The Infection Episode III [Trapped]

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foreign ly I have this thing opened after a few weeks all right now time to find Alex and get out of here oh God where am I going wait what the is that a crystal whoa we gotta go carry him in bring them in look at me okay pull them in the water put them in the water every time we're gonna drown them who are you who are you thank you [Music] please please all right guys both of you guys go back to work go find something to do whilst I talk to this guy who are you okay how did you okay my name is Abraham let me explain wait who are you how did you even get down here uh okay so this might seem crazy but if you haven't known uh there's like zombies they're zombies what what are you talking about there's like zombies at the entrance but that's blocked off there is it's what I mean it's been blocked off for months anyway so yeah but um somehow I got in and uh I got knocked out by a crystal um okay uh what was gonna say uh we've been here me and those are the two guys we've been here for like months now we don't even know how to get out of here honestly we're just living here at this point what even happened um I don't really know what to be honest like we were we just came down here looking for shiny rocks because we're not really that rich we wanted to get rich easily and then we've seen this place and then the cave collided on us and then we just decided to live down here because there was no point of us trying to break out because it would take too long too many years too much preparation so that's why we we stopped it wow so you guys don't even know what's happening out there no um you said something about infection zombies yeah uh so what is that I gotta catch it huh is this the zombie no no no that that's just a bat looks like breakfast come here go get it yeah they usually fight over food and that's normal down here get back oh my God that's cold um but yeah um you said it was blocked off right yeah that opened for me where you at um okay come show me this show me this so what happened is I came from over here yeah and you're gonna have to claim this wait climb this rock [Applause] [Applause] so oh God are you sure this is safe I mean too high I don't think you're you're a bit too high oh us okay let me just oh I got your door okay so where up there so I wait okay wait wait wait wait what that's new I remember that we are closed down before um well I came in fell through the waterfall like this you know wait a second wait are mine are mine wait no uh not good news um it seems like when that when those when those rocks collapse them our food supply is now gone now we're definitely gonna die no hope of living pretty good but that's the only thing down here there's nothing else here we've lost our food supply now this is all because of you we lost our foods to the boy because of you it's not it's not my phone [Laughter] surprising out over here wait slow down guys stop I'm only joking I'm only joking um you what's your name what's your name again I didn't really get your name Alexander well Alexander what are we supposed to do now we're all stuck down here with no food how you've got any ideas on how to escape but it's broke it doesn't really work it's kind of broken I don't really don't know how to fix it [Music] um maybe turn it on I think it needs green batteries let me go oh wait it needs crystals I forgot this thing is traged with crystals okay um you just hey Alexander um just talked to these guys for now I need to go refill it that's everybody it doesn't work so uh how did you like get here I mean you're not part of it are you oh no no okay so we found him whenever we see went down here me and Abraham I don't know who the hell he is but he's he's grandpa so okay so one day I'm I'm a minor all right so I went down here right I was smiling and then I said I'm stuck here forever uh well I mean at least you got some company hold the crystal still for me I'll just kill myself I was lonely why is this here anyway hey move your hand back down I'm gonna hit it we made this to have fun you know it's getting stuck oh no duh oh what happened now again we got food these crystals got more stronger can't hold the impact of them okay every year they get stronger when you're finding a [ __ ] screwed let's see if it works now keep mine it works okay good um so how do you how do we get out of here exactly or do you've got any ideas so the idea is we just go to the hall quick question um since you did say since you did say um uh there's zombies and people are infected do you have any friends that know your trap down here possibly oh yes yes I I got a friend he's the best by the way his name's Sean okay uh and uh I live with him okay um I was the I was the only one the zombies chased me down and I got chapter okay um yeah unless you come over to our safe zone I'm just trying to say I mean if he fell from up there he shouldn't we try like money your way out up there well yeah that's actually a good point but wait guys if we mine out we're they're just gonna come down here and attack us we're safe down we're more safe down here than we are up there no this place very hard time sorry man no but listen if we're down here they can't get us because it's blocked off but you don't have any supplies and the supplies are outside the only thing we have to eat is that bat and that that's the only thing that we can communicate to are you going crazy that bat doesn't even talk I know okay uh crystals I have like a point I'm just I'm just I'm just gonna get out of here like I mean we have water out you said it was blocked off here how are you gonna get out of here exactly uh you drill out the hole ah he needs batteries hold up oh oh God where is he what is this this wasn't here before guys swim under the water I thought you him I can't swim to be joking about down here especially that's freezing cold beer okay I'm sorry wait what let's see what's inside you should grow a drill now guys we can get out of here guys come on there's C4s here too guys there's C4 C4s okay um where's the where's the bedroom and then um it'll make it easier for us where's the Detonator okay maybe it's good if we just grab these C4s and just put them over there and just don't use them they're nice I can use it to mine okay everyone grab everyone grab something out of here we're getting out of here now all right let's go come on let's go all right guys we've been working so hard for this now it's finally time to get out of here come on start Digger come on it's open look we did it okay um uh okay George and Alexander both of you guys stay down here until we tell you it's clear okay okay all right we'll be back in two seconds don't worry come on let's go JJ this is gonna be a while huh what do you give me how do you have that I've just been hiding that it's just been in my pocket for like 20 years don't mind it okay so uh what do you want to do um you want to go find that bat uh it's probably safer if we just wait for them yeah I think we should at the same time I do want to explore this place yeah it is pretty cool but I've been here for 20 years nothing special have you been here for 20 years I mean I said that a 20 year old Doritos so oh yeah true how long are they taking wow I think wait something bad might be happening Maybe I mean all they have to do is just look out right yeah what was that noise wait wait what stand back wait you guys okay hey follow me I know this place like the back of my hand come on come on with the sound oh crap you're right come on in this game over here parkour yeah okay wait hide don't make noise ah bro come on oh my God [Applause] thank you come on you know any safe places to go uh follow me come on come on I'm going I'm going in here okay okay let's go John John where is he good safe wait where is he I don't know where wait Who's Sean I don't know why I'm acting like I know this guy he's my friend he he lives here I have the keys to his house Sean okay uh I think they we need to go back to caves yes uh just see if there's anything else dude what wait what if there's more zombies on here I doubt that the last guy killed him so all right I can kind of look for some bad food we I don't think we need any more bats this way oh I made a bit that's a bit loud oh God that's a victim sound that's a lot of sound dude oh God oh God please [Music] what do we do I wish Sean was here right now back up Sean wait are you sure you're alive oh yes we need to leave now quickly to get the infection's getting worse now come on quickly go okay let's go I don't really have much time to explain just run he's awake okay yeah well we better get out of here then right [Music] come here okay go cookie come on up here [Music] quickly run run go why don't we ever come back down here no maybe because we thought someone was here just run just run Sean how are you even back please oh my God there's not much explaining okay guys um you need to follow me to my new home quickly okay hmm I haven't finished too many of them that knew where I was go but we came over to where you were yeah I know that's not really my place Chris wire what is this place just keep going there's not much time where's my oh my God oh I'm never doing that ever again oh vegetables explain to me what the hell just happened there I don't know I was okay so let me explain what just happened I was there maybe a week ago trying to break break through the rocks and so I decided to take a little break and find more Harvest than tools so I could and it could help me breaking faster and then the next minute after I take a bite of a sandwich I decide to go down there and start farming again and then I see it's open so I decided to go down there and then I find you guys about to get killed but first this isn't a really good hiding spot yeah I know I don't really have anywhere else since they know where my actual house is yeah I remember the last time we were here remember the last time like I did say the infection is getting worse anymore no no how's that guy okay he's not I don't think he's getting back up okay I got him I got him what the hell is it okay first off who is this uh he was in he was trapped in caves what yeah when it blocked off about 20 years ago now he was trapped there turn off your headlight was there anyone else or was it just him uh that was two of uh the two uh other people who sadly when the when it opened it got infected so uh it's just him now few weeks well not a few weeks what do you mean don't move I I know these guys like the back of my hand if you move if you move they will hear you if you talk they won't hear you so just keep talking as much as you can no no so you said don't talk basically I mean talk just don't move no one move okay stay in the place you're in right now okay but seriously we need to stop this infection it's getting worse might be dangerous don't you can't hear us just no one move we gotta get out of here quick holy [ __ ] I'm gonna die walk slowly walk slowly if you walk slowly you won't know okay okay we're getting out here go uh yeah what the hell run why the hell did he do that I don't know he probably he was trapped there for 20 years he's crazy okay yeah let's just go great so now we don't know anyone else apart from us that survivors great he's great I mean are we at least we're alive yeah I guess but still it's not good I don't even know if my other brother's alive now well you've got to just find them God you're here come on let's just go come on let's go yo wait let me wash my face off in the rain real quick yeah I think that's better well how do I look fine oh my God what the hell what the hell he saw bar barricade the door where are you no she [ __ ] wait I'm gonna try and knock him out wow that actually oh my God what the hell he won't go back up what the frick how is my house still in one piece uh maybe because uh they probably didn't go back in okay you just came in yeah I'm using this mask this Max this mask is gonna knock him out hello is anybody there wait it's not my little brother Sebastian Frick your Sean wait it's not you wait wait let me knock this guy out why the hell do you look like a zombie well I'm gonna grab him and come over here no what I'm not a zombie Sebastian what happened to you oh I forgot he painted himself fully pink I don't really know why he did that are you an idiot where have you been bro you never texted me you never came around to my house and we've been worrying about you well only now but like that's because I got reminded I do behind you oh my God okay dude don't worry I'll help them yeah we need this isn't wait wait put them inside here I'll protect you guys I'll protect you guys come inside here put them inside here I'll protect you guys get out wait no um let's go JJ never do that again okay never do that again okay oh God I know another place and I think that's it never paint yourself that color ever again all right because I don't even know if you are infected or not that time all right come down Sebastian why did you not text me come around to my house maybe like where were you this all the time I was hiding somewhere I can't tell man you're an idiot he's not talking about it's called you uh what was that what do you mean hello three two one go okay wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait what are you guys doing in my house what are you on about wait you're not infected no dude I've been living here trying to like hide from the infection this whole time you have yeah wait you're the hold on I've met you before wait you're the shop owner oh yeah I I dude my house has been destroyed and everything I've just been hiding up here for 20 years so 20 years this infection's only been gone for like a month shut up he's going crazy he's going crazy all right guys we need to stop this infection now I'm pretty sure we're like the only four people left but we got okay just ever listen up here's the plan what we're gonna do is tomorrow morning we're gonna go look for the scientist because he's still alive I'm pretty sure once we find them we're gonna get answers from them if we get answers from them we're gonna stop the infection because he has a cure for the infection but he won't give it to anyone we need to go to him personally and get it off him okay once we do that we can stop all this infection and go back to our normal lives okay Aaron put your hand in on three oh well right now one two three let's stop this yes let's go all right okay let's go guys all right so everyone everyone go get a good night's sleep and I'll see you guys tomorrow morning what was that what was that sweet guys foreign
Channel: Al3xand3r
Views: 4,814
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 27min 3sec (1623 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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