The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 358 | Boy Scout Cookies

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[Laughter] it's okay Streif and more can't sometimes you can't run from the pain to go through it you gotta go through it [Music] hardest part that's dogwood episode 3 58 microphone check one two what is this welcome to episode 358 of the Joe Budden podcast I am Joe Budden here with a few of my nearest and dearest mall is here parks is here Rory is here Erikson is here Savon is here and Alex is here if you noticed I didn't tell you that I'm humble and grateful and gracious and highly favored because it hurts today we're in mourning today that's why I brought the stress relief puppy nah she she understands the pain feels awesome [Laughter] I know they're [ __ ] watching us now it's [ __ ] weird and here comes Olivia with a rape kit you were saying 19 left how are y'all how are y'all doing man has everybody doing good good good great how was your weekend how are you feeling what's going on are you somber good yeah there's good weekend you didn't answer your phone last night I was uh I was uh entrenched in the culture mm-hmm okay I feel like I've called you before when you were entrenched yes and you answered and we kind of kicked it about culture yeah but this one the trenches were a little deep on this I couldn't get out at the moment so yeah that's what I thought so I shot you a text after that yeah didn't I just think like oh I know you an entrenched right now but let's kick it now sometimes you know I just don't fly talking cuz I know I mean I just didn't want to hear your voice at the time so like I'll hit him later I already know what he was something no idea I know I know you what if I needed you Anna for well Mona need me you just wanted to laugh at me how do you know because of what you texted me did you ever see the first episode of a million little things I may have my uh because the guy on the air a guy and it was calling all his friends and his friends thought that they knew what uh what he was calling about and they didn't know and then he just said [ __ ] I'm out okay and then friend oh [ __ ] well not saying I registered sex I knew what it was I said I don't know what you'll want to do right now I don't wanna do this with him right now my text to you personally yeah not the group chat no no too much you personally do me a favor don't share anything that I've put in a group jail isn't it no no I mean why not cuz it's offensive it wasn't offensive I think the whole world echoed just use sentiment my sentiments the tracklist do some donuts listen listen do you all want to start you want to start with this weekend's must happen last night and we've been talking about this food since before the weekend yeah it's only right alright last night was the versus battle between Jadakiss and fa bol ous fabulous they did it at jungle studios shout out the jungle and it was last night it did happen last night music was played from both parties they both had DJ's there they did so let's start all set microphones so let's start there both rappers from New York I hate cuz I hate when y'all y'all clown me all day but then y'all look to me to say something responsible knowing I'm just as immature as y'all but y'all good to be quiet I want to be quiet listen this is a platform where we can say what we feel so listen let's start now let's give let's start with in-depth analysis okay let's go down all right what do we think is responsible for that playlist last night from fat well do you want to go through it first and then get to who is responsible no you want to get right to we can go through it shortly okay I want to start with who are who are we placing this I don't think I don't think they had to play this I think he had all of his music just pulled up and a [ __ ] a folder and was kind of going just winging it that would be a grave mistake yeah I'm sort of with mall I think there was a folder of probably 30 30 records and they were just gonna go and they was just gonna play them I don't think it was a set list though I don't think I say that's almost impossible it's not yeah you could tell about a conversation uh fat in before haven't I never believed any public-facing conversations yo imma leave it on you lookin at the laptop yeah after [ __ ] was going awry he did that the first friend let me qualify from the rib nah yeah I don't understand what Moore was saying and let me qualify all of this right with fab is probably the one MC that I just would never ever ever attempt to disrespect or say anything negative about I think this was a celebration oh absolutely it was celebrating New York hip-hop celebrating even though he kisses cattle even though it's called vs. and they go song for song and everyone picks a winner fab is my guy a portion of my career the start of my career I'm probably and indebted to him but we would be just remiss to not at least attempt to figure that playlist out last night yeah that's what I'm saying I don't think I said less no I don't believe that do you think that that would be a mistake absolutely a huge one a big one okay so then answer me why someone would make that type of mistake against such a formidable opponent yeah I think that of well what fab tried to do you know like Jada goes first and you say okay how do I am I gonna counter that um so I don't think it was a setlist I think he had an idea of obviously kiss is gonna go Street he's gonna go hard versus saying I got to respond with something along that same line some but I don't think it was a setlist I think he just had all of his free styles and Street [ __ ] pulled up I want you to try to help me figure out why that why that if that was the mean then why could that have been that way I mean maybe because it you know you have so much [ __ ] you know really is hard to it's hard to say these are the 20 records I'm gonna go and play like you should have a kind of counter a counter game mean I'm saying like so I don't think he had a setlist like a regardless of what kiss plays I'm gonna respond with this I don't think it was that I think it was a bunch of his [ __ ] pulled up and he just like grabbing but I think the mistake with that was that he tried that that but then he tried to say no I don't care if he gonna Street or not I'm gonna still play these type of records imma cuz kiss even said it oh he's trying to change the you know saying and it was like I would have he had joints that he could have he could have stayed there with kiss Rory let's be clear when when kiss was making those oh you're cheating now why would you take it they're jokes it was a farce that's when someone who knows they're winning they make those jokes it wasn't a girlfriend feel better yes they love each other like he loves ya this wasn't a UH he wasn't trying to run the score up like the Patriots but he was well aware that he was he was up I think I just think it took this outside of me going in this battle thinking kiss would win I think he took this more seriously I think even though his drunkness him saying now we really researched and put this [ __ ] together like I think kiss came in with a plan and fab just took all his records and was like all right let's do put these first five maybe we'll switch it and let me wait for this one with his stress he know he can't he can't obviously it wouldn't have been smart for him to go club or girl yeah like yo yo yo honey I don't want to hear that ever again when I say well I don't want to hear that wonder never against arguably have it's probably not arguably kiss kisses R&B catalog beats abs I'm gonna say it mmm I'm gonna say opinion I don't know about that I'll have to sit he has he has Mariah records Oh what is what his battle doesn't show that he stagecoach didn't even play the Mariah this is my guy he stayed in a certain fire by the way there's a lot of I'm not denying kiss his arm be back at all like when America's mad does that really well when you play I know but kiss has done it with the bigger acts that's what I'm saying so what songs you know it was also with if honey comes on there's nothing that you can do there's nothing that's not what are you playing pick any army record if fat is on you not beaten honey it's Mariah it's like when John John tandem [ __ ] getting a damn a riot bag the arm be writers you know it's a cheat code there's a few of them that's a cheat code kisses on a few of those let me be clear in saying that I think that kiss that definitely had the better performance without a doubt but what you just said write the song Mariah that's not a kiss record so it so so hold on so the batter of the rules more listen so so yeah one verse beats my entire record sometimes I mean yeah how these verses work but yeah that's not what happens here more well because it's Mariah you have a verse on Mariah record that beats a whole other dope record where I have three verses like well if the verses rule is we only gonna play 90 seconds and I have a 16 that gets into the hook or a verse I'm clipping it at the head 90 and now that's a great performance I can't believe that fab didn't play superwoman i the for records booth played once the [ __ ] was over should have been you know his that was insulting well that's some sin it wasn't a battle ends and then you say alright we all gonna get into we're going to play for minutes that hits and then he gonna play for minutes it's and then you just start going crazy with all the joints that we were bored drop was the only song from the soul team to be played and that wouldn't even be in my first ten I would play off the drop on so table was it that other no young she was on jung jae-young oh geez so he didn't even go to the Seoul tapes and that's where I was with you on him having a 1-up he presents he presents better than kiss hmm like in the in the longevity some of that so tape [ __ ] and the present day you were that louder in all summer all of that should I get this whole [ __ ] rocking this decade off my song please I don't understand he played a record I've never even heard before I hate the group chat I was asking him what is this I mean later once yeah it was it like that's why I said it wasn't a he didn't have a setlist he was just grabbing songs in and I can't say that fab we know that fab knows who kisses of course they know that but now maybe some people are not talking about fab anymore but maybe some people when they get the verse its call or just looking at it for the opportunity it's a lot of visibility mmm I'm streams go up crazy this dreams go up they had the Ciroc and do say on the floor oh you know I just don't know how competitive fab took it going in there especially with somebody who is really he really [ __ ] with you know me and who took it as a competitive thing yeah it was it was it was like a fun competition pull up the records again please cuz kiss-kiss chose certain records to perform obviously once he got drunker he started performing more but like in the beginning I would have never thought that kiss would remember his verses from a clue freestyle that he doesn't perform right like to me I think he prepared like he was like alright let me listen back to this I'm gonna perform this one to make it better like it'll hit better if I wrap this whole verse I think he came in way more prepared and wanting to take this way mo look at his setlist band from TV is in his first tent yeah and even in that you could tell kiss I first ten he had his list made you look it's in his first ten that made sense to me though yeah remix first it's number three that's a solid number three pick that's no one else's number three pick made you look ludicrous wasn't even Lou Chris played it like 16 or something like come on man listen all right so blackout versus you ain't got nothing we don't have to do it okay um recognized versus six minutes to death I gave that to fab this is debatable depending on what era I did it's debatable for sure this probably was one of the closer I agree that that one too fat okay it's cuz made you look vs started up that one you said that was debatable I wouldn't be mad at you same fan but I give the only problem is Jada kisses verse on this look is nuts I can't that started start loving a break wheat up on it yeah right that's that one yes this everything is real I see like my [ __ ] that been home I only got a jailed ID yes never help the game they helped me top 5 Dead or Alive and that's just off one LP that's a classic first yeah yeah so it was a noir in the color of dangerous like come on and have you ever seen dandruff no but yes but from them I'm white we have a lot of it but he literally started that I'm top 5 Dead or Alive and that's just off one LP conversation now yeah yeah I give him that I give an edge there but again I'm not mad at fab taking there by your side versus trade at all I gave it to fat no I did sense even though I love by your side I love it too but trade at all trade it all his trade at all that was a hit twice yeah yeah but record once in a hit but again but by your size is the street [ __ ] but if I'm fat every time you play a street record I'm a girl you head off that's what I when he played like early on fab was trying to play the kiss game and it wasn't until it was almost too late we're kids like odd now you trying to change you two got a Billboard hits no he's recognizing what's happening all for the love versus i'ma do it I would have gave him all for the love I would have never played I'm gonna do it right there that's a point for me if I move it cuz imma do it was a record I'm gonna do it not you just not to eat not against off no yeah the chest to chest freestyle he almost won but keeping the gangster gets that one yeah see but that's the issue my opponent shouldn't feel comfortable enough to play a freestyle in round six like that should tell me something as an opponent I play you have it three three as a right now no I don't she do I gave it I get none oh yeah three three right now yeah okay keep going yeah we did we didn't say fab didn't win anything I'm not saying that I'm really I'm just saying let's just keep track of where we have it right now I know I know but there is a such thing as momentum and and at three three I didn't feel good about where it was going and even those two or three are pretty debatable you have you didn't have fat when it's around 17 marks out of 28 we know this is where we go a little less World War 3 vs. gangsters don't play come on it's kiss banned from TV our blood pressure vs. young oh gee I thought like that was a I felt like if fab changes that record he could have won that round blood pressure one now he shouldn't have dumped Brooklyn off Pam from TV don't waste Brooklyn on yeah you're gonna matter work Lynn gets blood pressure out of here though yeah so but you know Jimmy Amsterdam from TV yes he's held around because you're not gonna ever be banned from - no nobody will oh nine three uh can I live Oh black Oh Gemma come on come no need to talk about it that's up there on a beat that every single video ranked reverses ball drop we don't need to discuss now this is the one I wanted to talk to you about more which one cuz we have you have been against Rory and I with this uptown vibe song and I later came to you and told you you were right that maybe that record is not as great as I thought it was but I love I still stand still loving what I said what I'm saying here is clearly fab likes that record a lot - hmm what do you think about that matchup of that record versus my TV block again cuz I wasn't mad at I wasn't mad at what he tried to do I like that I like that response from fat no he was the initiator in this round no yeah oh yes which by the way you're right you're right you're right I was know so he went uptown viruses my TD block again that's Street [ __ ] versus club [ __ ] it's like hookah [ __ ] yeah I gave it to Mike my TV blog yes I guess it's the type of you know what block is a classic uptown is not quite there I'm with you I don't know how I thought about the uptown Bob's record I'd never was really feeling that regulate though but I understand him playing it because it was it did ring off mm-hmm for sure [ __ ] you versus can't deny it this was a closed round too that's a call this is a tough one I gave it to can deny it that's when I went I want you can't tonight as well but I don't think you could take I gave it a kid not mad at anyone saying [ __ ] you LOX beats that but I think many of that was was the record I originally had that round of time but fab is fab for me so I remember what can't deny did I was at a video shoot and a fam so [ __ ] that he was in the vid I wasn't in it here [ __ ] like that try and talk to the Dexter if you need me here gets a little freaky knock yourself out versus throw it in the bag remix this could be a close around I got the repenting or nudge the person who asked I think knock yourself out wins this but again I'm not mad it throw it in the bag winning that kiss but yeah knock yourself out wins that to me run remix Ghostface why is it funny to say that there vs. holla back young'n run me personally run Benjamins versus you be killing them on another one we don't need to talk about and now see that's a wasted right this it wasn't a race to rank as fab goes first oh yeah that's right that's right that's right so and you be killing him as one of fabs best work but you have to know that he has Benjamin's in the tuck and he's waiting to play absolutely spades which is why you got it well I'm saying a couple of them yes obviously knew he was waiting he knew knew whenever you be killing him come on he was gonna play all about the Benjamins I don't think he felt like that ago what well killing him is one of fabs best records so I have to play your best record I could have played Reservoir Dogs right no no no you wouldn't right you would've lost Reservoir Dogs where's you be killing them you'll be killing a woman with that no he'll be killing them as a better record no Marisa more dolls is a free style so no no yeah but it's just it'sjust versus [ __ ] just a bunch of [ __ ] missing but it's not amazing persons come on but that's what I'm saying so you going to take a yes yeah woman you can't do that sir really sorry back to life 2001 DJ Clue vs. uh make me better fab whenever I want there try to die [ __ ] versus can't let you go fab wins that for me the same diamond in the rough the battle is over at this point though yeah it is the battle is over now no but we got it we do we have it 14-6 scream make you go back to the I think that's 14:6 for me I think I've scored it sixteen for personally maybe maybe fifteen five so we're Nick well then let's have a dominating rough remix verse so into YouTube and that was that we gonna make it verse breathe yeah you said can't let you go he won yeah you said you even open yeah we gonna make it oh you don't think you can breathe beats we gonna make yeah I don't that's debatable I think we're gonna make it push whatever whatever whatever whatever crowd is debating it I'm just leaving no but I'm just saying breathe in a big record yeah that's the big records my [ __ ] I love some sense debatable breathe it was a really big record available just walk away from me like nah he got that like that's a big rep breathe is a big I think they get this low don't make it if you play him at the same party but whatever I don't like this matchup we mean why I don't like this matchup and I don't think I learned that until the matchup because this why because what I'm saying Street versus no but I think fat it's just the fact that kiss I'm till you kiss had a game plan he knew no matter what he was staying in a certain pocket I think I think and I say this with all due respect please please please I think because of the longevity of both of them we put them together but that's awesome that they do they are not the same class yeah fad debuted and oh one that first freestyle was in 99 that we very first heard them well let's be clear kisses a better rapper tattoo this weekend now you know y'all I'm not here I'm not here to jump on that one I'm just so it's it's fair to say I think that's the the decision that most people make I don't think that can is a better artist but a lot of people have you know kisses a better rapper kiss wit with five more years of nineties records to choose that just happen I was gonna say and that five years he was with the biggest camp ever yeah that that makes it it just makes it not a great matchup to me and a lot of those records were from that era that he chose from but I felt like that about Ludacris and Nelly to like I felt I felt like Nelly is great enough to get his own shot where it don't look that way I feel like fab is great enough to get his own match up where it doesn't come off that way like like I don't like I don't like I don't like the records he picked that's what I'll buy the sage it just falls on that you don't it's a lot of records that he could have played didn't like like what though we just said it at the end of the set when it was playing to four minutes fill me oh yeah I wish somebody was gonna sneak better say more so with Joe was saying about he didn't like the matchup and I'm saying that the matchup wasn't that bad we just forgot it realizes until it was happening a lot of records a lot of the records that we liked from fab weren't played sure that's what I think it is not as record student that major five-year gap changes things and I'm gonna steal Joe's take there I didn't realize how big that gap was that he could pull from I don't think that many people can get kiss out of here in a battle like this stuff for what it's worth he has he was part of the charrids in hit records he has great verses he might not have liked the classic album that puts him in the toppest of tears but you don't need the best rappers no you don't yeah you don't need that here he didn't play why this upset that's why was huge probably one of his biggest solo record I think if not blazing biggest oh man as well yeah yeah I don't think there's too many people who can get kids out of here in a battle like this yo Jada kids this is Joe Budden from the Joe Budden podcast first I'd like to start with congratulations king Thank You King that was an initiate amazing showing you did great it was nothing to text you that was awesome man appreciate it you know kids this is more from the Joe Budden podcast let me just first apologize because I had you losing last night and I had to close my phone because I was only two my only two issues would you kiss we didn't get why and we didn't give Reservoir Dogs no you know why he threw me so far off with his selection that was still on my list somehow but the 20 the 20 I already got played I still it was all of this I was I was just trying to hold them but I don't know what happened I don't know what do you think you think do you think booth do you think bouf bouf is getting killed online you think here they kill him both I don't think I don't think I'm not sure family so he just let both play the song but I was I was prepping for it I was prepping for about a week I mean people were sending me this but my son was coming up with Souls you think you forgot this dad I was sitting into my DJ just to have everything because with that you you got a gauge sometimes you don't know I was gonna go but you gotta have some for everything so no well I wasn't sure they had that cuz poof I hate it I had a killing booth buddy show me was all on before she just told him what the play it was on boom went off the grid I think it might when they started huddling up I think that was a sign that this is going this is going off grid somehow yeah dammit what's known you was prepping we did a call on the pod y'all are friends yeah we spoke to each other everyday for words whispers called this [Laughter] I made of him of my own that he didn't even play you didn't play a lot of souls that I do yes you know I know how you feel about going viral kiss oh it's great it's great it's a great thing I mean especially when you label the capitalized you had a good meeting with my staff today go turn this into some bread thank you that was a great battle congratulations on your win what what's next man what's next oh it's new locks album really oh really I'm really proud about this new lock so it's gonna be some epic oh oh oh juice bar bars coming I know you're and y'all got the dock right yeah we got the dock coming after the album so it's gonna be dope oh wow alright good alright we'll be checking that'd be nice if you come talk to us before come out definitely you know I'm coming through can't wait alright [ __ ] love I love ya I'm glad that the public got to find out how amazing drunk jade is yeah for sure he was entertaining us out J - one of those voices that makes anything just amusing like even in him expressing his love for fab it was funny still it was funny you could tell he was both just out of here drunk when fab play a record and kiss hop up like way we hold a hole a hole up and just stop the record I'm life it's night first it's not even you go you stopping this man record to give tell yo I love this song I'm like I've it was just to the two different types of drunk like kiss being the loud loving I want to talk and fab just being the quiet drunk pressing and the poetry to the car was definitely with two different drunks we saw last night and you couldn't figure out what the temperature was outside I'll let you let you know that yellow shorts versus dance about way you have mentally were are those leather bands no those are not leather pants I mean you typically wear those when it wasn't ninety degrees out it looks like the temperature I have a pair of leather pants I was unsure if I could promo and the other day I can you can't throw them all no they're not don't listen to prove can't throw all the other pants in the summertime or okay you can you shouldn't put on leather pants into summertime now I'm changing my host a lot more when we allowed to be stylish again I'm changing it all leather everything no no no I'm simplifying things t-shirts James and some Travis cops got you yeah keeping it minimalistic I believe that your long as you got a t-shirt and some cool sneaks on and you win yeah cool yeah long as Virgil did something on you oh I'll get to that later yeah that was a little small overlooked Snapple fact they thought somebody said these [ __ ] was dressed like each other I can see it you would expect fab to work something colorful oh for sure but I could never seen kids to see kids when we lack kiss but never widows he was weird the fatigue version of those pants yeah but no maybe that during the shiny suit [Laughter] with the call Thomas dance damn booth should we call fab I don't think I'll pick up I don't think I should call fab call fat back because it's not right seeing your man name on your on your call ID after a loss especially when he's not a support especially when he didn't answer the first time we gotta get these Jersey when I don't know if you know this you go first you talk you go first no way three and [ __ ] yeah but when you know that you're [ __ ] with it you gotta just let it rock nice voice money set up bro Diggs 90 voicemail set up you know that that's a fact you got text me tell me you called me y'all just called you gave it a shot man yes I we still love you fat yeah we definitely definitely still loves you man but man that was a man that was a celebration that's right yeah that's right yeah that's what it was yeah I'm using my celebration subpoena did you guys watch the after party I didn't actually I didn't either but I would have I would have stayed on if I wasn't one of that okay okay if it was always watched competition stream I would have stayed on it but it wasn't so that wasn't on vs. it wasn't on the site that I used to stream it you know that that's why oh you don't have verses I do I don't want you guys to each other it's [ __ ] each other now this answer to you is mad details like later I thought about getting Apple TV you know I had Verizon and I switched it over biggest thing he got versus is just funny like nyan got that he got verses but he got beat every electronic you all right come on the moving right along moving right along loud to get you finally we have music to discuss true but don't worry an hour two will be discussing the conversation that's right you guys lyrica and a1 are finally sitting down to talk I don't think anybody first time ever you know finally be able to some married couples on top for the first time ever yes yeah okay it's a good time for the after they do this if you marry our favorite song stris is have hit us against one another and be a cold summer and brought it back to fan come on man everywhere tonight just see me find me oh my you will leave a voicemail with this plan in Tibet the facts yeah this might be my voicemail that I actually say that you could leave a message oh you're no way I've been seeing eye to eye lately mmm but I love you I miss you mo I used to buy I used to body though voicemails though Oh [Music] snow alegre july 10 if you already know the vibes dying for my love mmm name with a project well dying for your love I know you know her sighs New Yorkers yeah I'm your who cares what it is we don't know it is sniffing it's about me quitting you [ __ ] with just a chorus acapella it's mine with just a tweet with a photo look look what you did for me you got the blue lights in the crib to live and see me with blue [Laughter] land on the lamp I don't know I don't know what this is parks I don't know if this is a EP I think she said this is a EP I don't know I'm in fact check that whatever it is she's dying for my love I'm waiting for music from snow I'm really excited about that and while that announcement was happening alright before it's summer announced summer Walker announced that she has an EP dropping July 10th as well mm-hmm which immediately pit me and Maul against one another yes because I am Joe light Owen snow yes Joey how do we give them all the summer to run like we need to we need to get that summer mall cause I'm a Mahler definitely summer Mahler I'm just a fan Walker Walker no I'm just a fan of hers you drove to Toronto to the show morning drive but see does he put these narratives I hear people start thinking our really drove our [ __ ] and then you argued with me for three hours about her show while her management was present you represented us no no we argued for three hours about it a meet and greet line snitching JAMA yo she's at Drake's we are we outside in the cold and save them the poster days is laminates it's crazy to hear which I really think I'll be doing more and I hear like that's why you won't invite us to your crib I don't have land me it's pretty good chick in the room so I know come inside come back here oh this is just a Beyonce show in 2014 VIP I'm excited for to see that lemonade that's where the concept came from no fuss it was his home so it was like homecoming three fours laying on a bed [ __ ] back what that one so uh life on Earth is dropping July 10th that summers weird oh [ __ ] she's in the desert on top of a jeep yeah yeah it's about to be fine got hip so I'm buying it that's a purchase I'm protesting let's go where we at yeah I'm excited no well we knew that when you drove the Toronto what do you think about the project though her day not a head hit a project yet but I mean someone puts together hair blowing in the wind in the desert any wind desert yeah probably you think about it yeah think about it I think about it now I think of a book house I hear blowing roar you know in a picture right you think sounds like g-wagen she's gee she's gonna kill this yeah the fans win watch summer somebody's gonna give my culture the code R&B is back some summer is about to give you a whole EP of all her conspiracy theories that she's been posting on Instagram for the past two months start wrapping not down for it hell yeah okay I'm down I believe all the the conspiracy theory she posed all right if mall is not gonna argue with me about who's gonna have the Better Project I'll just move on thank you who you take my chance to know mmm I think someone well well it's not fair we don't know if this is a full project from snowing now what if it's just a solver CEP who wins the EPO is JEP is gonna win yeah always if snow was talking to Michael B Jordan me in a my own go ahead don't follow why he's gonna start with Michael and up in the verse you can wall to my wire cuz I know suck ass [ __ ] that's why you don't wait wait it out see they split up cuz if you follow both of them then you can see all the [ __ ] love comments whoa whoa Jose wait out King actually not I think about it you didn't even think about it I'm now wait okay wait okay no way on earth on earth first of all this all I ever waited out I can't let y'all just start keep star these narratives women yeah you wait it out they've all been single and reckless yeah but she was well it was some by the time it worked for me no too late [Applause] nothing for me it wasn't like a savvy plan to wait it out no I don't think I'm the way to tell guy what guy am i we're gonna try to pig that pig boy Wow listen I think snows project is gonna be amazing I'm anxiously awaiting it can't wait can't wait to see what she has to offer can't wait to see what's in store yeah oh this is the project though hope his own my new single I hope not do you think that there's arne beef between summer and i know this night i'm just trying to come up with compare it was partying and tiller whoever will Tory it was beef but now it's not beef and and when we were comparing performances joe you directly went to snow as your example for great performers that may might have to move around the stage that much so did you start this beef the same way you did the weekend and partynextdoor no i just the an Remy and Nicki and Drake and Kanye shall I continue I mean you'd like to drop a name good I think that and what net last thing I want to do is revisit that summer argument that I was having with justice but I think my point you should have back unless I think my point in hindsight is right like when the touring stopped and we didn't have to watch her summer perform every night and once you stopped just being so forthcoming on the internet like you see her and the goddess light that she should be seen in she bodied the goddess well that's what I was trying to tell me the goddess man I told you that's what I was very Sojo from her live show she's not a bad performer like she's not a bad performer she just I think people were comparing her to other female acts and now I don't think that's what Sun is oh yeah she's just she's not your prototypical gonna do a dance routine have things blowing up like that's not the type of act as she is but that's what I was saying like as you said the BT award she did a great job but that's it what she does I think she would rather have a set time tiny desk was really good yeah yeah that's just what she does she in her own her own way she's not with the you know dandelions next Friday hey yeah we're right around the clock like when they do that like when it's not a lot of wait time yeah me too when the brownie develop at all that was one of my first questions when I got my very first major-label deal was hey if we're gonna drop album why do we announce this two months in advance on commercials yeah in that era it's definitely like a month and a half but I understand it so I called the audience's memory is short so you have to keep it going like so wouldn't it make sense just to drop in nevermind but I'm glad that that's where music is now July Tim I can't wait shout out the summer shout out the snow two of our more amazing songstress is I'm waiting for you I'm waiting for you baby I forget big time I ain't forget she was moving this low get low that she was putting out like album dump a bunch of using the b-side dumper was he ever citizen for the universe to be correct spinning right right now the planets got to connect yeah I'm with her yeah it's true take your time let the moon's pass um Kanye new Kanye is it new Kanye yeah was new it's no premiere 22 minutes ago what is this project coming oh is this just like a think piece did you think no I didn't think I did think what you thought I'm not it was just a I'm not sure what it is okay like I don't you know maybe I'm not artsy enough I don't that could be true yeah just goes over yes the first Dre and Kanye collaboration oh this is the dragon yeah he mixed it apparently business that answered our question he kept the stems Dre kept the stems he did okay oh well again I don't understand the the song is the beat is aggressive I'll give I'll give you all something that I got from someone whose music opinion I do hold in high regard they said yo that Dre and Kanye project is different when I say different clearly I mean probably some of the best [ __ ] you've ever heard and I'm serious and I said okay huh that was before this leak wasn't really a leak well that's before the release okay um yeah I heard that whatever they're working on and people have heard some of it here it's just beeps I know it wasn't snoop they told me I would expect them to put something great together of what he was doing Joe cuz I mean no this wasn't as Jesus is king II as the other one what it was talking about God a little bit this is still gospel but it's like hard gospel yeah it's like Jesus gospel yeah but I mean I wasn't mad at the record I don't know if I'll listen to it again I don't know if there's replay value well comes up firing here's the throw to the plate we will have a challenge I didn't love it or hate it either comes up fight against it so to the play we will have a child I will never listen to this record kind of the same thing we're saying though I just did I didn't hate it it is that gonna listen to it again yeah I just don't I'm not you know again I'm not maybe I'm just not as in tune with the culture I guess I don't know but the visual I'm just I don't I think I could have put all of this these visuals together and just put a song out so it did look like someone learning how to edit there that was the first time that would be a high movie OPR laminate that laminates played music behind it how did you guys feel about police brutality being a theme in the video after he was standing with someone that seems to support police brutality again we all over the place I don't I don't know that's something this is a bunch of there's the cockamamie means but look yeah this is this is yes is he wearing a Nike Nike necklace potted people I didn't say can you rewind that please though you doubt it huh that gentleman right there you know he wasn't wearing tonight you well just let me see pause that no that says something right there no there's just a link to the word you know no it's just the links and something's laying on top listen for me for me all right so stomach for me once once again Kanye continues to take the game places that it's never been his creative genius continues to be unmatched unparalleled unlike anything we've ever seen in this generation that was not good we'd have to go back to maybe Walt Disney Steve Jobs Beethoven I wish someone would have brought that point up with Leonardo DiCaprio him to to get this type of just just this type of creating art yeah man like like we probably won't understand what where he's taking us for the next five years to the gap yeah and I'm open to not understanding this visual and someone explain it and me not getting it for a few years making it make sense maybe when the whole project is released well I do think right now this is one of those joints that's gonna sound really really really good in the mist in the middle of the project like wherever you place it in the project I've listened but why if I agree with that fire here's the throw to the plate like I'll take it it's not gonna be terrible music obviously music that we can listen to this hard Bo this beat us hard but I just I'm just not gonna listen to Kanye's gospel screams again anybody oh yeah defending if they're good screams yeah y'all only feel like that because y'all mean y'all ain't washed in blood it's been a while since I've been washing it like I didn't know maybe that's when its water Joe might be right maybe that's what it is maybe we we're not there in our life yet so we're not gonna understand it listen I I I'm looking forward to whatever him and Ray are about to do especially if people are gonna text me and say that is somebody really [ __ ] that they've ever heard like I want to hear that I want to hear what someone here the illustrates whoever yeah yeah I mean we heard that about detox soon we never got it we heard about a lot of things but yeah I'm skeptical but I will definitely be tuning in and whenever Dre works on something everybody always says is the crazy should they ever that's true that is but sometimes it is sometimes if we ever get it yeah yo yo is one album y'all didn't get and y'all there's a couple but it's fun what happened were we waiting for like clamoring for and didn't get from Dre the rock came album was at at the time in the late 90s was pretty anticipated we never got it did you know Rakim produce it it most is music what do you mean like he produced most of his music well severe Eric being rocking music yeah I didn't but I know large professor did a lot of it as well I know Marley did a lot of it as well there's a lot for y'all to tax each other [Laughter] research that you know what hold up actually while we're here while we're here let's talk the parks for a minute uh I do Oh parks a little apology man hold up let me find this record Oh parks little apology it's a classic record I was campaigning for this one so you everyone knows you're the Ruben Studdard guy yo so parks parks does diese it's like I missed a shine Isle of Man and I forgot the word come on Rory it's my [ __ ] mine too no no who wrote this song Clay Aiken [Laughter] it's like building a new house no no no no but then you say sorry for that it's like no I need a roof for the door apologize for the whole year so why you proposed well that gets come on yeah is Mona there yeah yeah listen let me apologize to parks parks does these white boy cookouts every weekend so we had a white boy cookout in being our mutual white boy friend you came over here grubbed out ran back home pulled his phone out and began to tweet hold up man remember when network ain't gonna mess up no more a girl I will never want to talk to another really attractive girl who thinks I'm funny and in are saying yes again especially while you're neglecting me won't happen again yo so Ian grabs his phone he starts to tweet yo parks is the best chef in the universe chef master Valley all types of [ __ ] I immediately retweet it like yo you're not to judge that you're white your taste buds are white and he and I kind of just argued about that cuz he got a little spicy he didn't like that no no pun hey hit the little drum thing oh come on now Joe you don't have to go there like what does that mean like he really said that yeah I said well and you guys been Dwight's went around and stole all the spices all the cultural that's why we said he got a little bit but I felt bad when I said that cuz I remember two weeks ago me coming in here and some soup being on the stove some Spanish soup and I throw a rim made it because that's how delicious and spicy it was hope ah yeah and that was parts okay right I guess busy so I felt bad cuz I [ __ ] on parks cooking we still need to taste these collard greens yeah once it cools off a little bit football season Brady said that was some of the best rack of lamb he's ever had in his life not killed directly that's what he said I did why you don't invite us over or like your black friend and Rory and myself I don't know I guess we see each other twice a week and I figure you're sick of us yeah kind of black lives barbecue we do yes yeah at beers I'm trying to oppose that yeah we barbecue yeah you do that um alright where are we going where are we going before that uh tangent music music we did Kanye right did Kanye did you guys see the beauty of those let's do the Beauty Awards to it they retain a break there no no no oh you guys also yes I don't [ __ ] oh wow how so most of it it was the best award show I've ever seen in my life a thing same honestly same I can't I'd better I owe an apology I want apology bTW yeah it was a big deal when I when I my ignorance and me just being sick of zoom and people doing [ __ ] on Zoom I'm tired of it I hate it yeah and my ignorance wouldn't allow me to see how y'all could put together an amazing show probably more amazing than we've seen in quite some time just off of zoom and boy beads he pulled that off we also didn't get into sorry to kill you oh no go ahead that's the first time that a black award show has been broadcast on CBS they do country music they do all the random white people award shows so that for them to do a black board show is kind of a big deal it's pretty big deal and they executed it extremely well the performances were amazing kind of just turning them into music videos was the best solution to do [ __ ] like you know we've seen other festivals do just you know in house performances in shape but these were full-on music videos and they were they were great yeah well they had to freedom to uh visually I think it's more of a freedom yeah the way they did this I mean it's not it's not you can do pretty much anything I'll be curious to know if the artists got to like pick their own or did they design their own videos or if someone was I'm sure I'm sure they're at their person right they're creative maybe big I shot them some ideas as far as what they can do Oh sir yeah but um it felt like the artists pretty much knew what was going on in what they were doing I loved all of the performances the babies performance was difficult for me I didn't I walked away from the TV at that point the Anderson j-rock [ __ ] was better than the Anderson j-rock actual video to me it was and the Anderson era video was really good but what I've [ __ ] was the was I was I was I was at my dad's that's how I end up why I ended up saying I went to my dad's and he was watching some other [ __ ] I'm like I'll turn to the beauty award let me see what's happening and they did such a great job that we all just were stuck in the living room just glued there you know and I'm watching my dad and he's like yell man you ain't listened to rap in a while and all the rappers j-roc is coming up there was something to say the baby's coming through his son and say Rowdies coming up there was something to say little baby's coming up it like everybody has something saying he's like yo like see this is what I like if these if this is what the young kids are doing now then yeah I [ __ ] with this and I'm like no pop it's just that now with the country in the state that it's in if you don't have nothing to say then now's not the time don't say nothing yeah like we want it we want to hear something from our eats he definitely made sure that every artist understood that was something that had to be done can you change this I don't I don't want to see this and bring it in Public Enemy and and you're doing that I guess you could call remix to fight the power what do you mean I guess you can call Rory I would you call it a remix adding someone it was your rendition of it a new rendition yeah it was a new rendition the new rendition mix yeah okay I think I think renditions and remix sort of saying work this is a cool way to say rendition you think remixes close and real dishes hit the group anyways not nas was on it black Rap City yg I think I'm missing one other person Public Enemy what besides them oh but uh it was really good Questlove was the DJ really really good I'm anxious down I want to know what they do next year now I think they should keep it like this is it gonna keep it honest like if we spent a quarter of the budget yeah probably and the ratings come too equal or greater then why would they be incentivize to go back to that [ __ ] I really enjoyed the zoom Awards a lot more we took way more I did too I love being wrong about [ __ ] yeah like that was that was that felt really good and man I even felt wrong halfway wrong and my argument with you were because yes still a odd [ __ ] oh yeah but it was some ads that black people care about and that's the difference yes the ad game and all that [ __ ] I said last week still stands but the ads that be et is approving and letting run and the brands that are reaching out to them there's some brands that we might care about a little bit it was good seeing everybody she always does that though yeah I think they I think they do a good job as staying in that Lane every year with the with the ads and the commercials is definitely a lot of no this year things were a lot more black than they normally are yeah they were yeah correct Annette correct way to read part me read the room I really enjoyed the award show yes hi Jesse Collins and the guys over there they did a great job yeah yeah yeah they did what did y'all think of all amanda seals and her job I think she's yeah well the man that wasn't matter either yeah especially under these circumstances knew like the way of doing this was so different she they did the fake Beatty shows and she was yeah she kind of came not from Beatty ethic she was MTV but she came from the cloth of VJ host kind of things there's been dope to watch him and over these years like her progression and the way she's changed and heard a journey you know amanda diva you don't even know man it feels right you right right after what after watching this they announced that the VMAs would be at Barclays or somewhere so after I watch this I was like alright Viacom did you watch your own thing no let's stick to this formula that's what more will be doing buying this thing I could see you do Mike y'all I know some Mon not this whole beast Simone like all that you bring give that out there leave that out there when you walk in the door like I know I know who you are that's what I'll be saying yo right now what no don't never never I probably ran and don't let them have a nickname because then I'm calling them they're real government that's who I know that's what you know mm-hmm what'd ya think about the other winners who won I know mag one and once you want to say that makes sense well slow down screaming let's see I'm of the year please excuse me for being antisocial rowdy rich best female R&B pop artist is lizzo best male are no pop artist Chris Brown best group migos best elaboration snow and snow best collaboration Chris Brown featured Drake no guidance Best Male hip-hop winner was the baby best female hip-hop artist was Meg the stallion video of the year Khaled nipsey John Legend higher director of the year spike T Best New Artist rowdy rich dr. Bobby Jones best gospel Kirk Franklin just for me best movie Queen and slim and you guys can check out yourself yeah did that all without you stress though I know she ran away from me I got really nervous you're stressed door wipers I made it up yeah of course you guys watching in the Brutes picnic I did a little bit while I was in the back room also really good the way they did that thing yeah they were cool act forces in depth analysis really cool the way they did that thing scissor doodle outdoor playing guitar in the in the garden black thoughts started it out by rapping for 20 minutes straight in a garden Oh over using garden watch different beautiful okay everything was in the garden at the picnic picnic so but all performances are on YouTube separately so yeah it's worth watch them check those out yeah coming up next all right 73 minutes in let's get to the real meat and potatoes of this thing the conversation eh why not listen we we the mom we talked about that already first nobody's watching what some of your predictions for the conversation I won't be watching do they rekindle mm Kindle I won't be watching it I'm sorry I mean you know they make me believe in love so I hope they work it out yeah and I hope the moms do too it's very important well I hope these two gentlemen work it out which do general I know that actually I'm lying I don't well give us a Mac store this latest hip-hop beef is all the rage I don't think nobody's raging now they was raging where do how did this [ __ ] I was I was hoping you could tell me because I really don't notice from Gib saying something about Jeezy interview yeah they were in LA every day struggle was discussing Gibbs talking about Jesus Freddie Gibbs has done everyday struggle before hmm I don't know yes I'm telling okay all right got you with you or with Michelle me okay actually now that you saying you don't know I don't know either I thought I saw him with nadeska beer yes sounds familiar but okay well yeah they were discussing an interview he did which then got into a debate about relevancy and from what I understand academics said if Jeezy's are relevant then that means Gibbs is irrelevant you only sold this amount of Records you not a relevant rapper I'm sorry and then which is all untrue by the way of course it is Gibbs is a very relevant Robert then Gabe's went on Twitter and said I'll give a bad [ __ ] $5,000 if they admit to sleeping with academics and then all hell broke loose that's what I got started I could be wrong but that's how I saw it yeah all right whenever you throw women in the midst of a conversation with two men tax returns are coming up here like oh yeah that's always the next step yeah it's always gonna turn left at that point when you start saying oh you don't sleep with any cute it's like now we're ready to belly go those are those are fighting words at that one the age-old I [ __ ] women but now I have more money though yes that's why I'm kind of not I wasn't meant to find new things to fight about we share as women and money but if you think about it like what else matters yeah when you're arguing with another that's line they don't argue with men about stupid [ __ ] but I mean it's you again this is academics though like what does that mean what else killing him what else will that artist be arguing with your mama your daddy your son your daughter everybody so when you talk my own oh yeah you're my son living your [ __ ] stupid you dumb ass [ __ ] I know exactly where you live at I just I'm not that type of [ __ ] you don't live in a bigger crib even in me relax yourself a little little bum ass [ __ ] you whoever you whip your son relax yourself they go don't be trying to talk to me I'm a differently major-league umana League [ __ ] yo ya gives me to watch his [ __ ] mouth I'll tell you that much [ __ ] that's when he gave you smokes yeah been bombad ball I got it they gave Ben ball with a smoke yes that's Joe for this I popped my head into the twitch last night was thoroughly entertained by his performance gave John Legend and his wife some smoked tuna so that what I'll say that sound a little past I know coke blabber when I hear it it might have been that he was definitely under some type of drugs yeah he was definitely drunk number one number two I do agree with his definition of relevance what was his definition of relevance his point was if he puts out a project tomorrow he can sell 50,000 units and Freddie Gibbs could not my response to that is he's not putting an album out tomorrow which is why he's not currently relevant in music because he's doing other things his focus is not in music well he also said if he performs tomorrow he'll do a bigger venue and Freddie Gibbs that may be true unfortunately he's not performing tomorrow because he's doing other things relevance and numbers for me don't go hand-in-hand Freddie Gibbs has put out three phenomenal albums and projects in a row in the end I don't give a [ __ ] if one person heard them they've all been great they've been with alchemists who's also been producing for everybody in the universe like to say he's relevant you but that has to do with relevance of course not how much you sell not how many people at your shows and I don't respect the numbers game coming from act because these besties would have negative fixed numbers yeah you you more than anybody else act and we can talk about this some other time we don't do this publicly me and you but uh you more than anybody should know about faking numbers you taught me about [ __ ] faking numbers so yeah I don't I don't I don't I don't write with that numbers argument but I mean as far as their back and for if it was entertaining to watch oh I don't I'm not I'm not never we're talking about somebody's wife I'm not waiting I'm just not wit saying certain things that's gonna escalate something when we see each other because in this hip-hop thing it's a very very small world yeah I don't think that people that come from the generation of the generations of the axe know that a [ __ ] will pop up at your job and lay on you just my thing too if you go into something saying I'm not a street guy I don't do anything violent [ __ ] I'm live with the violent [ __ ] there's a certain tone when speaking to another man that you should just keep if you know that you have no interest in getting physical and that's all right you're right right but you could cut the end of that sentence off and that'd still be true and Manco it's just a certain tone that you suppose to keep when speaking to a man yes but see this is the problem I have with people like this and the internet and this this error you got dudes that would never speak to certain men in this manner they have a platform now they have a following they have you know so all of this adds to that they really feel like they're somebody of importance to some people so then you gotta get some eyewitness some people yeah I agree with you but then you get on your platform and you start saying things about people that you would never say you at first of all you would never even be allowed to have a conversation with some people that you speak about they would never talk to you so then you say things about them get disrespectful and now if Freddie puts hands on AK we look at Freddie differently we say are you not supposed to hit AK you're not supposed to punch AK in his face you can't do that so it's like you protected to a certain degree because Freddie Gibbs is not supposed to punch academics in his face well that's what Freddie Gibbs is just laughing saying I'm a pension nipples when I see you right whatever Freddie Gibbs is say I'm not saying that I think these things right no no I get what you're saying but it's just there's certain things that I just don't like I don't [ __ ] like this to me is not really entertaining because I can be very disrespectful and say whatever he wants and then Freddie has to play along and kind of just laugh at him but at the same time like you said you bring in people's wives into your rant you're talking reckless about Pete like John you sitting talking right now go back down go back down about a bunch of people and this is like but before what you're just doing this for attention I'm fine yeah yeah exactly exactly Freddie shut the [ __ ] up played a ton played a tough guys [ __ ] I'm not tough you may get some points doing that but you ain't [ __ ] with nobody and not even [ __ ] with me shut the [ __ ] up my audience has a blogger greater than you as a rapper shut the [ __ ] up and enjoy your little alfredo album you can't compete with me see for me all it is cool if you're just not gonna say I'm not tough Yeah right but once you say I'm not tough that is you acknowledging that you not tough so you should speak that way I'm not telling to speak cuz clearly had a juice up in him and felt like doing whatever the [ __ ] he wanted to do but uh yeah this is a real different day and age this is a very different time in hip-hop and to say or even in general not just this situation to say that someone like Freddie's a troll to like we were just going back and forth because we're both petty and we're trolls now Freddie could take it somewhere else when they're whether he's a troll or not like that troll [ __ ] don't matter at the end of day if for me this is 2 this is 2 sides of hip-hop that are just laughing at each other like I don't expect that's exactly I don't expect act and the people who follow act to understand opposite or identify with large one yeah but I think malls looking for like a name yeah like a way to categorize them and I don't want to say the younger generation by any means but the the indoor kids theater no kids indoor kids that don't really feel that that triggers me because like I was called the internet kid and oh through it is different now so nothing that kid means something a little different I don't it means people think I just a clown [ __ ] that was clowning me for having fans on the Internet so I don't want to like let's think of a better description for who we're talking about internet kids is vague because the indoor kids will get on the internet and think there's no consequences to the things they say or do on the internet because they are indoors and think nah but I settled on the Internet so now you shouldn't care it should you should laugh with me cuz I'm laughing that crowd what do y'all think about act Tama Freddie Gibbs they he has more money than him in it his house is bigger than his and I'll show you my tax how does a concern over the last three years closed Akasha told me I don't know I'm talking she's writing on I don't know how but that's my point nobody's trying to piss somebody off sure they both make nice livings but I'm not that's why I can't I just can't get with this this type of see when I honestly when I beef with a man like I needed to be let's beef over something substantial skill let's keep it a skill skill morals I'm not even gonna be foot you over skill think what you want you better than me I'm better than you who cares like it's not in the beef about yeah no we just have different opinions I'm somehow as far as back and forth light cuz you've done it in any time I've also been here for a long time yeah but anytime you went back and forth with with other rappers it's always been about ramen so it's been our rapping it was never about whose house is bigger it was never by oh let me see your tax return yeah but I had to learn that everybody's not with that true and everybody competes differently sure like for me I kept the competition in skill level because that's where I was comfortable mm-hmm that's where I felt I flourished some [ __ ] keepin in money because what you going what you gonna say to me mm-hmm I got all the money some [ __ ] keeping it you keep it wherever you you comfortable at my table bring up money though that's when youyou lost we all have money that's a rule whenever you start towards money you got you lost Freddie Gibbs has money academics has money the end yeah yeah whoever has more who the [ __ ] cares it doesn't matter I think I don't think this had anything to do with Freddie at all I think act has had this on his chest and has been wanting to say all of this about his financial status for a long time and saw a little gap at one point where he could get it off focused on it and then said everything he wanted to say no academics has just never been the cool guy Sanada he has money he that's his is his that's cool hey that's just cool and with academics doesn't know his money don't make you cool you know I mean like he was a cornball without money he gonna be a cornball with money it's just that simple so I mean I get it like you said he got money like cool but what is that you you still wouldn't be allowed at certain rooms that there Freddie Freddie can walk in you still wouldn't be allowed at certain tables certain conversations certain women wouldn't speak to you it's like I laugh when Duke talks this tough [ __ ] because it's like and we know right like we just know what and you know why are you acting like an you you don't know you and their little hype man last week whenever y'all did that [ __ ] y'all look like two [ __ ] just eager to get robbed y'all look like two [ __ ] that just couldn't wait to get robbed it was hilarious to me reminded me of back in the days when you've seen some [ __ ] laugh man just let him walk by we had to just tell the crew now just let him go to school he's going to school alone yes but those the kids that were going to school weren't walking by y'all I've went its own talking [ __ ] they was just going to school there's the difference [ __ ] feel safe talking [ __ ] on the phones of course and from the comfort of their homework yeah long endure yeah that's the problem no because then like you said you comfortable you outside of your comfort zone you know we're gonna see we don't see what's what all right well we will not keep you updated on the beef between your Freddie Gibbs and academics I wish both of them well Oh guys this is atrocious Papa [ __ ] fam the others don't understand art that's really it listen that's why that's what I learned about you're gonna talk about this pop smoke album cover pop smoke album ins in your phone this Friday and apparently pop smoke wanted Virgil black to do his album artwork at least that's how I understand it from Stephen Victor um and Virgil said of course and he came up with the worst album cover that I've seen probably in the history of album covers y'all hold a barbed wire like that what the [ __ ] is this mess although he stole it first of all from another order are those glaciers glacier roses storm roses chrome rolls chrome rose it looks like aluminum foil this is disgusting and horrible and despicable and looks like he didn't take very much time or effort that was a five-minute shower to the regular picture of pop smoke that they use what it looks better than just word Oh yelling that tired of Virgil just [ __ ] robbing you guys well I've never sought work he actually is being reported at it it was stolen from another artist really like he's known was the artist a child no he's actually a known artist his name is artist specialize in clipart writer rip ryder ryder rip the SL as well is his name he will he would Lisa Steven about it what is that he said this man took the entire chrome rolls concept from me ruined it with careless graphic design and then wrote some [ __ ] about it so sad that someone would care this little about art design in the memory of a human who was so loved to wrap his name up in lies and theft and he said full fuller picture of his guys history of theft check the link in my bio all these guys got a [ __ ] history of theft Virgil a boo-boo drive and there's a bio I guess what a whole bunch of [ __ ] that he allegedly feels Virgil uh took some other artists listen Steven Victor heard the outcry from the fans and said that they are changing this cover rightfully so I thought that was dope yeah cuz this happens a lot ain't nothing right directing a mistake listening to the fans yeah a lot of times [ __ ] hats a lot of times [ __ ] happens and they just put it out they don't listen to the fans why wouldn't you want to listen your fans if you could change it before the date what are the fans this right when the fans be right like this maybe like now I see what y'all was saying gonna pull this one back yeah man more Virgil you have to answer to the culture I thought he did I think he posted words like Louie Vuitton book bag and went on about his day that we did I don't [ __ ] know I don't keep up with Virgil ablai I'm happy that they changed it though I'm happy for pop smoke I'm happy for his fans what is the 19 joint on the possum oh hell yeah mm-hmm this is gonna be I hope they all have the same beat that would be great I really hope that that would be awesome that's my favorite thing about this drill [ __ ] and I don't know anything about this drill [ __ ] but I know all the beats are similar and I like it yeah yeah yes the same type of pulse Annette Annette it forces you to just try to do something different over the same [ __ ] like at some point this is gonna get interesting yeah I can't wait to hear this I can't wait to hear this do we do we know uh anybody else is dropping this week uh-huh that's a good question I feel just kind of a lot this week all right next way it's like it's a 10th right is that front oh the 10th that's next right not this Friday this Friday is the third Saturday of July you guys have plans for July 4th we don't recognize that day anymore that's right do you guys have plans for the weekend no what do another cook outside it seems to be the team well we'll be guys everybody all right and well you invite the blacks invite the blacks if I mean Julia I'm sick of this [ __ ] yeah I want to come get a parks dog that's sick you know you got a special name when he throws hot dogs on the grill the park see I guess on July 4th you're supposed to do like hamburgers and hot dogs I don't think I'm gonna do that song and we got good weather this weekend but I don't have any plans I don't plan on making any plans I would have dipped down back to uh dip back down to Florida if the holes didn't infested out of control had control I could I could towel that is [ __ ] into hookah tell you that's how this [ __ ] has spread that apart spread in man if you look at Texas hookah hookah town yeah Florida who-who's town they just closed LA down whose [ __ ] doing but you don't think hookahs you use the other load tin that you go home do what you blend smokers it's actually just fastest shingle mouth to miss the hookahs telling you it's the hookahs the hookah kind of makes oh it's not the weed that you guys know for all Sharon - yes hoses them too then [ __ ] we use it for them hookahs yeah Stu Lucas if you gonna say that then I need you to hear llevado take I don't have not watched it oh and I don't know I'm good I'm okay the fourth couple yeah that comes out you know the order Joe is glued today let me tell y'all right now oh yeah Hey hey come on [ __ ] speaking in tongues I'm just oh I'm just so confused man this is all what is I am I am glued you're confused my love of this show of course looks like this looks like a spoof of like reality shows so you don't believe in their marriage she grabbed a [ __ ] elbow and walked in the house I believe in love or I do do you believe in their marriage I don't believe in marriage boot camp is what I don't believe okay as marriage part of the boot camp part uh more the boots boots okay when does this air gel Thursdays oh so right day before yeah I'm free I'm available [Laughter] still look like her up though you know I'm definitely yeah this looks like a spoof man all the photos are in this names the white side that's love man not what you say like that I get it Joe yeah this right let's love I'm happy for them what days again Joe Thursdays okay all o'clock whatever o'clock it is I will be all right come on man let's talk about something important either one of you three gentlemen feel free to tell me about a time where you fed a woman I'm sorry like physically put the food humma yeah I want to hear about it walk me through it a few days ago well your normal thing I don't think so I want to hear more about that what was the moment well it was in groups did a big fork nose you put the whole fork in the mouth state your [ __ ] throat food fall off the fork was it not sexy now you gotta go Bernie smooth you gotta go knock did she say while you keep getting me in trouble in this [ __ ] pocket but you set the [ __ ] up okay my bad how about that talk okay my bad how do I get your drill with us in that damn I says so uh when you don't say you should stop you know all the [ __ ] that I bring up this talk about repro you'd be like you know what I don't think that's important okay that type stuff did field for lost of us 15 questions once a fork did she say I was cooking yes I think a woman was in there but you go about 95 percent they don't stab reload your for the fork in her more was it a spoon he meets the fork or was and yeah you got a lean in a little bit so you know her how did you let her know you were about to feed her by your Lanen I did the fork with the hand on the thing give like that's the you know does she know what's coming yes it's romance it's the only thing she I cook didn't without like by hand didn't tell the rack of lambs at her they asked us to do everything up [ __ ] you get the fork you can eat I'm trying to eat right like you're sick or so are you sick are you dying I'll give you the soup if you're dying that's a this before get out I'll give that back yo sometimes is so great to get taken care of while you're sick then I'll just fake sick stomach hurts right nityo and my head I don't know what it is yes yeah yeah sleepover read the b-sides mother asleep mummy humming city is mine she reads off genius like a book and then Cameron said Oh Irene said [ __ ] I sleepover more talked about so get yourself a shirt yeah get yourself a shirt not those though not that what coward you know put the shirt on for them no don't parks are you are you a UH shorts are just straight to the big t-shirt I've learned my lesson on the shorts sometimes when you give them the big t-shirt it make it feel like you're doing mad extra work when you reach under for the massage and hit the shoulders mm because they know the t-shirt and that's a little bit of work you'll need the extra room as you come in from behind and go up to the shoulders I like the big t-shirt sometimes how do you feel if you have a girl over I was like a real supporter let's break down to break down how do you feel if you have a girl over and when she goes to use the bathroom she locks the door I don't have a door that [Laughter] is my bag by the way virgos are bigger intimacy and you don't get more intimate than that like if you no door on the bathroom no no no I have a dorm bathroom but if you and a bathroom like doing some private and I come in with just like an important conversation not if my seer no I could see why they would like to go after day yeah he might have come here and strike up a conversation my house you can see why they would lock don't think I can't pick a lock in my house no no you can pick your lock to have a conversation but you know she's coming out of the bathroom soon right though well it could be number two I don't know then I don't know doesn't mean you have to have a conversation I'm completely against conversations in the bathroom revolving the bathroom yeah piss on the floor no you should not do that oh she's not pissed myself I was going fine what is basely do there danger alert alerting I'm gonna protect us alerting us to something important all right come on that's the end of Rory's list of course no we didn't get into Chris Brown doing a key bump and then diem and Obama in all caps wait wait wait wait wait wait we didn't get it to that it's just slightly DM Obama I'm just drink the juice go ahead and then post it no DM and Obama in posting it is sick that's like when he went to the club to see if Karrueche was there with Duke no it's regular but he was dealing Michelle look how you talk to the president you know the 44 man so let's set up on march 4 fro how you not even proofread when you are deeming the president let's set up a March for change the whole world will be behind you I don't know you have all beat here I'm not marching they don't [ __ ] with me but the world will support you hey this is my favorite part I don't know you personally but we have the same heart brain and power to change the world for the better no publicity stunts even though I'm gonna post this a real March we have to start a smart loving for some reason compassionate was the only thing that isn't in all caps revolution and then he captioned it as you miss 100% of the shots you don't take now you know what Kris just started something I'm gonna demo Bhama tonight this is the wave now I'm gonna screenshot it and post it to my Instagram yeah I got something to play for y'all I forgot that I had this it's on my list over here that's all Dave I guess dave Issa was in the studio inside and he was off here we go rappy well that's what you do in the studio so sometimes you do other things but he was in there and he wrapped some [ __ ] and he was giving the fans a sneak peak giving him a little early exclusive taste of something and he played a little something and they've they've been killing this beat for the next at least the last four days so I just want to play it here I think Dave was cooking but I mean the beat I just wanna play it for you you had a rice dog I don't know did Cassidy produce this the Joker you let it play that was it you can't catch it now Dave caught it you hear the pocket it lands on the three and the seven clap on the - alright let me just say this I think if we hear the beat oh no no because I feel like we thought we played all the defeat oh now here now with a gunshot yes snare use the guns there yeah I don't I don't know about that one you just missed the turn around I'm mister what the turn around okay that's all I missed Oh got you yeah yeah threw you off Ozarks season for extended final season 14 episode 2 hype the final this is the final one yeah yes the drug game has to come to an enema yeah I like I'd like I'm a fan of ending good like series and shows before it starts getting - yep like horny yep cut it while it's hot yeah I'm a fan of that huge that I'm a fan of that this was a good call this the last season I'm not mad yeah I'm not mad at this one kerbs coming back as well I saw that type of [ __ ] yeah are we angry that ozark ends at four seasons it seems like they had so many different places that they could go at the end of last season yeah but I'm cool like I said it cuz then it might get to like unreal it look there's five thirteen reason I'm cool it's all right they gave us a good good for four seasons yeah I'm not I'm not sure power this one I'm not sure when this is a when this is supposed to be released but it's exciting I'm glad I'm all caught up I'll tell you to ask my [ __ ] um what else is going on what else is important in the universe let's see Terry Crews once I buy Terry Crews No yeah not particularly but why not let's get into the tweet I'll pull up the Terry Crews tweet Terry Crews you got to shut the [ __ ] up man honestly you have to just stop talking I don't know why you're ignoring the out cries of the black community if you Terry Crews says if you are a child of God you are my brother and sister nothing wrong there I have family of every race creed and ideology all right could I ended the tweet there yeah yeah but he went on we see who's we we must ensure black lives matter doesn't morph into black lives better all right I'll go first how you go from matter to messenger a mess against walls contract but cook yeah I'll go first well give him the maggoty I've never met this dude I don't know what type of guy is if we just go for tweets but I think that he what he thinks in his head and in his heart I just don't think he knows how to word it or say it correctly because I understand what he's alluding to like he's trying to say that he loves everybody and he which is font which is great if you're a child of God God teaches that everybody is equal so he's right in that but I don't think that nobody is he doesn't understand that nobody is saying that black lives are better than anybody so that's why that last part is like but who is thinking that and who was trying to morph it into that so it's like I think that you know me is just I'm not go City to say he's a bad guy [ __ ] Terry Crews and cancel Terry I'm not gonna scream that he's a bad [ __ ] Terry Crews and cancer Turk you know you never met the guy I don't see the bad guy I don't need can't do that that's wrong you can't say somebody's a bad person I'm not I'm not I'm not so holistic I'm not never wrong they can be wrong from me okay [ __ ] him like some some people I don't wish to entertain I don't wish to learn more about like when you make your position clear that's just kind of who it is with me like everybody act surprised every time Trump do some racist [ __ ] oh [ __ ] II tweeted something with a saying white power uh yeah that's who the [ __ ] is that's how he keeps telling you is every every chance he get he gets that off that's what he's campaigning to these people like I'm not shocked about it nor do I want to meet them and kick it about it Terry Crews is the same to me black lives matter put in black lives matter and black lives better and the same sentence says that you have your ill versed on what black lives matter stands for representing is about that's what that says okay we have to make sure black lives matter don't morph into morph and that's way more than that for them to morph into [ __ ] we still protesting so they can arrest the murderers of Brianna Taylor rest in peace morph morph means change hey Wayne scene change morph into black lives better it's insulting and in a more patient like this [ __ ] a [ __ ] idiot man him Jason Whitlock Candice Owens when she's not idiot but this [ __ ] here come on man come on we have to make sure who is we who are you speaking for not only their first two sentences your first two sentences said that you you exotic and mixed first two sentences save you a child to God we brothers and sisters and I have family from every race creed ideology and species so who the [ __ ] are you speaking for everybody I did this thing I him I'm done with Terry Crews I'm done I think I think he just does have to make sure [ __ ] you make sure I can say something real offensive now but I won't you got some other things to make sure about but my thing is nobody is trying to morph it into black lives better though think that's why I just don't understand that hard multi even echo it is nonsensical not get it but it's just like who's that's not what people are saying or trying to go read he should go read and do some research on the last 600 years here no one that knows anything about it believed that we're attempting to make black lives better than anyone else all right the fight continues to be for equal footing ground equal playing ground and that oppression in the private private prison system not the [ __ ] what else - redlining the police - [ __ ] like I don't have to be banking I don't have to do this I don't have to do this you know you just know yeah you know Terry Crews shut the [ __ ] up what's the show he does doesn't matter just go do it whatever show you do just go cone your ass and do it have a blast but him Stacy - so she's still doing [ __ ] oh she's gonna disappear I don't [ __ ] know I don't keep up with the - a what in lyrica we got to stop bringing this up you are more excited more pull your list up pull your list up give me your [ __ ] all right which I rather be an infinity stone or Thanos just just answer the question you just follow me Wow what's it like to be let's go in this play let me Veracruz the mere fact that you would know let me run this play would you rather be infinity snow and Latinos I don't know what it's like to be a stone see here's the thing you as a man you have to know when you're an infinity stone or if you're Thanos right breakdown the size McGee to science right now see in life right women will here we go women will find men that have great qualities right right so women part of dating is they'll meet guys and then it doesn't work out with you but the certain things they love about you that when they meet a new guy they want to see some of that in him but more right so they will see more than one still more than one stone so what women do is and no kidney stones they date until they have all the stones they know who they know they know who the guys they want to ultimately end up with they take all the stones in a day life and and then no that's not me right they take they take see you might be a stone thin line see you now your [ __ ] is opening up never like you knew you knew it wasn't it's the truth though so are you a stone or are you a nose Alex man you got to put the uh you and save on with the Joe Budden pod [ __ ] back in my phone so I could fence the to the girls to block me the ones that treated you like a stone stone B Thanos I'm not the stone life sound I she's gonna get away from me for a while but then at some point you have to be things will come things just meet the woman that can give you all of that alright parks put up this new rush song with cream what do you think you did do this what do you think this party of oysters Russ his eyes open he's Wu just joined the aluminum Russ improve every record there's dope we'll play it now then he's back tonight an independent I thought he's been an independent 100 me you know how artists go back and forth may have been 72% he's 100 like let me go get a bag I don't see it anymore yeah yeah let me promise they get that [ __ ] I wanted to play it because Russ was doing his best Joe Budden impersonation on that song oh [ __ ] there we go no one would notice it but Joe Budden of course I'm you all right in that I'm I bet some type of what you now one thing I'm clever which Joe hurt you are right in and you bum yes nobody I'm done with you more I got it so nobody pulled their list that we've done with malls list please do this I got more which I want to talk about the stones man are you a stone I thought it was an interesting conversation see worry now you hear I'm what you look at Joey not talking about the benefits in India style he's not Thanos Thanos ain't never sit indian-style well we got next oh let's talk about the Girl Scouts of America Girl Scouts do you know whoa whoa y'all know that the Girl Scouts meal is ready seriously think about this Girl Scout has been making about it listen they have been making seven hundred million dollars a year since 1999 just for cookies cookies think about that those girls don't get paid it's seasonal true that is why you're making almost a billion dollars a year for the last 20 years or for one season and they don't pay their workers just want some water [ __ ] other you like you like the oils see like the Thin Mints really they were good yes there were 700 million dollars says they were [ __ ] amazing you sound like act now the numbers don't tell me it's relevant my G now you're selling cookies making seven hundred million dollars a year for 20 years I sold everything at little sweatshop let me say that with cute how much ina does how much did you sell as a kid Rory how much did you sell it's not seven hundred million a day no but just what did I was cows I sold Boy Scout cookies how did you sell Girl Scout there was no Boy Scout Cruise [Music] [Laughter] on the corner I got a boy standing on the corner would you make what you make of the blackmail or use climate no of you I'm a black man in this line to be one no I sold the McDonald's bars oh that's the first time you talk with me somebody [ __ ] with me this whole block fed from the girls and I was a boy I so married that's okay so Mary Kay yes America oh my god Avon I don't think I throw everyone I never saw Yvonne that's some funny [ __ ] yeah I sold sour powers but now you was just going to the store stealing [ __ ] and you you know what they don't on a train I was going to the store and buying a bunch of candy and selling it in school and so I didn't feel like schooling anymore but would you like upselling it though like was it oh yeah yeah yeah yeah I respect I respect the hustle 59 and ask about me Queens okay they know about you at the boys wait what dr. Dre's wife Nicole young fouls for divorce after 21 years of marriage is what it says in big bold black font and then under that says he's worth $1 million and they don't have a prenup in who I love more ball will read something big black father wait you wait you serious I don't know nothing about that first of all but can I see your phone you want to see if Twitter on it no I don't want to go to Twitter anyone go to my technique you know I want to type in different words look at my text messages oh no and I'm not you can't do that just give me two words no no why no no I'll give it right back no no no I won't say not no there I promise no you can do mine no I don't want to do you I don't want to see I don't want to see what you'll be doing in your phone call me daddy on the time line when you left I showed it to the fellow since you didn't believe that's where it counts on the time line for the world to see yeah professing her daddy isms I could see more yeah when we go in public I don't know are you gonna do I don't know we're gonna do a reveal I think that's a big party or commitments you that you can't find a chick that double go public with you she doesn't want to go public yeah you don't believe that you don't believe that you have yet to finally your heart you believe that you've never you believe as me say yo nah I believe that it's never happened oh no that part is a fact so I did so I but you think that's the fact you think it's because of I think that you're not I don't know she wants to keep it a secret maybe it ain't happened now you just talking you don't believe that you don't believe first of all you don't believe that me me you know me that a woman didn't that wanted to go public and I was like nah nah you know that's how I get down like nah man I don't know anything aside from a woman has yet to go public with you that is where the sentence and okay we got that but you saying you think it's because of her yeah she doesn't want to be public yeah you don't believe that I think that and and I think all of us complete that when chicks want to go public they'll throw the little feeler out there to the audience or they know they're not even tell you they've some of them have done it before they've done it to you just in wrong tensou just do probably just don't know me a little give me a little example of that little hint they threw out there posted hizmet posted his Rolex on a story oh just the jewelry on the on the bit somebody's right now I'm will say John leg somebody tried that not deleted the picture I can't believe my baby JT let who's he do like that you got to coz now you have to defend our honor really like JT no I don't you got a thing for I don't you do I don't you do tell me you I hear what you're saying I'm telling you you do I'm telling you I don't I saw what he did to you and you don't have to live like that just trust me for easy didn't work maybe a pistol will Oh bring it back no we good we good we are perfectly fine oh oh don't go back to that screen man I didn't see that I didn't even know JT who's who's he's kind of ill for retweeting that with that emoji of the tongue out emoji yes you should [ __ ] that dog ass [ __ ] forever I mean it toxic ass [ __ ] angry emoji and who's he put the tongue face emoji on the retweet that's some sick [ __ ] pulled off in his Bugatti can't see over the steering wheel wait wait was she talking about no lose he pulled off I don't know she's talking about who's he apparently they were an item nobody knew that I know they kept it low they stay load and builded well it was destroyed low and tried to build it oh she did we told my old [ __ ] he and he's the new [ __ ] now no she's tumblr okay Jenny soon as I read her laugh all right I'm out of here that did it for you fam I'm not doing this with Ozzie I did with Bow Wow for a decade I'm not always easy around don't I don't know you do school and I'm saying last time I saw him I think the Brittany rennet chick was licking his face at a gas station I think slag I mean how about I'm just gonna get gas I'm not here to have my face licked you ever get that girl the girl that just want to be affectionate everywhere get off me you have to receive to receive a low you Aneta gas they said become Thanos let me watch the movie and get your tongue I like this part I know I like that part the tongue Oh me during a movie that's the best part yeah y'all gotta see me try to put something on when [ __ ] is getting intimate yo when you go see gonna slip into something more comfortable no you have to do it now don't slip up to death the comfortable now let me slip into my favorite wife beater this silk wife beater decide man we love you either way my silk wife beater no tell my music jackasses okay like when the TV is on but then her aggressive ass is trying to get it poppin so you don't want to [ __ ] to the news mmm that's fun try to grab your phone and hook to the Bluetooth and find a song there's too much going on I try to do it now you got the playlist ready on the phone yeah update a little lot do you have - are you on dispute I have to have sex with the music plan no I don't have to but no but if I want it but when I want to time on I mots be one song no more you don't have to [ __ ] them you know oh my god I got sleepers I'm getting out of here hilarious actually now let me make sure that I have sleepers let me make sure nothing else is super important if they's we can stop stepping on my headphones she's a child yeah I ain't gonna hold you man well he's low weight liftin chicks man they doing it for me now to do what the weightlifters what about him like the bodybuilder do you want to be dominated like little DS let's just move on pull your list out Rory we did mom we weight at 126 I don't even care I don't care what happens yeah I'll come here for the next 18 and just be silent let me see what else we got he really has a list some [ __ ] but if we never asked he would have never said just chilling in his phone come to me I'm ready let me know what we talked about um Oh Joe you bought a Big Sean doesn't day he was like Wee's Big Sean let's talk about you found him no I didn't find him but I Joe brought up an interesting he was like no where's he should we call him I'm not going I'm not going no I'm not I'm not I don't want to know where he is no but Joe you know you ain't a valley he was like yo so would Big Sean I thought we answered that I think he want to put his album out then Corona hit and he too got low I wouldn't put that [ __ ] out during the time Oh so listen let me read this really quick for you idiots out there that want to keep dancing on tick-tock here's some guide it says so I reverse engineered the app and feel confident in stating that I have a very strong understanding how the app operates tik-tok is a data collection service that is thinly veiled as a social network if there's an api to get information on you your contacts or your device well they're using it phone hardware CPU type number of course Hardware IDs screen dimensions all these initials I don't know what they mean other apps you have installed everything network related whether or not you rooted your rooted or jailbroken some variants of the app had GPS pinging enabled at the time roughly once every 30 seconds this enabled by default if you eat if you ever location tag a post iirc whatever that means I don't know they set up a local proxy server on your device for transcoding media but that can be abused very easily as it has zero authentication or and my sender and authentication yeah this looks funny right here the scariest part of it all is that much of the logging they're doing is remotely configurable and unless you reverse every single one of their native libraries have fun reading all that assembly assuming you can get past their customized Fork of OAL LVM again I don't know what that means and manually inspect every single a few suffuse what is this phew skated I don't know this word okay every single app whew skated function they have several different protections in place to prevent you from reversing or debugging the app as well that behavior changes slightly if they know you're trying to figure out what they're doing I want to know Oh everything said so far has been ill they're also there are there's also a few snippets of code on the Android version that allows for the downloading of a remote zip file unzipping it and executing said binary there's zero reason a mobile app would need this functionality legitimately the scariest part of all this is that much of the logging they're doing is remotely configurable and is remotely configurable and unless you reverse every single one of their native library I did read this I did it let me go ahead on top of all of that they weren't even using HTTPS for the longest time they leak users email addresses in their HTTP REST API as well as their secondary emails used for password reset don't forget about users real names and birthdays - it was all publicly viewable a few months a few months ago if you mi TM the application basically is mad weird funny [ __ ] going on on tik tok the same [ __ ] we've known for a while Iran Iran has banned the use of tick tock hmm I think mostly except surprise doing a lot of that [ __ ] yeah oh yeah that's why I wanted to read the end of this because this to me is not exclusive to just stick tock yes they provide users with a taste of virality to entice them to stay on the platform your first tick tock pulse will likely gone are quite a bit of likes regardless of how good it is assuming you get past the initial moderation queue if that's still a thing most users end up chasing the dragon oh there's also a ton of creepy old men who have direct access to children on the app yeah I got that here we go here's the thing though they don't want you to know how much information they're collecting on you this is the part where I think it opens up and it's just applicable to all these of streamers they don't want you to know how much information they're collecting on you and the security implications of all that data in one place and masts are [ __ ] huge they encrypt all of the analytics requests with an algorithm that changes with every update at the very least the keys change just so you can't see what they're doing they also made it so you cannot use the app at all if you block communication to their analytics host off host off at the DNS level for what it's worth I've reversed the Instagram Facebook Reddit and Twitter apps they don't collect anywhere near the same amount of data that tik-tok does and they sure as hell aren't outright trying to hide exactly what's being sent like tick tock is hmm I don't know that man I haven't checked any of that and I don't reverse engineer but all that sounds about correct I think all these apps are doing a lot of this [ __ ] work well we've been knew that uh tick tock was a little sketchy little funny yeah we knew that yeah never never even look at a brick well her never been on that so Facebook loses seven billion dollars so seven billion seven Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy Billy up yep yeah people down a bunch of a bunch of major corporations pulled out of advertising on Facebook they say under the guise of them not differentiating between like hate speech and false information as much who knows if that's true it might just not be fruitful for them so there's using that as a reason yeah it's interesting all the same I could see that but I could see them using the current climate to be like oh hey we're not giving you any money anymore for me it's just about sucking Zuckerberg and Facebook feeling like you're the king of the castle being on a pedestal not realizing the legs that have you there or the hands that are holding you up right oh and feeling like you're invincible when you're worth that much you do feel that way you don't realize that in an instant [ __ ] can be different and an instant [ __ ] can change seven billion dollars quickly in a day when you could lose seven billion and be fine still have many of them family didn't even notice that seven left Wow what's the name uh Netflix is moving two percent of its cash to black owned banks and one hundred million out of focus so that well really yeah I also do a series on cap I believe I like that here they're doing a scripted series called black and white cat this is Netflix and that this is not cap and Ava Duvernay Zog I think it is yeah notice definitely yep shut out the Netflix yeah they've been working on this for a while don't know I believe so yeah like years I want to say yeah the princess stayed in tick tock have teamed up to make the legendary musicians catalog available on a service one tick tock yeah what is tick tock data collections yeah it's stealing identities and then we're gonna throw some cool editing and filters to flare it up for you so you give us some more of your information who owns Prince's estate I don't know I'm not a clue you could look it up though I think they have Purple Rain and select theaters again oh yeah theaters are open they were not here like in the middle of the country gotcha yeah nothing's happening here Master P's getting docu-series I'm beat see that should be pretty dope yes anything like that all I like that I like the uh you know bTW Rough Rider series to No Limit series if that's gonna be their back I'm with it that'll be awesome would love to see it yeah I don't have anything else here that I need to discuss no no all right Saturday I can talk about a Dave port and we're bar stool calling everybody a [ __ ] no sorry not my god Dave he didn't do that yeah he's not our guy don't work he's not gonna win Wow Wow boy wow wow wow I was disappointed to be man nest disappointed won't say that I'm surprised very nasty and then it was a BSO scandal that rocked the Internet this weekend yeah yeah what was that that was all with their founder I thought I forgot his name but being he was being creepy and sexually explicit to his female co-workers or employees rather in group chats at that yeah oh yeah he was he being funny it was it was sick um so I get more in depth with that oh yeah I thought that was pretty interesting that what did they have Kentucky's Attorney General running around running around celebrating his engagement to this white woman while Brianna Taylor is uh not here yes nuts I thought that was interesting I don't have anything on it but I certainly don't want to stare at a picture of him smiling can we move that can we move Daniel Cameron thanks done with Daniel Cameron all right gentlemen I don't think I have anything else y'all don't really sound like going apart anymore and I'm done with malls lists so oh I got I got it I got a hole eyes okay that's fine let the people wait okay all right hope everybody has a good week good weekend all of that good [ __ ] man thank everybody for listening keep us in your prayers lord knows we need to be there till the next time I wish you a what I wish you you bet you better do but you know wish [ __ ] [ __ ] until next time I bid you would do I wish you fear well hasta LaVista adios arrivederci so long goodbye I wish your [ __ ] would you can put your list away now remember life is a series of moments and moments pass so let's make this one last as if it's all that we have y'all hold it down good pop man I'm gonna [ __ ] out here
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 370,804
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Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2020, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, jadakiss vs fabolous, jadakiss vs fabolous live, jadakiss, fabolous, jadakiss faboulous, snoh aalegra, summer walker, kanye west, bet awards 2020, bet awards recap, bet awards reaction, Freddie Gibbs vs Akademiks, tik tok
Id: x2EWUD4H44g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 128min 18sec (7698 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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