I bought the cheapest fake iPods.

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bootlegs we've all had a run-in with these come on whether it was an unsuspecting relative who's just decided to give you a present they didn't realize that buying a load of crap maybe was part of like a deal that was too good to be true or maybe it's in this case that you see them up for sale at transparently garbage prices ego that looks like a lot of fun like for instance I kept you talking to me or my son again may in and adorable I got the color so close and yes those who are observant can see that this has green lettering and that's because the blue one broke and only had a spare green one it's actually quite dangerous for me to have this here this is part of a future video oh man I hate to give away a hint about future content that'd be the worst this guy was a couple of bucks and it took forever to get here like two months I think absolutely two months and it just arrived in just literally a letter just thrown in the mail so what I've done is this is a genuinely old one gigabyte microSD it's just got some YouTube mp3s on it that are safe to play because that's how they make these so cheap they all of these aren't gonna show you have a micro SD slot alright oh no this thing isn't the Taurus Li difficult to get going dance for daddy hey one of my favorite features is how thin the plastic is but the whole thing is glowing basically so it's got music mode and such mode press that light set I mean it's pretty neat you can add on this is unfathomable let's get straight to the music so I've got my little desk here little USB desk Yamaha a go6 I recommend it's just like it's just like the Lego pod how it's gonna side headphone jack and there's its corpse this poor thing these cables are heavier than it is alright music yep Oh music how do we do volume ah hey this is already better then this is already better than the Lego bug you can actually adjust the volume that's cool [Music] it only does songs in odd numbers what if we go back you can't go backwards but there you go so for a couple of bucks you get a small mp3 player with a pathetic back tree it's got a back light and it will only play odd-numbered tracks well actually like how it looks which is why it's been hiding in videos and I've been abusing it actually so that first one was obviously just a piece of junk really but this second one right so you're gonna have to really put your eyeballs on this time because the similarities are really subtle and this is what is bootlegs you might find yourself getting caught having and going dang I didn't get a genuine Apple thing right study it take it in notice the fine details your colors and things your is this a real one or not I don't know and here comes the other one alright take it in take in the colors look for the inconsistencies alright quit which one is it this one was the most expensive out of all of them at just under 5 bucks you know when I saw this is gonna be one big piece of plastic I thought it was gonna be covered in sprue and pokey bits and all sorts but I gotta say I mean it's made out of crap it is actually squeezable it's it's not gonna show up on the video but it's like the softest plastic I've ever felt but it all fits together the buttons are okay I don't hate it it's got all the features that's the best bit right there you see on the original one it's got these little detents that's so it clicks in there where I mean I love the the Genki engineering to make these as cheap as they are it's actually quite hard to pull off oh yeah ah that's fun so I mean this is really offering all the benefits of this because it's got a rechargeable battery recharges via just plugging it in but it's better because you can put your own storage in it this thing is 512 megabytes which was pretty good in its day not so much anymore but come on mate that's not this thing's killer hat that's right I said ah oh and now you can wear it I totally wore mine back in the day take that forward all a bootleg you can't match the might of a shoelace and a plastic clip well I'm actually really liking this one the logo is so good this was designed by mp3 the format itself made this this is the cheapest feeling shoelace I've ever felt I mean this stuff's turned brown but this is pretty dense this is really lightweight but it was under five bucks and it's an all-in-one thing comes with its own cable effectively flush fit that's good instead of all the shuffle options are such it's just on and off [Music] Wow you can turn it up and down even these are better than the Lego pod these buttons are fine [Music] Shrek green what an idea and backing up how good those first gen shuffle bootlegs have held up this one here belongs to James that's right the same James you uncheck the Bluetooth iPod help me put Wikipedia in an iPod mini and rescued that magpie that flew into his chicken coop one gig this one's eternal and it's actually made of the same plastic as the original one but you can see they've gone for the one color for all of it but this still works it's got the exact same font on the back and the same layout alright for this last one you're really gonna have to put your eyeballs on guys and gals and everyone just one's super tricky super tricky time yeah take it in alright notice the small details here we go take it in study it I'm not even gonna joke around it's plainly obvious that the one that looks like crap it's the bootleg one I absolutely love you for how this thing looks it's not even a square it's like slightly narrow so the top and bottom buttons a bigger than the side ones and all they've done is just flipped it around so instead of volume here it's forward and back I never really cared about any of the other shuffles other than the first one but I actually like this one I like how this space here is so that you can you can clip it easier I like how the headphone jack is in the the pivot point so here's what you can get for a couple a bucks look it's got the clip but it's just like the resistance of the plastic with these very sharp teeth in there USB mini cuz the USB mini ain't going away on/off headphone this thing is just absolutely fugly all the cards seem to go in upside down flush fit right my points why is why is that volume up the layout makes no sense maybe you meant to use it like this but then that doesn't line up no one really thought this through the buttons are the worst this is by far my least favorite one it is really really awful yeah so with these guys there is one extra element that I struggled to capture I tried to record it on that little desk but it's just too faint and that is how noisy they are these are block bottom engineered devices okay it's actually amazing what people can do on their race to the bottom these two pretty good this guy though apart from being the fugly Asst and just the grossest it is by far the noisiest it sounds like a blank cassette with the volume turned up hissing where you turn the on and off switch it usually makes a little pops and things it's so rough that I gotta have a look inside of it what OOP don't pierce the battery yeah give it up you fool there's the battery ah haha I get it ah all of its guts just fell out this is metal well this has been extruded like in a big line and they just chopped them out that's just like an iPod mini where's the and there's the controls come on we got to do this Shrek pod style look at this watch Sheikh Mujib play I've got to support the motherboard with two hands it's so hard to push those a gonna split in half this guy was so awful it's just not in contention it's too it's still better than the Lego one it's still better cuz you can actually turn the volume up and down and it actually boots up quick but it's noisy it's nasty and yeah yeah so it's between these two guys and I don't know why we're even bothering discussing it this guy can only play odd-numbered tracks this is the hero of this episode yeah out not only does it come with the lanyard and all that good stuff this is the only one that will actually work as a micro SD adapter you could put the micro SD in it plug it USB into something and use it as a flash drive the other guys they can't do that it just won't recognize it you've got to take that out put music on it and put it back in I found a spare 128 gig microSD and that worked in here as well so there you go if you own it honestly if you need a cheap microSD to SD adapter you Mars will get one of these because then it doubles it's just like a cheap stowaway mp3 player for something [Music]
Channel: DankPods
Views: 1,426,555
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fake ipod, bootleg ipod, ipod classic, ipod shuffle, first ipod shuffle, dankpods
Id: JOemfjnOGDQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 51sec (651 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 26 2020
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