The Controversial TikTok Trend - The story of Isabella Guzman | TRUE CRIME & MAKEUP

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel and welcome back to another true crime and makeup video where i'm going to be talking about true crime case and doing my makeup at the same time and every single product that i'm going to be using on my face today will be in the description box down below so today's case is the story of isabella guzman who is now infamous after videos of her went viral on tick tock there was just this really weird trend where people would imitate um isabella's court appearance there were some people dressing up in the orange jumpsuit there was people copying her facial expressions and it was because of her facial expressions why this case went so viral on tiktok and it it was just it's just weird i don't even know what to say it was just weird i feel like i'm going to say weird a lot in this video but isabella wasn't in court for just some low level petty crime she was making an appearance in court because she was being charged with first degree murder it's quite common on tick tock for people to duet videos and like copy each other's videos and stuff but this was not like some funny little dance trend that was going on uh this was murder i mean the behavior that isabella was showing in the court appearance was very bizarre i've got to admit it was the facial expressions um not what you would expect to see from someone appearing in court for first degree murder it's definitely her facial expressions her behavior in court which is what has fascinated so many people i mean you wouldn't really expect someone to react like that after they've just murdered someone i can't believe i'm saying this but i think the weirdest thing not that i haven't already said very weird things was there was so much emphasis on her appearance playing almost like a cult-like following because of the way she looked it's like people thought that she was too pretty to be a murderer which i don't know how people link those two i don't know how people think that because of the way you look on the outside dictates who you are on the inside and what you're capable of um but this was happening in the case of isabella guzman people were so almost obsessed with the way she looked saying she was so cute saying she was so pretty and the kinds of comments on these videos on tic tac people were saying oh i have a crush on her i'm okay and she's so cute she's so pretty she can't be capable of this and i think those most disturbing comments and i did see this more than once it wasn't just one person people saying that whoever she murdered deserved it um it makes me lose faith in humanity when i see comments like that and as well there's more there's more weird bizarre things with these tik tok videos in a lot of these videos i would say most of them not all but most of them had the song sweet but psycho playing in the background which in itself is um a very controversial song that stigmatizes mental health but to put that song over the videos of isabella guzman to almost romanticize the whole situation just takes it to another level i mean i just think it's just so disgusting that people romanticize these kinds of crimes and these kinds of criminals and unfortunately it's not uncommon we have seen it happen before with people like ted bundy richard ramirez chris watts people seem to think that the way somebody looks almost diminishes the gravity of their crimes and in some cases because of the way they look people believe that they should be treated more leniently and that is on pretty privilege but of course behind all of these viral videos behind all of these people romanticizing isabella there was a brutal murder a complete tragedy that should not be glamorized in any way shape or form so today i'm going to give you the true story on what actually happened in the case of isabella guzman um so yeah let's just uh jump straight in so isabella guzman was born on the 9th of june 1995 making her a gemini she was born in aurora colorado she parents yumi hoy and robert guzman when isabella was just four years old her parents did divorce i don't know why they divorced all i could find was that there was a misunderstanding and her mother surely after remarried to a man called ryan hoy and her mother remarrying did seem to be the trigger of what would be a very troubled relationship between the mother and the daughter isabella just didn't seem to accept that her mom had moved on which of course is not uncommon for children when their parents have separated i don't know exactly the age of isabella when her mother did remarry but i know when she was seven years old things at home weren't going well at all and isabella did move in with her biological father just because things have become so difficult in the home and yumi just couldn't cope there isn't really much information um on isabella's childhood however we do know that she was raised as a jehovah's witness which is a specific branch of christianity and from what i could find out her mother yumi her father robert and her stepfather ryan were also jehovah's witnesses and isabella at the age of 14 decided that she wanted to leave the religion and in some cases from what i've read it's not as straightforward to leave the jehovah's witness religion and this issue of her wanting to leave the religion does come up later in the video but this definitely caused problems between isabella and you me so it's 2013 now and isabella is 18 and this is when her behavior gets even worse and tensions between yumi and isabella just increase and what added to the tension in the household is isabella wanted to drop out of school she was so close to graduating and i can obviously understand why this caused tension because she was so close to graduating there was also issues with isabella sneaking boys into the house there was an incident where a neighbor had to call the police because there was just men jumping over the fence which did end up being isabella's boyfriends and there was actually a little incident with one of her boyfriends so in late august 2013 she broke up with her boyfriend again i don't know the reasons why she broke up with him but he came over to her house because he'd left some of his things there and he went over to pick them up and she chased after him with a golf club um yeah i don't know why they broke up i don't know what happened there but she chased after him with a golf club around this time as well she was becoming a lot more disrespectful and a lot more threatening towards her mom and her stepdad their stepdad ryan said that yumi and isabella did clash often i don't know if their personalities just didn't mesh well together but they did clash often but what was going on in august 2013 was just on another level it was very out of character for isabella and it just felt different the disrespect and the aggressive behavior it just felt different this time it got so bad that during one argument between isabella and yumi isabella actually spat on her mum which she had never done before and this incident was kind of what really scared you me it really shook her and she was that scared that she asked ryan if he could stay in the same bed as her because she was so scared of isabella and she just didn't know what could possibly happen i can't even imagine um being scared of your children that must have been really really horrible and traumatic so the very next day the day after isabella spat in her mum's face we are now on the 28th of august 2013. this is the day that everything came to a head and unfortunately this is the day that the terrible events of this case take place when yumi woke up that morning she awoke to threatening email from isabella and it said something along the lines of you will pay i don't really know the context of that email i don't know what isabella is claiming that her mother will pay for but yumi is freaking out at this point she is already scared of isabella and she's like what do i do like i can't even imagine like isabella is her daughter and she's physically scared of her she doesn't know what to do she doesn't know what the right thing to do is in this situation and yumi realized that she was probably going to have to call the police but she didn't want to i think we can all understand that um but she did end up calling the police because she was so scared and she was just hoping that maybe the police could almost knock some sense into isabella so the police came out they performed a welfare check the police try and calm the situation down and they talk to isabella and they tell isabella isabella you're 18 now like your mom can legally kick you out so you should change your behavior because obviously you don't want to get kicked out and i think the police were like just trying to scare her but um that would definitely work for me so this all happened on the morning of august the 28th and then after the police went yumi went to work and when she was at work she phoned isabella's biological father robert and asked for his help as well she asked him if he could also go over maybe talk to isabella just kind of have that likes little sit-down conversation with her because i can imagine that yumi was doing that as well but there was just so much tension between yumi and isabella isabella just wasn't listening to her mother at all and i can imagine she wasn't really listening to her stepdad either because there was obviously tension there um so yumi turned to her father robert to just try and help the situation so the afternoon of august the 28th robert went over to see his daughter he sat her down he tried to like really press on her the importance of showing your parents respect and that she should just try and listen more to her mother just everything should just calm down we should all speak like adults and robert thought that this talk was going really really well because everything that he was saying isabella was like nodding and agreeing to so robert thought that this talk was going super well and he left after this talk thinking that he'd made some progress and that he'd gone through to isabella and everything would be great um but i think it's clear from what is about to happen in this case that isabella didn't agree with her father at all it seemed like even though she was agreeing to everything that her father said um she was probably just agreeing to end the conversation i think we've all been in conversations like that where we're just agreeing with the person because we want them to shut up i think that this can apply to the conversation that isabella had with her father so after her father left isabella returned to her bedroom and that is where she stayed for pretty much the rest of the evening so later on in the evening yumi returns home from work around 9 30 she returns home with a mcdonald's and ryan is just in the living room and she asks him where's isabella where is she ryan says that he hasn't really seen her all evening he saw her about an hour ago but she's just in her room so yumi decides that she's just gonna go take a shower she leaves ryan downstairs he's eating his mcdonald's however a few minutes after yumi went to take a shower ryan starts hearing thumping noises and his wife is calling out his name obviously completely concerned he runs upstairs he sees the bathroom the door is open and the shower is running which he immediately thinks is so strange because he's like yumi should be in the shower and the door would be shut and then he sees isabella in the bathroom just stood there and she closes that bathroom door with yumi still inside and ryan rushes to that door he tries to get in before isabella can lock the door however isabella overpowers ryan and locks the door with just her and yumi inside that bathroom now immediately after isabella manages to lock the door ryan hears so much commotion coming from the bathroom his wife is screaming and ryan runs downstairs grabs his phone phones the police and then when he returns back upstairs there is a pool of blood coming from underneath the bathroom door yumi is still in the bathroom and she is screaming and she manages to say one last word jehovah before everything goes quiet so ryan is stood outside the bathroom door and the bathroom door unlocks the door opens and isabella is just stood there wearing a pink sports bra turquoise coloured shorts covered in blood and in her right hand she's holding a knife in a downwards pointing position and blood is dripping off this knife she then walks towards ryan silently and ryan is freaking out at this point at this point he doesn't have a clue what has happened to you me he doesn't know what is about to happen to him but isabella just walks straight past him she doesn't even look at him she doesn't make eye contact she's just staring straight ahead as if she can't see him so ryan rushes to the bathroom and he finds yumi on the floor with a baseball bat lying next to her and at this point he's still on the phone to the 911 operator who instructs him to perform cpr to see if he can do anything because she's not breathing i can't even imagine how traumatic that would have been for ryan trying to perform cpr and yumi is completely covered in blood her eyes are just open and blank and staring at the ceiling the emergency services arrive at 10 16 p.m just 11 minutes after ryan made that call 11 minutes all of this happened in such a short space of time and when the emergency services arrived i tried to perform cpr on yumi as well and very sadly she was pronounced dead at 10 28 p.m on the 28th of august which was only an hour after she arrived home from work remember she arrived home from work at half nine and she was pronounced dead an hour later the autopsy showed that yumi had been stabbed a total of 79 times in both the face and the neck like this is where all of her injuries were and she also had a slit to the throat it is thought that the attack had started with the baseball bat that was found next to yumi in the bathroom and it's thought that isabella started with the baseball bat to weaken her mom and then she moved on to the knife and that is where she proceeded to stab her mom 79 times and i saw a lot of comments almost judging ryan because isabella overpowered him and he didn't break down the bathroom door and i just want to say it's really easy to judge and speculate after the events have happened at the end of the day none of us were there we cannot say what we would or wouldn't have done in a situation like that i don't think anyone truly knows how they're gonna react in a situation like that so i just think it's really easy to judge in hindsight and also you've gotta maybe bear in mind ryan has said that all of the aggressive behavior that isabella was showing was very out of character for her would his mind really have automatically immediately gone to oh my god isabella is going to murder her mom i think it is plausible to think that his mind didn't automatically go to murder clearly there was some kind of commotion physical fight going on obviously this is all just speculation we don't have a clue what happened we don't know what was going on in ryan's mind but i just wanted to put that out there because i was just seeing a lot of almost blaming ryan for the murder like if he was man enough he would have been able to overpower isabella because she was a little girl and i just want to say can we stop with that kind of narrative because it's not needed anywhere today tomorrow or any other day after that so police want to find isabella immediately because obviously um she's just killed someone and she's not in the house she's nowhere to be found and ryan said that he thinks that she fled into the backyard and god knows where she is from there so the police go into the backyard they search everywhere they can't find her so they release her images to the public they say that she's dangerous like do not approach her i mean she's on the loose right now she's just murdered someone and she's on the loose with the knife and the police are searching all around the home but they can't find her there is no sign of her anywhere she also tried to track her cell phone as well but isabella has turned that off so they can't even do that to try and find where she is so the next day august the 29th a member of the public calls into the police and reports that they think they found a dead body because there is a body in a car that is completely covered in blood so the police go out to where this car is it's in a local car park but the body has gone and i don't know if at this point the police figure out that this is in connection to isabella guzman because obviously they're the police they get reports on all sorts so i don't know if they uh suspect that this has anything to do with isabella right now but they searched the car and they find some of the items belonging to isabella so then they figure out oh the dead body is obviously not a dead body it was just isabella asleep in this car and isabella as we know was covered in her mom's blood so that must be what the member of the public thought was a dead body so the police start a manhunt and they know that she's on foot because her car is obviously still in this car park so they know that she must not have gone far and she is actually spotted just outside of the car park around 2pm so the police close in on the 29th of august and they arrest isabella guzman for murder so a week after her arrest is when isabella made her now infamous court appearance she had to attend court to be formally charged with her crimes and isabella was actually kicking up a fuss before this court appearance like she was refusing to leave her cell and the whole court hearing was actually delayed by quite a bit but when isabella eventually arrived in court that is when she displayed uh that bizarre behavior that we have seen now and it is that behavior that recently resurfaced and went viral on titan and it's now what makes isabella and this case so infamous you can see her as soon as she enters the court she catches the camera and she almost does like this smirk kind of look and then there's a later point where she just stares dead on the camera like with no emotion at all and then she just this weird thing where she points to her eyes and i don't know why she does this there is speculation that she points to her eyes to show that she's not crying um i don't know where people have gotten that from because i tried to find out if that actually was what she was doing but i couldn't confirm that at all so we can only speculate as well bear in mind this court appearance is only a week after she murdered her mum so this is all completely fresh right now and obviously because of what she's done and the environment this behavior is obviously completely inappropriate however when i saw the clips of isabella i just saw her behavior as very childlike um it's like she doesn't quite grasp what is going on and the gravity of what's going on which is kind of a childlike response to a situation like this it seems like she's just messing around with friends um if you know what i mean like for example how many times has a friend or a family member pulled out a camera a phone on you and you've pulled like a face um because you don't want to be on camera or for whatever reason like how many times have you done that because i know that i've done that numerous times and that to me is exactly what isabella is doing she spots the camera and she pulls a funny face as if she's messing around with friends which is obviously completely normal like that behavior but in a courtroom after murder that is what makes this behavior completely bizarre and inappropriate and i know that isabella was 18 at the time that she murdered her mother so she is technically an adult um but it just seems like a very childlike response to the whole situation if i'm being completely honest and uh we saw a situation like that actually in the twilight killers which was a case that i recently covered there are also a few things as well that come out later on that also may explain why she was behaving the way she was so isabella is being detained without bond as well i probably should have said that so she's currently being detained and it is now 2014 almost a year after she murdered her mom and her court day is approaching so because isabella was being tried as an adult um and she was being charged with first-degree murder the prosecution could actually push for the death penalty in this case however before the trial started the defense submitted a plea of insanity and asked if isabella could be found not guilty due to reasons of insanity isabella had recently undergone a medical analysis and had been diagnosed with schizophrenia it is thought that in the days leading up to the murder of yumi isabella's mental state was deteriorating rapidly and about a month or so before the murder isabella had started to hear voices and she was imagining characters that weren't real remember the boyfriend that she chased with a golf club well he said that this was completely out of her character like she had never displayed anything like this before and isabella also was talking about someone called sam to her boyfriend saying that sam hated her boyfriend and her boyfriend didn't have a clue who this sound person was they just came out of nowhere and he thinks that this sound person this character wasn't even real she had also started to call her mama cecilia which obviously wasn't her name and isabella had started to believe that her mom was this cecilia person and she needed to kill cecilia in order to save the world and it was because of all of this the prosecution decided that isabella could not have been in the right state of mind when she murdered her mom and both the prosecution and the judge accepted the plea of insanity therefore isabella was found not guilty by reasons of insanity and she didn't receive a normal sentence instead she was transferred to a mental state hospital where she would stay indefinitely until she was deemed no longer a threat to herself or the general public and because isabella was diagnosed as schizophrenic this whole tic-tac-viral thing with this song sweet but psycho playing in the background is just even more disgusting isabella was clearly suffering with her mental health at the time of the murder and i'm not trying to excuse the murder at all i'm really not but she was clearly suffering with her mental health and that is not for the amusement of people on social media so isabella has now been in the mental state hospital for around six or seven years i'm not actually quite sure when she was transferred so we never really heard from isabella um since the court appearance um she never ever gave her side of the story we didn't know anything that went on the only thing that we ever knew was those viral videos that went viral back in september and then two months later in november 2020 isabella decided to speak publicly for the first time to actually give her side of the story because she did feel like she was ready to rejoin society i was not myself when i did that and i have since been restored to full health i was abused at home by my family for many years my parents are jehovah's witnesses and um i left the religion when i was 14 and the abuse at home worsened after i quit if i could change it or if i could take it back i would stated that she was abused by her family for many years and that the abuse worsened after she decided to leave the jehovah's witness religion at the age of 14 there is actually no evidence at all to back up these claims of abuse however i did come across a lot of anecdotal stories uh talking about the actual process of leaving the jehovah's witness religion and how traumatic it can be in some cases and when someone does decide to leave the religion the family and friends surrounding that person are encouraged to disfellowship them and pretty much cut all communication with them and this can obviously be extremely traumatic for the person leaving the religion and obviously i just want to put this out there that there is no evidence at all that this actually did happen to isabella and she was abused by her family and obviously he does not justify the horrendous crime that she did commit but i just thought i should put it out there um and try and understand maybe a little bit of maybe the mind space that isabella was in at the time of the murder i also saw a lot of comments as well saying that if she was being abused hypothetically um she was 18 why didn't she just leave the house and i just think that that is a very very naive way of thinking as if it's just that easy to leave when you're 18 you're still in school there was no clear income that isabella was getting um yeah like she could just leave also stated that she deeply regrets what she did like she doesn't even recognize that person that she was and she doesn't feel like she is a threat to herself or anyone else and she is ready to rejoin society and i don't know if she's going to be released and rejoined society i don't know i couldn't find anything out if i just base what i know of other cases where people were found not guilty by reasons of insanity the fact that she's only been in that hospital for six or seven years and she committed murder um i don't think she's going to be getting out of the hospital anytime soon so i think a lot of this case just highlights a lot of the toxic issues there are with social media when all of these clips started to resurface on tick tock there was a lot of misinformation being spread like in one case i saw that someone said that her mom was trying to sell isabella to the mafia and that is why isabella killed her mom and her mom deserved it and i was really taken aback when i saw that i was like i was like what so i tried to do some digging and see if i could actually find any merit to that story and i couldn't find anything zero the only thing that i could find about her mom selling her to the mafia was comments on tick tock videos unfortunately because someone had said it in the comments that automatically makes it the truth and a lot of the time in situations like this people don't really care about what the truth is but what is just more entertaining and we all know how information can spread like wildfire and one person only has to say one thing and then everyone believes it and then it gets spread and that's just dangerous again highlights the problem of romanticizing murderers uh which wow don't even get me started on this topic i mean i already think that there is an unhealthy obsession with people's appearance on social media and i feel like it's even more extreme on tick tock so when you glamorize murderers and then you lift them up because of their appearance and then you mix it in with a tick-tock trend it's just weird and also the song sweeper psycho being played in the background of all these videos stigmatizing mental health when we really don't need that we need to be moving in the right direction we don't need to be moving backwards thank you very much so that is the story of isabella guzman and i hope that maybe it cleared up some misinformation that you maybe heard about this case on social media as always let me know what your thoughts are down in the comments down below and let me know what other cases you want me to cover because i always want to know what you want me to do next and yeah hope you enjoyed the video be nice to people on social media and don't put an emphasis on people's appearance and don't comment on their mental health so i hope you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up please subscribe if you haven't already and i'll see you in my next video [Music] bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Danielle Kirsty
Views: 421,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: isabella guzman, true crime, tiktok, crime watch daily, true crime and makeup, true crime youtubers, true crime uk, true crime daily, bailey sarian, true crime makeup, true crime grwm, unsolved mysteries, mystery and makeup, buzzfeed unsolved, eleanor neale, crime storytime, isabella guzman story, isabella guzman tiktok, isabella guzman 2020
Id: xP9xCcL2XIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 14sec (1694 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 21 2021
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