The Jap5 Interview: Growing up Hoover, Prison Time, Crip Mac Beef & More

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no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today we got an up-and-coming street icon jack five is in the building how you doing man what's up job five man [ __ ] bless trying to stay out the way man trying to build right now yeah because you um one theme i get from a lot of your music is that you you did a bid relatively recently yeah how long was that for like four and some changed like four years and eight months [ __ ] and so how long you been out for like almost two years wow okay in november it makes two years okay and how old are you right now 24. 24. [ __ ] so you did that at like 16 18. am i doing the math wrong 18. yeah like fresh 18. okay [ __ ] so that that's like gotta be a pretty wild feeling just to all of a sudden be getting to it after having to sit down for that long yeah it's different but i kind of like i pictured it so when i was in there i basically put it together you were just kind of plotting and thinking about the whole time just trying to decide like i had a lot of time to get myself together really like i had a lot of time to just sit and think what i wanted to do how i was going to do it what steps i needed to take to make it to where i need to get to i kind of just manifested it like i put it all in put it all in thought and then bring it to life for sure let's go back to the beginning though before we dig into recent years uh where are you from initially and talk a little bit about your upbringing in l.a oh well [ __ ] i'm from south central l.a like 105th vermont yeah so that's why i was like born and raised and stuff that's where i grew up out of so that's where a lot of stuff changed from for sure so okay what was your uh family situation like you have both parents around or just one it was like back and forth like it was it was back and forth my mom had us for a minute then we went with my dad my dad went and did his prison bed so we had to go back with my mom oh wow like yeah just back and forth how long has he gone for he he did like two different he went from like when i was two to i remember i was like in early elementary school from about two to early elementary then he ended up going back and did another bed wow we went back with my mom he got out and did another bed and he just got back out like six months ago wow so like the entirety of your life damn near he was just going back and forth yeah just back at four what was your perspective on that as a young person like how did you know or make sense of the fact that your dad wasn't around do you have any memories of like how you can perceive that i was i was young and i grew up kind of fast so i understood like i grew up from the streets so it was like normal where i'm from to see that so and all reality is like okay pop's doing this big like he'll be home he don't got life right so i kind of had that i kind of had that perspective so to a lot of people doing a bid like that is you know shocking life-changing [ __ ] but you don't even remember everything and it was all that big a deal yeah it's life man you gonna come home you do it right get it more time you're gonna stay in there so did you uh when when you were young did you say like you kind of grew up in the streets was there like a lot of influences around you from a young age yeah yeah it's not i'm not gonna lie it was like yeah it was a cool amount like you would just see [ __ ] going down on a regular basis or or what was it like from your perspective in terms of all that well basically like like living with my pops and stuff he started training us different like when he was raising us he just used to have us like real militant and everybody used to wonder and be thinking like man he hard on his kids like he'd be tripping but in all reality i feel like he was just showing me the real like and i end up growing up being a different type of individual because i've seen so much at a young age it's like they like dumbed out the rest of the dudes my age like now my mental level is different so for me seeing like other people and stuff and other like just people around me and stuff like how they act on certain occasions and situations i'd be looking like man i would never move like that right so yeah because i mean there is like such a weird thing that is kind of prevalent in society now where when you look back to like what you know the streets were like in maybe the 70s or some [ __ ] before like crack hit and stuff it felt like there was like a much there was a big chunk of people that that thought it was cool to be militant or to be more like disciplined and [ __ ] like that and now like i feel like i know what you're saying because there are a lot of people that you'll be around where you'll just be like this dude's whole goal in life is to sit around and get high and just exactly you can see it yeah all the time you see it in the [ __ ] artists who are popular and [ __ ] like that where even if they're not really like that they might be the hardest working [ __ ] in the world and they still and their songs would be sort of glamorizing just sitting around not doing [ __ ] because they don't they don't know the proper steps to take like i said that's what i was manifesting when i was in jail that's why i'm like i was learning i was looking at other artists and stuff and i kind of like was just seeing like what they was doing wrong and i just was studying i was doing a lot of studying because before i went to prison i never even thought about like being a rapper or nothing like i never i was boxing and i wanted to be a boxer and doing tattoos and stuff cutting hair so it was like once i got to prison i started messing around with my music and it came to interesting so when you say that your dad was sort of strict with you or whatever like what was the like anything come to mind in particular that was sort of that he was having you do to sort of make you tougher or whatever just like having us around when he was outside like around him a lot like he made sure that he watched us he made sure that he trained us like to watch people certainly watch cars when they drive by watch body language like he just raised us different and then like as far as us seeing like stuff he never hit us from real life like you know most kids parents see crackheads and stuff and they try to keep their kids away from it because they don't want their kids to see it but he kind of let me see it and he'd like son that's a crackhead instead of like just keeping me away from it like the normal kids so i just started paying attention and seeing stuff like that like real stuff prostitutes and i started seeing that at a young age i think about that all the time now that i got a eight month old where i'm just like there's gonna come a time where i'm gonna have to explain to her why this person's acting like this and it's like you can just you can just lie to him you know you can just lie and lie online and then one day they're going to figure out you were lying to him all those years and and then it's like how can you call yourself real if you lying about stuff like that yeah like if you really you're going to be real are you really setting yourself your kid up to have a good future if you're not also like teaching them about the world that you presumably understand pretty well at this point you know yeah that's why you gotta you gotta just move different especially with your children you gotta move different because you're going to show them what you don't show them somebody else is just going to show them so it's like i'd rather just be straight up what was your dad telling you like this is what gangbanging is stay away from it or you know this is what crime is like this person breaks in houses this person sells drugs and like trying to tell you you don't want to do this no he never told me that but my pops is also in the streets heavy too like my pops ain't like no everybody else pops like he different too so with my pops being who my pops is he didn't care about none of that stuff like he he was doing him and he just made sure that he kept me on my stuff but he never stopped doing him like because i'm under my pops like my name my pop's name jab two oh really yeah is there a job three and four my pops is [ __ ] three i'm drop five oh okay i thought you said he was two no i'm saying that oh he's an additional okay yeah what what is where did your name come from and like what does it mean exactly uh japanese it's like our hood name oh okay it's big jab little jab my pops is number three he baby jab his tiny jab and down five i'm infant jab a.d was just telling me the other day that there's like infant versions of a lot of hood names i didn't even really know that until recently it was like generations right but if you had a son they just got to start over nah i have a son he going to the nfl or something like i said i broke this i broke the curse um did you feel like it was a curse in terms of like you know just people sort of being in [ __ ] up situations of course that's a curse because it's like what can you do in a situation that you don't know like what can you do in a vulnerable situation it's like if that's all you know if that's how you was raised and that's all you was taught like you gonna move like this because that's all you know and that's all you was taught right and when you come and see something different it's like damn that's different definitely so okay like what what kind of kid were you in you know junior high [ __ ] like that uh man i always been bad like i always been a little bad boy i've been like like i said i was raised different from the other kids so i was more like i used to watch people i just right here [ __ ] and i used to be just tripping i just i don't want to be around him i was like she weird she'd be talking to all the boys like i was thinking like that you were like in a way where like a lot of young people don't really they're not like smart enough to have an opinion yet yeah that's that's what it was i was just like people weird and then i was always being bad like i was always the one that none of the kids could hang with they used to tell their mama like don't let don't let don't let him hang with your kids how'd you get a reputation you like stealing [ __ ] from the store fighting and fight exactly stealing fighting just always getting in trouble throwing rocks at cars letting people dogs out running from them doing crazy [ __ ] like that that's some evil [ __ ] bro i used to do [ __ ] like that sometimes i see like just dogs running around in neighborhoods in l.a and i'm just like kids probably let them out yeah that was you i guess no i was one of that because i'm like [ __ ] is that a runaway dog or is that just like a dog that just lives on the street it's all life it's like you're in mexico and [ __ ] they got dogs just walking around for real just chilling just chilling they don't even give a [ __ ] um okay so you are widely known to be associated with the hoovers yes sir when did that become a thing in your life all my life since i was a baby you already knew that was just like i knew like i knew about it like i knew my dad was from hoover and then i knew that he was somebody from hoover and i knew a lot of people looked up to him so that's kind of what i grew to look up to really so that's interesting so you never you never had like a bad image of gang banging to you it was like oh this is kind of like the reason why my dad is respected yeah like me growing up over there i just seen like the people who was respected and it was it was like everybody over where i'm at the crackheads from hoover the bums from over the strippers from over everybody from over so that's just like in my situation that's that's where everybody's from but there's teachers at the schools from over like and you just like low-key new yeah i just knew what was going on they're not like banging on other students in class right some of them oh my god that's crazy um but so were you were you like isolated enough that you didn't even know people from other places really that much when you're a kid i didn't i didn't know all i knew was that these was our enemies like i knew who our enemies was because them are the ones that come through and they shoot in and we gotta run and hide like even as a kid hanging out on the block you know people don't care they're gonna come through and shoot really so where i'm from like in the hundreds in la is dangerous so you saw a lot of that kind of [ __ ] when you're like dead bodies a lot of people get shot a lot of like a lot of that god damn did you like realize at a certain point like oh we we not only got like some enemies but we got like a lot of enemies like that it was a very big yeah i really really like my image of like as far as enemies like you know i grew up in stuff and i was raised and then my gang you know we highly respect it so we do beef with everybody but everybody want to be for us for a reason so it's like we out here and people like i always downplayed my enemies i always thought my enemies like booboo and stuff i thought all my enemies was [ __ ] i used to be tripping like i used to think that because where i'm from everybody from here and we all bad ass like so right i thought until i hit that county jail you hit that county jail well not even the jail not even the county juvenile hall was where it first started when you start running to enemies i can fight too and i'm like yeah so you hadn't really like been involved you hadn't like had a fist fight with somebody from another neighborhood up until that point yep until juvenile hall wow so how'd you end up getting in trouble and getting sent out juvenile hall was that like the first big time that you got arrested uh yeah okay what happened i stabbed up some kids at school with screwdrivers holy [ __ ] you brought the screwdriver with you or you just having to find it no i had it with me why what happened why'd you have to go that serious with it uh [ __ ] wheels was playing around and uh at my school like it was a bunch of like stuff we were just all we all out there like slap boxing and stuff you know we all started off like slap boxing we all playing around play fighting and [ __ ] and uh one of the dudes he got mad and when he started getting mad he start i guess we slapped him up and stuff and he went to go talk tell the rest of the dudes that we slapped him up and they came back and they jumped us wow and after they jumped us i just wait for what i knew but you were like at the point already that you were like bringing a [ __ ] screwdriver to school just in case some [ __ ] went down no it wasn't it wasn't if uh in case nothing went down i had a mini bike i used to ride my mini bike to school so i had a screwdriver in my backpack because i used to have to play with the throttle and stuff in the morning oh [ __ ] and so you you stabbed this kid bad enough that they were like no it wasn't it wasn't i thought i did in my head i did but in all reality it was like a little scratches and [ __ ] they didn't even rip through their clothes it must be tough to stab some of the [ __ ] screwdriver unless it's been like really sharpened you must have to get like a really clean [ __ ] jab going with that yeah it didn't it didn't it didn't [ __ ] well it just scratched on up like it put like rips on a skin but it really didn't but that's what you got arrested for it yeah i got her and they threw you and [ __ ] juvenile off of that yeah god damn so you get you get in there and like how overwhelming is it it's just different because like when i went in there like i knew i'd be for like the main i knew i'd beef with my main beefs but when i started hearing hoods that i never heard of in my life say they beef with us i'd be like what the [ __ ] like and then you gotta fight so they wanna fight we fight so you got to just fight and then you kind of ignore each other after that and in the county yeah and juvenile hard no all right in the juvenile we gonna fight and we're gonna fight and we're gonna fight and we're gonna fight so you might see something every day and just just fight disrespecting each other and just having to get into exactly because it's kids yeah like you you're dealing with kids they really don't know so that's crazy because all right i was interviewing another rapper the other day and he was talking about how because he was in county jail for four years and he said that it was you know that's just gnarly because like when you go to prison everybody's used to like being there for a long time so everybody kind of chills out to a certain extent and they all want to like be able to exist long term but when you're in county like there's a lot of people that are only there for a couple days or a week or whatever but when when you say that thing about [ __ ] juvenile hall that sounds even more gnarly because you got all young-ass kids who don't even haven't even thought about having something to lose right yeah and that's that's the thing they don't care so you're gonna fight the sales they jump in you they don't it's like you're gonna keep fighting so did this change your outlook on life a little bit were you like [ __ ] i gotta start you know because you're kind of swole now is that was that just from being in locked up or was that like while you were in juvenile hall were you already like working out [ __ ] no like i said that goes back to my dad oh yeah yeah young [ __ ] he had me doing push-ups and lifting weights and [ __ ] like he used to make us do push-ups like i said other kids didn't have to go through that [ __ ] right i was doing push-ups that's dope i wish my dad had me like really focused on lifting weights and [ __ ] i feel like that's a great thing to pass on to your kids it's different like i said that's what i said it's real different because now look everybody be telling me like how i could get like that and what you got to be doing i'll be chilling i don't even be working out like that no more really but did you get a chance to work out a lot while you're locked up yeah hell yeah do a lot of maintenance a lot but i always feel like it must be hard to to put on any kind of size while you're in there because of the fact that you're eating like [ __ ] like the worst food see that's that's false really that's real false [ __ ] in jail eating better than people on the street really like yeah you can order like everything like and once you get to prison in the county you can order certain stuff you could cook certain stuff but when you get to prison like i was in there the whole time i was in it i was eating shredded beef burritos and really rice bowls with fish and all type of i was eating fly [ __ ] well that doesn't sound good they do food sales we eating chicken we eating costco's pizza tamales all that holy [ __ ] that's dope they do yeah they do uh like full sales i thought it was like ramen was like the top of the [ __ ] food chain in there in the county like you could you got to cook everything with ramen because when you watch videos of people making food in jail on youtube and [ __ ] it's usually like ramen based that should be fake though most of that should be fake well there's probably like worse prisons too or like prisons where they haven't even like got into the business of helping people go get a little bit better food right yeah some some prisoners probably don't but i would oh here where i was at we was able to order all type of stuff like i'm eating everything y'all eating out here right wait okay so you get put in juvenile hall and then how long are you in there uh when i was going through it was like uh six six months nine months and 12 months no you was able to get three months too but now it's like five to seven okay and so you you had to go do that i had to do nine months and then you got out and got in trouble again and that's right i was out for like six months i went back hit the county got out for three months and i went back but when you got out from juvenile hall like what would you say that you had changed as a person did you like all of a sudden understand how to move in la better honestly juvenile hall is like the worst thing a kid can do because it's like throwing the kid in the pit bull ring right like that's all you're doing you're just gonna make them rough like it there's no rehabilitation that juvenile hard they put you inside of a room and lock you down and you go in there and you get let out to the day room watch tv you watch a movie and they put you back down you got every other bad kid in the city in there telling you what to do and they all got they all attitudes they all fight and they all aggressive they are tripping right so it's just like you just gonna make your kid tough were people treating you differently when you got out is it more like all of a sudden because you know like i feel like you you gain a lot of respect for that nah nobody else treated me there when i got out driving the hall nah hell no i was like i was just worse like honestly juvenile hall made me worse because i got more aggressive so i started being like trying to bully i ain't gonna lie like been trying to be a bully type [ __ ] because you gotta be like very aggressive in that environment and then all of a sudden you're out with like normal people you aggressive and you still are just as aggressive even though half the people that are on the streets are not speaking that same language right everything that's exactly what it is interesting okay so then you get back in the county and what was that for a pistol oh a pistol and a robbery damn all right but you only do a couple months from that or no no i did time for that okay that was the one that you did the four years for no oh i ended up getting out and came right back i got out i'll tell you i didn't bend back and forth like that [ __ ] sad right well what got you what landed you doing the four years or was it a combination of [ __ ] a bunch i just had a bunch of different cases like i always just was on [ __ ] on the streets so when i finally did when they finally did catch up with me they had stupid [ __ ] a bunch of different cases on me damn so that what's the difference between like juvenile hall and and being in the county and you were in the county for that whole time you didn't actually go to prison or no i was in the county for like uh like 20 26 months okay i don't know i don't know exactly how much but i think like 26 months so how much worse is that than being in juvenile hall uh it's like juvenile hall but with men like that's the county is the same thing like it's like juvenile hallway man but some some of them are respected like it's a little bit more like as far as like politics like it's a little bit of politics in the county there's no politics in juvenile hall so in juvenile heart like everybody do what the [ __ ] they want to right once you once you hit the county i said like it's a chain of command right so now it's like okay this person call this off like it's different but it's some people that respect it and some people that don't but you got to answer to it right damn so after two and a half years of that you did do prison time or yeah i went to prison how how was that i'm just like trying to get an idea of like how different these three environments are prison was more like it was cool like that's where i really found myself really like that's where i really caught up with myself i got to think and it's one thing i could say about prison prison like rehabilitated me really like the county made me worse juvenile hall made me worse prison was really where i got my mind together why do you think that is because you're like looking at all these older guys that are [ __ ] that's exactly what it was you're thinking like this dude sitting here for 10 20 years i don't want to waste the next time first my first person that they put me with when i went to prison when i made it they put me uh i was supposed to go to one prison and he was going to another prison so they put us in the overload cell like we had to wake up the next day and they put us in a cell together and i talked to him and he was from east coast you know that's one of our enemies and he was telling me he like like i could see a lot inside of you like man he just was talking to me like man i've been down for 51 years i'm like you've been in jail for 51 years he's like yeah i've been in prison for 51 years i'm like damn i just started listening to him once he told me that i'm like damn 51 years ago i was nowhere to be found wow i'm like that's a long time and he just was so humble yeah it probably killed a bunch of people a good 51 years huh i don't know he he said he'd been down 51. he was just old man like and he was still looking young and healthy like he didn't look like he been down no 51 years wow or even could possibly like he was like 70 something but he was still active i'm like damn what the [ __ ] still doing push-ups and everything wow i'm like what the [ __ ] and was he just telling you like you know basically like you just don't wanna you don't wanna he just was telling me like yeah like just to go home he like man go home like man i've seen a lot of people and i had this conversation with a lot of people like he basically started getting on my head and he was telling me because the first thing i did i banged on him i didn't know like when he came in i'm like hey were you from emoji i'm from east coast cricket no he didn't want to tell me at first and i didn't let them in the sale i'm like where you from he like like why i'm like because i got to find out where you from before i let you come in and sell with me like and it's just you two or it's like a cell with a bunch of people in it no it's just us two but i just when they was telling me they're like man don't set up with no enemies like you know that was one of the politics they told me like make sure you don't sell it with no enemies so i just was trying to figure it out and he was like man i'm not from nowhere at first he told me he's not from nowhere and i let him in the cell and stuff then he told me like now from east coast and i actually like start thinking like what the [ __ ] right they probably bought the politic on me so i was trying to see where he was on and he just started telling me like man you you don't [ __ ] like it was just telling me i could see it in you like you um and i really didn't understand i just was trying to figure out like how to save my ass i'm like what the [ __ ] right damn so is that kind of awkward for you to get used to having to like basically be around a lot of people that you would be beefing with previously and that you kind of have to turn it down a little bit it didn't really make it awkward but it's like i kind of just learned to look past them i was like okay they know they from over there i'm from over here like okay i'm my business they mine a business but it's gonna be that one you feel me that try to nibble around but mostly like when they come to prison they clean theirs up man they clean up their yard we clean up our yard like i said on the streets we out here beefing heavy and all this [ __ ] but in prison that [ __ ] controlled like you feel me we not beefing like we is on the streets in prison and that's what i don't understand cause it's like we out here beefing with each other on the streets and then in prison it's like i was buying stuff from your homies some of y'all i was i had to train y'all i was i was a boxer trainer in the gym so when they come in it's like i can't not train them because they from neighborhood now so i had to train them too so it's like okay i'm we playing basketball in competitions when you do sign up for recreations and stuff and we got basketball companies we got to play against them they didn't sign up they got a neighborhood team we got a hoover team we got to play against them are you feeling me so it's like [ __ ] like that happening and it's going clean and then it's like out here we out here killing each other and [ __ ] just yeah i mean i've heard that from a lot of people over the years that basically like prison was the thing that made them realize that they were sort of wasting their life and that there was too much energy being put into just having problems with somebody who lives a couple miles from you exactly it's like not even just that and that's that's having problems with anybody i don't give a [ __ ] if it's an enemy i don't give a [ __ ] fish a rich white man in the store it could be a homeless person i don't i don't got no problem i don't want no problem with nobody i'm duck i said i'm minding my own business and that's that's kind of what i learned i'm like i just mind my business i don't want to talk to you i don't want to talk to him heard nobody just do but were you beefing with like did you end up beefing with other races while you were in there or is that oh yeah really yeah that [ __ ] happens like over the regular too is it more blacks versus mexicans or more blacks versus whites black versus makes really and the white people just kind of stay out of it for the most part uh they they're overpowered right yeah they probably they they do be overpowered but they be strong though that's one thing i can't say they always overpower but they always strong really so when you say white guys in there though do you mostly think of like nazi type dudes or are they just regular they'd be cool too it'd be it'd be some of those like it'd be it'd be both like i said just how it be crips and bloods it'd be skinheads and like you feel me it's the good white guys that caught the case and just got caught up on some lucky [ __ ] and then it's the thugs like you for me they are we all together like it ain't just a bunch of gangbangers in jail it's some old dudes that can kill people over raping their daughter like stuff like that like you run into a lot of stuff like that but like were there white dudes who you were just like cool with like they were they weren't on some races [ __ ] you could be cool with them but you couldn't be like that cool with them no hell yeah in prison you can not in the county county they don't want you really doing too much communicating but once you hit prison but i used to be chilling with my woods that's really what we're doing right now um but uh so okay what do you start thinking about once you realize like okay i'm gonna get out and like what kind of person i want to be like how do you start when you say you found yourself how did you start like working on what you wanted to be once you got out uh well i just knew at the rate that i was going i was gonna be back where i was because it's like every time i get out i got the same i never had a goal that's one thing i could say when i was in prison i never i mean when i was in juvenile hall and in the county excuse me before any of that i never had no goals so it's like when i finally did put together a goal like all right let me do this i started i started in prison like uh it just was certain stuff like i'll be like okay i'm just sitting in my set every day doing nothing doing nothing every day it's just like like damn if i was on the street i would be doing the same thing like i wouldn't have no goal i wouldn't have no objective so i kind of just was doing the same thing i'm like let me switch up my program so i'm like [ __ ] it i want to get a job so they like okay they called me out one day my counselor like what can you do he like man there's one gym there's a gym and a job that's opening as a as a trainer like do you have any boxing training i'm like yeah like i boxed all my life that's perfect so i started boxing i started being a boxer trainer so i used to go in there and now they let me out so that that opened up opportunity for me right there for me being different and just laying in my bed i got up and applied for a job now i get to come out i get to hit the punching bag every day at yard i get to hit the punching bag so that helped me with my stressing and [ __ ] and the stuff i was going through i used to hit the ice to train people communicate talk with people and it just like i said that made me shoot for better goals and i just started climbing i started writing down okay i'm gonna do this then i was messing around and stuff and i used to be writing raps but i just used to be freestyling and having fun and one of them one of my homies told me he like bro like you should you should get out and rap i'm like nah hell no [ __ ] that i'm not gonna be no rapper then i end up landing with one of my cellies he was a young dude like me and he rapped and there was little d little d like he like bro you got to get on we got like he used to me being around him like opened my mind up because he has so much like spirit he used to be like bro watch when i get out i'm gonna be rich bro like he used to just talk like that and i used to be just listening i was like and he's my bro and it started from that to me and him building a relationship like watching we get out bro we gonna be rich and he used to always say stuff like that around me so i kind of start thinking it too and i used to just reminisce with them but not even reminisce i used to just like i said manifest we used to just sit there and build and be like this what we gonna do and i kind of just that energy that i got from him i just used it with mine and just kept pressing play that's fine so you get out what's the first [ __ ] you do when you get out uh like the first like you wanted like in detail or you wanted it yeah like who picked you up what's the first [ __ ] you got to eat uh well i got picked i ended up getting picked up by a female so you still are just like having a few numbers that you're calling while you're in there and [ __ ] or do you have a girlfriend the whole time yeah i had a i had a girlfriend and she held you down the whole time yeah i had a girlfriend and i had a baby mama they both played a part you double up on the affection right there no no i would assume yeah but yeah they uh they they both played their part okay my baby mom made sure that my daughter stayed in my life and she made sure i i got to see my daughter and watch my garter grow up from where i wasn't you know i wasn't on the street she could have kept my baby away from me but she she played her part what's the first thing you went and ate when you got out roscoe's chicken and waffles that's all i was thinking about you went in the restaurant and you got to go i went in and what was that like just be around all these normal ass people all of a sudden after being around all these crazy it just looks different yeah it was different i feel i felt weird like when i first like my first three months back on the street i felt like real weird right i felt like everybody was watching me anytime you're kicking it with somebody who's like just gotten out after doing a couple years there's always a degree of weirdness where you can just tell that they're just not they're just thinking about everything differently and trying to figure out how shit's supposed to go and it's yeah yeah definitely so how did you when you get out did you just immediately start working on the rap thing or how did that play out nah uh i got out and started cutting hair i was cutting hair first because you got to get a job when you get out right they they get you you gotta they try to press you too but it all depends on you like if you if they try to press you too and you don't want to yo po just going to let you crash but if your po if you got a good peel he gonna stay on your head but i'm like i want to cut hair i don't want to be in no burger place or i don't want to i don't want no regular job right because you actually like the person who cuts your hair like you got to be nice to them yeah you got to respect the guy cutting your hair you don't really got to be that nice to the guy making a burger i guess oh god that makes sense to me but okay then how did you how did you start working on wrapping and putting all that together uh well i just i wrote a lot of songs in prison so i was just like all right i'm gonna put out this i'm gonna try this rap thing like i'm gonna put out this song and i'm put on soundcloud first and if they like it on soundcloud i'ma put it on youtube i'll make a video to it so i made a song and it ended up doing pretty good numbers really just write out the gauges randomly when you put it on soundcloud randomly like in like one month it had like 23 000 plays nice and for me to make that as my first song i seen that was a lot of more than a lot of other rappers right i'm like damn this rappers i listen to that don't even get that so then you start focusing on doing music videos so i made the video to it that's dope yeah um how how far do you feel like you've kind of come in terms of getting your music [ __ ] off the ground or like how long have you even been out for you said two years ago like almost two years for like 17 months okay so how do you feel about how far you've been able to take it or like it feels like the last couple months a lot more people have been talking about you and paying attention and [ __ ] right yeah cause i always been always been viral like i always been going viral and stuff i've been real well known but for different stuff knocking people out yeah like fighting did you have a lot of like videos on worldstar that i would probably never know it was you for sure for real damn because i was thinking with the boxing [ __ ] like i'm sure you got a lot of scraps that you've been in on the streets a lot a lot on everything a lot but it's like all that stuff started and uh then when i started rapping and i did finally get noticed for my rapping it's like it just helped me out a lot right definitely um did you feel like you were getting support from a lot of people around you and [ __ ] like were they happy to because that's one thing tell me if i'm wrong but it feels like you're from one of the bigger sets but there haven't been that many rappers to really blow up representing that the true or false no that's true but it's more so true because everybody like i said where i come from everybody's a badass right so everybody want to be their own self nobody want like if you look around at other gangs just other gangs that their rappers are working together the rappers are doing songs together they assuming they're coming together as far as artists to do what they got to do to make all of them have left but instead of my game we all got like that tourist power like we just don't give a [ __ ] we like stubborn and like you'll see like that that goes on a lot where i'm from yeah do you feel like like through you getting more and more successful with music do you feel like any of that [ __ ] starts to go away over time like once once you are like a really talented or like a bigger rapper that some of the issues between gang starts to go away or is that [ __ ] just last for for the rest of your career nah it's like once you start getting money you start noticing that because when i was broke i hated all my enemies once i started getting money i'm like okay they they could do them right like i don't i'm not going to lose this for that you kind of get that idea and that that perspective of people yeah cause like i used to say like oh like when you look at la like you see all these bloods working with these cribs etc etc but then when you really pay attention to it when you really have like hoods that really have like a eternal hatred of each other even when the artists get really big a lot of times that [ __ ] just don't really go away oh no i just look at that like it's goofy to me because it's like you can be out here tripping on all your enemies that's from over here but then you got some cousins that's enemies that you love like it's like at the end of the day whether that's your cousin or not you still love a [ __ ] from the other side right so why can't you just mind your business with them and leave them alone and let them do them and you do you but instead you would rather be out here tripping then you not knowing that you're still hurting your cousins peoples like and it's it's just like it's confusing it's weird too though because it feels like a lot of people like rap wise they don't really like feel the need to diss other hoods or whatever except if they kind of want to go viral like they sort of know that that's like the cheat code to it in a lot of ways yeah but it's it's two different virals and i noticed that it's a negative viral it's a positive viral i used to be negative viral as far as like the people that was following me were also negative people so they used to be posting videos like when you gonna slap another [ __ ] they used to be messaging me [ __ ] like that like when you gonna slap somebody else and i used to be like what the [ __ ] and now it's people like when you're gonna drop your new song i need advice like now my message are different i start noticing that and a lot of these dudes do that to go viral but then they not knowing that nobody knew who you were until you did that video now you just made yourself viral and you got all these [ __ ] looking for you for you disney hood in a video so i'd rather go viral positive way and everybody see my music i ain't got a dis no here so when they see me they respect me they had no reason to want to take my head off i wasn't dissing y'all hood in my song like i'm sure y'all rather get somebody that's dissing y'all hood than somebody that's not dissing y'all hood and then also been that person it's like okay i didn't already fought a bunch of enemies i had already been through what i've been through with my gang it's like i'm not even worried about y'all like y'all do y'all i'm worried about myself so it's like you got to just know how to balance it yeah do you feel like the sort of ogs where you're from or whatever they look at you like as somebody who put a lot of work in but they would rather see you focus on trying to you know become a star out of your area uh that's like it's back and forth it's some people that's going to respect it some people that's not like when you're from a big game you got positive and negative like i said it goes back like that and some people that like to see me doing good there's some people that want to see me in the hood shooting that [ __ ] and some people that like but we gotta do this and there's some people that's gonna tell me like man stay in the booth [ __ ] like do your [ __ ] so but i've seen some video on youtube of you basically saying i i think the title said that you consider yourself like a gang member but not a gang banger at this point yeah for sure what do you what's the key difference there because i'm a gang member because this is where i'm from this is where i was raised can't no [ __ ] take that from me like i said at the end of the day this is where i was raised i was raised from hover street and in the hoovers and all that y'all can't take that from me y'all could take everything from me but when they come back to where i was raised i was raised here so that's gonna always stick with me so once i kind of figured that out and then it's like i started i used to do [ __ ] ton press like i used to do [ __ ] so [ __ ] can look at me and be like oh yeah like i thought that was how to get respect but i wasn't paying attention to the fact that these [ __ ] that's getting money and riding around in foreign cars they not doing the same [ __ ] that these [ __ ] doing they getting respect a whole different level of respect and they getting money i started paying attention to [ __ ] like that like okay and it's these [ __ ] getting respect i start noticing like everybody it's different levels of respect there's different people that get different respect so when there's when they get still with that i'm like man i don't got to do this to get respect no more and i'm gonna go get money and get respect yeah like in a lot of ways when you think about like gang beef and [ __ ] like it kind of like happens mostly between people who really have nothing who are like they're not at the point in their life where they have money because then if you if you want to beef with somebody over like oh there's money to be made and you're and you're competing for that money that makes sense a lot of stuff with the gang [ __ ] it sort of originates from people who literally don't have anything except their neighborhood and their self-respect exactly and that's what they have to war over see and that's why you can see that you can see that in the way of how they living like you noticed that the people that got something don't really be on that it's always the people that don't got nothing that's oppression that they you feel me they run around extra out and all that and that's it it's a shame because like the best the best thing that i think that like poor people in general could learn is just that there's nothing to be gained from getting into it with somebody on the other side of town or putting all your energy into just hating somebody or or dealing with the fact that they don't like you and they are dissing you on their story or whatever like so much extra energy goes into that and it's not just like the hoods in america when i'm learning about other countries or learning about history and [ __ ] i just see that over and over and over where people instead of working on uplifting their community will just basically just end up wasting the [ __ ] out of time and effort beefing with each other yeah that [ __ ] i said crazy definitely um i got to ask uh how did the the beef with you and c-max start oh [ __ ] like so i'mma correct it first of all there's not no beef okay like no there's no way we beef okay that's entertainment ain't no such thing as no beef because you never met him never seen him i've never seen them i never heard of them before the internet like i said i've been in the streets my whole life i know i know his big homie mm-hmm coldest part is big c-mac he used to be my barber really when i was a kid he used to cut my hair so it's like a real small world same thing my mom married uh another dude from five five that's my brother like really like she married his dad oh wow so i know them and i know a few other dudes that i've been in jail with and dealt with i know a bunch of people from over there so it's like i never i never heard of him or nothing so how i'm going to be for him i'm not going to be for true or no internet i got too much street credit for that like i don't know who you are we can't compare and then like i said i just i just see how he moved compared to how i move like i said that goes back from in the beginning we was talking i said you could tell by how a lot of people move but so i mean i can imagine how it would be for you is that like you get out of prison you start doing the rapping thing and then you know by virtue of who he beefs with this has got to be all up in your comments of people watching that's how it that's how it originally started like as far as the the altercation like whatever you want to call it that [ __ ] started from somebody commenting on his video like uh one of his live videos they come like will you beat up rapper jack5 and he got to talk about [ __ ] jab and they sent it to me and they said it to me i'm like i made it on my story first it wasn't even no instagram post or nothing i made all my story i'm like man who is this weird [ __ ] and i seen he had to [ __ ] on his head i'm like this [ __ ] weirdo so i posted them on my story and all my homies like what the [ __ ] they all start commenting like who the [ __ ] is that i'm like this [ __ ] weird like look what he's saying he's saying [ __ ] jabba i don't even know this [ __ ] so then the next time i was on live somebody had said it like somebody said what's up with cmac and i'm i said it i'm like man that [ __ ] crazier than me like like i'm not about to beef with him like that [ __ ] crazy to me and like i said this [ __ ] fried like when i pictured this [ __ ] like i'd be like what the [ __ ] he i seen the video he was talking to a cat i'm like i'm like on the dead homies i'm not finished i see the video of him where he was like don't get it [ __ ] up just because i got a cute black cat or some [ __ ] like that yeah see he crazy but like i said that's the type of [ __ ] that you want to do you can't respect a man with a cat i gotta catch that's you can't be on live with your cat describing the people why your cat name is this and [ __ ] this is not normal this ain't no normal gangster [ __ ] yeah you steady tall you're a gangster this ain't no game i'm really against it that's open minded gang banging when you just have a cat in your game that [ __ ] got a cat and you need to pay attention to the camera i said this [ __ ] fried oh man so then what y'all go back and forth a little bit on the stories and stuff it was a little back and forth but then you kind of took it to a different level when you sampled his audio and put it in your song yeah and i noticed you spelled his name wrong in the title on purpose yeah no but look this uh because i ain't trying to but you can't copyright that yeah but you added the ck whereas there was normally not no i put cc oh you did yeah now but uh on the [ __ ] on [ __ ] [ __ ] basically i didn't do that as no dis everybody keep on saying that's a diss track mm-hmm that's not no diss track like i swear to god it's not no distance because the song is not about him you just added that in yeah right basically what i what i put that on there for is because like i said where i come from i'm well respected i do my [ __ ] i didn't deal my turns i ain't never told i ain't never voted [ __ ] hear about me in the county beating [ __ ] up and doing that so i respect it so i got this [ __ ] who i ain't never heard of [ __ ] [ __ ] like i just thought it was funny and like i said i just used that as an introduction because my rap i had already had it like i was already trying to drop it but as far as me putting him on there i just thought it would be funny i'm like man this [ __ ] popping it let me throw him on the front of my [ __ ] it was funny because like i i saw that i kind of knew right away i'm like there's no way he's actually on the song because i i heard your name and [ __ ] but then i listen to the song and i'm like all right i'm not gonna lie like he actually is talented like i [ __ ] with this guy and you know that from from like a little attention getting perspective it definitely i think it got the job done yeah for sure and that's that's what it was though i just used it because i thought it was funny i thought his voice was funny and then like i said he'd be popping it about me like i can mimic you back right and then if it's on top of that if it's beneficial for sure i'm gonna do it you put yourself in that position by saying a [ __ ] job right so if i use you as a stepping stone to do what i need to do then i'm gonna i'm gonna step off your head [ __ ] right so are you guys gonna do this boxing match is that likely to happen is it too real is it too real like you know the street politics no for the right amount of money i would do it definitely but that's it other than that [ __ ] you a bum i'm not doing no fighting with you [ __ ] i look like bouncing out this foreign fighting you when you in the back seat with a seat belt on we not doing that oh god okay so no no boxing match all right no hell no unless they they pay me they pay me they can do it but i'm not going to just do it just for fun like i don't [ __ ] with [ __ ] like that like i said what how is that going to benefit me that's not going to help me feed my family [ __ ] i'm trying to box you for i got a daughter at home two of them what the [ __ ] i'm from the fight i [ __ ] up for the fight you fool my mama yeah i feel that yeah normally having this kind of conversation with a rapper i would be trying to be like do you think there's any chance that you guys can patch it up and be cool it doesn't really feel like that's probably worth mentioning i think best case scenario is probably you guys ignoring each other yeah i'm not sure how likely that is either but not that unless unless he want to keep going viral then that's the only way but other than that i don't know right i don't know i don't i don't mention him no more i'm not ditching him he just put about put back out some other little diss track or something about me some weird [ __ ] but i'm not that much wasn't know this so you dissed me you trying to start some [ __ ] i'm not about to diss you back like that i didn't dis i didn't diss your hood in my first home you dissed my hood on the intro like i said i still put that [ __ ] in my song he does that like every five seconds yeah that's i almost said it by accident when i was asking i was asking a.d i'm like what's that thing he always says and i started to say and he's like no stop don't want to say that here on camera he's like just don't it's a bad idea yeah that ain't a good word yeah but that's some [ __ ] his goofy ass then made up or something so and all right i don't know what it mean all right you not feeling make up no word and think that means this is my hood i'm gonna laugh at your goofy that don't mean this in my hood growing up though was the worst thing that somebody could say to piss you off in regards to where you're from uh it wasn't it wasn't no worse thing i just used to want to get cracking for nothing or anything you don't got to violate yeah yeah that's been a weird like realization that there's like all these [ __ ] secret code words that you can't say or you can but you can like i said that [ __ ] is stupid that [ __ ] goofy if somebody's still tripping over where they deserve everything coming towards them like you not that's ignorant as [ __ ] are you going you're gonna trip over a word like i said i don't give a [ __ ] you can say whatever words you want to say don't touch me that's it yeah i'm not gonna don't stay in my way yeah i hear it um okay but uh now like where do you see your [ __ ] at musically have you uh like i don't know do you what's the game plan in terms of putting out new music new videos et cetera like where where do you see your career at and where are you trying to take it uh uh i see myself going pretty far yeah with the music i got a lot of labels and stuff i was wondering the labels yeah they've been tapping in and uh i ran into it like i i've been at the club and stuff i remember yg over here he chopped it up i'm shorty shorty you know he from oh is he okay yeah so i'll be with shorty shorty chopping down with other celebrities and everything i was clicking on some videos that were like top 10 hoover rappers and [ __ ] and i was learning i'm like oh what there's more than i knew of wasn't even thinking about that yeah that's dope he'll be doing this thing that's the man for sure um okay so yeah i don't know like what do you uh do you have anything for us to be looking forward to you thinking about doing like a tape are you gonna just keep doing one-off videos and [ __ ] uh yeah i got it i got a tape coming soon called the famous gangbanger okay yeah i'ma drop that do you plan on uh are you gonna be having features on there anybody in particular that you plan on working with yeah i got i got a few features i got a few i got a young note he's from san bernardino he do his thing well he's from moreno valley out that way he'd do his thing out the eye area i got blue rags he'd do his thing too uh hit a j3 okay yeah i seen his [ __ ] i got a fuel that's what's up um okay anything else you want to uh tell the world in terms of like what your mission is or anything that you got coming uh [ __ ] basically i'm just i'm more so on a positive mission now like i'm more so trying to trying to build and i feel like everybody should have that same mindset like as far as like we we sticking around doing if it's not benefiting us if it's not beneficial to us in any type of way like i feel like everybody should see the world how i see the world i feel like the world will be a better place if everybody seen eye to eye with me as far as like where the people i come from and stuff i feel like it'll be different because i do got a cool vision and i'll be trying to help like i said i'll be talking to kids i'll be trying to like build up the community i'll be trying to be positive and like i'm just now really getting started so i'm just getting my feet wet so when i get like the help behind it like the proper help i want and i can do more but as far as me doing it by myself i do enough i do a lot oh yeah for sure man well uh yeah we definitely i i gotta pull up to the boxing gym sometime oh yeah you can show me what's going on that'd be good if you had a clip knocking me out for the for the instagram or some [ __ ] right there that's like you got a lot more experience than me i don't know i'm gonna be training though i got some i just started back training that's what's up so one of these days they're gonna make like an actual good boxer like rap boxing match type thing happen no i'll really put on the show i got i got clips and stuff like you could look me up i really i really know how to fight but i i just if it's not beneficial in no type of way i'm not gonna i'm not gonna play with it i think the time is right though the blue face just finally did a fight ddg did a fight i mean rappers just were not doing this until recently so now i'm starting to feel like it's becoming more normalized that's from jake paul and then jake paul opened up the door for that day and they're making like tens of millions of dollars they're fighting [ __ ] world boxers and [ __ ] they doing their [ __ ] yeah i'll tell you they're smart yeah i'm sure they just started that idea and nobody never probably thought it would go nowhere and look now i was like talking to jake's brother logan the other day and he just said like we figured out the cheat code like this you know it's a cheat code like the amount of money they could make boxing in comparison to like making youtube videos yeah youtube video money's cool the boxing [ __ ] is a totally different but as far but as far as like that they also then have money yeah so when you come for money it's easier when you really don't come from no money that's where like i said like where my area is a lot of it's a lot of good rappers over there but they really don't come from much so it's hard for them to be seen when everybody to come for money is just they got the money to pay to do certain [ __ ] like we really got to work it out the mud so it's a little different that's real for sure well you're definitely talented and uh i appreciate you coming on telling your story and [ __ ] man i appreciate you job five appreciate you man much love jab five no jumper coolest podcast in the world check us out on youtube patreon soundcloud itunes we got the patrons on the screen right now uh like comment subscribe no if you want to support and uh go listen to jeff5 on spotify and all that appreciate you man
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 723,626
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jap5, jap5 interview, jap5 no jumper, jap5 adam22, jap5 crip mac, jap5 c mac beef, jap5 los angeles, jap5 new rapper, jap5 LA rapper
Id: yyuZbWVzBA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 44sec (3404 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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