DAY ONE - The Infected - Part 1

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all right here we go we're in our first few steps and i don't know if you guys are picking up on this there's a game that we've played on the channel before that has a lot of nostalgia and my god this looks like it [Music] you guys probably know what i'm talking about right the forest even the rock formation over there with the water and stuff but welcome everyone to the infected so this is something that i've had my eye on since last year but as ever with games like this i like to give it a little bit of breathing room so they can polish things up you know bring a few updates along but today is the day where we jump in and just see if anything's there i don't know if it's gonna be a one-off or if it's going to be like a series or even a mini series or something like that i do know there's predators in this there's bears i don't know if there's wolves yet i don't know if he's even planned to but i know there's like a crocodile or an alligator or something so being around a water source like this a little bit uneasy let's have a look inside i mean we're checking it out this is going to be like first video taking a look at things i don't see anything oh there's fish okay right so we got a water source there i'm loving the way this looks by the way i really really like this style again there's a lot of nostalgia attached to it so why wouldn't that all right so it says hold after view the tutorial and play your stats so we've got a load of tasks that we can complete here day number one 12 30 p.m march last spring health stamina thirst proteins carbs fats vitamins and energy we've got a big old compass as well so it says gather one stone stone spawn around the player just look around on the ground to find the grey interactable stones okay so this is going to be the basics of like i guess making some tools and things just to get you started there we go small stone is that all we have to do is it just won yeah gather one stone gather one stick look at the size of that bird i don't know whereabouts in the world this game set i do know that it's set around like a virus or something like that and there's been mutations and the thing that caught my eye with this game was the fact that it's kind of a two-in-one of things that i really like i like the whole weird mystery stuff i like the creatures kind of things you guys know this by now and apparently the creatures in this are a mixture between zombies and vampires which i found really weird so i don't know how that's gonna play out but i mean i guess we're gonna get into it at some point there we go there's a stick pick this up do they only need one yeah gather one stick craft a stone x open your inventory and click on the crafting icon the anvil and hammer now you can drag a stone and stick on the wooden slab and craft a stone axe to learn about the crafting recipes you can view the itempedia in the build tab it's got its own itempedia all right let's see so open this and then this is our backpack we've got a lighter bandages a couple of stones and a stick okay this is the food bit of the of the backpack okay this is similar to uh green hell this is the layout that it has in that game and this is yeah this is the side so this is where the tools or weapons will be anvil and hammer and then a stick with stone there we go we got ourselves an x is that what we have to do stone x and then craft a stone blade just like the stone x crafted stone blade on the crafting table it requires one stone so same thing again stone blade that's like a spare tip or like an arrowhead craft that oh this is going to be a bit of a pain though having to make space and stuff like that the inventory management and we made this stone axe the stone blade gather plant fiber plant fiber can be gathered by chopping down trees use your stone axe and chop one down logs will drop to the ground and plant fiber will automatically be added to your inventory if there is room in it all right so we got to chop some stuff down so how do we go about there we go there's our trusty axe that chopping this thing down okay so basically it's just giving us the beginnings of you know how to get started how we're gonna be able to get all the materials needed to build things up pick up the wood lug what did it actually say we needed to do so okay we just needed to gather the plant fiber crafter stone pickaxe now crafted stone pickaxe don't forget to look at the item pdf for details of what items are needed to craft it so pickaxe which should be construction placeables itempedia okay here's the pickaxe then right can be crafted by the player or on a workbench one stick one stone blade and two plant fiber so if we do that we need to find a stick we've got the stone blade and okay we've got the plant fiber so we need a stick that's what we're looking for right now i do want to check something can we okay so you can carry the logs then how do i go about dropping that down oh there we go we can actually show our health with that that was g so we can have it on the screen or off i'm gonna prefer to keep it off i like the minimal hud look oh drop logs there we go so you can pick one up there and then oh so you can you can stack them as well that's nice there we go we got a stick and it said that we needed to make or use the item pedia in order to craft this so two plant fiber one stone blade and one stick so one stick one stone blade and the plant fiber right how we're going to split that though split half there we go we can use those two put that back there oh i'm going to have to arrange all of this drive me mad and stone pick axe craft we got that now number one is the axe oh there we go you can see the durability in the bottom right corner there too just on a radial so number two is the stone pick so what does it say now we're flying through all these tasks crafty stone pickaxe build a saw bench in the build tab on the box icon select the placeables drop down and select saw bench place a saw bench in a desired location and complete the construction by adding the required resources this will allow you to craft planks once built you can add logs to it and planks will be made okay so where do we want to place that down i guess this is not really giving us an option to find a home i mean i suppose i can break it down i hope i can so he said the book and then saw bench there we go saw bench and it takes four lugs rotate with the mouse wheel let's just put it in the oven so we can see what we're doing with it build there we go oh it's duplicated oh no no it's the second blueprint all right cancel that and we needed yeah we needed four lugs so all right we're getting into a rhythm now we can start chopping stuff down i like that animation as well the one thing i will say about the game so far is it's very very very loud like i'm gonna have to dial everything back for you guys but the game is so incredibly loud i suppose it's better than it being really quiet right but it's one hell of a shock i don't know if you guys do this thing where you ever open a game and then it just blows your eardrums it's like the worst surprise that you could get while gaming all right one i think that's all we need can i not do anything else with these logs did i not make anything else with these i'd like to do that i kind of i like the tutorial side to games but i'd like to mess around alone on my own too but let's just see what we have to do so make a saw bench oh no wait he said add a log to it didn't it start ben she said this will allow you to craft planks once built you can add yeah add logs to it okay let's grab those and oh there we go oh it's oh it's automatic okay so you put one on it and then here you can hear it like soaring away now we got the planks okay yeah i could only add one to it at a time i've got some other logs over here i'll bring these over this way we run really fast as well it's a nice thing to have but i guess i can't really see my stamina let's see what that drain is like that okay yeah so every single step you're draining like two through stamina just keep that in mind because like i told you guys there's some stuff we've really got to watch out for drop those all right what's the next thing so build a saw bench build a foundation in the build tab on the books icon select the construction drop-down tab place the foundation in a desired location you'll need to chop down trees and add logs and planks to complete it okay so we're getting the foundations of a house then now i wouldn't mind building it yeah i suppose this is fine i mean we're only getting a starter base right so foundation and there that works oh okay snaps as well oh that's real nice so many games don't have that like in the initial release it's so nice to see that how do i cancel out a bit though tab how many did it say let's just build one and it takes four lugs and six planks okay i see what it's doing so everything we're learning so far it's just it's telling us to put to use start chopping this stuff down then four lugs and a couple of planks i'm thinking with how long that takes to make those planks so we're gonna have to have an area for construction it's not just gonna be a case that we're gonna need one like saw bench and stuff because i don't know if you're keeping tabs on that i'll show you exactly what i'm talking about let me just throw that in there so when we put a log on this it's taking a few seconds to actually make those planks and i've played games like this before where it's it's just slow and methodical and that way you just have to [ __ ] your production so i'll show you guys what i'm talking about if we put one log on there okay so roughly around 10 seconds you guys wouldn't see me counting there but it was it was roughly around 10 seconds in order to make those lugs if i'm trying to build up quick especially at night time because it does change from night time to daytime and i don't know if it changes seasons but that might be another thing to watch out for but 10 seconds to make those planks it doesn't sound like a lot but it really does when you need that time oh we've done all those lugs so how do we take these let's get rid of that eat add lugs right mouse to take planks oh okay so we just stuck up on them and then add these and one more there we go we got a foundation nice i like the look of this as well the texture of it all i mean it's by no means groundbreaking what they've done here this is stuff we've seen before but so far super simple and super nice the uh the survival aspect the building aspect everything is really really easy to do build a campfire so in the books icon place the bulls drop down campfire in his side location note that rain will put out the fire and build a shelter to protect the flames from the rain okay so the weather does have an effect on the fires then let's open this up with the book storage power food there we go campfire and we'll put you down i guess that's fine small stones 10 firewood eight firewood are we gonna go about making firewood so just says campfire so we're gonna find those stones this might take a hot second because they're not everywhere these things which i do like i don't like everything being gifted to us we're gonna go out and search for things that we're going to need the resources in order to build up i'm not seeing everything that we can use straight off the bat sticks maybe i can like snap the uh the sticks up and use them for fire another stone two more sticks over here i should probably do a little bit of exploration in this episode as well trying to find if we can come across some predators or even fight just basically just having a look around the map which i don't know if this has oh it does okay it has a map mineral extractors in these zones to extract ores oh that's right yeah so you can break the rocks down as well to get different minerals from it and i'm guessing these show the areas of where that is got a massive river running right through the middle of the map are two of them that meet this area looks like a little bit of a swampy area oh you know what this will be where the crocodile is or the the alligators we'll have a look at that that's what we're doing today we'll do a bit of exploration we'll take a look at that small stone another small stone how many will that leave us with like three or four more yeah okay we need four more stones all right i'm gonna get to that then right okay one two right so that's all the small stones that we need it's definitely getting darker as well there's like a little bit of a fog setting in around the area and this thing just will not move away right how do i go about getting firewood though i don't think it's told me about how to do that yet oh there's oh look at everything we can make a water house a cart a wooden gate a coal heater mixer a mineral extractor oil extractor okay oh shelter oh wait didn't it say to do that i think it said to put a shelter over the fire because of the rain let me just let me just go ahead and do that just in case i need it i think that might be actually no that's perfect isn't it i thought it was going to be a bit too big but that's fine that works yeah okay so we need some lugs all right i'm gonna get working on chopping down some lugs i don't know how to get firewood though let me just play around with this real quick because i don't understand how i'm supposed to split and then yeah there's nothing there's nowhere that i can break these down anymore all right let me chop these logs down and see if it works that way oh the rain is really coming down now it's a good job that we didn't start oh okay oh the weather sounds it's like one thing that i really enjoy listening to in games when when they nail the weather sounds especially thunder and lightning like that always it just creates the atmosphere right this should be done now yeah there we go right so drop that on the floor and then i can drop this one too so expand harvest there we go all right that gives us firewood perfect okay again nothing too too hard to understand everything has been everything's been relatively straightforward so far so firewood throw all that into there can we do it again with this one and then one two three four and there we go we get ourselves a fire can i hold on to these sticks though as well because i'm gonna need them right i imagine that they're gonna be used for the fire too i wonder if leaving them on the ground makes them get all soggy and stuff so we can't use them right use campfire as e and we did have we did have a lighter as well like that is that how we do it well they haven't actually put anything inside of it i guess that i've built it up so oh there we go okay so added it yeah it added fuel to it so two five that should be all right let's just get that going nice we got our first fire going that was again nothing too complicated oh i thought that bird got struck by the lightning then god damn listen to that you got the fog rolling in as well oh it's really setting the environment now if somebody starts wandering out of that tree line i'm going to freak okay what else does it say we got to do so build a campfire finding carbs randomly spawn fairly close to players various plants containing fruits and veggies can be harvested a list of foods can be found in the item pedia these foods provided you with various nutrients including the most important carbohydrates harvesting plants will also give you seeds these seeds can be planted so you can grow your own crops okay i never knew that was in the game or at least uh i didn't know it was implemented i've been reading a little bit about it which is obviously why we're playing it today so we gotta find fruits and stuff yeah i can't harvest any of this it's probably a good idea at this point to make a weapon or something just so i'm not left oh there we go that big old watermelon expand can i not just oh nice we picked up the whole watermelon i don't know i don't know why this is the watermelon there at the side i'll take it though right so drop you down there expand oh there's a spoil time running as well harvest what does that do let's throw that into our backpack watermelon scenes so we can plant these again right and then grow them up watermelon slice okay so thirsty's all the way down eat that oh that's real nice and get that up yeah nice we got it that's actually giving us quite a little bit of uh hydration as well did that do what we okay nice so funny carbs did we did it okay so we're back the weather has changed it got a little bit nicer and then it's gone really really dull again but it's now like 8 22 p.m i made another saw bench just to increase what we were putting out that fog's rolling back in again oh and now the rain's coming back okay nice it's not meant to be i thought we're gonna get a little bit of peace and quiet while we did the last one which is hunting for proteins your main source of protein will come from wild animals and fish locate an animal or head over to a lake to find fish both excellent sources of fats and proteins you will need to cook it on the campfire or we'll lose health eating raw meats and fish okay that's good to know the best way to kill your prey is with a stone spear throw your spirit the animal and wait for it to bleed out so you actually have to track it then both land animals and fish need to be harvested once killed to get its meat and we gotta go and get an animal now then okay so we gotta make a spear first which is itempedia and then oh we got bone arrows as well i forgot these things that i don't know why stone spare bones bear okay so we can make this one stone blade three sticks and plant fiber we should have that three wait did it say three sticks okay this is gonna get really confusing because i'm gonna have to remember all the recipes again so one stone blade three sticks and five plants so one stone blade which we don't have three sticks which we can split half cut that's so loud and then we add that to that and how many plant five but he said five right split one split one and then we need to find some stones so i can make those stone blades okay we have our spear it is pitch black almost and i don't know how i'm gonna find an animal but we're really gonna try if i can see one of those birds landing around the area that might help the fire's giving me a lot of light over in that direction so i might use that to my advantage but i'm not seeing anything else i heard what i thought was like a goat or something and that day that was in the area it's just completely gone so i think we might have to be looking around in this lake in order to find some oh please land that's the case of survival though isn't it you kind of will things to happen especially when you're starving hungry well let's see if we can get a fish god he's so dark what you guys are seeing right now is exactly what i'm seeing let's see we can start prodding the water oh yeah there we go yep i mean i can kind of see a little bit if i use the top i don't know if i want to be doing that though yeah there's no there's just no sense in doing that i think tonight might be one of those nights where we just go hungry [Music] there's animals just on the very edge of my peripheral but by the time i get to them they're gone and i just don't know which way they went [Music] and this silence is deafening as well like when the rain was coming down it was nice and then now we can just hear the crackling from the fire yep all right well my stomach's going to be rumbling but i think i got to focus on making a bed if we can do that so construction and these are all the walls for the foundations that we place down placeables itempedia bulk items others can make it first you guys can hear that right there's like a goat or a sheet behind me but whenever i go in that direction it's just nowhere to be seen go cook some different types of foods as well oh my god what was that that pig oh there is this pig right there i got it oh no [Music] i'm gonna use the table oh no stay there there's a big old hog can i get my spare bag why is it on the other side oh nice it's down well turns out we're not going hungry then perfect that scared the bejesus out of me then i don't know if you guys actually heard me slam my desk my god okay let's harvest it up and animal hide can i not hold on to that what are we actually holding on to i know you can't see anything i'm going to do my best to try and organize some of this stuff let me just get rid of that and then throw you on to this get rid of the sticks i want the hide because i'm probably going to need that to build stuff with or to make clothes or something all right so i just made a quick storage unit for anything that i wasn't really using this is what we've ended up with so now i should be able to carry these and we can make the bed with it if you're wondering how i made the bed you just go to the book go to placeables and then it should be under furniture it just takes six planks so really simple stuff there we go wake up so two o'clock in the morning three let's get up at around five 5 30ish it's not day time yet but it should be soon let's just go back to sleep there we go nice i'm gonna do a little bit more hunting as well because i don't know how much of that pig that you guys saw oh nice we got it okay so i saw this off to the left i genuinely thought it was a dog just found a sheep just a random sheep on the loose i don't know if this has gone out of anybody's farm or anything but i mean i'm gonna have it because it's food and it's got more hide that i can use no have i not got a space for it what about me removing some of this stuff out of the way and then doing one of these and picking that up nice all right we made space i also wanted to see we could get a fish for some breakfast did that actually give us a lot of food okay yeah it's just giving us that raw meat that we can cook up on the fire which i will do as well oh well this is just landed in front of us now i've got to test this oh we got it i think i got it in the head i heard something breathed to my right and it freaked me out oh there we go oh it is a seagull my god you're massive oh and it does give us feathers nice which i'm guessing is for the uh the arrows then it's so hard oh wait here we go there we go i got myself a fish nice okay right let's get that back to camp we're having some fish i mean if this was me and i would have to eat it i would but given the choice i do not like fish so we'll just drop you there for a second we had to harvest it didn't we so let's expand that harvest and then that is give us some does it separate it oh it does raw fish how would this work then we go to that and then can i have a piece of raw meat with that as well we need to add some fuel to the fire so three sticks it's not really a lot is it i suppose i could find more but let me just light that up so it's at least cooking the food right now like that right we need to find some more sticks i mean we're doing good though we're surviving we got a little bit of fish meat we've got some raw meat on the go as well i got a little bed i need to build this up because that's no vase but we're looking all right we've got the beginnings of everything right now the sun is high in the sky getting that warmth let's go find these sticks and feel that fire and then that should be the last one right there we go right we got a full fire now so let's keep an eye oh wait it's cooked cooked meat and cook fish so where does that go too oh you can see the difference right cooked meat let's eat that oh there we go those proteins and the cooked fish what's this going to give us more proteins some nice fats and if we really wanted to get like the carbs and the vitamins and stuff we could find like more fruits and things on the edges of this place but again we're surviving we're doing a good thing this is melon plant harvest is that like how it works they get smaller like that and then they turn into those bigger ones or is it a different type of melon or something let's have a look what is this signal as well are we dizzy because we need food and water melon seeds oh no it's a totally different one it's just a normal melon oh it was thirst my thirst was down let's drink out the flask nice and it's going away okay i get it i can't lie throwing this spare is a lot of fun let's see what range we've got oh we nailed it again another headshot oh i absolutely destroyed you seagull give me everything you've got every time these things land i just want to throw a spare their way all right i think what i'm gonna do then is build this area up a little bit like at least get some walls undergo just a little one foundation and then some walls and a door or something i don't know just a place to rest our head and not in the open elements you know all right let me get this done then i'll throw you up there one across the back as well one right next to the bed and let's get a door on this thing which is wooden frame oh you there too right we're gonna need a bunch of lugs and planks so thinking ahead a little bit is gonna save us some time so how many lugs is that okay three lugs that's not a lot so we're just gonna chop down a bunch of these lugs and then we can at least get this on the go all right so we got three logs in that one three logs in that two in that so that's the third three in the ramp and three in there so i can put one on you and one on you i can take your planks and then one two three and then the stairs should be done there we go oh everything fits really nice as well it's so satisfying when it does that and that sun is going away so let's be quick with this so let's take that and you that's it oh i'm over encumbered it's actually a thing yeah it is okay so 50.15 and the limit is 50 okay that's nice good to know oh it's gonna start raining again i can see it the conditions are changing all right one two three four and there's the door then we can just put one of them in there all right let's get to cutting more wood all right so i just made another storage box to get rid of some of the stuff i wasn't using and free up a little bit more space but look at this this is our little home our first place that we've built up we got a fire going a couple of saw benches a couple of boxes for stories and this it doesn't look like much but i'm proud of it right which way we're going to head to to get to that swamp area which i'm hoping is a swamp right so it's more towards this way or kind of towards the west all right let's head off in that direction i've just kept some bandages the lights are with me and things like that i've not bought any extra food which might be a good idea i mean i suppose we can always find like the fruits and things around the edges of this but i want to do a little bit of exploring so let's just head in this direction i guess if i come across anything i'll bring you guys back okay well we've made it to the area that we thought was a swamp but it absolutely is the problem is right now if you look at the lower left corner our character is really feeling the effects of not having anything to drink so probably going to find some fruit or something i kind of just want to drink from this but i know if i get too close to that water's edge i'm going to have my head taken off by anything that's fully submerged and right in between us and getting a drink is gonna be the best ambush predator of all oh wait i see one it's over there oh yeah there's two of them okay so you can see them then i mean i'm saying that like we can see them from a distance i don't know if there's anything here let's just take the chance so open this up and then can we can we fill it oh there we go fill that up i'm probably just gonna drink straight from this because i need it now go across and then is that gonna make us oh we can't drink from it oh no there we go we can and eat one of these nice and that give us a little bit more hydration too what is that spoiled food let's get rid of that already packaged for us oh there it is oh there's two of them right so if i throw the spear at this thing's head it's gonna get pissed isn't it it's gonna come straight towards us that thing is massive as well go go go oh cucumber plant give me that harvest go go go go it's not going to go down though because they do bleed out after a while it's good to know that i've not get anything around us or at least the water's too deep so i can move around this area because if i had to swim this thing would have such an advantage always getting stuck is this thing dead or are you pretending oh it's looking at us as well oh no i'm not gonna stay near the dangerous end i'm gonna go around this side you guys see that over there in the water that like shadow that's what oh it's a bird okay stupid bird looking for food i think harvest the crocodile so they are crocs then it's massive as well give me that spear harvest so can we use your hide i got that cucumber plant so let's eat one of those and crafting component acquired by killing crocodiles can be found in the swamp identified on the map what can we make with that i'm assuming like armor or something which should be really really useful there's more over there [Music] stand still stand still stand still oh right in the neck let's go i took it down as well give me this harvest right what do we get from a day i wonder if we get hired from that too so we've got a whole bunch of stuff bones wait where's the okay loads of meat i did find more cucumber plants as well oh yeah it does okay it does it with this so we've got a spare we got the stone pickaxe and the actual axe as well i haven't actually tried the pick yet let's do that really quick if you guys are wondering where i'm headed down here was where the crocodiles were i've come this way because there's something over this side i just wanted to investigate a little bit oh that makes a really satisfying sound it's using the durability oh there oh there we go and what does that give us okay so just some small stones i'm guessing like the different rocks have different stuff inside okay oh no no we're over encumbered get rid of you don't need that now that i know that i can get that though that's a good thing let's keep heading in this direction i don't really know can i make a a torch or something like that let's see itempedia torch stick and plant fibers so it needs one stick and five plant fibers but it's raining so that's probably gonna put it out right so one stick five plant fiber and there's the torch so that should be yeah that's on the backpack now which should be number five on number four there we go right no no no put that thing away because it's raining so the direction we're headed in is roughly that side has that just filled up with water is this just a clearing no i think it is it's just a clearing area isn't it yeah okay all right seems to be holding up okay oh there's a building oh my god pigs you have got to stop doing that oh my god again guys for me everything is loud i mean everything so that that thing you heard it was so much more quiet for you oh yeah oh no no no what are you that's one of those things isn't it oh no no no no no i don't want nothing to do with that no no oh no no no no leave me alone no oh my god that's just giving me goosebumps no okay if i can get into this clear i'm gonna try and take it out that's a little water area oh he's still coming oh yeah okay there's only one of them what the [ __ ] is oh that is yeah that's one of them a vampy oh my god i didn't expect that because it said when you set the game up it gives you options like whenever okay so they do so the way it works then is basically when you set the game up you have a certain amount of days before i guess these things come to your camp but i think i stumbled across theirs and we can harvest it as well it looks like the dark seekers from i am legend just take what we can what do we get we got one feather from that okay yeah i kind of want to go back there though you know i just want to see what what was around that building but i also don't want to die let's play this smart let's get back to camp we've done a little bit of exploration we've been and seen whatever the hell those things are i think we should build up the camp repair when those things come in i mean we know we can take them out with a head shot but i'm gonna need more than just a spare so let's head back nothing outside the door what time is it 6 55 a brand new day day number three to be exact if i'm not mistaken day number five is when those things are going to come in an attack so i've got my work out for me to reinforce this area and build up a little bit in the way of supplies but i've got to be honest this had a bit of nostalgia attached to it just because of the way it looks i'd say it's like a cross between the forest seven days to die and another game that i cannot put my finger on but i don't know let me know what you guys think we could do something with this like a mini series but only if you guys want to see it i enjoyed it but let me know what you guys think down in the comments below so thank you so much for watching thank you so much for your support and i'll see you all in the next one [Music] you
Channel: Fooster
Views: 4,459,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the infected, the infected gameplay, the infected game, the infected part 1, the infected multiplayer, the infected getting started, the infected review, the infected update, the infected new update, the infected series, fooster the infected, fooster, thefoosterchannel, the infected hunting, the infected best weapon, the infected base, the infected how to base build, the infected tutorial, the infected crocodiles, new games on steam, new games on steam 2021, new survival games
Id: 2Q--XRnb1ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 05 2021
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