The Tr3yway6k Interview: Being Incarcerated, Banging Hoover, Drakeo Photo Controversy & More

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no jumper coolest podcast in the world and today we're in here with one of the top up-and-coming la artists treyway 6k in the building what's the deal man y'all know about game game i'm a boy 3-z my boy young threat man military military oh we're in the building i like a man who brings us homies with him oh good looking buddy normally we don't let people do this but you know i figured that you're a very ganged up individual might as well have the squad with you oh yeah for sure so um okay tell me a little bit about uh the early days of tradeway 6k i want to i want to know where you're coming from uh i come from south central l.a um let me take you to my fault may come from south central l.a and they can move to rialto for like uh a year probably [ __ ] went to jail for like three years what age uh 15 15 you got locked up for three years yeah it's 18. what did you get locked up for like nine robberies all type [ __ ] all kind of [ __ ] going on yeah what was your childhood like though you were just running around doing crazy [ __ ] from a young age hell no i ain't gonna lie to you look i was like uh ap student you know uh advanced placement gay classes [ __ ] like that uh-huh moving middle school elementary then high school that [ __ ] uh um things just happened yeah it was around eighth ninth grade was there anything in particular they ain't always bad like a whole video always being a bad [ __ ] but i always did my school [ __ ] like you know right but then at a certain point you just couldn't really get into the school [ __ ] anymore yeah because i went to jail so it's like you got to go to jail in school so right i mean go to yeah school in jail so what was being locked up like [ __ ] i don't know little ball regular because [ __ ] was in there for three years so i don't know whatever they got you know what kind of being over [ __ ] [ __ ] yeah it was it was juvenile halls though so right uh do we have an ashtray maybe good um but oh yeah we got one right here it's cool but uh okay so do you knew you were a hoover since what age so you're saying that when you first got locked up you already this was already a thing uh yeah uh first i got put on i was like 14. i gotta put them two times so i gotta put on i was like fourteen and fourteen and a half probably fourteen fifteen why are you gonna get put on two times because my brother came to set my this is my blood brother right here but i got another i got another big brother here from edge man he came she said tripping or whatever but then i got i actually got put off over there my brother went to jail so [ __ ] ended up getting put back on how did you get put off dude you got to get you got to fight over how you get put on well [ __ ] don't get put off like i didn't do nothing wrong so you know and i'm a little ass boy i was like 14 13 probably i'm hoping today you know i'm over logged me off real quick i fought a couple [ __ ] got put off i got put on so you wanted you wanted to get put on and then you wanted to get put on i didn't want to get put off my brother and i was a little kid damn that's crazy what was your understanding of what it was to be in a gang though when you were 14 like when you were getting put on what what was that like or what do you think it was going to be like i didn't go like [ __ ] have no understanding of it because i grew up like like here and nowhere else like so i didn't know my options [ __ ] oh i only knew the homies i grew up just knowing the homies that's it you didn't even know who you were gonna be then having problems with when you joined nah until a [ __ ] really hit high school and like my first year of high school and then these [ __ ] like oh hold up dude we don't get along with these [ __ ] i'm hoping they're gonna beat the [ __ ] out your knees why did you want to be a part of it in the first place though you were just uh were you looking for protection you were looking for you just wanted to be part of with some lit [ __ ] nah [ __ ] on whoever i grew up in it like i grew up around there that's where i always grew up there type [ __ ] right definitely so you get locked up and it's like is that basically the most controversial set that you could be a part of when you get locked up in county jail hell no you gonna be from hoover neighbor blackstone something like that in my county jail but don't do the hoovers have the most beef for the most different people yeah we got the most bpm right so immediately you get in there and you just start having to go to war defend yourself yeah in the county it'd be mostly mexican so so whoever you ain't you ain't never knowing who you're gonna land with but most likely okay yeah so you're having to fight randomized mexican dudes and stuff more so then all right you don't fight the mexicans okay you fight blacks they don't give a [ __ ] about you but the mexicans is just it's like another world we beat with a couple of mexicans mexican hoods but not in the county now right damn so so that but that's how it goes in the county you got to fight other black dudes but then once you make it to prison then all the black dudes are on the same side should i guess i ain't never hit the pins you're not interested i'm trying to avoid that i'm trying to avoid it man how much do you hate being uh locked up at that age though or were you having fun hell at some point like when you fresh into it i hope it was fun you know you're getting that two-week disc sport or something like that you having fun but that hums you up in there for years and years like the second year i'm like oh yeah this [ __ ] is not it right this is boring i'm tired i need to go home yeah two years of not getting [ __ ] when you're like going through puberty man like what the [ __ ] is this that's gotta be tough yeah hobies that's for sure are you thinking about rapping while you're locked up hell yeah now i always like i don't know i wrote music and [ __ ] while i was in jail like that's where most of my uh songs come from definitely so i mean it's it's funny like you you said something that i've kind of heard a lot of people associate with hoover say which is basically like you kind of like learn to have beef with everybody at a young age like it very much brings you up in a specific way well like when i wasn't even from the set of [ __ ] that i like the [ __ ] that ended up being from other sides i didn't we didn't get along anyways like those type of [ __ ] i'd be foot anyway right because it's like i don't know just growing up in my area we're not the same as like other people i feel right yeah okay so you're getting any like additional trouble while you're locked up or you managed to keep it pretty cool in there yeah i got i got in more trouble i was in jail what happened that's why i understand additionally i mean i got sentenced to like i don't know i really got since it's like probably 12 months something like that whenever [ __ ] was fighting this [ __ ] getting kicked out of placement against him placement replacement over fighting in there getting just uh extra time right okay so you get out and what do you do when you get out are you like already thinking about music at that point hell no i think it was i at first when i first got out i was trying to get a bag i ain't gonna lie to you i'm getting i was in my little bag and hope i got i had to fire a little beamer chain [ __ ] like that or hope they get my little bag how are you getting money i can't remember i feel you yeah but uh hopefully i think it was in my little bag it was a fair question right like yeah paper route or something yeah but i think it was getting my little money or whatever that's what i was worried about when i got out mm-hmm but you weren't thinking about rapping at that time when did that start no uh the first time i rapped uh hopefully i got in the studio the homie pope actually i always have my little music but i ain't like telling anybody i want to be a rapper i've seen a bunch of songs with him yeah over the homie poke uh took me to the studio or whatever and then that's what we made against my boyfriend uh-huh i heard the first song ever made it went viral after the first little [ __ ] so i'm like oh yeah [ __ ] rap after this so the dude pogue is like an older guy that you were associated with that that he kind of helped bring you into the heat eating again with the fat ass royce did he bring you like a real studio or are you doing in the crib yeah to the red room nice and you just fell into it right away you didn't have no problem like hopping around no no [ __ ] rap don't hope it sounded good to the [ __ ] so we like oh i think this finna go viral we drop it make a video somebody putting money behind this video uh however we end up i end up paying on my pocket in a pen out of this pocket poke end up helping for the video probably i think over there we dropped it and went viral on my own youtube so wow that's fire um yeah cause like when you when you got out of being locked up did you feel like you were trying to really stay out of trouble or like what was your mentality on that uh i didn't go i don't know i think it was i don't know just being myself getting used to uh society again right was that hard to get used to yeah kind of because i was i was in michigan i wasn't they sent me to placement in michigan so wow yeah that's crazy nigga's missing okay so how did you guys when when did you guys all become friends and and what was your perspective on what he was going through this is my blood brother right and this i knew him since like elementary middle school for a long time did you guys feel like there was a chance that he was going to make it as a rapper or what was your perspective on that [ __ ] [ __ ] ain't even know he's going to be a rapper and this is my blood brother look he dropped the video and i'm like damn right you know i even know cherry right right i found out a pen they told me about the neighborhood little baby look he inspired me to rap a little bit too on the damn i'm i'm like if i drop it i hope it goes viral as his [ __ ] because he had like a minion at this time already but you had that hook while you were locked up from that one song that don't over here that came from the jail for sure really baby start telling me i'm like yeah i'm going crazy that always blows my mind when i talk to rappers who had like a song in their head in prison then they get home and record it and it becomes big that's why that [ __ ] was like fast for bro like fast that's crazy damn so you're just walking around and being locked up just singing that pissing people off or you're not even around people who get offended by that uh oh [ __ ] i don't know probably probably doing that on purpose on the day i'm seeing it on purpose going past people doing this ain't labeled oh nobody go like that yeah cause like i'm always perfect i had that song stuck in my head but i don't like really like saying the nouns in it i'm not really trying to disrespect anybody so it's kind of an awkward song to sing along for for somebody like me who's white as [ __ ] a lot of rap songs like that though when you're white he's loving it yeah i'll be listening to it i just like don't really want to be singing around anybody really yeah you got a lot of hard music yeah but i feel like you're kind of like disrespecting people on every song y'all stop all right my new music i'm not doing it i'm not doing it i'm ready i'm being a real rapper you trying to clean it up a little bit yeah i'm trying to actually make it with this at first i was playing with the rappers here like you know but i'm going actually viral with this [ __ ] so they're going to take us here yeah i'm sad they might as well take that [ __ ] it's probably disrespectful to you because you actually from la you know [ __ ] i'm not actually from here for the record but i've been in like 10 years yeah all right yeah people that's not from here you know who they gonna that's not being disrespected right but there's like a whole community of people out there that i think exclusively want to listen to orange bandana music it seems like like when i look at youtube it feels like there's a lot of people really fascinated me uh music i mean videos and [ __ ] playing my music in neighborhood like they heard they neighbor [ __ ] her day playing my music on that's all over real homies [ __ ] post my music and all that how do you feel about that [ __ ] dude you supporting me looking yeah i mean if you blow up big enough then like that's kind of the idea that the whole city could kind of come behind an artist even though it's kind of hard to imagine until they get really really big you know yeah for sure um yeah okay so then so that was how you did your first song and then how do you sort of go from there like you you guys just started shooting the video for it or how'd that go all right after that i dropped like one or two more songs and then my uh manager hit me up actually i met my manager uh at another music video and i told him i was gonna be a rapper on the day i told him like yeah like you might as well start managing me right now and be a rapper boom and then uh he ended up coming across my instagram through my music videos again and picking me up so he started pushing me to you know make a lot of music wow so did your manager give you like really good guidance in terms of like knowing how to actually become a real rapper yeah interesting what kind of guidance what kind of advice you give you staying in the [ __ ] studio now it's the streets type [ __ ] right are you still at that stage in your life where like you're happy to just you know go hang out in the neighborhood and be on the corner and [ __ ] like that or are you really past that i ain't gonna say it i mean you seem like you're pretty outside or at least i'm trying to uh stay far away from all crimes you know i'm not trying to be involved in any crimes right he really rapped what he lived like yeah he's living with the rapper right yeah tell us about him as a person give me some insight [ __ ] right that's a little brother type deal like yeah yeah he's not my homies it's like my little brother you feel me so like i love this [ __ ] to death you know i mean you can't tell them to need a [ __ ] like usually you have a little for real though usually you have a little brother for me that's like nobody out here type deal right good [ __ ] so but he's smart though you feel me but he always got like little move swings and [ __ ] sometimes like you got a peep on the low um [Music] well i feel like a lot of talented people are kind of like that you know like yeah it kind of comes with it sometimes i don't know i do be having a little more scenes yeah my mood swings but i hope i'll be getting man they ever try to put you on medication or anything hey homie you know i already uh came across it there you go do you think you got control of it yeah what's the worst you ever lost your temper on somebody i ain't gonna lie uh i don't know i only want to get on my [ __ ] you know okay you guys tell the stories and say he he can't remember you ever seen him really tweak out on somebody no i ain't really spazz but i ain't seen him really splash out on everybody okay cool they're keeping their mouth shut that's how you know they got their back they won't even snitch to me [ __ ] coming across all my anger problems and [ __ ] you know what kind of hoodie is this ghost town yeah you know that's a scary-ass graphic right there i need one of them though yeah a show um okay so yeah like i mean you just start cranking out videos and going that direction when do you feel like people started to actually pay attention or did you get views kind of right out the gate right off the gate because i was like a little uh viral like you know and they heard me type person before you were getting love from like smaller outlets and [ __ ] right in the beginning that's what's up i saw instagram live you arguing with that black boy dude before he uh tragically passed away that's why i saw that but that's just funny because that was before people really knew about you because they didn't even put your name in the title they just put like hoover member argues with blank how'd that happen that was a crazy dude i don't know what's wrong with him yeah or what was wrong past tense that was a sad story what did he say to pissed you off though i don't know he can't you y'all see me uh some [ __ ] he came to send me a little video and talking to me like oh i'm making this video today for this [ __ ] to be to see like why i don't know how did you feel when you saw that were you actually upset or you're just laughing at it no laughing right because actually look this is what he did he called he texted me or something like yeah be here at this time i actually was right there right he had your number oh no instagram oh he takes me i'm like on the damn homies and [ __ ] actually was sitting right there he never came and i'm like i don't know where the [ __ ] he got the video right i swear to god damn i'm like this [ __ ] is good russian peace the takers the [ __ ] tigers [Music] we shouldn't be laughing at the bad objects bro i mean i mean that's just somebody was going to keynes that's nah they're going to the panda express at the mall i don't know i don't actually know what street that happened now but that's it was crazy and especially because it never felt like anybody was like on his side like he was just a long wolf so it's not like anybody really was there to get mad at people laughing at it i thought he was actually from from a hood at first but he started doing all that [ __ ] we don't be for this he just he's just like every hood right for sure do you uh do you feel like you know you having issues or whatever with like various people is that going to actually impact your music career do you feel like that's going to hold you back at some point hell no because i know who i could actually work with you know i could work with different people like you were just showing me or you were watching the video that you got coming out and you said i can't work with like a big percentage of artists but i won't work with the ones that i can though right does that like do you feel like the music could help you get past that in time like if your [ __ ] got big enough that the politics wouldn't really matter as much i don't know that's a permanent situation well that that would be actually that would be kind of weird that like i mean i won't always be like this in my eyes all that like you know right uh but i ain't gonna say i'm gonna just start making music with them right oh for sure um can you explain the name to me because like a lot of people who maybe aren't paying attention see trey way they think about six nine we don't know right uh i'm charlie number six right yeah so like your whole family like like who's five four three two and one it's like his dad and your brothers or no no no no no not people okay [ __ ] from the set that i knew growing up what's the k i'm just trying to figure it out man it's stanford man they know what they stand for right what but the trayway part in general though cause like with the from the brooklyn version that's like nine trade bloods so then it was like trey way no they don't got nothing to do with me though right so you've been had that name since way before i didn't have they were okay i got put on i was like 14 15 i had the name since then but i hope uh i'm number six though okay yeah so that's how many years ago i got put on and then number one how many years is that that's i don't know that's a long time uh-huh that's a decade [ __ ] okay probably before i didn't think it was gaming so you weren't running around with 6-9 when he was out here [Laughter] i mean hey the cloud opportunity some people took it hell no crazy yeah um okay so i feel like you kind of like came on to a lot of people's radar who maybe weren't paying attention before this because there was this whole incident with draco and you took a photo with him can you explain how that situation actually happened like how you ended up seeing him and [ __ ] i was on melrose i seen him we ended up having a conversation and then we ended up taking a picture what was the conversation like i said on a regular conversation like what's the deal uh who can and then i ask go for a picture like take a picture uh-huh were you surprised when this became controversial online surprise uh [ __ ] felt like it was like a little weird like on who was like y'all know some haters [ __ ] because he don't i think drake got on gang bang right he's not from no hood in la i'm from hoover that don't wherever he's from now got nothing to do with me but he's cool with a lot of people what did that that don't got nothing to do with me right yeah it's kind of like people putting their motives on topic because they're like oh draco if you're so cool with these people then you can't take a picture with him yeah that's probably on his behalf yeah but on my behalf but you got like an evil little smile in the photo where it's kind of like you you know that you're up to something in the photo like you definitely didn't think oh i'm just taking a picture with this rapper no i'm not asking nothing no you look like you're having a little fun with it and i don't know about all these signs you're throwing up and stuff but i know it's something i wasn't dissing nobody heard or nothing i just thought upset okay then when the other [ __ ] with them they get to throw what they want to throw up well i can't throw it what i want to stop right but in the in the draco interview he kind of acted like do you feel like he misrepresented the situation in the interview yeah actually uh he acted like he didn't know me he actually knew because we had conversations on instagram and [ __ ] like that that was a like first time we met in person but i hope before that [ __ ] and didn't have conversations with him [ __ ] that's why [ __ ] was actually able to just walk up to him and be groovy talking to google like uh-huh um so it was all good yeah do you think you guys ever work on music together oh [ __ ] pro i'm not sure i don't know never know you'd be open to it though i'm hoping to work with uh yeah i'm opening that i hope i'll be opening it unless you do some like you know some totally different [ __ ] for the media try to you know actually you guys definitely ain't working together because you got songs coming out with people that you don't get along with huh they don't got on west they don't got nothing to do with you got nothing to do right look on the dead hobbies look other [ __ ] got songs with both of them on their homies they don't got nothing i'm an upcoming staff working on the day at home i'm trying to build up my uh what do they call it something what i'm trying to do with my status not my club north star i'm trying to build up my uh my uh i'm working to be in the [ __ ] industry that's what i'm gonna do oh i got [ __ ] going on i need to get myself right right you're trying to be a real rapper you're not just trying to be a youtube dude who's banging on wax type [ __ ] exactly that's out because that's kind of the easy route right yeah it's easy to get a certain level of notoriety by just speaking just to the audience who wants to see beef and [ __ ] right okay i feel you um i'm interested in you guys more too tell me tell me about your friends man i'm trying to get to know him man he's my brother this is my blood brother uh it's my boy daisy uh he got tapes out of real and [ __ ] he go crazy he's my boy thread uh he got hot [ __ ] too you know he hit me in a couple of times them more about yourself you said i got like a tape over real i'm trying to jog some [ __ ] i got some chipper wifey and lucy jacob dw like a few little artists okay that's what's up you guys [ __ ] with ddo you fine yeah oh that's what's up good real [ __ ] so you get along with some people yeah i [ __ ] with a lot of [ __ ] all right look i'm from hoover i [ __ ] with three g's couple b i couple i [ __ ] with blast two it's a a couple of bloods we [ __ ] with not we don't [ __ ] with a couple of bars too though mm-hmm but if we [ __ ] with a couple blacks i seen you [ __ ] big sad you got videos with him yeah big sad we [ __ ] against the cribs r3s that's what's up it's a lot of [ __ ] i'm hoping that y'all not knowing yeah homies i realize that sometimes for sure um okay i was seeing uh this other song you got can't hang with us put me in coach i'm trying to slide too yeah i'm like this is a nasty guy right here bro that's not my song i know but you're on it that's my boy folks yeah i was just like man i like this dude you know you guys you guys are spicy ass bars bro like that's why i think it's funny that you have this controversy about you taking photos with draco cause that's one thing about draco i always like this he's just like an extremely disrespectful rapper i feel i feel like you got that energy too yeah i'm not gonna try to uh hide like you know what's hard obvious type [ __ ] right you smoke a lot of weed i'm getting the idea there he is i'm cold in this [ __ ] i know you could do it that's the only uh that's that's the only turn up you're concerned with you just smoke how about work sleep yeah i seen you probably on a pill in a video and i was like i hope he's all right [Music] he's gonna oh yeah he fell right um is that something you've been doing for a long time or that's a that's a new habit or whatever since i got a deal uh probably like been out of jail for like a year and a half or two now so probably a year ago i'll start off first right out of the year but yeah how's that going well yeah i don't pop perks like that no more because i i'm not i just bailed out so when i went to jail [ __ ] was having like a little withdrawals and [ __ ] so i wasn't [ __ ] with it yeah that's what i always hear is that people are fine until they got a withdrawal and then the shit's terrible yeah definitely um yeah as i look at this uh oh yeah okay here's another uh another bar that i heard you dropped when you said when they signed me i'ma drop a bomb no don't even do it i knew they was gonna do it don't even do it too spicy you said it in a music video that has a lot of dudes right but you said it don't do that that's too much don't do that all right i'm being careful right now there's all kinds of [ __ ] i could bring up right now that would just be a little too spicy because they give me [ __ ] they're like oh you have a gang member on you ask him about the other gang member you just interviewed you have c-mac on here oh he said it take notes he said it i didn't say it hey yo the dad i hope you look you have other people on here they get to do what they do you can't even do that to me oh no you can say whatever you want to say y'all who y'all got to keep it corridor y'all gotta show me the same respect so you're a fan of him come on what are your thoughts like you know he's out here he's making moves [ __ ] he doing what i'm doing i'm doing he ate some ass on his podcast that was weird well i don't even know why you watch that why would you sit here watching that i don't know who i had to click off that [ __ ] i actually gave the girl 300 to do that was that [ __ ] rehearsed though y'all rehearsed that or was he really just like oh some animated [ __ ] like that [ __ ] i've been doing that for like he was having fun i'm not the type of [ __ ] to eat no [ __ ] i'm not even eating a regular rich [ __ ] on the dead homies really i'll [ __ ] with if i [ __ ] with a [ __ ] for like two or three years i'm gonna eat two or three years [ __ ] around sleep down there homies but no [ __ ] no taliban dude or something over here bro you gotta open up a little you crazy [ __ ] be dirty on the damn you buy not when they're fresh out the shower still you can't bring a girl home from the nightclub and eat her ass not that i haven't done this a million times but you know that that's that's spicy that might be a taste test damn for real y'all are close you like go swimming [ __ ] i feel like dudes who don't eat [ __ ] don't go swimming either oh [Music] that's cool no i feel you though because it's like eating [ __ ] is a very intimate thing you can't just do that with any random exactly yeah exactly not that i haven't done that a million times but i would understand if you didn't want to that's what those perks and lena do to you bro back when i was taking zanza [ __ ] for a long time that's it i would definitely eat a stranger's ass off his hand i just realized that we have an orange logo i don't think you got them [ __ ] either i hope you like how you get that [ __ ] the no jumper rugs yeah uh people actually sent those in two different fans sent us the rugs and they're both like almost exactly the same but different shades of orange damn that's crazy i wonder are we gonna get in trouble for having that orange in our logo it is the color of a basketball so probably all right um okay so yeah what are your plans right now in terms of where you're trying to take your career and everything i feel like you got a shitload of potential i'm trying to take my career to the next level man i'm gonna uh start focusing on actually making music and bettering my community instead of worrying about these other [ __ ] you know what i'm saying how are you gonna better the community what's the big plan i'm feeling i felt like crackheads and [ __ ] in my area on the dead hungry i [ __ ] with it my whole life bless them where you going [Music] to get bust down dead homie you got nice them out i got family on the day at home buy a just have a signature smoker who you just bring around like all the an artist came a very very gang affiliated artist came and performed in the back of my old store and i swear to god there was multiple smokers that came all the way to melrose to rock out and i was just like i was tripping out i'm like y'all really need to sell crack so bad that you brought the smokers with you to melrose like i don't know i'll tell you who off camera but bro i knew he didn't need to settle crack [ __ ] he was showing love to the unfortunate yeah i don't think he was the one selling crack but i assume that somebody had to because these people were definitely like on crack or something they were in the bathroom for like 10 minutes it probably was yeah it was a little confusing they went through some different [ __ ] in your life that's true hey it could be us mm-hmm have a bad day correctly no no adam crazy nah but you never known somebody who was like a regular person and all of a sudden they're like homeless or like really [ __ ] tweaked out as you get older yeah probably you get more and more time all of a sudden you just see people losing it probably oh yeah you see probably young [ __ ] faded off peeled bars and [ __ ] that's it but then that's a slippery slope they could be just [ __ ] up off pills and then all of a sudden they're they're downtown they're in skid row they're just living in the town that cracking [ __ ] that's not my era so probably like a [ __ ] probably do meth the most right that's that's the worst you would hear about it fentanyl too oh yeah fernando that's just going crazy [Music] bad stuff i bet you guys lost people to that even though you're young as hell right you don't know anybody got hit with it yeah no i don't know that died oh i know a couple but like not people that's in my circle though like i know people but like not in my circle right definitely that's encouraging though yeah no that's that's scary every year that goes by there's no more and more people get hit with the fence bro that's crazy um all right so you're working on project you got new music videos coming out what do you want people to watch out for uh i got that out on bail featuring ruchi my boy young three coming out hot video you know i just got i'll just look at the video right now uh i'm probably i'm dropping the ep [ __ ] around the mixtape after that all hot [ __ ] i'm telling you man i gotta tune the [ __ ] in trevor 6k the show with the three that's what's up i can't wait you've been going crazy i'm excited bro good looking buddy and shout out to you guys for uh for joining them appreciate it and now the wife beaters are mostly covered up this had a different vibe when you all were just like straight rocking white ac got a [ __ ] mind of its own man somewhere but we're trying to figure out where the best setting to keep it on is because people are getting a little too cold in here i don't know all right trevor 6k appreciate you man yep no jumper coolest podcast in the world check us out on youtube soundcloud patreon only fans all that like comment subscribe no if you want to support yeah man all right
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 353,476
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: treyway6k interview, tr3yway 6k interview, treyway6k no jumper, treyway6k adam22, treyway6k podcast, treyway6k drakeo, drakeo interview, drakeo no jumper, drakeo adam22, 6ix9ine interview, treyway interview
Id: RCszW4PGb5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 06 2021
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