Tony Willrich aka The Gay Crip Full Interview

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baby would you like an Old English you said what now an Old English y'all I got this for me well look man over here it's already lit we got Tony with us man will Rich yeah I'm saying we got my boy sharp the sharp one you know what I'm saying and the man another hour Mr 55th Street my crib [Music] they make all the gay people go to one side of the gym because just to keep away I told you also it's a Subway sandwich like I said five each or so oh you got me this yeah especially with different people from different sets like you know when you make the Bruno drink in the county yeah so now you know it's official go ahead and take it uh take some of that uh I don't know if I'm gonna share that all right listen to say Hoover killers and his mother no no no no no look that's this this is different kid this is um so this is about elevation in life so let's get into it no jumper I'll tell you he couldn't even talk about games man I love you have yeah let's see so Tony where are you from so I'm from Fort Worth murder worth we kill a lot of out there murder funky town funky town but we ain't funky I got on deodorant yeah just a photo so just use another word [Music] no Fort Worth that's the nickname the white people yeah I'm from the south side of Fort Worth um I grew up in a small neighborhood called Morningside that is the five Deuce area so then you have the Hoover Landings when that is like a little bit down the street like on Rosedale and stuff and that's where I come from so we do a little different in Fort Worth so you see I got on orange so in Fort Worth that's what they wear out here they wear out here Jehovah's wear orange okay but I don't think I don't think you would right now want to go hang out on fig and 74 for 52nd and uh Hoover well you think okay so huh a cheeseburger no no okay no we don't we neighborhood Crips we don't yeah but I've been a red dot coming anywhere in here I swear to God hey look when I when I tell you like this I'm about taking care of sickness and I'm elevating knowing China Mac in King five fingers and odm slim and Craig Casey come on and quick Casey [ __ ] Casey Casey you know we we you know I'm elevating I'm elevating in life you hear me elevator alive but people won't get far in life if you just keep continuing to bash how much it is girl you're never gonna Ascend to the next level like you got to understand where blacks could not use white people restroom you know what I'm saying so now look at us now now right now a little bit people are saying oh we don't accept gay people in the game culture just give me five years give me five years I'm gonna be back at this podcast this is the thing you gotta grab milk off the calculator give me five years I don't know a lot of these bugs that y'all talking about yeah yeah so you know yeah but see you know Hoover started here oh yeah see you gotta get yourself that's a uber Street out here y'all have a street named Hoover Street Hoover [Music] J Edgar Hoover so Jay Edgar Hoover is the person who started the FBI the FBI so we the police no you know I mean but the street is named after the police guy the FED dude oh hit well I don't think I'm gonna be a hoofer no more because that's too much like the police I don't do that are you gonna go over there and get put off they're gonna put you off or you can go back to Texas and get put off no I'm gonna put that South let me tell you what hey now look let me tell you something one thing that I don't play it's a lot of mothers there's a lot of [ __ ] that go around here saying that oh well gay people can't be you can't be a gangster if you were gay and that's a type there's some there's some games [Music] me but let me tell you something I've heard a lot of prison stories yeah about gay [ __ ] knocking real gangbangs on YouTube yeah what about all the snitches that's running around this [ __ ] where I'm from we put y'all in the same category in gang bangers so gay [ __ ] is in the same place yeah so like like you came so to be friends no listen no listen to this go ahead you can't be from the set if you ever told on somebody or if you openly gay you cannot be a [ __ ] but why though when I'm brave but oh no all the Crips they got life in prisoners [ __ ] boys we talking about opening these days revolution in progress and helping the community and still gang banging that's [ __ ] we're gonna get it we're gonna get into the game later on we're gonna find more out about Tony man when did you when did you realize that you were gay so I realized I was day when I was in my upcoming stages of being a crypt and it was a higher ranking [ __ ] member that was touching on me and uh squabble cup no I was I liked the [ __ ] so you didn't fight no why I liked it I liked it I was always who I am exactly like one of your OG homies touching them yes but you had you had I was gonna rest I started to slowly realize okay this is this is what this was up you know what turned you away from a big booty shit's [ __ ] and busting her coochie and [ __ ] when I realized I wanted a big booty and coochie and [ __ ] for myself I wanted to have that yeah that's what that that's when I realized what age was that I was about 12 years old what is the signal with you guys people have what's the signal like how do you know to have tongue rings what does that mean normally so normally um rings and stuff like that uh it's really hard because I ain't gonna lie it's a couple of [ __ ] that have those tongue rings nose rings and piercings and piercings what you just eat [ __ ] right that is but we can't we can't say everybody you can't say everybody because absolutely sometimes the tongue ring means because you eat [ __ ] right I mean that's the symbol but they don't necessarily mean you gay because a lot of people think that you feel like [ __ ] that's not gay yeah I would never put a [ __ ] little tongue ring in my mouth the only people that I I that I I ain't even gonna do that to the people but I know like no we're gonna appearance is this [ __ ] is kind of from like another but by all means say exactly how y'all feel so no no no no no no no no no no we're not we're not we're not right here but I almost brought mine so you've always been open about it so you were never nervous being from where you was from out there wait a minute no I wasn't always open yeah we we noticed that but I'm saying when did you finally just realize like God damn good this is what this is what you know it's what you're doing uh being gay yeah 12 years old yeah I've been doing this [ __ ] since I was so much unfortunately five weeks ago right about this [ __ ] one thing I want y'all to understand is I was I did not just start saying oh I'm a [ __ ] I've been saying this song do you want me to explain that real quick I just want to say that it's a lot of [ __ ] that's from my city in Fort Worth that was talking [ __ ] doing all such all you high ranking crank [ __ ] uh ranking members that was talking [ __ ] about me first of all let me tell you something I was jumped in just like [ __ ] everybody everybody got put on everybody got put down the same way I got put down that's how you [ __ ] yeah let me say this to my city real quick all you [ __ ] that was out there talking that [ __ ] saying that oh that [ __ ] ain't no [ __ ] that [ __ ] ass [ __ ] first of all [ __ ] first of all y'all [ __ ] asking me how to get put on plays having me come and do y'all to asking to borrow some money for some bows because you ain't got no money for no pounds so I am a [ __ ] [ __ ] I don't give a [ __ ] what y'all talking about from my [ __ ] City I'm a [ __ ] unfortunately unfortunately unfortunately a big factor that happens to a lot of gay men in their life or cases of sexual assault so do you feel like you've been sectional well I seen something that said that you were sexually sorry is this I know so would you like to speak deeper is this go ahead yeah a sexual assault is what opened your eyes to being gay right okay so let me just explain the sexual assaults sexual assault is probably like okay you was it was done against your will you was assaulted you took on some type of damage I didn't take on no damage I accepted everybody you wanted it I I was okay with everything that was happening and then when it happened I was like [ __ ] we finna do this [ __ ] again I didn't give up were you so were you molested by anybody else before that like in your family no never from my family okay wait a minute my cousin but other than that now your cousin my cousin was she High ranked crap who is she he oh he yeah yes oh he said oh yes well no he he's not the the person in my family that I was sexually molested by was one of my cousins is he a [ __ ] also no he's not and you ain't scribble curl try to chip cup oh that was okay I was okay you already knew that you just liked it but I was still trying to steal but you know at the time I still had to maintain a certain type of image I mean you know yeah you're a [ __ ] at the end of the day you weren't like okay look everybody that said something about my situation about me being a [ __ ] they was like oh well it's not accepted and and ain't nobody gonna accept that [ __ ] so I was trying to have you ever have you ever man there's a lot of like like went to go play ball have I ever did a drive the proper term for it is [Music] world is called doing a drive-by so if you're doing a drive by now look I have you know drive-bys you can hit innocent bystanders so we we it's kind of you might get deep yeah but see when I'm doing a drive-bye look I still got my feminine Trace in me so you don't be careful when I'm shooting you know I'm gonna be I'm gonna be like kind of like making sure I don't get nobody you know hey when I get crazy but you put it well I'm not gonna get in trouble look I put in work I didn't do some [ __ ] that you can that you probably wouldn't even see me possibly being capable of doing I didn't so then you're just a gay friend I'm just a gay [ __ ] I didn't explain five [ __ ] my [ __ ] that was a [ __ ] at the time you know he was from Hoover was he openly hell no no nobody hold on look are [Music] [Music] go ahead and tell me who they are no how do you know who they are in your city okay so do y'all know it is I lived in Houston Texas where mama bear from 14 years old to 16 year old so that was two years there was some rolling six shows out there they [ __ ] me over and I'm gonna tell you why though cuz I you know I knew all my my cousins and everybody on us just you know little inehead my people all them couples on hustis but at the same time look Carl it's like this on hustis out there all the Crips get along because it's like [ __ ] love so I let them [ __ ] know and I told them like this when I was at school because you know that's what they didn't want to say I say [ __ ] how the [ __ ] the Hoovers and y'all get along when we worse enemies out here in L.A and they because they they beat the [ __ ] out of me kind of like 15 of them they [ __ ] me oh you got jumped oh yeah I ain't gonna lie there's a little fat [ __ ] from sick so he told you guys but he trying to say okay I wouldn't official [ __ ] it had already had me go by L.A you remember with Newport News I already had that I put on I already went on on eight that with Pac-Man in them I already went on Brian Hurst exactly so it's like so you know Hood the reason was because I told them this is not how y'all gang bang [ __ ] yeah this ain't real yeah but they gonna say oh I wasn't official no [ __ ] I ain't gonna lie if any [ __ ] Charleston white I'm performing you better call the police brick babies know me since I was a teenager he remembers I was a teenager living in the Dorset Village right I stayed in Texas from 14 years old to 16 years old in Texas two years Houston Texas I never think so I guess I don't sound like new stories that dropped on you that tried to say that you you was out there when you was nine years old to 14 years old so where were you born I'm from Ontario California from 14 years old to 16 years old okay you see what I'm saying the swamp story try to say I'm from Chino Hills I'm not from Chino Hills I'm from Ontario California Mama Bear had a normal apartment around again a lot of the South Side shout out to all the South Side hey you ain't started [ __ ] down missions from 55th Street on all the dead Crips I love Hey so uh ball gang black seen in some of your interviews you know and just some of your online movement you know it says that uh your family like your mom and them tried to convert you back to being straight right okay tell us a little bit about that so uh they tried to bring all these preachers and pastors to the house they went to the voodoo lady they did all of this [ __ ] you know trying to figure out what the [ __ ] was going on with me figuring out where they went wrong my granny ran out the house screaming and crying and stuff mind you I'm still banging [ __ ] being against to get in trouble your granny still living and everything yeah he's giving away he was giving them double trouble you know what I didn't put in your granny's still living I love my granny Bear yeah [Music] oh so what age did you tell him though uh 17 that's 17 17. all right so go back to it so is that when they like tried to go and grab the voodoo lady man like trying to dunk you in holy water trying to get it off I went through all of that [ __ ] have you ever seen the color purple and you said yes and you seen how she told that little ass girl to go in there and pray you know what you can do uh hey look whoever if you get in contact with Tyler Perry and different people because people were going to look at how we took care of this you got your cold Old English do the color orange and make a whole movie no no don't do the nasty dance so the color purple you said they they what what what happened what did they do what was your question about the color purple because you brought up the movie color yeah my granny you know my gram if you if you want to get just a general idea of how my granny is my grandmother is just how that mother was of the the girl that grandmother she was a nice cheek or she's still living a merry holy church woman loves church yeah she still is still in her granny bear and sister her gross Out Sister hargro they love church yeah it was times for Church you wouldn't go find Church granny granny will take our video games and like sometimes she just get mad well [ __ ] it y'all don't want to go to church where [ __ ] y'all and then when Granny remind me of Margaret yeah anything that that's in front of this microphone or anything this damn what's these old English she'll beat your ass today a lot of people say this is Kelly Old English okay so if you want to know a general idea of how my granny was my Grandmama was uh exactly how that lady was off of Color Purple how she didn't play hey you got to go pray if you do something bad you do anything bad you [ __ ] a [ __ ] get pregnant that's considered you going to hell so I would have to go pray and get some holy all part on me and [ __ ] so you've been [ __ ] men since you were young about eight years old [Music] 12 is when I realized that this is what I'm really gonna do eight years older than when I was younger was when I was still wondering you know what I'm saying so I was still going through the stages of figuring am I supposed to be doing it is this right like now I'm not supposed to do this [ __ ] though yeah no [ __ ] sucking dick [ __ ] and drinking smoking everything I was bad I didn't give a [ __ ] [ __ ] running out the house running away uh getting in trouble going to I was good I didn't play I said so who was you [ __ ] at eight years old bro everybody grown men one of the ogs so so he was eight years old getting messed with by grown men yes absolutely I didn't give up you don't think that that might have well I'm trying to try to say that being gay is [ __ ] up because it's not but you don't think that's what kind of like curved you into it no because I knew even before then I knew it five I'm in kindergarten looking at the other kids saying uh damn he's cute and looking at the teachers oh he cute [Laughter] the more I ask questions oh sweet Jesus I went to a Catholic School look it's stuff falling off the wall in here oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] all right now listen I went to a Catholic school as a kid my principal I knew he was gay you knew Kelly I knew he was gay the school was actually in the Hoover side the principal now look I ain't gonna look we ain't gonna do that and say he was an OG I could have been his OG oh because he came you know every time he he always came to my classroom I don't know he out of all the other classes he could have went to he came to that one every day walking by my desk walking by my desk I know he's doing your work I know you're doing your work like you know and tap on my desk like this and I would give him that look like this like yes I'm doing my work like you know I'm sorry again [Music] but the first day I knew that I was gonna you know be gay or no not that I knew I was going to be gay but when I got excited about some gay [ __ ] was my principle my principal now I'm a teacher now none of the kids in the school okay so we can't blast them harassment on the kids yeah please don't blast them back at the same time Sharp we can't put car name out there like that you find me well as far as you know real gang bang and colds We're not gonna put girl name out there like that [ __ ] such a thing leave it like that we're not putting nobody's name out we know not no custerson white Charleston white [ __ ] we from a real gang look at it how many other kids he probably don't touch Bros [Music] me and my husband we not here yeah we know y'all don't like talking white no no we just we just not mentioning I understand hey it's the [ __ ] activity for sure what I said no what I said is that [ __ ] needs to be exchanged at the police station yeah not not here yeah okay well we're here doing another interview all right you know I live by really playing balls solid game codes you find me it's it's a lot different out here quick quick okay see can you let curd know I understand what you said you understand what his name little kids getting touched on yeah I know I'm okay all right yeah I don't want to mention the next leadership [ __ ] the man yeah you know hey you know what I respect though like I said look at right on time don't be I better not get chipped eating these chips you know what I'm gonna tell you what I respect and I'm gonna tell you this now five each or something I learned that from my big homie baby snaps and his big homie little snaps five inches long you know y'all live your own lifestyle but at the same time you gotta remember how things go you know hey um you can't you can't really hold grudges towards different type of stuff like this you know you're not you're not you're not an active out here from where we're from you see what I'm saying so it's it's it's it's like it's about elevating in life you hear me Hood song on hustis five each or something I like the big my goal is gonna stick with the big booty booty positions and you're gonna do what you know over there uh in Fort Worth with the Hoovers you said what's up so my goal is that eventually everybody more gay people will be accepted into the culture you know what I'm saying just because I think the homeless right why can't I [Music] of course you you do all of the the straight stuff but I'm talking about the gay people I'm talking about the gay people that I'm back downstairs but it's no difference between anybody I'm you you [ __ ] Mack I'm uh [ __ ] uh loc rainbow so you know is that your name that's not my name but [ __ ] if I wasn't sure what's your hood name what they call [Music] Tony Bennett too bad bring a ring I'm I'm uh uh [ __ ] Tony openly gay [ __ ] rapper I got a whole lot of names just call yourself um the other name we call yourself uh openly rainbow or look orange but don't put [ __ ] in any Krypton because I'm [ __ ] macking I just you know okay okay rainbow is not a okay no look look orange love orange okay Orange I got them is a very high-end brand from where I come from all the luxury people are wearing the people that's popping their [ __ ] is wearing this with big increments you got big increments Marty yeah so yeah let me tell you something do you care about the community as much as uh helping with cat packs by the kids hood or or food fight a homeless cuz so of course because guess what so wait your question is like do I care about like the homelessness helping them I'm giving back to the hood but everybody that was talking [ __ ] I'm not giving back to you so it was a lot of people that was talking [ __ ] in them comments and all this other type of [ __ ] I'm not supplying none of you I'm not paying for none of your pounds I'm not doing nothing I'm not sending no money since you asked let me just make sure everybody understand well let me go ahead and say it like this I'm not no [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm coming Unity Revolution and progress Ive so I'm gonna of course I'm gonna take care of who need to be taken care of them but just remember the homeless just remember who the [ __ ] I really am here yeah are you willing to do cat backs by the kids out here in L.A okay guys homeless on Sunday look it lays home are you willing to do it La is home La is going to be one of my homes I'm definitely going to say well yeah go over there on Hoover Street I'll go over there when I leave here so I'm on my way how did you end up with a kid I gotta drink some old English you heard what I just asked me I didn't hear it I said I said he has a kid son I believe oh you asking about my child yeah so you do like big booty beautiful sitches yeah so I did you have a baby so my son um I don't like [ __ ] I don't like [ __ ] I'm sorry but my baby came different than probably y'all have kids yes okay so my baby might have a baby coming I don't know I just [ __ ] a gag and then I never see him again okay well you probably have a few kids out here so my baby actually came a little bit different than probably how y'all have kids you have kids yeah I got kids okay so y'all probably [ __ ] y'all [ __ ] to have kids of course she goes to me I miss my baby mama and she just wanted me to have her baby so bad like you know she one of them girls that be doing well she has sexy big booty [ __ ] my baby mama is uh what she messing with my baby mama freaky she was what she mixed with she is white she was mixed and Puerto Rican I know something like that Indian no she's like black and white light share a big old booty didn't she my baby mama do got a big booty oh God yeah do you have any blood friends I do have some dominoes I got a um Gigi from uh from Bounty Hunter like myself and he's black That's my boy right there um Tahoe from family Hunters okay I got some blood pressure rule from our tree top pie rule I showed him a car um but I'm like God damn okay it was five months and he was selling cars I'm like at Key to rule you know on hostess so cut of course I knew I was coming back in fifth Friday County Jail I was going to find Wayside on another Billy will ask her in cash it's just normal [ __ ] [ __ ] and I like uh okay well do you have any gay friends have you ever had any gay friends I don't have any gay friends all right all right I do not but I do realize in life you can't just gape ass people no more you can't cause they partner they're look they're important they're part of the society however it comes because yeah yeah you gotta realize you got some some people yeah look some people with a it's a gay man it's another man my work is paying off already hear me uh it's a man it's another man but guess what they still take care of these babies that they have with their baby mamas and it's like okay you just can't gay basketball I mean it's five each and so and I like big booty Citrus coochies and [ __ ] I love women you fight me but at the same time because we can't gay bass people I appreciate that openly how you wish because that's true if I beat your song now you have blood friends I think that this should be a message to everybody the fact that you can also have some people close from Hoover that I can also honestly uh Hoover kill on your forehead I do it yeah I mean but you you would think they don't offend you at all [Music] and you say it don't offend you it all it don't offend me bro every time I go to the county jail I gotta Squad with your homies they knock my teeth out they bust my eye I'm not gonna lie to you oh they've been not playing with me you see them knuckles what these what you see them all teeth marks they fight fight my life oh you hey big homie I've never actually felt like I was around a real [ __ ] in Fort Worth like coming here oh man those Texas trips gonna whoop your ass I mean but look yeah okay except OG Percy OG Percy is the realest [ __ ] I didn't met because he real here y'all y'all know about me meeting OG Percy yeah so okay so you said encryption Fort Worth is not real it's a few people that he the one that yeah he talked about some [ __ ] on me let me make sure that y'all understand let me make sure you understand what I'm saying what I'm saying is I've never met a real [ __ ] like okay as in and when I say real [ __ ] I mean like a real [ __ ] that's comfortable with themselves enough to know I don't give a [ __ ] with this gay ass [ __ ] doing I know I don't do that [ __ ] [Music] there's different people you know uh that dude they do have gay friends cuz it's it's part of this Society now exactly it's part of the society now back to what I know what also that type of stuff gay Bastion and all that type of [ __ ] will stop you from elevating in life and also again you get a hate crime if you squabble again man but LGT Community or tear your ass up and you gotta remember a lot of the big companies are like the people you know they're open to help people yes that the the world ain't playing about gay people he said I'm protected got another question for you how did uh how did the other members in the gang make you feel like uncomfortable or anything like that once they all found out because I mean in the South now I mean okay so let me just let y'all know I watch some of your young homeboys from your set was also gay like yourself or absolutely um it was not just a lot it was like did they have your voice and everything or they try to play like that with this game they played the role they play until so long [ __ ] it but let me just say this a lot of people did hide themselves they they hid themselves there's a lot of straight people too though that don't play that [ __ ] still how they accepted me then a lot of my [ __ ] homeboys always knew you said you put in some work I did but football but what's called drive by when you get your thing with your pistol a little blue pills oh my gosh I had a blue pistol but it was a it was a baby blue shut up cute little little thing little dick on it a cute little dick [Music] I know what you said it's just cute what's that [ __ ] name where he had his leg out like that and he had a little gun like this I got a picture of me doing that that's how I used to hold my gun every time I pull it out the [ __ ] knew so you gay but you put in work look if I'm here if I'm hitting that leg with my gun like this that's harder than most people yeah I knew it bro hey look so how did how did people react though like like you to me being gay yeah and how when did you get put on too like put it on like it was oh early uh around I don't got a really just remembering but I know I was like I put on I got beat after that oh they kicked everybody man that [ __ ] beat me so [ __ ] bad me all in my dick and everything kick me all in my ass they put so much foot up my ass I was pulling so many [ __ ] rags in my ass it ain't no goddamn State respectfully there's no girls at the table I pulled so many quick rings [Music] I remember getting my ass whooped I would help him help him that's a lot of weight getting up huh I kicked all of the dick and all of my ass man was pulling so many Reds excuse me blue flags with their hair blood all over [ __ ] getting I'mma act man cause I was bleeding I was getting the [ __ ] I had blood on me [ __ ] we was gonna ask because you know girls get the option to yeah to get put on or [ __ ] up back in the day oh you would have loved that what do you think there was an option wait a minute hold on I'm good okay let me get a water bro now we left that out but we left that part out about getting [ __ ] in part that's your fresh water oh you got one coming I got it yeah you go on um I appreciate you uh who posted me I believe that it was before is that bad is it a blood gangbanger right I have to ask because nobody's asking I'm curious to know why you lack a lot of knowledge bubble that you know I'm just worried about you just grew up in over there and over so you just claim over you got put on and all that but it's like cause you don't know but now you out here you gotta go over on Hoover but I'm here in L.A to work though we're working now and now this is I got my notepad in the car I need you to contact milk okay you and him could go over there on Hoover Street he has problems over there so they're gonna beat his ass you from Hoover you how you are fighting with your Zone but guess what you do you really don't know that but look you also get through this [Music] [Music] don't do that [ __ ] at all but look no seriously some don't do it at all exactly all [ __ ] life and they never get [ __ ] and that's why I don't understand why stop somebody if you born and raised in the game your reputation is high you can't be gay and be a [ __ ] in California no what all the guys here we care about you don't go over there on Hoover Street yeah so you don't want me to go over there no they gonna kill you no because you bringing what they really is out worldwide so so do you think baby mama hold on hold on damn he said that he left the part about it straight so you you don't go over there unless you know something you got gang raped though you said what now said I said so you said you know he said that he left that part out so they also okay so let me just be honest so the it was really not even more of a get you do this and you get put on it was more of a okay we just gonna do this regardless you you still we still gonna do this we got jumped in the other day you know so it it was it was like immediately it was yeah it was like hey we did the jump [Laughter] [Music] um then the next day uh then the the the other part baby snaps is gonna have a field day watching this [ __ ] who is Baby snap no hell no you never bet a snapper that's what I'm a big homie that's a general oh that's your friend that's my homeboy yeah okay the crazy part is it's just you can't touch everybody I'm laughing because it's not funny because it's a oh baby snaps is a reputable is it big homeboy and OG General from 55th Street Chris my God pretty much if something has to happen when when you make that call you gonna get your ass beat you gonna get put off whatever happens happens I see that they say you was involved in the shootout what what happened in that situation okay so really what happened was is my homegirl uh I don't know she was getting into her baby daddy and her baby daddy uh is uh I guess he a [ __ ] member or some [ __ ] like that somewhere else I don't know to be honest with you that you wear your coat I you said does he wear my color that color yeah that color uh Garfield I really don't pay no too much attention to him but you know Garfield he's he's you know but you're a thing you know I I squabbled Dillinger from Sevenfold Hoover you know uh he knocked my [ __ ] tooth out busting my face can I keep it real villager went through that [ __ ] with uh you know with me whatever and cut it cut and cut all the way up I met him at Wayside yeah he remembered me it was scary it was cool but then all the other who was like hey you got to get out with him like you know that Zapped he was letting them know like hey you got to so me and Joseph he let me know he's like hey you know I got that call I'm like let's you know let's get out the way so this understands y'all you know your homeboy uh Hood Rich was here on what's this he's washing his ass I'm squatting I'm going back and forth my whole [ __ ] just Bleak right I stopped we go another round right he stumbled but he's like a monster he keep coming coming like that come then they Shine the Light he shake my hand you hear me yeah everybody else in there like God damn now Dillinger's uh he's a big big black [ __ ] with dreads um kind of stocky now he's a little bigger than me stocky dark skin he's from Hoover but look he's from who he he really do his gang banging and you know another thing we was we was locked up with him in 2019 when Dylan yeah he was in jail bro we didn't talk about that 240 pounds oh yeah I was in jail again all the brims these right here ask him speaking of jail you're going to County Jail how did you feel the first time going in man when I got to county jail I do I didn't even feel no no I wasn't scared man I've been in so many different jails you've been to La jail yes L.A County Jail um that's Men's Central Jail no you got prison you got prison okay prison I didn't been to about 15 different types of jails in Texas oh no I haven't been to Minnesota jail I didn't been to Atlanta in Minnesota or no uh actually I can't even lie to you no it was no gay white post so shout out all the Great Woods out there it was no great way if I ran my pot uh you ran the pie you beat up everybody all them white folks in there you know yeah you never go to jail right now L.A County Jail hey neighbors protective custody you ever go to jail right now L.A County Jail cuz you gonna go protect your customers on Hood which is custard [ __ ] or you gonna go where the who was is that a CJ where when they catch me and cubs they gonna they're gonna stab us up they gonna beat the [ __ ] out of us they don't understand so when you go to jail so you gonna go in there everywhere of course you say you're not offended you don't want to go to protective custody I would never do no [ __ ] like that on five five [Music] [Music] you're like you gotta run it up hey you back it up like come on okay no hold on hold on look you might have to squabble a couple of the Hoovers in there but look that's what I got it I gotta ask you why is it that I if I'm with them why would I have to squabble with some of them we on the same team no yeah this is not Sports and don't ever go on Hoover Street I don't know you look you know at the same time don't ever go over there but listen [ __ ] man if you care about your [ __ ] life you're gonna take that Lamborghini and get you and I go back to Beverly Hills is that where you're at no well you well go wherever you at and stay cool out there don't go on Hoover Street uh tell me what is uh is Inglewood and Compton is them this like are they kind of like affiliated with each other a little bit or not I mean as far as I'm not from here it's a lot of the blood what yeah okay go ahead tell me it's just because I'm not from here so pretty much look you're openly about it you can't you say you want to go on Hoover Street don't because you putting all of them out there like that it's not gonna seem nice the [ __ ] is going to kill you if I didn't give a [ __ ] about you because I no I'm keeping 55th Street with you look don't do that take your Lamborghini go where you go to normal Huskers don't do that okay look it away Subway is healthy it's a healthy sandwich I've been eating healthy because I've been eating pie place I got real fat and I I couldn't breathe eating the [ __ ] and I had almost asthma attacking diet so now I've been eating healthy and I love and I love drinking Old English but I like also look I love program time five I love working out you know why because I realize only cut anytime I could go back by jail I'm gonna let you know right now your homeboy is in there the [ __ ] are sitting there from Hoover he tell you I land right now they vicious they gonna give me at least five to seven facts and then hold on I'm lucky if some [ __ ] don't bust me down you know bust me down mean do you get tired that's why I work out that's why if you watch my videos but look it's like this though look the county jail I'm gonna let you know right now go ahead your homeboys and quick KC curl will let you know also we go in there your homeboy is gonna run us you know run us me it ain't it ain't getting [ __ ] in the ass or nothing no type of [ __ ] like that it's like this it's fish you from where you from where they're gonna say on West Side Uber we need that and they're not gonna play no [ __ ] games yeah hear me you gonna Squad look you lucky you fight good enough to where they don't bust on you know what bust on you mean ain't no guns no there's no no there's no Billy westerns in jail you know [ __ ] this is a saint oh crap that's why I worked out movies no hell no the boys anytime when I go to jail I always have a lot of money on my commissary so I'ma just put some money on my commissary go over there to CJ with your homeboys to hooversary I cooked the place but um and I'm gonna just give it to somebody paid them to make me a shank and then I'm gonna get that [ __ ] and just get just swinging it everywhere if anybody and I'm gonna do this to come up so what happened with your trip to jail my trip to jail I went up in there when I went to Minnesota it was a bunch of white people was in there I was running that [ __ ] pie nobody was running me I was telling [ __ ] what to do I was up in there running [ __ ] we not gonna do this We're not gonna do that we but keep in mind it's a white jail yeah there's a more white population so I've been to Tarrant County Jail ran that [ __ ] and there were Bloods up in there Crips gangsters everybody up in there everybody respect me when I go to jail you provide us right yes so you run with the gangster [ __ ] card I ran Crips I ran with the gangster Crips now I run by myself because you know I'm solo doing my own thing right now so so did you feel when OG Percy stamped you that it was just that was like the ice y'all think that he stamped me no I'm saying did he stamp that's what I'm saying he talked about you he shook my hand and said salute to everything you doing yeah yeah all this [ __ ] came out yeah he still don't give a [ __ ] that's why I feel that's why that's why I respect him so much that's why I respect OG person so much because he actually like okay so you got your regular crib so that's a stamp that's a OG let me explain to you guys out there let me tell you what it was the first year you got your regular Crypts you got your kind of up there Crips you got to big real [ __ ] Crips and then you got your celebrity Crips so OG personally real [ __ ] it's just celebrity big real [ __ ] crazy so you got your kind of all right cribs you know the cribs that really ain't doing [ __ ] they shooting up another party like oh they didn't kill these oh you to kill one bite okay yeah all right you got this what if you have multiple Playboy touchdown type of thing multiple what a multiple uh yellow [ __ ] Crips bro [ __ ] Crips like [ __ ] they got [Music] in their 50s and 60s so I would look at big wack where's my big homeboy like like more like my father his age but he's a little older than my father but I wouldn't say her Grandpa would cut that's that's our big homie's big nuts showing them like like pops yeah okay yeah well I would consider OG Percy pops you know like like baby snaps my big homie little snapshots older cousins yeah you know oh husbands because I I look at it so much not most Crothers on her but we Crips it's cussing somewhere everybody hold her because I like to sound like how Snoop talk the nephews and cousins on her that's crap the first time you like Snoop Dogg I love Snoop Dogg I watched Martha Stewart in the cooking show oh does it make you want a [ __ ] Walk [Music] [Music] when you first went to jail was you I was like damn it's my first time my first time going to jail uh do you do y'all consider like going to juvenile like going to jail yeah okay so yeah my heart was beaten I was kind of scared but when I got there and I realized wobble I did not have to have no fights just sex no yeah yeah look you're starting to recognize you're starting to catch all that kind of stuff he's learning how this stuff works I'm so proud of [ __ ] Mack everybody give a hand clap for Christmas hey yo wait he got felonies though so I speak all your felonies man there you go okay let's he got felonies by the way you're replacing [ __ ] man yeah okay it's big fly over right now all right what up big flock everybody introduce me yeah man listen man an honorary Christian right before that though so he didn't know that you was gay before he met you and you know there was a whole big thing on like YouTube Lofts like that so so like did he know like how did that work when did he say that did he say that recently during an interview I think he said like he liked it up was that a recent interview dope like what a week I think yeah okay yeah you know I don't play that now yeah yeah pops you know you gotta go and your daddy over here you need to I guess the Alzheimer's kicking in dementia's kicking it but what it is is that Papa did not Hayden already knew I was calling him all right let me tell you all right knew I was gay no when that is not no that's not what we doing he is straight but he he couldn't exactly no we don't do that now yeah personally I want no smoke man yeah all right all right now listen let me tell you about you Percy okay he knew I was gay but I understand what he's doing because you know it's not a good look you know but it's going to be just give me five years I got you give me five years it's gonna be accepted all across the world um OG person knew I was gay he did an interview about five months ago about me being an openly gay crew because I've been doing this it just now took off I was a oh I've been a [ __ ] I did a song Because I'm a rapper I did a song about five about three years ago that went out all right all right that's what she was saying yeah so Percy knew okay I personally knew I was gay I came out with a song a long time ago called I guess she mad and they was like how we go Hollywood man uh yes it is true I am a [ __ ] I'm rocking blue No Cap in my drip South Side Hoover I am a gangster you ain't no rapper you just a cow but I really bled a bunch of blood I didn't been jumped by a bunch of Bloods I didn't shot it and tossed in dirt but no one gonna put me on the shot my [ __ ] man [ __ ] man yes that song was shot by uh the y'all know who half pint films is ever heard of him doing half fine films is a very popular person in DFW to him you better move the [ __ ] out the way your big ass all right now uh half my films is a big person not a full worship because talking about some Tony ain't no they ain't no [ __ ] I had never heard of him the hell I never heard of your big let me get back on this but now we've cooled are we friends I think we friends I don't know me inside of Santana I don't know I don't know yeah way cool I'm just playing so something all right look you got it I'm wearing them bodysuits what was that what was I saying yeah come on doggy the rompers all right town are we gonna keep it Saucy we going we're going we're gonna do what to do take them bodysuits off all right look now let me tell you half pint films is a very famous person from the DFW he's the one that's catapulting all the rappers out he's the one that's making sure all the rap yellow Beezy ever heard of him yeah that's my dog he can't that's your what that's my dog oh yeah yeah he came from uh Fort Worth Dallas he's a he's a popular person that came up from and halftime films put a big impact we from Dallas right now across the street yeah right down the street forward two minutes away from there he's supposed to the people around him allegedly are uh roll the 60s so I'm trying I'm not just gonna say no no all right okay all right now uh half-pipe films recorded my I guess she mad song it did numbers it blew up in the city and that was my first time doing my [ __ ] [ __ ] all my homegirls and me and the kids and stuff we all had on our blue bandanas wrapped on our heads and stuff I wrapped it around my head like was any uh like I was a [ __ ] huh was any of your homies removing in the video no they didn't want to be in the video that's what I'm saying so it's not really accepted right look it's not accepted as far as as far as being showcased it but behind when the cameras man but that goes to my next question what's your experience and opinion with some of the other gang members on the DL do they ask you to keep it a secret or just the ones that I dealt with but the the ones that are actually straight and and you know it's regular they don't care they be cool with me I hang around so many straight [ __ ] like my homegirl can tell you I do I hang that's all I hang with is [ __ ] and straight [ __ ] I don't even have no gay friends how many of you dealt with and are they are they about five [ __ ] thanks better question though wait better question though which rich [ __ ] did was you sucking and in a Bentley behind the test whoa okay that was just a bar are you telling me that Tony ain't [ __ ] with Rich [ __ ] like like oh hell yeah with rapper I'm him listen right listen though right because I'll be real if you would have told me that you was given like the [ __ ] up to broke [ __ ] [Music] man hey man I don't [ __ ] with no problem right now is Rich [ __ ] like who you think paying for that Lambo outside like I'm like I don't do I don't do no fake [ __ ] I don't do no capping everything I do if I if I said it trust and believe yeah it's 100 real on my son that's not a rental outside that's not a rental so so like God [ __ ] [ __ ] or is it just like that show [ __ ] who is it like it's straight who's paying for the best the dude that's paying for the lambo is he a straight dude that's paying you to not tell that he no well he ain't paying me do nothing I just know it's just like I just know that I can't go around here saying nothing he's not a rapper but he's a high-ranking person that is of value and he and he's do both of them yeah yeah uh yeah wait let me find out all right because he want to know about the business now uh you said something about it I'm a rapper in prison welcome back everybody welcome back okay let me catch you up so I'm letting everybody know that I'm actually look I'ma I'm I'm I'm a community revolution in progress but let me let me let you know that real quick everything that you see right here this is just the book cover on the inside of that [ __ ] go feed the Homeless and give the kids to Cactus I'm gonna feed the dog the the homeless the whatever the [ __ ] need to be found rainbows don't use the word snacks okay just say something else all right my big homies okay don't use the words don't say snap can you say something else ultimate say sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle sprinkle don't say snacks that's a word though sprinkle sprinkle some people say no [ __ ] is that what they call money sprinkle yeah right yeah we call it increments increments yeah my homeboy uh little C man from sick so I don't hood and uh uh baby ginka Rollo okay Brian Hurst increments well this is the book cover so past the rainbow past the Skittles the Perkins the whatever whatever you want to call it behind all that I'm a rapper I'm a business owner I didn't done some big [ __ ] you know I'm not it's not just I'm not just showcasing the [ __ ] [ __ ] I do a lot of [ __ ] other [ __ ] that's way bigger than that I'm a rapper so what I was explaining to you was it's half fine films he's the person he's a big person from the DFW and the song that oh boy was talking about the uh I'm in a rich [ __ ] Bentley sucking dick behind ten yeah I'm telling you what I respect about you go ahead you see what I got chatted you know where I'm from but then you realize at the same time because it's five each of his own and guess what I realize you'll make it through the county jail with the Hoovers and CJ let me tell you why because I'm telling you [ __ ] weirdest beer but hold on you don't show no fear none oh um where is Adam Adam well okay Adam's our boss Adam y'all gotta introduce me to him yeah let me finish explaining his question about the the You Know Rich [ __ ] really sucks is that what you said on one of your records I said that on one of my records was getting ready to come out just getting ready to come out and then I got a [ __ ] song that's getting ready I just did a performance now halftime films has something that's called behind the bar it's called what behind the bar no the others work what other words half what his name you never heard of half no we're not gonna say that yeah if you say cut now that's my home boy's name We're not gonna say this in this [ __ ] interview I have five films is a not talking about your fridge you know that's what I'm talking about that's the name of the filming company all right [Music] HP films [Music] they was telling me to be scared of you when I was at home and I you know and I realized you came in you was Brave a lot of [ __ ] like hell no yeah you know but then I realized so that's what I said at CJ and Wayside with your homies to Hoovers you will survive you know why you don't show no fear so that means you're gonna squabble everybody you know yeah but so so he's learning so listen you're gonna Squad exactly but then when you was in juvenile hall you didn't fight you just got [ __ ] exactly but oh you didn't want you didn't want to squabble at the time they gonna beat my ass down my bed okay all right cool but if you go in the county jail and you squabble you will so in L.A yeah no I didn't have to fight yeah why why did I have to [ __ ] yeah because I wanted to it was and that's what I was saying but I'm saying I'm like did they press up on you it don't even matter you want me to tell you the story so in your in your adult days did anybody ever tried to rape you in jail is what I'm asking you like it is that because every time it's been consensual absolutely not uh my time in Tarrant County Jail uh it was a guy uh that I met well no he meant me and he was uh very he was an older guy he was an older guy but I could tell that he was on some gay [ __ ] because every time I would go in the showers you know but look you got them you know them gay [ __ ] that well not them gay [ __ ] but you know them straight [ __ ] okay you don't okay well when you was in jail did you ever have the straight [ __ ] that used to play the gay games like you slap them on the booty blue who want to do the Jackoff games out of respect different races from different people we're not going to talk about it yeah it's politics with that let's leave that alone yeah all right next subject please huh no no beef will go okay well viral fight video we're wrapping up about 2 30. mm-hmm what's good can that not be can that be another rule that we can't talk about we can't talk about my fight with with that what he talking about you need to know what happened oh you want to know about that but all right well oh no no all right leave it alone nobody can know about it [ __ ] Max said no it's already 20 things [Music] see you can't breathing the [ __ ] [ __ ] I'm about elevation and I you know I do understand like I was saying okay five reaches home I learned that from my big homie baby snaps big homie little snaps and babies because they saying words that ain't even disrespectful you don't even want to say it yeah come on come on come on break the Playboys is a different name though you hear me it's crap come on what made you want to get into music and what kind of message are you trying to send with uh so right now y'all are people are seeing a lot of my gay music uh but I'm I'm getting ready to show everybody my masculine side so and it's not the side so uh my masculine rapping voice is gonna be I'm the one that they push to the bottom forgot all about them and somehow I came out on top yeah yeah that's a hit record yeah I mean yeah that's my that's my straight masculine voice yeah and this is my game and why do you have two voices because a [ __ ] I got five voices is that why five is tatted on your face no I'm from 55th Street I'm I'm a schizophrenic I'm you know I'm really you used to take the schizophrenic medicine that I used to say well Seroquel yeah [Music] that's why a lot of people that know me care like the crazy cat the crazy [ __ ] cat like I never had a work a day in my life I had that care and then plus you know putting in work by the center I've had increments since I've been here so it's like not enough five minutes I'm making thousands a day casts like you find me like they don't they it's like it's like homies that [ __ ] with me they [ __ ] with different [ __ ] they hate them like that until you never had a worker change her life yeah crazy just just came up no no no I'm not saying that Garfield is a boss cat I'm A Garfield oh all right so look I squabbled Dillinger he knew Dillinger diligence knocked out the last of my little teeth I'll show you [Music] [Music] and when I say Garfield it's out of respect yeah uh Villager when I Scrabble with [ __ ] and different things Dillinger makes sure everything happens there he respected me he from from your side of town that's what I'm saying I mean from you from you know from Hoover and pretty much Dillinger like you say Garfield he's a big fat [ __ ] that knock him off okay Garfield was a police cat I would say Dillinger from Sevenfold that that's that's a boss cat he's orange so so pretty much you get what I'm saying you asked Dylan when I say Dillinger when I say Garfield I think he's a Dillinger yeah yeah no I showed my teeth and that's when the [ __ ] went away yeah I mean [ __ ] it's part of fighting so look I'm Gonna Keep it a thousand with you I will wait to the end of the interview though right but all right we gotta come to a a understanding right now because you don't know the history of yo creepy you didn't know it started out that no listen listen I don't know you don't know the history of creepy so you got to say it right here that you are you got jumped in you got whatever but you're tripping for the fashion of the Hoovers because you don't know about you don't know about the wars you don't know about the history you don't know about the stuff that makes you a gang member out of town you gotta know where you come from to know where you're going with description and it's real Crips that get offended by where a [ __ ] just banging [ __ ] and don't know nothing about crippy like let alone the the because because the the world the world is evolving is changing no the world's about Chris it's like this crap Listen Hold on hold on let me get this off so [ __ ] intercepted [ __ ] that that that ain't been accepted they wanted to tell you what it was [ __ ] that was running around like my area saying that they was Crips whatever that was uh gay they wasn't really but they was a part of put on and all that [ __ ] but that [ __ ] what about playing field trips they play ball real quick I didn't agree with what was going on playing ball games you didn't know what I was saying she's five so now so so basically you keep throwing me off but a [ __ ] you gotta suggest say that you tripping for the fashion because you don't you don't you don't know nothing about the history and then you making like and I'm not saying you you making the the Crips overall look like what we stand for ain't what we stand for outside of you being gay so either you go figure it out and you tap in with your roots you you tap in with the Hoovers out here because these the ones that that was out here these the ones that that that started this [ __ ] so respectfully if they accept you for who you are and what you got going on then you go over there because at this point OG Percy word ain't really sticking and what you're saying is he knew that she was gay but then now he goes on the interview recently and said that he did know you was gay before he met you so it's like he he went on there Step digestion for the viral activity to double back and win against it so like it's a lot of people you from the other side though so I really don't give a damn what you do you know what I'm saying you you you're not from my side but like respectfully as as a keyway that mean [ __ ] y'all should tap in whichever and make sure they straight with that before you just say the first first openly or say you the first openly gay Hoover and see how they take it just because because in L.A we don't view all the Hoovers and scripts they criminals Hoover criminal yeah I know that AC yes you give what I'm saying [ __ ] ain't getting up on me I'm all right they they would want to [ __ ] um [Music] we ain't even talking that [ __ ] in the air and I'm getting cracking [Music] [Music] I can tell you what I do what I do about being a [ __ ] I can tell you that um I feel like [ __ ] uh to some people it means like okay you gotta have been been put in a lot of work you had had been shot up this too many times you had been to jail or something I'm telling you what I'm telling you what statistics believe so you gotta have been in shot up there so many times been to jail so many times be that [ __ ] be the one that everybody's scared of but I was told that it was Community Revolution oh my [ __ ] gosh that's what Chris is that's why I look like out here look guys we gotta make it happen right okay yeah well that ain't gonna make that's Community Revolution Let's go make it with creepy Tim tapping in to the 50s and them people saying that they cool with what he doing and what he representing he can represent that [ __ ] if he was if he was back if he was banging rolling 60s or five five where would you be on oh he's from Montana yeah but how little Snapchat hold on baby snaps big homie little snaps told me five because she's on but for my second it would never see acceptable it's a respect thing as far as everybody go ahead baby snaps which is my big homie tell big homie little snaps let me know we can't continue the gay basketball fight each or something thank you thank you so do that we night we night we won't we not we not gay bashing we not gay batches but what I'm telling you is but but can he be for five five hell no but so if he was representing five five in another state in another state so the proper way would have been the golden baby no listen pretty much like this cut our Hood don't accept but at the same time me working with different people because my homies told me yeah but if he tapped in with baby snaps and babies you never said it was all right then it'll be a no I'm just saying I'm saying I'm not saying he's not gonna he's not going for it but I'm just telling you baby that [ __ ] could represent it right he could never represent just say He Slipped through the cracks you know how treasure is that 55th Street out here but I'm saying is foreign that's what I'm saying you can't openly be gay where are we from right not from us because the [ __ ] but the [ __ ] on the yard they got life that keep it up other than that they just happen to represent art yeah I mean it is disrespectful to the turtles yeah I can get life right now I got a teddy bear face I'm I'm a real Nifty nickel so I will let you know hey I'll get a co6 I'll [ __ ] her as well yeah I'm gonna have the porn on the [ __ ] I'm just gonna I don't listen let me ask you a question let me let me ask you okay so basically what you're saying is that where you're from gay people cannot be accepted into what what you what you where you come from home you find out that a [ __ ] gay and they got proof of that [ __ ] let me ask you okay you get put off you're going for the house let me ask you one more question okay what if you was to find out that you had a member that was a child molester a part of your game it's at least 30 to 55 years old it's been five to seven kids five five seven I'll hustis and she's up five but Granny's age having some young babies because her daughter's like 20 something and she's 55. see I would have asked myself you got a new one we appreciate you for sliding through on us yeah Mr Tony you know it's sitting down and giving us some remember look you're not kryptony I'm not a [ __ ] no you're just Tony you're just Tony yeah but my goal is here my goal name is more accepted um exactly what you just said that's five inches on what about exactly are homeless people and helping the people in the community and also kids just went back for his school I know a lot of kids in different areas because their parents don't have no increments fighting some cat packs and you know pens and paper and stuff so can we make that happen I can accept what you just said about me not uh uh you know that's your opinion you know but I was jumped in [ __ ] you know I was jumped in by Crips they were actually Crips jumped me in in front of my mama house like I said kick me all in my [ __ ] and everything what about the CAT pack but I can accept what you just said yeah he said you just not cripped Tony because his name your name rainbow logo I just want to make sure you understand I was jumped in yeah no we know that well we we we did the orange okay [ __ ] orange you're trying to call me a fruit you trying to say it no your favorite color is orange yeah all right like Garfield yeah hey I better work out hard because if I go to County Jail they gonna kill me yeah [Music] out of here man
Channel: No Jumper
Views: 461,681
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tony Willrich interview, Tony Willrich no jumper, Tony Willrich crip, Tony Willrich gay crip, Tony Willrich crip mac, Tony Willrich openly gay, gay crip rapper, bricc baby interview, bricc baby no jumper, bricc baby adam22, bricc baby, sharp crip mac, sharp podcast, sharp no jumper, sharp akademiks, sharp wack100
Id: epX8SLX87oE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 95min 37sec (5737 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 18 2023
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