I Investigated Plane Crashes Across America...

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so you guys lost the plane hey man you're detained I'm detained for asking where a plane went I'm being detained I just got detained at the crash side of a $100 million F35 jet that a US Marine pilot ejected himself out of and lost for over 24 hours but did this pilot survive and what happened to this plane before I figured this out I flew to the mountains of Colorado where in 1948 a B17 crashed the pilot somehow survived and the plane is still there I begin my hike up this mountain to find this plane and see how much Dam it took we just drove 40 minutes into the middle of the Colorado Forest I'm already seeing poop on the ground which means someone's been here or something in 5 minutes into my Trek I saw this look at this holy sh something ate the cow also I'm seeing a variety of footprints on this path we are not the only ones out here look look at that two FR feet look at the look at the shape too looks like bear to me debris of a plane could be a pretty nice place for a there to hide probably a good mile to go I'm keeping my eyes peeled for anything that can kill me think we're seeing it there it is there it is and look at that we have made it this engine's just straight up wedged in between these two trees right here pretty insane torn in pieces out here look at all this I don't know how all passengers survived I'll be honest this thing is in absolute shreds it must have crashed and just scattered across the floor the guts of this plane are just scattered throughout this hill right here there's so much to look at as much as we want to trust planes believe in their safety it's a giant aluminum can sadly not everyone is as lucky as these passengers I drove a few hours to another part of the Rocky Mountains where in 1970 a plane carrying the Witchita State football team crash landed due to mistakes made by the pilot and killed most of the people on board was this a case of terrible piloting or was there something unique to the Rocky Mountains causing these planes to crash only nine people survived killing 31 people ultimately we're 11.5 th000 ft up this is almost 2/3 of how high I was up in Mount Everest Base Camp this is no joke of an elevation this thing goes straight up going through that the whole reason this plane crash even happened is because two irresponsible Pilots unfortunately chose the more Scenic path and we were not properly prepared as they should have been to get over these mountains the plane had too much baggage on it it was too heavy and Pilots didn't know what they were doing and out of nowhere I heard a strange noise who hello how you doing where you at you're looking yeah I want to look for the plane yeah I just think it's kind of sad guy just he didn't plan his flight he didn't um you know check the altitude he didn't check his rate to climb at the weight where he was he just just mucked it up really bad uh but anyway well this pretty mysterious I just met you up here you're like a mysterious wizard I met out here I feel like didn't expect this encounter you were subtle and stealthy too but anyway so there there is stuff there they come and leave flowers there for a lot of people there wasn't much to bring home the berry I see so for them it's the grave site pilot just uh did something stupid and he brought everybody else with them are there black bears out here uh yeah they're definitely black bears any encounters with the black bear uh real close like within a few feet actually yeah I scared one out from underneath a tree a baby or a big boy uh it was probably about 300 lb I scared the sh out of me just follow that one and uh the trees will open up down below you and there it is kind of sad you have any last words of wisdom you seem pretty wise I feel like enjoy your day enjoy today okay who knows about tomorrow Tyler good to meet you after this old man pointed me in the right direction I never saw him again I found the rock Karen the witch TOS State University mascot which means we need to go that way and around and we will find the plane I believe I see it in the distance right here that cannot be missed dang this is brutal look at that oh man witch State Memorial right there mallerie Kimmel 1949 into 1970 this plane is equally as destroyed as the previous plane but the tragic difference is 31 people died a son brother husband father grandfather friend and so much more rip Coleman Ray Max this is not a forgiving angle either the First Responders were construction workers who heard an explosion and rushed to the scene and this is what they saw basically 29 of your peers die on site two of them are dying in real time nine of you survive while this was a tragic example of pilot incompetence not all Pilots suck in fact I hopped in a plane myself and met up with a Survivor on board the infamous flight 1549 where the pilot miraculously landed the plane in the Hudson River they even made a movie about it I met up with a Survivor to hear her story 14 years after the plane crash Denise when you hopped on that plane and you heard Captain suy say brace for impact was it what was going through your head well at that time we were about 90 seconds into the flight I was in the front of the plane so I heard heard everything going on in the cockpit and what I heard was terrain terrain pull up pull up I thought I was going to never make it survivable because I thought it was a 9/11 attack you could tell there was something wrong there was this huge clamor an incredible noise smoke in the cabin and the plane was not moving it was like it was standing still and I could tell we were over the Hudson River but I couldn't understand why how long until captain and flight attendants indicate there's something wrong play well it seemed like a day and a half but the reality was about 90 seconds did you think you were going to die at that moment absolutely so no one at this time knows a Canadian goose went into the engine no nobody knew he said this is your captain brace for [Music] impact I knew how to brace and I did but I kept popping my head up to look to watch my seatmate to watch the other passengers and they were all doing the same thing we were all basically watching one another's reactions as to how we were going to survive I knew that I could swim I just didn't realize how far how fast how long I could last I knew that I couldn't last very long with hypothermia and then splash water hits your window are your windows rolled down oh absolutely all the shades were open so did water Cascade above the window it was the most incredible touchdown if you will it was so hard and smooth at the same time but it was forceful and it was a Vengeance and all the water came up over the front of the aircraft and it was like oh my God we're going to the plane's going to explode we're going to flip something's going to happen what happens next did the flight attendants Usher you out the flight attendant the normal call evacuate evacuate go front go front because the back was broken my seatmate looked at me goes we've got to go and I said why water is coming in from the back and I said aren't we dead he goes no we're not dead and I'm No Angel and he kind of escorted me out our slide raft was did not deploy properly it deployed upside down so we went right into the water how ravenous were people to get out of the plane at first jumping over their seats ravenous so when I got to the raft and then people just sliding down one after another and they come right into you I can't my hands are clenched my feet are like ice bricks I'm completely completely frozen to death my hair is ice well the helicopters were coming in my raft was the last raft that was rescued and at this time you have hypothermia right oh absolutely ultimately everyone gets out of this plane alive everyone survived how has it affected you your mind is 100% focused on the plane crash every minute of every day of every week for months every time I got into the shower I had flashbacks I flew right away I didn't let that hold me back I said I'm going to get back on the horse but it was a very very stressful if they had not been our Pilots we would have died while Denise was lucky enough to have soy as her pilot that day seems like a lot of these Pilots don't know what they're doing and as we packed up the cameras and prepared to head home I saw this on Twitter the Marines had lost $100 million F35 and were on Twitter asking for the public to help find it within 24 hours a crash site was identified 80 Mi north of Charleston South Carolina I hopped on the soonest flight and drove to the nearest town to talk to anyone who may have seen it crash how could the government lose a plane copper left and right the whole story is fishy and it just doesn't make sense I went in disguised as a southern boy to find out hey y question for you you know about the F35 well I know it went down it was over towards Florence okay that's the most we know so far so you seen it on mudy Creek yeah it was real L it was Sunday night I hav I haven't seen I drove like by there they had the T up music but I did hear the boom on um you heard the boom I heard the boom how loud was it it was loud boy I was like man that's about to go for a mercy land in ass something hit the ground and shook the whole house but there was no explosion no fire like we I didn't see okay y'all know where the Miss F35 went missing you know it's said bariles Crossroads is all I can oh bar tailes Crossroads well I didn't go down there but I know where it's at okay to that stop sign you're at bartel's Crossroad and you'll see the law and everywhere I don't know if the physical planes there debris there or what but bartel's Crossroad do you believe the military lost it yeah yeah yeah they got stupid they got stupid son of B do you think they'll shoot me on side if I go too far yeah yeah yeah we're headed to Bales Crossroad 8 minutes away some here it is right here look at this a Fed a Fed as I found what appeared to be a fully blocked off road where the locals said the plane was found I saw this guy chilling in his car who looked like he knew something you were for the news yes sir good to meet you sir my name's Tyler we're looking for the F35 well my name is Tyler too well I believe your name's Tyler yep son of a b what are yall are you also oh I'm with o news what is that I never heard about that oh brother quit it with the disrespect I just excuse me y'all we're looking for the missing F35 I'm a concerned citizen looking for answers and I'm hoping you can answer them don't got them I don't want to cut you short who are you sir I'm with the sheriff office mind if I introduce myself that's fine my name's Tyler very good what's your name sir Dudley I don't mean to interrupt your operations or your wellbeing today and I'd like to ask why these roads are blocked do you have an answer I don't son of a B I can't answer any your question they don't want us to answer anything why are they why are they putting a hush order on you they put a gag order on you Dudley no they didn't put a gag on why did you react like that though oh you asked me that did they put a gag you reacted violently to that question as if they put a gag on it I'm done where is the damn plane look at that can that fit a plane excuse me sir how are you driving through here you're a Fed do you know where the uh plane went I need to talk to you do you know where the plane went sir hey I'm making a delivery is this cargo Tyler what what do you think what are they hiding from us I know about as much as these two up here excuse me that's military right there excuse me sir can I speak to you we may not have been able to get through this route but we will go around no I drove to the other side of the blocked Road boy oh boy a Mustang waiting for us how you doing we're looking for a Miss F35 you know where I can find it $100 million valuation don't have any clue do you know why you're here no sir really no comment no comment expected response the question is what are they hiding out here well here comes the military so you can ask them oh thank God there we go we got three Troopers right there how yall doing gentlemen not bad how are you I'm doing good I'm looking for the missing plane and I've done nothing illegal looking for a missing plane yes sir okay what is your name uh my name is s live with the pro okay we got 1 2 3 4 and who do you guys represent we represent a Marine Corps okay so you guys lost the plane that is classified at this time I can't answer any question so where' the plane go well that's not for me to disclose so Drew what is the intent of the three-man squad pulling up here what are you protecting we're protecting a the sanctity of this empty field absolutely interesting did he feel threatened is that why you guys came over here at the time yes you could he felt threatened I'm a fif squeak I'm easy pickings come on I understand that but I mean looks can be deceiving you know let me see that let me see that do that again look that's that's nothing man see him which one pipsqueak or pip squeak ooh calling names yes sir what you calling names you're talking smack about these guns I'm not talking smack I was saying you're a big guy it was just a joke you can't take one I didn't say I was taking a joke I'm complimenting you all right all right Jokes Aside no let me see those tries come on let me see those tries no tries dude you see that horse she is Hey sir who's this guy right here that's my bus okay does he know where the plane went can't say hey look what's your name my name's Tyler all right Tyler I'm going to I'm going to keep you here and I'm going to have some guys come talk to you for what what is that how is that even legal cuz you're in federal what is this martial law I'm not in any jurisdiction the Marines can ask the public for help finding the plane but if I ask where it is I get detained I arrest we're just going to hold you right here for right now you're going to hold me physically or spiritually or emotionally I'm telling you that we're holding you for asking questions hey man you're detained I'm detained for asking where a plane went I'm being detained if I can't just have you lift your shirt for me quick all right now turn around keep turning keep turning keep keep tur this is a humiliation ritual
Channel: Tyler Oliveira
Views: 4,857,039
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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