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all right I've beaten doors dozens of times tried countless challenges but today I'm gonna play doors with 12 people we're gonna try and get enough people through that we break the cut scene at the end of the game this game is not suited for over four players your experience may be problematic and you have been warned yes oh I am excited hey everyone it's your friend Thinknoodles and welcome back Lobby in Roblox doors now it's only gonna stay that way for a very short period of time but you might notice that all of these elevators okay I had I didn't even see there's always so much chaos going on in this Lobby that I never even noticed this little Screech up here dude what are doing man anyway I am on a private server and that is why all of these elevators allow up to 12 people and yes guys that's 12 people it gave this is gonna be absolute chaos but before I let everyone in I do need your help in getting to 10 million subscribers we have just hit 9 million we're accelerating and I need you to subscribe but right now you can always unsub later if you make my videos after I hit 10 million and you might be asking what's in it for me well one great videos but two uh once I hit 10 million I will never ask you guys to subscribe again so if you subscribe now you'll get me to shut up about it also grab for buying Roblox premium star code noodles don't forget to like the video uh starco noodles help support my channel and Roblox literally has to give me Roblox every time you buy them and you guys can get these 12 player games yourselves up private servers are free so it doesn't even cost you Robux Let's uh generate a private server link here I yep and let's go ahead and tweet it out and see if anyone comes hey guys wanna play 12 player doors with me bam okay yup wow that was quick but the first one the second one the third one there we go hi guys it just says yes they're responding to the Tweet inside of Roblox or maybe yes like yes I got in oh look at that we got another a1000 in here let's go so uh this is gonna be absolute chaos because with 12 players the rooms don't spawn with 12 closets so the first Rush is going to crush all right not so peaceful the lobby anymore is it let's go uh right here one two three four let's go this game is not suited for over four players your experience may be problematic you have been warned yes oh I am excited so uh the challenge today is to beat it on 12 player mode I don't know how hard it's gonna be because I've literally never done this before and I uh I think it's gonna really be rough but we're gonna have like oh geez okay I better turn on voice chat uh the players are bad big tdlc Breakers dark with thermal Gerald the coward chew yeah me win Sky Run the snow and ninja Gooch I think only uh oh no we got 11. so uh did I miss someone there I don't know we got 11 out of 12. oh my goodness all right you want to be in front uh there's nope oh geez I'm going okay I'm out I'm out I'm not even looking at doors dude we just gotta survive let's go let's go you gotta be quick uh wow okay are we gonna get anything nope nope holy cow so people know you gotta rush because uh you wanna be one of the people like you gotta be one of like the three or four people oh boy four people front or you're not you're not gonna be able to hide I may like when we hear rush I am going to use vitamins because oh my goodness I can't see oh I'm inside of looks like a 90 or something okay there's eyes I didn't even hear it spawn so let's see if eyes took anybody nope everyone's I don't even know where we are oh no okay we've got a big room here where people like I don't that's it I'm out of here dude they're not even trying okay all right should I lock pick or should I wait no I'm Gonna Save the lock pick who got it who got it who got it there we go bam I'm going I'm going I'm going go straight ah there we go thanks for that oh another big room there's nothing dude is it uh oh it's Keen okay so we can we can probably hit a few oh no did they no that's just regular oh my God oh they're going they're going go go go go go go go they're just like yo someone said wait so I appreciate that but uh okay this is where it's a problem all right I'm going I'm going dude this is mine all right get ready let's see let's see how many people survived the first Rush okay let's see what we got okay we got one whoa no no no no don't use those you idiot okay we got one all right fly high uh anyone else did we lose anyone else I did not mean to use that second vitamin I'm gonna need that wow Rush only got one person oh guys we're gonna get avoid it wow rush you suck so uh like basically I think we started 11. so 10 uh so nine people were able to hide before rush got to know that's nuts you suck Rush this will be difficult but we can do this team yeah it's gonna be tough especially like with an ambush gotta keep it this is like Mega speed run for your life I didn't not that one definitely not that one oh skeleton key nice yes that was a good find right there dude saw that so when it went if or when he dies we need to make sure to grab that and hopefully he doesn't like die on seek or on uh on figure okay find yourself a place I'm in okay this is like musical chairs you guys okay and the thing that sucks as soon as you like you want to get in early but not too early because then he'll get you did we did everyone make it no no way what holy cat oh come on okay no no we got two all right oh we got three fly high okay so today oh oh well everybody picked up the stuff I think I don't know what y'all get did you get it okay so yeah that was one oh wait I think somebody revived oh but they took all his stuff you guys you should left him his stuff man poor guy okay I'm seeing flickering um oh my goodness yo I thought you were an entity what the Bro all right God's seek that guy just spawned right in front of me five coins that's how like chaotic this is I can't believe we've got this many people through stuff I thought we would have lost so many more people all right let's do it now I'm not gonna use oh he's gonna put his head right in your butt he's like so dead on mobile okay is it harder on mobile I'm not actually gosh I should do that right like uh trying like a sort of a challenge to play doors on mobile because I really literally have it I mean I died on purpose on my wife's account on a mobile but I've actually never tried to beat it up I don't know how it would do to be honest I mean I would know what to do but like I don't know I'm just terrible with tablets all right let's see what we got uh anybody die no most everyone made it through I can't even say fly high because I don't oh did anybody get it I got no Crouch button oh no oh yeah so the guy who respawned that's like a that's a um that's a glitch on oh man this is annoying we've gotta like do paintings with eyes here um but yeah that's that's a glitch on mobile when you revive you lose wow that's quick you lose your Crouch pluck this guy's an art Thief I knew there'd be one okay he's still got the skeleton key so I mean depending on spawn we could we could do 12 players in a zero zero zero right door 50 with about let's see if I can count one two three four five six seven do we have eight players I think four five six seven and eight yeah me I make eight let's let's go dude we gotta do a well for 12 players yeah now the question is this is this can be bad because it just takes one person to be running around standing up and and then like okay uh and then he'll they'll draw the figure to you and then you're done holy cow we already got all eight uh uh bigger figure figure what's he doing what is he doing what you chip it on where is he I don't even see him dude over there no no don't go that way dude okay okay hold up hold up hold up wow they already got okay so he's like he's glitched over here let's bro what are you okay he's going that way obviously oh geez they opened it I gotta go holy cow holy cow holy cow holy cow okay don't go in yet guys okay we're going in we're going in all right oh come on come on you got this dude GG let's go I'm I don't know why I'm running backwards okay be good we good is that a little bit on your shoulder never mind I think I'm seeing things can anyone afford anything oh look we could have gotten a second skeleton key but nobody's got any money yes double skeleton now let's see if it was possible would have been possible anybody had any money we got no I need well I could use one lock pick because I need to keep this hold up hold up hold up oh we got 130 oh oh wait figure's burping whoa wait what hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up hold up why was figure burping so late was were they running that much like through Library escaping figure I'm impressed that they lasted that way jeez ow oh ow I hit my mic dude stupid Screech I didn't even hear him so that's what scared me so much dude oh ow oh [Music] no see no not so bad when you do that okay oh man oh no no fly high what happened dude it's Screech I think are we gonna beat this first try like what a crew man okay so it was regular 60. so uh are we doing this are we gonna we can if you guys want like oh dude I've only got one lock pick though so so do we keep going or rooms wait they're saying no no I don't want the pain uh okay whoever wants rooms go to the left basement wait they're already gone freak good Lord ah okay DM were nose the Nays have it um we need to move y'all need to slow down Okay so we're doing this everybody's getting the herb let's go dude let's do it let's eat it okay so it's done now the choice has been made how many people are left one two three wait one two three four five six and seven we're still we're still fifty percent you'll where did he what happened to him what happened to him where did he go oh no I think he I think his internet timed out all right so now we're down to six that wasn't a real death all right okay oh geez oh geez okay I'm in okay definitely Rush get in dude all right I think we're okay we got uh everybody good I mean there wasn't nothing looked like enough closets but I'm not sure yeah I think everyone survived geez man this is going surprisingly well uh that that it like makes everyone disappear from your view because otherwise he looks like he's racing him dude we kind of are right hey all right let's see what we got I think everyone made it most everyone uh yeah yeah yeah yeah we're pretty good here I think we're still six let's go we might actually beat it with more players than you can have in a normal game that would be pretty impressive oh okay alt that's 100 halt um let me get jump scared by fake yep okay so let's just do this so only one person has to make it through to get us all through I almost you know what I am okay let's back up okay come on come on come on okay let's go I'm gonna race through with vitamins I should have waited until I was moving forward because I moved back to the park but oh my goodness I'm so cold okay that was really not helpful thought I was going to get a lot closer to the others okay come on come on I can get this okay there's someone fighting right about it how many how many made it nice all right we got we got everyone nice uh okay guys get in your closet oh my that was quick whoa so immediately like well not okay this is this is bad oh baby I got punched out like oh I got out just one second before dude saved you oh because you went to the dupe door okay I think we're all still oh wait no no wait did we lose somebody we're all uh we might have lost someone that was intense no we got everyone everyone is still alive hey hey all right so we got one two three four five six six players remain nice nice nice okay so yeah let's try and beat it with more players than you can put in a normal game gosh this has been like it's been really fast but really intense and I feel like I haven't no one's got candles no one's got crucifixed and there are limited number of closets here uh and like I couldn't even address because we're just moving so fast that it was halt one room then rush like one right after the other all right so he's got the candle this is the man we want to watch right here okay let's start with eyes it's good that's good okay somebody snared okay next door where's our guy okay where's our guy what's our guy oh okay I'm not oh geez he's moving either like yep that's what I was afraid of there's candle guy he might have just gotten flipped okay you good oh no fly high bro fly high dude okay he was saying it was gonna be hard for him because he's on mobile okay I got candle so we're down to oh no no we got another one dang okay go away uh We've oh geez so we're we're losing people left and right we might be down to three now okay out you all right oh man you all right okay let's go come on let's go let's go okay wait is it just two of us now no there's one person back there there's three okay three would be the most people I've ever beat indoors with I've only ever beaten it with one other person alive I think this will be a lot easier now you all ready okay let's go okay it's eyes it's eyes and and brush I had to hide again because like it's far away and I did not want to get punched bumped out okay yeah here we go all right we got three still okay handles out candles out candles out okay it's just Screech the Screech Screech get in okay we all pretty good I think all good all good yes let's go I steal it and okay there's a candle there handles lit all right we're all good here we go 99. let's go whoa let's go all right let's do this my candle ran out okay ah we're on Main so I have to use the lock pick as you guys know bam baby open all right let's go get her open oh all right let's go the right direction guys don't go the wrong way we got three people actually I take it back I think we've beaten forever it like in the elevator before oh he got the sitting spot there we go Juju so we started with 12 we ended up with three I wonder what it looks like when there's 12 people in the elevator can 12 even fit here we'll have to try this again on stream just to see what it looks like with a full elevator I don't know if we ever could but like I know there's spots for four I'd love to see like six or eight or well obviously well there it is guys we just beat doors with 12 people first try what a team [Music] oh the cutscene breaks if there are 12. if the cutscene breaks if there are more than four I wanted to see that do you guys you guys want to see that you guys want to see that let's see okay we'll give it another round because that was like so easy let's do one more round with uh with 12 people and see if we can break the cutscene we gotta get more than four all right let's try again let's yes I want to see a break I love that red sign all right so we've got ygc Arthur pghl cam dark with eternal foreign just like that huh wanna do that I'm like a known at the same time I'm gonna do it anyway they're gonna keep running ahead okay you're ready for Rush you kidding me y'all need to slow down for a second here oh geez okay oh it was a good thing to be behind um because I was I there there was oh my goodness it gives you so much time a lot of time or hide right there too all right did we did everyone survive let me go look here first okay hey you know what I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna get us a crucifix man because I've already got 150 which is a lot in a 12 player run did anyone die I don't even know man wait I don't even know where you guys are oh no fly high dude wait how many are left are we wait oh wow where did everyone go I didn't even see their bodies um it's gonna hide over here y'all do whatever you're gonna do but I'm gonna hide here yeah let's see what we ended up with I didn't take up any space for anybody everybody good slow down guys because you could like spawn one and then and then we're gonna have a difficult time hiding you know two see this is what I was what I was saying guys they spawned one think we spawned one yep okay definitely spawned one I'm getting bed okay right oh geez go go go go everybody get one okay I don't know if anybody got that one that that one was uh a safe spot but I don't know if anybody went through this one because it's actually hard to see that when we're coming through the door oh candle look they missed the candle ah good thing I was looking guys y'all forget something huh come on we got all these people and nobody saw the candle huh so one two three four okay we all cut we kind of have to everybody has to survive these all right how many we got we got enough eyes okay they got three [Applause] [Music] nice all right let's go team is everyone stay alive here because this is where we can if we drop under four then it ruins it and then we have to well we'll have to beat it and then again let's go everybody here whoa let's go nice perfect all right Jeff giving my crucifix my man bam all right I will save you guys [Music] gobbling around out there don't be alarmed dude I guys gotta eat let me uh tip the man because I actually have the money for it now oh go backwards I'm gonna go all the way back to here that way people we can do our best to survive dang yeah bro Rush gosh he took so long to come all right so we still we still have uh five so we can still be done oh actually there's more people spectating but uh we still have five alive that's exactly how many we need are you okay she's going for it oh geez oh geez I should have used the crucifix was there a place for her to hide yeah GG she did it she made it okay we're still five five number five is alive okay how many one okay we're still here we still got five yep he's like use crucifix thank you bye okay okay I'm gonna wait a little bit maybe I waited almost too long there bro what's up what what was that dude I was in closet he went by I got out then he he punched me her too what no fair ah that is so cheap all right no I do not have a revive I already used it for that for that getting punched out before all right let's go all right we got Gabriella nitron epic player real hey it's a danger pants Max rebam up at Master 81 not leak again uh ocean gamer uh run the snow and ninja good and uh she had the exact same experience I did uh it looks like oh it was only 11 out of 12. okay okay let's go which way it's this side right here hide hide okay oh oh how did they die behind me ow yo rip holy we just lost a ton of people holy cow don't get my stuff he's gonna oh my oh uh how many no no um so we one two three four there's a lighter over here that was a lot of people dude and I don't know I like so uh the place that I hide you saw they were hiding right next to me you gotta hide up next to that bookshelf you gotta you gotta hug that bookshelf even though you're on that side because obviously that yeah exactly all right everybody find your closets okay here he comes all right you don't have principles yet he's got long runs because uh they went kind of far ahead to get their um to get their closets really long oh he's done okay let's see how what did we end up with oh no why High oh man yo ow ow ow ow ow that's a lot of people what do we got left how many we got there's just five oh no that okay all right we can stop we can still do this okay another six six oh no no you lost one oh no no right is that ah no it's done okay we got Samuel door stand 2778 any epic player real fans to dancing pants Hobbit Master name not League clerk day run the snow and I can't see the person underneath there why can't I see that person there's a person down here I can't see them all right so hold on wait for each other guys okay all right here we go got it okay okay awesome let's go all right now we can do this this person's down here I don't know what they're doing okay all right they're listening they're listening okay we're back okay let's go wait wait they just took off uh no it's not me it's it's it's I want everyone to survive it's not about me surviving it's about everyone surviving oh okay nice all right yes okay so this is the guy this is our crucifix man okay he's good wow he's got he's got 250 on Door Nine I wonder if it scales up the money okay he's got the okay so he's our candle and crucifix guy yeah Russian okay okay I'm a good one I'ma going there we go all right nice that was good that the rooms that we got I think we bought everyone might have survived everyone good no oh no fly high okay a lot of people survived because there were a ton of closets uh because it gave us a closet room which was really good oh got in too early oh no yeah so that's the thing like when you're playing with a server this big rush is super delayed so you kind of like want to claim your closet and then jump out of your closet uh so that you can get in when he's closer because he is quite delayed if you use your usual timing you're probably gonna mess up dude okay you good oh hello guys guys you did that a bit early man he's already on door 52. come on holy yes GG do that wow that was amazing oh [Music] dude that was a bit that was that was a play of the game right there man all right this is looking good this is looking real good hold on let me give my man this way just because like I don't know where there's closets ouch all right oh that was the guy who survived all right all right holy guys new oh no oh okay I got voided oh I was good I was just checking on his stuff all right okay double voided okay okay we're good we're good we're still okay we're still okay hold up hold up we got two more we got two more slow down oh Hospital nice oh no guys slow down so we have to survive let's see uh uh and we're like we're still like eight or nine vitamins you're so far ahead dude you were even ahead of me you're doing great I'm not sure why you did vitamins but hey hey let's see let's see come on come on oh he lost somebody he lost a few people okay you look good let's go yeah okay we need to find places to hide like desperately they need to find places to hide no no no I'm in here it's like when you're in the toilet oh oh oh he used it he used it but he used it too late okay three people yeah now Ambush comes next door hurry yeah you're right oh man that's a long run dude jeez come on it's so weird like this no everyone's dying oh I almost died there come on bro you need to stop him one more one more or more come on bro how many okay what do we got holy yo five times what do we got we got four no peek-a-boo wait wait one two three wait are we we don't have enough wow the Carnage oh wait wait look that's five all right we still got it this can still happen just everyone be careful oh bro cut it out oh dude okay oh dang so close all right I keep going it too early man I still have a revive but um a lot of people don't we still got five okay oh nope oh dude ouch everyone died I think all right we got bald Creek oh Lord Ellen deviant uh we've got fourie Max rebam play me not link I got my ALT back the Doge King ninja Goose brain just working WeMo all right and I think that's a full 12. I think yeah okay I have a feeling this one isn't gonna go well I don't want to jinx it but um yeah it's um it's going fast uh and people are just not paying attention we're gonna we're gonna get flickers in a second and I think everyone's gonna get Freedom right here okay this okay let's see what happened first Rush good good everyone uh did everyone survive oh no no no no flat okay so we lost one right there oh my goodness do you hear everybody like eating stuff all right you're good you're good I'm gonna keep going I'm gonna keep going somebody just got right in front of me no oh man I am so sorry oh wow that hurt a lot of people got wrecked hold on there he brought it I didn't even get a tip Jeff yeah hold on no crucifix guys you're already getting doped we're still in here tipping Jeff okay uh flashing don't know if that but it will be now I think yep okay I'm gonna go backwards why did that dude the door closed so they must have gone way ahead oh geez no this is this is this is terrible this is terrible ah it's so hard with so many people all right we got Samuel Nicole Mrs Mary Max free bam D Hobbit Master 81 monkey zukiji something Mr Cat plays guimo Goku and wolf paws lots of animals I see lots of animals oh nice monkey monkey monkey look at that yeah yeah she pulled a uh um a crucifix from the rift that is so good for the team that helps that's amazing that's so helpful because that'll help us when we need it most which is gonna be soon I think this is gonna get bad in a second oh we got lots of closets all right okay I am going to keep okay here we go I'm gonna take this keep going you're good you're good just take your time everyone claim a closet here he comes all right oh no okay can't I can't okay uh which one uh-oh okay oh boy this better be a long way Ah that's lucky all right oh no oh dude all right that was lucky that I chose the right side I didn't know which one it was a 50 50 shot we're still okay still doing good oh they got a skeleton key yo nice all right this could be the run it's looking lucky the door is gods are finally smiling upon this uh-oh this uh large group of people here I don't know which one's real guys what would be this one all right I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry you good no he was right there oh there was somebody else in it so wait one two three oh oh we're doing all right all right all right there's more people than I thought they were just way far ahead I didn't think they were gonna go that fast yo let's go GG all right anybody got enough money to buy that nobody has enough money [Music] yes okay nice nice yeah that was good that was really good that was perfect oh because yeah there was nothing for them I knew that was gonna be bad oh yo this is gonna be a uh this is uh wait what door are we on yeah this is a plant run claim your closets everyone clean the closet all right and somebody might have just gotten no I think we're good I think that was really good nice oh oh no the one who saved us oh no got voided oh man we weren't even that far ahead oh nice the monkey's back let's go so they tried to hide um so monkey tried to hide in the herb room and that doesn't work so if you ever try to decide from Rush uh the herb room is not gonna do it guys where are we at 83 so we're getting there oh he came quick well I don't like seeing his face pop out there okay all right everybody hey hey the door just stupid oh great stupid thing just popping my face like the doors shut in my face that was horrible all right so we've got less greenhouse rimskies because we had some early Greenhouse we'll survive no monkey no oh geez I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead unless okay there we go come on how many we got out stupid I need to how are we doing wow they are way way way ahead can you slow down okay wait wait we got it this is 99. is it we got it let's go we got this guys let's go let's go let's go everyone through yes now we just gotta know what to do wait wait wait hold on I gotta we gotta go lock pick this baby and you got it you got it Goku knows what to do let's go bring this open bam okay now no one die I don't like this what happens now cause I was in the hallway come on I teleport us where are we oh okay done what do you mean done so I'm like what all right everyone go all right oh somebody found it somebody's trying to win on vitamins here you want to win the race I won let's go there we go well it's not really bro oh it's not really broken they just got nowhere to stop so there you go [Music] kind of works they got nowhere to go [Music] you did it we broke the cut seed [Music] there we go oh where are they they're going they're gone not everybody's here now that's inaccurate ah that was tough but like I said in all of my videos I like to have challenges like I and that was a challenge woof it was such a challenge getting everyone to stay together a thanks to uh actually monkey for having uh you know someone use a crucifix at the right time just when we need it and making it through with well actually I think there were six or maybe even seven of us there might have been seven uh more than half the server or at least half the server enough to break the cutscene so you can run around and do dumb stuff like I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys enjoyed playing with me uh make sure to follow me on Roblox follow me on Twitter if you want to get into any of these other private games uh we'll probably be doing uh games like this on streams and I'll see you guys again soon thanks for watching and of course new line
Channel: Thinknoodles
Views: 2,679,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thinknoodles, thinknoodles roblox, roblox, roblox doors, doors new update, roblox doors new update, doors all new ending, doors roblox, doors new update ending, doors new cutscenes, roblox doors update, roblox horror game, doors update, doors update thinknoodles, doors new update crucifix, doors new update gameplay, youtube thinknoodles, thinknoodles doors update, doors shears, shears doors, doors challenge, thinknoodles roblox doors, thinknoodles new doors update
Id: sS2IVgn2kio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 33sec (2613 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 09 2023
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