granny rose again glad he's coming back why don't you hurt somebody tell them you don't know like I know you can't tell it like I can tell what the lord [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] he walks with me he talks with me have you tried him only opened doors that will close in your friends tell him thank you thank you thank you I know he's alright [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank God [Music] [Applause] thank God for doors thank God that Jesus is a door that divides he's a door that secures he's a door that swings wide open when more than that he's the door through which you can gain access brothers and sisters we have a hope that make it not ashamed because that hope is shed abroad in our hearts God was in Christ reconciling the world to himself and he's given us the Ministry of reconciliation to it that if any man just just any man come in by me he shall be saved and find pasture but then you you got a really shout when you get to verse 10 of John 10 the thief come what for to kill to steal and to destroy but I am coming I am is come that you might have life and have it more abundantly [Music] before our brothers come I've been waiting to use this illustration ever since it happened to me I was I was invited to a important dinner and my grandmother tried to teach me and I used to go over to eat with sister Minetta Smith and and brother s K Smith before brother Smith went to be with the Lord I would go over to eat with brothers and sister Smith and sister when Neda Smith was trying to train us but the Smith and I not to just be country in our eating and and I didn't do it until I saw brother Smith do it I want to do it but I didn't do it to Allah so he did it the plate that we ate our food in brother Smith put his dessert on the same plate and sister Mineta Smith said that's that's too ignorant don't y'all do that that's that's too country I got some dessert plates and brother Smith says all going in the same place baby it don't make no difference to me Reverend if you don't do it you can if not you don't have to I said well in his house he put his dessert on his plate I put my dessert on my plate but but I've been to some places where where they have all of these Forks in and spoons and and the server comes and and put your napkin on your lap for you and that's that's fancy for me because I use a paper towel I just eat whatever I got in my hand but at these fancy places they the first place I went to eat they put all these folks that is about six knives and forks and spoons and stuff and and I was looking at the other people to see how they was handling him because you're not in one of the know I was from Eunice but but they put a fork in a spoon a little one right in front of the plate and and I didn't say anything because I did you use my salad fork and I'd use my my dinner fork and so I was wondering what those other utensils before and so a brother who was doing the weeding and he got to my table and got to me and got closer and I said man what is these other folks in spoon from he said just wait the best is yet to come you don't eat that with these Forks right here though this fork here is for the real good stuff the best is yet to come Jesus [Applause] has invited me to the marriage supper of the Lamb and one of these days I'm gonna sit at the Welcome Table because the best is yet to come eyes have not seen is have not heard neither has it entered the hearts of men the good things that God has in store you think I'm shouting now you think I'm raising my hands and now you think I'm giving God praise now you ought to be there when they crown him king of kings and Lord of lords [Music] [Music]
Channel: lillygrovembc
Views: 32,936
Rating: 4.7254901 out of 5
Id: 78suhX0zfSQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 12sec (2472 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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