The iPod Nano stinks.

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nanyo right let me tell you when Papa Steve pop this out of his pint-sized pocket it was an audible sign from the audience are you Melissa yes the new ID sound friggin tiny this thing was but I can hear if you're gonna call my big deal who carry the king of thin mate the razor oh the mummy cut your mate hey give me all your pokemon cards no more meta pods though this came out of here before oh yeah that's thin enough only knew one family friend he had one of these who was just a real keen on technology and just sprung the money for a federal keypad it was so super cool this phone is a year newer than this and like get a vibe what a junker but at school this was the cool phone we couldn't afford one of these things I mean here's the thinnest iPhone ever made the six phone so thin that they actually bench you could bend in the boomerang of throat it you might say look at the LG phone and now look at the razor now look at the Nano like genuine it's always as thin as the top bit of a razor ah that's so much fun to do check it how nice this screen is let's see if this even turns on framerate you can take breaths in between each frame my first nano was a second gen which I loved loved at the death and then I had a third gen which is my favorite nano of all time you're a little video player that was sweet did I understand for people who really keen on listening to music these were too small I didn't have enough storage but flash storage is no joke how expensive it was is it genuine competitor to the Mini / Nano at this title nugget right this guy has 512 megabytes in it you could put SD cards in here but in 2004 the first ever one gig SD card came out it was 500 bucks not even adjusting for inflation guess how much this guy had in storage can't be more than this 256 megabytes cuz it does have a video camera no five-and-a-half megabytes and here's this guy with two gigs for a couple of minutes in I can already hear you guys going all wait a minute this was meant to be a smelly Apple story oh my who came here for the bad smells new spring Calvin Klein everywhere mate all I can say is relax my friend you will have your bad smells but what I just want to quickly state is like the Nano was genius it was amazing like the Leapfrog that they did in terms of like miniaturization and unfortunately to get these amazing features like a full-size 30-pin dock at the bottom of something this tiny and light is that they are cursed and I call it the black spot this is something I've only ever seen effect in nanos and I've got one nano that's just starting the show signs the black spot browsing on eBay I see so many nanos with the black spot and people say it's because I left it in a hot car and it's warped a little bit no it's sort of thing no it is far worse than that that is the battery expanding and pushing against the display against the glass a lot of iPods that have this little spot they work just fine there's no turn on they'll do whatever they did I got this perfect there was nothing wrong with it at all and it started the little black spot and so you think okay so when you see that little spot you just need to get in there change the battery yeah sure never mind how crazy difficult this is but notice you have to slide all the internals out so if that battery has expanded inside of there what are your chances of getting any of the internals out and worse than that that means the battery is now unstable and that means pushing it out it could tear on any of the metal components in here and then you've got a fire risk in order to get them so crazy thin they had the building with no tolerances whatsoever and so the slightest amount of expansion just causes everything to push out and break this was the iPod where I learnt about the black spot this is one that I was genuinely using I was taking it to the gym because you know if it broke up whatever big deal this was perfectly working fine even the battery hold a good charge and the little spot started and I hadn't seen this in a little while actually and it's gotten considerably worse who yep look at this how fiying is that like put it this way this doesn't just sit around because I can't just throw this in the bin it's it's genuinely a fire risk because you know what if you explode in the back of the truck can burn down the truck or something that's so dangerous so I've just been resorted to keeping it in a jar with it with a safety label on it and this guy lives outside on the concrete in fact because this guy's just begun as well you know you can join them these are now a science experiment because every time I look at them they're getting worse so hopefully if it does catch fire it's all contained but even if you find an uncursed one let me tell you you have to solder the batteries iftody solder and then re-solder it's outside of my school range that's got me I'm not a technician I'm just a drama that's where my relationship with iPods come from so even if just getting in scares you there are no clips or connectors it is a proper crazy hobbyist project merely just to get one of these running again for me you got the the real classic crew you got these guys which are pretty friggin weird to be honest I mean that's just the same size screen except that you're holding it all weird angle and then you've got the freaks and we'll get to the freaks in a little bit this guy right here this is your iPod I used to film the episode it was a whole turn on his stupid camera if I know if you look in and see how dim that video is that's what the same lighting as you're seeing here this guy was so bad I had to pick this glass out cuz while I was filming the episode the battery expanded to the point where I thought the whole thing was gonna shatter and catch fire and by picking the glass out the the display could lift up and out it was it was terrifying genuine and that's really the problem with these guys I don't blame them because batteries are nightmares anyway even with devices where you can put your own batteries in if you leave them in there they will leak and corrode the entire board destroying it I've had all Nakia batteries expand and push their way out as well I've seen expanded batteries on these as well but there's so much room inside of these that it just doesn't cause any issues it was just the cost of making these so crazy thin was there any difference inside of them which just caused him to bulge and pop essentially so many you guys reach answer I should do like a flash mode on one of these you should do a battery mode on one of these you know yeah do some cool mods with these honestly there's none because that's the thing even just the batteries on these is an epic epic project you thought one of these six seventh gen classics is a nightmare to get into yeah well at least when you get in the battery change is super easy you can flash modern this has all the terrors of this guy with just none of the rewards and then you still have a battery you've got a solder in yourself so that's the problem is that if they don't catch fire on you they are nightmares to get merely working regularly again it's the only iPod I consider dangerous in a lot of ways but that leaves me with the freaks this Nano is like an iPod Touch and a shuffle had a baby to be honest it's a touchscreen with the clip but I've seen that you can get watch kits for these and yes I have ordered one and then you got the very last Nano the seventh gen we look how little material there is on the headphone jack these are microscopic and it's got bluetooth and they work with air pods in a pod pros although some people have complained about low volume these are way easier to fix why fix it rates these as a moderate I haven't seen any black spot issues with these guys but these are a lot new and maybe their day is coming so you just gonna have to wait but I understand the siren song of nostalgia is just too big to ignore I get it I mean you know while you're all enjoying your Playstation my I was enjoying eight frames a second on my Sega set I love my Sega Saturn but I know that it was just a total nugget no one bought same way that I'm sure some of you are out there nostalgic to this generation of iPod Nano and I gotta tell you this thing right here is king nugget of the iPods it's I hate the oval shape the haters camera place when because it's forcing you to use it like this which then blocks the camera and the fact that it nearly caught fire when I was trying to use it to make a video my recommendation is if you want a daily driver nano find one without the curse of the black spider on it order the battery and then have someone do it for you again look it on eBay there are so many of them with these little black spots on it it's a proper thing this is something that nanos like to do and these are hard to recommend because these are expensive right these are really holding on to their value so while I loved my Nano I don't know I just can't really recommend them in terms of modding or playing with I've honestly never seen a third gen get the black spot but they do enjoy having display issues that only show whites you know enjoy that so I'm sorry if I disappointed you this episode it's just how it is I mean I'm disappointed too I want to put a big thank you out to my patrons especially these smelly names right here stay tuned heats more to come and I'll show you next time [Music]
Channel: DankPods
Views: 1,991,903
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: iPod nano, iPod classic, dankpods, ipod nano battery, ipod nano mods, worst ipod
Id: KcwpY5W7S1s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 17sec (557 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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