Triple H On Logan Paul Joining WWE, Rivalry With The Rock & Stone Cold - IMPAULSIVE EP. 337

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what were your thoughts when you first heard that jake paul's older brother was gonna join to tell like be honest like be completely completely honest [Music] breaking news breaking news from the impulsive podcast three gents are sitting on a couch to bring you this important message right now i know part of it uh anyways hey guys welcome welcome back to impulsive the number one podcast in the world now when i say that i mean it um it's data and why would i lie about something like that you can look it up it's illegal to lie about that empirical evidence hit that subscribe button if you're not logan wrestled last night in the wwe summerslam event of the century you guys have all seen it he went off the top rope through a table that also had a sandwich meat made up of mike the miz in the middle of it his brain is now splintered into a million pieces but he's gonna do his best for you guys today logan tell us a little bit about your state of mind last night uh yeah i'll do my best um yeah my neurons aren't firing the way they usually do yesterday was a big day and you know what i'm very happy to say i i'm feeling so healthy i'm barely sore i can't believe it i did so many leaps so many jumps i honestly i didn't think i was going to make it out of that without a broken arm or leg i swear to god that table jump i the first time i practiced it the stunt guy goes you are going to break both femurs what what well because i landed to her i'd landed too uh too close and dude you know what's funny uh if you guys haven't seen the clip i've littered my instagram with it i'm i'm i'm amused i don't know if i can say this i'm amused by watching me do the wwe i cannot believe it's me do you understand anything i can't believe i watched it live dawg i'm but i'm me and when i watch it i go oh that that that guy's doing pretty good i don't i don't i black out during it i just focus on just like the move i go on some i mean everyone says it right there's like the the game time performer and then the person and vastly different so when i watch i i don't know not not black out well sorta honestly like did it go like this and you're like what the [ __ ] how did i do all that like 100 yeah i go back in the locker room and and that that you know 30 minutes of my life is just gone and then i look at the replays with my jaw drop and i have to give a thank you to so many people because yesterday summerslam 2022 in nashville to a 50 000 person uh nissan stadium was incredible these are moments that i will remember for the rest of my life but what's more important to me is that i'm creating moments that the people watching will remember for the rest of their life yeah that means a lot to me because i had those moments growing up and i know one day some kid's gonna come up to me and be like i was inspired by you doing the wwe and the crossover and but i broke my femurs it's really working for me in the wwe steph mcmahon uh triple h who's the guest today which by the way we shot his podcast yesterday before summerslam so if you're like missing context that's why it's the only time we could get him um steph nick uh kristen potty everyone at the wwe for trusting me and obviously like i did this with floyd i gotta give a shout out to mike the miz my my opponent and at one point mentor who i did beat last night on two and oh i'm i'm winning something i'm winning a comeback he's dirty bro i don't i like it but but you know he's he's uh he allows me to shine and he's not afraid to and a lot of vets for the new guy i can't imagine that's always easy he he understands what it takes to make the organization great he's a team player yeah and i love the mike mike the miz for that um thank you the guy he rolls with is problematic bro like he's gonna yeah he's gonna do some dirty [ __ ] i could tell already the the mike's wife and and uh how do you say his name man jampa jampa those two bro you gotta watch your back when those not anymore bro we beat him it's over um no but dude when i when i was jumping off uh that pylon onto the table uh i i did have i had one thought before i i made the final leap i swear to god i'm looking around at this stadium and i'm like this is it you know this is this is a moment that can make or break a career like or make or break you literally literally in half poultry is this what he can do what is he capable of and i go my life's been so going so good i did great in wrestlemania i'm i'm gonna jump and break both of my femurs right now oh my gosh i go this is the end of my career [ __ ] it that just [ __ ] nailed it i couldn't believe it how much force do you know how much force it takes to break a femur it is the hardest bone you see how high he doesn't matter i made a point to go up take it from someone who has broken their femur you need to literally fall from the the sky from you were up there i'll get that done i'll get that done i'm gonna have him make me go higher i can go i can go brother that will also i want everybody to know not one of us knew what he was doing not we all watched it by the way god i hate to say this out loud and i know you're partnering with them but i'm a big fan of wwe now bro i was losing my mind in the question because dude i like to speak real [ __ ] i'm like this is a podcast i want to speak my heart when i first showed up i go these guys are [ __ ] weird i was like everybody's like dressed weird this 40 year old man's in tights and i go dude you're sweating like get away from me but then all of a sudden i caught myself like oh no what is she doing and i was like i was like oh [ __ ] i'm like wrapped in it bro you weren't even around at this point and i was still like oh dude that [ __ ] better not do that and then she did it i was like no i'm wrapped in this [ __ ] lava but i kind of like it dude it's kind of like a manly soap opera we're watching we're watching vicky lynch becky lynch she's working up the show i'm telling you once you start paying attention if you have someone that you're locked onto and you like suddenly the wwe becomes exponentially more interesting and you're captivated now yeah and you're locked in and also when i teamed up i got so geeked bro i was like here that's right gang up on my girl that also wasn't the first time that you had um uh engaged with the ropes that evening uh climbing on it when you first came out you had actually had a slight run in the corner of the rope so so when logan first enters the ring the first thing he does is he goes to each corner to engage with the audience and when he came over to our corner uh he for a split second lost his focus on what he was doing because he saw his friends and for just the slightest second he was a little puppy seeing a toy in the corner and his eyes left the rope and looked at us and his foot slipped right past it i go to stand on the second rope because i'm walking from one corner to the other right i celebrated on the one and i'm in the zone i'm like yeah i'm the man whatever and i see my all my friends just like i got so excited slipped and and and in that moment i don't i don't i don't [ __ ] care what everyone in the arena thinks but i care what you seven people think right and i go and the way he cheered afterwards like he was like this in the beginning like yeah and then he missed it and then she was walking away to go to the other side he goes like this this is the new wwe superstar can't even get on a [ __ ] rope when he enters the ring hey but you made it up bro i've never seen so many backflips on a guy's spine in my life like ever that was incredible i was i was so tired i cannot remember the last time i've been that tired in my life you saw you were gonna die i think i had a heat stroke no you did you were like we left the room because we're like dude we need to get out of here he's he looks pretty messed up and then i walk and and then backstage all the rest are like walking around i saw your partner like walking by like like you beat the [ __ ] out of him dragged him around the rig and he's like anyone want to get ice cream and then i come back into the room to be like dude you gotta see and logan's just on the tile ice on my chest ice on my head on my neck um like i i don't know what happened i think those uh leather pants like you wore pants i think about half my body is not breathing at all and i i did coffee before and i was kind of off but insane man insane life's life's been uh it's been good i mean it's good for us it's wild to just be there watching it and we got to get really up close when you went through the table and run over and throw in a few extra cheap shots on the miz bro you finally threw a right hand i was actually pretty excited i can't believe it right he jumped and popped out milton was like finally he was so happy shed a tear i wiped it from you know maybe it is my sport we'll uh we'll get into a little bit more of the details of wwe in the future and the um way it works behind the scenes with triple h today but other big fighting news today i i want to say first before we do that like one more quick little uh guess of myself up here and well prime uh just became the official sports hydration partner beverage for arsenal the soccer team like he just doesn't like bro you're in a coma somewhere i hope you know that none of this shit's real dude you're like you're sleeping the nurse is like oh he's still sleeping and you're like arsenal it's not real wwe it's not real life it's that that is massive and i i have to be honest i haven't always been the biggest soccer fan but jj was and arsenal loves jj right like that's part of the reason he's such a great partner yeah bro like he runs the uk and arsenal really respects him and jj loves arsenal and so for him it was a dream come true but for the for the business you know this solidifies that we are a true competitor we are a better for you better tasting hydration beverage that is rivaling some of the biggest companies in the world our data shows how competitive we are in this market but now we have one of the best sports teams in the world representing and using our drink to fuel them for their sport yeah that's huge huge are you able to take it if it wasn't that one data point yeah we it's prime is now uh uh uh the one is is now a one percent market share in hydration so for every hundred bottles of hydration beverages sold one of them is prime which doesn't sound no that's huge like it's it's big it's very are we competing with like every beverage or just sports beverages not just hydration drinks hydration it's massive it's basically it's basically when other companies when you get that that one percent of market when they start paying attention when they start saying wow we got it we got either a problem here a possible acquisition here a competitor here like until you get that one percent you're you really don't matter but now like that's that's major that's yeah how far are you taking this you want to keep this forever are you trying to get bought out my ultimate goal would for this would be for this to become a legacy brand um i i think that's so cool like like for this to be around expand the product right prime is an amazing brand and we're capable of making an amazing product what else can we make in the beverage category and i think it can be a legacy brand jj's is poised to do amazing things in life so young 29 years old i'd like to think i had to bro we're young we are just getting started scratching the surface so that's why it's exciting anyways enough of that jake's fight i go i go out i apparently i'm walking out to go uh to fight wwe and we get some news on twitter i didn't find this on until afterwards but he was about to show pam right before you go on i was the first person i was the first person to see it and i was like dude [ __ ] bro this is this is wild i can't believe this is happening i immediately felt really bad for jake he's obviously been training his life away for this fight his fight his fight got cancelled again evidently because hashem couldn't make weight i mean i mean people are saying he's ducking bro you know at what at what point do you not want to try to make the weight because you're a little nervous like at what point is it not worth it i can't believe it i can't believe the social media stars scaring off the real boxers they're all backing out the kid can't get a fight and we feel so bad for him like if you had any idea how grueling training camp was the four hours of training per day the sparring constantly getting hit having to eat right making sure your diet is correct sending your girlfriend back to our l.a because you don't want to get oxytocin boosts so you can stay in killer mode like for weeks weeks months on ends like fine i'll box them send me the contract jake i want the same amount of money and and and and he has to pay everyone on his payroll he has to pay for the jets that were supposed to take him to and from new york and every single fighter on this oh he lost millions ever lost millions every single fighter on the undercard no longer has a fight who have also been working their ass off a man of serrano like oh man it just it's devastating is the word do you know if he loses the msg deposit i don't know how that works i don't know because they asked dana white about it last night at the ufc after and he said his everybody's deal is different but i mean you probably got to drop a few hundred thousand dollars just to lock in it's just a mess we have a new sponsor uh they're called good ranchers they sent us some meat to puerto rico and they were it was good it was great it was great every single day from good ranchers receives the highest usda grade possible plus this meat is a hundred percent american they consistently deliver the best quality every single time right to your door you can take your meals to the next level with good ranchers plus they're giving an exclusive offer of two free 18 ounce prime ribeyes to anyone that uses my code logan at checkout these are seriously big rib eyes that you can get for free you're gonna have an outstanding source of protein that tastes great makes you feel great and make sure you're fueled to hit your goals head on over to logan to claim your 80 dollars of free prime rib eyes before they're gone eat like a king every night with rib eyes t-bones wiggle burgers and more remember use the code logan to get your free gift of two prime revised today at free stakes back to the program your mom had some choice words to say uh back to racine uh after this happened so jay can put out this this uh uh kind of report on what had happened why the fight had been canceled your mom quote tweeted it and had written uh just simply you're a [ __ ] great great writing i went for the guy's throat and you know was was nervous here's what happened mike took my mom's phone and tweeted it from her phone phone like dude in mike's defense she had this paragraph of nonsense and he goes listen let me wrap it up for you he deleted everything and he just says you're a [ __ ] and then she looks at me she goes is that great i go listen i trust mike on this she goes she goes should we send this to the team to like review first i go pam i already tweeted it it's been tweeted for five minutes he has one on draft actually she goes draft one for her tell him the draft one i don't remember it it's uh man okay so he has one in the draft and she says it's on site oh it's on site yeah she was like i like that one so she goes what site is it i was like nope just let them know so haseem responded to it you know yes and and what was it responded to my sweet mother calling him a puss from what i understand so did the um the new york times it seems i think i may have in it unintentionally started a a major uh battle here oh wow he's very he's been very active the past uh however many hours we have a podcast with jake which is also why it's problematic selfishly we have a podcast with him and for a good you know 10 minutes of it it's a great podcast it's coming out uh either later this week or next week but we were talking about his fight we have to cut around all that do the surgery so you guys don't have to hear the people he's saying um so haseem is saying uh tweeted jake and his team canceled the fight not me the fight isn't happening on their accord not mine yeah yeah yeah he said back to your mom your mom said once again surprisingly i can't believe she would say this you're a [ __ ] out right uh haseem and he said uh somebody put some i don't know if i really want to read this say it mike actually can you can you read it all right somebody put something in this wrinkled bish mouth my zipper stuck and we go and see who the [ __ ] when you run into my mama somebody put something in this wrinkled bish mouth my zipper stuck and we going oh it's on site when i see this [ __ ] that's a pretty like aggressive thing to let go is there a way that i could like go back and not tweet that cause like yo this was not my intent man and evan you should have stopped me she actually just sent a voicemail when she said did you see haseem's response to me and i said uh-huh use the draft i said yes don't i said maybe don't respond she did just send another voice member should i play it sure it's 34 seconds no okay damn well uh yeah the jake episode is coming too uh we we still have plenty of meat in that podcast we have a special message for andrew tate we've got triple h coming on the podcast uh it's an amazing episode uh if you have not subscribed hit that subscribe button and yeah let's cut to yesterday i'm sorry pam hey steph how are you hey how are you do you mind if we watch no no not at all no please join us all right all right dude does the volume sound good yeah it's good you're comfortable you guys went with the old guy's def right you turned it up it didn't turn up in position three's headphones it's on the highest setting so we blow out your eardrums yeah apologies on behalf of mike my hearing is really good it's my vision you know can you see me right now i can't i can distances are fine if you ask me to read something i'm not even close i can't read whoa it's a skill set thing that you never learned i'm mastering it yeah i got an intro for you go are you ready our guest is one of the greatest and most iconic wwe superstars of all time he transitioned out of the ring and is now the executive vice president of talent relations and is officially ahead of wwe creative he's actually my boss he's the fourth time world champion he's the cerebral assassin he is the king of kings it is the game triple h ladies and gentlemen that's a good a good aggressive read i like it thanks i've been working on my mic skills yeah now that i am a wwe superstar i have a ways i have a ways to go but uh it's it's it's funny because you know you're you're actually my boss but uh unfortunately since you did come like 15 minutes late i don't know how to say this you're fired yeah but cool thanks for having me guys no it's an honor to have you i was debating quitting when i was upstairs and then when i got here no you're you're i could i can imagine how busy you are did you fly in today last night dude this week has been uh you talk about getting shot out of a cannon so tuesday i left uh you know we prepping for this and then tuesday i leave home to come down here because wednesday morning early and and tuesday i the only reason i was there was it was my daughter's birthday thursday but i wasn't going to be there so i spent the day with her on tuesday as a make good for the thursday uh dad and and husband priority over everything else right and then uh so tuesday night i flew here wednesday we started uh tryouts we had 50 college athletes and nil athletes in uh at the wild horse uh saloon which seems like an iron funny place to do an athletic triangle yeah but you're in nashville and it's uh it is nashville right the wild horse but so flew in tuesday night started that on wednesday wednesday afternoon when we wrapped the first day of tryouts i flew back to connecticut had a business dinner with some of our partners got up in the morning had a board meeting from the morning until three o'clock got on a plane flew back here came straight to the tryouts again um was there for that um i'm trying to think now what was that yeah but what did i do in between there there was there was something else that i did so thurs thursday i flew back did the second half of the tryout um god there's something else i did in between there but anyways yeah yesterday no i actually had time for my yoga yeah i wish i did is there any leisure jammed in there like you go to topgolf or something like not just nothing the leisure was driving from wild horse to the hotel back to wild horse nice or to the airport but then uh yesterday we started first thing in the morning had uh tryouts again then media then some stuff with fans then got on a plane flew to atlanta did smackdown got back on the plane flew here was at taker's one-man show last night got up this morning i'm here with you guys uh head over to the stadium and uh watch you if there was a roof on it blow the roof off yep yep you have no roof is by the way is interesting i'm i'm wondering if it's gonna be humid with the energy is gonna be different nah dude so the one thing it's funny like those stadium shows the energy will be different because there's a slight delay ah it's weird as it sounds it's not really that far away but there's a slight delay so when you do something there'll be like a gap and then a reaction interesting right it'll be it'll be slightly different and the sound a lot of times goes up so smaller venues like the loudest one of the loudest arenas for me in the country is chicago is allstate arena used to be called the rosemont horizon i've been in that place i can recall distinctly in like late 98 99 wrestling austin in that building right after sean got injured austin had just become champ he was crazy over and i can remember laying in that ring and we've done about a 40-minute match or 45-minute match laying in that ring closer than we are and having to scream at each other to communicate and i we just couldn't and steve's deaf anyways but uh we could not just could not hear each other it was so incredibly loud it like so buildings like that where it's tight and the the roof is small and it's got a wooden roof it's made acoustically well yeah yeah yeah that is the the the it almost vibrates through you right stadiums are different yeah i'm new to this obviously so like it's gonna there's gonna be an interesting dynamic here because i'm i'm curious right as the new guy and i'm sitting in front of a you know a vet a legend and now my boss uh but i noticed um distinctly how much louder and how much more i could feel the energy just last week at msg yes oh my god you know i'm not doing arena or like stadium performances often but man madison squirt garden went nuts man yeah and i also think that just the fact that you're at the garden like you're absolutely yeah your adrenaline and everything else amplifies right so like to me when you're geeked like that you know that that's the first time you uh performed madison square garden yeah and we opened right with physicality we were going crazy yeah i know right and and and you blew the roof off the place but and and let me just say this to you to your credit right and and and mrs the garden is probably the most jaded arena in the world right they are like you know we used to say back in the day sometimes like god i mean you gotta cut somebody's head off with a chainsaw on this joint to get to the kid right they've seen it all inside and outside yeah from bruno to hogan to cena the rock to the austin yeah every just everything right and they they've seen it all they've done it all and that's the place where like if you get them at the garden you got it yeah you know and you got them at the garden dude so hats off so thanks nashville's ruthless it's like nissan stadium so you've you've performed actually just to remind you at a ruthless stadium before you fought a really small boxer by the name of floyd mayweather in a ruthless stadium i remember it was pouring rain it just the fandom is different size but also let me tell you the difference in that so you box a dude like floyd you have one focus right i don't care if you find anybody you have one focus right an athletic event is different or one focus it's the person in front of you right you you don't you're not so worried about fans you're not so worried about the reactions like i'm trying not to get tagged and get knocked out and embarrass myself in front of the world right or whatever that is your focus is is clean [Music] our job is to make them go crazy your focus is on their reaction i can't believe you're saying this i just told this to my girl this morning i'm i'm i'm trying to gauge how i feel going into this new venture and even like he's been making fun of me i've just been like quiet this trip and like super reserved collecting my energy because i have never thought about this much stuff in my life for a performance like like i i want to put on a good show you know it's not just about the physicality i got to be an entertainer and you told me that i said it at wrestlemania because i feel like that's the gap that people have right even even our talent that have been doing this a long time it's not the moves right it's it's not the it's like watching a movie how many movies have you seen with crazy budgets and special effects and cgi that visually you go like holy [ __ ] that's amazing right and no one cares the movie bombs there's no story no one really fully cares right because it's not about the moves what we do it's about what you do in between it's the characters and the story that's why i was saying to you like you know what you're doing right you've you've you've walked through this you've done it you're ready to go you know the moves you're an athlete you're in dude crazy good athlete that has picked this up like that that's not easy to do i've only seen that less than a handful of people be able to do what you've done thank you right that's amazing and you should be proud of that but but the truth is the athleticism all those other things i can make a way longer list of terrible athletes that were incredibly over in this business than i can crazy athletes that were the be all end-all right people that are fanatics about what we do go like oh my god that match was so good those guys are so good right now everybody else is like yeah yeah you know yeah remember the two guys had a good match i remember what their names were but they were really good like you want to be memorable capture their emotions right my wife used a quote from maya angelou all the time about uh people don't remember what you say they don't remember what you do they remember how you made them feel right our business is about feel if you make them feel it's the in-between things that make them feel it's that it's the wide world of sports it's the thrill of victory is the agony of defeat it's those movements where you can't believe that oh my god i hit this guy with everything i had he just kicked out it's that moment after that and if guys slow down and let that story register the the the level of when you're when you're new at this or you haven't fully grasped that concept yet you do something it gets a massive reaction and you're like oh my god that's cool right and now your your adrenaline's up and your instinct is to go to the next thing and let's get them while they're hot and do this thing sit wait let them not know what's next and they will start to rumble right the anticipation of like getting to the edge of your seat you need those moments where you look at your friend next to you as an audience member and go holy [ __ ] what's going to happen now i i've seen every oh my god i don't know where they're going this is crazy good right like you need those moments that's where this becomes magic the rest of it just becomes a movie that you go like well that was really cool movie and then a day later you've totally forgotten about it as opposed to something that makes you you watch it and then you talk about it for five days afterwards holy [ __ ] can you believe that i'm still thinking about that movie we're talking we're talking about this with uh rain with roman reigns and he he sits in the silence and he just lets it simmer and it's magical something i know nothing about but he just what everybody in the audience just sat there waiting biting on what his next what he was going to say next and i want to ask you how long did it take for you to go from getting out there handling the the core tenants the physicality the the the main parts of the performance before you started to layer in those minute details that really drilled home to the viewers because that's when i'm waiting for like him to reach that point where he starts to own the core tenants of the performance and starts to layer in his real personality yeah so it takes time and everybody's different i think for me i was lucky in my generation coming in right so i come into in in 95 i come into wwe and i've got bret hart shawn michaels 123 kid who was like a measuring stick here in some manner right i'm working with razor ramon every night i'm working with diesel i'm like all these people all these guys that have incredible experience at being storytellers not being you know just just doing the movements and all that stuff right um like scott hall one of my really close friends uh you know unfortunately passed but like i i learned he's so underrated in his business i learned so much from him right because he would be the guy that like you know he just talked like eor but he would be like afterwards you just say [ __ ] so simple like why are you getting up so fast right there when we do that thing like it makes no sense dude lay there and just let them let them come and they're gonna rumble you know and then the next night we'd get out there and he'd be like don't move we'd lay there and all of a sudden like the people would be going agent i'd be like oh my god boom light would go off right stuff like that i i learned more from working with guys like the bushwhackers yes right because like i remember one time we were in um we went to um kuwait like right after the the war was over and and uh they brought us over there for like a six day run it was actually great we were in the same hotel every day which half of which was missing from a bomb but but we're in this hotel and every night we'd go work the same arena but every night was different it's like one night i'd work with razer one night i'd work with kid one night i was working with butch you know but you know those guys were older and they wanted to have fun and they wanted to make it different and so you had to learn how to tell a story with them without making them take a bunch of bumps and without doing other things and that's that period of time for me is when i learned that aspect of it psychology and and crowd control not crowd controlling me crowd controlling them you know what i mean and and when you get there where you have that crowd and even if you're thinking i'm gonna do this next because that's what we've talked about doing but you're you know you get to that moment and you go like yeah i know that's what we're supposed to do but if we do this they'll go double nuts and you call an audible and you switch it and you do something else right and there's the moment where it just becomes a lie because you're you're guiding them they're giving you that feedback but then you're taking that feedback and going in a totally different direction to go like you think you know where we're going watch this but that's when this thing like we used to always do that back in the day that's the main line right like when you get there and can do that just dude and there's nothing that can ever happen in the ring then that's out of your control do it do you have a moment that like stands out to as like the craziest moment that ever happened to in your in your career did i make you a list um but like i'll give you an example of just something that one time rock kurt angle and myself were in a in a story line we're having a triple threat match with a big pay-per-view steph's a part of that she's in the back as a part of that match kurt is going to get put through a table by me and i'm going to pedigree him through a table he's going to get knocked out and they're going to cart them off except we get up on the table i hook kurt's arms and as we're about to go for the pedigree the table breaks from underneath us and i'm looking down to try to protect kurt cause i got his arms and like i'm you know first rule right protect your opponent i'm trying to protect him but we come down and i watch his head smash into a control box right and we hit we yeah it's funny right we hit and i go down and i hear kurt start snoring he's out like cold so i put my hand on him i go kurt you're okay and he wakes up and he starts trying to get up take a mouthpiece that he doesn't have in out of his mouth and he's like trying to get up so i grab him by his straps i pull him down i said dude don't move and i hold him there but i realize then i tell the referee like he's out so they take him on a cart to the back which was supposed to happen which was supposed to happen except for he's out and has no idea where he is and we don't know if he's coming back and the whole finish is him coming from the back with steph and coming from the back and doing all this stuff now this is where the story gets terrible because today we know about concussions and right everything else none of this should have ever happened but we didn't know this at the time but um you know kurt goes in the back rock and i are just working now like oh now we're off script and we're just working and i'm we're just talking to each other and at some point we're getting feedback from the back through the referee and like finally i just tell it was earl hebner i just tell earl earl do not tell me one thing with a lot of expletives in here that they say from the back i don't give a [ __ ] i need one thing tell me if he's coming back if he knows where he is that's it that's all i need to know and tell me when we'll just keep going until somebody tells me he can come out or he ain't coming i'll figure out a finish about halfway through what we're doing you know where now we're just like in uncharted territory we get a note kurt can come back when you're ready he has no idea where he is so he met one of the parameters yes you know rock and i talk about it all right let's go here comes kurt we see him coming steph has him like a kid like walking him down the ramp and he's glazed over he has no like he has no idea where he is and now rock and i start doing stuff with him and literally like just telling him what to do and like at one point like i go to punch him steps behind him i gotta i a punch but he's got a duck to punch and i'm going to hit steph and like he can see me rearing up from but he's just looking at me like i know he is not ducking i had i grab him by the neck and i pull him out of the way you know so i can hit steph like that's the kind of stuff like you just can't you can't there's no way to plan for it there's no way to anything right and when you watch that match back you go like oh my god i would never know anything was wrong i would never know anything was amiss any of it but for us we were we were flying without radar and just going and when you get to that place you know you can do anything but it's it's it's a challenge and and stuff happens you know it just is what it is right injuries happen moments happen where things change and you got to just be able to to switch on the fly not you obviously yet but you know if you do this long term and you do it long enough you get there i've heard i've heard i've heard these stories about being able to adapt and it's it is so crazy to me again as the newcomer like wwe is a living breathing organism and everything changes and happens so quickly but at the same time while it is living and it is breathing it's also a machine a very well-oiled machine right i've i've never been involved with an organization that functions with such fluidity um i'm told where to go i'm told what to do uh and i listen i'm a good employee appreciate that please please don't fire me um but it is exciting that's what that's what makes it so interesting i want i want to talk about your uh your rivalry with the the rock yeah legendary yeah and and what he's done with his career has been incredible and you know kick-started by the wwe you guys both had prolific careers and and what you've done for the organization is amazing but the rivalry with the rock was one of the coolest things i think that's happened it was it was for me you know at the time you don't realize it we've all talked about this maze stone cold rock uh we we've all had these conversations at separate times what an era that was and the talent and and what we had to work with each other and um it just was a special time but at the moment it was just like thursday you know it's so weird yeah you didn't understand it at the time now you look back and go like oh my god it was so amazing and so wonderful and and the people that we had to work with you know on any given night like i can make you a list of the most talented guys ever in the history of the business and i was getting to work with them you know so when rock came in you know i was kind of just getting past my hurdles here and was sort of getting elevated into a position rock comes in as the new guy you know and then our careers sort of do this like alignment with each other where it's like we fight over the intercontinental title as two guys just trying to make a name for themselves then we do make name for ourselves and we're still fighting over the intercontinental title and it goes as high as you know latter matches at wrestlemania i mean uh summerslam and like these huge moments then he gets into the nation and goes from being rocky maya to to the rock and uh he's with the nation and i'm with dx and now we have this rivalry with those two groups and then we bounce out of that he becomes a you know a heel i'm the babyface still then uh it flips and he becomes the baby face and i become the heel again and now we're we're having this rivalry over the wwe championship and and just moving up the line austin gets injured and has to leave and and rock and i you know he put himself in a place as the number one baby face you know right in line with steve as i was coming out of dx i saw that i was like well i'm you know like one i don't like being a babyface two like these guys needed darth vader you know cause you had two because you could just see that rock like from the moment i met him i was like dude this guy is so charismatic like he just gonna take this to a whole nother level personality-wise as soon as he figures out what that is um and he did so they they needed only as good as the opposition right the antagonist only as good as a protagonist and vice versa so i knew that spot so that i wanted that i wanted that king bad guy spot yeah um but it just worked for the two of us my only regret of the whole thing with rock is in 2000 we were um we were poised to have a match at wrestlemania one on one and i think that would have been an epic thing for both of us in that moment the timing of taker's return and austin's return and austin wasn't quite ready yet so they pushed the wrestlemania match and it's the year that we did this like fatal four-way with foley who i had just retired coming back like a month later with his hair all cut because he thought he was off now forever right he was going to be a normal dude and here he is back and and big show and um you know like a month later or a couple of months later we would have the one-on-one ironman match that we wanted to have at wrestlemania and uh it's un unfortunately for me i always feel like it's the one thing like we got to this unbelievably heated long-term rivalry and then never got to pay it off on the biggest platform possible and i think rock feels that way too is why a couple of years ago we did a backstage little thing i saw that last night hilarious yeah so funny and that was literally him coming to me and saying like dude i i want to do a match next year i'd like to do it with you like let us have that wrestlemania match we never got to have and i was like uh yeah i'm in why why did that not happen his schedule oh man is that you guys had teased in like 2014 as well that you guys were supposed to have that didn't happen it's happened a couple of times and just you know schedule wise or whatever it just couldn't take place but you know he's certain guys that i've worked with uh you know just austin i worked with like all the time because when sean was injured even before i was in that position i was doing all the main events with steve because sean was out right and getting ready for wrestlemania and so i you know of the opponents i worked with the most it's probably rock and steve during that time frame it was just every night and and one of the things that i realized with rock is you know a very competitive environment for all of us and and sometimes that competitiveness could get heated and sometimes it was we all got along but it was you know it was it was competitive and um but we knew like it was magic you know like i knew from the first time he and i got in the ring together and went out i was like dude we the two of us have some chemistry here like this is just it's it's off the chart and it's going to be really good i have a bit more of a technical question because you are now the the new head of creative and you're talking about an era that was some of the most exciting uh sports entertainment quality standard era in history and now i feel like how do i say this how how do you continue to get that excitement and and and make this next generation thinking about remembering the moments they're seeing today for the rest of their lives because there's so much media out there and so much to consume and people are getting lost in x and y and z and we all remember the time when you were coming up right but do you feel that the wwe is as uh prominent and as uh much of a force as it was when you were on the come up so i i do right i i think the the global nature of what we do and and the phenomenon of what we do like how much it touches people and the emotion of it there was a moment in time i think because it was so i don't want to say new because the hogan era was so big steve and i used to stand at a curtain every night steve and i are both like the kind of guy that like i would go to the shows i watch every match like i'd have my gear on 30 minutes before the show i'd be standing at that curtain watching every student a student yeah steve's the same way so a lot of times even when we were facing we'd be like on opposite ends of the curtains because then people wouldn't know that we were just three feet away from each other in case they saw us but we'd be watching the show and doing like running commentary with each other while it was going on um you know it was so fresh and so new we used to talk about all the time a guy you think this could ever get like it was in the 80s right like with hogan and stuff and i remember very distinctly being in pittsburgh one time and the building was like half full and we had that exact conversation and then like maybe two three months later we were there and it was to the rafters sold out like crazy and the two of us were like dude this is insane like how big this has gotten and it went like that it went from and it takes a spark and a moment to like capture people's imagination of of something like that something that wasn't even in their mindset three weeks ago and then all of a sudden something happens that everybody is talking about and all of a sudden it becomes the thing now the world is different today right like so there's so many options of things that you can do podcasts uh television show streaming stuff you can watch anything when you want to watch it you're not a yeah you're not a slave to the moment in time of well this comes on at nine and there's only five other really good things on at that time even to watch so you know what are you what are you going to watch the news are you going to watch wwe well yeah and that's different even even i'm sorry even just um you know everyone in the world has to be a bit more sensitive right now and some of the more risky or some of the more exciting like shock moments that we were able to have back then uh you guys have done an incredible job of adapting but but i think i think part of the uh lore of of professional wrestling is the hardcore nature of it right like you got guys in there who don't give a [ __ ] right they're showman they'll put their bodies in the line they'll you know hit people with objects and yeah go crazy but you know now you do have to work around those parameters a little bit more you you do but like i often think that so a lot of times that stuff is overblown it's the story right like if you watch a movie and i always equate what we do to movies right if to me if you watch a movie and it's just a slasher film it's fun but it's not gonna stick with you forever it's just blood and guts and it's slashing and everything's just like the who can do the more violent kill or the crazier kill or whatever that is right then what's the most ridiculous way somebody can die in this movie and have their guts come out and an eye pop out of their head or whatever that is right it's not it doesn't stick with you it's not memorable it's the stories even in that era we did a lot of crazy stuff that was mind-blowing and was shock television but the reason it lasted was be not because of the shock television that's maybe what made you what was that but what kept you there was the emotion and the storytelling you don't need the shock if you tell the emotion and the storytelling right and um i i there's moments in time of that through generations i remember when i was a kid and you know everybody like general hospital whether that you guys don't probably know what that is oh i do my mother watching of course my mom watches it to this day there you go and and it was like the biggest moment in time of like this i remember being a kid in this luke laura storyline right yeah and and but the whole world is the most captivating thing and then like i can remember seeing it like my mom would record every night and i remember watching think this is the stupidest [ __ ] i've ever seen like it's terrible the acting's bad like it's just terrible but like the whole world was absolutely captivated by it because the story was so good like then once you watch it for a couple of times you're like oh yeah now what's he going to do next i don't know this is crazy it's the story it really is so the other stuff while it's cool after a while i'm i'm friends with a guy named john melius john melius wrote conan apocalypse now right like classics epic did wrote the scene in jaws where he talks about the indianapolis and the whole right like just a crazy good writer and one time he said to me we were talking about movies in our business and he goes machine gun fire is boring after five seconds no one cares but i can make you a 30-minute scene in the movie with one bullet one gun one guy with a gun to another guy's head and tension and you'll never forget it for the rest of your life right right it's like a thousand bullets versus one drama versus one one that makes you have angst and feel and oh my god what's gonna happen next i think about all the time like in glorious bastards right like the opening scene with the guy at the farmhouse and the people are under the floor and you're like sweating watching the scene right like you'll never forget that scene i've seen people run across the screen a million times and now there's anything wrong with that that's that's a part of what makes movies great i i just need something mindless and go watch some people get murdered right well it's like you think about horror movies and everybody's you know you would think everybody's mind would go to jason and freddy krueger but like one of the greatest horror movies ever that everybody remembers is the shining and it's and it you know what i'm saying and it's like please name please name the big hor like the horrible gory special effects scene in there there's a little blood in the hallway with the two girls but like you know it's so it's short right it's not somebody getting their head chopped right right like it's it's it's the emotion and the feeling it scares the [ __ ] out of you right like look the the magic of jaws i mentioned that movie a bit ago right like people wouldn't swim for forever right some don't still you hardly ever saw the shark and it was a mistake because the mechanical shark wouldn't work right right so they had all these scenes with the shark eating people and doing all this gory [ __ ] and then the shark wouldn't work so they had to just hi to just show finn coming through the water or the barrels dragging along the water with the music and you knew the shark was coming that's like really being in the ocean you can't see the shark it goes back to what we mentioned earlier it's sometimes it's about what you don't say what you don't show those moments of silence and making people captivate 100 but but getting that and then you you can know that but in the moment when there's you know like in that moment tomorrow when there's 50 000 people there and they're going ape [ __ ] to have the balls to wait to have the balls to be silent to take the risk of of that quiet to get to the next level that's a that's a risk and and a lot of people don't have the guts to take it but if you do there's magic on the other side can i can i suggest something yeah what the [ __ ] do i know but i'm gonna put on my but you're a fan so you do know yeah yeah but i haven't always been i have that's not true i have been but now i'm a fan fan right i'm invested and so are all my friends um i'm gonna put on my creator brain as i say this uh because we don't come from inside out inside the wwe universe and i we came from outside in and now that we're in and i'm in we're all invested you know my girl now never watched this in her life as she came to msg she goes oh my god i'm in i'm in now so while i 100 agree that the story at the end of the day is the uh thread that the spine of this organization in operation i am also a disrupter right i i like those big viral moments i like those hooks that grab the globe's attention and i think if there was a way to you know tastefully i don't want to go to shock and all to like you know decapitate show the guts and everything but if there's a way to create those moments to hook people who aren't normally invested in the wwe and then get them invested with the the rich nature of the stories i think that's where you guys are going to crush and honestly that's where i would like to help out as well because i i don't come again from this world i come from like mainstream like how do i make you carry it with a [ __ ] six second vine and then i'll attach you to my decade long almost career that people are still watching yeah and i think like if there's a way to weave those two worlds you know wwe can wwe is a universe let's make this [ __ ] a multiverse yeah look i couldn't agree with you more i think you're like just saying that it's genius right like to me that's where it's at you inherently get this it's why you're where you are right like you inherently get the vibe of today's kids and and and young adults and what they're looking for and all that it's and when i say the story stuff it's it's not like the story has to be there but yeah i know the special effects got to be good when you get them and you've got to have the commercial moment to sell the movie because like there's a million great movies out there that nobody gave a [ __ ] about and or watched because there was nothing that hooked them to go see it right you have to have that hook and you have to have those things and dude like like we want to work with you for that reason yeah right like that's the thing i'm old dude i don't know how to figure out some of those things well that's what you're talking about yeah it's like you do it's why i'm excited um especially because i mean like vince was was so good to me i think i was the last superstar he signed i mean i'm not a superstar but i think it was the last you know you signed the paper that made you a superstar yeah all right and you know i've been i've been kind of getting my feet wet and i've been in gorilla and backstage and every time after my thing i shake his hand and he's sitting in the corner there and last weekend msg was you you know and so i think there's a really interesting opportunity to uh to i don't know do some [ __ ] that has not been done before so i'm gonna be pitching ideas all the time of you and i'm counting on it okay good yeah i'm counting on look i'll say this about vince massive shoes that i couldn't even dream of beginning to think i could fill right like the the gap there in this moment is massive but the opportunity to take it in a direction that has never gone before is massive i'm thrilled for that opportunity we have an unbelievable team that it's never going to be one person one person can't even begin to fill issues gonna take an entire team of people to jump in those shoes because without him there's none of this right like the vision to take it from this tiny little thing happening in bars and to this to this this big to global sensation like nothing else right um you know wrestlemania is one of the most valuable sports franchises on the planet billions of social media followers the 70 plus billion lifetime views on on youtube right like the the level of of fan interaction following and dedication and passion for what we do there's nothing like it and i'll put any sport against that and i'll put any form of entertainment certain movies only resonate in certain countries certain sports only resonate in certain countries name one that goes everywhere yeah it's wwe on on the topic of social media and and you know how it's gonna play with the wwe we're in the air at the era of social media creators influencers whatever you want to call them when when i don't know how the idea of logan paul joining the wwe got to your desk but candidly what were your feelings and what were your thoughts when you first heard that jake paul's older brother was gonna join to like be honest like be completely [Laughter] i think it's funny because sometimes people talk about our business go like well i i you know i i watched a little bit when i was kid that means i never watch and they don't want to offend me or something like that like yeah that's not for everybody yeah when they first said it kristen prouty walked in talked all about it and i'm like i don't know who that is like no let's go yeah i have no idea and then they told me and then i started looking at and i was like holy [ __ ] these dudes are massive right and and uh you know and i have kids right and they're watching all this stuff and then as now it's on your radar so now you start hearing people talk about it where if i would have heard people talk about it before i wouldn't have ever paid attention to it now you start paying attention to like this thing is huge we got to get with this guy and then you know even then i can tell you over the years a million celebrities have come up to us and said i want to be a wwe superstar i want to do it so bad right that that all sounds great on paper first time they hit the mat they're like yeah so i was thinking maybe i could help with commentary or i could you know i could do something else because that [ __ ] hurts gary busey like it's a lot of that or you know and they just don't get it but then when they do it it's a different story then there are certain folks that come into it that are just like invested in it and then that's when i light up right if if somebody comes in and they just want to hook their wagon to it for a minute or they want to promote a film that's exciting but when somebody comes in like you and goes well hey this is awesome i'd like to be a part of this and then when they come in and they kill it you see that level of because you know to do what you did right it's like bad bunny same thing like and and i don't give this easy right because i've done this for a long time put my life on the line for it and seeing other people do the same respecting our business for what we do is tough to get and i don't give it easy taker doesn't give it easy right the people at the top are like you got to earn it and it's a lot to earn right you earned my respect thank you big time bad bunny earned my respect big time because to do what you did you had to dedicate yourself 100 i don't even mean just going to the gym for a couple hours and going through the motions and doing the stuff i mean dedicate yourself to it like you woke up in the morning thinking about it you went to bed at night thinking about it right that's the difference to me and when you can do that now now i i want to help you succeed yeah i want to help somebody go because i know what that's like i know it's the greatest gig in the world if you can make somebody help somebody feel that because they have a passion for it and they're willing to grind and they're willing to put in that level of dedication take the risk everything else [ __ ] yeah let's go i have no problem earning respect i've i've done it before and i intend on doing it in the wwe i i will say though i do really feel like i have a bit of a cheat code and i did hop to the highest level so quick and i can kind of feel some of the other wrestlers sometimes with maybe a little chip on their shoulder because you know they put in years decades even of work to just to get where i am now and look if the dude comes into a podcast next week starts whipping your ass a month later you're like yeah yeah we've been at this [ __ ] i'm gonna kill this guy what's going on and i feel i feel like i get it i don't know how i'm here i just i just am but um i do i do want to commend all the all the people who have been doing this you know for the majority of their life like like most of my now peers have been um and i know you uh uh are big in recruitment which i think is going to be massive in in the future of the wwe right niall you mentioned next in line yeah at the beginning that's huge for us yep and and and nxt as well yeah so you know nxt starter we created with you right yeah yeah i mean us right like so as a company vince and i sat down this is years ago obviously i wore stuff out talking about it before that but like you know we we talk about it and like there was a moment in time where vince was so successful at creating one brand but it in in turn shut down all these territories and all the places that guys had to go learn this craft over time and we started talking about it in a manner of saying like we're like 10 years from now 20 years from now we're screwed like where are these guys coming from yeah and and somebody's got to teach them because the guys were out there learning but it was not good um and somebody had to teach them properly and and correctly and and uh teach them how to do it right so how do you do that how do you get better quality athletes how do you get better quality humans all that stuff you build a performance center you you you make it um you know the time you make it super cutting edge where a professional athlete that is thinking about doing this you know can walk in and go like oh yeah this is like even if to learn the money's not great up front but i get to be an athlete in a place like this i'll do this every day for a while and see if i can do this you know that's the kind of stuff that cuts it then you need a brand for them to learn on so we created nxt we rolled with that you know the difficulty for us has been and always been on the recruiting side finding people with the passion to do this with the athletic skill to do this the charisma to do it which is king and then the right human beings the biggest pool of people to do that is collegiate athletics right it just is why the nfl can let go of 500 players a year because they have this ocean of talent coming into them at any point in time and for every person that's in college football waiting to get in the nfl there's hundreds that are in other sports that no one looks at and there's no professional avenue for them and like yeah when you get done being a hammer thrower like your gig is yeah i either coach or i get a gig doing something else whatever i got my degree in um but we couldn't engage with those collegiate athletes because of the ncaa rules and all that right even though we're an entertainment company we risked their eligibility and it was difficult once nil hit it was a game changer because i could immediately talk to all these athletes and offer them this opportunity which for a vast majority of them are like oh my god i grew up watching this like this the opportunity of a lifetime and i get to i'm i'm 21 years old man i'm gonna take this shot for a couple of years and be an athlete have the all the things that the biggie and i were talking about this just the other day about the recruiting process because while he's out with his injuries kind of like helping be a part of this and uh you know he was saying how devastating it was for him in college everything in his life was football and athletics and and that camaraderie of team the the drive the grind all the things that go on being a pro athlete and then all of a sudden he graduates college and he's like it all just stops that all goes away and like so what do i do with my life and that drive i get i get a job that's great but this it isn't anywhere near the same level of anything so to now have that opportunity for these kids to go like wait a minute i'm yeah i'm i'm not gonna go to the olympics or whatever and i'm not gonna be a pro hammer thrower and i'm not gonna do all these other things what can i do and wwe throws an opportunity at you which many of them probably had thought about man i'd love to do that is how do you do it i have no idea you know um now we're getting right out to them and saying like come come with us yeah right we have some some college athletes on il deals where they're you know um our ours is different we're not looking for a transactional thing where we you know like a chicken company where we go like here here's a few grand like say you love our chicken you know we're working with athletes that want to be a part of wwe that we can invest in we're looking for long-term recruiting opportunities with these people and how we can make them long-term you know bigger and they promote us so every contest they go to every game they go to everything they go to representing wwe they're like a walking billboard and then when they get to the end of their college career we've worked with them on how to be a you know their finances we've worked with them on social media we've worked with them and how do you how do you make yourself a brand right we've worked with them and all that so they're getting bigger and bigger and bigger if they don't come with us at the end of it okay they've been a billboard for us for two years or three years or whatever it's been if they do come with us we're already way ahead of the game in in who they are as human beings and as athletes and and everything else under the sun so it's it's it's the perfect mix for us dude that 360 degree like breeding if you will is so important and and sharp whoever implemented that like kudos because i can only imagine like we've even suggested this to dana white if the ufc had a program where they were like 360 degree breeding their fighters and they came in with their in there in the ring or the octagon with the enthusiasm excitement charisma personality of if every ufc fighter was a conor mcgregor you know yeah or any wwe but if you're just sitting waiting like we can create or we can have the attempt at least to create a conor mcgregor and we do you have a ton of them right we have you have [ __ ] connors generationally right from from bruno san martino yeah all the way through to roman reigns right now and everything in between and you can even throw brock lesnar into that list because where did he learn to do the personality charisma all those other things that he had right like athletically yes but the rest of it like from us so his his level of promotion and all that stuff was next level when he went to ufc and that's what he he jumped off on but yeah if they can do that but what boxing and all those sports do is they're just waiting for the next generation yeah they're waiting waiting yeah he's waiting for somebody to come along that captivates you right and and we're different we we can control that environment we can control the and we also can control the narrative long term i remember having a conversation with dana uh when they were going into china and the the chinese national girl was fighting for the title yeah yeah we saw him at the espys and he was like you know i was congratulating him on the movement into china and he said yeah and i just i need her to win uh right and he was like it's all just if it if she gets killed it's all for nothing if if she wins man we're on fire and i said to him like it's the magic of what we do i know she wins with us true because she lost i think i i don't recall you know i don't i don't recall at the time how that went i thought she won but i'm not positive i also apparently don't recall yeah yeah yeah we just got the we just got a five minute sign from the purdue our producer dylan i want to i want to ask how you ran this not really he's not he's the boss or at least he he also throws us up symbols that we don't even know what he's saying sometimes he does this he's like runs by and gives you he does science yes we're like what are we supposed to do with this info i think he wants to fight us all right well well actually logan had tried to add some physicality to today's podcast and i i looked at our pdf this morning and said please no wrestling that's not true i did not dylan pitched it you guys can all you want i'm of a watch mode now so like i'll i'll critique it wait as soon as i'm over here not participating i want to talk about stuff a little bit let's go steph is right there yeah your wife daughter if you want her to whip your ass go ahead i don't know no no you want to get hurt i'm scared of her you should be too yeah let me just say all my bosses are in this room you've been hit hard her slap will take your eye out of your head i'm just saying i believe you i believe you um no that's i mean just just real quick the last like thing is i i i can't believe how like familial now this organization is right she's in charge and now you're again the head of creative and you guys work in tandem and you work in tandem at home because you're married uh you have kids three kids three three three girls 16 14 12. i'll be honest with you it sounds like a nightmare it's a lot well the 16 year old just started driving just got her permit i'm starting to teach the 14 year old now a little bit i'm panicking about the little one trying to learn how to drive because she's the nut job but it's it's gonna be uh wait so how does good i love you stinker i mean that job in the best way possible yeah but okay so you're both you're both so busy and you're always here i see who is raising these children now we just put some we put kibble out oh yeah some water and we just lock the door so they can't get out and they just let them go what's the biggest challenge of working alongside your uh the person you're married to because i work with my spouse as well so i know there's quite a bit of challenges there like what's the biggest challenge you guys have found i mean honestly if i was to look at her always being right that's the hardest how much how much of that happy wife happy life yeah sometimes it's just hard to swallow but you just have to do it i'm gonna get slapping it yeah no it's just wild you know because it started as a storyline correct that's why we always joke that our our marriage works so well like almost 20 years and like i think we're more in love now and happier now than we were even then which is really cool like being married to your best friend is awesome but we always say it works the best because we had a drive run on tv we were married we still have a writer now have three daughters i need to have a job talk back i need to have a chat with the writer but uh yeah but you know we were married had a violent divorce divorced the whole thing on tv and so we know what it's all like we got it out of the way yeah we got out of the way we're all good now well stef thanks and nick and yeah nick or kosio and uh and um yeah my my uh my booking assistant over there sonnycon is my booking assistant i'm gonna go pick his brain take pride we'll go pick his brain for some good ideas on on summerslam later today amazing amazing i want to give and kp to you guys all a personal thank you uh for for trusting me and welcoming me with opening open arms into this business like i is uh a lot and i'm glad that there's trust between us that you guys trust in me to do what i need to do to put on a great show and continue propelling this organization forward i i love working with you because of what i said earlier your passion for this dude when i when i looked over from gorilla the the the night you were gonna go out there and i said that walked over and said the stuff to you i could see it in your eyes as you were staring at the ground getting yourself into it i could feel it coming out of you and i was like this dude is like he's one of us he's passionate about this this is in his soul right now that's why i went over and talked to you right like i when somebody has that level of passion i can't help but want to go over there and work with them and and if there's some way that i can assist them to get it even more and become even bigger and i'm all over it so for me thank you for the passion for it because not everybody has it some people come in here differently and you have it and thank you for having it and and i look forward to we're going to take wwe to places it's never been yeah and how we're going to partially do that is by working with people like you that can help us get to places that we haven't even thought of yet for sure right and vice versa for you hopefully we make you even bigger than you ever thought you should possibly be sure sounds nice right that's that's the that's the goal in all of this and and uh i don't you know i don't i don't think there's anything as a brand as a product as a when people ask us where we see this thing going we're disney we're not yep you know we're we're going to be bigger long term you talked about the multiverse it's like let's do it all those things that that that are there for us in front of us the the exponential growth and where we can go and where we can take this and the desire to and no one's gonna stop us i love that man wow this has been an honor uh i'm gonna go stretch because i have a match tonight at summerslam in front of fifty thousand people when they asked me to do this and they said well you can do it that morning i'm like should he do it that morning because i feel like i'm good doing it that morning but i feel like he's gonna be kind of like thinking about later maybe he should we should do it a different time yeah they said you were fine with it wait till you see him at 2 a.m at his after appearance yes uh amazing amazing paul boss sir triple h thank you for coming on impulsive man the number one podcast the world connor if you guys are not subscribed hit that subscribe button before we go really quickly george you were so quiet this whole episode do you have anything to say about jesus anything and dude yeah it's always a jesus joke so this is what happened man like you intimidate the [ __ ] out of me and i don't want to interrupt you you should be yeah and like i love jesus but i'm not ready to meet him just yet and and for context there's like 30 people watching that all could fire logan so like they could fire my boss so what the [ __ ] am i gonna do here that trickles downhill right that that fire trickles down first generation still trying to keep it in america all right you're doomed thank you peace y'all
Views: 3,238,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: podcast guest, Jake Paul brother, impaulsive, impaulsive podcast, logan paul podcast, maverick, logan paul, wwe, summerslam, logan paul summerslam, logan paul wwe, wwf, HHH, the rock, vince mcmahon, stephanie mcmahon, wwe summerslam 2022, kurt angle concussion wwe triple h, d generation x, hulk hogan, hasim rahman jr and jake paul fight, jake paul fight, logan paul top rope, stone cold steve austin, hbk, prime, ksi, prime arsenal, floyd mayweather wwe, athlete, triple h vs the rock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 37sec (4477 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 02 2022
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