The IMPOSSIBLE QUIZ Challenge (Fail) Sibling Tag | Collins Key vs Devan Key

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What's up it's Collins Key! And welcome to the thursday vlog! In today's video is going to be the most challenging video I have ever done, so I can't do it alone, I need someone to help me out, my little brother Devan Key. [BOTH] aye! Here we go What's up? So today Devan and I are going to be doing The Impossible Quiz. So basically how it works, it's an impossible quiz, you guys can follow along when we try to figure it out. It's probably not possible. - There is no way. I also wanted to let you guys know that I will be doing a give-away on my channel right now. I'm giving away a MacBook. If you guys want to enter in - All you gotta do is like this video. - What else? - Subscribe to his channel, and comment what your favorite video is of Collins'. Got it, bro! - So without any further ado. Right now let's jump into this and it's The Impossible Quiz. Let's get to it. Alright guys, let's begin. [PARP] Hahaha! We're off to a great start this is super mature. - I laughed at that, I did, I laughed at that. - The Impossible Quiz. Instructions, credits. - Start dude. - We'll start, okay. - We don't want no instructions. [ZOOP] - Geeze. - How many holes in a polo? - I think they're talking about a polo shirt, 'cause then if it's a polo shirt it's four holes. You have one hole here, one two, and then you have this hole. - Alright, try four, let's try it. - Oh God, I don't know. Okay. (ding) (cheers) - Alright cool, we're doing good. Can a match box? - No but a tin can. [PING] YAY HAHA! - What? [:/] - Answer this question backwards. - Yo, I'm glad I've got -- - K.O [PING Yeah, turn up! - Click the answer. Oh snap! (ding) Dude we are killing this. - Yeah we're doing pretty good. - We are killing this challenge. - Put your mouse here. - Put your mouse on here. - Can you hop the mouse? I want to try this. [POOOF] HAHA Apparently not. - Go outside of it. Can you go around it? - Oh! Changing up the game. [PING] - Nice! - Onion? - Onion. I don't even understand this one. - A carrot maybe? I don't know. - Why would it be a carrot? - I have no idea. - What is shallots? - Shallots, we'll give it a shot. What?! Woah! Oh okay. - The answer is really big. I guess all kind of apply to this. - The answer is -- [POOF] No. - It's super loud too, it's scary as well. Is it an elephant? Try an elephant. [PING] - Oh, what? - Search. Oh, okay there we go we got little things popping up. No way! - No way! Oh a little sad face. - A little sad face. - That's sad. - You're never gonna search for this thing Devan. Don't click it! - No no, I'm just looking at all -- - No chance. Yeah! Oh, yeah! - What was the question to answer 2? Or what was the answer to question 2? - Do you remember it? What was question 2? Question one was about -- - It was four. Right? - Wait, whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa! - Question 2 was the polo, right? - Oh yeah! It was four, yeah! [DING] [POOOF] Oh no! - Darn it. - We lost. - Yeah we did really. Alright, try again. - And now I literally just forgot what number two was. - I did too. What was number two? - We literally just went through it again and now I totally forgot what it is. - It was a polo. - It went with a polo. What was number two? Oh man! - Oh man! No a tin can! [PING] Yay! Choose food? Oh! I get it. Choose like it chews food. [PING] Ohh [ZOOP] [POOB] Whoa... What was that? - What was that? Hahahaha! Oh we got a thing. Oh okay. - What follows December 2nd? - What is this? Oh skip! - Oh no, don't skip it. - Let's not use it, okay. - What follows December 2nd? - December 3rd, n, a question mark. - A question mark. I feel like they would want us to do that so let's try it.[POOF] Dang it! - I'm gonna go with n. - Why? - I don't know because 'cause 2nd, or 3rd, I don't know but we'll try it. YAY! - I don't know why it worked, it was just random. Hahahha! - Click the smallest. [PING] - Dude! What sound does a bell make? Whoop, F'TAANG! Blip-blop-bloop-blang-blanga-blo-woof-wuff. - It has to be F'taang. - No. - There's no other way. - No it's this one here, I'm sure. - No. - Yes! That's what sound a bell makes, I promise. - It can't be. [POOF] - No! Alright, I don't know, is it F'taang? - It's gotta be. What else --f'taang? yay! - Alright, we're down to one life I'm getting kinda nervous. - What can you put in a bucket to make it lighter? - A hole, 'cause then whatevers in the bucket will fall out, or the bucket just becomes lighter even of itself. - Okay. [POOF] [AHHH] - Okay, we're going for this again. - So it could be a torch because -- - It would make it a lighter. - If you light the torch then it burns. - Let's give it a shot. Torch? [PING] YAY! - Neigh whinny. Sorry no skipping. It's a horse, right? What do you do? Do you click on the horse? - Don't click anything. - No I think it's a horse. I think you just put in horse. [KK] [KK] [KKK] [KKK] [KKK] YAY! - Alright well this thing is not so impossible. - What is the 7th letter? - A, B, C, D, E, F, G - Oh, wait a second. [POOOF] Uhh...? - Do you want to just try one, like H or something? - Go for it man. [PING] YAY! Hahahahahaha. - What? That makes no sense. 27 minus 7... Walrus. I'm gonna go for walrus because I don't want to do math right now. [poof] [ahhhh] Aw! Shoot! Alright, I guess I learned my lesson. - The only one we haven't done is this one, right? - Yep, let's go for 18. [POOF] What?! We've done literally every answer. - We did try everything, right? - Yeah we tried everything. [SILENCE] Mmmm... [PING] Hahahaha! Oh, hammer time. It's hammer time. - Stop, hammer time. [PING] Hahahahahaha! - Color in the correct order. Boogy. - Oh, B for blue? Try it. - Oh we on track. - Orange. - Oh, orange. - Green. - G is green. And then yellow. Yay! [PING] Deal or no deal? No deal! [POOOF] Sorry. Haha I don't know, what do you think it is? Deal? - I don't know why there's a seal. - No seal. - No seal. - No seal. [POOF] Oh no! What...? - Alright so I think we're down to seal. - I don't know if we did deal. [ZOOP] - It's seal bro! - Alright. - Watch carefully. - Now choose. [PING] - That was easy. - The choice is yours. - One life, one negative life, - One life, negative life, Escape... Plus one skip. - I'm gonna go with plus one skip because that's what I want. [PING] Yay! Save changes to 'untitled.' - No, you never do that. You always title it. - Alright. [POOF] - Except in this case. Cancel? [POOF] No! [PING] Hahaha! - Alright. - We got C and L, - Wait wait, hold on, hold on. So C, L, C, - I, C, - T, I think is the last one. - No, K. So click, click the V. What is this over here though? - Oh lives. - Oh! (surprised) - Got it! Alright. - Nailed it. - How do you kill a werewolf? Question mark. - Shoe polish, black pudding, maybe? - No. - We have one life let's just skip it. We're skipping it. [ping] Which of these places doesn't exist? - Hold on, wait, gotta check. (laughs aloud) Why not just go for the first one? [POOF] [Ahhh] Arghh! Oh! So I think it's this one here. I'm just gonna go with this one. [ping] yay - What? - I hope you've been paying attention to the question numbers. Oh my gosh what number are we on? - Oh no! - Shoot! [ping] yay - What was it? - 28. - 28, yeah boy. What is this? It's a ballet thing, it looks like a ballet bun. - Yeah, let's try a ballet bun. (gun shot) - No I think it's abundance. (f'taang) (cheers) it's abundance! I think it's this. - Pork catchings? (gun shot) - Nope! (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (shock and disappointment) It's gotta be egg mayonnaise. - No I bet you it's honey. - Honey? (gun shot) Nope it's egg mayonnaise. (f'taang) Okay, put the mouse on here. Oh gosh not one of these again. - I got this. - You're going so slow. - I'm expecting it to change on me at any moment. - There you go. (surprised) No, don't touch green? (f'taang) (woof, woof, woof) It's this one here, this 3 woofs. (f'taang) Yeah boy! - What are the main ingredients in shampoo? - Cricket crap. (gun shot) Aw! - Wow, it took a second. - Yeah it lagged out. - We have one left so let's a skip. (f'taang) - How many letters are in his hand? His hand is severed which is kinda gross. But, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, - Is not an option. - Seven, eight. Eight or seven, it's eight or seven. (gun shot) Nope, it has to be seven. (f'taang) Yes, seven, okay. Elephants don't like mice. No don't skip! (surprised) Whoa, what was that? - Oh, what? (surprised) (f'taang) (laughter) - So you needed a skip to get that one. If you press this button the game is over, alternatively click this one to carry on. I think they're gonna distract us instead of help us out. - What do you call a wingless fly? - Want to try a flap? - Sure. (gun shot) - No! A walk? (f'taang) (cheers) Can you get this question wrong? No way so that's what I'm going with. (f'taang) (cheers and laughter) - Mary Rose sat on a pin. (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (laughter) It wasn't ahahaha. - No it wasn't, sorry, I thought it was. - Burst her piles. - Want to do that one? - Sure? (gun shot) (disappointment) - O RLY? No! - What? - Is it Mary Rose? Is there something else we're missing here? (f'taang) - I really don't understand that. - I don't get that at all. I don't get this at all. - Oh, what is it maybe? - Do you want to just skip this one? Because we have one life left. I do not want to lose that life. - Alright, go for it. (f'taang) - Put an aw mouse on here shoot! - Don't touch pink. - Don't touch pink. What? - If only you had a bridge. - Wait, be careful we only have one life. - I'm just gonna try to believe. (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (shock and disappointment) - What do you use as a bridge? (gun shot) Oh dude, I got it! If you right-click it, you right-click. (shock and amusement) Oh snap! (clapping and high five) - Oh, bro! (f'taang) (duck quacks) (clapping) - Wing? (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (shock and disappointment) - So it's not wing. - It's the afro, it's gotta be the afro. It's gotta be the afro. - Oh, it has the same color maybe. - Oh yeah, you think that it is -- (f'taang) (cheers) - What is the answer to life? - What is the answer to life? Let's count them all individually. Let's do this. Give us a second guys. - Oh there's five. - There's five? - Yeah, 50. Oh, what the heck I miscounted. - We made a drastic miscalculation in the beginning. - It'll be this one. (f'taang) - There we go, okay we just counted wrong. - Bridget makes everyone... Should we skip it? - Yeah, let's skip it, we only have one live left let's skip it. (f'taang) (laughter) - It's a puzzle so let's do... that up there like that. - Yeah, that might work. Yeah, there we go. - Bam, we making progress people. There I know. (f'taang) (surprise) Oh, be careful on this, we have one life left. We have one skip left, let's just do it. - Alright, let's do it. (f'taang) - Best flash ever. Aw, this is gruesome. (f'taang) (surprise) - What are they doing to my screen? What do I do, do I touch that? (cheers) There we go! - Snake? SNAKE!? SNAAAAKE! - Snake? SNAKE!? SNAAAAKE! It's gotta be that. (f'taang) (cheers) Dude, we got one life left. Let's see if we can make it to 50. Let's see if we can make it to 50 with one life, this is crazy. - Which is the correct spelling? (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (shock and disappointment) - Do you want to skip it? - No no, just try slap. - No, it's not. (f'taang) (cheers) Slapp-me-do Remember blue, red... Do you want to skip this one? - Sure. - We have one life left so I don't want to waste it on that. (f'taang) (fighting sounds) I like this one. (glass breaks) (cheering crowd) (f'taang) - Carrot. - You got that one right, I was proud of you. - I've seen a carrot before. (f'taang) (f'taang) - Shanghai. Never been. (f'taang) (clock ticking) - A series of organs designed to break down food... (gun shot) (shock) (zipper) (surprise) - Yes I made it through barely! It was the one up there. (splash) I hope you remember. It's this one here. (f'taang, gun shot, scream) - Alright so we're going to start with blue. Blue, red, blue, yellow. Can you find it? - There we go. (f'taang) (cheers) - Look Count Dracula. ERM... ONE? - ERM... ONE? - He's a sexy one. Sorry I prefer lemurs. - Interesting. (f'taang) (cheers) Alright, here's what we're doing Devan, let's make this interesting. This will be our final round. We've got four skips, three lives, let's see how far we can get. We're at 58 right now, let's do it. - We're focused. - We're in the game, this is the final round. - I wish you hadn't said that. - It's gotta be sheperd's pie, just 'cause. - Is it? (f'taang) (cheers) - Oh no! (clock ticking) - Charge up laser. - How do you charge up a laser? (clock ticking) How do you charge up a laser? (anxious screams) (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (shock and disappointment) What just happened? (screams of anxiousness) (screams of excitement) (cheers) Bro! (laughter) I'm so sorry. - On my birthday! - I just smacked him in the face! Be honest, did you manage to do that last question on your first go? - No. (f'taang) (cheers) - Yeah, it's true we didn't. - Wait, he only has three fingers. (f'taang) (cheers) - Thimple and click the moth. - It'th thimple. - Click the moth. - It's moss, that's moss. (f'taang) (cheers) Bro! - You smart! - What are chicken -- - Nuggets made of. Not 100% chicken. That's not true. I'm gonna go with tasteless white filth. - No bro, I don't know. - It's that one, it's gotta be. (f'taang) (cheers) - What if it is egg is greater than 28? - I don't think it's worth it though. We're gonna hit some questions coming up where we're not going to be able to skip so we might as well keep our lives for those. - Okay. (f'taang) - Click the largest. - Click the largest. - I feel like this one's the largest. (gun shot) - No, it was this one. (surprised) We skipping bro, we are skipping. (f'taang) (meteors falling) Wait, hurry up it's the end of the world. Australia Armageddon Australia! (f'taang, gun shot, scream) (shock and disappointment) Well I guess guys it's the end of the world and also it's the end of this video. So if you guys enjoyed it let us know by liking this video. Comment down below how many of them you guys got right and also let us know if you want Devan and I to be testing out even more fun games like this in the future. Love you guys so much, see you again next week. Bye - Bye (snaps fingers)
Channel: Collins Key
Views: 17,323,945
Rating: 4.923111 out of 5
Keywords: quiz, impossible, impossible quiz, game, challenge, anger, let's play, game theory, rage, funny, gameplay, games, walkthrough, lets play, playthrough, mods, alpha, rooster teeth, achievement, commentary, gaming, rt, pewdiepie, ah, funhaus, vs, achievement hunter, fail, collins key, collins, key, siblings, sibling, brothers, brother, twin, twins, cute, girlfriend, boyfriend, hot
Id: 6EMVkWKUopg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 11sec (971 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2016
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