The Incredible Difference an Extra Atom of Oxygen Makes

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I want to tell you a story a few years ago I was riding my very favorite Appaloosa Joby and we were running as fast as we could and it came time to turn a 90-degree corner onto another gravel road well you can guess what happened we went over on our side and bless his heart he was such a trooper me and the horse slid for a good long ways before we picked ourselves up and limped on home and by the time we got back to the barn we both noticed we were covered in a lot of scrapes and bruises I just want to share in the next few minutes what helped both of us this is such an incredible product stay with us because in the next few minutes we're going to talk about the benefits and blessings of having hydrogen peroxide in your pantry [Music] I only want to recommend products to you that are going to be long-lasting and where you're gonna get a whole lot of bang for your buck I believe in a very simplified form of prepping in that you don't have just hoards and hoards of supplies that you may or may not ever use so take me seriously when I recommend something and today I'm talking about hydrogen peroxide what that is if you're not familiar with it you probably have it in your cabinet already in the bathroom it's one of the simplest and cheapest supplies that you can get so that's wonderful you can usually get almost a quart of it like this at the dollar store for even a dollar or less so get yourself some if you don't have any already you can get it in a 1% solution which is almost too mild to use on a lot of things you can get in in a 3% solution which is most common on what you see here today and is the most safe for for a multitude of uses you can also get it up to 20% and even 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide is something you'll see on the shelves now of course you can always dilute it so if you get that that's great but I would just recommend for your family's safety and ease of use the 3% is just about perfect now let's get into just a couple of the hundreds of ways you can use this product first of all it disinfects but it disinfects in such a gentle way that you're gonna be able to use it on your children scraped knees when they have a bike wreck outside you'll be able to use it on your animals that might have gotten in a fight or some sort of scuffle where they have skin that has started to bleed it will stop minor bleeding but if you have a lot of blood coming out this is not going to help you really need to stop the bleeding before you use hydrogen peroxide on it and also I have heard this and I don't know how true it is but I've heard that it's important for you to use really if you're treating a wound to only use it once because if you use it over and over it will not only kill the bad bacteria but it will start killing the good bacteria so keep that in mind as you use it but it's a very gentle disinfectant you can use it not only on your body but on your surfaces and products around the house so just to get started let's talk about maybe disinfecting our toothbrush which is great to do once a week or once a month go ahead and just douse it in a little bit of 3% hydrogen peroxide it cleanses your any kind of makeup brushes that you use on your face so that they will be safe to use continually and not help facilitate more bacteria that would get on your face it's also useful on surfaces so whether you're in the bathroom or the kitchen or anywhere in the house you can disinfect the surface just by wiping it down with a little bit of warm water and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide it also cleans stainless steel and the Friends of your refrigerator and your appliances and things like that also in the kitchen you'll find that it's perfect for disinfecting that sponge or dish rag that you've been using to wipe off the counters and dishes with also cutting board surfaces you know how they get grooved just from the very first time you use a knife on them and you always wonder if you've got them disinfected or clean enough well the simple thing that you need to do is just pour a little hydrogen peroxide over the surface of that and it will take any of that guy bacteria off your cutting board let me also say this it's fantastic for cleaning vegetables this doesn't replace the need for using apple cider vinegar to get that wax coating off of the outside of the cucumbers and other vegetables that you get at the store but if you have gotten a non-gmo product that might have had chemicals sprayed on the outside of those fruits or vegetables since this kind of is a detoxification of those it's good to go ahead and wipe them down with this or soak them in it for about 20 minutes just a dilution of water and hydrogen peroxide and it's going to kind of take out any of those chemicals that have been sprayed on the outside this is what I've heard I am NOT a scientist to prove it but I do think it's worthwhile to try because you can't always get organic vegetables and fruits that haven't been sprayed with something so I love doing this to all of mine before I eat them you can use it on your toilets on your mirrors on the surfaces all throughout the house including the shower and even the shower curtain I love this it kills mold and mildew so all of that grimy build-up that you get in the shower and bathtub not only is it going to disinfect but it's going to get rid of all the mildew that would grow even like on your shower curtain this is the perfect thing to treat it with so it kills mold if you've got someplace in your house that has not been attended to that might have had some water get in and started a little bit of mold growing you know that you can also treat that with apple cider vinegar but this hydrogen peroxide is perfect for treating that it's so interesting that this can do this many things let me just say what what is happening here hydrogen peroxide is h2o to we know that water is h2o so really all this is is just one extra little oxygen atom that is attached to it that's making all the difference now it is a rather unstable connection so if you leave the lid off just to know that yes it's going to eventually turn back into water in fact let me say this right now if you need to test if this is good or not keep in mind that you can always just pour a little down the sink and listen for that fizz and when that happens you know okay it's still a good product it hasn't turned into water but once you open it and break the seal you're going to you're gonna have a nice little metal seal on here when you get it initially but once you break that seal it's only got about a six month shelf life so be prepared and it might even be a good idea to mark right on there the date that you opened it or the date that you need to use it by once you've broken that seal so you know that you've got a time limit before you can use the product also when you purchase it I would say this reach to the very back of the shelf and get the best bottle has the longest furthest out date because it's gonna have an expiration date that might be hard to read but find it on there somewhere the expiration date should really be about three years out that's as long as a hydrogen peroxide can hold on in these nice dark plastic generally plastic bottles that you're going to get it in so look for the very farthest out date because three years is really as long as you can expect from it let me tell you about a really quick and super easy way to make a homemade version of OxiClean we all know how wonderful that product is but OxiClean is going to be perfect for treating anything that has kind of a protein in it so cat urine bloods wine stains anything like that in both your upholstery or your carpet or your clothing this is going to treat and the way I make it is with one cup of water one cup of baking soda and 1 cup of hydrogen peroxide you'll stir those together and I'll put that recipe down below but I will say this a lot of people make it with 2 cups of water so I'll leave it up to you I just like mine as strong as I can get it and it seems to work great with just an equal parts of one one and one water hydrogen peroxide and baking soda you stir that up really good and then you just treat whatever stain you've got on the clothing let it sit for about 15 minutes and then launder it keep in mind this is also good at bleaching things so you don't want to let it set overnight before you get to doing the laundry also if you have a washing machine or dishwasher where you've got one of those rubber gaskets around the door that get kind of moldy and mildewy well just run some of this through the next batch and you'll be amazed at how that can take care of that quick as a week now let's talk about a few things that you would do with it on your body and for health and beauty I love this you probably remember back as a teenager when you might have bleached your hair with this because it does bleach your hair it also is fantastic for bleaching your nail just by soaking them in some hydrogen peroxide if they've gotten all kind of yellowed this will bring them back to a nice white and pink color it also is great for a debriding agent or a agent to make your teeth white so it's going to kill the bacteria in your mouth so not only can you wash your toothbrush with it like I said earlier to disinfect it you can also gargle with it if you have a sore throat you can use it as a mouthwash you can put it in a toothpaste which incidentally the toothpaste is just made with hydrogen peroxide baking soda and a little bit of essential oil like peppermint or something like that you might put a little stevia in it I like a little stevia in mine but that makes a perfect toothpaste that's also whitening for your teeth it's useful for detoxing so you can use it on your skin like a toner it's fantastic for acne and eczema and any kind of boils that you might have on your skin whiteheads blackheads this is perfect for treating them in a mild and gentle way to get any of that bad bacteria out it's just a fantastic product all the way around it freshens your breath which is wonderful and people say that it freshens up for a whole 24 hours I don't believe that but you can test it and see for yourself if it does it also is fantastic if you have either an ear infection or a sinus infection or just clogged up ears you can put a few drops in your ears and let it set and then wash it out with warm water and that'll get all the earwax loose which is fantastic it also gets all that bad bacteria out so if you have an ear infection it's fantastic for clearing that some people like to put it in their humidifier when they're sick so that they're breathing in that little extra atom of oxygen and it helps clear out the bacteria of their sickness some people even make a spray sort of like nasal I'd that they squirt up their nose I have never tried that and I am NOT a doctor so I'm not recommend but there are folks that do it and say that it's amazing for them it also cures athlete's foot and any kind of fungus that you have grow anywhere on your body like athlete's foot it takes care of it in a beautiful way it also helps with inflammation just like on your skin with that eczema that I mentioned it takes and reduces the size of pores and it pulls in kind of constricts the blood vessels just a little bit so if there's any kind of feminine itching or hemorrhoids that you have this is fantastic for treating those as well now I haven't even touched on all the ways that you can use this on your body and in your home I want us to now go out to the garden and use it in a couple of ways that are just incredible so stay with us for that but keep in mind that I am NOT a doctor or a scientist so if you need to see a professional to get advice that is important to verify please see a professional don't just take my word for it do your research and talk to people who are very much in the know with all the scientific data behind them it's almost spring here and to get the seeds started one of the most common things a lot of us do is go ahead and tuck a few seeds in a wet paper towel that's folded over in a nice little plastic bag and lay it on our windowsill you probably did this in grade school if you don't do it now as an adult but it gives them a kickstart and yet if you remember so many times the seeds get a little bit moldy before they sprout or they might sprout but have mold growing on them at the same time and you have to throw out some of them well if you'll put just a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in there with it you're going to notice that it takes care of any bit of that and they seem to sprout quickly now this is part of the miracle when rain passes through the ozone it's sometimes not always but sometimes picks up an extra atom of oxygen so what happens when it falls to the earth is kind of a loose version of hydrogen peroxide that's why rainwater is so fantastic for helping your garden grow better than any chlorinated water that comes from your spigot from the city supply so if you need to replicate as close to rainwater as possible you might go ahead and put a little bit of hydrogen peroxide in with the water that you're watering your plants in the garden with not only is it going to take care of any mold or mildew that might be growing but also it's going to kind of replicate that rain water and give them a boost that helps them grow faster and get started faster isn't that amazing okay I'll stop you've heard a whole lot of good reasons but there are probably a hundred more I haven't mentioned so will you take the time to share how you use hydrogen peroxide in your home or around your homestead I would love to hear how you're using it I'll see you again next week and until then will you take the time to subscribe and hit that bell and share this with someone you love but go out and intentionally make it a point to be a blessing to someone today [Music] [Applause] if you find scripture offensive you're more than welcome to leave the video now but for the rest of you I have this beautiful blessing that's available to us at the end of the book of Romans chapter 16 the very last words Paul wrote were this now to him who is able to strengthen you according to my gospel and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery that has been kept secret for long ages but has now been disclosed and through the prophetic writings has been made known to all nations according to the command of the eternal God to bring about the obedience of faith to the only wise God be glory for evermore through Jesus Christ amen [Music] [Music] you
Views: 73,910
Rating: 4.9329777 out of 5
Keywords: Survival, Homesteading, Prepping, Preppers, prepsteaders, wisdom creek, H2o2, Hydrogen Peroxide, Peroxide, Pantry, Emergency Medical
Id: _zHihqPGbmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 14 2019
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