The Jew Capital VS The Muslim Capital of America…

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this is Crown Heights Brooklyn the Jew capital of America and recently famous for the Jewish tunnels and this is Dearborn Michigan the Muslim capital of America recently in the news for this clip both of these groups have seen a rapid increase in harassment and hate with the ongoing war between the Palestinians and Israel in Gaza but how different are these two religions and what do they really stand for on my way to Brooklyn to meet up with the hidic Jews in Crown he I learned of Columbia University students protesting in support of Palestine setting up a liberated Zone on campus and then this happened listen to me now they are not letting me on campus civil right and civil right as a Jewish person to be on campus I have a right as a professor I am a professor here I have every right to be everywhere on campus you cannot let people that support Kamas on campus and me a professor not go on campus let me in now before I infiltrate the university and see their Camp I wanted to hear what some of the protesters had to [Music] Saye will be free will be free from [Music] River we made it to Colombia let's see what's going on here what are you here for I'm here to protest against Kamas can you tell me what that means uh what that means to me personally is uh making louder noise than they're making Hamas has done some terrible things and they are a plague upon both the Israeli and the Arab world and uh I hope that Israel defeats them soon many many people who feel that the Palestinian people are being slaughtered and we're saying not in our name my age said it about Vietnam not in my name a partti not in my name and all the different mass movements for justice and that's what's Happening Here supporting the students some people think that Jewish people have to defend Israel I come from a long line of Jewish people my relatives were killed in the Holocaust but all of whom fought against Injustice and I think that is a tradition of Jewish people not to continue to defend Israel blindly no matter what's happening so when they say they stand for Hamas or they're in support of Hamas what does that mean from my perspective and again I understand that they might not understand what they're saying what I see is I support the organization that killed my friend in Gaza 3 months ago I support the organization that has been raining down rockets on civilians for literally decades I cannot see a situation in which we will have peace with the organization Hamas we're here to support the Jewish brothers and sisters from all this anti-semitic scum that are standing across from us and release the hostages release the hostages is the number one priority what do you think they're here in support of they're here in support of hate the Jews they're not here to support Gaza if they want to go to Gaza to help anybody of the Palestinians they should go there to Gaza so when someone says free Palestine what does that mean yeah what does that mean that's a good idea it it actually means nothing there really is no Palestine there's no place on the map that that's Palestine and are most of these people here in support of Hamas or the Palestinians and what is this most of these people don't know what they do I support the TR solution um so I do not align 100% with all of their agenda which is probably a one state solution or something I fully support that like Palestinian human rights are important and like even in war there has to be morality of War we're offering uh first class free tickets to Gaza for any of these supporters would like to go there and support Hamas and you know really support their cause I mean put their money where their mouth is and we'll actually pay for it they could go fight they could fight they can do Aid they could bandage the militants they could give blood to the militants and and all the girls here can go sleep with the militants and be one of their wives it would be amazing they they would love it they'd be welcomed especially lgbtq Community especially would really love it there partly I can't believe people are spending this much money to get so stupid and I how much does it cost to go to school here I believe it's around $80 $90,000 a year if you study history especially if you're Jewish you're a bit sensitive to this Behavior because anti- Zionism is quickly turning into anti-jewish feel safe to be Jewish out here in New York City 2024 on college campuses it's kind of terrifying get in there and you see people basically holding signs that I saw one that it was you know the Jews on this campus are hamas's next targets it's like that is ISU unbelievable I mean I saw a photo that was um literally protesters stopping Jewish students from getting into buildings it's like that's straight up anti-Semitism I think there are people that are a little more naive in the camp that do have good hearts that want the right thing which is just to end Bloodshed in like for people that don't deserve it when you're getting but you get lumped in with the worst ideologies that are a part of it which includes wanting all Jews in the region just dead supporting Hamas you ask them what they think about Jews and I've seen people say scum like scum of the earth dirty like yada y yada with so many opinions on both sides I wanted to hear from the actual students occupying Colombia and understand their motives but it turns out they only talk to pre-approved press they said um they they have no press policy right now no what do you mean we we have designated people to talk to press designated people can we be on background uh what do you mean like you know what on background means no what does it mean these aren't serious journalists they don't know what on background means so what do you mean he said we're not serious journalists we don't know what on background means given that I am in fact just a College Dropout with the camera I began scouting the entirety of the school's perimeter and quickly learned it was near impossible to enter the school without a student ID or without being pre-approved press this place was crawling with NYPD and security everywhere so I tried to sneak my way in with a group of other Columbia students going to school poet excuse me hello hello supposed to be we're not allowed to report oh I see guys can go ahead and time you guys got it okay we definitely had access uh I blame posa's blue jacket right now point to blue jacket so the question is how does one get in the school the police are blocking off every corner out here doing their job I get it trying to remain peaceful out here maintain the peace Etc what's going on inside here there's the teachers in the faculty now teachers faculty students in a bunch of tents uh there are students in the tents and the faculty and the teachers are up there got it how many people would you say are intense right now a couple hundred yeah a couple hundred and that's been pretty consistent last couple days yeah I think so probably an important thing right there so my next idea was to go undercover as a protester buy a scarf put on two face masks and raise the pitch of my voice to sound less threatening I managed to sneak past the security guard playing a game on his mobile phone and I had infiltrated Columbia after entering the people's University for Palestine I learned that everyone here was on high alert if you weren't pre-approved press unless you've been boundar and just know like we're we're get we improving our like ability to take care people privac still working okay thank you yeah you got it I focused on observing as much as I could without raising too much suspicion and luckily enough I'd arrived just in time for a speech and an interpretive dance shame we just wanted to like show the message here the importance of like cing the size between Columbia and these companies so for example Black Rock who we all hate Sher Brown Airbnb [Music] regardless of race regardless of um sexual orientation um no matter what the consensus is we want a free Palestine and showing out the numbers really exposes who has the power despite the sheer number of protesters out here they're almost unanimously masked up and uninterested in sharing their thoughts on what this Camp stood for hi there can I see what's inside this is such a good thing are there people in there people in there take no photos of I see okay what what does it offer cuz it's such a peaceful protest I think it's is such a good thing yeah so we have a bunch of different providers around here just of the nature of being a college protest uh I'm an EMT we have some First Responders we have uh doctors nurses we're not operating in any official capacity but the idea is even if there are necessarily uh like violent injuries which think of there are not there have been none right uh yeah it's just that uh originally someone had a seizure when we did not have any tent off because of the Heat and since then we've decided to just like consolidate a bunch of different like medical supplies and medical responders just in case anyone needs some help you good yeah I'm good are you recording yeah been walking around oh yeah I walked up just recording yeah we don't want any recording around the just trying to show how peaceful this is okay well I appreciate your time thank you yet as I had my head shot taken by this dude the hypocrisy was obvious like the interview thank you as lunch time began I was impressed to witness a compliance test in real time as the protesters echoed the lunch options to their [Music] comrades pizza but given that I was not pre-approved press my cover was eventually blown uh taking picture okay so if you could just be mindful thank you appreciate while the liberated Zone seemingly voiced unanimous support for Palestine I found these dudes in the back holding an American flag you guys are all students at um Columbia here yes sir are you guys uh Jewish no no no stepping back up for America you know we're back baby we're not going to let this country fall and American flags were also burned here I don't know if it was burned off campus or on campus uh but apparently something happened last night so what do you think they're protesting for for or against what is their objective not too sure because I don't know if their protesting is going to have anything to do with the war going on over in the Middle East most of them probably just want to be affiliated with something most of them have no affiliation with Palestine they don't really want to talk to anybody you know yeah I think they're just young young kids you know a little immature they don't really know how to handle something like this I don't really blame them half much I I credit them for their um their devotion and their loyalty for what they're doing but I think they're a little bit um misinformed on how to actually get things done and I think they're going about it the wrong way but honestly I don't really care about that I just have to do with the flag this USA rally right here that's right yep okay USA rally Ben B real America's voice news I think uh God bless these guys for being up here and what one of the guys said the the people here don't appreciate we got these guys down here uh I would say mostly misguided they want to destroy this country from within we're in a battle for the future of our nation and this is evidence of that college campuses Across America that have allowed leftist communist America haters to take it over and this is what you get and and if we don't stand up as a country we're going to lose this nation you go to Columbia yeah what are your thoughts on this protest I mean honestly if they didn't call for the murder of my entire family and all of my friends I think it would have been like pretty wicked cool but I think people like sitting on my lawn and like crying for the murder of my family is not not very not very cool I personally I got spit on for speaking Hebrew on campus when was this this was like right after October 7th all of my Israeli friends and most of my my Jewish friends are too scared to go on campus I just came down from downtown thought I'd read a little Robert I don't know if you know but Robert Craft kind of pulled out I saw that this significant Jewish donor I don't think Jews can be here if they feel unsafe on this campus it's not cool and I'm like I love protests I'm a big protest guy but um this is this is scary so we agreed to community guidelines by virtue of walking in is this how this for yeah I guess I don't know well we didn't sign anything no this is my lawn they pay for Le on you pay what 90 grand a year to come here yeah I pay a lot of money man you pay full tuition um yeah a little bit of financial aid so behind us is well we have hello we're just walking through thank you okay besides the implicit Community guidelines concept I would say relatively chill experience I think my time has come can I get the T um no is there it's like impossible to avoid people's faces you're filming the I can't even just record well I mean when you came in you agreed to the community guidelines right and so one of did I sign something no you didn't this a this is a goodi agreement I see okay that makes sense after witnessing the Columbia liberated Zone before protesters broke into a building were arrested by NYPD and the camp was shut down I met up with Ahmed in the Muslim capital of America Deerborn Michigan and Rabbi Yoni in the Jew capital of America Crown Heights Brooklyn to better understand both sides of this conflict by entering communities that have brought their culture from the Middle East and maintained it in the US let's go to the synagogue let's go to the synagogue all right so out of all CID groups we delve deeply into the thought and understanding of why did God create the world in the first place and what does it mean to have a soul and what's our greater mission to the outside world how do we see non-jews or non-ic Jews so we headed into the synagogue that made national news a few months ago for illegally expanding the synagogue and for this open to the public yeah we're going right in all right so how many people come in here every day we say on a daily basis thousands thousands it's hustling and bustling so here they're doing the afternoon prayers okay of M so they um we pray three times a day morning afternoon and evening so he's doing the afternoon prayers and Yesa study going on here prayers learning charity look at all these charity boxes right now it's kind of empty in here if you back during pray this is empty this is empty so during Passover this is going to be packed packed you wouldn't even be able to stand there would be thousands of people there so the situation overseas there was no security and we walked in is it dangerous to be here on a day-to-day basis does stuff go down we we have God as our security okay the guardian of Israel doesn't slumber nor sleep interesting so you don't have any safety concerns I know you know we don't try to be Reckless and we're not there there are you know as you saw outside there is uh there is NYPD and the local sort of Patrol that keeps an eye so there is an eye there's cameras is it a dangerous time to be a Jew from your perspective absolutely not it's never a dangerous time as a Jew we have to be proud of who we are realize we have a mission we're called to chosen people and the reason we're called to chosen people is because God said I want one nation to teach the rest of the world and you're chosen just like you have a teacher in the classroom and you have students so God chose us and God said to tell the world a special message he told us to be an AR a light unto the nation right now everyone here is in Exile yes the Jews were in the Holy Land a couple thousand years ago the Babylonians sort of kicked them out and they were dispersed to all four corners of the globe where did the expansion happen is it downstairs no that's over there oh it's literally right over there that plywood over there you see how it's different than the rest right over there yeah right there oh so they sealed it off yeah they filled it up they put cement and people were very upset they thought it was anti-Semitism and so you see it's a busy place and you're not getting the feel of how packed it is and then the last decade it's you know completely grown in size so you need more room obviously like a lot of stories gets blown out of proportion what's one thing you think uh people misunderstand about hidic Jews could be sometimes a person comes over and we're not nice to them it's not it's not because we're not nice we try to be nice to everyone and there's nothing wrong of us everyone is different yeah people think that we're closed and we don't we're we like to live in our community and the community lives lives together we're we're basically one we're all one everything is for one one one reason to make God happy what do you think the the fundamental source of anti-Semitism is because the Jews are successful and they have a way of thinking the right direction and they're successful while the Jewish Community is seemingly hated more than ever right now with the exception of the Holocaust of course the Muslim Community is facing accusations of being homophobic violent and terroristic and this protester in Dearborn recently did not [Music] help Malcolm X said and I quote we live in one of the rot inous countries that have ever that has ever existed on this Earth it's not genocide Joe that has to go it's the entire system that has to go quiet struggle over identity is playing out in Muslim communities Nationwide Advocates say Dearborn has been leading the conversation a model of peaceful coexistence between Christian Jewish and Muslim Americans thriving together many dear borers grieved the dead on 9112 2001 Outsiders have used the city over the past 20 years as a stage for conspiracy theories bigotry and hate this community has been an epicenter of anti-muslim hate and xenophobia I think Islam hates us we got s Dr khed with professional Tas we got everything insulated in the community we are in little Middle East out here which is cool shout out United States of America this is one of the few places in the world I feel like where you can have a Melting Pot of all these cultures think people got the idea that Islam was a religion of violence and not peace that one President George Bush yeah there is some hate here and there but at the same time you just avoid it how is it being a Muslim in 2024 for me it's pretty simple but for the younger ones it is kind of difficult I don't know if you guys heard about a year ago or two years ago there was an incident where books were placed in the library in there private public schools nobody knew about it until somebody came on gay books like how to have sex like anal sex men yes yes okay all right they're not meant to be in public schools I see this is for me okay that's cool it ended up my hands got a copy of the K I'm going to read this thank you so much this would be cool to see what's going on here so can we interview you we're trying to learn more about the town and the Muslim faith of course it's peaceful it's very peaceful the national media portrayed like not a city in America the contrary everything is like any other City very diverse you'll see a church we saw the Orthodox we Catholic a bar and it's a great city to raise a family you have Lebanese yemenese Iraqis as far as middle EAS Palestinians jordanians it's a Melting Pot you hear a lot of uh interest interesting things especially on Fox News get so much uh hate in the city but if you come down here it's honestly one of the most hospitable lovable communities you'll ever see people literally fall over themselves just to try to help somebody out it's a great town great area to raise a family kids why do you think Dearborn became a Muslim Hub I think uh because of the more population of the Arabic you know the Middle Easterns so yeah most of them they they feel like they are back home in the country you know what I'm talking about you could see just they they walk in with the with scarves they walking with you know it's like a t country within a country yep yep yep yep um I have friends of mine that are Jewish that are Christian that are Hindu everybody food brings everybody together so everybody loves dear War it's all love out here yes yes yes so it's not like some Waring religious factions against each other uh I don't know take a look seems pretty peaceful we're going to meet up with our buddy ammed which one that's a great question there he is Amed how you doing we're trying to meet some locals before you came here nice I see you came to the right place ahed how are you I'm doing good hey how you doing man we're get in treats yo I really appreciate that no you're good thank you look at this community hospitality is used bro this is awesome thank you while both the Jewish and Muslim communities extended extreme Hospitality to me and generous gifts like this Fedora oh yeah so this could be worn brimmed down like that that is cool and free food at this yemenese Cafe that's good this is like a fruit explosion why explosion man come on why would you pick that I was even invited to a party where they circumcised the Jewish baby welcome [Music] everybody these were complete strangers who let me come to their family gathering and eat their food we walked in here you guys tolerated me even walking into this I'm kind of amazed why would we not tolerate you well I'm not a Jew so uh God created many things in this world non-jews also beautiful thing about the cidic community and specifically this one is that it's a family everyone looks out for each other you're never left alone because that's what Judaism is about caring for each other looking out for each other not just Jewish people but everyone both communities showed me extreme love and kindness despite the fact that I was a complete Outsider uh there seems to be a little bit of fear of me misrepresentation of Dearborn yeah why is that well I mean if you take a look at the news right now for example with what's going on with the war between uh Israel and Palestine if you say you don't want people to be murdered what can we do to minimize this to stop this it's like they're throwing that terrorist label out so quick and I think that's why a lot of people are really cautious because it's becoming very you know to label someone as a terror is a very serious crime you know it's not a joke by any means that's where a lot of the fear is stemming from and I think with the amount of stress people are facing in this economy there's there's not much different between hopefully my life and any other the viewers life you're pretty much working to pay bills try not to get obese you know there's not much time to create terrorist activities we're joking about that is that a real thing out here when you see videos where it's like if you want to support stop bombing Stop The Killing of children stop you know just simmering things down and then boom they're labeled as a terrorist that's kind of crazy right that that kind of hinders the whole point of free speech and from my perspective what you see is you know you have certain actions that were committed on both ends between Israel and Palestine and you have your your War initiated what people are saying is hey it's often for countries to have a back and forth uh militarily between each other but to continue on onslaught of children and women and families who are not fighting or not in war that's where a lot of people including myself think the line should be drawn considering all the different stereotypes hatred and confusion I headed to the local mosque to talk with the shik to learn more about what Islam was actually really about what he thought about the current state of the world as it relates to Muslims and Jews I believe we have a Catholic church and then we have an orthodox church right over there this is a pretty impressive array of very different religions worshiping in very close parity this is optimistic right here this is um indicative of some World Peace coming soon shoes come off if we're going to the okay Allah knew that not all mankind will follow one religion which is Islam right Islam mean that to submit peacefully to the will of Allah Allah subhana tala he made things subjected for you and Allah created this universe to revolve around the human being everything was created to serve this human Allah is saying that oh my servant I created everything for you and created you for me my name is Muhammad yes yes and you're an IM usually they call us either she or say she when you were a white turban she say when you were a black one it's difference when you wear a black one then you're one of the grandchildren of the Prophet himself I think when it comes Juris Prudential the Jews are the closest religion when it comes to Islam Moses story in the Quran mentioned in 900 verses and 163 times the name Moses was mentioned in the book Quran I think in Gaza also Christians all the churches were destroyed Jews I can't blame the Jews for that as a Muslim it's more about the fake political Jews Plus fake political Christians Plus fake political Muslims so I don't think the war in Middle East is between Muslims and Jews it's it is a completely Rel religious War but in stark contrast YouTube's most popular Rabbi back in Brooklyn disagreed can you explain what's going on in Israel and how that relates to Judaism and Islam or maybe the differences between those beliefs Hamas celebrates the success of their raid we successfully raped and and decapitated babies that shows that God is on our side and we are the good people how does that how does that make any sense sense the religious issue very simply is Israel is an inheritance God gave it to Abraham as an inheritance he made it very clear for you and your children for all time to come an inheritance you cannot conquer the only way that Israel can belong to you is if you inherit the the Muslims believe that they are the inheritors of this land because Abraham's oldest son is is is and they are descendants of ish and is that corroborated by holy texts or the Torah or the Quran what confirms that belief for them nothing okay Imam Ali when he was giving the final will to his sons IM Hassan H he told them always stand against the oppressor and whether they are in Ukraine Palestinians Americans that they suffered somewhere we always stand with these individuals we are not like aggressive we are not violent I expect from the one who has more power to be more wise to have more strict rules that they abide by and follow there are no Palestinian people before 1967 there are Muslims who are Arabs claimed to be descendants of Ishmael and therefore the land belongs to them and that's why there will be no two-state solution because as far as their concern the entire country belongs to them so what does it mean Israel will will give them Gaza you're giving me my land it's insulting now the real truth is there are no descendants of Ishmael why because they're all intermarried it's just interesting and fascinating all these people who are Marching In the pro Palestinian pramas rallies and they're screaming and they're shouting and they're carrying these banners then they go home what do they do when they go home they they forget about it yeah they couldn't care less do you think many people believe Islam means terrorism I think it's still in the subconscious of a lot of people out there since as a Muslim I was in Lebanon when when Isis came to Syria and we suffered in some in our Capital Beirut from some explosions there because of Isis I was able to experience some of their activities if I wasn't well-educated Muslim that actually I studied the Quran in depth and the words of prophet Muhammad and his household I might get a bad image about Islam because unfortunately it's it was shocking to see individuals like actually they believe if they bomb themselves they will go and eat lunch with the prophet to some of them they found spoons in their pockets it sounds funny unfortunately and you might cry at the same time but look at the level of ignorance unfortunately um we we read we read some articles saying that a lot of them these thoughts were instilled inside their heads when they were 6 years older seven years older the Germans right to Germany sure they took it from somebody and that's fine just not Israel why are we even debating this we beat you up in ' 67 and we took your land that's it that's ours now and if we beat you up we'll take Gaza it'll be ours like every other country in the world no you're an occupier we're not occupiers we're conquerors look at what we're fighting over a small chunk of land it's it's ridiculous cuz I believe um the world now is is being um divided into two camps there's the camp of of people that they are actually they actually really they want peace and Justice to happen among all mankind those are the majority to be positive and optimistic and there is the minority where they are also Muslims let me call them fake Muslims fake Christians fake Jews that those individuals they just they want to gain themselves the eye to feel the eye ego arrogance greed if we had more youth um EMP power I think things will will become more I hope that the Youth of this generation can make a major and big difference in the future and not follow the footsteps of the previous generation I'm I'm I'm talking about the minorities that they are just seeking power like one of the I think one of the um philosophers he said if the human is following his desires if he owned the world he will be looking at the skies so Conquering the universe you know given the importance of the youth I went across the street from the mosque to the middle school where a lot of these kids are actually refugees from the Middle East Hi how are you I'm doing good how are you good thanks for having us oh thank you for coming all right so I'm here with everybody my name is sua aan and I'm the office administrator at Riverside Academy West we're going to take a walk through our building which is a middle school and high school here in Dearborn Michigan at the center of Arab America so what's going on here these kids learn we have Arabic teachings at play here yes we do provide Arabic uh language classes that's one of the benefits of coming to this particular public charter building a large Refugee population students who've been coming from war torn countries the majority of our students are Muslim and they practice their faith so we do have an opportunity that allows students to pray while they're in the building okay you had the first waves in the 30s and 40s which was like my grandfather my great-grandfather came here in 1901 so you had people coming seeking a better opportunity seeking you know have living that American dream and then you had another influx during the 50s and 60s and then and again in the' 7s 80s and then what we saw in that fourth wave were during the '90s and 2000s were as a result of War we have had a recent influx of Syrian and yemeni refugees that we've seen coming in especially within the Syrian communi and it's unfortunate because some of these kids have never seen the inside of a classroom you guys want to say what's up what do you guys learning oh my gosh me I love you watching what are you guys learning right now I'm Arabic right now Arabic how do you guys like the school uh it's nice it's my first day your like it's my first year you know I moved you know where you from I'm from Yemen Yemen yeah oh get where you guys fromen yeaha Syria yeah hi YouTube yeah say what's up to [Music] [Applause] YouTube all right bye guys [Applause] [Laughter] all right brother thank you so much for having us where can the people find you and can they see your business thank you yes so we're Big Time Graphics DM me on Instagram if you guys need anything our IG is Big Time Graphics at the end is two s's you can find us on YouTube at Hanging with kasic and you could book a tour of our cron Heights CID Community go behind the scenes we'll open many closed doors also Whoever has the most viewed Tik Tok or YouTube short using a clip from this video I'll send you $500 post however many times you want but you must tag my Tik Tok /youtube and put YouTube Tyler Oliva in the title SL description
Channel: Tyler Oliveira
Views: 1,747,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EkDjEynh1NA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 46sec (1966 seconds)
Published: Fri May 03 2024
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