The Impossible Levels of Geometry Dash

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ajf412 📅︎︎ May 04 2022 🗫︎ replies
video games can offer a lot more than just a casual playthrough from modding to speedrunning there's tons of ways to enjoy your favorite game sometimes you might even read headlines like speedrunner beats 15 year old world record and you think to yourself why do people care so much about who can beat a video game faster than everyone else well when you truly love a game it's understandable to look for more ways to enjoy it usually when a speedrunner achieves a new mind-blowing record that achievement stands on top of years and years of a community working together to find new strategies glitches and tricks but sometimes it's not about how fast you can beat something but about being able to beat it to begin with [Music] you see over the years something amazing has evolved in the community of geometry dash an almost psychotic craze to constantly push the very limits of what is considered possible geometry dash is a side-scrolling platformer that comes with its very own level editor this means anyone with the right amount of time can sit down and create a user level for the world to play you can find anything from art levels to mini games to whatever this is [Music] wow good job this one goes into the art drawer there you go all of these levels share a common trait however they are meant to be fun and fair to play but there's another kind of level i haven't mentioned yet levels that were made by creators who clearly had no intention of playing by the rules of the game they are creations so hard that if you would ask a player in 2014 if anyone could ever beat any of these they would tell you to stop stiffening glue and get a grip hey dude what's up you see these levels never were meant to be completed to get these levels on the servers the creators obviously had to use cheats or glitches to verify that they have beaten the level at least once this means that those levels never actually were beaten legitimately they probably were made just as a showcase or to flex someone's non-existent skill over the years however something insane happened players realized that maybe just maybe with enough willpower and determination they could beat these levels and what followed was a quest to overcome cheaters and show the world what's possible in this game [Music] before i can show you how we went from this to this i first want to welcome you to the realm of geometry dash in this game your one and only goal is to reach the end of the level without touching the obstacles that come your way this includes ramming into a wall touching spikes getting mauled by gears or my personal favorites all of them at once you control this little shape here which can change into tons of different forms depending on which portal you go through i could spend 15 minutes explaining what all of these different game modes do however i value your sanity so i'll keep it as simple as possible this game comes with 21 base levels that slowly introduce you to all of the game's mechanics but where the game really shines is in the user levels as i explained earlier anyone can create a level filled with whatever their imagination can come up with with this freedom however comes an important decision you can make a fun slow and easily readable level that can be enjoyed by any player or you can choose to make it challenging for more experienced players but what makes certain levels harder than other levels where does the difficulty come from in levels that are considered more easy you have tons of space and room for errors you can jump here without dying you can press these orbs whenever you feel like it which parts you can fly up high or low since there's nothing stopping you from doing so but in hard levels let's say an extreme demon level which by the way is the hardest difficulty a level can receive it's like you're playing in one of those japanese game shows where there's this wall that moves towards you and your only chance of survival is to fit through these gaps just like in that game show this is the main source of difficulty in this game hide lovers will never give you the freedom to choose how to play them there is one set path and it's really really really unforgiving one click with the wrong timing means you fail i mean what looks harder to you this or this back in 2014 this was basically seen as impossible when you have to fly for a tight corridor of spikes the community calls it straight flying straight flying is just one of many techniques that the community has developed over the years to push the limits of difficulty in this game from 2013 to 2022 a lot of things have changed and if you allow me to steal a bit of your time i would love to share the story of how the community overcame the hardest known levels and then push the limits further than anyone could have imagined [Music] geometry dash today is filled with so many amazing levels the community truly has done some amazing things over the years but of all kinds of levels one kind truly stands out it's almost impossible to talk about the game today without mentioning extreme demons at least once these truly are the peak of what a player can beat in this game they seem to invoke a sense of hype in the community no other levels can the insane amount of skill required to beat them gives them a special place in the community so much so that over the years we have created what's known as the official demonist this is a list ranking the hardest possible levels the community knows of if a level appears in his list it means someone took the immense time and effort to go through the pain of beating it legitimately with proof after submitting it the level gets ranked by multiple of the community's best players to try and give it the most accurate plays in the list the list keeps track of 150 of the hardest levels in the game right now today the demon list is not only a place to archive the hardest levels but also a place to marvel at the community's most impressive feats over 4900 players have submitted a record to the list but the community wasn't always that interested in hard levels you see it actually used to be the complete opposite to show what i mean we have to go back to 2013 where players actually disliked levels if they were too hard it's insane how much the community has changed over the years back then the general idea behind levels was a completely different one only a very small handful of people actually focused on creating levels that push the limits of player skill and those levels usually got heavily disliked by the community for being too hard because of this from 2013 to 2014 the highest levels floating around were zones hell series or majeka's theory of demoness these levels featured insane timings for the time mixed with really tight ship gaps and sometimes they would even abuse bugs in the physics engine and include them in the actual gameplay of the level if you consider the fact everyone was playing on their phones to beat these levels it was really impressive for the time a bit too impressive you see if you create your own level in geometry dash and want to upload it to the servers for others to play you need to complete it at least once this is what's called a verification and it's there to avoid levels that are just plain impossible ending up on the servers but just like in real life if there's rules some people will break them as you can imagine this did not stop people from finding ways to upload borderline impossible levels to the servers using things like cheat engine or secret ways it was kind of easy to bypass the security step it was very common back in the day to see heart levels get verified illegitimately this means creators who did this back then basically lied to players claiming that they beat them legitimately but looking back now we basically know there's no way any of these creators beat their own levels the intended way this basically made those levels empty vessels waiting for their first victor [Music] no not you okay and because of this all of these levels were pushed into the same corner in the community they were known as the impossible levels levels like silent club ice carbon diablo x ice carbon zeus they were written off as too insane to even attempt to play because they were cheated but to some people when something is deemed impossible to them it's just another reason to try even harder [Music] the year had just turned 2015 a creator named gboy releases a new level fittingly called cataclysm the level proudly showcased a health theme with its bright red burning colors what made this never stand out so much to me was the first wave section in the beginning this section features the wave game mode but not in a way that players were used to back then the way the wave works is you have to hold your mouse button to ascend in a 45 degree angle what made this part so hard is not only the fact that you have to navigate through these tight gaps but it's also mixed with mini portals this is a portal that turns the player into a mini version of the gamemode they are currently in as a cube you turn into a tiny cube and as a result have way tinier jumps this portal affects every gamemode differently with the most ridiculous example being the wavegame mode it forces the wave to ascend and descend in a way steeper angle it usually does making it extremely hard to control if you think this looks hard maybe you can understand why this was just stupid for the time constantly switching between mini and big wave made this section incredibly difficult and even if you made it through here the next part looks like this back in 2015 when i and many others thought the server was impossible the first wave was the main reason i believed it was if the level had something this hired in the beginning what would the other 90 look like upon release everyone was talking about the level with every skype group chat filled with discussions about how incredibly difficult the level was when it comes to difficulty this was a step above other levels for the time it quickly became known just as another impossible level and what catapulted it into that list was the fact it was almost immediately determined that g-boy had cheated the verification this meant the devil had just turned into another empty vessel with nobody to claim it i was around back then and to me personally it just seemed like the level would slowly fade away like all other impossible levels too hard to even attempt just another showcase of what the theoretical limit to gameplay could be but little did i know that this devil planted a seed that would eventually grow into the biggest level craze to ever touch this game you see five players were actually playing the level their names were gear on david sandstorm zephyr riot and cyclic they didn't care about what the community thought to them it was a personal fight to see how far they could get into the level all five of them showing off their progress on their youtube channels at the time turned this entire thing into a race a race to see who could reach the finest the community noticed this happening all of a sudden a lot of people tuned into streams of them playing and practicing the level with some of them proudly showcasing the personal records in the 60 and 70 range it turns out after thousands of attempts this first wave part could be done semi-consistently with muscle memory this straight flight at 40 was difficult but it wasn't too long so it also could be passed kind of consistently my favorite part has to be this last ship part at 64 the way the music climaxes makes it feel like a real fight to pass these incredibly tight ship gaps thinking about it this level really pushed the limits of the ship game mode for the time the race continued for weeks with everyone reaching records far into the level nobody could believe that people were actually making progress and then out of nowhere over 15 000 attempts in cyclic got this run [Music] huh [Music] to this day this is one of the most influential moments of the entire game's history back in 2015 this was monumental a level so hard it had to be cheated to be verified actually was beaten by someone legit and it wasn't just him on the 14th of march 2015 gear and david became the second ever person to beat cataclysm legit a few days after that riot and sandstorm both beated on the same day it was like a curse had been lifted all of a sudden this level wasn't as impossible as it seemed at first these were the first place to be there and they definitely weren't the last today cataclysm is sitting at spot 325 on the official demon list this means since 2015 324 levels have surpassed its difficulty as someone who was around back then this is astonishing to me over 721 people including myself have beaten cataclysm which goes to show once something is proven to be possible a lot more people are willing to try it just takes this one person to break the ice and in this case it was cyclic him beating cataclysm caused a paradigm shift it made everyone look back at all the other levels that were deemed impossible and see them with a different eye and that's exactly what riot one of the first for victors did after spending over 30 thousand attempts on cataclysm he decided to go a step further [Music] oh my god oh my god this is ice carbon diablo x a level by a mysterious creator who obviously used cheats and secret ways to verify his levels this is why just like cataclysm diablo x was considered an impossible level however it differs a bit from cataclysm it's not the entire level that poses a challenge the main reason it was considered an impossible level was because of these insanely tight mini ship parts and straight flying sections back when it was released in 2014 people didn't have the skill to beat this and this is why it took over a year for someone like riot to come along and finish the entire thing you see riot beat ice carbon diablo x just three days after beating cataclysm in just two weeks the community had beaten the two most legendary demon levels ever this was such an exciting time to be in the community it felt like the roof of jumpty dash was just blown wide open before may 2015 people roughly thought they knew where the skill sealing of the game was but cyclic and riot just took it higher than anyone ever thought it would go i can't state enough how hard it is to beat these levels the immense skill required to not only remember the entire level but to hit all the timings straight fly your ship through these gaps navigate the obnoxiously hard wave sections it's something you don't just learn overnight and i'm really sorry to ruin this but for one of these two players it actually was a bit too good to be true one of them had cheated their success however it is not yet the right time to reveal who the entire community had just experienced the absolute bliss of what an extreme demon level can bring to the game everything about them was exciting watching good players attempt these live on stream quickly became the most popular content in the community this inspired tons of new players to pick up hard levels and get better what followed these events was a quest for perfection who can one-up these insane feats and beat an even harder level and this is where the community came in all of a sudden new levels were popping up everywhere from supersonic to ultimate phase and eventually the next big milestone in player skill a level known as bloodbath after cataclysm and ice carbon diablox were conquered riots decided to lead the push for the next big challenge that would border on the boundaries of what was known to be possible at the time the goal for this level was to go above and beyond the challenge that cataclysm posed and what better way to do this than to get into contact with the original creator of cataclysm and make a spiritual sequel to the level [Music] that is what bloodbath is a level to fill the void above cataclysm since it was considered the hardest level ever beaten the only way to one up the difficulty is to dethrone cataclysm as the hardest level and riots was going to be the one to verify it a creator named rio rio tio gated 11 other creators and together they created a level that visually was set to build upon what cataclysm started the level was finished at the end of june in 2015 this was two months after cataclysm had been first conquered after receiving the finished level riot was allowed to change anything in the gameplay if a part was too easy he would buff it he did this to ensure that the level would just barely scrape on what was thought to be possible at the time if riot was able to verify this it would be without a doubt the hardest level to ever be beaten legitimately in geometry dash so that's what he set out to do riot would begin streaming attempts live on his twitch channel this would mark the beginning of a one and a half month long journey to verify this insane level the level had everything cataclysm had but even harder insanely precise timings stupidly hired in long straight flyer sections ridiculously tight wave gaps and all of that stretched over two minutes of gameplay to say this was a daunting task would be an understatement especially for back then remember how i said cataclysm pushed the limits for the ship game mode well bloodbath is that but on steroids the hardest parts to pass in this level are vermilion's gravity ball michigan's entire part and eza's crazy ship section the reason vermilion's gravity ball is so hard is because these timings are insanely tight what makes it worse is that they aren't even synced to the song so you have to visually predict when to click which looks easy at 0.5 speed but is surprisingly difficult at normal speed the gravity ball by the way is a game mode that changes the gravity of the level upon player input you click and it makes the player fly upwards because the gravity changed michigan's part definitely has a really big impact on how difficult the level is this gameplay gives you no mercy one tiny missed timing and you're a goner by the way this is the ufo game mode it works similar to flappy bird where clicking gives you a tiny jump in the air the hardest part of the devil definitely has to be etsu's part though 79 is infamous for being a run killer you're 80 into this impossible goliath of a level and etzer decides to throw this at you just overall everything in this level wants to kill you which made it pretty obvious from the start that this definitely was harder than cataclysm and by a long shot at that the entire creating team behind this level did an amazing job at creating a spiritual successor to cataclysm after the team was done it was now time for riot to finish the job but something was different this time you see the level being a spiritual successor to cataclysm's legacy carried a lot of weight behind it it quickly spread by word of mouth alone that riot was trying to verify something even harder and people showed up gathering over 1 300 consecutive viewers at some point he set out to stream his journey to legitimately beat blabath i was around back then i was in those streams i can tell you that the feeling of watching someone attempt something ridiculously hired with hundreds of others in a chat room was magical it was like riot was a soul lonely knight at the forefront of the community attempting to slay a beast none of us could even imagine to tackle so everyone cheered for riot so much in fact that every time he got an attempt that went kind of far into the level people would start spamming go in the twitch chat this is a sort of tradition that to this day is still around in the community when the streamer gets far you spam go when riots got really far the viewers spiked and everyone watched the percentage bar on the top creep closer closer to 100 in anticipation to see if this is the final attempt oh my god help me this time it just was meant to be out of all the successes and victories you see in this game there's hundreds if not thousands of attempts that end like this one a devastating mistake sometimes you just can't pull it through imagine dying at the last part of a level after you've made it past all the hardest parts one misclick has the power to take everything away over the one and a half month long verification process riot would make it past 50 countless times the further you get the higher the pressure to perform suppressing that pressure is a skill that to this day is one of the most important things to master when it comes to beating extreme demons and on the 12th of august 2015 riot once again got really far into the level and as he entered the final part with people spamming their ghost in chat it all came down to the last few percent [Music] oh my god [Music] so many of us were part of that one and a half month long journey and if you would have told any of us that seven years later this level wouldn't even be in the top 200 anymore we wouldn't have believed you [Music] remember cyclic i showed you how he was the first person to beat cataclysm legitimately it seems that just like riot cyclic was working on his own little project at the same time and the level's name was sonic wave just like bloodbath one-upped cataclysm this level went up to bloodbath by a lot rather than explaining why this level was deemed so hard i think i'll just show you you see these boxes i'm using a special cheat that allows me to see the hitboxes of objects around the player if the player's hitbox intersects any of these the player crashes and the attempt is over these are the hitboxes in sonic wave [Music] the precision needed for this level is incredible you might have noticed that i'm mainly showing the wave gameplay but this is because 75 of this level is wave only there's a reason for this but that is a topic for another video please i'm gonna get to it one day the interesting thing about this level is that there's actually two versions a light blue one and a dark blue one cyclic released the light blue version of this level on his account with it he uploaded a verification video to his youtube channel but the video came with an asterisk in the description he claimed that the video contained a splice a splice is where you record the gameplay in multiple segments and then cut them together in an editing software to make it seem like one legit playthrough he claimed that he'd done this because he had recording issues with the actual completion instead of beating it again he just spliced together a run from zero and a run that starts somewhere later in the level when that video came out it certainly raised some eyebrows because it basically claimed the legit achievement without the proof but it was cyclic may i remind you again this was the person who beat cataclysm he had a giant backlog of past achievements and he was a well-known and trusted player so nobody really thought something of it it was just a recording issue it's something that we've all run into in the past at that moment people were more focused on how impressive he was for beating the level to begin with sonic wave was and to this day is an impressive feat of endurance and precision and once again it seemed like no matter what other players did they would always stand in the shadow of cyclic and his inhuman skill what happened next however nobody really expected on july 19th 2015 sonic wave received an update this included changing the color scheme to a darker blue and more impressively it made it way harder [Music] this was absurd the update to sonicwave superbuffed it to such a difficulty that to this day in 2022 the level is still sitting at spot 61 on the official demonist this means for seven years straight only 60 levels have surpassed its difficulty which is mind blowing the confusion about the splice in the light blue version now turned into a very subtle suspicion in players minds is it even okay to ask if this was legit psychic was so well respected that people didn't dare to think something was off so people just took it at face value and believed cyclic until august 7th on this day psychic would again update sonic wave and the strangest thing was the updated version had nothing to do with the other two versions this is what it got updated to [Music] what was going on with the third update to the level cyclic also deleted all his other levels and began the process of deleting all traces of himself from the internet before he left however he gave riot this message on skype please make an exposing video on the forums that every level on my youtube channel was either hacked or cut the streams that i have made were all pre-recorded and i'm going to delete everything related to gd including this skype account bye what a bombshell psychic was seen as the best player in the community for him to drop something like that on us to this day kind of feels off the entire thing is so weird and oddly done that it left me and i think a lot of other people very confused even riots when this whole thing came out believed that something was off about this i don't believe that he's actually this is actually real it's gotta be real because remember no no however to this day we don't really know what happened did he actually cheat everything was the best player fraud this again is a topic for another video what we do know now for certain is that this meant giron david was actually the first person to ever beat cataclysm legitimately i wonder how this felt knowing that you actually were the first person to do it thinking someone else did it before you it must feel kinda good but also have a very bittersweet taste to it this also meant that once again history had sadly repeated itself the moment psychic exposed himself sonic wave became an empty husk cheated just like cataclysm and all the other impossible levels the past few levels in this video all had specific parts that stood out for their difficulty but sonic wave just overall in its entirety seems to be the main problem it was just pure brute force and wave skill the wave game mode was the newest game mode at the time which means people really didn't have the experience to consistently navigate all of these gaps for over 2 minutes you might have noticed already that there's one thing that stands out however and it's what we in the community call fakes a fake is when the level offer places gameplay elements that kill you if you trust them the simplest example for this is with orbs these are tiny floating spheres that depending on their color affect the player upon player input if you click your mouse the moment your play intersects with the blue orb for example your gravity gets changed the yellow orb just makes you jump high and so on easier levels in the game all have a linear path that is easily readable but in hard levels creators intentionally try to trick your brain into clicking when you really shouldn't this means that people have to learn the entire level and remember which orbs are fakes and which ones aren't to pass the entire thing but fakes don't always come in the form of mischievously placed orbs sometimes the crater just fakes entire walls or puts an invisible floor on top of a spike so they don't actually kill you if you touch them this is what cyclic did in sonic wave and it's part of why the level is so difficult while playing it's hard to see what you can touch and what you can't touch to pass this level it means to learn exactly which walls are solid and which ones are fakes and then perfectly executing the wave game modes on top of that for over one year the level would remain completely dormant it was just too hard too punishing too long people just didn't have the endurance and precision to make it anywhere in the level that is until once again a select few players stepped up and gave it their a game the fairway sonics and you guessed it riot just like with cataclysm mepheras sonics and riot all began grinding sonic wave around the same time all three showed impressive progress and once again this turned into a sort of race to be the first if completed this would be the biggest jump in difficulty yet it took one and a half months for bloodbath to be verified but it took an entire year for players in the community to get good enough to even have the confidence to beat sonic wave and because the level remained completely unchallenged at the top for over one year combined with the giant controversy of beating a cyclic level people were eagerly awaiting to see someone pull it off it seemed that finally after a year these players had caught up with the extreme difficulty that cyclic tried to pass off as his legit achievement at first finally players were getting somewhere with progress steadily creeping closer to 100 every day so many attempts were poured into this with the absolute worst incident being mafeira's infamous fail [Music] 98 98 dying at the very last part after you made it through the entire thing to this day is one of the worst fails the community has ever seen but it also was the first time someone actually would have beaten it if we would scroll over just a bit you would be able to see the finish line he was only a brink away to finally give the level some closure but unfortunately that was his one and only chance to be the first on november 25th 2016 over 495 days after the level was released it happened [Music] sunix had done it he had beaten a cheated level so difficult and extreme it took people over a year to catch up with the skill that's required for you to this day this still remains one of the most impactful moments in geometry history players growing up to eventually overcome cheaters is still one of my favorite things to ever happen in this community it felt like sonic wave finally received its closure from 2016 to today only 60 levels have managed to trump sonic wave in difficulty some of the biggest and most historic being zodiac and bloodlust they all have history just as rich but one of those 60 levels was a bit more special than other ones i already mentioned it at the start of this video it wasn't built in the new era of geometry dash and it for certain wasn't meant for the players back then you see earlier when i explained how the original impossible levels came to be i mentioned one particular level that was so outrageously difficult that even back in 2014 people basically knew it was cheated the level's name is silent club it was built by someone called black p2s full all the way back in 2014 this was even before cataclysm in the beginnings of the game it remained dormant and unbeaten for over seven years cross-referenced in memes and jets for being the impossible level to start them all if you spend any time today searching through the geometry dash servers you will probably come across an impossible level their entire purpose is to be a fun showcase of the absolute ridiculous theoretical limits this game can hold you might also notice that the majority of these levels have the word silent in their name and the reason for this is silent club silent club was the impossible level to start them all it alone was so influential in the long term that all impossible levels today usually share the word silent in their name but why is silent club so difficult what made it stand out why did people know it was obviously hacked back then well let me show you let's start with the first thing that players get confronted with when they enter the level the orb spam for this the player needs to hit these gravity changing orbs fast and controlled enough to make it through this gap and land with the right gravity this is the first thing players have to do to get past six percent on the level and the parts after this one don't step down either remember how i set the categories and push the ship game mode for the time well look at this this was before cataclysm just insane stuff did i mention that this is actually one of two orb spam parts that exist in the level the second one reduces the row of orivs to 2 and makes it way longer this is insane obviously the creator did not legitimately beat this if you grabbed a copyable version of this level back in 2014 you would find a stray ship portal hanging around at the top of the first part you see back in 2014 there was a glitch in the game if you entered a precise input of buttons right as the player overlapped with a blue orb you could make the gravity change effect the next attempt so at the start of the next attempt you would fly up into the ceiling touch the ship portal and from there now you would have a free path to the finish without having to play anything this level wasn't meant to be played at all and i think that's the most genuine way i can put it it was clearly built with the intent to boast about its difficulty i bet the creator itself never intended it to be attempted legitimately but against all odds seven years after it was uploaded to the servers in october 2020 the impossible level to start them all was actually beaten [Music] no no no dude no there's no way the player's name was leukolyzer i cannot tell you how insane this is this level was never meant to be beaten but players had just become so good over the years that we finally caught up to what was thought to be impossible back in 2014. to this day this level still sits on the 28th spot on the hardest devils ever to be beaten and i'm glad it did i remember finding it on my phone all the way back in 2015 and going how did someone even beat this i obviously didn't know back then how easy it was to cheat levels but the impact this level had on everyone who played it cannot be understated it was the high level you would meme about it was the original impossible level and finally it had been conquered but wait hold up only 28th how are there 27 levels higher than this well ever since cataclysm there's been so many amazing achievements and breakthroughs in the community from players finally overcoming cheaters with levels like silent club and sonic wave to the absolute insanity that is currently the top 5 hardest levels ever this game is filled with hundreds of levels who all stand today as amazing achievements of both creativity and player skill sadly i can't sit here and talk about all of these without making this video at least 15 hours long the past nine years really have been an amazing experience to be part of this community seeing all of these giants fall one by one by one truly was a magical experience while on the creative side of the game we probably will never run out of stuff to do on the player's side i feel like the community is approaching a crossroad we have records of players spending over 200 000 attempts and countless months on levels but at what point will we hit that hard concrete wall that won't allow anyone to pass anymore at what point is a level too hard to reasonably attempt to beat you can take any point in time and say it's reached its peak like in two weeks look we could say at reached its peak in two years we could say it's reached its peak you know we could have said that two years ago as long as this game has people playing it they're always going to be trying to make something the new artist if you would have asked me that question a month ago i would have told you about this level silence club step you might be really confused right now because we literally just talked about a level called silent club you see silent club is the version made by black p2s full in 2014 and you know now that that one has been beaten by localizer in 2020 but something i haven't mentioned is that in 2015 a level was released that was inspired by the old styling club from 2014. people considered the 2014 silent club unbeatable but even with that in 2015 someone decided to go back look at silent club and create their own version of the level that was even harder ever since then this level basically has haunted the community it's a level inspired by the old version but it brought the difficulty to a level that objectively was considered impossible by everyone while this is ridiculously hard this i would personally consider unreasonable to attempt the level contains multiple frame perfect jumps the straight fly is not even straight at all these jumps are all frame perfect so they became known as the eight jumps of hell this level was meant to be their concrete wall the creator sailant made sure all sections are theoretically possible but they all pushed a human limit like no other level had at the time this level sits to this day on top of all other impossible levels no other level has ever gained more attention because of its difficulty than silent clubstep for the past 8 years this has remained unbeaten for obvious reasons but two months ago something happened that shocked the entire community [Music] i got 65 on silent clubs up i got 65. i cannot believe this as someone who has been around in the community ever since this level was released to be able to say someone got this far into silent club step it feels like i'm lying to you it feels like a meme after seeing vision make it to 65 i'm a believer i truly believe that one day this thing will get beaten and it might be sooner than we think honest question you think someone's ever going to beat that oh yeah 100 yeah 100 yeah vision currently has gathered over 397 000 attempts dude if you're watching this i wholeheartedly wish you the best of luck you have the entire community behind you if vision beats this it will not only mark the end of an era but it will also go down as one of the most important moments in geometry dash history maybe just maybe that's when we will finally hit the infamous skill ceiling we have been fear-mongering about for nine years now until then however this is what we have achieved years of pushing the limits of what was considered possible from cataclysm to ice carpet diablo x to sonic wave to silent club to all the other insane levels currently on the list these players have taught me time and time again that all it takes is for one person to take that first step into the unknown not you [Music]
Channel: Samifying
Views: 1,113,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: samifying, creative, Geometry, Dash, Geometry Dash, Silent, Club, Silent Club, Cataclysm, Bloodbath, Sonic Wave, Ice Carbon Diablo X, Documentary, impossible, levels, extreme, demons, cyclic, riot, demon, demon list
Id: FF6jlPgbR1c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 37sec (2437 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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