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lord speak to me my heart is ready to receive lift your voice and pray speak to me tonight you are making men make me too [Music] you are empowering men to empower me also your short men your favor and lifting men mysteriously lord let me be part of that program you are recruiting a mighty army that will shake the nations of the earth would you grant by your spirit that i be a major part of this move of your spirit your pruning man let my tears not stop you you're revealing yourself to man showing your glory in a new dimension you're turning lights [Music] draw a around this is the place this is this is the place here i am before [Music] this is the place [Music] this is the place [Music] you call this place koinonia the place of supernatural encounters a place of signs wonders a place where you are birthing for yourself a bride you are birthing for yourself an army you are birthing for yourself man of destiny lord we just want to take our time to acknowledge and to thank you for being part of what you are doing for the benefits and the blessings of alignment tonight we weighed away every distraction and we decree and declare that you are anointing your spirit the ministry of angels find expression on restraint we thank you we bless you give us encounters we have not come to waste our time we have not come to fulfill a ritual we have not come to listen to a man we have come like jacob to the place where we will see your face jacob said [Music] i will not let you go until you bless me and i said what is your name and he says jacob said thou shalt no longer be called jacob or israel for as a prince you have power with god and prevail the bible says he touched his time and the son arose and he called the name of the police peniel and he says i have seen god face to face and my life is spared give us revelations oh god let the spirit of revelation through the world through visions through encounters that while you are speaking oh god let your word become images let your word become pictures and let it glow upon our spirits until we become what you are revealing [Music] uh tonight and let your body be built let your church be edified let your bride be beautified in the name of jesus christ god bless you please be seated i want you to be very sensitive to the seasons that were entering in the spirit i believe with all my heart that we're like a woman in travail and god is birthing a lot of things we must be very sensitive don't be careless with your discernment when you come to the house of god like this let your spirit be opened the devil will try to distract you with your challenges whatever just throw them away and let your heart be fixed on him in the name of jesus christ thank you blessed be the name of jesus [Music] hallelujah tonight i'm preaching a message i titled spiritual stability please listen to this message it's a powerful message and it will bless you spiritual stability three scriptures first corinthians 15 and verse 58 spiritual stability didn't have any divine revelation for this message but the message has come as a response to a need that i have seen in the body of christ [Music] that we need to explore the keys that are responsible for being grounded and being established in spiritual things are we together the teaching is an attempt to address the vacillations that we continually experience in our work with god based on a number of factors that we're going to be discussing that a believer can not only grow but can become stable are we together yes so is is an attempt to explore the keys to a grounded and productive christian life it matters to you and matters to god that your christian life be grounded and productive the bible declares once and again that hearing is our father glorified he says when we bear much fruit it says that we produce food and that our foods abide are we together three scriptures very quickly follow me tonight i hope we are able to finish it tonight therefore my beloved brethren [Music] be ye steadfast unmovable then it says always abounding in the work of the lord for as much as you know that your labor is not in vain in the lord paul is speaking here to the church in corinth and he's telling believers that they be steadfast and then unmovable unshakable unbendable so it is possible that a man can be stable in his christian experience ephesians chapter 4 please and verse 14. the bible speaking about the fivefold ministry it says that we henceforth the matured ones the ones who have been built now by the gifts that the that god has supplied the body that we henceforth be no more what please talk to me children toes toe and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and corning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive so there is a level of spiritual stability that a believer can get he can attain unto a realm and a level in his work with god where you are unbendable where you you are so fortified that deception becomes an impossible experience for you it is possible one more scripture and then we begin to teach colossians chapter two please we read from verse six to eight colossians [Music] it says as he therefore received christ jesus the lord so walk ye in him we're reading to verse 8 7. it says rooted read with me rooted and built up in him stop there notice it didn't just say built up rooted and then built up in him and established in the faith as he have been taught abounding daring with thanksgiving verse 8 beware so you are not just being aware just by an information something you are doing in verse 7 is what will sustain this lest any man spoil you these are the various ways that men can be made to vacillate spiritually ready through number one is what please talk to me philosophy and then vain deceit and then the traditions of men and then the redemands another word there is the patterns the modus operandi the system of operation of this world and not after christ it is possible that a man can live his life manifesting the knowledge that just comes through philosophy and then vein deceit and then the tradition of men and then the redundants of this world [Music] you can believe this today and then tradition tells you no things are done this way and then you readjust your life to suit tradition are we together and while you are trying to gain stability through tradition all of a sudden the redundance of this world these are the things that destroy us they say this is how they do it in life you don't even know who puts that room no this is how they do it this is how they do this this is how parenting happens this is how marriage happens this is how prosperity happens this is how ministry is done the bible says beware prophesy to yourself say beware he said lest any man so who are the men who are the people the vessels that the devil uses they are not just angels they are men let any man spoil you the word spoil you there doesn't mean corrupt the word spoil you means to plunder to steal from you like an asset something of treasure has been given to you and then a man comes to spoil you like you come and rob a man and carry everything that is treasurable he said beware that means you are possessing something that has potential something of worth but beware less men come sometimes innocently but they are the similitude of robbers they can spoil you through philosophy and vein deceit and the tradition of men and the redemands this is the one that even disturbs me the most the redomens of this world this is how it is done it's amazing how many people's destinies have been wrong perpetually the one of the ways that people have become failures in life is by aligning to a tradition and a pattern that has been obeyed for a long time what is wrong just because someone did something and kept doing it kept doing it for decades they can tell you this is it in this family nobody really you all this your jesus thing we love jesus and you the person who is talking is not very serious with god and he's marketing his template of spirituality to you and every time you show any unusual passion they say see we did this thing and left it the regiment of this world and people even turn scriptures in the bible and say see the bible even said don't be over over righteous over spiritual and the person who is sharing that thing doesn't love the word of god he just found a scripture that would give him a basis for laxity and on seriousness [Music] a man can be stable spiritually as a man of god it's important to realize that you are mentoring and building people based on the truth you are convicted about let me tell you this not everybody can receive the correction that you propose after receiving your error not everybody will be alive and within your reach are we together if i teach you come if i teach you something erroneous now and 10 years down the line this brother goes abroad and he's in the u.s he has institutionalized that error and he's paying the price life is whipping him for it and i let her go and find the truth and i say people sorry what i said 10 years ago is a mistake this guy may never live to hear it he will still be carrying the mindset of me of 10 years ago and even when god is telling him i just he said no way apostle said this that's why it is important that men of god will become the first guinea pigs to our revelations before proposed it's not just anything you hear on tape and anything you feel is nice or anything by a man of god you love and respect you just ship and just spill everything to your people when people are loyal to you that means they have come to a point where either through a track record or a divine revelation they have come to accept your word as the word of god over their lives so they have opened up their spirits that any communication that comes from this man of god should be received subconsciously they have come to a point where they they have they have found comfort in following you as you follow after christ and you have a responsibility to probe and vet every revelation that is communicated to make sure it is worthy of giving to a generation not just members beware thank you lest any man spoil you are we together through philosophy vain deceit traditions of men and the rudiments of this world and not after christ it's amazing how you see people believe this today and they don't believe this tomorrow today i believe deliverance tomorrow i don't believe delivers today i believe prosperity then i read one book by somebody i respect and all of a sudden i hate money next tomorrow i believe the gift of the spirit the day after i believe common sense next tomorrow i believe divine direction the next ah no those those vasculations are very very dangerous [Music] you must be established to know that you can look at your children and say children before you were born this was what i stood for and even now as i am old i'm standing for this i called god a faithful god when i was 18 i am 85 he is still a faithful god i have not created another wrong name based on an experience that's the goal of this teaching and i'm going to share with you three keys that the lord of fall that god has put in my heart keys that will create stability in your christian life because you see the internet social media um [Music] christian channels and all kinds of spiritual platforms right now on one hand they have benefited the body of christ but on another hand they have created gross confusion there are many people you have heard people you love and respect say things that have almost rattled the foundation of your convictions it's easy to resent somebody you don't believe but what happens when you hear someone who you love so much is saying and doing and standing for things that now makes you confused and so i must share with you otherwise we are going to be in serious trouble especially as a man of god here there is no guarantee that the person you look up to will continue to stand straight so in as much as you look up to people it's important to create a system are we together otherwise we are going to be in trouble you follow men as they follow christ not just as they go before you you follow men as they follow christ meaning that the day you don't see christ before them you are permitted to live this is this is this in itself this thing i just said in itself can bring me a lot of trouble because sometimes women of god teach people that trying to prove whether you are still following christ as they follow you come draw a course to their life and even when people have long left the things of god they still demand loyalty from people no you follow a man of god as he follows christ if you're with me say amen the first key that you need to have stability in your christian experience and please i don't want you to forget this the first key is an experiential revelation of god write it down an experiential revelation of god i can spend the whole night talking here if if if we are unable to to exhaust this within the time we have then we can just have part two of it an experiential revelation of god look up please there is the experience of the kingdom john chapter 3 when you read um from verse from verse one down to three let's let's go to verse three but nicodemus comes to jesus by night and says to him rabbi we know that thou art a man sent from god he says he says for no man can do these things except god be with him and then verse 3 john ah okay keep verse 3 jesus answered and said unto him verily verily i say unto thee except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom take note of the word c verse 4 nicodemus now says can a man be born when he's old you know can he enter into his mother's womb the second time and then verse five jesus clarifies and says fairly verily i say unto you except a man be born of water and of the spirit then he changes his terminology he cannot enter the kingdom of god he's talking about two related but different experiences there to see the kingdom and to enter the kingdom there is an experience of god listen very carefully there is an experience there is the knowledge of god a theoretical knowledge which is not wrong in itself are we together but there is the experience the experience of god the bible says oh taste and see not just hear and believe there is a place you hear but there is a place you can taste you can see your sensory perceptions can participate in your knowing god brothers and sisters the times that we are living in will require you knowing a god that you have an experience over it's good to know joshua salman's god is good to know this and that man of god's god but you must come to a point where you glean from their own experience and then create a road map to it until he becomes your god are we together the experiential revelation of god the bible says and the people that do know their god not the people that do hear that there is a god the hiddens heard already about the god of the hebrews but they did not know him let me tell you this your life will be at the mercy of your experiential revelation of who god is to you and there are three ways that god is revealed experientially in fact i think there's a message that i preached some years knowing god experientially you can get that message it will bless you in no small way but three major ways ready number one the first way to have an experiential revelation of god is through his word the written word first samuel 3 21 first samuel 3 21 god can give men encounters through his word i told you that the word of god the logos are we together just keep the scripture there but make reference quickly on your notes to john one verse one the bible says in the beginning was the word the greek word there is logos the logos of god the thoughts of god a compendium of his character his methodology encapsulated in a material so that as you study that material you not only cram scripture but it expands your spiritual horizon to understand how god behaves the logos a man can experience god through his word the bible says and the lord appeared again in shiloh for the lord revealed himself to somewhere in shiloh by the word of the lord so god can use his word to reveal himself you can know his character based on his word i know sam come sam i know sam i've worked with sam for many years he's an amazing gentleman and i love him very much because i have interacted with him very much are we together there is something that someone can come and meet me now and say apostle sam said i should tell you abc i will make reference to the track record of my walking with him are we together and know whether some can say this or not i would rather be wrong and say sorry to that person but as far as that information is concerned i can throw it away are you getting what i'm saying so the word of god is a revelation um one of our dear media ladies i i was during my birthday she has a blog page and wonderful blog page by the way you can you honestly would want to just go to her blog page very rich wonderful materials and that lady i can't even remember the name of the blog page it was it was shown me and i went through it and she wrote certain quotes or certain things that that i say that has inspired i didn't even know that i've stressed those points that much to become a quote are we together now if one young man gets up and says i know apostle a person is my spiritual father my apostle is my disease my boss is my mother is my uncle he's my sister and says all those kinds of things and they say two quotes from him and he just says one kind of thing he said no it's my mural that said this one now [Music] [Laughter] i see that now automatically you know that this guy is a liar if someone says i attend koinonia every time there are a few tests very few lead monsters i mean you don't need to you can't fake it just there are very few things anybody at all even if you are not a faithful member they are just certain things you can know that no it's a lie someone attends calling i hear someone shout and say what's happening ah i thought you said you attend this you are not something is betraying you somewhere so the logos of god thank you sam the word of god was not just given for us to cry is a compendium of his way of behavior through different dispensations so that as we study we have the mind of christ are we together we have an understanding of the way he behaves so the lord appeared to somewhere in shiloh by the word number two the way remember we're still on point one now i hope i hope i'm not confusing you you can call it point a through his word be the second way experiential revelation of god is given to the saints now pay attention is true the family of believers your interaction with the family of believers what the bible calls the household of faith many people do not know that your interaction with a kingdom community of believers can help you experience god the family of true believers the household of faith is one of the platforms that god designed for men to encounter him experientially a number of scriptures acts chapter 2 please we'll read 42-47 acts chapter 2 acts chapter 2. 42-47 and they continued steadfastly listen carefully who are they the community of believers is that true the bible says steadfastly in the apostles doctrine and what talk to me and fellowship and in breaking of bread and in prayers while reading 47 43 and fear came upon every soul and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles 44 and all that believed were what all that believed were not apart there was a community system so this issue of kingdom community i have i have proposed again and again that the keys to maintaining kingdom values one of the keys is to create a community of believers no believer can truly become matured in the spirit in isolation you must be crafted to a family of faith that is territorial are we together and all that believed were together and had all things in common 45 [Music] they sold their possession and their goods and parted them all to all men you know as everyone had a need 46 and they listen continuing daily with one accord in the temple and breaking of bread from what house to house did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart what was the result 47 praising god the bible says and having faithful with all the people and the lord added to the church daily i should be saved that means god was supporting that community life saying you are getting it right everywhere there is a community of believers that is a platform that was created by god to see that believers rise continue to grow the benefit they get is god's support by adding daily not weekly not monthly not per fellowship daily they were praising god having favor with all the people the lord added to the church he calls them the church daily such as should be saved the family of faith galatians 6 10 where we get the word household of faith very powerful scripture then give us hebrews chapter 10 verse 25 i'm giving you scriptures like this because i want to support what i'm teaching intelligently there are all kinds of people we minister to people from different nations now if let me teach you this this is a place for mentorship so we believe in excellence but i want you to learn the motivation behind the things that i do you see when you begin to mentor people who come from different geographic and cultural context i can talk to all of you without bringing one scripture because there is a track record of your understanding my pattern of teaching are we together you know that every time i speak i will support it but maybe in france or the u.s or somewhere someone right now who may be hedonistic is listening and just has a bible or an unbeliever a muslim who just gave his life to christ so you will need to support these points they may look basic to you oh one point is enough apostle i'm convinced but i'm not just talking to you alone when you begin to minister at a global level you must have the patience and the simplicity to carry the larger crowd of people along otherwise a time will come your doctrine will only be understood by those who are close to you and that is because of the track record you have created are you getting this now so galatians 6 verse 10 it says as we therefore as we have there for opportunity let us do good to how many men all men but it says let your focus be on a community of believers this those who are of the household of faith you encounter god through a spiritual community life let me tell you this you have a spiritual family just like a physical family and the spiritual family of course ultimately is our family connected to god but on earth and territorially you will never prosper spiritually if you are not connected to a larger body of a spiritual family god designed it that way are we together there are all kinds of spiritual possibilities that are vested broadly speaking in the body of christ but uniquely speaking to the spiritual family that god connects to you friends revelation access to anointing access to help there are many believers when they are in trouble for instance and they need to see the mercy of god there is no man and there is no community to come and reveal the mercy of god to them someone dies you are alone nobody to come and greet you you give birth to a child nobody you are not part of any larger body of believers that can be sympathetic to what you are doing when you need to see the hand of god you are not connected to anyone most times when people come and talk to me and say apostle this is a somebody a member of koinonia and all of that most times i at what department says i'm not in any part member i can assure you i'm faithful you are marking yourself already how do you know you are faithful community life is very powerful when it has to do with experiencing god a spiritual family shields you there are some of us here right now physically you almost don't have a family either everybody has died or everybody is completely weird and not of god or everybody hates you and already you are just like a prodigal son but for a good reason until you find god don't come back home are we together some of us are unbelievers who are the first christians in our family so you really don't have you can't stand there in isolation look at this how many of you have seen charcoal burning coal burning red hot coal remove one red hot one and just keep it don't off the what they call it now just leave it there don't pour water on it after a while what happens it starts going down so the strength of that fire was the community life notice that every time satan wants to destroy a life one of the ways is he will make everybody in your community your enemy he will make you to have problems with everyone your head of department apostle anybody when all your helpers have been driven through your hatred when you are alone it's not only god that comes to jacob when he's alone satan too comes when you are alone he can come to you and say now that the person who can pray for you is gone now that the sister that can support you you have you have hated her and you have insulted her i can now strike you and your pride will not allow you to run to them so you will stay there till they find your dead body spiritually community life is powerful are we together now when the believers were afraid and they were persecuted imagine if all of them hid one by one they went somewhere and stayed alone even in times of crisis as in physically speaking the security when people are clustered within an area it becomes even if they are afraid it becomes difficult for the enemy to just break every siege there some of us stand alone and do everything alone and we flatter ourselves into believing that we are strong my bible says two are better than one is that true the bible says then when they become three they become a chord that cannot be easily broken community life is a powerful system to have an experience of god when you come into the sanctuary there are dimensions of god that you ordinarily would not have gotten in your personal place of prayer but god reveals himself as the word of god is coming now as you look at your brother someone taking the testimony promise is coming to take the testimony you are learning something about god somebody is doing this you are learning something there is a song of worship you see a jimmy worshiping wow so great men can worship god this vocally you are what the the worshipping revealing the excellence of god there are things you will never learn just sitting down in your room are we together listen let me tell you this let us encourage and i'm saying this from a personal point encourage your children to have a desire for the house of god not just the things of god there are families here that come as a family for cornona i truly am honored when i see that because it's not just a sacrifice they are salvaging a generation especially some of these are young children some of them hate god the devil is planting a seed of hatred in them have you seen them they come to the house of god they never enter and sit down they stroll around they hang around they move around they are making calls they are doing this if they say something that is funny they laugh outside and then they turn they continue you give them offering they go and buy what we call it pop off around and they are eating let's not let's not it's not a laughing matter it's a sign that we're losing something are we together the house of god so you go home now and you say let's pray see the child frown in his face he's coming to sit down it's time for prayer i say please this prayer that they are lying in this house it's better to be lying with prayer is better [Music] community life community life hebrews 10 25 hebrews 10 25. [Music] not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is is about exhorting one another and so much the more ascii that they approaching are we together that we should not forget and forsake the assembling of ourselves you've heard me listen to my message um preservers of divine ordinances part one and two i teach there that any spiritual environment is bankrupt if there is no platform that can create a convergence of believers for the purpose of training equipping a mentorship you can look at the territory and know that there are no apostolic and prophetic voices because there is no platform or not by god you see his signature there as a prophetic platform that has nothing to do with denominational barriers you know that this one is god making his presence known mentoring a territory to know him it's not just title i am this i'm that i'm apostle this i'm prophet this i'm opposed joshua no there has to be a platform where believers are mentored where they grow are we together let's read one more scripture hebrews chapter 3 verse 12 and 13 and then we'll move to something that i think um we can just stop at point one i don't know i don't know let's see how god will help us so you have an experiential revelation of god that's the first key and that by his word number one number two by the present your participation in the household of faith hebrews chapter 3 from verse 12 take heed brethren look up please lest there be any of you let there be in any of you an evil heart of unbelief in departing from the living god next verse 13 but exhort one another how long exalt one another not exhort god exhort one another that means i have a role to play in your spiritual growth you have a role to play in my life you will think that because i am the one who is majorly building you you don't have any role he said exhort one another daily while it is called today lest any of you be hardened through the deceitfulness of sin that means something happens compasso femi that pastor femi can be a powerful believer but in isolation to the supply of the body are we together now there is no system of exhortation he may not even know when he has feared off sincerely and not know but that the presence of the corporate body is a spiritual system for check and balance are you getting what i'm saying now you may not know you may be busy pastor femi and maybe have two months of administration all around and not have the time to pray for instance and you may be justifying yourself but when you come now and see that i'm busier than you and yet i'm still praying by that act i have exhorted you i have killed the excuse the devil wants to take to say i am busy you go back and say no if i'm just doing one ministration per week and it's affecting my prayer life someone that is doing three are you seeing that now yeah the moment you want to become proud and arrogant i just got one million and then you come and turn and you see jimmy lying down ah and he's how much is his how much is his shoe you just say i better drop my my small 1 million that is entering my head and lie down and roll before god you are exhausting you don't just exhaust by talking your life shows it too when you see people that love god more than you rolling on the ground sometimes you don't plan to roll but when you look around bengal is kneeling our daddy prof is kneeling and jimmy's rolling promise is rolling you turn back sam is nearly you will feel stupid what i say do you better join and kneel down [Music] those houses are falling more than those inside [Applause] are we together yes it is the absence of this corporate life that makes local champions leave god there is no system when when you start making money and you go where wealthy people are worshiping god they throw their phone away and roll on the floor you just stand and say this is my boss this is the person that gave me the job that i've been testifying i heard she was a millennial before i was born so this is how this woman rose before god you call your wife and say wife we will roll on that carpet roll on the ground [Music] sometimes you need someone higher than you to show you how to serve god because you see every time you have results sometimes they confuse you how do i serve god at this new level and god says come to the house of god i started prophesying and right now one month everybody is placing a demand on my grace and then god says oh yeah come and meet a prophet who started prophesying before you were born again and see how he serves god and all of a sudden you are dancing i got an award and this award is this and that and god says come let me show you the person who owns the company that gives the award and how is serving god corporate life does so much many things happen in this service beyond the pulpit you can have a heart of wickedness to annoy a brother or sister and all of a sudden they use their kindness and torture you all through the service you say nasty thing they say no problem as well this is my cities okay sit down and while they sit down favor just come somebody say sit here every bad thing you are doing god is speaking to you in that service with results your message in that service becomes look it is it is good to be good this bad attitude work on it you will be surprised i may be teaching on the anointing but that's the message you came to the house of god there are many believers that are not like christians because they are alienated from the house of god they cannot do you know that the house of god even helps you to speak well i mean educationally i'm not talking of spiritually many dull people around who have alienated when you listen to a man you listen to a people that have some measure of excellence do you know that it will affect you many people look at ah look at the children in koinonia you see how intelligent they are because they are gleaning from adults they go back and meet their their colleagues who don't they are not smart they they just feel everything like that and say what is wrong that's why the children of pastors are very intelligent because from bed everybody holding them is praying or speaking or blessing they don't have the opportunity for wickedness to touch them that's why satan keeps timing them you are in the house of god turn to your neighbor and say this and that turn to your neighbor and do this you can even help socialize you came from a bad background where you even hate yourself you came to the house of god and you are somebody who is shy you can't turn and tell somebody god bless you before you know it someone carries his son gives you a big hug and you're like ah so this is how this thing is by next sunday you are ready come on now talk to me [Applause] watch this the first person whoever hugged you was somebody in the house of god and you felt so bad you thought they were strings attached until they told you that's how they are here and you say really and somebody looks at you and says the lord told me you never knew that god can speak to men to bless you but someone just stones and says pastor femi um i don't know are you a first timer yes the lord asked me to give you ten thousand whereas you came god told you to leave your house and come by faith that someone will pay your transport if you didn't come to the house of god you will never experience god that way [Music] are you getting what i'm saying when you neglect the gathering of the saints it is not the same thing as listening to a tip there are things your eyes need to see there are things your ears need to hear i believe it's even one of the reasons jimmy why our generation keeps marrying bad wives and husbands where are you going to get a good wife let's be very sincere your chances of getting a very good god remember you need to marry somebody who believes what you are what you believe you pray in tongues and somebody say i'm calling police is that marriage how or the man wants to swine and say for what how much are we earning that we're going to sow because you don't understand these principles take seriously what i'm saying many believers i i don't know sometimes i don't know what is wrong with us we come and we sit down and then we go outside go and ship all versions of unbelievers bring into our lives and the devil said thank you that one thing i've been looking for to cheat you in life you finally gave me ah the brothers in church are not nice the sisters in church let me tell you it's better to die in churchill let me just give you a very honest statement because god is always found in the midst of the lamb's stance [Music] if a brother slaps you in church there's somebody he submits to you can report if your if your wicked bubble somewhere slaps you who will you report to his father listen hallelujah sit down as as you are hearing me you see god is saying many things this night but there are many stubborn believers that as god is talking now you have programmed your spirit to be as hardened as whatever may you be delivered this night in the name of jesus [Applause] any unbeliever somewhere just go and fool you and laugh around and say oh don't mind all these god people you are going to your church again however you can make this sacrifice for me that's already a luciferian spirit it's a revelation to run away fast he has not married you yes he's he's stopping he's resenting a man of god the man of god that is training and building you i say no don't mind all these people and you are truly you are not minding them say the house of god people have gotten jobs because of their connection is that true with christian families please learn this thing many of our loved ones are suffering in pride because there is a dimension of the love and the mercy of god in the house of god that they have ignored by god's grace in this ministry as you know we have a system that provides help for people it may be in limited ways but at least we make sure we do there are people just being members of koinonia their school fees were settled till they graduated they didn't come from families that could allow that and they saw the love of god and it's not necessarily that it was me that paid it some of them just came together at this your final year you got born again in january oh it's better than nothing you are welcome so what's the issue now my school fees how much do you have one thousand how much is left forty thousand no believers let's come together let me tell you don't let anybody make you hate the church hear what i'm saying don't let i know that we have issues i'm not saying we don't have issues are we together but don't make anybody when we started this ministry our fund our jokes our time out everything was among believers it's why you see the marriages in this ministry very solid and powerful are we together very solid and powerful is god speaking to you stability through fellowship that god is revealing his he's experientially revealing himself please sisters let me say it again don't marry anybody don't even say yes don't say let's try two months or two months no don't even do one day don't marry anybody that is not connected to any spiritual family even if he tells you he's born again i repeat don't marry any man insult me but just listen any man this i love you i love you think this when the end times the devil is is is destroying people's destinies you will be unfair not just to yourself but to the children that are coming out of you that's how you have all these people go around deceiving these girls that they are christians before you know it the moment they get married they say i hope you know you understand that me when it's cold i take this thing [Music] and the lady said i never so i say this just because i gave a little break the the house of god has a system that ensures you get it right well it's my job to teach and say what i'm saying it's your own job to listen and hear what i'm saying as a word from the lord or stubbornly decide to do whatever you want i will always pray for you even if you crash land i have loved you with an everlasting love but my advice is that it is better to be happy by listening are we together thank you pastor family [Music] number number three still on point one [Music] remember i'm teaching on the keys that create stability in your work with god and the first point we said was an experiential revelation of god and we broke it down into a few points number one is that the word of god can help you experience god number two the family of believers are you ready for number three number three now hold on please pay attention here if this is where we stop tonight then media this becomes part one are we together this becomes spiritual stability part one i doubt if we'll be able to finish because there are four points but the third way of knowing god experientially is through your pain and challenges write it down i want to seriously teach here psalms 107. we're going to read verse 6 verse 13 verse 19 and 28 6 13 19 28 actually the whole verse there i want to make you love your past tonight not necessarily past at all you know many times women of god teach hate the past leave it yes but i want to show you there is something from your yesterday that can reveal the god of your tomorrow they cried unto the lord when not in their comfort they cried unto the lord in their trouble and what did he do he came in as a deliverer next verse verse um what's now 13 please give us verse 13. still 107 psalms 13 they cried on to the lord again in their trouble what did he do he didn't deliver them he saved them are you seeing different dimensions they cry unto the lord their trouble makes them to cry unto the lord let me tell you these brothers and sisters i hate to be a bearer of bad news but there is something about your pain and the knowledge of god there is a relationship between your tears there is a relationship between your challenges and your disappointments and the unique revelation of god to you pain and challenges force force us to need and prioritize god write it down your pain and your challenges they have a way of forcing you to need and prioritize god there are many of us it's not that you have left god but sincerely he's not a priority and so certain times when when certain things shake you and hit you all of a sudden you remember that there i need to run back to god i need to make things right with them i don't believe that god goes around causing people pain and sorrow no the bible says every good and perfect gift but because of our human nature god utilizes every unfavorable moment let me tell you a spiritual man is one who can turn both glory and pain into something that helps him to know god we have this we have this um we have this level there's something about believers we frown at pain when believers go through challenges and sometimes the church again we are the ones who bring these kinds of things come some all of a sudden something happens to some maybe he loses a loved one are we together and god forbids them just an example and or something happens to him there's disappointment somewhere and you hear believers come didn't you hear god what this did this happen then this happened whereas god is is taking advantage of that opportunity to say sam i'm bringing you to a point where there is something about me you otherwise would not know if he did not go to the cave of adullam david would never know certain things about god please listen to what i'm saying if you started that ministry from day one and one thousand people came you will never believe god is a god of process and so with all your anointing for the first one year only two members the day you did your thanksgiving four came two left before the service was over and you just called your wife your wife said my husband i've never doubted you but kai today let me tell you the truth i know that when you told me god called you it's not i'm using you i'm using husband i'm using a calm wife now watch this i've never doubted you you said god god called you i said yes he called are you not seeing what happened is it not is he not my my anointing that that made your your father sick that he allowed me to marry you why when i what are you doubting me today and then all of a sudden the man is now touched and said lord if my own wife that is the surest member of my church is about to leave you better speak to me or did you call me watch this that's seven days dry will lead you to call unto god and god just comes and says son writes this i it is true i have anointed you to speak my purposes to the nation [Music] abcd where you will now be dancing celebrating 10 years anniversary when it's your time to give the testimony you are now going to say look i know that god is the lifter of men and you see the wife crying because she knows the other members are just laughing they came into the inheritance of the promise but the woman is standing there come darling are we together ah we want to thank god for our mother our this and she's just looking at them lord thank you if i left now this i would have buried my head in shape thank you jesus you have wasted your pain and your challenges and never knew god through them you conquer challenges not by having a way out but by seeing god in them in every challenge there is a dimension of god that is waiting to be revealed listen brothers and sisters in every challenge there is a dimension of god there are dimensions of god you may never know do he slay me yet will i trust him there are things you hear me say casually about god today brothers and sisters it's because of the abundance of what i've gone through there are things that you can hear or say at the beginning of this ministry remember i told you how things didn't work there were times that i prayed i fasted i sowed seeds i've said it you've heard me say it again my scholarships were spent on the kingdom never spent anything on myself there are times that my heavens will close oh god is this tight in walking or not so when you see somebody come and say apostle i've been tithing since january i say just january and you are completing just january and it's not like the favor of close jose is not yet enough you better thank god and keep moving there's something you know let me tell you when you are too innocent in life you can be sent i'm not i i no the word is i hope i hope you understand what i mean by innocent when you are scarless you can be sent there is a level of scar that must be on you as a testament you are never please help those under the anointing you can never represent god's scholars there is a mark that is a testament are we together now yes you've never been disappointed in your life you've never had to cry in your life you've never had to lock the door to pray and as a man of god just kneel down and say lord i don't hate you but right now i don't know what to say don't mind all these people that lie all around and make it look like they've been laughing forever it's a lie even jesus wept say it after me jesus one more time jesus the son of the living god the word that creates everything got to a point in his life whereas a father imagine if that part of jesus was not captured for us we'll feel guilty whenever we cry in the midst of challenges but today someone can lose a loved one and while we come will not just say why didn't you have faith we will continue to teach on life but we can join together and cry and not feel bad apostle you are crying that somebody died what happened to the anointing that you walk with no problem you may laugh at me but i i have i have learned something with god that he is not just a mighty god he can also be touched with the feelings of infirmity so i will not just preach life and run away from you when you lose your loved ones and say no no where were life-giving spirits no we are life-giving spirits but there are women who died and they received the promise and the bible joined all and called it faith so we will cry together are we together oh you come and all of a sudden you say look apostle this and that and that and that this and that i mean you know not to feel bad but i mean look at this is how my life is i made a stupid decision i i carried my salary and all of a sudden somebody scammed me and this happened and just you are stupid i've been drawing divine direction no [Music] compassion pain and challenges reveal a dimension of god to you and through you that no other thing no other dimension of kingdom living can reveal there are some of you here god will allow you purposely to stay without food so that the day you become a multi-millionaire you can look at a family and they can say a person do you know we love god but as it is there's no food this night you will say well maybe i have a prophesied to you what else are you waiting for no compassion is not natural with the natural man something must happen to a man to make him compassionate there's nothing like i'm naturally kind no it is life that can bring someone to his knees there are some of you here for instance you by your normal standard you probably would have been doing phd now or even be professors but some of you you are in 300 level right now it may look like it's a disadvantage but there is something through that pain that is revealing god tomorrow when you see somebody going through things and people say this yeah yeah guys say no i've been there you know why i don't talk against men of god they've persecuted me and they do it every time i know the pain of being persecuted i know the pain of being lied about i know the pain of being misunderstood so i will never sow that seed not to you not to anybody that's why i never insult the body of christ when you hear people do that they are still innocent let them continue growing i know the pain of what it means to see a young man with influence like this and say maybe they are using charm or demonic power no i know the pain of people trivializing your sacrifice everybody say pain say challenges a lady that has entered five or six relationships and has been disappointed by all those brothers gave our heart giver all and those brothers just made life miserable for her it may be bad but if you can see christ through your pain the sight of him will wipe your tears all of a sudden and you'll say thank you after all i've been through i still have joy i still have joy i still have joy after all i've been through what have you gone through in life hold on i want to ask you a question everyone listening to me what have you gone through in life that has made you mature what have you gone through in life that has stopped you from insulting men what have you gone through in life man of god that will make money not to move you what have you gone through in life how many of you know that there is a way life whips you that even when you see the result you don't celebrate much again because you started celebrating without the result you are already used to it so if someone buys a car you just say no thank you and then you go back and say lord who should i give it to god you can enjoy this one and it doesn't move you because you have learned to rejoice in the midst of pain i show you a this is a very mature spiritual teaching i believe in prosperity i will continue to speak over your life to be blessed i remember one dear lady years ago one about a well not really bad but a dear lady it was a few weeks to her wedding when something happened cats had been out several things happened i mean everybody was rejoicing like every other lady she was happy ready to rejoice and then something just went terrible called the long story short wedding was cancelled i remember when i got the text in my mind i said no my all i was thinking about is this lady because the same friends that were dancing are the same ones that will run and say ah so you see that that's the thing you do you know this is a dimension of god two men that you need to learn that he's truly a friend that's ticket closer than a brother someone who can stand and say i will be with you and all of a sudden the moment they say crucify him they will join the people and say crucify you many of us don't have the wisdom of the spirit because our lives are too innocent that's why you trust anybody anyhow that's why you do anything anyhow please listen to what i'm teaching you tonight we together [Music] i remember calling the lady when i called her as soon as she picked my call she started crying because people had called that we are disappointed why didn't you find out a and b and c and all kinds of nonsense see men bro you need to love god to love men men can be so wicked you will be justified to hate them are we together i called that dear lady i said sweetheart where are you i said i need to see you let's meet in the night and in her mind she thought you know most times when people hear my messages they believe that i'm a disciplinarian with all versions of whips i'm not a stupid person are we together yes god gives anointing but our brains are still there we are human beings when i teach i teach in a preventive way that's why sometimes you can say i can launch it but when you are meeting people one-on-one you are dealing with real life issues we're humans it doesn't mean it's not an excuse for you not to listen to just say okay so since there's another dimension there is hell fire and there's mercy too all created by god are we together i remember calling that lady and when she came i was seeing her inside a car and the first thing i did was to just hug the lady and she began to cry and i didn't say a word i just allowed sometimes don't stop people from crying too early this tears you see is not just what comes out in an eye it's a language [Music] and this lady said apostle why would god do this to me and i said no every time we don't understand god we give thanks it's something i learned through my own pain it's not like i learned it before i read it in the bible whenever you don't understand god just give thanks why me it's not a wise thing lord why is my church not growing why did this and that and that happened you give thanks i remember comforting that dear lady and i told her something i said every time god closes a window check where a door is about to open and i remember when that lady was going to get married oh it was with unknown it was with joy you know the kind of joy that will make you forget the pain of yesterday listen let me speak to someone there are many of you who you have not learned to see god in your pain you have not learned to see god in your challenges i'm encouraging you tonight when you look back don't look at the problems continue to look mary magdalene was looking at a graveyard and she saw jesus there jesus is also in the grave he's not just on the throne she came to the grave and was looking who goes to the grave only dead men there are no living people in the grave but when you stand through that grave you can see jesus looking at you to say you may have been abused when you were young you may have gone through all kinds of things but don't be ashamed of it i am raising you with an anointing tomorrow you are going to have a foundation one uncle deceived you here and don't worry and all of a sudden you are healed you are strengthened and you can rise up and be a blessing as believers both our glory and our pains are still weapons that can bring him glory is god speaking to someone today sometimes i share some of the testimonies of yesteryears not because i'm stupid everybody has his reputation too i share some of these things and it's amazing how some of these messages comfort some of you because if you just see all the things that god is doing today you may think just because you are anointed you are shielded from it nobody is immune from tears jesus wept every other person in him will weep too there are times that life can push you i've wept at funerals of people here i have had to comfort people we have lost loved ones things have happened around but even at that even when we cannot explain we still say lord thank you lord thank you can you lift your voice in one minute and just say lord thank you even in the midst of the pain in the midst of the pain lord i went through unfavorable things i trusted a man who disappointed me i trusted my boss he disappointed me lord i thought by now i would have graduated and standing before me are five carryovers i thought i would get first class my last result i thought i would be promoted and i was driven but i give you thanks i give you times i may not understand what you are doing in and through me but lord i know that you do thank you i will seek i will praise even if my darkest with is i will i will say listen there are some of you here it is your pain that made you to begin to love people you were too innocent and when you see people just complain oh my father could not afford my school fees what an irresponsible father until the day your own father lost a job and you found out for the first time that dinner could not come and god said have you now seen that if i don't help a man is not just being irresponsible your father is responsible yet accept the lord you say house let me tell you this my father calls me a young man with gray hair my experiences in life have added to my experience added to my age that's why you see me respect elderly people i am not stupid there are some of you here when you see us or not people say what is there because your blood is hot they paid your school fees they gave you pocket money you entered 100 level by the end of 100 level you have gotten a scholarship your result came out 4.5 your perspective is too innocent to be used keep coming one day something will happen by the time you graduate and for five years there's no job you will not know why people write prayer requests here for now what is there about prayer requests every month it's because everything in your life is paid for the day your father looked at you and said young man after this month as we are clocking 38 of this month you are packing your load and you are going and you will think he has an honorary up for you he will just with you and say my whole father just did by my hand i the same thing i'm doing for you and for the first day you'll sleep under a tree that's the day you open your bible and say no i must get this thing [Music] don't waste your pain some of you would have entered certain anointings by now if only you could look at god through your pain there is the bible says for we know the rest may not know but we know that all things how many things talk to me say all things all things work together [Music] apostle what kind of life is this i graduated since 2013 i've been loving god there's no work now for me is it that i don't serve god apostle i love god i love the things of god but not one guy in my whole life there's no gentle man that has come to say ah you're a beautiful lady i want to am i cursed it's because you are becoming a mother of nations not a wife and so god is saying i need you to have the kind of compassion that will be required for a mother of nations today i can minister to people because every time i want to be wary there is always something god can use from my past people say apostle is humble i'm not humble it's a revelation of god that has kept me like that the moment i want to lift up my head god just has to show me one vision of one night i could not afford gary and he where is the pride coming from [Music] your past can help you maintain your glory [Music] your past has something in it that can help you keep your glory when you see a man of god blessed and consistent and stable there is nothing that is natural like that there are many of you you will not have listened to god every time they talk to you you are stubborn towards instruction so god allowed you and for one year like the prodigal son you went away from mentorship and instructions and you saw the casualties that it brought to your life and now god comes back again and says can i now help you and you say lord please i will never leave you again [Music] are we together we'll stop here tonight make it part one we have part two there there's something very deep that i want to share i'll share with you next week or whenever whenever it is that we have the opportunity listen to me brothers and sisters i made certain covenants with my life at certain seasons of pain not luxury there were things i went through in my life and i vowed to god i said lord if you ever prosper me i will not let one person die of hunger in my presence i would not have said that if money and all these resources just came cheaply i may be part of those like you people running your mouth at every family irresponsible people look how simple it is to prosper so there are times god can allow you you go through this you pray you fast no door opens so that when he blesses you with 10 naira and says give that ten naira here you don't want people to lick your shoes just because of that there are certain anointings there are people who got certain impartations early in life [Music] you see that early life and it made them proud what is there about this in fact right now i can't even show that the power of god will move one two three four and they make all kinds of things mismanagement of the anointing then one day god will leave them and you'll find out for one year it looked like your heavens were closed you're going for a meeting you live there asking the god call me in the midst of your pain god begins to show you the visions of the foolishness and the pride you insulted every man of god because you had more revelation than your local pastor you insulted him all this this this dull reverend doesn't know anything and god kept watching when that heaven closed towards you god will now say go and meet that reverend for prayer he's the one who opened your heavens and you drag yourself in shame like somebody that has finished fighting wrestling and the reverend looks at you and say you i had you talk nonsense because you better apologize there when you learn it like something the anointing comes back again but this time around you know the value of the anointing because you believe that you you are too precious you won't lose it you kept reading books that are this and that happens the date left you you don't need to ask whether it goes again you learnt a lesson by yourself [Music] there are some of us who are very innocent we insult every mother you see somebody's mother insult the mother and say this woman said this and that i sat down near her and she didn't put any passion god what kind of a smelly you know this coin onion and god is saying no problem it's because you had a father who was a this and that all of a sudden another government to come and they won't give him appointments and your friends will say ah where's our egypt now he said no gpegano and then when they leave you like the prodigal son then you come back to your senses and the next time god gives you a chip you don't just say come and see jeep you say come and see god's faithfulness it will suddenly become god's faithfulness no longer deep we're going to pray tonight i don't know what what pain you may be going through now and you are saying lord if you called me why am i going through this i'm answering you right now lord why is my life like this and god is saying i'm bringing glory you have called me as a kingdom financier lord i've never held 50 000 of my money and god says i need to teach you that listen let me tell you [Music] when god called me into the apostolic ministry there are few challenges of people i didn't go through how else do you relate with people [Music] are we together there are times people who bless me and god will ask me to sow it and when i saw it i'm alone and i'm saying god what is this somebody refused to tighten me i'm tight in my own heavens come and you ask me to carry it and what is that and it's amazing how god doesn't answer there are times that god's silence is a training process it may not be an attack he's teaching you how to wait [Music] lord will you arise based on the bible studies you did they say if you call him he is nigh those who call upon him yes it's true but he's training you you teach someone how to call god he's enjoying and express service with god and you the two toys there under close heavens and hazy hearing lord what is this i've been married for five years no child lord what i mean what is the meaning of this you are calling me into ministry and no child and then god says prophesy to all the barren women ah god what embarrassment is this one again and he says do it he's killing the flesh you may not know it's not about a child god can give you a child even in one week it's killing the flesh tonight we're going to spend the way we're going to do this prayer we'll do a general prayer but before then i'm going to give you five minutes you're going to find any corner find anywhere listen before you go overflow one two three just find somewhere i like you to focus and say lord thank you for my pain i used to hate it i know that i was raped when i was two years old i know that i lived alone i got i'm the only christian in my family and yet i will call on you i need to look like nobody will answer lift your voice and pray you never would have come into the house of the lord if you were too innocent there are some of you you never would have even known that the call of god is upon your life lift your voice pray please be serious tonight talk to him in your language lord i thank you my pain has made me wiser my pain has made me a woman of compassion i used to be a heartless woman i used to be a heartless man i used to be a very very uncompassionate man of god but you have used my disappointment now i can look at people and know that they are doing their best i will insult people again i used to think ministry was so easy until i carried my anointing and i was surprised that in spite of my being anointed doors are still closed now i know that except god helps a man it is not the eloquence of speech that can help you lord when i was in the university i insulted every graduate because i thought they didn't know what they were doing now i've been a graduate for 10 years 20 years with no job i now know that if god does not help me nobody can pray lord show me your glory through my pain reveal something in my life through my pain i've gone through pain i've gone through disappointment lord i lost my loved ones i lost my father i lost my mother i lost my brothers it was and for some of you is still a painful experience but lord in the midst of it there has to be something through my pain that can glorify you if you never had a spillover you probably would never be born again you would be an arrogant graduate your promotion was due three years now you've not been promoted could it be that in that delay god wants to teach you something oh lord let my pain help me know you let my challenges help me know you give me a new name that you have through this pain let my pain not be wasted oh god let me not cry for nothing if i have cried let me also see you if i've been disappointed let me see you through it so more love more power more of you in my is no that is oh this is why i can finish service and as tired as i am i will stand here for hours seeing people this is why i spend my life traveling around in spite of the pain this is why i give the way i do it's not just because i'm anointed something has happened to me there is a birthing there is a breaking of the outer man the breaking of that flesh when i went through the dark days in my life they helped me make certain fouls to god i will never look down on anybody that's why some of our young ones here that are ministry usually men of god who go ahead like this to some measure look down on the ones who are coming up and make it look like i would never never do that to anybody no matter how small no matter how little i believe in you we can correct you where you need to be corrected and lift you you know why because i know i've been there listen some of you what you are going through now is not for you is for the sake of those you have been sent god does not want you to arrive at the place of destiny and not be able to relate to the pain of those who are coming so you pay the school fees by yourself and now you are in final year probably and you are wondering oh lord where will this coffees come from and then by the time god helps you he now tells you like peter when you are converted strengthen your brethren the next time you see somebody hungry don't criticize and laugh because you know what hunger means we do not have a high priest who cannot be touched touched with the feelings of infirmity when i was growing up as a little boy i didn't have too much of uncles and aunties to show me the way of the lord and love me that's why after service you see all this my children come and run they can match me and do anything i love them the way they are because i want to show them that being an adult is not a cause against children something about your character can only be changed to your pain something about your heartiness to the voice of god can only be changed to your pain something about your rebellion to his instructions can only be changed to your pain if someone will not change it there is something you must go through i'm sorry but it's true sometimes that disappointment will have the power to stop it but you will leave it he will make sure it does not hurt you to the point where it's unbearable but he will need you to learn something in it it's a painful experience what is called a circumcision when you circumcise a child that child does not laugh while you are circumcising him but do you stop the circumcision because the child is crying no that's what is happening to you so for some of you right now i wish the prayer will be oh god take away the challenges sincerely for some of you the prayer is isaiah 43 lord be with them as they pass through that fire because for some of you you are not coming out of that fire soon that fire is doing something to you i know you will not like me for what i'm saying but i am telling you allow that fire to refine you and you will look and not see pride in your life again allow that fire to refine you and you will look and see the anointing you are admiring on tvs with you in the fire people don't become anointed on the throne they become anointed in the cave of abu lahm i want you to pray one serious prayer just one prayer lord whatever training you are passing me through continue to pass me through until i become like a trophy it's not a dangerous prayer it's a sensible prayer for my child believers god will not kill you no shalom lord you have spoken to me about prosperity that you are giving me a mantle for wealth and lord i have seen how money has destroyed people whatever oh god needs to prove my appetite to make me not use money to destroy my life and others walk on me lord you told me i will have a level of fame through the anointing under the revelation of the spirit pride is inevitable the tendency for pride is there so lord walk on me let that circumcision happen to me break me oh god whatever needs to be broken let it be broken whatever needs to be pruned let it be pruned are you praying only my short people can pray this prayer take away the pride of god lord i don't have a heart of mercy use my pain to make me merciful to others i have a critical spirit but oh god through my challenges give me a heart that loves people i find people who do not all my viewpoints in life do something in me that grants me compassion that the next time i hear that something is happening to someone i will be the first to show love not to show it hallelujah hallelujah [Music] if the people who write all these blogs against men of god if the people who go to families carrying gossips heard this message that i'm preaching to you they will have enough compassion to know are we together yes a gentleman i'm sure that gentleman is here he met me a few days i'm i'm saying it because his life is a testimony something happened to this guy and he got into a lifestyle that was not the best he went to jail he just came out of prison not too long and when that guy came out of prison i mean everything had gone academically a whole year had gone ahead and when the gentleman came and met me and said apostle this is what happened i used to be a thief i used to steal and i used to do drugs and so they apprehended me you know i was guilty and i went to prison i looked at him that gentleman was so rehabilitated and i looked at him he said i'm ready to go and finish up i said what level are you he said this and that i looked at him i said young man hold my hands i love you and i believe in you and i'm going to do my best to make sure that you catch up with your colleagues and finish even if it means covering your school fees i would do it i'm not stupid it's not because i have money are we together that could have been your brother that could have been your sister maybe that could have been me in a cell there is no body i do not believe that god can lift there is no body you see when you see god trusting a man of god with people god sees the heart of man first before helping them when god sees that you have a wicked and a depraved heart that will destroy the destinies of people you will never be trusted i preached a message earlier this year can god trust you not can god use you yes he can but can god trust you there are people let me say this with all humility if they have half the anointing that is on my life you will have to lick their legs you see it with the tendencies that are around people let me tell you this well still i'm going to show you there are still some points i don't want to go ahead of myself i will show you how to cop some of these excesses in your life if you don't create a system by grace of self-supervision against these things especially pride pride is a killer it will shred you into pieces and cover you in the dust of impact and they will know that once upon a time there was a mighty man once there are many once upon a time many alive but dead i pray to god all the time and say lord please preserve your son preserve your testimony father tonight in the name of jesus christ i pray such our hearts oh god such our hearts such our hearts let this not just be church alone search our hearts and you have granted us wisdom for many of us who are ashamed of our pain and ashamed of what we are going through or have been taught that what we are going through is necessarily lack of spirituality comfort us by this revelation tonight to know that your voice can still be spoken and heard even through our pain teach us to see you in the midst of our challenges and oh god the lessons that we need to learn through pain may we not get out of that realm of pain without letting them these are the lessons that make us spiritual men indeed these are the lessons that make you real to us these are the lessons that make us act as though we are not human beings take away pride give us compassion give us love in the name of jesus christ and i pray that god will bless you that as you meditate on this teaching it will sponsor stability in you that all these things that cause believers to vacillate up and down will not be part of your life you will be grounded you will be established in truth and established in love in the name of jesus christ are we together now the entire please look up let me remind us that the motivation behind this series is captured in the name of the series itself to give our christian experience a level of solid stability are we together because the times that we live in please listen carefully if you do not know and understand what you know and believe then sooner or later your faith will be challenged there are people challenging everything on earth today everything people are challenging whether jesus is really the son of mary the son of god challenging whether it was a virgin birth challenging whether he resurrected many people have proposed that from the resurrection jesus went to europe and stayed there married there got old now you would think it's funny until you see the kind of people saying it if a poor and weak and naive person is talking you don't listen to him but someone who has intelligence and influence when he talks you must understand that he is supporting whatever proposition with some kind of facts so the bible says be steadfast there are preachers today after preaching a line of thought and a perspective about god after 10 20 years they stand on their altars and don't know what they stand for again are we together yes we have to be careful because there are all kinds of teachings coming into the body of christ number two there are all kinds of teachings that should not go out that the devil is trying to take out of the body of christ some of them in the name of old school new school you know whatever it is that means that there is a need like apostle paul is doing here to the church in corinth to bring believers to a point of focus and order is not enough to be born again it matters to god that you are stable are we together i i watched a jimmy's wonderful son while i was sitting there i i remembered when the gentleman was trying to walk it was such a struggle he would walk one two and fall down sometimes i want to help him and the father will not even mind he says like that they will be strong and now that gentleman is walking and not even thinking about what he's doing and i said wow this is my message stability it's all right to rise and fall but not forever you can't continue to stand up if if a five-year-old child listen carefully tries to stand tries to walk and false you know there's something wrong how many of you have seen a full-grown adult have a problem with stability doctors are here and they will tell you something is wrong and this is what we want to correct are we together now because you see in spiritual things physical age is not necessarily a determining factor you are going to hear people younger and old some of them your parents come up with perspectives that may be sociologically acceptable but let me tell you the truth is largely antichrist do you know why many people we're going to continue i'm just i'm just giving a little preamble for tonight's teaching the reason why there is a lot of instability in the christian work of many people is because there was never conviction from the first place i can believe in life for donkey years or because i am part of a system that believes that life and there are benefits i get from that system i usually will not question it are we together now and we camp around some of these things and the devil is destroying people look at the shock at which people are denouncing their faith and it's okay for members but where men and women of god a man who has represented a spiritual voice to territories for many years all of a sudden gets up and now says for instance gay is right are you getting that now or sits down and then comes up with some scripture and says this is this there is need for stability otherwise our children are in trouble we are going to teach them nonsense and rubbish ask these little children some of the things they are learning in school you will be surprised to hear what they are teaching them are we together and just because you know i love the body of christ but just because a man goes to church does not mean he is growing spiritually in today's world going to church is not enough because church is many things today are we together now people were doing well before they started going to certain circles it was in those circles their lives got into a level of confusion and nonsense it is church for instance that have made people to beat and drive their wives it is church for instance that have made people to even sacrifice their children we must be steadfast there are things that require correction there are things that require uploads there are things that require preservation are we together now be steadfast immovable so we said that it matters that we are grounded and productive in our christian lives it is lack of spiritual stability that has produced a lot of imbalance and spiritual vacillations today we are loyal to this school of thought tomorrow we are loyal to this school of thought next week we are loyal to this school of thought the bible says even if another angel gets up and preaches another gospel he say let him be a cause that means angels can preach and if they can preach they will preach the same way people have received different things and then one of the reasons why this series i believe is very important is to be able to create boundaries for this appetite for spiritual knowledge and rhema there has never been a time in the christian faith where there is hunger we want depth which is all right i mean we just want to dig deep we want to search every greek word every aramaic word every hebrew word we want to read every book find out together all of these things there must be a system that guides people otherwise we are going to get into trouble i have heard preachers preach over the years and by the privilege of the apostolic office i have consulted with many materials even extra biblical materials not for the purpose of error but to be able to understand the spiritual sphere and i've had a lot of messages i can almost quote verbatim i know the book this man this man has read this book this man is preaching from this article this woman is talking from here it is one of the reasons why god grants you the privilege to be vast in your knowledge so you can know where errol can come from are we together right now the average young man is more concerned about the scarsness of the revelation that comes from him rather than the truthfulness of it so if i communicate something there there was a gentleman one time i listened to the gentleman and he was so authoritative he claimed he was one of the incarnate of the old prophet so i ordered his materials i ordered lots of his materials is the young arrogant guy like this and i ordered the entire materials not for cynicism i wanted to go through it and when i went through everything this guy wrote and what he proposed as the correction of the bible i said wow this gentleman is in trouble he needs deliverance and he needs it fast are we together i have read books that i opened the page and i can tell you they copied it from one zodiac book one stargazing book there are many things done in the body of christ that the origin of that operation is scientology some of it is spiritism and mysticism just because god can be a mystery does not mean that anything mystical and spooky is god is god speaking to us now because we must be careful as we as we taught the and you know sometimes we men of god in the name of prophetic instructions and in the name of anything we just do all kinds of demonic things and especially because many christian circles around africa and nigeria have come from a foundation of tradition you know that the christianity in africa is largely it has a little touch of tradition which there are wonderful sides to it in our songs we dance we sing but there are certain practices that are truly rooted in witchcraft number two there are people in the bible who were genuine servants of god but at certain points in their lives they operated by spirits that were not of the christ just because they were people of god but the operation within that context was not of god there are all kinds of things in this bible that's why you must be guided you will read this bible and you will see principles of witchcraft in it that's why you can enter a herbalist shrine and see a bible there he can open it and read this chapter this verse this but it doesn't mean number three it also does don't write i'm still on my preamble just because a spiritual operation produce result listen listen just because a spiritual operation produce result does not mean it is of god are we learning because you see the realm of the spirit i have taught you this any dimension higher than the three-dimensional realm can supply a level of advantage into this realm there are people being caught up in the spirit every day and every time and they are not getting caught up necessarily by the power of the holy ghost are we together almost every religion i know they have zealous men and women who can tap into powers greater than that which is human for instance your grandfather and your grandmother how did they cook the yam that they cooked that you didn't see fire under that that's a spiritual law how did they disappear somewhere and appear somewhere there used to be these kings growing up i used to hear about them and they would tell you they have nine lives some 11 lives come on africa talk to me don't we are not in europe here nine lives they even say cats and animals all these superstitious things and when we get born again we don't allow the spirit of god to renew us well so we carry the backlog of those experiences add anointing and scripture on it put everything and serve it as a menu and while people consume everything they are motivated by the results that come from it spiritual stability we need to be grounded do you know why because error can intimidate someone can stand in error and intimidate you and make you to live everything that is the epicenter of your conviction most of us now i don't mean to insult but a number of us here i presume are not well traveled both within the country and outside this is why we have not seen the framework of the kind of challenge that can come over us christian experience one of the blessings of exposure is that it opens you to other territories alongside the the social cultural context of the people there are lands that you go to that is two percent christians and you will be surprised to hear what these people know about god what they know about jesus christ [Music] till today there is still argument on the body of christ as to the correct formula for getting born again you see that there are many people who say they are born again and they are not born again it's true you don't wish getting born again you don't hope getting born again you don't assume you are born again you don't inherit getting born again there is a principle and today we have people we have ordained people deacons who have ordained people past us who have ordained people we have given people churches to handle yet those people themselves ask them what is your salvation experience and the president what kind of stupid question is that do i look like a sinner you see the person is clearly telling you i don't even know what this thing is yet that is the head of evangelism just because people go with a a placard and sing songs and use them the loudspeaker doesn't mean they know what they are doing and it's the reason why many believers are frustrated because many years of lying to yourself you will get to a point where you say i'm tired look at our children now they hate church they hate god do you know why because they've been asking questions since they were babies we refuse to answer them unfortunately they don't have the kind of loyalty we have growing up for many of us here you didn't ask for why you just obeyed if they give you money bring it to mommy you don't say mommy why is my right they will beat the living daylight out of you so if you just obey but you ask a little child now baby you should give me say why uncle why my teacher said every time they should ask why welcome to a generation that needs answers and let me tell you we are not going to continue moving religiously by faith we need a very spiritual and intelligent conviction to support our christian work if you are with me say amen hallelujah men of god send me text messages every time and sometimes they are like apostle how do you do it i've preached every message i know i've done my best i've read every book i've preached every series i've preached every whatever i've done everything i'm tired i i i literally have to open my bible few minutes to service to check what have i not said before is it matthew 6 33 is he revelations what what will i not say that's why people just shop messages and bring and preach [Music] something is wrong with her conviction spiritual stability the last time in part one we agreed that the first key that we need to create stability in our work with god is an experiential revelation of god remember so point one is an experiential revelation of god that we need an experience with god a personal experience i remember the old folks used to say have you had a personal experience with god right now we are young people and we don't even know what a personal experience is but the old folks who said do you know god personally have you had a personal experience with god an experiential revelation of god and we broke it into amba is through his word remember first samuel 3 21 that the lord appeared again to somewhere by his word in shiloh and then number three number two through the family of true believers we agreed that the family of believers can help you to know god the corporate gathering the spirit of community among believers if you are a christian and you don't have a spiritual family you will not be stable because you need a family of like-minded people to support your belief and to support your conviction it matters that when people get born again we don't just isolate and throw them around it's a different thing if they're in a region where there is no platform where believers can gather are we together now believers need to support and strengthen themselves especially for those who are younger in the faith they must come in the midst of those who god has helped to gain some stability so that they can watch they can watch their life they can watch the way they are growing it's not just a principle that works for your christian life it works for everything when you watch people who have gone ahead of you you receive directly or indirectly the system that they have worked with so that it can help your own work too so number one through his word number three the family of believers number three through your pain and challenges that our pain and challenges are gifts now i know that this is not an aspect that many of us like it's a very touchy aspect don't talk about pain don't talk about challenges but i tell you honestly i don't believe that god afflicts people i don't believe that god causes pain and this but one thing i know is that god can take advantage of every situation in a believer's life to teach him something about god are we together now yes our pain and challenges cause us to need god and to prioritize him most times when people are comfortable and there is convenience there is usually a side effect whether convenience through prosperity success or whatever the side effect is that usually it will dampen our passion and our zeal for god it will seem to give us a reason to not press into god are we together now it will seem to give us a reason to say i mean i don't whether i pray today or not there's food in my fridge are we together whether i pray today or not my child's school fees is hundred thousand and i have 100 million in my account i mean what what is a prayer for quite honestly whether i pray or not i have a house i have cars i have businesses i have relationships and connections everywhere so why pray why seek god why spend time so god takes advantage of the periods of pain and challenges because they calm us down are we together they keep us in a position where we can think we can reason and god steps in and says my son my daughter now that i've gotten your attention through this let me show you something about me our pains and our challenges help us explore dimensions of god we may have ignored or trivialized there are things about god that we probably may have ignored because of the comfort and the luxury around our lives but when we go through pain and challenges they help us to explore those dimensions i told us again that one of the greatest dimensions of god that pain and challenges birth is compassion compassion the bible says for we do not have a high priest listen carefully who has not been touched with the feelings we have very hard people whose heart is like stone and remember the lord said he will give us a heart of flesh a heart of flesh is not a a weak chicken like mediocre heart no are we together the heart of flesh is a heart that can have compassion excuse me when you see someone crying you can say oh dear i put myself in this brother's shoes oh i've not eaten an apostle so what am i the president of this country please no that's a heart of stone the heart of what stone there's a reason why it is called stone because stone doesn't have feelings you can pour anything you can throw it there and there are many believers we may look born again but the reason why we are quick to destroy and tear down others the reason why we are quick to be judgmental and to be presumptuous on people is that we have not learned compassion through pain there is there is a way that you will go through certain things in life when you look at people you will just pray for them are we together yes i have seen people go through pain i have seen people go through challenges sometimes i sit down and one day say lord if i were the one going through this would i be able to survive i've seen people go through it i remember i think we're in a belkuta early this year and some two wonderful women mothers quite elderly they came and they their combined age that not their age the combined period they had been waiting for a child for two of them i think it would be like 52 years combined now it's easy to stand and shout and say lord i will trust you and love you forever after 20 years 21 years 22 years it's like a man who has been hearing the sound of a gun every day if they call you and say they are active you say you should kill me now what am i alive before they should come and kill me i'm already dead challenges create compassion and it's one of the way you can know you are whether you're a christian you know you will be blessed tonight there are many wrong parameters that many of us use the bible uses love and compassion as a major parameter to measure spiritual growth just because tongues are charismatic miracles like the gentleman who came to share testimonies you shake someone and the power that leaves your hand just carries that person up and down they look and say boy is this guy anointed and you will fool yourself into believing that that automatically produces spiritual maturity love there remain these three faith that moves mountains hope that make it not ashamed and love he said but the greatest of the three is love the day jesus will come will be surprised because those we may think that will stand just because of our charismatism you will find out that one old mama who cannot speak english one woman who nobody ever invited will be the most spiritual based on god's writing lord what did this woman do i didn't see her on tv i didn't see her in coinonia in fact i saw apostle joshua salman praying and laying hands for her and i saw her falling down and god would say compared to apostle joshua salman it's like the sky and the earth the spiritual levels if you want to know god and you want to be sincere listen to this thing i'm teaching you are we together an experiential revelation of god you must go back crying and say lord give me an experience of you i want more of you you've forgotten the song i want more of you jesus the more i know you the more i want to know you it says in the year king uzziah died i isaiah saw the lord i saw the lord i saw the lord this is a man i've been representing oh i've been standing for god i love god i bought in chapter 6 when isaiah saw the lord hayan lifted up he said i am undone i am a man of unclean lips and i dwell and meets the people of unclean leaves god would have said ah that's that's too much that's too much humility said carry the coal and touch his mouth because it's true and then he says whom shall we send he say here am i you've heard that message this guy had been doing ministry for many years but now he's saying send me so who sent him it's amazing how you can be doing your thing claiming you know god and god is just sitting down there claiming that you know god i know everything about god and god is saying well you may know me but i don't know you it's like saying you know bill gates does he know you more of you more of you more of you jesus sing more of you [Music] key number two we'll start today's teaching now the second key that creates stability in your work with god is establishing foundational values that reflect your convictions about god establishing foundational values write it down that reflect your convictions about god and you may want to add an about life establishing foundational values that reflect your convictions about god and about life apostle i want to be stable in my christian experience the second key is establishing foundational values satan attacks great visions by attacking foundational values write it down please write it quickly values you will never be stable in your christian life if you do not create values around your life that reflect your beliefs values around your life that reflect your convictions about god are we together spiritual values intellectual values financial values there must be values this is where i believe that many believers innocently may be missing it we love god but somehow we feel that having values that govern our lives that means that these values coordinate your life to have a level of predictability what are your foundational values about god i was in the anglican for a number of years and those of you who are in anglican here there's something called apostles creed remember i believe in god now listen you will think that's just a chant it's a powerful reminder it's a compendium of the entire belief system of your faith i know that sometimes we can make rituals out of it but now with understanding you are stating what you believe you must create your own creed for god and for your life what do you believe what do you not believe you can't tell me you believe everything and you can't say you don't believe anything even an atheist believes something calendar is quiet this night thank you jesus i assume that this is a revelation that the spirit of god is working on our lives and helping us foundational values what do you believe about god is better to be in error at least to know i don't believe this there are people who believe that jesus is a prophet and that's all they don't believe he's the savior it will be easy to save those people because what they believe is clear are we together now there are many believers whose foundational values are vague establishing foundational values that reflect your convictions people should be able to look at you and in an instant know what you believe it's not by making noise you see let me tell you this and i say it with all honor in the body of christ we talk too much we talk too much yet in the final analysis most of what we say are not our foundational values we talk about kindness we talk about all of these things and yet we don't believe it do you have foundational values any person who does not have foundational values in his life will never be great will never i repeat be great ask any great man in life and destiny part of the secret of their greatness is that they have been able to create values foundational values what are the principles you have put in your life to support your spiritual growth oh i will grow as the spirit wills you will never grow what have you put tell me clearly what have you put to support your spiritual health what have you put to support your prayer life you see and and i don't mean to be sarcastic please if i offend you i'm sorry but some of these carelessness have come from an exaggerated communication of the grace message so every time people have to put physical pillars that help them and support them to stand strong they feel guilty because they feel it should be automatic no sir ask any successful person nobody becomes great automatically is that true the people who announced their jump here 270 days they didn't just close their eyes and dreamt and sat down and then stood up they labored let's respect the sacrifice that creates stability don't just say apostle my prayer life is going down what are your spiritual values that's my question you will never be stable if you don't have values at what point can you punish yourself at what point can you supervise and discipline yourself you are the first mentor of your destiny it is not always about people policing you is there something you can do in your life and say this is not consistent with my values i must be disciplined for this i usually pray every day by sometimes now i slept off i must pay that price in that prayer by having a one full day retreat that's discipline you don't allow weak people fool you and make your spiritual life go down you need tenacity and energy and discipline are we together values i will never come here for koinonia and be stranded of what to preach because there is a value around my life that makes sure that by friday my message is prepared i look at it it's not automatic tomorrow means zamfara tuesday i'm in lagos coming back for the retreat all of these programs these are major conferences how do you prepare them and then you have to sleep and then you have to do other things is the reason why many believers are not balanced in their life they don't have values you get up any time you sleep any time are we together you can go out of your house without plan and not discipline yourself for being that careless you just plan to go and do something in someone's house you end up spending the whole day and you don't do a review to punish yourself for that carelessness it's not it's look do you like what i'm sharing it looks like you don't like what i'm saying you better like it because this is what makes people great say values shout it again some of us need to create values that govern your going out and coming in not everywhere is going no sir my friend has birthday somewhere is my friend will you die if you don't eat the cake can they cut you out and keep for you we have this this this this this canality that make us believe that until you go and establish your presence everywhere values a married man gets up leaves his house in the morning returns back by 12 o'clock and no explanation to the wife and children where did you go to what is your business am i not your husband no sir you are in discipline no sir you are in discipline if i don't have anything doing outside you will not find me outside no way there's you see is lazy and unserious people that have all the time to spare do you know sometimes in all honesty i tell you this sometimes i sit down by morning and before i finish preparing all my it's already evening and i'm wondering my god it's already 10 i can be in a position from morning till maybe i'll just get up to ease myself or do something values i'm going to have the devotion what time there's no time so there's no system of creating discipline you get up by five o'clock but you don't have a value in your life for when to seek god i i get what i'm saying now even the reading of the bible there is no system you just say okay today guy first king starting no this i don't want anything that would scare me where is psalms psalms for his message you look for a simple four verse sums and just read and wonder why you are not growing why should you be surprised that you are not growing how many of you have seen some of these evangelists that preach in the park if they sometimes six in the morning they are dead they will do it for more than 20 years early in the morning as soon as you are traveling you will see them there they are preaching do you have values for your life many of us are not bad but we are receiving the result of bad people because our values have not edited our lives enough to allow good things come to us are we together one of our dear ladies was was was sharing and sent me a text today about some some people that stay in in their compound also smoking all kinds of things and harassing them i said look if nothing is done here find a place immediately we'll support you to find a place and get out of that place are you that desperate for your growth and your destiny have values have values towards money have values that govern your character come promise you can tell yourself in the name of jesus i receive grace any time i see a great man i will never beg him for money it's a valid i will find out from him if he blesses me that's all right so if you see a multi-millionaire come your values are you seeing that now there is that each but your values but there are others as soon as your boys are here you see you don't have values and anybody that does not have a spirit that does not have control is like a city without wars many believers are not stable because we lack values you cannot define what are the values that i live by it's better to be sincerely wrong but at least that you set values i have a value i have a spiritual value over the man i can't marry or the man i can go out with or the woman i can go out with when you see a lady that loves god with all her heart you know sometimes it doesn't cease to surprise me and then with all the spirituality here comes this this uh brother that that is is not you know that this guy is far from the cross he's even far from my what name of that place where jesus died god got her far from it and here comes the lady smiling and asking whether is the will of god the situation there is lack of values if you have values you already know i can be this selfish children are going to come from this union and i'm going to submit to this man i don't want a man that will make me bring forth children whose destinies will be destroyed if you are honest and you are serious you will think about your children not just yourself it's not all about my i love you i love you my comfort you are thinking children will come from this what if i start praying with my children and the man comes and says no prayer in this house what happens to you we now begin to blame god say values what are friends what is your standard for having friends in your life there are married people who have bad friends ungodly friends that keep causing trouble for their homes are we together values spiritual values what is the parameter that qualifies a man to have access to your mind or do you just listen to everybody just because they are talking what must be present in a preacher for you to listen what of finance some of us don't have values at all we lie anyhow and it doesn't matter me i'm bought older new school i've told you depending on what is old and depending on what is new there are things we call old school that is just is is very new is latest school just because it's ancient does not mean it's outdated let's be careful when we define some of these parameters that continue to destroy our lives some of us love god but when it comes to let me bring money out when it comes to money look up please christians look up when it comes to money you are praying in tongues someone just says uh go and buy me polish how much is polish let's say 200 naira just because you saw the money god goes places because money has entered your hand just because the person does not ask you for change you will come and drop the polish and go away with the change you don't have values how about this big man what will he do with 15 era is it your money is it your money sir you know once in a while the bible said i wrote on thy staff they comfort me so once in a while god just draws this thing out to just straighten our lives some of you think these things are silly are we together now what is your value to regulate your social media whatever what is watchable and what is not watchable don't say i'm an adult you have a mind right now we expose our little children to things they should not watch and they ask us questions we cannot answer are we together values i'm giving you an assignment tonight that when you go back please spell out very clearly what do i stand for and what do i not stand for with respect to god and with respect to my destiny some of you have done well having values for your spiritual life but you have not done well for your destiny you don't have values that govern your destiny in the name of jesus i will never be lazy whatever it will take i will do well value in one minute i like you to cry to god and say lord have mercy upon me and give me the grace to have values and boundaries in my life lift your voice and pray are you praying it's a hard message body to bless you lift your voice lord i have tolerated laziness in my life lord i've tolerated carelessness in my life lord i've tolerated all kinds of of things that should not be in my life i've tolerated pride lord i i declare i want to go far in life please pray you're not praying [Music] pray oh apostle but i'm all right i'm holy i don't sleep around i don't drink i don't smoke what of the values of character the values of empathy please pray is the reason why some of us have never risen you have never seen a need to discipline yourself because of carelessness you must be able to have a way to say sit down this is not right this is good i have to discipline myself i spoke rudely no one of my values is honor i was out i lost my temper and i spoke rudely i demand even without supervision lord i receive grace to supervise myself i receive grace i receive grace are you praying i receive grace [Music] [Music] spiritual values intellectual values that i will never go to bed till i've added something to my mind is a covenant that you make with yourself it's a core value no matter how sleepy you are you wake up and you say i must improve myself every day by self-supervision you are a pastor by thursday or friday every message to preach must be ready no matter what it is guiding principles if i finish eating i must wash the plate there and then every day i must sweep my house whether it is clean or not guiding principles when i get up in the morning the first thing i would do is play worship and read my bible before browsing before watching a movie values there must be boundaries in your life i'm a music minister if i wake up every morning i must rehearse no pain will go without me rehasing because i'm going far i want the nation to bless me as a man of god i must pray at least in tongues one hour every day two hours whether i like it or not it has nothing to do with whether i'm strong or not strong i may be sleeping i will carry my mattress outside that one hour i was covered i would put an alarm clock and pray i must study five chapters every day one chapter every day come what may i discipline myself [Music] please pray lord help me to set values in my life i'm tired of living my life anyhow praying anyhow visiting friends anyhow watching anything anyhow there has to be boundaries in my life that coordinate me for the purpose of greatness it says every man that strives for mastery is not crowned except he strives lawfully you will never be great being careless hallelujah listen listen there are people here the last time they read a book was last year the last time they read a book was last year you buy all kinds of books and pile them and continue to lie to yourself and others that you have so many books and then there's someone that reads one book per week look let me tell you please god is not unjust if you are not willing to do this thing right it will not work are we together there are many preachers that sees what god is doing in some of our lives and get angry they don't know the sacrifice these are my boys that work for me ask them i i don't think i have ever gone to bed not not in the last i don't know the last time i cannot remember the last time i went to bed earlier than 12 midnight not for any reason even if i have a flight to catch in the morning please let's not mock ourselves they say uneasy lies the head that wears the crown if you are not willing to pay the price don't insult those getting the result because god is just he's rich unto all are we together an average message anybody that is serious an average message takes hours to prepare you don't want to know how many materials are consulted for just one simple message as you call it what of the prayer on it oh lord bless your people oh lord increase your people a friend was trying to call me this morning i told him i'm praying i will call you when i finish i finished around afternoon and i called him he said since that time and i told him i said what do you think they are known to this a charm what do you think they are anointing is a charm i considered getting a chef years ago but i said getting a chef would be a waste of time how many times do i eat in a day i would just be giving free money to and cooking food and wasting it but how many times do you eat in a day four times in the morning between morning and twelve another five times someone has to really tell you the price of greatness so that you will see and know and if it's too scary for you to get there then respect the person who gets there because we have this honor for success in this nation we see people pay such huge price and we trivialize it as though they were just lucky you are just lucky to be anointed you are just lucky to have a crowd you are just lord is yours that god just gave you intelligence there is a price jesus was anointed with the holy ghost but he still went about he went about he was doing good that was the anointing the going about was his strength he went about that's why many people have a lot of spare time no values they sit down morning till night gossiping mo talking about politics then they move to men of god then they move to farmers then they move to what is happening in the north then they move to boko haram it's five there are no food today and that's how they spend their day and before you know it there are children around you asking you questions mommy why are we like this he says the will of god no sir it's not the will of god if you are a man of god here and your life is not on fire there is an explanation don't you ever say it is the will of god find out the price it takes to be great there is a price you want to be stable in your spiritual life the price is establishing foundational values there are things i must do every day no matter what happens it doesn't matter whether we are fasting it doesn't matter whether there is koinonia it doesn't matter whether i'm traveling the whole day if for any reason i miss it i'll be lying to tell you i get it hundred over a hundred but if i don't get it i pay that price i will pay that price if i have a time for prayer and for any reason i'm a night person because i like i like a lot of film it's been like that the way god trained me most of my prayer is in the night you can live with me for one year and except god chooses to you may not maybe it's just the sound you may hear but you may never really catch me you will think i don't pray because i love the night everything that can distract has gone i off the light and pray with all my heart i don't pray and then i check phone and quickly say a message has come that's not prayer you are playing you put your heart in this thing do you know the spirits that attack you when you are about to be great do you know the level of attack per day that comes upon a man of god you don't want to know it's more than just good preaching my brothers and my sisters please i want you to make up your mind i don't want to dwell here we'll move to other things but make up your mind that you're going to have values there are friends you've heard me say send them a text and say my brother i found out that every morning six o'clock you come and wake me and you sit down i don't mean to offend you but please don't be offended if i don't open the door for you again there are there are people in the name of friends i'm not relationships are important but there are friends that are not godly at all six o'clock they have knocked your door some are even christians brothers are you there now you collected that movie right and you want to pray but you are too many of you don't like feeling bad some of us who are already used to persecution we already we have gotten the whole thing but some of you want a good name even at the expense of your spiritual life i don't want anybody to say anything wrong about me and someone comes to your house you are praying you stop the prayer you close the bible and then you slaughter the movie and the person is just he's there till one o'clock invites his friend the next day and then the third friend they invite is a smoker who does not respect you or your values you come into a house you are seeing the picture of your dog you are seeing the picture of jesus you are seeing the picture of a poster it shall be well and you still sit down with cigarette shamelessly but you are afraid if i drive this one now may god give you courage to send them out quickly [Applause] let anybody call you at the fruitful part of your day just call you where are you i'm in the office how what are you doing i just thought about you oh god bless you thank you i'll call you later no no i want to talk now there's jesus day that's why we never become great we don't know that this thing keeps adding god is a just god you don't sit down and cross your legs around and then you want god to keep sending you nations no i returned back yesterday by evening as soon as i returned remove my clothes i didn't even rest i got straight to work i don't know what time i slept this morning i woke up later i slept maybe around it shouldn't be earlier than 4 30 and by 10 i was awake till now [Music] my eyes touching the bed to sleep again maybe at least three o'clock in the morning yet i have administration in zamfara do you love your destiny that much or are you just singing songs about it behind everything that works is someone making it work did you hear what i said behind everything that works is someone making it work it doesn't mean i don't joke it doesn't mean i'm an anti-social person but there are people who at the level you are in life you don't have the luxury for play i can decide to take a whole day off to relax i think i i i've walked enough to merit it but somebody that is just starting in life say apostle is resting you two you are resting we only rest on the seventh day and on the seventh day god rested you are resting on day one it's an error he said i must walk the walks of him that sent me while it is day for the night cometh cometh when no man will walk again please sit down god bless you thank you promise so the second key to creating stability in your life is to establish foundational values an attack on your values is an attack on your destiny satan does not attack you by attacking you he attacks you by attacking your values number three let's hurry up for the sake of time what is the third key to creating stability in your work with god receiving the ministry of the body the third key you want stability in your christian life you must receive the ministry of the body we'll have a long reading first corinthians chapter 12 we're reading from verse 12 till i ask us to stop 12 down about 26 actually the whole text is the is the entire from 12 to the end but we read down maybe 25 26. now please look up we are creating stability in our lives we are going to read for us the body is one and half many members paul is teaching now and all the members of that one body being many are one body so also is christ paul is teaching about the body now next verse for by one spirit are we all baptized into one body whether we be jews or gentiles another word anglicans pentecostals presbyterian whatever it is whether we be bond or free we have all been made to drink of what one spirit say one spirit it's one of the foundational doctrines the doctrine of baptisms one lord one faith one baptism for the body is not one member but many now paul is teaching something here he's teaching that this body we call is not just one member but many okay if the foot shall say because i am not the hand i am not of the body is it therefore not of the body he's asking a question now and if the ear shall say because i am not the i i am not of the body is it therefore not of the body if the whole body wear an eye where then is the hearing powerful paul is an intelligent man imagine if the whole world was calling on you you think it would be excellent if the whole world were coinnonia where will be the miles moonrose that will receive the teaching and the revelation of the kingdom from let me tell you this one of the manifestation of error and pride how you know you have deviated in a way that demands deliverance and repentance is indoctrinating yourself to believe that your ministry or your person is a sufficient representation of all that is needed to present the fullness of christ any man any woman man of god business woman whatever if you ever conceive that thought is a sign that your life is under attack if the whole body were coinnonia where then will be the benny hymns the kenneth copeland the redeemed church and all these places my goal is never to make every ministry call now here my goal is to contribute my quota as far as the privilege of god's grace has been given to me to supply my own contribution to the overall body i have said this again and again and again i thank god for the privilege of balance i am not a balanced man of god just because i'm independently sound i'm a balanced man of god because i have a heart that is open to the body there are dimensions that have not shown me and i never would have seen no matter how close i am with god but my genuine opening to the body has given me room to be able to look and say wow so there is something like this it's not been captured in my experience let me study it if the whole we're hearing where then is the smelling all these parts have distinct functions 18. but now god had set the members every one of them in the body as it has pleased him believers are you seeing this now your life will never be stable if you are imbalanced doctrinally and we men of god sadly and and very very very i say it with all due respect because of our individual complexes we carry our complexes that are as a result of our esteem of ourselves and and add our complexes into the context of ministry and make it look like it is god that is me imagine that i sit down now i say don't listen to any man of god if any corner person listens to any man of god aside from me you are not being loyal that's devilish he's a terrible doctrine i have a responsibility to guide you i have a responsibility to teach you i have a responsibility to mentor you is that true but never to sit down and lie to myself and lie to you that in myself as joshua salman i contain all the dimensions that i got i travel around and i see dimensions in god that sometimes i stand i say wow this is amazing and i sit down to learn my god i never knew this is the reason why i love the body of christ don't carry that bias that just because it is not your church or it is not your pastor every other person who is not you is a devil and many men of god we are victims of this and the danger is that we are subconsciously raising people after that paradigm we're talking about the church in nigeria i think it was with ed jimmy some some weeks remember and we're discussing and and i was sharing with him how this battle of ministry came down right from the samuel ajayi crowders and i was just showing him the spiritual history of the church in nigeria to this present time celebrate the body we are perfect as a body as individuals we may have our own limitations we have our own pride and prejudices and immaturity here and flesh here and imperfections here i know i understand our levels of alignment to the spirit are not the same our levels of hunger and passion for god is not the same so the results will not be the same however however it matters i was living i was living a sabbath yesterday and there was a dear man of god he was part of the people that came i was already late ordering to go and catch the flight and then he requested that i just come step my feet in his church and pray i don't know him from anywhere and i said oh dear this man let me do my best and at least stand and pray for him i know what god has put in my own life i know what will happen to his church when i pray for him so it's not just because i am anointed i know that his church will never be the same you see that one of the reasons why i love dr miles monroe you hear me talk about him so much not just because he is the one who mentored me in the area of the kingdom but when i started out in life and ministry i wrote letters to several men of god no i'm not offended i'm not saying they are bad because you write a letter to me i may not even get it it's not the best but i mean i do my best to make myself accessible but sometimes it's just not possible so i totally understand it's not from a standpoint of sarcasm i wrote letters to several people several ministers just telling them my encounters and just trying to leverage on them to make sense of my life for me and among there were different versions of replies i believe but miles monroe wrote me handwritten handwritten and encouraged me and shared certain things signed it with his own signature and sent it from bahamas to zaria and i got it i said lord i want to be like this man whatever will make a busy man like this the largest church in bahamas a pastor of pastors an advisor of presidents to have the time to send to a young guy trying to gain his balance spiritually that's the reason why all these prayer groups and fellowships and the young people some of you here every time they come and say apostle this what we are doing it doesn't matter whether they're in error or not i love them and i embrace them because when i was at that level there was no one close enough everybody who could listen were too far and then they continue to say young boys are rebellious but who is the person that can listen and compass their back there is no group and no association and no group of gentlemen and women that i would not love them and hug them if there is something that needs correction i'll say adjust this this this and just love them and bless them i made up my mind that as god lit me i will never be too far that i cannot bless and help the people coming you must receive of the body and if they were all one member where were the body we're reading 2 verse 26 let's hurry up but now are they many members yet but one body everybody say one body said one body many members and i cannot say unto the hand i have no need of thee nor again the head to the feet i have no need imagine if god started doing all those encounters producing dramatic encounters i was seeing the sense of old having visions with them yet i was poor i was broke and everything i did was poor and was broke imagine if those anointed in the body to supply that dimension i rejected them that rejection would have reflected the ministry today it would be an anointed ministry with baskets all around forcing both your neck and your hand to cough out every morning in your pocket today we are able to walk in this level of integrity by the grace of god because we have received the supply of those dimensions i never started my journey with god knowing anything about finance it was the spirit life encounters visions dreams the word prayer faith i mean everything just throw yourself spiritually anything that had to do with excellence administration leadership i didn't know anything about it but bless god for the body bless god for the body nay much more those members of the body which seem to be more feeble are necessary there are ministries in the body that are not on tv there are ministries in the body that are hidden and silent and the bible says those ministries are also important and those members of the body which we think to be less honorable everybody say less honorable say it again less honorable look up please this bottle of water was kept by someone imagine that your assignment on earth is to always keep water for joshua salmon you will look and think that just because this is not is not you are not shining so you see the guy who is holding the mic and preaching and talking i'm shouting right now somebody is falling under the anointing outside wow this guy we can think based on human parameters and our ways of measuring things that the person who is doing this ministry is of lesser or not no hear what the bible says upon this we bestow more abundant honor and our uncommonly parts have more what abundant commonness that means your heart that you cannot see can stop your leg that you can see from walking [Music] your brain that you cannot see have you seen a madman whose body is complete yet he's mad because something that should not be touched in his head was touched say amen just because one molar has a problem an adult it will force your eyes to shed yes it will force your legs to run around because you are worried just because one tiny teeth has a problem that means there are ministries who are ignoring in the body what this woman who has just a small prayer house she just prays for people and writes the names of men of god let's leave this off ahead woman let's go to koinonia where things are happening and you leave the woman whereas you don't know joshua sermon is standing today because that woman is kneeling down you see that oh lord help him let the revelation be fresh upon him lord help him there are people who pray for me as a ministry i'm not talking dave they believe they are called by god thank god for the prayer department but there are people i know some of them they believe that their assignment in life is to intercede for me and i don't joke with those people when people send me a text and say apostle i just prayed for you no matter how busy i i do my best to at least if i cannot sow into their lives i cannot pray for them or i pray back for them or just try to do something to make them um feel honored for what they have done 24 for our calmly parts sensitive parts have no need but god had tempered the body together having given more abundant honor to that part which which lacked 25 that there should be no chism in the body but that the members should have the same care one for another prayer ministry care for the prosperity ministry prophetic ministry care for the apostolic ministry are we together leadership ministry care for the man of god who all he knows is how to heal the sick and preach he doesn't know how to put an excellent organogram make your ministry available provided he is ready to receive it the bible says but as many as received him meaning he can be rejected there are churches you go to you see the power of god but there's a lot of misbehavior i can be preaching now some come i can be preaching and a member will just run and come and touch my head and go back to sit down what kind of indiscipline is that are we together all in the name of excitement no the house of god is not a cinema hall neither is it a place for movies and cycles it's a place where lives are changed when you see that it doesn't stop the power of god from flowing but you will know that a dimension of the ministry of the body has not been received or some i'm preaching and someone squeezes one thousand error and throws it to me is that how to sew is that how you so-called you so come with respect and dignity ask any farmer you throw meals like that you don't come after four months to get a harvest say in the name of jesus i receive the ministry of the body of christ say in the name of jesus i love the body of christ and i receive the diverse ministries of the body let me advise every man of god here you are a pastor you're a spiritual leader of any sort never use your pulpit as a platform to tear another man's ministry i repeat never use your pool plate as a platform to tear another man's ministry because you are sowing a seed that will grow must grow i don't want anybody talking against me and talking against anybody serving here and i will not sow that seed i will challenge wrong doctrines but i will never find myself stunned and tear down see imagine for instance um um just come some imagine come imagine that these guys are laboring and doing their work and just because of one or two mistakes in their lives i just come and push everybody aside to show that i am joshua salman i'm destroying them what does this guy go and tell his wife our ministry is going down why joshua salman tore down your ministry this guy i tear people down and i stand you don't have to cut the head of people to show you at all if you are tall you are tall please i want you to learn this that in the name of jesus you will zip your mouth from talking against men of god talking against their wives talking against churches don't do that are we together now don't go around this man of god's wife this man of god this one now we are not perfect people in ourselves is true and different ministries have their different dimensions of god and there are the truth is that there are things to correct in almost every ministry there is something to adjust there is something to correct so the observations may be justifiable but it's still not enough reason to tear people i have preached everywhere from anglican to catholic to cherubim and seraphim to um presbyterian aqua cooking pentecostal i mean just name it i'm for the body i love you i never show any where are you are you for who are you for us or no i would not do that devilish thing in this ministry there are people who are a a product of different churches and different places now let me tell you this you don't have to agree with a man or a doctor to love are you getting what i'm saying now just because i accept the body does not mean i accept every doctrine there are doctrines that are obviously wrong i have my convictions there are doctrines that you will never hear from this pulpit because as far as the responsibility of your spiritual growth has given to me under god is concerned i will do my best to present to you the most accurate and balanced portrait of spiritual truth however i will not just go and meet someone who maybe has a problem with the baptism of the holy spirit or has a problem with deliverance or has a problem with healing and then fight the person don't make that happen this is one of the mistakes that i see happening especially among younger ministers because we are all young younger ministers sometimes i look at them and i see them training themselves to resent oh you are angry can no i won't i'm serious with god you are what you are from don't do that i love people regardless of if i don't agree with you on many grounds when we meet we discuss the areas we agree we agree about the growth of nigeria we agree about the fact that this country must go places we agree about the fact that the poor and the needy need help these are areas that we agree on why bring a sensitive and touchy area is one wisdom key you may receive when you are in the midst of people who don't exactly agree with you be careful you may want to bring subjects that are generally agreeable are we together is god speaking to us thank you guys say in the name of jesus i receive grace to receive the ministry of the body i'm a product of many anointings and by the grace of god these anointings have contributed to making my life what it is today when i travel to different places and people try to honor me as against other preachers in that land i come against that that honor immediately don't do that don't honor me at the expense of other men of god i've shared with you my story how that once upon a time i traveled to a particular place for administration and the media people also came to do an interview for me and you know they were making it look like the men of god in the city were just doing nonsense now that apostle has come i said no no no don't do that i have only come as a contributor to strengthen the hands of the men and the women imagine how healing it will be for you as a pastor when you hear another pastor says i've come to strengthen your hands years ago when we wanted to organize a crusade in in in in massacre i remember when the pastors were doing you know i was presenting it before the pfn there many of the pastors were feeling luke they said some of them said if you are coming to open a church just say it because many people have done what you have done they will come and say crusade we will labor and give our speakers as soon as they finish they just appoint your keyboard this is now your usher the other person is not a prayer bad member you just share people's members say just tell us and i laughed i said no i'm for the body i don't hate the body and that's what we did there throughout that crusade it was honor for the body offroad [Music] praise the lord you must love the body of christ i love aqua i love cooking i love baptists i love living faith i love mfm and name them i love everyone for as long as there is one person in that circle that names the name of the lord regardless of the individual imbalances if god were to walk just on our perfection then all of us will not have a ministry every house in a great house regardless of the vessels the house is still great are we together god bless you number four the fourth key to creating stability in your work with god is to engage [Music] the practice of personal retreats the practice engage the practice of personal retreats personal retreats [Music] take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me take my body my soul my spirit breathe on me you are the holy ghost [Music] the holy ghost the holy ghost the holy ghost take your place take your place take your place take your place [Music] isaiah chapter 40. and verse 28 we're reading 231 [Music] the grand secret of spiritual stamina the practice of retreats a retreat is a time i think what's the message now it should have been the last message for last year let me tell you this it's a shame and i'm very disappointed in this ministry if you're a walker and you're a faithful member in this ministry and we call some sermons and you look as if you are not aware it's a sign that you are not serious with god quite honestly are we together there are messages that must be in your archive because life will make you demand them retreats retreats a retreat is a time away from your normal activity a time set apart to seek the lord to spend time with the lord retreats are times of personal appraisals retreats are times of correction retreats are times of empowerment has thou not known has thou not heard the creator of the ends of the earth fainted not so the bible is talking about fainting here it says neither is he weary there is no searching of his understanding [Music] next verse he give that what please talk to me he giveth power that means when people faint what do they lack power the spiritual capacity to stand he giveth power to the faith and to them that have no might he increases strength that means there is a reason why people go down power is missing strength is missing it says that if you turn aside in the day of battle your strength is small there is a way life can push you that will force you to turn aside you need a retreat even the youths shall faint and be weary and the young men shall utterly fall next verse but they that wait upon the lord to wait upon the lord is not just too fast you come fast and sleep you are not waiting upon the lord hello to wait upon the lord demand seriousness and intention the best way to wait upon the lord is to fast but even if you eat eat light enough to allow your spirit there there is a relationship between the busyness of your mind and food once you have choked yourself with food even even medical people tell us by the time you eat i mean if you take a lot of food you find out your body begins to hibernate you want to sleep so sometimes you will need that space there are many believers it's amazing as far as i'm concerned and now i i stand to be corrected but a christian who does not fast is not a serious christian i'm not talking of a special corporate fast there is no week in my life i don't fast impossible impossible as impossible as saying satan died for my sins are we together could it be that your belly is the reason why your destiny is closed yes sir could it be that you have not held on to the forehand of the altar in a retreat there are men who have not encountered true power because they are not ready for it when you get angry with life that door will open home it says that many people are too casual about life lord why is my destiny locked left right and center [Music] you close the door no food if god can grant you the grace no water you stayed there you locked the door lord you have anointed me as a man of god what is happening my church is not growing my life is not growing lord something is wrong what is wrong with my music ministry nobody is placing demand on my grace while people are sleeping in the night you are rolling from left to right praying tears coming out of your eyes you are crushing your destiny with passion lord open the gate of my destiny i'm the firstborn i'm the last one out of 15 people 30 people in my lineage nobody has risen there has to be a way out what is that yoke oh god why why is it that eleven ladies married in my lineage none of them has joy zakatos capital he said bring forth your strong reasons don't pray believers don't get angry enough there is what we call holy anger is true that you just sit down somewhere and say lord something is wrong something is wrong something is wrong our only brother that got a job died two months my sister married a rich man she died with the man lord what is wrong there has to be an explanation you sent an angel to come and give daniel understanding where is that angel he must come and meet me in this home you are praying there is a way you can be angry sleep will not near you [Music] you organize with jealous now in two hours people are sleeping and sometimes it's even the pastors that are sleeping what sort of indiscipline is that how many hours is a vigil yet the same person can stand by the road and talking for the same time for the vigil it's a spirit slumber i say spirit [Music] pray inquiry prayers shaco's capital lord everything i put my hand in doesn't work i entered five relationships in one year they all died what is all this someone said he would give me a job it didn't work lord render heaven speak to me i need an explanation when job called upon the name of the lord and he meant business god came [Music] he said open down my eyes that i may behold one draws things let me tell you this if you want to rise in life i want to give you a very big advice it's not a doctrine please maximize your night times i repeat maximize your night times only weak people snore their entire life through the night the night is when destiny destiny things shift things in the spirit ask the doctors most patients die in the [Music] night you're at a sensitive period in your life you need to be serious it doesn't have to be a departmental retreat lord a three-day fast i need to find answers i need to find answers jacquard off your phone remove the battery and throw it and keep it somewhere don't let that addiction will you die if you don't own your phone for three days will you die if you are not on social media we make it look as if these things if we of them would die what if they steal the phone and for one week you don't have a phone and you get down on your knees lord is me and you here no friend no coinonia no apostle you if you have the resources and god grants you grace you can go to one of these quiet hotels somewhere just book a room five thousand and close yourself there lord you have said many things about my life i'm tired of confusion lord i'm tired i believe this last week now i don't even know what i believe again i just finished a series on deliverance and now i'm even doubting the whole deliverance thing again lord you have to help me and you pray let me tell you god comes when we take him serious did you hear what i said god comes when we take him serious for as long as you play games with god you will never have him come there is a mystery to an encounter you must give it a life and death seriousness [Music] when coinonia was going to start three days before coin or thereabout before coinonia would start i went on a retreat jacques lord everything that i've put the blueprint you revealed to me is it intact and if god ever spoke to me and said this coin on your thing you're on your own i will close it i never do anything in this ministry and in my life a major decision without taking out time to pray you ask the leaders they know sometimes we discuss something and they just come back the next few weeks and they find me keep quiet over it if i keep quiet over an issue god has not spoken i would die dear until his voice comes we don't respect the voice of god that's why we continue to move in circles in our lives holy spirit you are welcome [Music] feel this temple with your presence holy spirit you are welcome fill this temple with your presence i wait on you lord i wait one more time from your heart highway lord i wait on me you want to make a serious decision in your life who to marry and all you are doing is browsing facebook you are about to marry a devil you want to relocate from nigeria or abroad and you think it's not a reason for a retreat should i move should i do and you browse advantages of staying in nigeria google enter that's your destiny we are talking about there are defining moments please hear me not every decision in your life is equally important lord should i start a church or continue like this you don't make that kind of decision sitting down and drinking coffee you lock yourself and say flesh give way i need to hear something for the destiny of millions fasting does not kill if it will does not kill my brothers and my sisters conquer spiritual laziness and receive the grace to stay until something comes upon your life lord my ministry is not stable men are coming in men are going out what is all this today we have 10 members tomorrow we have 20 members and the holy ghost comes to you and says son there is a level of power and grace you need they will not come and sit down for nothing and you stayed here one hour becomes two hours and the spirit of god is watching your seriousness two hours become three hours and the holy ghost says this lady is not joking i have seen there is a boundary you cross in prayer that even god knows you are no longer choking you are praying praying from your heart [Music] lord you have called me into a ministry of signs and wonders where are the evidences why is my life burying why do i stand to minister and the word of god is not coming with fire what could be wrong oh god i have read every book i have listened to every man of god and all of a sudden he comes with his glory and says my son there is a way ministry is done it's a revelation you hear every great man tell you of your encounters run away from a man who does not have an encounter of the secret place you don't copy everything there are things you must get by yourself in the secret place [Music] we were preparing we're going to pray shortly before coinonia would start you know i was already sensing in my spirit okay maybe let's go and start ministry in abuja or somewhere there or just or whatever it is you know coinonia was already on and i just sensed in my spirit and then i was having a retreat towards the end of the year and i just prayed and prayed and slept i didn't even know i had slept and all of a sudden i had a dream and in that dream i saw a plane lift and on that plane it was written here and i it was leaving zarya to abuja listen just when it was about to land in abuja it crashed when i got up i said lord i get the message the time has not come i would have stupidly gotten up just because somebody wants to sponsor you does not mean god is in it please hear me the times we live in require kindness of sensitivity one brutal mistake you make can destroy your testimony forever i would have done that now and you would have been surprised what have you taken for granted in your life a gentleman said he likes you you didn't pray you just smiled i think he's the one even somewhere saw earlier and said surely this is a lot anointed god said no no no no if you love god or you want to go far please get this message and listen to it you become stable in life when you practice retreats periodically there are times i go for retreats and i say lord am i are the messages i'm preaching in koinonia is it consistent am i am i leading the people in the right way and god tells me sometimes you see me tell you that god gave me messages here messages most of these messages you see commanding results that they talk about and all of this the names the lifter of men that message has blessed i was lying down on the bed praying and the next thing i saw on my pillow the lifter of men that's how i saw the message you would think people are lying if you are not a man of the secret place please we are spending too much hour of our life in the open a great man of god most of your life should be indoors you are preparing for an extraordinary life sister god has told you you are going to marry a great man of god god walking around is not going to bring you the marriage you go back shaco's capacity you are praying and building your spirit to carry the lord of ministry is not it's not a wheelbarrow you are pushing you are carrying destinies on your head there are many of us because you don't have the spiritual stamina for the level you are praying for god will never take you there he will take you there and you can die in one month because of the kind of attack and persecution that comes at that level there are even finances this prosperity thing you see is warfare prosperity is warfare oh god make me a millionaire and god says son you are too innocent you don't know the attack that happens when you have money is god speaking to us this message is calling us a restoration back to retreats some of you you have not had any retreat this year next week is our workers retreat thank god but much more than a workers retreat let me tell you the truth if there is anyone who has been connected to this ministry for a while and you cannot go on a personal retreat you are not doing you are not growing no matter how busy you think you are you may not have the money to book a hotel or a place and buy a hotel you don't book a hotel where they are playing music in the night and clubbing you have you have ruined the whole retreat [Music] find a place alone walk around oh god show me what am i not getting where what am i getting and you're walking and talking like a madman you think you are talking alone one hour you are talking by yourself this is what will happen lord this ministry you are giving me this anointing this healing anointing and you stand and the power of imagination begins to come you are standing and seeing yourself ministry and you are sensing a time will come the climate starts to shift his majesty is coming make way for him all of a sudden he can come there two three hours you may not know what is happening until the next time you hold a mic when you hold the mic you will see the fruit of your retreat ordinary praise the lord you are going to see people getting healed and you say what is this like the gentleman who was saying you don't just speak and the power of god touches people god is not a magician you can fake power you can't fake his presence [Music] you can borrow revelations here and there you must have a track record are you ready to pray our time is gone find a corner for yourself in the next five minutes we are going to blast in the spirit instrumentalists help us we are going to pray just find a place alone for god's sake with god crush your heart this night to god and say father something is wrong i need stability in my life lift your voice and pray i don't have a personal encounter with you help me oh god today i think i'm born again tomorrow i'm not sure again i need a personal encounter pray pray for give me foreign personal encounter a personal encounter a personal encounter in the name of jesus pray [Music] values restore my foundational values restored the values i kept when i started with you the values i kept when you started using me the values i kept when the anointing started coming upon my life the values i kept that gave me revelation influence restore oh god restore god restore [Music] pray pray lord what am i missing pray lord what are my missions what has my throat in the spirit taken from my life what am i missing what about prayer am i missing what about fasting am i listening what about the study of the world am i missing what about character am i missing [Music] a [Music] hallelujah you're going to pray and say father destroy my life anything that will stop me from getting to my place of destiny lift your voice and cry pray that spiritual circumcision hold on to the haunt of the altar pray pray take it from me oh god that this destiny of beauty and glory will emerge circumcise me oh god with the circumcision of the spirit circumcise my ministry circumcise my voice circumcise the anointing upon my life cut away the flesh got away the cut away the flesh cut away pride put away lost cut away pride cut away lost cut away the flesh unto your glory sin in my life [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the last prayer point for tonight and then we're done listen hold on there are many things in terms of the supplies of heaven that must reach a believer to add to his stability the truth is that when your finances is going wrong it can affect your stability are we together there are many of our beloved sisters who would have loved god and sat down properly to hear god for their lives but because of the need of their families they are out trying to look for anybody that has the means even if it's not the will of god there are some of you gentlemen here who cannot settle down for one day because you have a lot of needs financial needs family needs there are some of us we will not dare go for a retreat you wouldn't even imagine it because the devil keeps piling up needs we are going to pray and say lord open heavens over my life whatever must be released over my life to give me rest to seek and serve you lift your voice and pray open heaven so god stop at all open heavens [Music] open heaven so god lord solve this financial issue once and for all so that myself and my wife and my children can call upon your name let me break this pregnancy the bible says an adam knew his wife and she gave birth to set and man began again to call upon the name of the lord what do you need to give back to that will give you the liberty to again begin to call upon the name of the lord open heaven for god open heaven so proud help my family lord the cry of my father the prayer of my mother the cry of scrutiny the cry of job is not allowing me to seek you [Music] i prophesy open heaven i declare open heaven the power the powers that fight my possession the powers that fight a release of my blessings that will allow me serve god the lord rebuke you the lordly people poverty the lord rebuke you delay the lord rebuke you failure the lord rebuke you [Music] [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah just give me one more minute we're still going to pray this prayer there are some of you that need to pray the issue of marriage and children will not let you serve god when you sit down like this all that is coming to your mind is marriage you are going to pray lord let the marriage come and go so that i can if that's what it means to give me rest some of you is your school fees some of you is your education you sit down just remember five carryovers where do i start from are we together some of you no favor you want to go on a retreat if a call comes from your mother my daughter my son can i get something and he said mommy you have come again you are going to pray satan the lord rebuke you release that which god has has released already into my life so that it will give me rest lift your voice and pray the purpose of the blessing is to give you rest and peace to serve the lord open your mouth and rebuke satan i command the release of that anointing that will give you rest in ministry that anointing that will give you rest in business lord establish my business so that i can have the time to serve you not establish me i'm tired of staying in a rented apartment this rent issue is affecting my time with you give me my own space give me my own place lord i'm tired of begging for food is not allowing me to walk in integrity in the name of jesus let the heavens be open offer belief [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] foreign this prayer you see that i just gave you i prayed this prayer for this ministry listen i said lord i don't want to be a man of god that will ever manipulate people in church for finances i want to be a blessing i don't want to be the man of god that will hold a basket and stand after service and say come and drop money what happens to those who don't have it but if my needs are not met and there are bills in the ministry it will force me to do it let me tell you this the bible says the road of the wicked listen shall not fall upon the lord of the righteous why lest they dip their hands there is something that can happen to the righteous that will make them dip their hands in iniquity that's why sometimes we need to pray and say lord open the heavens fast open the heavens fast so that the pressure of ministry does not get to me and now make me to start lying to people and say what god did not say lord open the heavens first so that that child will come so that it will not lead me to one meeting herbalist for a child open the heavens first oh god so that a husband a wife would come so that i would not have to go and meet someone and do one arrange it definitely stay and destroy my life is it all right if you pray that prayer one more time lord open the heavens for the sake of my righteousness for the sake of your grace for the sake of my spiritual life open the heavens open the heavens [Music] send me hell from fire no god lord send me the admission i don't want to have to do my practice lord help me graduate i don't have to call someone to write my exams for me lord give me a job i don't want to be a prostitute no that i don't want to be an ambrose i don't want to be a 419 let your heavens be open let me have the resources to take care of my family [Music] so hallelujah hallelujah praise the lord i want you to go back and listen to this message again i'm vowed that you will be stable in your life stability does not just happen there are forces that make it happen and you must cry and align with god to make for those forces to happen and then you will be stable are we together now yes lift your hands i pray for you in the name that is above all names the kind of encounter that is needed to keep you for jesus for life may you have that encounter the kind of encounter that can make you stand that even if you are the only christian in a family of non-christians the encounter is too deep for you to think of going back i release it upon your life number two i pray for you as you go back may you revisit your foundational values and for those who do not have may god grant you the grace to create values that pertain onto life and godliness in the name of jesus christ every dimension in the body needed for your life that you have ignored either through pride or ignorance i pray for you may your spirit be open to receive those dimensions may your spirit be open to receive those dimensions in the name of jesus and finally i pray for you for those who are for a retreat grace to run for a retreat quick receive it in the name of jesus [Music] especially for my dear men and women of god brothers and sisters in the vineyard you are a man of god here and you know you sense you know in your spirit that i am over due for a retreat please i supply grace for you tonight if you need some resources to put a place together to spend time with god may god release those resources in the name of jesus christ for anyone here who has a problem with genuine fasting and prayer on a consistent basis i pray for you that limitation let it die now in jesus name [Music] for those who love pleasure more than god you love god but you love your flesh more than him you would throw god a thousand times to satisfy anything you want i pray for you tonight let that spiritual circumcision happen to you here let no sacrifice you have to go through to build your spiritual life be too much for you in the name of jesus christ and i pray finally whoever has laughed and mocked the god yourself i declare that by the evident hand of god upon your life you will bring every every speaking ill speakings of men to judgment in the name of jesus christ maybe i should add this one prayer if there is anybody in this place whose life is not producing results the results you know defeats one who knows god i pray for you whatever needs to shift over your heavens to make you step into a level of proofable results may it happen to you tonight in the name of jesus [Music] you've never met jesus i want to invite you now apostles sincerely under god i stand and i lie not i have not encountered jesus you are in the main auditorium please keep standing overflow 1 overflow 2 overflow 3 and you are saying apostle this message tonight was for me i need to rush to god i have given my life to god but things have happened around my life that calls for a rededication if you are in any of these groups please our time is gone overflow three you can walk to your projector stand but overflow one two by the roadside and inside you belong to any of these categories please boldly make your way to the front i would like to pray with you it will be my joy to pray with you god bless you keep coming on you appreciate them as they are coming you can hear a message like tonight and sit down as if it doesn't matter you can't share a message like the one you have heard tonight and sit down as if it doesn't matter [Music] god bless you don't mind who is looking at you just make your way and call [Music] young and old it's never too late to know jesus and it's never too late to be serious with you [Applause] [Music] apostle how about me i've been around the things of god but i'm not exactly sure please join them join them i'm not sure if i'm born again or not i don't do any bad thing i'm aware of but i'm not born again join them join them quickly going on are you still clapping god is bringing them it matters that people turn to righteousness it matters that people love jesus with all their heart it matters that people seek him with all their heart it's not just the issue of evangelism people must the more we win souls the more god has bodies to manifest his glory god bless you hallelujah praise the lord now thank you so much if you're joining them please come quickly join them those online if you're online from any nation you can connect as i pray thank you i salute you for your courage to come here some of you have given your life to christ before some of you are making a renewed decision it doesn't matter no one condemns you i love you with all my heart we love you as a family of faith i want you to lift your right hand and pray this prayer passionately let it be from your heart and let it be genuine those online and overflow three please join us in this prayer say lord jesus say it again lord jesus i love you tonight i have heard your word i need you desperately in my life i confess that i cannot help myself and i ask jesus to come into my life jesus my life is yours and i receive your life in return the grace to walk in victory i receive right now in jesus name i declare that i'm saved i'm a child of god from today a new journey starts in my life and my destiny please keep your hands lifted jesus thank you thank you for these precious men and women those outside and those who are making these decisions and those who will be making these decisions many weeks months and years even after now i decree and declare that the keeping grace will keep you in the name of jesus i declare your sins forgiven and i declare that you start a new journey by the power of the holy spirit i plant in you hunger and passion for god for his glory for his life and for your destiny i declare that the lord takes away from your life every kind of destruction and he will cause you to know him and love him and out of you will come mighty men and women of god in the name of jesus i bless you with all my heart in jesus name i pray thank you so much please you
Channel: Salvation TV
Views: 71,229
Rating: 4.8745646 out of 5
Keywords: online sermon, apostle selman sermon, apostle joshua selman sermon, new sermon 2021, apostle joshua selman new sermon, youtube sermon, sermon on youtube, apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, apostle joshua selman, apostle joshua selman 2021, koinonia messages, download apostle joshua selman messages 2019, how to grow spiritually, god, how to desire greater glory, powerful prayer, prophetic prayer
Id: 35Pk12JiABM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 230min 57sec (13857 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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