The Joe Budden Podcast Episode 357 | The Stems (Full Episode)

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[Music] [Laughter] that's dog where we at episode 357 of the JB people fluff is going on out there I'm your humble gracious grateful and highly favored whole show button here with a few of my nearest and dearest brother Mallis here brother parks is here brother Rory is here brother Erikson is here Cory is here as dog is here Alex dog is here Simone dog is here and rim dog is here no don't do that again all right all right we are here how's everybody doing after you get out door j4 doing [ __ ] out to our spot that was crazy I mean that was as opposed to what you just did I did that joke in front of a park having a conversation with another adult person started barking mid conversation yeah he started sound like an adult conversation and then all we call that that whole gang was hitting me yo I'll break down the barking fam fam trust me I'm okay trust me up y'all [ __ ] bark Oh hit me like yo is kind of disrespectful that you know y'all said that it was like some violence with yo if you new to this podcast we never mean to disrespect you even though we will well sometimes we mean to disrespect people I don't I mean no malice I do sometimes the malice is just gonna come just on the strength yeah but I don't mean it most times like I would like to disrespect those police officers that murdered all those innocent black people across the country [ __ ] them this is all disrespected talk shot - [ __ ] from half court so sometimes we disrespect people on purpose the other side when Steve Adams made that full court shot even you - no I don't but even in that parks I totally real what you saying it for me that's not malicious is factual okay like I don't mean evil in reporting this this is just evil so [ __ ] [ __ ] because it's evil right but no I'm not coming here to make you evil you did that yeah I'm not I'm not taking it ah I want to fight one of these [ __ ] but I can't say it cuz our platform is only one of these [ __ ] up oh where we at where we at what are we saying south on Spotify listenership shout-out to our YouTube viewer ship shout-out to all the women listeners shout out to the women that ignore [ __ ] but they're checking the engagements checking engage she know what you doing out there impression job running analytics ignoring a guy but no one and it's the new I'm googling that's out chicks know well how much Jamal Adams is me hey you see Jamal this is one of those moments that's opportunistic for us to go to the next level you [ __ ] talk to that girl before why you think we laughed and agreed that was that was in like Sonos how did you feel it comes with the territory now you know what it is kind of like listen to it you like okay but it's a little bit of you like there and that's fly that we talking about this no that's flies I think some some of the reason that you do that is because to be relatable I think I don't know you saying fly about the trade or about how much I make it yeah we told in sports oh [ __ ] like damn you know Jamal its unhappy that's like it's another comment I thought you were saying no she googled his net worth he's not happy with the defensive coach like why you awareness practice shorts why are you telling me this you told me you listen I don't know but Adam GaSe has to go you got it listen what else am I saying Spotify YouTube rest in peace Brianna Taylor of course rest of course rest in peace of mind are very rest in peace George Floyd gone but not forgotten who else am i shouting out our central workers still everybody everybody that's just opening up definitely rest in peace to pop smoke I saw I saw his audition tape that floating around I'm sure that some of yours yeah I saw as someone that's going on auditions boy he was real good he was he was good I'm not saying that because he's pop smoke and it's cool to say he that was great did you read the New York Times article which one the Bill Simmons ones no no the pop smoke one Oh talked about this entire audition Sabin how he was blown away no I wanted to I wanted to reread Discovery Times article pop smoke I am going to read definitely worth the read rest in peace pop smoke rest in peace Nipsey Hussle rest in peace juice world rest in peace ex ex ex and extent C on press this Elisha McCain yeah oh my god I that was sick and I get a paper towel I'm sweating profusely take off your Balenciaga hat oh oh when I'm having sex and I start sweating on top are going together and feeling loo I'm shining over the top of you [ __ ] alright where would you gentlemen like to begin today you say you want to start a home accord Oh doo doo doo doo just look at this thing you don't even know the core you don't even know don't what is he doing the last time we did homie what is he I mean I thought we did long you saw me you know it maybe it's been like 300 because I never get watch to it how would I know it's you of course come on we just gonna keep talking you fish your little white nose in there and figure it out long order I thought we use law no law and order after we've been suppressing my Olivia take for weeks and you've been trying to get that off there you go there you go I got you ladies and gentlemen because I'm not I'm not familiar with this court because I don't come here yo that's why I dad know with this current times white privilege Astoria PD reopen the case reopen this old case on Rory Farrell charges is crazy disrespecting his bestie not being aware of his bestie not being besties with his bestie not acting in love with his bestie going to bed on his besties all bridge it's all net Rory Rory Rory never got he was cooking I was letting him kill me I can cook Acapulco Joe I mean the horns the kickin Streamy all I've lost you can't just throw that in stream it but why and I saw you over the week yeah you did you lo screenshot the same way you kill me for it school but it was him so II don't know when you put some love that's even more hipster that's for Hannah swag defend my honor don't tell me you asked me what happened why are we homies quarter I'm here to argue today about everything like anything y'all say I want to argue the other side the hands full now no I'm getting a head bag damn he said he got evidence that proves otherwise mmm what you gonna do now let's present the case okay three years ago today it's not even true but when you say that yeah adds intensity to the story it was overcast yeah three years ago today Rory myself mall parks went out performed in front of a live audience afterward we went to celebrate at a gentlemen's club from a strip club after we tore down a theater this this I see a service theatre this was for gentlemen only that was us right we went there I went back to the hotel but yeah no you was there morning though that's why you imagine more reason for me to fight you [Laughter] came to the mall went to the hotel to sleep alone of course without question me nobody there no reason he would not go out and have fun with us no sleepy fatigued we had a show the next day mall wanted to prepare for so he could not say anything we go out of jokes together we go out to the gentlemen loads together I'll speed this up I pervade the room I pervade the room what do I see let me tell you Ericsson having the time of his life first time I ever see all these drunk s dog s dog lamping in romancing boys back of my one in the bottle I bought in his head you know doing that [ __ ] he do doing that [ __ ] he do and after s dog got glance and I seen a [ __ ] who the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] yeah I'm just a man [Laughter] man weird man but when I looked at him he was looking at me smiling so I'm like oh this must be my do ya got missing me before yeah man right here to get us man anyway long story short at the end of the night after all of us have spent our money and ate our meals and it's time to leave who is the difficult person getting them to exit out of this gentlemen's club you guessed it Duke småland Duke smiling but we smelled so we kind of got a connection right so now I'm trying to get him out get him out of here safely and it was a whole debacle it was nasty man it's not something I wanted any parts in and lo and behold injection more injection objection your honor he is leading the witnesses right now hmm there is lying happening right now denied full-blown lying there you've got it let live meeting the witnesses yeah but in my opening argument I didn't lie it has this is now we got to get through this yeah we don't have time for stands and opening closing statements I object deny objection denied I never agreed he was a judge Cory I want to wrap this at 30 coordinates you know Corey's gonna go at it Clark's is gonna agree with you no matter what and Cory's gonna agree with you never wanna hear exotics Indonesia - you're done kiddo you're black you have [ __ ] he keeps on am I'm just like a white man no it's over everyone views you a certain way now and this is the overall consensus but I'm always on my side with your pre-production multi-touch long story less long this gentleman is Rory's man Rory's man's in them that's in there just having a bland before of course okay that's what I was objecting to were to leading the jury aka our listeners you have met this gentleman point met so many gentlemen so hoarse I've met so many gentlemen so many times I'm just trying to show you don't be you're not a credible witness don't be like the women that met my mom and think we're connected damn my mom was coming over regardless minibike yeah I don't even want y'all to sniff each other yeah yeah yeah Rory sorry about that buddy just the man Rory's man ended up with me responsible for him having to get home okay I need something to do I didn't responsible okay I didn't respect that yeah responsibility right so what did I do I hid the group chat and said yo this is what's going on and know what I got back you guessed it and lol from all only because I knew some [ __ ] - which peeved me right way more than I was already peeved I think we all followed up with all of us everyone then continued to laugh and make a mockery of my situation only because I know that you were real friend damn I'm only here for a verdict to me the jury should have deliberated and been done by now Rory do you have a counter-argument I was waiting I was done you nuts doing a life that is not so gentlemen and ladies of the jury jury of my peers what say you guys that that is nuts to go out with your man leave your man hung drunk in the club while you go to bed in a four to five star hotel bed and then when your man tells you that it's your man that's still bugging out blacking out and can't walk you say lol right okay and that man that was a black man I'm grounded right now if I'm lying I'm flying what say you yeah what's you a black man he treated that way mm-hmm and in DC the nation's capital with all that's going on they talked the city yeah how is he different than no name I don't know answer for himself me and no name now you gotta answer to the culture for that hmm let's answer through the culture a gentleman that you knew but that was my men I brought him there ring that is my responsibility if he does some dumb [ __ ] it's not on him it's on me I brought that gentleman to the club in fact anything that happens with this gentleman is my responsibility sounds like that is okay can we all agree there can the court agree there that's Estella so we're throwing this the honorable thing you don't even have to waste the money on this case yeah you agree the original charges which you you were bad explained in the beginning was nasty moving behavior is what I what I was guilty of a charge you're presenting Joe from is important that you state the charge nasty it says okay okay nasty behavior okay this gentleman came with us to the club clearly clearly had way too much to drink without question he spilled a bottle of wine in the Sprinter if I recall probably he went from nasty - roar - roar - Escobar I'll let you get some elbow free-throw we've been working on this it was it was off the glass coach job the elbow okay I could clearly see that this gentleman was too drunk and I had seen in the past that this person gets drunk and let me take my free-throw person it was like a three all right all right so I I was a bit tired because I had been carrying your heartbroken ass through that whole tour so I was really tired from our show okay object relevant no you admitted on Twitter I kept all the evidence I object relevance my state at the time is relevant how to Rory leaving his man ass out drunk in the middle of DC streets of black man but you see I'm respectable and let you get your [ __ ] off family judge and by the way this is why I said this Court was already lopsided to Joe because they did not object anything the [ __ ] joke went over your head I'm the Jay College Oakes [Laughter] I'm on fire the jury has been I'll be quick I'll be quick we got off tangent I was tired I was ready to leave so I say you'll his name I said I'm about to leave how are you getting home I'll put you into over he said my girl is already on the way and coming here okay I said perfect I'll wait till she gets here so I walk this gentleman to the front of Stadium I put him in a car put his seatbelt on make sure his girl checks the mirrors make sure everyone loves transgender people I do all the things I do when I get in a car she said I'm taking him straight home I said great mm-hmm I then from outside a stadium call my uber and go back to my hotel mmm I text him and I say you hit me when you back I then go into my hotel room and go to sleep you know any of y'all gonna chime in to tell him how nuts he is he texts his drunk friend I've tried texting non-stop yeah you got a breach out you got to reach out to him to make sure he's okay text his drunk friend and went to bed you know cuz Joe was sober and sexing back here on the corner he was making sure his phones I though he was making sure he was good put put him safely in a car he's read listen it's 35 but you for heard both facts no no I'm not done yet oh he then gets in an argument with said girl 12 feet oh oh did you see the argument back my car can't move forward because we were blocked by traffic and then a man came to my vehicle and I opened it for him because he was partying with me and smiling oh he came back to this burner tell me he got no that's how I got him on oh and that's when I text the oh it wasn't 12 feet away it wasn't 12 feet away because I had already I had been back like I left my baby before use and gentlemen of the jury we have topics to actually get to 40 minutes and ladies and gentlemen of the jury can you deliberate and just let us know I don't think that Rory was nasty but he is ultimately responsible for bringing his nasty dough and safely put my friend in a car with a soul burger second-degree nasty your unintentionally oh nasty you didn't mean it you didn't plan it very nasty you still nasty all right okay it's not it's not what you presented I mean let me just let me just ask you with malice he took all the right there all right all the right steps let me just present a bar let me just quickly present a one little topic that was off the rim by the way that was bad I try to interrupt you because I knew what's going on let me present some Joe and I have known each other for a couple years a year a couple years now I've been drunk for a couple years seven months I have left I like him though 3/4 of Joe's house is drunk as [ __ ] and ubers with strangers where everything he's never texted me once I don't care about you who said he'd give oh yeah wouldn't I would say that oh there you go so it's over there case dismissed it sound like a case dismissed to me yeah so if I even if I did it's case dismissed you don't care about him he went above and beyond putting them in a car make sure he's good that's facts that's facts it's case dismissed either way [Music] death thank you cuz I know everyone in this room has pushed their friend in a car with a girl and didn't text them I know y'all I know y'all didn't do that he's everyone in his room is like he's not nasty I'm not nasty at all you know he's not nasty Joe just got mad which is understandable and then carry it on for them Jojo should be oh you are guilty of bringing homie they acted reckless that's a fact and Joe and I talked about that and I'm cool with that no I brought the drunk person that ended up making the night worse that's a fact well how do you feel about okay little probe for that one sure yeah but I've been had time served this happened three years ago yeah I'm not even gonna hold y'all every time told us every time I try to figure out what keeps people listening to this podcast one of y'all do something that makes me say oh that's it it makes sense now that's why right here who else but us that was a punch ladies and gentlemen if you could not send I thought first and last time listeners by the way shout out to everybody to have enjoyed that homey chord it was long I know Paulo people used to like front like they didn't punch in verses oh yeah that was that was that was Jay Paul to that one take [ __ ] every rapper tried that didn't know tried it not right not right their lyrics down it's funny lyrics to breathe yo we could speaking of breathe I saw what you tried we could we could spend a podcast on that yeah punchin no just the evolution of rapper vocals recording it yeah like think about it we touched on it before when it was like my era the overdoes next overdub era yeah but punch in when we were judging dudes for reading from their phones yeah yeah they went out quick cuz they were right yeah they were right like it's only [ __ ] me and Emma carrying around a composition book memorizing your lyrics I like that like especially your penmanship does your penmanship is really unique I told you it that to me that I got mad at my books I think that's that's that's a unique thing though like I don't think a lot of rappers still have their round books like that's a really unique thing ya know them just look like some type of art absolutely no sir I told you that years ago you have to keep your humble now back to me not knowing the value of this Cass Rory said hey parks come on let's hurry up and punch in so we can talk about fab and Jada and then mall said no Rory said let's start and then mall said yeah let's talk about how Jade is gonna smoke fat how fabulous smoked Jada's boots yes and then we all for baby all just ate it without his boots smoked and I loved it I don't want that I don't love jaded like you think the boots are eating small but it goes out like that I think so yeah I don't even think it's fair what he's got a mall what is your basis for saying that cuz often times on his podcast we give our opinion that were unqualified to give with no basis or foundation why do you think why do you use boot smoke other years of consistency some fat j-dub it's been consistent as well not as consistent as bad I don't think for longer no by the way you keep bringing that point up it doesn't matter in 20 records Jada could have had a two year career but if he has 20 records better it doesn't matter about that longevity [ __ ] that's a good point I'm sure they agree in totality give you a consistent for 20 years you have 20 records you could be consistent for five and have 20 records yeah so you you proved my point quite the opposite if you're consistent you'll have records that's what some people are to have a good three or four or five years and might have 20 crazy records I got something that happens to Nelly and 50 didn't have the longest runs in the scope of things but had the biggest runs for me fab should lose this why because anywhere that fab can pull from Jada pulls from plus and let me explain you what I mean for if fab gets into his arm be back Jada has a very potent R&B behavior that I keep saying is not acknowledged for Jadakiss this is definitely one let me just finish rap you finished I never thought we would see this battle yeah neither I never thought this has been a shocker at all that we will never ever in doctor we've heard this battle conversation let me but let me finish my point his upper hand on anybody would be mixtapes that's not your upper hand with Jadakiss though I doubt that either one of them will get their j2 mic cuz [ __ ] done started something started on the mixtape you know he might get into that back it's a and and this is where I give Jada the might this is where finality sets in Jada is pulling from a group catalog as well as a solo catalog that's why I was saying it wasn't fair he's pulling from the locks so when I played it out in my head I had I had fat maybe edging him so low listen Jada is able to play [ __ ] you he's also written a lot of big records for puff he's also bad boy it's also featured on Reservoir Dogs 24 hours to live like his featuring his posse cuts when he plays the ex posse cuts that's why I just that's where I see the separation happening at not in their solo careers not in longevity these are two monsters to me but Jada Jada for all of our flack or flat toward Jada what's the flector Jada he's never made a classic yeah but yes some close to classic albums and well even if he does not have close to classic albums he has too many classic songs yeah like in different genre Celia said R&B he's got like Street classics mixtape classes we're gonna make it as a point you [ __ ] done started something is a point all for the love is a point made you look is a point like and again this is without me looking at a cheat sheet right I'm not searching yeah he can he complete I don't know that you can play biggie last bite Benjamin's is a point like I don't know the the guaranteed points for fab that's what it we're boils down to for me okay the guaranteed points so you got you got Jaden winning this I I don't know I don't know I'd be wrong a lot but I go Jada I'm taking Jada I'll take that it's too much in that early there has like smashes that Jada might not tell me what fair plays when knock yourself out comes on now I don't do that that would even be the one I would I'm know I'm asking I'm just I'm off the top of the head room I'm nice I can't breathe breathe is a point I go with brief but see that's my point mall my aunt the closest thing I get to to a guaranteed point for fab is brief there little more and if against knock yourself out well its records breathe is the record they're breaking I don't mean I don't really care what Jadakiss plays brief should be a point but if if case counters that Quran Newman's comes on not thinking about breathe nah cuz I think I know you saying that I agree with you that Jada's arm be bag is good but if they get into that arm be brake fab is winning that portion like Jada doesn't have a so into you he doesn't have a trade at all he's like but that's what me what a so end to you you make me better throw it in the bag throw it in the bag remix listen this is my record I don't know if AB is gonna play this not I think if he stays an R&B knows gonna be where that gets his points I don't know if AB plays this but I don't know if he does it be early now listen to me early if somehow this turns into a b-side battle it won't it won't it won't but if it does I hope to go 40 instead of 20 or 30 what can fab play against kisses beanie sigel disses I'm not sure they'll come on honey well but they won't that's why I said like he's got the street classics the mixtape classic so kisses it's just gonna be tough yeah it's just gonna be tough if anybody can beat kiss just fat what other matchup that's a great matchup I just think kiss has too much to pull from that's not just him when you talk about the features he's been on those are classic Reservoir Dogs are classic and out totally outside of that point Rory don't fam have a new baby coming congratulations to fab you know I was really key you're not trying to kill you gotta kill anybody I don't have kids but anybody with a kid coming in you not trying to kill trying to love you thinking love love in life oh I didn't know that congratulations to fat yeah that's great oh and a girl as well amazing beautiful beautiful oh this is it what what is this battle happening I think did Monday right why is it interesting I like Monday do you I love Monday Monday is a perfect day oh yeah listen Monday night mixtape Monday is the top of the week I actually gave y'all something Saturday sit on this on a weekday New York New York hand me my Pelle Pelle jacket this is what it is this is the energy famine kiss is not Saturday night energy to me this Monday night mixtape weekday week night grab your phone you know what the [ __ ] is happening right now that don't usually drink dark liquor on a Monday but Becks and turn up on these eggs like watermelon Beck's and I think people is out kind of outside now so the weekends aren't the same they were during let's go put the real corn says like people will be outside on Saturday all these [ __ ] looking at me when nice and chained I got dough I let a price lay on your brain I smoked nice tracer nage to watch this battle but I don't want to see I don't want to hear no young [ __ ] no young [ __ ] ain't that's why I'm Ravis game kid ain't got no prize so went up with the EPA I talk about blow dry let's go I thought without your blow dryers go to your heads so you just wrap that I need to get that one come on man yeah this is gonna be this is ruff ruff this is New York yeah let me see a fabric answer the phone and probably won't miss flex was out but this this might this may end up being my favorite one just all part of their catalogs okay we suppose it's fat as a doe and this is New York come on fab oh this is a bow this is my demo come on come on give us something I don't like the third round only I'll stay on after if they're real you know like that Oh fab guess what I'm a caucus I was gonna say I can try to call Jade oh no vertigo don't five rings me that's embarrassing yeah I'm gonna get some eye on his phone I'm a cross twist next so Joe Jadakiss this is Joe Budden from the Joe Budden podcast how you doing buddy going on brother like oh man I'm excellent good to hear from you King I hope all as well kiss was good all this beautiful my brother listen Monday night you versus fab yeah I thought this would never happen I thought this would never happen I'll be honest with you but you want to smoke that [ __ ] right so true yeah yeah I'm coming I'm coming with the machetes out when is [ __ ] you know when is [ __ ] done started something coming on with the game plan that I got it might come with the second tip I'm here to control the narrative so you know we know you got a lot of billboard features so we thought it we thought to make sure yo are you gonna play all what's the pasta cut on exit second album and it's the last question I have about what you'll play no no not 24 hours to live that's bad boy I'm done my off blackout yes oh my god that's that [ __ ] is that in your arsenal you're thinking about that no gonna do with that one I like a lot of people in the world like you know that I got I got some kind of song hey I just said that no I mean that's my that's my like thing that a lot of people don't think I got features or big features or girl songs up I got a nice also listen the should be nice this whole room is things that you may be victorious with the exception of one of us I'll let that person chime in well why do you think fab is gonna be victorious against Jadakiss I think oh no I think that fab just has the more note the records that are more notable like people know more fabric that's all yeah you got a school right you gonna learn that uh Monday yeah okay yo kiss do not get a healthy green juice from Stiles that day I need a cigarette in your hand nothing healthy fit for Monday no I'm gonna do st. corbi kiss I don't know what he gonna do with Reservoir Dogs come on I don't know kiss I don't know I don't know I'll be there I'll be glued to it I love you thank you for sharing with us my food as always or things over I'm slipping Joe send me some another hit me you know hit me on the hit me on the head it's okay forgot about this wait wait hey listen before I before I go you will be you will be sadly mistaken if we do not hear when you let me anything on the R&B side kiss got right at Ibish RB records listen not more than fab can't even answer the phone much he doesn't want to talk to you let's call now I'm leaving this affair I'm leaving this affair machine come on come on voicemail no no I know what I want to do send yourself to voice aah [Music] nobody is machine proof let me play for molding hold up you got a place for me it's my [ __ ] you with in your liver rolls outside yo mom mom the lights is coming off they turn it off early Kai stay out later than that tonight can I stay out past six nine seven nine seventeen what you was doing in 17 and what I was doing was out shopping sure with permission no no define oh yo and react what you mean cuz he's talking that's question when you think of me me as in kiss kiss I got it you think of a problem more clearly doesn't think he's a problem no it's gonna be close but I think that gonna have to be ten brief I wouldn't mind hearing brief tense on only because the records no I'm joking don't I get fat man fabric try for my ladies that [ __ ] to death who show up in that little text [ __ ] they got going up suicide there's a lot of chicks in effect I think Jade are gonna win in the barber shops but fab is going throw it in the bag as a point unless we gonna make it go more often love though it in the bag is a point that's the point we don't talk about that record enough in hip-hop history dude I'm not I'm not allowed to but you don't even listen to the regular lot of politics for now why you say can't say I'm hip D on there no because their attention yeah which which by the way the tension continued it's not like that record like like it cleared it up and dream no the other gentleman that's featuring already hey yo come on man all right have some self-respect I'm sorry the Big D the dream no [ __ ] I'm billboard for last ten years you told you I'm the best you ever had bits not to harmonize it isn't good boy oh yeah you my everything but take this out that's before you was rich oh you know how you feeling now all right man fab Jadakiss Monday night beat it I'll be there or be square and you know they're gonna be in the same venue acting like their friends oh yes acting like this oh my god I cannot wait look at the piano I cannot wait you know the two of them want some piano they got do this in a bodega somewhere I asked your own in a barbershop honestly yeah hey Amy my Pelle Pelle jacket man make it ready for this [ __ ] toss our paper towels away my forehead the eight ball jacket really turn it up on these [ __ ] ain't never seen no Pelle Pelle just started coming outside this past decade you know usually I think Pelle bells a core team back as when he hit his first Miami Club [ __ ] tapped his friends ah oh yeah I want to go back to Miami [ __ ] that's Miami it's Miami it's not that hey you wanna go back to Miami he's relaxed heard of this place called let's just be cool [ __ ] I asked you last week about a Ross verse 50 and that caused quite the stir it did it did and I think I'm all kind of stuck to me but it's cool said I said on the Internet's that you talk to every day that I say whenever mall is ready I'm free I'll make myself or it was supposed to be Thursday I did - what do you want well I think hole of when you think of roar you think of a problem what when and how you gonna solve them snug no the snug dressing save on come in here man there's another microphone right menu I know Corey took your seat real quick no no you don't deserve to see stand up and talk to me bend over Mike yeah same on the name of our last old titled what is what was it gotta go snug gotta go snug s and ug what does that mean you thought we saw that makes sense never in my life just go back in the kitchen don't touch that mic again Gallo snows save on thought that Joe put on the large Carhartt jacket to ghost you know you you thought it was you thought to hold the gun you needed something a little more form-fitting yo save on really took that lyric like a gap head don't we it's a snug fit don't leave the kitchen no no don't leave the kitchen just don't come back in here so Joe's then performed him shooting two people while he was rapping the first closed door in the car hearts yo so listen I asked y'all about Ross verse 50 last week caused quite the commotion I'm here do I meet or present something else to cause commotion Battle of the south I don't they haven't they all been besides fab and Jada feel like everyone no no battle we got was T when he ended flip [Music] you were saying you don't want to think back to that time no I that was my time see that's another time we don't talk about enough death when T I was crazy for real so y'all talk about that [ __ ] whatever y'all say bad things but then [ __ ] went to Texas you with the text hey soon as game over to I know they don't know beef to a DVD flip flip flip flip flip flip that's always hard that's always hard that and flip had one more joint that kind of made it over here that was kind of crazy but the record girl [ __ ] yeah yeah yeah [Music] the fleet never beyond sir no no he had the sight the sunshine record sunshine was the big one flip was rocket man I get teased but nd on his own [ __ ] his own distribution like flip flip was rockin please don't think I'm making fun of flip no no but that's my point t I went out there when this was a prominent person you know he did he didn't all the chicks just like milky did nothing but spoil them I don't know if you can beat flip I don't think I can it's all I got curve it when I don't know if I can handle it give the full review some text [ __ ] now you go home big them up I always be slippery if anyone knows me they know that's a well-known thing about me you don't have rapper be facin lackeys alright listen my question to you all is Ross versus TIA he did it over the time after time B versus T yes sir no no no that's well let's we'll it to existence because a lot of these battles that have happened we've guessed that's really good batch of them Ross and TR I saw TIG Z and then I saw Ross yeah that's what we know you you're gonna pick Ross yeah yeah oh no mood records oh I don't know without looking at [ __ ] I might go t I know just cuz his his ties are high and there's a lot of them I got tyranny yeah and his not even my next statement cuz I don't want to piss mall off what TI's had bigger records way bigger rectus yeah now that a lot of thing TI records might make you look at some of the Ross records differently that's why for the reason that they both say like his highs I like his low highs although I got might be tough let me tough okay I like Mike Ross has cattle oh he has a cow says catalog classics yeah that's at the end and super hits you know sea otters yes both I don't yeah I'm think I'm taking tea I look I'm taking - yeah - but if BMF versus what you know about that I'm stumped I'm stumped I would like to see that though he is some type of we don't we deserve that they were talking about TI and jay-z I don't personally think that's the fairest battle what I think TOS discography is the relevant [ __ ] yes no disrespect to Jeezy of course he's a little more cult cult classic 4/20 records I agree with UTIs reign lasted a little bit more I don't know I don't think that's right Ross has been here since hustlin and not really moved maybe up until recent years which is now and who cares yeah again I don't I don't judge rappers for like I don't believe in a fall off today and I'm not trying to bring that back up well it's a little different Ross is not focused on fam I they shot coming to America in my house what are you talking about honestly like I don't I don't that's not an indictment great music or Jeezy like Jeezy and gays anything about right like when [ __ ] just move on I don't hold it against them I don't know something wrong with I'm using air quotes ci you're tiring too just making the [ __ ] you want to make it's almost key Wayne Drake you name it and they've moved on yeah your dumb ass is just home waiting I think that now though it's you know cuz because the way we get music now I think a lot of these artists should continue to put out you little eps little 5c yeah I like [ __ ] like that like the legends do that because it's kind of like I'm still active but I'm not really going mom I should've solidified or is what I'm doing break the live bass player in at every session exactly the strings just talk less shape and this is the best error if you a music person in a music head yeah this is the greatest time advocacy but literally have every song you ever loved liked in your in your phone yeah you know me so for the creators you don't have to chase things necessarily it's better if you're established so you can just put out the [ __ ] you want to put out alright people will listen to it or not but probably listen to it alright no you spoke that take time about the beat pack you some strings this collection of hi-hats 20 years into the game and need to my ass come to parks wings right let's just scrolling is this fab damn well DJ I parked on one parks don't want to give away the gyms mall I'll talk about the mixtape you drop in you and Vinny I don't have a mixtape dropping $150 spire I don't have em come on a lot of fire on this one flats important in everybody I don't he's hosted DJ flat mess and smashing glass mixtape it's only if you want to master class of MCS franchised it this is branding right there more branding all right offered a band I would love to hear Vlad's drops on that Satan Maul tell us about your crimes let's tan a new music the drop let's stay on new music the drop though black black drop the EP a lot came out yeah kinda oh then you got a school me yeah I'm shaking no black black CP came out the P I had for a few weeks now everyone has it come on man oh yeah just a Joe is Joe well no worry I never assumed that me and the mortals got music of course not why would you yeah come on yo y'all peeping at now yeah check it out no glad you're glad you heard it though uh what do you thank you guys honestly I like like three joints on there that I really [ __ ] with tough long that's good it's only six records pretty good project you guess huh yeah long nights and uh elephant in the room with my two favorite what's your favorite uh Doctor Who record no your favorite uh track off of the six bladder I particularly love the EP play school I think black is you don't even need a record not really it's no disrespect to except the super duper talents and I just I'm actually and I'm not even black judge everything that he does I'm not better and it hasn't got there again yet that's all that's it but I mean what do you think about the mixing on four four four what do you think about the Kendrick and damn okay mark sweet first I didn't like it the first night that one needs a bit bag parks with everything going on immigration racial tension in the climate yo damn is nice I thought I like wanna know with everything going on parks how do you feel out the jail electronica I haven't got back to it isn't going on you know have you America of course I said I loved it the day it came oh oh then I texted everyone that morning when I send my little flip text out that I also love Jay Electronica I'll add you guys with group chat oh yeah please do uh-huh you tried wasn't everything going on what's the name of that history harmonica yeah you put arms and your be PEC put over here wait just a harmonica all from net out call it didn't call it what are mana ho J harmonica I was trying to avoid yeah I'm joking I'm joking around right now I'm not beefing with Jay Electronica I'm not offering a review on that album again think about it what you want I have not gone bad you don't listen to me I have an offer I don't know nothing about it I don't I don't it sounds better today and I'll come on we'll just admit to the audience I don't go if I don't look at the first two listen yeah go back to it hey man [ __ ] you [ __ ] yeah like I don't go back to so much music comes out night yeah you got a make man gotta make me come back why I'm special what yeah what if man music coming out I've been told we told you guys this is a shade room podcast no I don't do that no I want to talk about music you guys anything no none of us mention the shape yeah it's awkward now all right off of uh black mmm I really like that laugh in the room yeah it was my favorite one no that's my [ __ ] [ __ ] it is she would play some [ __ ] I was gonna say you're gonna give me let me know do that - all that marks heat right clean up yeah listen play play some shame convinced me clean up in Aisle seven we'll be playing one song on a six-song EP shouldn't convince you rather I'll speed it up a little bit that might do it for you it might have been a tempo issue you you not quite sure what he's saying but anything you say in this key I agree he's he's addressing the elephant the room with his girlfriend that says don't make me choose between me and my career cuz you're gonna be upset at me because I'm not choosing you hmm I like it he got his [ __ ] off on this one he said their first album though there's only his dumb ass tomorrow there's an elephant no we both are aware [ __ ] is here it's long it's hard oh yeah I like the song wasn't filling this box yeah listen I hold that first out but like of the him tiller Tory that whole kind of sound his first album is my favorite out of all of them so I hold him in a very high regard not respected yeah you feel him if David oh come on right now right on Delilah can Dada don't do that part doesn't like it because it's in English it's in English so it's not really parks if you like it a bad baby come on right now that you're waiting for the bad baby remix agree actually while we here while we're here normally a song comes out that gets some acclaim of me and Rory vibe outs who would feel it on an on a different level and we come in here and we break it down less is a Drake song and wall will chime in but I have a song that came out that I don't think we need I don't think we need a collective lyric breakdown on but I would love to play a verse from it and have y'all explain it to me great I think there's a good song now one of my favorite one of my favorite one no city girls came out this week so what to do a lyric breakdown favorite let's do a visual break JT cuz I said oh my god JT JT check ice broke ice broke ass on the time mm I got a wrecked because she checked ice JT said listen if you ain't paying over it take your broke ass home something like that same say that yeah it's an effect here come I still want a [ __ ] answer like the nine-to-five man yo see this loss going off all the chicks that are group there be retweeting this man they the same chicks such a broke-ass I don't apply [ __ ] Dover plat to it [ __ ] you ain't down the paint over it shut up [ __ ] that's right JT I'll pay some Atlanta rent what you need you think I won't trick in Atlanta I got 650 on it not too good I can pay for four friends and be at 26 on it Hey a little [ __ ] executive crew of boyfriend appreciation they would love me yeah yeah exactly boy they gotta prove on Italy JT's shine and onyx and you know chicks in Atlanta fit about four or five women in a two-bedroom so now you add up those numbers to Rory always take it too far I got some white [ __ ] you clean it up put it up for nothing you can't really talk about it with New York they put four or five here in the apartment so okay never mind we won't have any fun in this pocket now you learn they put four or five and 250 square feet that's why you guys you gotta be careful about tricking in New York you can't play like that yeah even when she face you from the Bronx you gotta like where there's condos in the South Bronx yeah yeah I love when the Bronx [ __ ] tell you they from Riverdale have you met a Riverdale chick what a peasant no get out of Long Island get to Riverdale Park up and just look Park up and just look that's some money all right let's see what else is going on that's important in the culture that we need to continue luzon music still oh music oh the sauna sauna song here lyric breakdown from y'all oh yeah from y'all a gentleman that I like a lot a gentleman that I liked a lot dropped and I'll be honest with you Tuesday when I heard that August Alsina drop was dropping Friday I got excited but I ain't tell nobody I really [ __ ] with August Alsina [ __ ] listen here I won't hear the respect on his name that's right read.table creator you're not wrong he is wrong the red table was there when he got there red tables you don't even remember that interview yes I do don't barf a bar I remember I remember them both speaking about it with no red table present on other outlets and to me that birthed red table thought really August Alsina need somebody to talk to his ass yeah he was coming out telling you yeah I'm hey I want to end it mmm I don't want to be here unless it's with Jada he said that [ __ ] and then we got that for eight months and then voila a show it's like me in love a pop is it just not how it happened more I might be joking stop stepping on jokes I'm not stepping on it I'm just saying I left him now August Alsina is okay he's great good ear and he put out an album of 26 27 songs here you scared me away yeah I can't let scare me away no I know I know how people feel about long songs especially hour-long album especially from people that Dana might not all wave I Blythe I get it that's a lot of [ __ ] but August Alsina was the only man brave enough out of all of demands you see a man sees a man's August one of the early man's okay what was his first single I love it right and then he hoody remix it with man man stray Chris all the man's he was one of the first man's 'as okay before Drake was even saying man I'm telling y'all August does he's the respect he's he's them I'm not matter to him he listened so all this out seen it I'm the only man brave enough to actually write I don't know who wrote it but to put out a song that is telling his girlfriend why the side chick is more valuable than her at least that was my interpretation of the song I mean but I could be wrong crying out the first sometimes they say I'm toxic mmm no and I want to be open to no name level enlightenment so I'm gonna play the second verse and y'all can explain it for me maybe he was his lyrics maybe he was not so Dearing the name of the disciple is feeling off of August Alsina 'he's new album see first of all over all right well I by the way I'm sold already breaking down a second when the choir comes in like team about to talk to you it's like a fast choir adderal choirs nuts fire they were saying I had her on the Harlem Boys Choir no Coke they was selling it all right here we go this is the chorus second verse see though it's still sold because I never know what I'm feeling [Music] you they all say they respect your relationship in nature and they trust you hmm they're gonna tell on you I can't wait to tell my god they'd be everything right soon as that cash don't tell me they've already scripted up exactly what they're gonna send in the morning I said it's in the draft that's in the cash that would be just do leave me request a refund recently yes it must get back you draw here met in a strip club always there yeah and I lost you still on board and what a mistake yo what man is brave enough to tell the truth to the side girl that she's helping him problems you helped me work through them I'm supposed to be a secret well clearly he doesn't respect the secret side person we do dad when he was talking about the red tables all right I gotta go back to that now did you say that I gotta go back today no I really don't that's the only thing I didn't like let me let me let me share that and while I'm expressing my fans fear for August I'll say I did not like how you bathed would that read Table Talk misleading people to think it might have been something with it that was corny I don't like that but August Alsina music listen this is a long album it's 27 songs I didn't purchase the album I purchased the songs I liked from the album this is not this is not Chris Brown where I'm just gonna buy your 40 songs I'm not doing it what I purchased every song that I liked from the album enough to buy and if it exceeded the 1099 purchase price then I would have just bought the whole thing but it didn't okay so I bought about nine songs out of 27 and it's a nice collection of music it's cool yeah for me more I'm more of a savvy more trained ear I don't expect everybody else to hear this I mean I can hear the difference you get the music early of course it's come on you know the vod's wrong I can hear the difference between major label August Alsina and Empire August Alsina just in terms of the quality of songwriting see indeed especially with our Empire or I'll be you can hear that yeah you can hear it so a good portion of this he got in that bag okay we're but that's the dope [ __ ] about again how we give music now you don't have to you can cut out the fat yeah I like that yeah I do I don't need the cheese sheet for this out look whatever you can release 27 songs on Empire trying to pay for 27 songs on a major your budget is [ __ ] Chris Brown been doing it Chris Brown is Chris one of the biggest [Music] I saw that boo boo juice oh yeah yeah you didn't do it yeah yeah that's good I'm gonna check that out city girls we talked about come on man city boys here we know city boys right here we know CeeLo snuck one out you do Black Keys producer old Dan for the black can you sit listen if you have to clean your crib on Sunday that's the day that's the one as soon as I put it on it's super old school type [ __ ] it's really good though still the same I've been coming here for years but now I see low [ __ ] is good it is really good Oh all live instruments Memphis soul sound kind of thing well what happened to Gnarls no but why now Langston Galloway he is Calloway Langston Holloway Thomas Calloway Oh CeeLo green a matter how Matt's a blackmailer and it's a black man enough is enough enough is enough now no one I'm wrong we're not gonna take it pretty sure he just said all lives matter no she was good I don't know what's going on with Gnarls Barkley I would love for him in Danger Mouse to work again that was a he's not working with the Black Keys actually he was just interesting well yes CeeLo got away from superval Seto CeeLo on this one kind of lowered his tone I like it a lot I think it's good out I'm not gonna take it no this is for parks from blacks yeah look at that even here white people taking our story comes right to choose it [ __ ] y'all chose it yes [ __ ] this Twisted Sister talking about anyway um what else came out what else came out look mom but this - you Rory you had a mixtape and you have yes you do don't you know ever there's some there's some lies I'll let you tell Medicare would I kind of let you know all the lies yeah but that one that one you now gonna put your foot down word I never had Troy Ave as my a-v you probably did like beat the [ __ ] out of Troy Ave [ __ ] I never put him in my [ __ ] talk about piece of [ __ ] by the way I did watch that episode is podcast I know Joe Joe shouldn't talk about it I'll talk about it I watched that episode last night and watch someone contradict themselves for 25 minutes it was the most insane should I've ever seen in my life Troy yeah I'll beat you up bet 50 grand on that the end 952 euro 50 walk around a corner somewhere and I'll put your face underneath for sewer money I could stop talking about me honestly I like that energy for the [ __ ] that keep talking I'm telling you I'm gonna change it up well I don't know what's going and you're not gonna know you see him in a sewer [Laughter] yo let me tell you did Joe I just know she know who's going yeah her podcast and then her sue I don't know what was going faster coughs okay when you hear a [ __ ] thing nice to know that bricks in my backpack is weird words wrote the line on the lies being told that one you can't know for me all right what else what else is happening that are important members put out a record oh yeah that's important that's definitely important that's important I mean you can't really lose with the total people tell me I was getting to that ou may put out a record over the boys in the hood eazy-e record and you can't lose with Hertz working over that beat just yeah what can I have nothing bad to say I'm okay with this I think I can hear the record but I love it well you've heard boys know before I have and I've heard that we know that beat is hard and if you shake some ass over it then yeah but that wasn't what the commotion was about well before we get there and I'm not just putting this on Meg it's kind of women in general that's how I'm starting here talks or that's our o ry for the amount of women that looked down on cheating you guys sure do brag about [ __ ] chicks men a lot okay just at this point sick of you fed up points are made it's fine this is not a misogynistic podcast no at all but I like the record it did stir up some some tension with easy ease kids when she announced it which let me just say if I'm Meg I'm really excited about the tension between the kids yeah what all I put out was a clip of me shaking my ass over an easy beat and now I have developed so much anticipation I haven't said a word so came out I go no not originally now oh okay yeah not when the clip of me shaking ass over the hardest down yeah there's one of the greater that was enough that was enough to bring back up whatever beef was prevalent present amongst easy East children anyway right but well which is I know you're not saying that but be clear you're not happy that easy these kids are beefing no I don't say I'm happy about it what I'm saying is there was pre-existing tension with between your children of eazy-e because rumor or legend has it or the kids say that there's just a beef there between who family [ __ ] yeah that's none of my business I don't want to speak on it right but I'll be honest with you some of the things that EB or EBI I'm not certain if some of the stuff that she was saying was hurtful to me hmm like she was like that was the lalo up this was the first no uh-uh a BRE be again apologies for not pronouncing your name correctly this was this was the first one that came out this wasn't the response from the other magister megan put some [ __ ] out ream who is Eazy E's daughter and apparently an artist yeah yeah this was the first thing that came out which was I'm not mad at Meg I'm mad at the fact that I as Eazy E's chant clear his music well let me play I thought that that was valid you can play that's very valid I thought that that was super valid and I don't really get Bobby but to show him good Walker bother buddy's dope as artists that's making these dope ass pieces of forgive him please don't bad musicians that's making these don't play our songs as long as y'all paying homage to my father I [ __ ] with it 100% right what I'm bond goodbyes the people in the background I press the okay button and say go ahead and drop it we we cosign we write up on it cuz you got kids that y'all won't write [ __ ] off for we've been trying forever and all these signs that people come to me and like RiRi make one of your dance songs you dope this [ __ ] you got to do that nobody's even going hard when it come down to black lives matter we need that the streets need that and I can't stop it I got silver that be one who stopped that was her point and in her point she even spoke for more than just herself yeah which to me was like alright whatever tension exists between you and your sister you and your sisters you and the estate you still are speaking on behalf of y'all is how I took it one and two this was really eerie to me because this looks like eazy-e to me yeah look at this girl's face like I haven't kept up with all of the eazy-e drama with his children and I don't know so I'm just seeing this and remembering the end of straight out of Compton remembering some of the stories I heard about the end of straight out of Compton some of the behind the scenes stuff about that how the story was told yeah and for me this is the the result of it boy this woman is easy like yeah and this is her without the jheri curl because in her follow-up video she had a jheri curl and then I couldn't even watch it then that's the old [ __ ] this is now creepy and I could see I could see why I don't know but I could see why looking at this woman's face would anger somebody else if they're not resolved with some things is what I'm saying mmm yeah look at fam look yeah yeah no you're not wrong fan I don't even know if she's wearing this jheri curl on purpose but she looks like eazy-e I'm not certain of the beef here I don't know who owns the estate rheems beef seems to be about who owns the estate and what they're able to clean so messy and for me someone should just let her know it's [ __ ] up baby girl but that's how the business goes if you don't all if you're not cool with whoever owns the estate now they're not clearing nothing for you they may not feel like your record Garner's them enough capital for them to go about it like it's a lot of [ __ ] that goes into that and again it's none of my business it's personal for y'all so I don't even want to speak on it I don't know if I mean it broke up her father's group paperwork was a problem from the original start of NWA true what this did for me was I didn't focus on NW it and I didn't focus on easy I focused on sibling rivalries Rory you're an only child right and you can't really speak to that park do you have siblings two sisters your mall you have siblings but not a brother I mean yeah brother yeah they just had an anniversary they just started some some low label right I was [ __ ] it was for me maybe this part is not even the place to discuss it but there are plenty of conversations to be had about dad that has two families yeah it can be some tension and it's unfortunate business in that it's already tension because what we even get to business might feel like you were slighted being raised like he wasn't your mom not easy I'm not I'm no longer don't know I'm broadening this scope family stuff dad may have left your mom and been a stand-up guy to new family and it's raising new family mmm like your mom thought y'all should have been like there's a lot of this a lot of [ __ ] that goes into that and you could have resent your siblings strictly off what they were given you could resent the [ __ ] that left and now your kid that looks like homeboy you resent when you look at this gets really deep and then you put business in between a estates and anything that we say a business on top of it and it's a mess yeah it's a mess it hurt me when when the ebee when when the EB young lady was like fam you never even met my dad you never met my dad you never knew my dad my dad never claimed you you might be loved but you not family and don't I thought that was unfair listen it's not right just me is no it's not right you don't say if they never spoke and if all of that is true that's not right yeah yeah and that's not her fault and for me with very limited information because I haven't been following this what I do know of it is the EB girl attacks this girl a lot sibling [ __ ] yeah that hurts me that that hurts me unfortunately that's part of even if somebody that don't maybe don't speak to his little brother the way that he should I would never fix my mouth to say something that hurtful that vengeful and that malicious but you know that comes from years of you know pent up anger and then Evie's mom jumped in of course and and supported it and for me that was like fam fam this ain't it this ain't it mag ain't said a word this song ain't topped Billboard charts there's not even anything to fight over right now all people are doing is loving your dad he gave so much to all of us me man me man me like man me I'm saying man me cuz it was a point in time where I didn't get it at 11:10 why is this [ __ ] the man it had to be explained to me I had to grow up in 200 that's what easy he is doing hey when he wasn't doing that so much and Bone Thugs there oh it's different it's different executive bag now hey that didn't work we on to this now that carried over I was in high school I was able to understand this is hurtful to see it is and on top of that they both agree with each other they're both fighting for the estate of their father for their siblings like but for his children they're both fighting for it and then another sister came out and started attacking one of these sisters it was so much beef that I don't know which sister she was attacking I don't know if she was speaking up for REME or if she was speaking up for a B or a B I'm not trying to be funny yeah like I don't know man but it's really unfortunate rest in peace eazy-e we love you we miss you thank you for all your contributions I think it's amazing that I even get to look at your daughters yeah like that's how big of a part in hip-hop you have played to me the fact that I am of age watching my son go through this and watching your daughters go through this watching so many people that I was a fan of children attempt to navigate through this and it's difficult I'm not gonna judge any of them mm-hmm trust me I get it at 21 22 23 24 all the way to maybe 29 trying to digest and understand what the music business was attempting to do for me and to me for me and to me I don't judge these young ladies I hope that they can squash this behind the scenes I hope this doesn't have to continue to be a public spectacle because all of us love your dad yeah everybody it's one of those names like it this doesn't make anyone feel good to see is what I'm attempting to say that's me I'm trying to say I know y'all be letting me rock when I go off on these teams you know that's what I'm going to say and I hope outside of the discipling them coming together I hope they can find something legally to be able to get his estate they should be able to capitalize for the same reason I was crying about de la Sol in their their agreement like no we clowns you but we understood yeah it sucks y'all shouldn't clown me when you understand that's the best but y'all before y'all do that though y'all should say y'all understand and then we get to the jokes because if y'all just clown like people on your voices are too important now like we passed that it's funny to us because we get it all right these [ __ ] don't get [ __ ] maybe needing somebody to explain the difference between just right and wrong I know that sounds nuts in 2020 but it's true and if we're not gonna do that you know for me that's what we spent 2016-2017 fighting for two older heads and the younger heads about what information we give them how we give it to them how we treat them how we view them in 20 20 20 a check this out 20 20 is over how about that part yeah we all still trying to get adjusted to 20/20 and this [ __ ] is a rap 20 21 is here hey you want to go on tour we're not in this year anymore you want to shop spend recklessly that's not a 2020 plan anymore hey you want to have dinner it's a 2021 type of thing if you understand what I'm saying yeah like I'm good now it's not this now it's not this the same thing the same point that I made with em and us and whoever was involved in that last week the same thing applies here it pains me to see it and I hope to take them rectify it that's my work that's what I got my well said very well so what else we got what else we got what else is important uh this is kind of random but it just happened Kanye put out a tweet that appears to say that he's working on a joint project with dr. Dre he's been spent somebody knows yeah but I feel like all those things are like oh we heard they're working together it must be an album and then we never hear anything ever again right um but he did a very Kanye thing where you can't really under a red cup with juice on a rug that says I'm sorry dr. Dre and he spelt it out literally dr. Dre i spilt these three drops of orange juice mixed with um while we're finishing our first project West day ever is the hashtag um and more Kanye used up and more Kanye News before we expound on on this topic rory brought up Kanye I meet the round of applause because I know Kanye D to deal with a deal as a 10-year deal it's amazing it's lucrative I understand what is happening there congratulations to Kanye West amazing way to continue to build upon an empire that's already dominant in this culture yeah yeah yeah you said it dude oh I'm sorry what's yard yeah dad yeah I mean yeah I meant in your deal with a gap easy gap some of those [ __ ] funny-looking sweatshirts and all that [ __ ] to the white people like that the whites like oh good thing everyone everyone likes so easy the line off everyone does it I think you could find anyone from any race that would like the easy collection is what I'm saying oh of course not everyone likes it but not just the wealth yeah yeah everyone likes you gotta collect you gotta start with the white so we have more so we had it's super big deal super big deal and gap needs that gap needs a redo enough for the little kids would book bags the whole song about gettin fired from the gap for stealing clothes or something like that and now has a think about that part used to work at the gas bishop's yeah that's the video that never came out that ended up like leaking other so there's a spaceships video it's super undone like [ __ ] isn't rendered it's all [ __ ] up but it's him working in the gap GLC and consequence are in the breakroom it's a it's a really good video on the low they never put that out because it was for the dweebs Rory know all about a and a same consequences setup oh you still better know bitter about some dweeb [ __ ] I've won every bitter and win but this conversation here montagnier announcing as a sore winner that's true it does exist it's okay though get your [ __ ] off you keep trying to come with me today I minded my business over here I'm literally been minding my business whole box I got a testicle I detest you this announcement from Kanye about the Dre and Kanye collaboration I don't have very much information about it but I do have a question to present to you gentlemen who gets final say on that project if it exists final say meaning they're both producers they're both some of the best producers we've ever had here who gets the stems to make the final calls on arrangement and how things should sound I would say Dre but I don't believe in like a monopoly in making music you know I'm saying like if like when we were working together you me and Emani were all executive producers still your project you get to final say and what happens just because other people are working with you it's producers engineers whatever it may be they don't get the final say you can say turn up the snare or you can say let's put a guitar here or whatever especially when there's no when you're a producer like Kanye yeah it's not like you some new kid that's just working on a project music is not a dictatorship however is treated like that I was going to I would trust dr. Dre with my stems every time one of the best engineers and producers music history is safe is safe you can leave that Kanye should take those stems and have the final say to some degree of course collaborative process right Kanye should because it will it'll come out that's a good boy I mean I'd say it will come out yes it'll actually come out mm-hmm okok today it's it takes 15 years for anything to even kind of come out for dr. Dre that's well at least with Kanye if I give you this there will be a decision and this music will be heard very valid I agree with that very well I would say uh yeah I don't see why Kanye would be mad at dr. Dre mixing his out that's perfect I mean does he have input stems doesn't necessarily just mean that you're gonna master or mix it change the matrix no Chuck I'm not right okay I just wanna make good who he is about which all is saying right now I'm adding everything that y'all know to exist in artists especially artists that he's met this magnitude both of them so we're adding ego I'm trying to see that conversation play out you three gentlemen are giving me both sides of the gentleman's argument which it's Dre and Kanye so we both get I'm trying to get from y'all that in that conversation of Kanye West saying to dr. Dre hey it's not you paint to defend me the stems all right well then let me fix it it's like you asked who would do it and I said Kanye because it would come out I answered your question directly now we reword your question we can go where you want to go awesome if the two gentlemen that we're speaking about the two gentlemen that I asked you about were to have a conversation the conversation I asked you about about who gets final say in the stems how does that conversation go in real life not the side of the argument that both of the gentlemen have if Kanye says to Dre hey we worked on 12 joints I'm dr. Dre yeah so Dre I don't want to be Kanye in this argument but let's do it it'd be Dre okay I'll be Kanye yo the [ __ ] we worked on 12 June oh [ __ ] was crazy right yo can you got my email can you send them to me for what that's the conversation I want well we're doing it from a hypothetical situation from we know that's hypothetical of course we don't we know nothing about this would if you want to do a joint project with me yes send me the stems yeah doing a joint project together it's a joint press [ __ ] out of here and I'm Kanye like it's not like another important question would be do they have any type of paperwork let's leave all that out let's just of course it is a let's just say producers buffer if I'm draining I do all this stuff and then Kanye says hey send me the stems and we don't have any type of written formal agreement whatsoever and you can just take the stems and put them out and do whatever you want with him know it has something tells me when Kanye goes in to create he doesn't have paperwork on the side of the table I'm sure something tells me that both of their names work against that like you're not playing that game with Drake [ __ ] without him so I don't think Kanye would just release it Kanye it comes to me as Dre and says hey we just worked on some [ __ ] can you send me the stems over and I'm Dre I'm never sending you a stem I'm just letting Maul and Rory know that that s Dre I'm not not only am i offended by what you're saying we should I do a joint after sending you anything yeah we shouldn't but we worked on some [ __ ] and I have carte blanche here because I'm Dre yeah that's what I'm saying okay and that's Kanye Kanye is until what Trey's done and Dre hasn't done what car used on so true that's a very much effect we just fly by the night well artists see this is kanye west no doubt it's not true but it's not Dre Dre has been putting out as a producer engineer and record executive and rapper since 1987 top [ __ ] okay critical and selling I don't think I don't even think Kanye would have these are what I don't understand the argument y'all are bringing up we in 2020 now kanye west can very one on earth the stems on kanye west is not dr. Dre in 2020 that's my opinion I'm not arguing you're comparing accolades of that of course dr. Dre is gonna die J will probably beat any producer period if you're gonna go accolade for accolade we're talking about the current state of music now yes Kanye West should have the stems for a joint project with anyone on earth I'm not talking see no and that's why I think our that's where our distinction comes in it for me I'm never leaving the I'm the most accomplished producer on earth argument I'm also I'm not going into the a s 2020s now joint project you know some [ __ ] that's flat today like I'm not getting to that I am the most accomplished producer in the world also can be using the word joint project I'm not leaving the most important part out is the question for what what do you need to do because I will accommodate you that's part of a joint yeah but the stem should be there I just need to know what you want to do that that's true yeah that's not true we could do a joint project and you can have nothing to do with the stems it's not in this case because it's not it's not a rapper in a producer you're strictly doing once again I could argue that was the last time Kanye rapped or produced okay answer it people said that about Dre tooth don't even go there I understand I love like everybody else I grew up on his music but we gotta stop acting like dr. Dre as this figure that nobody like he's the Wizard of Oz like you can't even get to him but it is is in 2020 yeah if I'm in a row it's a reason he's in that room with Kanye there's a reason there's a reason reason Kanye's in that room his thirst and formal is the reason he has the stems no we just making about argument is a really don't know if he has this yeah we don't know [ __ ] right so what I'm saying is this let's keep it click there's a reason he has a cup of orange juice on dr. Dre's carpet no no he's Kanye West we're not going to act like he's some dude that can't eggs dr. Dre for some stems to some music they both worked when he get asked for what he can if you enjoyed you can't hear you but I'm just saying dr. Dre in that is exactly how I'm actin like nah that is exactly the way I'm sorry I know that you have accomplished a lot Kanye boy them sneakers are hot and I am dr. dre [ __ ] and you are a little no-name Chicago [ __ ] to me still no he's not that's now Dre feels even a some no-name Chicago [ __ ] to does no way training not doing that ok it's a real I'm just Sam some reason Kanye is in that room first and for backs first it for backs so we can't we can't one of the most brilliant producers and artists right so let's start tiring like he is then let's just start talking like let me let me reply to a mall the same because what you're saying is not countering what I'm saying facts on what you just said about Kanye West one of the greatest producers in the world let's take this off of Kanye mine and Parks argument is not a slight to Kanye we're saying that Dre is Dre slow down what that means to us is if you put any producer in there put Pharrell put put any put any put Quincy play the whoever the [ __ ] you want to put there I'm not saying point is Dre I am certain feels like hey all of these [ __ ] are my kids I'm certain of that this is the other thing too in a collaborative standpoint and don't collaborate with me no no so true oh oh felt like Kanye was his kid in equilibrium do don't do that and control the whole project at a time Kanye West then watch the throne album he let Kanye cook the whole song the important question still is what are you gonna do with them cuz what why can't we do it here at my studio why can't I agree with that okay we have all the money I said my entire world no but the way y'all presented it can it can sometimes it's someone who deals with stems a lot when someone asked for this times it can feel shady sometimes like what do you wanna do that's fine but the original wide H opportunity made it sound like Kanye shouldn't even be talking to dr. Dre like that even though that's the Britax to do a collaborator my question to you gentlemen the better and it's for you guys personally not our opinions on this if we don't know about me the better album comes about by who having the final say on the stems doctor truth I don't know we had to chronic I forget it forget it never mind chronic and good picanha has classic absolutely absolutely well the Jesus is king when I like the production but the the yeah album was horrible pablo was good I liked the Compton album you you liked it a lot when you parted a lot anonymous boy phenomena and we wasn't supposed to like it a lot suffice that's a fact that's what I kind of back to my original point of this [ __ ] will actually come out if Kanye gets the stems like we'll get it it won't just sit in Dre and we know how Dre works Drake works on something for years and years and years and years and he'll probably fall out of love with it by the time it's ready to go out yes send me the [ __ ] stem so I could finish this record it also depends because you can't say that all the time cuz Kendrick came up particular a lot of things came out the things that Dre we're waiting on that the horror stories quote-unquote are from people that were usually can up-and-coming artists that maybe never liked was the name of King T and the other dude that was all over the chronic I can't remember his name pardon me for forgetting and blanking Joe well people that were coming up like yeah a lot of those projects of course were overseen by Dre and that's a Dre executive production with TD II you know I stuff yeah lot let's me a lot of that is pushed with that internal camp and that art is wanting to put that out sure had it been Dre's decision I'm sure it would be sitting there forever I'm just saying listen I want like Kanye can't know my final question all my final argument here is Tiana got away from Kanye having the stems and it worked out for her there are people that when they get away from whatever creative genius he has it still works out for them because one person that I would bet on inadequate I would think drea would work out for no matter what Kanye has to say and I don't think that that applies the other way around I don't think if I give Kanye full control that 100% no matter what happens this works out I think yes I think that's do I think Kanye has a different respect in and and you know passion was working with dr. Dre as opposed to Tiana Tiana is still kind of like a new artist a new act doctor the parties never talk about is Kanye's in the apparel business I know but he's he's an apparel guy now I mean that's I mean that's like y'all are talking about crazy Kanye Kanye and Dre you you can't this is trained on the electronic business no that's not fact-based see uh that's not fact-based Steve Jobs is dead Jimmy Iovine is no longer with Apple that beats deal oh I won't say what I know about it but no that's not fact-based we don't know that they're in business at all oh well you know business in they sold some [ __ ] and they got they [ __ ] off new alright so what was the last the last big major deal that Dre did to make money when that thing about Dre musically I go back to Compton like you just said I'm saying the most money cuz Kanye is clearly in the apparel business and a to your point you're probably right I don't I've never seen Dre pump beats like that anymore as well but the last big chunk of change that Dre made in the billions what was the last deal we saw only chunk of change that he made in a billions boost headphones this is last deal it'll be clear that was in the terseness selling his business so I don't know what which was it was business that was a sale of okay so me I'll say this in closing I don't know if we drag this out too long you're right I see what the point that you're making Kanye's an apparel drape foot well isn't sound sound sound in tech that guy pushed somebody through in 89 in 92 in 99 and oh three and an oh nine so my trust level with that person's focus being somewhere else and still being a top-tier executive is the same I cannot say that same thing for Kanye I can say his apparel business is the best around and adidas Kanye's unveils without him Kanye's in the influence and influence of business who has he created Dre traits also had like coming back to the basic point of stems Dre has the best sounding music possibly period I think in the history basic Kanye's music Sembilan and all these other music's music mixes then I don't want us to get too geeky I know it's close and super quickly which stems does doesn't necessarily mean Kanye wants to mix this he couldn't want to change things in the song which I think Kanye West has every last right no matter what producer a ways to change a record no matter who you talking to him your point that you just made Rory is why I don't think you should have made the prior argument at all because for me it's a fact dr. Dre should have final say on the stems it may be a better argument that Kanye West has final say on the songs because I agree with you there what you just said final say on the stems is not final say on a product that was never your original question though Joe so that's why I made that argument your question was can dr. Dre Kanye ask for the stems to a collaborative project with dr. Dre and Kanye West yes Kanye West has every right and has every accolade to ask dr. Dre to let me mess with this record you're gonna have four sorry your stems are with the detox yeah I was making it sound like he shouldn't even question yeah I'm just like oh my that's our field how dare Kanye West during a collab project a stems yeah but you can't I mean some people II know you want to go home Kanye can acts dr. Dre for this to be asking whatever you want absolutely that's what I'm saying alright what else we got hip-hop nerdy conversations hey while we on Kanye Kid Cudi is starting a podcast about planets and [ __ ] that's not what he said what he said moon the moon he said he's he's creating a podcast it was nine album about the moon so pink any tell me burn cardio go even the fan y'all just disrespect him so much I have to say something I don't disrespect I mean don't put the respect that he deserves I don't put respect on none of the [ __ ] that you hipster [ __ ] assured in you're a hipster I'm not I talk about the same things you talked about no use the first one to do it what makes you even more hipster don't ever talk about I never cared about the money even when t I said look at the dog barking at them you go every place what the dog is doing to the moon I didn't know what that means way too into astrology that's what I'm saying all you say is I'm a Virgo you know your base you know when your moon is entering the third like you know when your mood is entering his third semester in college and all that all that [ __ ] is great to Joslyn there's a whole group of rappers that have maintained a career for a long time by being friends with [ __ ] oh that's what you're supposed to do relationships yeah relationships that's what it does are you suggesting that about you gotta be a real [ __ ] and stand on your own - how about that no no no I am broadening our conversation I'm not saying that about so where did that mean just know what do you say something he's gonna home you to go podcast now there's a platform be careful f2 [ __ ] I gotta be there you go see no no no no I'm joking about Kid Cudi because Kid Cudi is great in town meadow he's great he's great he's awesome a great guy great guy please don't get Jose [ __ ] ass confused with Kutty lien a great guy there's a lot of asses and holes that was weird they just come one cut his first saw was a classic I love got my wall parks he's curious about things look out of here well Cuddy is a legend unbeknownst to you so he's curious hmm but now Joe his podcast according I saw I see it as he's the one all love no [ __ ] talking shot at Joe right away only uplifting artist shot at Joe right away right and talking with my friends shot at Joe right away and fans shot at Joe right away see that's why I know you're not really a Cuddy fix go to this you know I mean this was a Jim John Schmucker yes yeah you notice from Jim this was a Jimi record I will play the 38 special cutting remix I did by the way love this rollout of cutty tweeting should I do my own podcast then immediately tweeting ok I'm doing my 7 minutes to things but what a roll out well that was easy thanks fans and what you think when you ask your fans on the timeline should I or should I do something for you look nah no thanks bro no he got a hundred fourteen thousand likes so he was like ok they filling it he's a super introvert that I've never heard talk only sing I don't know how this is gonna go he'll just hum the whole podcast be fire yeah yeah I don't think that Joe should be bitter toward this music and people like the holy soul and what just happened right there is like a prime example like I'm gonna beat Rory up now what I do cuz his generation is the generation that came after Joe Joe who was being an introvert around Street [ __ ] you guessed it when you could get shot for it you still can't [ __ ] you shabby it was all [ __ ] quiet what he didn't do a song with Travis Scott he did a song with the Scots who had the sense it was all it's my deeds fault and Miley Cyrus good we want to talk about what Mike Dean did to the game oh that was my no no my dear yeah I take that back my dear that [ __ ] he didn't come up with friendships most people did though to find that by the way I know you're not talking about Cuddy what do I need to define about that like y'all do that a lot in spot it's very blunt no it's not coming up off friendships what I need to define about that came up off of friendships he came in with his friends talk about a note on [ __ ] what are you crazy did you see the movie did you see the movie yes sleeping at the house that is leave that the record player successful [ __ ] in the industry has been came up all for friendships yo man [ __ ] in the hood that's talented you go get the deal you go back to the hood and holla'd the [ __ ] that you know shoot everybody now you had a relationship did you know you grew up with them now were you friends with any use him no don't get more excited I know that's why you know each other buddy from the same line we just got to check out let me tell you this then let's go with what y'all are saying let's play it out further okay me and you know each other right in the event that I get on a tour bus for us to go do our live show and you eatin steak with Jerry and I got to go to the doctor back we just watched you and Ian in first class we want to coach I got it that's cuz ya'll cheap [ __ ] won't pay for first-class it's not cause you're getting robbed that's not what you have done that's not true that's not true I won't play for a first-class yeah that's cool I don't want to go right now where he took me it's at the first-class we don't gotta get it today it's okay now but I've been dying to know when you look at the first class we're all paying for it if I'm going on the trip by myself I'm flying first listen let's get that clear mommy wants the next two three hundo no you missing my point we all paid for the first class for you and Ian that's the point I wanna know how you feel like the best love let me fix a few nails on the knees Oh your white ass wouldn't pay for first-class and they gave you 30 70 he is paid for his own first-class I don't know that y'all spread these [ __ ] narratives and we ass and you're doing that [ __ ] first class remember thugs all right then suck it out I'll order more oj whenever I feel like it I like first class I don't think is a fluffers I can't believe y'all think did [ __ ] Ice Cube's cool with these [ __ ] I was there for the break-up when they all said yo I didn't [ __ ] with y'all ice cubes in it Dre said it easy said they all said it I'm not out of my mind I remember it what do these [ __ ] talking about before the dam I'm sorry at the rats pooja no they were saying your point they're calling these [ __ ] diva make a song together you'll try this the [ __ ] are the besties no they worried why easy wasn't artists Jay had to convince him and they encourage their friend yeah listen listen listen check this out don't know if you guys know but Kirk frost and Rasheeda wheeze recently recently stepped out for a night on the town you got it Rory you too man where did they go they went out for dinner pindy down what's the new hot spot go on let me see what's going on come on we take too long morg I think we got to talk about B Simona no come on we can't do that Jonah anyone could be friends and collaborate in the music industry pause that for a minute did three are y'all [ __ ] as he as he walks away you walked away when you said it though I walked away Thank You Joseph they didn't know each other now we have a really romantic guest screaming for hours absolutely nothing no no no no don't do that Rory because that was a valid argument that we were having that our audience may not know us oh no no the stems part about this fight a friend's thing I'd still don't even understand what yeah yeah it's a weird argument don't [ __ ] dog hold me to that like the Bruce Lee thing don't hold me it's fine and an you would have lost that Cuddy to be romantic or wouldna no would not if you would have let's have it then let me hear it you still think you'd be Bruce Lee no I'm glad you said that not that full if you cut it I know the [ __ ] I can't be okay now you so good a job we have a really really romantic guest here you may have heard him on El Dorado that [ __ ] you may have heard him on his new album man take short for romantic get it bro man we only label support Mic Check one two one two very special guest in the building very special guest in the building yeah uh this gentleman's last album was my [ __ ] man I don't even know if y'all know all the things I did today eldorado Al and I can tell you right now I need to tell you right now I've seen this gentleman at every hot R&B concert held in Brooklyn in the last four years put your keys on the counter hold up all our love oh how can you say something like that in this climate so you want her to stay that's what you're we're saying that they put your keys on the counter so stick around yeah let's talk all right all right what is alternate side parking in effect that morning it's important it depends on what work ladies and gentlemen we have none other than the amazing Rowe James with us here today yeah yeah good friend of mine great guy great musician great artists and more importantly and much greater than row James is brandy so let's turn this up that are you Brandy's Ahmet now we'll talk about that did ya because I love when R&B [ __ ] collab with brandy and recognized that she's greater than all of us damn right she's so great that we only let her really do the backgrounds y'all [ __ ] ass [ __ ] won't let her get a lead they blow you [ __ ] off the song no honestly no that's not just you who did they just cancel of that I used to like man Daniel Ceaser they canceled and the brandy song on his album like if he let brandy sing what is oh my god Wow but it wasn't brandy singing son she didn't say yeah yeah it wasn't that it was they have Roe Jane's how you doing man I'm amazing man I'm cool okay it's all the things they Brandi get the stems I was there when we did it together amazing so I took this is amazing he's good yep and he's all right that's like when the prosecutor don't know if first second or third no it's all of those things listen man this album I've been trying to get you here for quite some time if Yemen hears you're really busy man you're introverted you're all that widget are man let's talk about that yeah how do you expect to [ __ ] thrive and I'm not asking this just for you yeah I'm asking this because most of the armed be cast today that's that's how they on it like a lot of artists in general yeah and not just armed be not just armed be so you're right about that part but yeah we're not really just trying to speak to everybody we're not trying to be out there we're not trying to be seen especially somebody that's that close to the artistry like you like yeah I'm asking how you balance that something that was so difficult for me to balance throughout my career like I enjoy watching y'all attempt to navigate through it to being introverted yeah man and I having to have a career and make money from and make money in a planned emic for for sure for or art like it's tough I'm introverted because I can't trust [ __ ] I can't trust any people in general I feel like and not not to be closed minded or closed off to people I just feel like people have shown me who they are and it made me have to go back into myself and just be strong with me you know what I mean so that way I can build out but um shitman no no no no no no no net but um this is a real interview okay how do you feel how do you feel about your arguably greatest love making you this jaded toward humanity because there's some many of us battle wit like for most of my career Oh James I didn't trust anybody because thing showed me that I could write but I was still trying to appeal to people and hated the people that I didn't trust all the way that's why and it was tough for me yeah so that's part of the reason like you [ __ ] are so important and how you all decide to do this yeah it's hard man especially for me I feel like I came in as the underdog to all the homies right so for me I watched all the homies get started and get it do all this homies get signed and get it done homies get something to get it do it and then like who I would see out of curiosity uh was your like crew yeah who's your competition you pick around everybody man I've been doing this for a little while roben around longer than his yeah I mean before this I started when I used to live in Indiana so when I moved to New York I dove right in and I went I was in parties I was out and then somebody yeah I knew the parties was gonna Taylor were to be where the flash it was where that whoohoo nothing where the fashion parties was I was into all that so somebody says something to me one day that was like yo and all the artists will come to New York and they'd ask me like where the party is where to go and I would always show but I would never say like you're my heart is too but I was still figuring me out I was still developing I'm still figuring out how I fit into everything you're the cool guy that just knew how was your school guy who knew everything where to shop who was what where to go but I was kind of the glue between other people too cuz I everybody who want to hang out so I introduced this person to this person and this person this person now everybody's a crew and hanging out to like we're talking about Luke James we're talking about Mikkel we're talking about me just a whole bunch of Bridget Kelly like mad people Wynter Gordon who's not Diana Gordon now yeah just mad but then I mean I could name artists who I've come across and just been a part of their experience or so for me it's like when you see people and you hang out with them in New York and you cool and then they pop and then you don't see them no more and it's they're funny but stole your whole vibe no and you like two quick points on what you're saying and I'm gonna share this with you this is a private thought in a transparent moment yeah what you're saying right now is what comes to my mind every single time you and Miguel like each other's pictures I'm not lying to you because I see the likes a lot from y'all too it's like Oh for me it's like hey is it genuine camaraderie and support for one another or is it I got to keep an eye on you for both of you right it might be a little bit of both well I'm asking them here okay to me and this is no cocky [ __ ] I don't even look at anybody around me like that because I feel like I'm completely my own [ __ ] hmm like if I see somebody taking my [ __ ] I might disappear for a moment and come back on some other say or for you that's me not really for years the only reason to took that long is because label [ __ ] whose albums been done two years ago who's had some RCS RCA I like RCA don't talk bad never I love them I love I'm already up there but any powerhouse people think I didn't pay for more so yeah I know promoted yeah I'm not paid to have all the amazing R&B artists they do everybody Ollie was I mean my girls my right here he's my label mate mmm when Mark pits me and Miguel are Shonda my pitch so I don't look him ago as a like competition yes you do but I do look at Miguel account let me finish I'll look at him as competition but I have to because everybody compares us everybody's like oh you're a Miguel type Nick and I'm like what I will be like I was bidding me before I even met Miguel yeah you know to me you princess like and I'm not even trying to be a prince dude either I'm just me you know what I mean like my influences come from so many different places man like I'm a Panamanian I am West Indian I've traveled the world my father's in MIT was in the military I was born in Germany like my influences are everything so I'm not copying off you cuz I already got my inspirations I'm just trying to figure out how to unveil them without them being stolen before my time clickbait right there Miguel's copy slides through the roof right there no listen I'm kidding around of course but do you know what speaks what speaks highest to me about these trust issues that you speak of will show you came in here alone yeah I'm a New Yorker man like no one has ever come in here alone I like them and as an artist for me I know what it says when I walk in alone there's nobody but but he don't know cuz I've seen Rowan passing throughout the years but I see him walking through Harlem all the time as oh yeah be by myself I'll be in the car too late you know not Branson no he'd just be walking and I'm like oh this [ __ ] role really be by self yeah like it's a producer in a studio guy in general what so it comes alone I like that I respect that yeah but you know it's different though when you come alone I don't feel like people give you the respect their art it's the same way because they expect you to have like that representation give it the utmost more cuz I know you know I'm saying like it's like alright that's my homie it's cool I'm gonna pull up but other people I'd be like yo yeah my management way alright yeah I'm not gonna pull up and make sure I'm good you know because the situation yeah you need people cuz it ain't coming I could come off abrasive or I could come off lay back and and just what would appear soft and just in myself to where how you deal with me you know what I mean so I feel like for me it's good to have somebody and then sometimes I'm by myself well that's why I need to go to the outlets that will do that yeah or that are trying to do that it's like family what you doing that's one from all my music yeah I'm not into the row which album was better your first or this one and it's okay it's okay you can say it I want to say they all my babies man yeah balsam [ __ ] I romantic this man takabe meant meant a lot to me only because this was my chance to be the boss and artists and figure it out figure out the [ __ ] and figure out how to maneuver next and what I want to do next and how to actually see what happens I'd have management for like two years I remember so I was in there in the in the label's trying to do it myself yeah yeah like I was making music and then it would be a hot day like yeah yeah yeah and at first I thought things like in listening to me like okay and then things would take longer and I'm like bro I'm I'm the type that I'm creating my whole album cover style myself but decide how I want to do it did you were it also everything bro yeah everything I wrote on I mean everything I wrote and then there's a couple as you could see that I had a couple people right okay yeah no Jeannie and I don't write with too many people like it's like Ryan Toby verse Simmons versus don't Stacy bar you know major major major my just super doper he's uh he's bounty killers son um amazing amazing but uh yeah so I mean I keep it real tight with the writing but uh this one I say the whole purpose and the meaning behind the Mantic is like you know like you said in the beginning if you're not gonna get the support how am I gonna put my name out here you've been there and you're also saying like how do you do this and being an introvert when I think over saturating myself social media wise it's corny for me because what am I gonna put up like pictures of myself every five minutes or if corn girls that I'm hanging out with like that's corny or celebrities quote-unquote that I'm hanging out with like Annie and it doesn't necessarily know you [ __ ] for me like they don't do nothing and it makes me look like a dick writer and I'm not that you're not um excuse me I mean it makes me look like I'm trying to like ride somebody else and I'm on me you know what I mean like I said I already know who I am so I'm really just figuring out how to unveil these different layers of me without it me falling into the traps of making something too corny or oversaturated just for the sake of likes or so people who will go listen to my music how are you able to actively fight that bout and release a project especially during this time [ __ ] like how do y'all don't even know for me and that's all the experience I have to go on yeah when I wasn't charting or when I would didn't have something that the label felt really strong about it was really hard to get them to see things from my point of view yeah today it's almost like whether we had odds or not we have to find a way to get this project out yeah and is that is that what it was kind of like well let me say I wasn't at odds with my label I love everybody that's working with me on some real [ __ ] and I got some good people around mark Pitts and all these people mark is just a president he's owned how I call him every day like tomorrow I need you to do this for me my ANR got fired halfway in between my album and I never had a replacement right you know that means so but also it's like I said I had to level up with self because I understand where they had me at the label if you have me as an urban AC I only then I'm only gonna get open AC attention mm-hmm if you have me as a main act and I'm gonna get the attention and the support that deserves that so with me putting out and having such a halt in my in my time frame of music and releases it you have to regain the trust and uh like the okay you're gonna put out some fires you're gonna put out something that's like and they and then they're battling you about what you put out what you release are you still staying with you can't leave and abandon all the fans that you just gained from Eldorado with this soul and love and and sex and that which I came because that's who I am but at the same time I could do it a whole different way I could do rock bro like I'm influenced by that in a real way you know what I mean that could be my next project but if people are having trouble you trying to drop I have a question go tell mark Pitts Vienna I do rock mark pizza bar you listen like I'm not that good okay for example on my last album my interpretation of a blend of R&B and what rock would be will be holy water on my album right I gotta gotta gotta go to it's not a it's not a departure to where it loses you but it's at the same time is something that is worldly I can sing that's it in France I could same thing that said Australia Panama any okay affiliate but as someone that label Waze is being boxed into urban AC that being the sole song on this project that sounded that way how are you gonna pitch that to a mark Pitts I just want to play a song for the people that might be unaware to song he's talking about because that's important is to say that you're holding me there in an urban AC market and I want to do a crossover yeah but I wanted to come in as crossover I never saw myself as having a box anyway yeah how is it being like a non legacy type of act at a major label like how involved are they in your project okay so in the recording process like I said my hand I got fired halfway through so I had to step up and go I had to find who was gonna mix it right I had to find the master I had to chase down producers and their managers to get I had to do it I did it all and I had to turn it in because you know if I don't have anybody and you're not gonna do it yourself you're either waiting and I'm not I'm not gonna wait I got two albums after this that's done two already did two other albums Wow so are y'all gonna hold on I got to the point [Music] I see what you mean yeah for me it's a different field it puts you don't put me in a box it's not from is if run the k.michelle saying I'm doing a country I think really being a country album you're just talking about the merging oh yeah blending of all my inspirations for a found the aggressiveness of someone the music I gotta be honest if I'm you or from anybody on RCA right now I'm not putting a project out without her on it yeah but okay let me give you a yes I'm sure okay so give it a different question up yeah well real sit yes all right so with this album you as you we talked about this last time I mean what no interview we just talked about it in general about no features on my project mm-hm I had no features on eldorado cuz I said I'm like yo I'm I'll finish the whole song why do I need somebody to come in and write I don't need it let me turn it in real but I wasn't like you know what I mean I just felt like a family question if I sent you if I do a song and I send it to you and you and it's talking about I don't know the glad cars and you're talking about puppies and it's like yeah what the [ __ ] are we doing and then even listen usually it'd be like well I got the verse from a little way and so I'm gonna keep it on here like nah I'm not gonna do that I'm gonna make sure my [ __ ] is true and it feels right going on to this album it was the same thing every time you talked about brandy you talked about yeah I'm very I'm very tight with that you should be yeah I think that's the intro to you it's not even the introvert man I feel like there's mad artists out here everybody's collaborating everybody's doing all this how do I stand alone and say yo I have such integrity with my work that I want to be a legacy artist or be respected as such because I love prints I love Stevie Wonder Marvin Gaye Otis Redding here mark the Sam Cooke like great artists who have had long-standing careers and you still listen to their music today that's why I try to mold my music after and didn't chase the sound or rely on and make sure that I'm current which are to make sure that y'all hear something different but not biting nobody else's R&B sound because that's you I'm over here as me so how do y'all promote my name that just sounds great these kids would have got Stevie Wonder out of here today yeah what's that album key and a minor you know excuse futures like how do you do that how do you do that in my cup in like a microwave type area like I'll be honest with you roll you really can't for years between albums is unacceptable for me I got you like there's nothing you could say to it I don't care if you be fit with your label no it wasn't even that how do you release an album in you don't have support otherwise I'm dropping album and nobody knows that and management is I'm talking about support that falls on us because unfortunately when we don't release the album all the fans say is then their game release album like they don't know all that we going through yeah as a row James fan yeah four years between projects not as your friend is it's it's difficult to grasp it's difficult to grasp at a time where artists are just putting [ __ ] out two and three EPs 10-minute project like and I get that your artistry is different so not even about my artist Jesus about the process of releasing music yes that's one of the detriments to be another major label yeah the process of releasing music like you got your hierarchy you got uh sure if you could uh she's like a putting out you can't I can't put out nothing right now because they're trying to get in situations together I'm trying to be number one always so how am I gonna if you're trying to put us through is number one um it's uh sure you get me the zone it's like I gotta fall back and wait because I don't want my [ __ ] overlooked and then it's overlooked because I don't have a manager in there beating down the door cuz you know you got to do that like yo what's up with the role what's up with the role so with the role somebody got to do that I can't be the person doing that so I just one year takes two years and then you're trying to find a manager and then you got to get used to them and then they got to fight the battle with the label and then you wait in a booth who's crazy who do we tell at RCA that honestly yeah because that's a problem in music that sometimes we don't know even the right point first to express this - yeah well somebody in this building has to recognize I cannot take four years between projects that's an all right oh do we I'm going over his head he's a narc got lost in the sauce anyway I'm say no to his explanation in what happened yeah that that's the a noise John I'm skipping it ignored I'm going to the road I'm gonna fly man artist yes at that point my ANR got fired [ __ ] that I'm going right to the I wouldn't give a [ __ ] if he was hired man you sit right there and I'll be back I'm gonna go I'm going to the corner almost to answer you explain to somebody your question directly yes that would be the ANR's job to let the building know that yes artists process effect like respect it will [ __ ] about uh sure yeah like if I'm trying to drop I'm saying no I'm out your fan but I'm just saying oh man no more once I got to Def Jam like I understand what you sang petition I didn't I didn't know that on one Def Jam y'all couldn't work my record because y'all were working nine other records and Joe Budden is behind Ludacris and jaw and jay-z and DMX and whoever else no I mean that's real [ __ ] so but that gives us the feeling of [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] about Ludacris like y'all go and work that nigga's record it's me and Mike at my time not to do like how do we say that politely like without can't say rubbing people the wrong way you can't you can't that's [ __ ] yeah I'm getting angry bro to me represents are you saying it's not artistry but to me you do represent artistry no I'm I do represent artistry but I'm saying the fact of me that it took so long yeah it wasn't that I create every day after I leave here I'm about to go to studio I make songs every vns the part I think we don't know every day that's the part we don't know yeah I'm not sitting at the crib just like watching TV smoking it you know I make music every day you're smoking to that point I'm smoking to that what are you making music every day and you said that this album had been done for almost two years and working with the label to try to put it out you don't fall out of love with music quickly you might have that earlier or somebody said it when we were talking about the dre thing like I could imagine sitting on an album for two years especially if I create every single day yeah that this is gonna sound dated to me and I'm not gonna be excited about it when RCA finally says no it's time exactly I mean it because I have made it so long ago and I evolve because I'm making I'm making music by projects because I'm thinking about a subject matter what I'm feeling like and I'm creating the body of work around it you're not I mean and I'm doing that again and I do that whatever who I'm working with like this is what this is about this where I'm at that's what I'm thinking now so in this moment coming out of Eldorado I was feeling romantic as everybody was burned slow and the deed is and III like I was in my romantic vibe but at the same time I was going through a lot of different things - like management transition label transition trying to get out of urban AC wanting people not to keep comparing me to just prints or just keeping me as mr. permission when I got so much music and they have they have what do you think about them attempting to delete the term urban from the categories period yeah they just told me that I mean hope that's great but is the budget going to change right oh yeah just that had that conversation is the support and where you put the music gonna change so I mean taking the name out is great but the support is what it needs right you gotta the urban the urban name sounds like a band-aid we're throwing over because we're being pressured at the time cuz right I don't think that urban budget is gonna change to the pop budget now that we've taken urban AC out of the vocabulary no it's just something to say hey we did it it's like us not working on Tuesday to think about black lives you're just doing it right now to say you did it and I think that urban it's we know what they mean when they say is so it should be out of here right but it's not gonna change much until you actually change the system of how we're giving money to artists to create and putting money behind them to put it back out or not we literally just did a with your old manager Eddie black when I did it soon what brought that exactly um issue I'm sorry to drop it by your foot by that I mean his name is Eddie Travie wild name no you ain't even though I knew him well no no because I did it with his old manager but we had that same website his name is El Edward Eddie Brock with oh but no we did that topic of the urban [ __ ] I just the budgets aren't gonna change so I think it's kind of pointless unless you changed it's not good but it's not much all art is poor right now because we can't talk Mart I mean if you're smart you're not poor but you're definitely top I don't think that's failing do that what you mean that's not fair I think a lot of artists are sorta broke that focus on touring because they have that group of fans that when they're not getting their money back half that they put out thinking that they were gonna get it back from Toy Story probably is not coming back till 2021 yeah it's over everything got canceled and it's 2021 so if we don't have any ownership in our [ __ ] how do we eat for the foreseeable future off of our music blank print up some t-shirts t-shirts I mean you know it seems it's everybody's door nobody's [ __ ] live concerts and whatnot you haven't done it yet yeah I haven't done it I felt like I felt like man I want my music to him I work to be seen in a different way no no no you ain't snuff Usher no you don't want it to be seen different we could snuff this [ __ ] he's 45 now we could take him roll we ain't got time to be this [ __ ] out of number one two weeks ago wait a second what do weeks ago hey listen man oh I just always gonna side with the guy who has art on his side yeah yeah like that's having a difficult time up there and now to say that Rosetta difficult I could be saying he's not he's saying things are straightened out and fixed hopefully as a fan and the progress I'm sure it's a work in progress man we cannot wait for years again for you I just said but I got two albums done all right yeah it's just about how and when they'll be released and will they be supported the right way do you guys start him on label do you have a term of contract with RCA or I got two more albums okay that's why I got the Frank Ocean RCA Apple's gonna do this next one to Frank for that shipment was crazy [ __ ] no I'm in a row avoid French that was amazing much [ __ ] is I thought I was great Frank on his podcast he changed the game no we're getting to Frank I was at one time no you're not no he's out this contract Frank Ocean made Frank Ocean may Apple go holla Jennifer Aniston I'm lying I'm flying what do you want from me correct me when I'm wrong go ahead but go ahead don't go ahead um who you listening to our now it sounds like some [ __ ] but I want to know I'm listening to everything man I was just listening my side not dinner so there's everything I listen to the whispers to West not gun to everything manga listen make another gun album rush it Bowie I'm listening everything because I just I don't want to get stuck on one particular sound if I'm listening to the hot playlist of this week it's like all of it is one sound and I'm gonna try to make music like that okay I got to keep my mind why are you not making playlist music since you introduced the word platelet this is don't be alright bail bondsmen Rory can you stop at a two-second ha ha playlist as a music focused on a particular playlist not music that can play in a playlist like you're not targeting any specific playlist do you think that's to your detriment no and it could be I feel like no because I'm still creating me like I said this is my this is the next album for me where I'm staying in the here comfort here take that Miguel you know I'm saying last people that dubbed me when I asked him for a future he threw me my man's no don't mind you let me come clean as much as I hate this I was the guy to ask for a feature at an inopportune time ok I was there I don't remember this remember we went to Drake was having a party at something that felt like mr. Chow's I can't say Eddie mr. Hoge and we wasn't invited we wasn't invited we just went and we were because we cool with diggers and we went and it was Drake and Miguel and Gracie and her niece and every flies exchange in the world so many beautiful women Nero I said yo Miguel he was talking like somebody I wanted to talk to me I never got that verse we he's always been fly with me then I retired and then tonight anyway do that today I do think you're the playlist in question you had is a lot more politics like plan beer is a playlist in mood a political hey this is playlist music so why don't we no [ __ ] call mark Pitts love you are fit love you so my love you love you love you don't take my aggression differently and skein love you love you skein asking what the [ __ ] is game doing up there skank came in after my other a and I got fired so he pretty much done so he's now is he you're not working with me yeah he's let's start working this out this game yeah skaters do good dude this game I'm telling you if that is your ANR right then you won't go another four years I mean he's like yo we got to come back and pop after this I mean yes sir I got joints no scan is dead [ __ ] man shut off this game but whatever issue we have it why don't we just pick up the phone call mark Pitts and say yo prioritize here the focus on focus here because like any issue I had I call him laugh I wasn't going to [ __ ] tie Sean in a cat yeah what we did was this don't feel right I understand explain it to me like if we have that relationship with [ __ ] and we might begin to music geeky for our audience no that's fine why we can't just shoot up the chain yo mark this is what I feel I need for us back in the day it might have been I need a 106 and park placement for give me three weeks give me an arm be feature and give me a muster products give me product placement when you into the store because that's what [ __ ] like me had to fight for it like ja Rule when you walked in this and cap yes sir ja rule [ __ ] was at the front but you may say that was at the front everything digital everything ain't even like that no more well coming and there's still the same thing you were saying where you were against a little bit rule J all these people are CA Tony the whole sheet if they have 15 records from the amount of artists they have on that major label going to these DSPs and then you have the other two big major labels at the same time so these yeah these line lists that can only put one record on every other week are now ro has to sit on a list of a hundred people that are also well established artists and mark piece of legislation as an example may have to put another artist before ro like it's just an unfair game it's so cluttered with this play listing [ __ ] and it's so political and so many labels are talking to these DSPs and playlist in general his record can't get on there because they're only adding so many per oh boy what we used to say when us us that didn't have label support what the new argument became for us was then packaged me with whoever you're supporting then put me in the store the same exact time that Chris Brown is in the store because whatever traffic is generated from there there maybe I'll pick some artists release I wouldn't duck the big artists release now digitally I want to be right there when Beyonce releases I want you right there so much world that playlist thing people that are confused back to Rory's conversation about some of the [ __ ] that the labels are trying to do now but for the people that are confused how does it behoove you to be on a major versus an independent well I know I got assigned what four years ago right when El Dorado came out and I had just come off of my coke jacking Cadillacs project that I released independently which even got me marks attention and you've inspired me to purchase an El Dorado I told you what come on but I'm getting an ounce are you [ __ ] kidding me but uh yeah I needed I needed financial support to be able to be outdoor because I didn't want to be only an underground artist yeah I wanted to be out like what I do put it out there like that's why I went to a label so arm-in-arm bzees it is like I get with arm be artists getting on majors especially brand new ones that come from nothing I need that loan yeah I need that recording budget yeah I can't sit here with a mic in my room and just put a verse on a beat and send it to a producer to mix it just don't work that way yeah it's a [ __ ] expensive game yeah well slow down I'm gonna play devil's advocate again we roll because that's my guy and I love him even on this album it seemed well you talked earlier about releasing music without features mm-hmm but for the game you're playing today it seems like there is an entire sub-genre of people that contribute to what you're trying to do like for me I would assume that when Jill and music and D'Angelo and they were accrued Angie was out like they were crew for me that is kind of how maybe not intentionally for y'all that's how I look at you and scissor yeah and re and there's a few of y'all but you know the difference with that is rose by so scissors t de re is bill exactly so she got everybody's got ro is by his so crews aren't our crew is so that's why identify would rope just cuz I know it is to do it alone it's different without a crew and then you know it's not like I'm gonna go over there and be like yo guys let me join your crew why saying I'm fired if you wanna hang out with me cool if you don't cool no that's your bet and that's why you close what I stairs okay I'm saying I hang people but I'm not gonna beg you to you can't let me into your crew so that way my my [ __ ] apart yeah like that's corny like I want you to [ __ ] with my [ __ ] cuz you won't be like yo bro I kind of feel like I kind of feel like I look at lucky day right and I feel like you and him have a lot of similarities as far as like I don't really see him [ __ ] with a lot of people like that right but I don't I'm just trying to figure out what was it about lucky day that pop because I think I think when you dropped your [ __ ] like everybody was talking about Roe James but I'm just trying to figure out what happened I don't know if it was the four-year gap I can answer that or what it was but humming maybe Tommy but everything y'all are like very similar as far as just content which are talking about in y'all [ __ ] yeah both can sing or styles are really unique but it's label sport mo I'm the first time that the first time I saw a wrote never or the first time I saw a lucky day was on in B et program before the awards where they let a new artist shine right and to get that look and her got that look - yeah that's labels of work okay and and when painted came out he already had that support and was in a deal for however many albums so there was already invested in the future like when El Dorado came out it made mad noise but his [ __ ] wasn't straight that label right that same label support is why we have a lucky day and babyface record right now right lucky they can't smell baby face without label support right actually I just watched their pocket there they're live but they did babyface unintentionally is the funniest guy into you and I love babyface man well how could you not baby faces the man yeah man but in him being the man he talks like it so lucky day was saying you know man upon you like all of you know all of that yo I can't believe they'll say yeah I can't believe I'm even able to work with you like that's a miracle babyface was like yo check this out I didn't know much of you yeah yeah yeah I just heard about you right before you know when such and such brought you to me it was rough yeah yeah like when I saw you a few years ago on American Idol and lucky day chimed in and said you know that's a painful experience for me man just corporation be trying to rob you he's missing and being like yeah but yeah but lucky killed that American Idol pains me when I hear that baby fish yeah but when I seen you there you wasn't there and to see what you've come to today the story you can tell with your voice like I'm watching this [ __ ] like damn I want to be able to tell us baby faces has a way of saying and any teased that you mean again writer again this is label support that fans might not recognize when it happens but I recognize it somewhere in there lucky day asked him or they start talking about if Toni Braxton would feature on the remix of the song with him and babyface no a babyface did yeah I got it I'll call Toni Braxton and put that in for you that's label support and Lucky's one of Lucky's managers is Sam waters from Color Me badd so there's a passion there label support relationships like y'all spoke of earlier and label support labels supporting any talent thing that row James sits home and thinks about it can come to fruition mmm I could call my product manager or whoever and we could put a plan together if that's not happening then right you kind of just on your own but on your own you're amazing thank you bro you're amazing this album was great I don't like it better than the first one question but I'll push though didn't want to have you here because I didn't know how to say on that first one that first one for me but this is a great solid especially with what you have had to endure what you've had to experience again mark Pitts what up I love RCA talk don't sound like I've loved RCA I love and record full support of everything they are doing in arm be and part of the reason bro actually I'll share dear is because of some of the struggles that you mentioned I like that RCA will highlight sign pinpoint developer artists that nobody gives a [ __ ] about well that's one point I guess ego sounding like they have their I love them bro come on come on say I'm saying I got the good people around me so that's good and just RCA would do those I'm amazing people it takes not fuss that don't have labels label sport it's just not an overnight thing it took me 18 years to get in this seat like it's just not an overnight thing it takes us having to constantly figure out our way through the maze and figuring out the people that are gonna stick with us through the maze yeah music three like parks is from some project in Oh 8 I can't remember like you know the main like find your people is gonna stick with you and it's just get it done and then just go head down we going I make some of the greatest music ever and I don't have the greatest promotion but guess what we out for the next 15 you have to deal with this y'all say something oh damn what I want to play from romance I'm gonna play a row sleeper ok wait let me figure out there's anything else I need to talk to her about that it has nothing to do with raw ladies treating you amazing amazing no let me see here worldwide West I don't have to ask you guys about that uh Vince Carter retires let me at the round of applause with it's called retire yeah uh greatest dunker of all time I don't care what anybody says shouts defense yeah this is my dog hell of a career let me see the bronze did a deal actually yes look what congratulations to LeBron and maverick honey a 100 million dollar content deal as it carry champion and Jamel it's a black woman's name you forgot I'm sorry well now that you got it just they did a deal invites a Michelle cried every private source agency say her name's Jamel Hoss I said you have you forgot at first as a black woman in this time I'm gonna only respect your girlfriend and even respect some other people I'm here to fire at everyone today I see um actually I wanted to ask these gentlemen about the wale grant that he went on about bad management but I feel like our conversation kind of just covered some of that so I won't he just don't have good management he said that my managers are bad he went further into it well maybe I'll soon be in ambassador markets sue me was the video of the year you [ __ ] didn't [ __ ] with it up and ask him for label support I've been talking about everything that's going on before I started going on and nobody pays me any my I can't get push up there but y'all push so many other people like he was saying all that and I'll share what I said to him privately which was this is complaining without application yeah like if you're not gonna change your manager mm-hmm what it's in bad taste to say I have horrible managers because somewhere they're reading it as they're on the other line with a deal for you yeah even if they're doing a bad job like an S the conundrum that artists find themselves in sometimes like when you have a manager that you don't feel is maybe producing the best you're not mad you know man cuz you can manage your whole life but how do I present this to you in a way where you can understand what I'm saying and kind of empathize with me and maybe guide me guide me to the right person managers so mean yeah I'm just talking [ __ ] man go shout out the wale I love wale I'm a bro I love epic I love Warner I love it Lanning I love Def Jam I love the label I love the label you love love I love love love love love love love love the label listen because as I aged in this thing my beef was less with the labels labels are gonna labels like a chair is gonna chair if you [ __ ] gonna sign there then what do you want me to say to you I don't have I don't have none to say you want to take your rights and sign it's the same conversation I have with my oldest son today yeah well why are you doing that what do you want out of this what are you hoping insane how long do you want to be here you want some money like what are you look we can get so much [ __ ] from this that it's important that we're clear on our objective before we proceed and that's what any sponge yeah that's what anything um give yourself a big bars baseball bars you dropping big balls today like little kick at bro we have this segment where all of us freestyle you down [ __ ] but none of them will freestyle anyways though Rory gave us two bars last week yeah mom no mall of Parks has to give us somebody all right look I'm not ready God you got bars in his pocket okay alright if one of you do one bar I'll attempt to finish the one bar and that'll be two yeah I say yo it's not a bar that's the frito that's two Prieta yo curly hair black Hanes Sumomo cargo shorts ain't a thing what else is important what else is important what else is important let me see why layaway rant I'll save this Wednesday quiet has kept where's Big Sean that is a valid question and I don't think you meant that in a bad way yeah I'm not trying to be funny yeah Sean was rolling out oh okay I see what you're saying Toula cinema got his album got you yeah I mean to change this I would like a bad plan Demi I know but I mean I'd like an update from some of my favorite [ __ ] on what's going on I think he held out when that pandemic it is smart nobody just says Wednesday I want to talk about the BT water area and CBS so that was kind of interesting via zoom what up well I don't know how they're doing the BT Awards but it's gonna be on CBS which isn't Viacom it is vehicle that is why I come inside oh okay well but it's yeah well I mean they do a lot of award shows and other things where it's on like six different Viacom channels but what does it matter if it's a zoom award show that's a good boy I don't know I'm not watching this you wear I'm so happy that my cable remote arrives tomorrow that's it no then why not why you're not watching though why am i now watch it we're here Sunday I'm not what I really need the or it's important I'm now watching because I'm fighting they just had everybody perform somewhere they've recorded it already and they just gonna post my watch I'm not watching because I'm fighting for all of us in this room to receive our proper advertising money airhorn you gonna get with me one of these no not right now not right now I will at some point but just not right now these award shows I chose their ad shows and I have nobody see it's a television show it's an ad that's how they make the money everything that streams is an ad yeah of course and we stream and there's an ad fight that we have not yet approached so for me it's bothersome to watch something in support of an ad ofon I will not watch an ad Athan until we are properly compensated for our strengths jun-chan well while I agree there no sir okay their money I know that sounded good and I agree with you it just sits sounded good just to add as opposed to what you do anything yes it is it's okay to cut down on the edit that without you are when I watch oh why the BT Awards as opposed to other things now all Awards are at a Thon's when I watch defending shake-up when I watch defending Jacob on Adam Plus I mean Apple Plus Adam + pause for thinking about Adam it's being plus ITV cross my mind but [Laughter] Rory when I watch defending Jacob on Apple or zero-zero-zero on Netflix I don't necessarily view these as a de thawne's because Netflix is not in in search of the ad money for you to watch this show the BT awards and the Grammys and the Emmys and the award shows are predicated on nothing but ads and use us as ads so like when I come in here a few weeks ago and say that they're streaming us the award shows is kind of what I mean well what do you think the NBA is oh you that's been oh this is bull NBA well yeah I know I get what you're saying the award shows my question to that is that sounded good but why the BT Awards is where we're stopping it because an NBA game is an added on can I answer for you if you don't mind please it's okay to cut out some things like yeah I know cigarettes are bad for me but that doesn't mean I just smoked a pack every single day just because like I stopped smoking four days a week and that's better than smoking also agrees but I said first why the BT Awards why we chose that it's not just I'm not stopping there but when you bring up the sports let's talk about it Sports is a dearth on for me I've been for years saying yo we should gamble on this like he said some of the same changes that we note in music like looking at the Edit on to say hey wait a minute something's off I've done in sports as well and I've been able to gradually see some of those changes from forward-thinking people in sports unfortunately music has been this way since inception four shows a worship would have nothing to do with music music has in this way and designed this way since inception so when you ask me the difference that is the difference for me I can point to the NBA in the 70s 80s 90s and now and highlight the differences for you maybe not so much with NASCAR the NFL or baseball but with the NBA they've attempted to do it they're not all the way there yet so you don't need to even know if I'd attempt I don't say attempt but okay I don't work I don't think they've attempted to change them just being a an ad revenue thing that properly pays everybody involved and not just using people for ad revenue they're arguing the CBA now so you're wrong they just they have China they have argued about it every time unlike the NFL that folds so they argue so they argue later about what we already agreed upon the MBA has never been that so I disagree I'm not telling you what to think but no I don't feel like that at all by the MU it also it's okay to pick and choose what poisons and when how much of them you want to invest in because I know your debt ages ago and you keep ignoring all the answers that I keep that I keep saying I was replying to parks employee when they cut the deal with China you get paid that's the network you think the NBA players off that China now our game boy they do of the TV deal and all the night yes I don't think anything Roy don't just argue with me to argue with me I'm saying facts they get paid from the TV deal in 91 92 they just aired that on the last dance they have much they have pivotal say and all CBA agreements they lock out they have a union they argue with [ __ ] they have people on their side that they matter because it's not what I'm arguing so relax I'm off it the same time artists get rigid argue Chatard no no no I explained to you thoroughly the difference with Wayne I've explained in depth the difference between award shows and music and sports I tap out yoga artists perform at award shows in are paid a fee are they paid the correct fee that comes from all ad revenue are the NBA players paid the the fee they deserve from the China deal no but they fight they fight for the niche it changes me they get custody that's why CBA's collective Bolden's Players Association - what that China deal was that was the profit like come on I know I know what y'all saying is sound listeners but I know y'all don't believe that it's a fight but we're saying that you know artists need you don't be like my side [ __ ] and tell me what I believe I believe Adam Silver to be forward-thinking if he is a blatant racist and bigoted and I don't know it I don't even know why but I believe said anything gonna do I didn't say you said that I'm saying if I'm totally wrong on him I believe his business savvy to be in line with the Players Union and I'm seeing things that I would have never thought I would have seen in sports kind of the same as I'm begging for in music there are whole companies plastered on the jerseys in the NBA now and they're paid from it stop talking to me Rory and stop spreading this stupid [ __ ] message because rappers and musicians are not paid that way they're not treated that way they're not offered a seat at the table then stop watching YouTube why we consistent like seated there you say [ __ ] that's gonna sound good pretty not but we're all for the seat at the YouTube table - you're just wrong everywhere you turn there are [ __ ] millionaires on YouTube because they're cutting them in Rory my only argument to you is there are places that are not cutting people in and the music industry is one of them I'm not sure people then don't make it right they need to be paid what they deserve just because you gave me a million dollars don't mean [ __ ] when I'm worth a billion what the [ __ ] you talking about you need to be considered first and that is the difference in sports and music black people are not considered in music Rory and there's nothing that you can tell me about that whenever of course not nor was that ever a point that I was ever disagreeing with ever and anything that I was saying my only original point was why choose that to not stream as opposed to something else to not stream that was it simple and plain and my response to that is it's not just them gotcha um is there anything else really important we have to say rest in peace to Huey yeah rest in peace to Huey yes popular for his hit song pop lock and drop it which was that [ __ ] that was the [ __ ] that got the party started it pains me when when artists are identified by the biggest song and not by the person that they were so I want to send my condolences and prayers to his family friends fans and loved ones and this is horrible he was murdered right yeah yeah he appears to his family for his discipline and rest in peace to Huey I'm tired of rest in peace I'm tired of diseases yeah it's been a lot of rest in peace and in 2020 yes exactly what I needed I don't even know I needed lord finesse to get the Jackson five stems yeah but now Parkes is playing that when I walked in that that sounds like an amazing project it's really good it's real good so you don't know how if Jackson five got the stems I don't know you told me he was ready pot earlier bad guys why do I gotta try you man no I'd be starting [ __ ] you can't trike when you flip a certain narrative it gets triggered you can't flip that narrative which one so I don't do it no more we're gonna we were gonna edit it so the won't no but saying it in yeah I wanted a this is the best podcast no they're gonna find out soon yeah check this out I want to thank y'all for joining us you could have been in any pot in the world but you here with me and I appreciate that and I say at having done some recent research into just how many podcasts exists there's a lot of you [ __ ] now tell me y'all doing work yeah like I got a look at y'all now like I see on the block y'all still my [ __ ] stuff don't you ever forget it yeah I want to thank I want to thank ro James for coming and dealing with this interrogation yeah ro I love you I think I appreciate it thank you for coming not wanna thank you for dropping thank you for not taking four years to drop again thank thank you for dealing with all the frustrations that come along with this game that we will never know about as consumers thank you for your consistent passion in 2020 with the year being so while for me it's really important to acknowledge [ __ ] like you while I have the time yes sir so I want to do that I know we cool off Mike right but I love and [ __ ] with you man and I'm really proud of your contribution and thank you thank you brother let you do it thank you being an artist everything I work hard I'm only mad he still said look at row trying to still get off my vest we cool [ __ ] complain you know I wanted to again thank our first and last time listeners again shout out to the essential workers before we leave always present peace Brianna Taylor rest in peace some art are very rest in peace - George Floyd Brianna's murderers are still on the loose hopefully we can still get justice I want to shout out to the Millennials and jimsy y'all are still killing that [ __ ] apart me just thank you for everybody that's contributing man thank you to all of y'all I appreciate y'all I love y'all hope all is well keep us in your prayers hold up man keep us in your prayers lord knows we need to beat until the next time adios arrivederci hasta LaVista so long goodbye life is a series of moments in moments past so let's make this one last as if it's all we have tomorrow's not promised so we never know y'all hold it down for the weekend and I will see y'all no [ __ ] [ __ ] is you Tommy and I will see y'all on Wednesday Wednesday do we have any final words any last words anybody want to utilize their platform responsibly before we leave first apiece Elisha McClain forgot him in the shots again but at the end yeah yeah that story is crazy yeah we're gonna talk about it on Wednesday we didn't want to rush through it there's a few topics that I didn't want to rush through today Elisha McCain being one of them a little baby asking for a hundred grand for features another one I want to talk to y'all about that but we had enough hip-hop fights today we had enough nerd nerdy type hip hop yeah hip hop the moment I come rushing to turn Stevie Nicks on of course you do yeah I love this role wrap-ups TV there's like a wide window yeah alright y'all hold a dare we out here
Channel: Joe Budden TV
Views: 449,279
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JOE BUDDEN, joe budden 2020, hiphop, rap, JOE BUDDEN TV, Slaughterhouse, i'll name this podcast later, podcast, The Joe Budden Podcast, Joe Budden Podcast, state of the culture, revolt, revolt tv, pull up, JBP, Jadakiss vs Fabolous, 6lack, kanye west, dr. dre, kid cudi, ro james
Id: Yld7Ol8uLbI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 59sec (10979 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 29 2020
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