Why ODSTs hate Spartans - Lore and Theory

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[Music] [Music] [Music] though it has never come across in the games those of us familiar with the peripheral law that is law that we've discovered through the books and such are aware that there is a fierce one-sided rivalry between the odsts and the spartans in truth it is much much more than that odsts particularly those of the 105th division arguably the most brutal and prideful division of the odsts either dislike distrust or outright hate the spartans but for what reasons do the odsts hate them and is their hate misplaced or is it fully justifiable and even warranted let's find out in today's law in theory hey everyone welcome back to installation zero zero and following some recent chats i've had with a few community members it would appear that large swathes of my subscribers have not been seeing my recent content being pushed into their feeds on top of this i've actually hit 75 000 subscribers twice in recent weeks indicating a glitch in youtube having unsubscribed hundreds if not a thousand or so people randomly dropping me back to below the 75k mark to hit it all over again go figure couple this with the increase in the percentage of subscribed versus unsubscribed viewers i'm seeing on my analytics it leads me to believe youtube as a platform is having something of a midlife crisis so while i feel a bit of an ass to have to ask i feel i'd be doing my community a disservice to ignore it so if you kindly just check that you are actually subscribed even if you think that you already are just in case and if you've been unsubbed by youtube in its infinite wisdom also let me know in the comments if you were so i can forward this to a youtube community manager and if you aren't subbed consider jumping aboard and hitting the little bell icon so you don't miss my content in the future that really mean the world to me thanks for sticking with me while i quickly addressed this point it's always awkward but in this case i think it was necessary now all of that's out of the way let's look into why odsts hate spartans orbital drop shot troopers are somewhat famous among those of the united nations space command for their tenacity in combat as a part of the naval special warfare division of the unsc the odysseys are special forces to the nth degree and up until the arrival of the spans were the largest and most accomplished special forces division of the unsc they were the best of the best and were called upon to act in the most dire of situations the orbital insertion method in which odsts are deployed often leads to the creation of an important distinguishing psychological characteristic commonly displayed among their ranks orbital drop shock troopers are very proud of their accomplishments and skills having to go through a particularly vigorous brutal and even aggressive training regime in order to qualify as an odst and although the position is purely voluntary a person entering into odst training and then dropping out and returning to their original post is a shameful situation to the point that death is considered a mild inconvenience many odsts believe they uphold a commando state of mind meaning they can do anything with the right attitude among their peers odsts are often jovial and almost carefree however when an odst is around someone who is not a member of their organization they often become stoic overtly unfriendly and have a complete absence of any expression though they still often remain relaxed many individuals have confidence that the odsts can do nearly anything they are tasked to do no matter the difficulty of the assignment it stands to reason then that when the spartans arrived on the scene with their augmented physiology superior training an extraordinary mjolnir-powered assault armor this made large swathes of the odst suddenly feel quite inferior but there is more to it than a simple inferiority complex after the spartan two candidates went through their augmentations forging them into the most powerful super soldiers humanity had ever seen the spartans were attached briefly to the unsc atlas an epoch class heavy carrier john 117 entered the gym to train post-augmentation due to his enhanced strength and speed the weights he was accustomed to felt much too light after experimenting with adding weight and moving to the higher gravity portion of the gym john performed a simple calculation to decide if the gravity generation in the gym was functioning correctly in a bid to try to make sense of why nothing in the gym felt right he used the locking pin from some weights to test the gravity by dropping it and measuring the time it took to fall to the deck then factoring in some basic calculations to ascertain if the gravity was correct it was at this point four odsts entered the gym and went to work out the biggest odst began using the weights john had removed the pin off when the weights fell off the bar and nearly crushed the foot of the man's spotter john approached and apologized to his mistake the odst surrounded the 14 year old john and threatened to make him eat the pin before the situation escalated to that the odst sergeant entered the gym and ordered them into the boxing ring to work it out odst of the 105th were not unfamiliar with this kind of conflict resolution although it is a point of debate as to whether or not four fully grown battle-hardened odst should have acted so aggressively towards what was obviously a 14 year old boy nevertheless john slit between the ropes and waited for the odsts in the following five seconds john inadvertently killed two of the odsts and heavily wounded a third in the words of odst anthony petrovsky a person who witnessed these events play out the fight between the trained odsts and a single 14 year old boy was comparable to lambs to the slaughter john hit so hard and so fast the odsts could barely react john struck one of the odsts in a body blow that stopped his heart instantly the second john punched once to the face which caved in his skull the third john kicked and shattered his pelvis and the final one he fractured his spine paralyzing him for the rest of his life the lives of these odsts were ended or changed forever in five seconds of hand-to-hand combat with a freshly augmented spartan ii at this point john's commanding officer chief mendes entered the gym and told john to stand down and the odst sergeant to step outside to be debriefed news of this engagement spread across the odst rapidly and galvanized into a long-living resentment of the spartans arguing that four odsts were needlessly killed at the hands of a freak as with most stories john's side of the events told a different story but this was conveniently ignored the fact that four odsts were ordered to fight a 14 year old boy was completely overlooked but there was something else going on too the office of naval intelligence whom were an interested party in the spartans development and training had orchestrated the entire event to test a spartan's capabilities immediately after augmentation however due to the classified nature of this information this was also not known to the odsts leaving the rivalry to be seeded and perpetuated across the numerous divisions of hell jumpers within the unsc would the story likely becoming more and more jaded over time glossing over mitigating factors and extraneous detail in favor of the simple message one single spartan attacked injured and killed four odsts for no reason who is in the wrong here the odsts were in the wrong for engaging a 14 year old boy to start with yes they were given orders to fight that 14 year old boy but at what point does the duty of a soldier urged him to refuse an order that puts somebody vulnerable at risk admittedly john was anything but vulnerable at that time but the odsts didn't know that and as such should have considered the situation a little more before just blindly following the order only were in the wrong for orchestrating the situation to start with and while some argument could be made to the contrary john at that age knew the difference between neutralize a threat and kill while admittedly he probably wasn't completely ready for how strong and fast he was post augmentation there were other ways john could have engaged the four odst to neutralize the threat of harm to himself while also sparing the ldst's life dislocated elbows broken wrists and fractured limbs are much easier to recover from while not being a life-altering injury or a death sentence so in this regard all three parties involved have some degree of blame but this was the event which ceded the resentment the then second lieutenant antonia silva who was assigned to the command of the very platoon of odessies who were ordered to fight jon would go on to become a major of the odsts and was likely an integral point of propagation of the hatred of the spartans being exposed to their brutal abilities early on in his command career and carrying and spreading that hatred through the years all the way up to his death on installation 0-4 in 2552 but silva was not the first last or only person of influence who took a grievance with the spartans so the animosity was seated here but it also didn't end here through the years as news of the spartans and their actions across multiple battles during the human covenant war fueled by propaganda spread by oni in an effort to boost morale across unsc forces in the face of a losing war the odst's infamy was supplanted by the spartans with the spartans achieving something akin to a god-like hero status across the civilian populations and an awestruck celebrity status within the unsc the odst's prideful mannerisms were tarnished and overshadowed by the impossible standards of the spartans even while odsts were serving fighting and dying in their hundreds on the battlefronts across human-controlled space news of the spartans and their success would overshadow any accomplishments and sacrifices of the odsts with their brothers and sisters in arms names being utterly unknown and forgotten by the very populations they fought and died to protect i have to admit were i in the same position where countless numbers of my brothers and sisters in arms were dying to protect humanity and yet their sacrifices were completely ignored in favor of the actions of a few inhuman augmented super soldier freaks i'd be pretty pissed off too even in our modern world society we try to remember the lives of people who fought and died for the freedoms enjoyed by so many in the western world every single year we remember the countless soldiers who paid the ultimate price to secure our freedom in battles that took place decades ago imagine the anger disappointment and fury you would feel as a soldier fighting in a war at that exact time where your brothers and sisters in arms had died for the cause and not one of their names was mentioned instead completely supplanted by the simple word spartan completely ignored and overshadowed it doesn't bear thinking about but alas back to the other person of influence colonel james ackerson of the unsc army and later the office of naval intelligence was a man of ambition and scope his resentment of the spartans is less clear-cut being a man with the sight to develop his own super soldier program within the army and leveraging himself a position on the unsc security council and special weapons development program within unsc high command his projects were often in competition with dr catherine halsey's projects for funding in this regard ackerson's resentment of the spartans and dr halsey was a symptom of this competition and born of a need for flow of revenue being the driving force behind the spartan 3 program this made things significantly more complex there were ideological differences in the two programs in the first instance he conducted extensive research on dr halsey's work with the spartan 2 program illegally obtaining dna profiles of the candidates and covertly observing the flash clones used to replace the spartan 2 children he even had the clones bodies retrieved and autopsies performed on them after they died of congenital diseases however he would ultimately abandon the use of flash clone replacements in his own program citing the dubious ethics of flash cloning as one of the failures of halsey's program when presenting his own project to oni this didn't particularly score him many points in regards of ethics as the span 3 program still used children aged 4 to 6 as candidates orphans of the war whose parents were killed by the covenant war machine and involved the covert kidnap of spartan 2 kurt 051 to train the new generation of spartans but not using flash clones was apparently significant enough of a point of discussion to barter himself some degree of favor from the only board that and the massive reduction in cost per unit but how does ackerson's involvement affect the odsts and their disdain for the spartans in august of 2552 the now master chief patty officer john 117 was outfitted with mjolnir mark v armor and given the ai cortana at military reservation 01478-b during a field test involving the pairing of john 117's mark 5 armour with cortana axison tried to kill the spartan he attempted this when he authorized the use of lotus anti-tank mines three 30 millimeter chain guns an air strike by a skyhawk fighter against the spartan and the deployment of a squad of fully armed and armored orbital drop shock troopers using live ammunition and with orders to kill on site in the ensuing conflict john dislocated the shoulder and broke the ribs of the first of the ten odsts knocking him unconscious the second he hit with the butt of his rifle breaking several vertebrae in his neck he broke the third's leg so severely the bone burst through the skin and then knocked him unconscious with the blow to the head he swept the legs out of the next three odsts with a tent pole with such force he broke all of their legs the next he threw the tent pole out like a javelin which struck the odyssey in their sternum cracking his sternum and collapsing his lung that was the seventh odst dealt with the eighth he struck in the chest breaking all of his ribs and puncturing his lungs causing him to collapse the ninth he shot their knees out and the tenth he simply punched in their helmeted head he didn't kill any of them but seriously injured them all and he did all of that in 22 seconds atkerson's decision to involve odsts in this situation again only fueled the building resentment between odsts and spartans ackerson's intent was to either disgrace the spartan twos and dr halsey and if possible to kill the most well-known spartan alive nevertheless john succeeded and cortana sought revenge by wreaking havoc in atkerson's private files hacking into his personal computer and sending notes requesting reassignment to front-line service as well as sending a large amount of money from his account to a brothel in gilgamesh and sending the bill to his home where his wife would find it somehow he managed to exonerate himself but this didn't change that more odsts had fallen victim to a spartan's furiosity at this time these are the most significant of situations that have played into the odyssey's resentment of the spartans some we knew about already the training incident in the gym being one of them but the ideological differences the competition for revenue the different modus operandi of the respective divisions of special forces public opinion and perception of the odst's versus the spartans the ignorance of sacrifices made in service to humanity admittedly the spartans couldn't control all of these circumstances and there may be many more we simply don't know about yet that all added to their growing resentment in more recent times the spartan 4 program has proliferated the relative ease of access into a super soldier program to levels comparable to volunteering for the odsts in many ways the spartan4s have made odst's nearly redundant and in similar fashion to previous statements the nomenclature of the spartan4s being spartans means you would expect the same levels of disdain to carry over to the spartan threes and fours but thus far it appears to be a wholly unique problem with the spartan twos respectively it's worth noting while many odsts have been offered and moved over to become spartan 4's the vast majority of odsts remain as odsts and in a battle setting they will not hesitate to work with fight alongside and take orders from a spartan in most circumstances in fact odsts are glad to see spawns in the battlefield however it appears like this is mainly due to professional courtesy and that generally speaking when soldiers are actually in a combat zone they are not fighting for their country their species their branch their division their commanding officer or even themselves they're fighting for the men and women they are stood next to in a combat setting this includes seven foot tall armored killing machines in a combat setting spartans and odsts get things done in a way that very very few can but this too doesn't change the differences they have off the battlefield it doesn't wipe clean the blood that has been spilled by spartan hands it doesn't change the lives that have been ended or changed forever by spartans acting under orders it doesn't change the countless odsts who have died in the war in service to humanity that have been ignored and forgotten in the shadow of the name spartan 117 it doesn't change the backroom politics between people of influence working in favour for or opposition against spartan operations or the never ending pursuit of financial backing for military projects or competing interests of the top brass and the office of naval intelligence a dozen or more factors go into the resentment between odsts and spartans and while it is a one-sided resentment with the spartans bearing no ill will towards the odsts that doesn't mean that the odsts are in the wrong in truth their anger their hatred and their resentment is completely and utterly valid it is fully justified and inarguable but it may also be slightly misplaced thanks for watching stick your comments down below i really look forward you have to say on this one this one's quite a controversial kind of subject and i'm looking forward to your opinions i want to give a quick shout out to my patrons and youtube members nick the summit cartographer kyle stevens and siphonic storm my tier zero transcendiance brian red sea darian stalk of the rounds falcon x003 alvin mr fell flaming halo the revolt starlight legion's lost josh the tg7 tj jazz kat harada cam schneidish leon fellow individual and ignizzle the holders of the mantle my glorious reclaimers my most loyal of metalks and all the other patrons and members that have jumped aboard to support the channel much love to you guys thanks so much for your support 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Channel: Installation00
Views: 1,240,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Halo, Lore, Theory, VLORE, Vlog, Blog, Gaming, Xbox, Spartan, Master, Chief, Master Chief, MJOLNIR, Most, Detailed, Most Detailed Breakdown, Installation00, Installation 00, Installation, 00, ODST, ODSTs, Hate, Spartans, John-117, Gym, Fight, Rivalry
Id: ZkM4pre9khQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 02 2020
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