Astra Militarum vs. Black Templars 2,000pts. Dice Check LIVE Battle Report

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i need a seven okay i see pee re-rolled it okay all right cool two more just two mortals just two five-ups two five-ups oh no all that back shocking all right pain hello everybody welcome to i spit all over the board welcome to another episode of dice chick i and today i'm your host brookie join with me is i'm wrath he's raph today at least and i hope you are all having a wonderful day if you would like to see more dice check stuff and dice trick wonderful things you can go to no check out the also thanks to our sponsor frontline gaming for providing us these wonderful mats as well as discounted models and 3d6 for the fantastic objective markers that we have here today raph yeah how's it going dude it's good i haven't been here in a bit i'm excited because you've gotten a lot of games under your belts oh i want to say a lot but more than last time you fought me a couple a couple of games of 40k can be considered a lot of games yeah considering like the last time we fought which i think was like sisters and it was sister yeah your new sisters the new sister new sisters versus black templar yeah but what are we doing today mission wise mission wise uh i forget the name so that's why i asked you was it twenty one it's that's the ham that's the hamburger the hamburger one with the minimize retrieval mission yeah it's like minimized losses or something no one took it it sucks uh but the armies are more important uh tell us about your army uh taking uh black templars wow yeah dude you're so original yeah so before kodak supplement everything so i basically if you watched last week uh basically taking the same exact list but i took out devastators for another set of uh oh writers oh i'm really excited that raf's getting into black templars more and more and they're like he's getting better and stuff and they want you to they want to see you take drop pods and like impulses yeah yeah it's coming i just haven't had time you're you're gaining a fan base right yes you gotta buy those yeah i know i have to buy it and dude yesterday demeki he's off screen but he got me uh oh the best space spring unit in the game yeah the repulsor executioner let's go i was so tempted to wake up early build it and then paint it or you know prime it and then play it i was like but i i couldn't wake up i wanted to do it so bad also yesterday was this man's birthday yeah let's go 21 again [Laughter] you guys already do uh army lists yeah well that's what i was asking if he wants to do the army lists or not well he said it was the prior one yeah basically same thing but like i can go oh yeah we do the thing with yeah uh outriders already here i have two uh three-man squads i got chappie on bike here uh not warlord but he's getting he's bringing um what's called litany of divine protection fires of devotion and master master sanctity or why's overrated one of the ones that gives them a two-up on litanies um crusader squad over here just five man uh all my vanguard vets uh this is one squad of them of five uh we have four five man squads they're all taking it's not wysiwyg but they're all taking lightning claws um with storm shields uh i have my apothecary here made him chief so we get the the free heel and everything and then i'm also bringing the acquittal just for sake uh four damage on infantry just just because uh and then another uh or what's called five man squad vanguard rights there um another vanguard squad here redemptor uh icarus rocket pod with i think i brought gatling cannon and storm bolters there i have the xenobytes servators i brought them today uh chapter master with he's my warlord with frontline commander and then i also spent a cp for the aurelian shroud uh another three-man squad of outriders i forgot i had grimaldis back here so grimaldis is bringing canticle of hate and recitation of focus uh who did i miss oh assault intercessors here there's two five-man squads and then my last two squads over here assault intercessors and then the another five-man squad of vanguard vets and yeah that's it so is it my turn yeah let's go so i am bringing two thousand points of cat chin imperial guards so these guys are a little buff we've got i'm just gonna pan across this whole environment we've got eight squads of guardsmen so there's quite a bit of guardsmen in here and then we've got a couple other things a chimera with double heavy flamers and there's also another chimera with double heavy flamers over here and they are carrying two squads of veterans all with shotguns except for two of them or two of them that have flamers and one of them has a heavy flamer we got a squad of four bougain right there with mauls then we got a heavy weapons team with mortars a second one over there and then we also have a demolisher lehman rust regular not tank commander a normal lehman rust over there regular as well with a heavy stubborn pencil mount there is a manticore there does it have full payload you god damn no it does and then we've got one two and then right here right there we go three scout sentinels heavy flamers you know it moving there character wise astropath with psychic maelstrom we also have uh this is my proxy for colonel ironham strachen we also have a missionary priest and a company commander with old grudges as well as the man the boy nork deadog the smartest ogren in the world because he can count to four and last but not least we've also got a few more characters over here an astropath as well as the female catechin model which is proxying for sergeant harker and a company commander all the way over there and i'm good comes out to 2 000 points on the dot with the one point spent for full payload brings me into 11 cp and you have nine cp because of stuff and then yep cool yay uh so secondary today uh taking engage on all fronts assassination and oats uh engage just because my objective or at least the objective that i had prior to this game i want to kill his manicor if i do that i win no matter what happens you win the moral victory yeah uh i go for moral victories and just having fun so engage and then assassination has like what nine characters or eight i have eight characters eight characters so hopefully i can kill what yeah i think it's like what four or five of them oh you need five for full yeah uh and then oats obviously i'm just gonna do some oats yeah that's it all right that's my second are you ready yes sir all right so guard wise uh we got engaged that shouldn't be too tough i got the sandals and all the you know guardsmen raise the banners high uh you know i've got a lot of bodies so and i you know the objective is pretty far away so if i can get some points there would it be helpful especially if i can shoot them down and no prisoners i think no prisoners kind of sucks not gonna lie but it's awful unfortunately ya boy has an eighth edition codex uh and grind them down is not a good idea assassinate isn't much better and he does actually have a lot of outrighters as well as just a lot of infantry so it's really one of those ones where it's like if i get seven points or something then i've done my job because it's there's a lot you need to get the fact that the horde army going against the elite army took no prisoners and the elite army decided not to yep yeah it's it was my i mean you could have done assassinate maybe he's got four characters but they're they're space marines and yeah they're a little tanky they're a little tough so i went with that i'm gonna see how it goes also because i guess the way the rules work is that if the model is revived and i kill it again it does count and he has an apothecary so it's like you guys want to go over the terrain and map real quick uh yeah so i mean everything here so it's player place terrain so everything on this side was placed by me and everything and that's how it's placed by him it's the terrain i think this actually because it's player place is really bare bones all of them optimize optimize excuse me yeah um everything is obscuring i guess besides the crates and everything gives you cover if you're in it or touching it it's it's literally what you think it is yeah they're they're prepping for uh for socal yeah because socal is gonna be player optimized tournament coming up soon guy get a little bit practice in even though i'm playing guard like that because it's guard yeah i use a lot of inflection all right who are you bringing to the socal i wanted to bring my night lords but i don't think they'll be done in time with the move um so it'll probably be sisters i think we're gonna take that sacred rose list okay um but if not that i might just take guard yeah sorry are you guys ready to roll off are you guys ready to play i'm very ready yeah you guys have your beers and everything yeah i got i got mine over here all right did you guys crack it already it's just it's cracked it's great yeah toast it come by jeez dude i needed my knight to pick it up sounded like my mom i can't i can't take this anymore all right you guys ready here we go buddy all right let's go six oh no it gets first turn boys it's over i lost in the video i have to do at the start of battle round but i'm going to pop a railing shroud just because i don't think there's any other time fair enough cool all right early shroud's out i gotta do a pre-game move with my sentinels and then after i do that pre-game move then i'll move normally thank you you're welcome thank you daddy you're welcome thanks other daddy um all right so guardsman and stuff moved up things moved up chimera moved up tank moved up five inches so it can still do with grinding advance uh just some slight movement up here guardsman moved up chimera and then way over there moved up five inches once again for grinding advance and the mantacore barely moved the biggest thing you might notice is the sentinels they got a nine inch pre-move and then the 9-inch normal move so they have moved their way forward really fast and very far and already put on some hurt that's it so let us do the shooting phase but first there's a couple things i need to do uh oh i ordered some cherry well i did not pick my old grudges target okay i forgot about it it was going to be these this outrider squad okay um so it's six inches from this company commander yeah yeah we were all always always just moves past that as for psychic powers this guy can't do anything but this lad over here is gonna give psychic barrier to this chimera okay let's find out if it works nine it does it does it definitely works so the chimera has a plus one uh armor safe okay that's it for the whole battle round right yeah just yeah it is time for shooting which means it's time for orders so order wise i am going to give a couple uh both of these squads are gonna get first ring fire second ring fire and then this this one over here is going to get the exact same this one literally ah you know i'm gonna give the move move move okay so i'm just going to scoot them up because they can't really shoot anything anyway uh and then i'm going to give this mortar team uh take aim these guys aren't going to get first ranked second rank okay uh they're going to take game i realize that there's five units and i only have four orders so forget that they get taken banners here from this squad uh is doing banners here and then the this one uh yeah well i didn't give these guys orders so okay i'll make them do it okay because just because i already moved the other squad so i might as well sure and then uh this squad on the side banners i got banners all over the place i'm taking towel drones because the only thing they're good for is banners that is rude but it's so true so it's fine how dare you yeah i'm also going to give orders for both these squads well not this squad because they did the base they did the banners uh but i really have like no orders so like nothing matters that they can't shoot anything so it all right let's start off with the sentinels and their flamethrowers yeah this sentinel is going to burn those van vets d6 d6 but i get to re-roll it cause some catacham oh beautiful three all right gonna give it a shot let's go one flavor all right minus one minus one uh three let's go guess what you deserve it wait hold on uh the sticks up filling the paper i'm not gonna reroll that one here hold on back there apologize the loaded ah it's really close almost one damage all right uh those two sentinels over there are both gonna fire into the exact same squad of van vets can we roll either of these i'm gonna do that both ones all right one's on threes oh no all right two minus one two minus one three up beautiful you're good all right excellent start excellent start all right that's gonna rain okay thoughts rapid fire three uh 24 inch rapid fire but i'm not within range so they're gonna fire into the squad that took damage three shots on fours wow holy okay though so you know one wound no ap roll one two's nice all right continuing these two squads are going into your outriders all right i'm gonna spend a cv skill down right here minus one why would you do that these are strength three ap zero one damage oh okay sorry okay wait wait does that skill right outrighters only against one target or is it their minus one for the rest of the game or the rest of this round yeah i'm going to probably shoot them with more stuff so maybe you should okay then yeah okay okay cool cool i don't want them to die so okay i do want to kill i do want to kill them there's two squads here they got first ranked second rank which means they have 18 shots each pistol so 36 shots i'm coming at you on fives that is a lot of fun what the hell uh all right so i have old grudges which means i reroll all failed wounds oh god so these are winning on five so you're rolling everything oh god with my grudges all right that is a wonderful four wounds my friends beautiful any minus of course not all right cool so uh i still want threes yes sir save them all which number one is one damage i'm assuming right it's one i'm gonna fire this goddamn lehman rust tank at your van bets okay let's do it all right uh we'll start with the heavy bolts because i want to i want to plink off that singular shots okay three shots uh they hit on fours though because well they just hit them fourth beautiful those aren't commander wins on three no uh 2d six shots because i grinding advance with the demolisher cannon i can re-roll um oh either of these because they're two separate shots technically i'm not gonna do that you're not gonna be rolling you shouldn't breathe i think should i shut everything should i reroll give me those fours baby okay all that minus three minus three and bone four okay okay and then the i'm gonna do well oh these are d6 damage each my my friends oh god okay so the first one d6 only one another six and see if you can save it because there's only one moon left on that guy all right uh d6 on the other one five wanna roll five six ups yeah let's do it i've seen crazier can happen templar it's loaded dice right they're right you're not not loading enough you are not loaded today no last one six six also six damage i i can do this you can do this i can do this i see oh sorry drink did you apologize to the drink okay the lehman rust tank is gonna fire into the van vets okay um now i have sergeant harker there so i get to be real ones for this one okay heavy welter wow all right uh wounds on threes is this my bad bro okay two minus one minus one so uh threes damn it two damage so one dots now it's time for the battle cannon 2d6 shots can re-roll either i'm gonna re-roll the two four and four uh fours you're going ones all right uh wounds on twos because strength eight that was way above average it was only one above average okay here we go minus two minus two uh four four oh all right three all right okay hold up i might reroll that i'm gonna sleep that all right uh so is this that was two dollars oh that means actually only one dies yeah yeah so only one dies yeah nine shots with last guns coming at that same squad same squad here come the last guns do they hit on fours or your only ones because a harker you bet your ass they do nice give me fives nothing i love guard black bars all right i think it might be time to fire the manticore um do it into who these van bits over here you don't have to do that you're right but i'm gonna all right all right all right all right all right 2d six shots 10. that ain't bad re-roll it dude no higher bro i'm not gonna do it double six all right four is your only ones okay i like those threes i like it i bet you do all right these are strengths ten so wounding on twos all right all of those at minus two so on your we'll see all right all right let's go boys fours that's not fours i saved two so three uh yeah so three damage each three damage each uh full payload three nine that's nine that's nine six ups let's go nope six up one three twos though that's it was close it was close it was there they did um all right i'm gonna fire both of my mortar teams well let me check if i can reach the van vets over there uh so these boys are they're both going to fire into that squad okay all at once yeah well i'm actually these guys have take aim so i'm going to fire them first okay 3d6 i don't get to reroll these that will be a tasty 12. uh these hit on fours but they re-roll ones game i got no ones this is like the luckiest like i'm doing okay dice rolls that ricky's had playing in card in a while okay well this this changed it only three with no ap and i jinxed it no ones please all right time to do it time to do it again all right 3d6 that's a little more like it ten fourths yeah get right fours uh only two two ups roll one no i don't want to i've chosen against it um okay i think i'm done because a lot of banners were done and and all that kind of stuff okay uh so i think i'm done with my face i'm going to charge you okay wait what i'm gonna take my sentinel and charge your apothecary yeah cool cool do it watch my power view this i have power all right oh well what's it called uh uh um what is it uh about push the output dude if he was infantry yeah how many how many tax do van vets have uh in total two attacks normally plus a shotgun claws usually four you will we roll all failed wounds with lightning claws yes never mind nah dude do it you just you won't you won't you know what all right the one on the far end is charging the van vents i got into six i don't think that's enough that's that that's definitely not no that literally cannot be enough yeah that can be enough yeah all right just in case but yeah yeah never mind that's done you tried hey props he gets three for engage because of my sentinels um no banners yet i think i'm talking about you have no prisoners you literally just killed a five-man squad of uh yeah but you have to count like at the end you know at the end of the round well not only that but you have to get like kind the wounds up mm-hmm math hard we're going into black templars then rough turn i'm gonna add one attacks to the uh i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna do the vanguard bits out of two cool and then grimmy grubby's back here i'm gonna do i'm going to do recitation of focus on the can i do on the redemptor i can right oh yeah so you should be able to yeah on a three yes game sick cool and then i'm gonna do canticle of hate this is a plus two or add two to charge rolls and pie lands um i'll put on the vanguard bets okay yeah nice oh no i didn't get it that's not a three oh right oh right right he's not a master he should be but yeah he doesn't get the free two up that's where he cool so for my movement i just moved up right or upright outriders up i was able to get my apothecary advanced him i forgot if i got a three or four don't forget um but i was able to get within three inches um to heal the one the one wound the one wound banger vets move them up as well gonna try to do an insane charge over there somewhere maybe possibly uh champion bike moved there as well uh crusader squad moved up to cap objective and these guys move from over there um try i'm going to try to kill that flamer dude or the what's it called sentinel sandal the atst atst and then i got the i forgot to announce it earlier but the chapter master the command thing the reroll hit rolls i put on the dreadnought gives him line of sight you can within 24 inches of that dude is that the lehman arrested what is that one tank dude this yeah that's a camera or chimera so i'm gonna try to shoot that grimaldis just moved these guys stayed outriders moved over there one dude can can view the guard so i'm going to do one bolt pistol into them [Laughter] and then vanguard rights i just moved up i moved on to the opposite side this uh i did emperor's will so i spent cp and i end up getting i think a five um so i can i can advance and charge and shoot um hopes of killing that dude and oh and then here as well i think i got a six on a on an advance so i can get the the middle or be holy within the middle um and then i got the plus one from the front line commander so and yeah that was my movement cool so let's uh let's just start over there um assault intercessors into into your sentinel yeah turn that pistol sideways dude all right on threes yes because the emperors will so they can emperors will eat yes boom you already did my minus right yeah all right cool two missed uh and then i'm assuming i'm on fives uh i am pretty t5 i'm pretty positive as t5 all right so i'll assume um so you got uh two sixes yeah minus one minus one so that gives me uh they're scouts so they have a four up so that means fives nothing all right uh so two damage they are four health each so they are down to uh sorry they're six health each they're done a four the one out rider that can view your guard yeah i'll shoot that so you've got twin bolt rifles yes uh fire two so it's two uh no it's on a bike so you get max oh so it's four because of uh boulder discipline oh yeah yeah so yeah four you always help me thanks [Laughter] real quick are the other two firing at the sentinel or something no or oh oh yeah i guess i could yeah or the chimera i'll i'll just do the could i kill you in combat i probably could right you could yeah so i'll i'll fire this one with the other two okay um so that this was at the the guardsman yeah um this is on threes right yeah on threes cool t3 t3 so on threes minus one oh damn six up easy money it was close one dice one dies eight on the chimera trees minus one all right uh so i have the plus one because of the uh psychic barrier yeah so it's on threes i'm oh i take one movement i'll do the i'll do the outriders over here into these guards guardsmen the front guardsmen yeah the ones you want to charge you're right and this is why i love playing brookie thanks for helping uh i guess the guess is the back ones yeah i can't i can't kill i can't take these guys yeah so i'll do these yeah uh on threes threes what's the wound sick wow i'm borrowing yours if you don't mind uh these are all minus ones so give me a fatty sixes i got three okay i lose six cool so now i'll do this uh on the the last set cool uh and i think there's also four hit on threes threes again wow three ones does that count as one no one plus one uh these guys can shoot into the sentinel do they have guns like crusaders oh uh yeah both pencils yeah i do i can't tell five of them on threes trees yeah that's five that's how you count all right one no ap on this one i don't know uh no no ap all right uh four up fails down to five all his guns into this one all right ready into the chimera icarus rocket pod first cool uh heavy d3 cool three shots uh hitting on threes fourth i'm t7 sick ap uh this one is rocket pot minus two since uh i'm in the doctor cause you're dev yeah give me a five yeah oh okay let's go oh okay uh heavy eight heavy eight heavy eight hanging on threes are you rolling all we're rolling six got them all and then this one is strength uh five so five fives made one lost three down to seven twelve all right uh heavy 12 heavy on slot threes how many oh that was worse two two ap this one is minus two as well all right give me the fives got one lost one down to six and then uh storm bolters uh all threes five five so this should have two no ap because there's no abs rapid fire all right uh that means three ups it needs so much damage you know how it goes you know how it be all right cool charges let's do it charges um let's do this one real quick the outriders yeah into your your guard yeah all right for a second for a second you know i feel like every single time that you play wrap you always ask charge is two dice right i just forget the advance and the yeah yeah yeah oh yeah the barbie end all right cool uh same thing over there i'm just going to roll it just guys yeah until the um yeah and do your other sentinel and then the assault on accessories cool definitely in um oh oh this one yes well i'm still gonna be able to shoot them no i mean i'm in charge the other one the one on the other side yeah no i did oh oh from the outriders oh oh i see what you mean i thought you i thought what you wanted there's some big brain play but i was like i can still shoot you sounds confused i think it's better if i go all right uh i needed a six cool so i'm in should i just go in here i think i kind of want to oh that's something yeah i'm going to try it it okay them guardsmen no wait okay you gotta take a deep breath gotta come in i'm surprised you didn't want to attack the chimera uh i mean lightning claws i don't think he's going to do much right oh you'd kill the kai bear with this bro you reroll failed wounds you gave them plus one attack your black temple oh yeah ah it's fine whatever boy i kill your guard anyway hey oh yeah yeah you do made a mistake i lost all right any other charges uh nah i think that's all right oh wait if you want you can make that if you if you roll an 11 yeah i'll just do it since you tried to charge me earlier all right i'm gonna try it all right wait a minute do i want to overwatch you i've got two heavy flamers no actually i'm not gonna choke fair enough i was like thanks for telling me um cool let's fight let's fight let me do let me do this one all right um there should be one you wanted did i give him any extra no i did the add charger also 21. uh these aren't rerolls no no three strengths four so is it threes yeah threes i'm t3 i think you said the outriders no this one oh it's the van vets yeah oh there's t5 nevermind oh my god this one first yes yes yeah cool we're rolling fails because lightning all those hit and then you know i need sixes you know i think i can do this i die uh but do i blow yes yes you don't would have loved that cool all my homies love blowing i was gonna say i know the answer to that question all right my dude i am going to interrupt you are you know i am right with my sentinel yeah or were you interrupting not with this no with my guardsmen oh okay let's go dude my guys are category oh yeah they're strong uh there's two they're saying four yeah all right all right so one two three that's the whole squad so uh actually what it is is because of the sergeant plus the sword it's 12 however good old uh iron hands strack him and a missionary priest is there so in reality about to hit you at strength four with 32 attacks hell yeah give me fours oh you missed fours wow that looks really bad actually 12 hits out of 32 16. that's all right yeah yeah four is the wounds rule two ones let these australian dudes years of academy training wasted all right let me hit back yeah yeah so uh let me let me hit that [Laughter] if cartman from south park played warhammer what would he play um i forgot to appoint the crusaders home so i'm not gonna do it threes threes cool rerolling fails they all went through all right they die thank you yeah you can't i don't think you can type the other guardsmen but you can get close i'll be on that you have object right yes cool writers oh yeah uh how many times i think it's 21. that might swell up no it's nice let's go 19. okay 19 it is one uh yeah no re-rolls oh no so sixes okay uh seven dies so three live three live yo cool uh let me do the the the what's the van bets first no re-rolls oh there's fives yeah we rolling all fails give me sixes five damage uh it's not a one wound and you've got your outriders not riders i'm just gonna i'm just gonna pull it he's gonna pull it does it blow no uh smaller sisters on the sender oh yeah uh five of them do i win maybe do i win i don't do i win no girls so these are on fives yeah you're fine you fine not fine oh wait there's four i did yeah you're dead blow up yeah you should have rolled one of the sixes man those are unloaded so it would get a six again those are the loaded dice all right um it's my turn yeah hit me back you own three guardsmen here it comes eight on fours holy i only dropped two nines on fives though so that's not so good wait a minute did you do the thing oh it's too far for old grudges damn it only the one one wounds no ap one wound no apparently oh all right i think that's it i i think that's it too all right uh it's time for morale yeah so they're both within the range of a uh officer so their morale goes up one okay so normally they're seven now they're eight these guys lost five uh and with eight minus five no wait no these guys have three left i'm sorry they are seven oh so i uh so it's two up yeah oh there you go they're just so brave no uh this one lost one less on a one or a two they stay okay run three dice oh good god uh okay only two live nice uh i get oats uh you do get oats so the battle round so you kill the vehicle yep uh you did not kill a character but i think vehicle counts vehicle character monster okay yeah um you were in the middle you did not fall back i did not fall back and i didn't i did not film fail morale so and then you got the one so it's four points nice job yeah nice and then job did it get was i able to get my i think you might have it all the way i i don't know about them but i think you might these these ones should definitely well you have those guys oh well yeah definitely uh that's a great question i think that one's close let's find yeah that one's close it's 30 inches did i get it yeah well nightingale no no i'm going to give it to you because well i moved the consolidation and i may not have done enough i don't know no it's okay it's one point take the damn thing uh i hold three uh because those are obsec quick um and then i also have three banners but i don't hold more correct so and then three points for banners it's time for me to get going rylandor is a famous emperor's children dreadnought he's actually pretty awesome but i people keep asking us to do episode of him on that's ridiculous and i say every time that someone says asks me i delay the month because i'm sick of it all right so what we got here is we got ourselves a wonderful like these boys moved up the ogre moved up lots of things have moved up and going crazy uh some things like the morris stayed back these guys stayed back the tank moved up just a little bit because obviously grinding advance some guards been moved up guardsmen moved up the flamer veterans inside these chimeras have all been dumped out and brought over here raf has unfortunately left his characters alone and i'm going to take full advantage of that yeah boy that's about all that happened and then of course like the stuff over here is uh at the tanks and all they're there all right uh i'm going to start off with the big thing i'm going to spend 2 cp for oh no i need to do orders what but uh i'm still spray the two cp but orders first okay uh so order wise uh well they're going to get four towards the emperor and the other one's gonna give first rank second rank i guess because whatever um i screwed up my orders here i could've done that way better but it's all right it happens over there both of those squads are getting first rank second rank but i can use the laurels of command to maybe get some more so let's go on the left on a four up nope on the right yes so i can get an additional order and i'll give them tate game i'm saying 2cp for hail of fire so this leaving russ even though a grinding advance is going to fire at the dreadnought with his big gun okay the small gun is the heavy bolter is going into these van vets but because it's firing another vehicle he gets max shots with his big nice so i get 12 shots on that one all right they only proportionately only hits a force okay so uh this wound's on threes all right that will be five at minus three because the aurelian shroud's gone right yes correct sixes all right i believe in you dice i believe in the dust ah i didn't believe hard enough d6 damage each ah minus one because well i might re-roll that one so i'll wait on that one all right uh beautiful i love these roll oh no roll low low wow wow i shouldn't be laughing two three so five six seven eight damage that's it um how much health do you have 13. so if i roll a six with one of these it'll kill it it'll die well well no eight makes it into seven to twelve slightly worth it yeah the damn damage okay so it's eight eight eight damage right wow that was that sucked all right that's very unfortunate um but i got a heavy bolster coming in at your uh your van vets so we'll see that three shots on force only made the one moon's on a three got it minus one nice one doing your mom three two damage that's a whole dude yeah it is no i take whole dudes all the time well it's my favorite store whole dudes whole dudes all right uh speaking of whole dudes uh let's let's do some more duding i didn't do my psychic phase do you mind if i do my second question yes thank you yeah uh the same is it who's the dude though just curious oh there's two there's one here and one there okay but the one i'm doing here is going to be the things i haven't shot yet oh yeah i'm just curious because i haven't it's past 24 so yeah you're fine okay i'm just saying i had to deny that's why i'm checking thank you though i appreciate it um psychic barrier on the on the you know the thing got it nice and then psychic maelstrom that's enough on the van vets smite i'm gonna cp this real quick uh yeah it's like a smite thing oh is it the the more crazy counting a okay i see p rerolled it oh no i'm down a seven on a two you take a mortal all right three you take a mortal on four you take a mortal okay all right two mortals just two mortals just two five ups if both of these die or if one another dude dies i'm gonna be so sad yeah that's the goal all right two five-ups oh no all that back shot all right i am going to fire uh my my veterans i fire my veterans into these guys right here okay i am also going to spend a cp on experienced eye so two flamers one heavy flamer and shotguns all into there um they're always they're all within six inches cool so experience eye down between a 60 p it gives plus one ap to all their guns um okay incoming we'll do the heavy flamer first uh d6 shots two one's on a three got both uh minus two minus two uh fives oh my god these are lucky nice fives not so lucky another dude down all right uh two normal flamers these d6 each all right i got eight thanks these wound on fours fours three uh so yeah three so one dies one at one wound and they have shotguns they're two shots each uh and then these are all within six inches so they actually get plus one strength because it's a shotgun so they hit on threes though because they're veterans uh wounds on fours that was so much worse thank god oh my god all right my oh sorry that was that was a six but uh three of them at minus one okay so on fours save them up save them all save them all one guy uh all right so the these this squad of uh guardsmen right here are gonna fire everything they have into the outriders oh fours actually uh rerolling ones because of holly there's literally no ones fives with no ap that wasn't terrible yeah i got five what bailey uh one's down to two um my chimera is gonna burn both flamers directly into your van vets maybe it i'm firing that at the the van vets i changed my mind no fan that was terrible i needed threes and i got four out of ten no just one wound i'm gonna see now it's okay your decisions i'm gonna fire the um last guns into them now the last guns from the guardsman over there okay ten guys in there first ranked second rank plus last pistol 37 shots giving me re-roll ones on fours let's do that warhammer oh no only three that was a fail two ups one dies one day you see that squad right there next to them which one the ones that are left those are two squads oh oh yeah they're gonna do the exact same thing all right all right um unfortunately only i think two of them are out of range okay so that means i'm gonna lose two more shots each so instead of 37 it's going to be 33. the train never stops oh my god oh my god yeah i'll see you guys you're gonna get all sixes it's two up right yeah yeah just start rolling all right all right uh that's all right that was a lot of shots let's continue the mortar is way back here yeah we're going to shoot into them the vanguard bits yep yeah 3d six shots all right eight all right i mean it's not like fours four so fours only one yo is the next squad gonna do the exact same thing i think they are uh that is ten fours not doing well with my rolls today fours all right two two all right you're good all right leave me rush time i'm breaking cracks knuckles okay lehman all right uh so heavy it's this is all going into your out riders okay not the vambets yeah heavy bolts are first oh except there's a heavy stubber and it's going to go into the van vets i'm gonna i'm gonna yeah i'm gonna do skilled out riders yeah all right so the heavy stubborn is going into the van bets we'll start with that three shots on fours fours i think that's it's at doesn't matter it was on the van vets oh this was on venvets but oh sorry yeah they yeah they're dead or one one one more time one the yeah all right and now it's time for the stuff into the outright already heavy bolts are first hang on fives but we rolling ones because of holly got one wounds on a four no battle cannon two d six shots can we roll either i'll take the risk i was the right eleven 9 11 on five but rerolling the ones oh on threes okay four minus two five up pop up oh two go through d3 shot d3 each so one dies the two damage two damage oh the manticore can take a pinpoint on your on your van vents let's go all right uh heavy bolts from the vanvets big off missile into your chaplain on bike can you are you allowed to well actually you have to be within three i can't tell that's very close uh hello bias yes sure yo all right you're good all right but goodbye meaning you can't think no as i can shoot you now all right here here comes i wanna i wanna see the mystery heavy bolters first into the into the band all right holy that's good i need that for the missiles uh wounds on threes oh my god okay now my luck is getting better minus one that's this one right yeah minus one minus one threes all right all right cool cool uh 2d6 shots that's the missile one that's the missile i can reroll one because i'm category it doesn't matter that's seven it's on five parameters right i'm primaries all right i'm primaries right all right cool cool do you wanna transhuman yeah do you have to do it now yes yes yeah uh yeah i have seven cp yeah yeah all right i don't want him to die all right i blowed up my missile i dropped one uh four's ruling ones i rolled very badly i only got two wins on force got only got one is it how much damage three four pinfall then yeah four scary thing three damage what tv sure go ahead you still have it raph is just he's panicking right now you're good all right these two boys last guns into them okay uh it should be 19 shots each they didn't get any orders so it should be 38 fours all right fives got the answer once yes dang i can't see that one yeah what's that no no one dies oh i'm wearing other things i'm running out of stuff to shoot five hours later i'm going to now do my very very best to torch the ever living out of your chappie all right step on bite all right yeah so heavy flavor first okay d6 got a two your t5 right cause the bike yeah fours got both minus one four nice two flavors regular clutch six shots with these flamers all right one's on fives only one oh my god dude uh no ap so no threes all right uh and the rest of the shotguns uh wounds on fives oh sorry hits on threes first fives cool uh in that case i'm changing my mind on this chimera this chimera is going to shoot the flamers into the vanvets okay two two two flamers seven and then uh threes save them all oh almost all right one all right i think it might be time for the charges that was so much shooting right no dude this is scarred man nork dead hog oh he's going in he's going in he's like a four four let's go you know he's in three guardsmen going into the van vets cool nine uh then the bulgrin are going into the outriders oh okay in coming five that's exactly what i needed let's go with uh this squad of guardsmen into the vanvets the missionary priest is going to charge in okay seven iron hand strakin is gonna charge in no all right these veterans into the outriders okay five over there you see that van vet right there yeah all the guardsmen into him all right cool six all right does it look like i'm done i don't think so these veterans into into these um uh assault intercessors at dropping dice that's a five i think that's enough does this chimera look like it's about to charge these guys i think it does and even then i think i still get it oh double one i'm just kidding this is six all right i need like a six or a seven oh sorry oh i think it's seven that's a seven zero yeah that's enough okay cool over here oh you're oh uh i need a nine all right thread that needle i believe in you yo let's go uh all right it's time for pain in all the avenues did you did you want to do devout push or anything ref yeah well i was going to just do heroic intervention is that cheaper oh yeah you can heroic that it's free with a character right oh that's a good point heroic yeah then i'll charge you oh okay good point i forgot about that i failed all right cool it's three inches right yeah yeah did you not want to um about push with the squad that's like right next to that tank this one he was still white first it's a tank like who cares what do you mean it's just okay yeah yeah i'll develop this i'm gonna guess that it has three attacks and it hits on sixes well it hits on twos if i crush them the biggest question here though is that what a fight with first of course yeah um now naturally though i am going to choose the bulgarian so into the outriders they go uh they hit on threes though on threes minus one all right four spores and then five up if i need it oh nice two damage each two damage so two i should pull them down there almost one minute wow this is a character right yep yeah so i was gonna try to kill him first two cp right to uh you're down to two cp left e string ah no reroll finally you roll like me uh yeah you'll be winning me on fours actually yeah because t4 three up save so it's fours he takes one wounds now it's time for me to go to the town colonel iron hands striking twos only fail one and it is that strength six so threes threes four oh two damage each oh so one dies and one's down to two five five all right close down to two down two five down one oh no don't do me like this save a move uh it is now time for north deaddog and he is going to use his quote unquote huge knife hits on threes that is a huge knife fours because strength five uh yeah so only one at minus one minus one force all right beautiful now the single thunderous headbutt on a three this is his head yep he's actually have one in you on a three again no fails damn i was excited about that one i get to re-roll all wounds against these guys because of old grudges i don't know it's too late we rolled that button we just didn't i need a double stick to make sure it actually works if it works re-roll the headbutt i can't it doesn't it doesn't count for him oh never mind you know what headbutt have a school yeah cp reroll yes oh it went through there all right all right uh minus i think two if you say this i'm quitting all right d3 damage one damage okay one five up if you say this i'm quitting all right what's it do darn uh this squad of veterans is going to like pile in kind of sorta on you 31 attacks hitting on fours do your worst i will all them ones though so it's on fives but i reroll everything because of old grudges better all right this is one now one damage yeah it doesn't do anything okay it's time for guardsmen yeah you want to do it all at once i i kind of want to 58 attacks all right boys 58 58. hey can you recount that real quick no hey that's 62 dice [Laughter] fives oh no sorry four sports boys all right all those i have three no ap no ap two up each six is immortal but we'll see holy and i'm probably that's probably it's close to dead already okay so there's three right there's three so three damage i got no sixes yet all right what did i have to die okay uh i'm gonna roll a little bit less okay okay there's at least one more okay one mortal uh these are says all right oh bro please all right three mortals three mortals i'm gonna use yeah yeah all right uh those are saved all right let's do a couple more oh god no mortals but one more dice okay and then the last one all right cool i saved it cool here they come on on the the guardsmen they are they're here they come on the guardsmen okay fours i think they're close enough three roll ones on fours again no ones no ones no ones no ones no ones no ones i got one no no no those boys the veterans so six uh they all hit wow on fours what the they are angry wow all right three up armors all right here it is here it is cool my turn oh my gosh my turn yo it's finally over and i wait wait hold up i killed one out rider two van vets and put a wound on two units all of that yeah it was great i love it i love garbage single band single van bat yeah uh grease t3 we roll because lightning claws cool because we blobbed it i know there was a squad of three left i'll kill the whole squad and i'll pull one from another squad uh let's do uh same thing over there uh five attacks on three stuffed all right it's always scoff it's all so scuffed and then threes again re-rolling fails i i didn't fail so so four just die wait the outrighters no these these oh oh devout pushed uh so that's three times four twelve thirteen oh the tank uh seven t seven yeah uh five so fives really fails that was that was you got one more i think five ups death explosion let me see intercessors they're still all five yeah i'll follow your sisters yeah yes this top of turn two is taking so long just guard man five but no rerolls fours oh i guess it's like a barrier i guess plus one so i'm fine so there's okay cool let's talk about the second barrier uh let's do these guys in here cool on threes oh stuck to my hand god it stuck to my hand why nothing five die last i think this last one yeah i think they're just a chappy all right twos twos string six right at least yeah plus two six yeah all right so yes twos cool uh five ap minus one oh just one minus one ap oh uh then sixes yo only if you die all right uh it's time for morale so there's an officer over here so then they lost three which means uh they have eight because of the plus one so uh okay i don't don't roll a six okay all right at least the other six are uh uh you know not below half strength so only on once okay i just lost one flamer that's fine i can work with that that squad i think lost four so not a five or a six all right let's go one two three four five six you know it i brow one more come on boys let's go all right over there they lost four there's no sergeant there which means that seven which means as long as it's not it's a three or lower i'm okay no it's not it's a four which means i got five left on ones they run two more rounds [Laughter] morale all right so just not a uh oh god well no it was actually better than that but yeah i still felt it yeah you said all right on ones and twos all right i can say that this was not indicative of how the game would go earlier i think it's nine give me one sec oh no leadership nine for for one for van vets yeah that's custodian on a six no running there uh they lost two so they're fine they lost three so on a six no no no all right cool yeah points um so engage i only got the one quadrant so i get two for engage okay uh we still calculate no prisoners and that's about it and you currently hold so it's ten points blam blam command phase time uh i am going to do the litany divine intercessors again oh not intercessors outright sorry two up oh god the me uh fire is the devotion uh to uh to himself yeah nice and then grimmy back there uh add two to charge rolls i'll put him i'll put both the recitation of focus and canticle of hate on grim on uh redemptor are you also gonna give it the reroll everything oh yeah i'll do that one afternoon uh so first one three up let me get it nice cool that was the candle school of hate i didn't say it out loud but i said in my head uh recitation of focus uh and then i will yeah i'll do the re-rolls again on this guy i can crusader him himself right crusader is how it is beautiful all right crystal he's in the solid action cool uh auto wound on sixes movement face all right yeah demeki how was the la tournament oh las vegas yeah lvtt was amazing i can't wait for socal open at the end of the month uh these guys didn't move this guy moved up uh and healed back a vanguard vet so i was able to put one more dude back um over here what's it called first uh redemptor i just moved them up these guys moved them up as well regular and these guys i just moved them out a little bit from here so i can shoot them uh those guys didn't move that didn't move um and then over here those guys didn't move that guy didn't move and this guy moved up uh he will be he left that dude open and then you know we'll see what happens when i charge or if i charge all right thanks for watching yeah let's shoot let's go you're welcome um i'm not mistaken your outriders have pistols yeah they have a heavy bull pistol cool yeah it works yeah we get a blast these guys are probably strong right let me just pick them off with the pistols because i only have two i'll do these guys um on threes let's go it's on threes oh yeah why is it doing that but that's cool though because i got a template nice my ass brother i lie i die this is all the ones when combat first let's do these two assault on accessories here okay no re-rolls two wound six death outrider thing we'll shoot that thing okay sergeant parker wait there's two of them eight attacks man you're welcome dude okay i die you died oh yeah yeah t3 assassins armor eradicators that's a dreadnought try not into this guy i'm gonna put your assassinate points in all right thanks first d3 heavy d3 he's bracketed so i think force charger master oh yeah that was hit roll yeah because you had the roll number okay you got it all right cool strike seven uh seven i'm t8 cool so fives no nope re-rolling fails that was the onslaught cannon yeah let me know it's time for the head let me do the heavy uh that was eight so add four more heavy heavy on four rerolling convert them all or lose conversion oh my gosh oh i lost this oh oh dear god that's the moon uh four right uh so four ups made two lost two twelve wounds so down to ten storm bolters put those other types down you're holding like like 20 dies she's like i need eight takes eight holds the rest oh my gosh and it's at minus one because attack four uh four ups i got one failed one down two nine charge me sir i think i am going to charge i wanna charge your tank you're gonna charge my tank yeah you are going to charge my tank yeah okay i'm spending two cp yeah i'm spending one cp forever oh because it's flamers there was no flamers no flavors i want cp on overwatch and one cp on defensive gunners all right i overwatch on fives are you ready heavy bolsters fight me nothing all right only one d6 shots for the big one but i get to re-roll it oh not gonna though not gonna though not gonna need five bucks once you make four well one one's dead right roll four fuel number three damn it yeah all right all right get it five get it or six six six six six six get it all right so one of those gets like one of them dead you [Laughter] typical rap uh you i gotta get closer man all right that's my whole purpose of this game can i make this miraculous charge yeah you count it as ten ten i'd say ten get your rerolls did you give him plus two to charge yeah i did i did i did all right and eight all right re-roll come on come on eight re-rolling let's go oh my god all right holy that's light redemptor you move that you just like slides oh yeah yeah yeah the first dude the the company commander yeah that one then yes okay i think just just him do you want to have the guardsman that's like a multi-charge just hit me cool so let's just go straight into it i'm gonna you think that i'm trying to kill you oh yeah yeah yeah i think it's gonna kill us i'm gonna fight with the redemptor first all right redempt me ruling fails really fails oh good god 2 14. okay so threes this is minus three oh three sixes wait uh this is round two right it's not okay no he dies it's automatically does he blow well that's a great question as i a blowing man myself all right cool all right i'll swing two cp interrupt you all right four five six seven all right ten uh plus one plus okay so twelve twelve attacks i thought riders i just wanna hopefully do something fours the fives that are coming out after this might not be great that was amazing i lied all right three ups on your outriders three up okay come on i can say i can save these come on babies oh one die he dies no i get what cp reroll you got other stuff here yeah i'm going to see if you will you're actually going to see b rolling all right just to be a nuisance yeah all right you lose one wound yeah uh out writers into the character company commander yeah company commander all right wins on threes five up involve save okay okay one three oh does he have four wounds he do what fight again i was all right it looks like we're going to move into extended combat yeah your turn iron hands striking oh the striking one striking all right he's coming in there you're damn right he's hitting on twos got him all is he's with his fists yeah yeah bionic arm yeah uh strength six so on threes we rolling everything because of old grudges yep sign that i forgot last time all right all uh five at minus one minus one sports let's oh god all right there's two damage each so this kills one and you don't have the the philippines you failed it and then one down to two correct so one dies that one dies the other one's down to two wounds get right yeah i like getting so it's cool i wanna see him survive so i'm gonna do it over there all right well i'll go over there first how are you uh doing your i'll do the one with the the bigger squad the biggest one yeah you put on the big squad all right man i wish these were space wolves with exploding oh no that was cool nice do you see it yeah it like it uh all right i lost one he grinded the board one guy dies i am going to attempt to kill this final operator with the your company vets uh with my veterans all right survive bro you have no five-up fours uh wounds on fives but i do get re-rolls because of all grudges cool rule uh reroll failed saves my turn i'm gonna kill these guys with this one no um how many times do i get i think i get four on a two though i gave himself crusaders helm so this is auto one well no actually twos two twos because your strengths got three three all right three die whoa i kind of want to attack there so i can maybe point that wound off a idiot oh god uh i'm gonna already have hagrid i'm gonna try to point that wound off i only get two attacks though thank you for my mistakes fours oh i got both ones on fours all got one don't roll a three or roll less than a three oh see it's fine it's fine two four five uh well no shock assaults three seven two yeah six seven yeah okay wait raph are you sure you want to fight with them and not someone else because they just got oh you're right you're right you literally just told my phone or you could do this yeah the tank i'll do it this is a character yeah let me do here all right let me do let me do the character i know i know you want to get assassinated it's four four four attacks you just have a four pin ball though three i missed them all no re-roll all right uh two four pinballs uh all right i think he's down to three wounds uh well if my boulder and her engagement range i'm only going to be hitting you with ten attacks only it will be at minus one okay two damage each so i died so i will fight here assuming it's on fives uh or sixes fives you've got your shock that's all right anything uh then it's like four saves uh but minus one but plus one so threes oh god oh three wounds and then okay so my company commander next uh he hits on threes fours no fives because they're outriders i failed veterans these ones right uh seven you know threes oh my god straight forward uh oh no on a five run of six no he dies but there's one left but there's one left all right i'm consolidating on this bastard six seven eight nine there's nine on fours fours again all right don't roll a one oh he lives easy easy easy he says bloodied bruised and in pain easy easy easy it's just a flesh it's cool it's fine okay i think it's time we do morale so these guys lost like everything basically um if i roll yep they they flee on a one or two okay one guy stays cool and now if we go over there they lost one they're fine those guys are fine these guys are big but i'm gonna they i think they had five left after the last phase which means they lost four there's not a sergeant near them and that's not a start so it's six to four so i need a one or two okay i believe in you yes let's go it gets rid of oats of moments that's no it doesn't get rid of it you don't have control of the center i don't need control i just have to be holy within yeah you just have to be holy with this that's it yeah [Laughter] i thought you were just doing it to be a chat only two points on the engage right uh so you got oh is that guy wholly over oh no hours are over i would get yeah our hours are over and then these guys are over yeah so you get full for engage yeah cause those guys are still there so you get three for engage you're probably getting there four frozen i got four four hours you're doing pretty good thanks all right uh turn three oh my gosh guys are in my favor one cp for me uh three for three four banners you're welcome i tried real hard three for my banners and i hold the same objectives as you so uh where is that uh ten okay jesus christ all right i'm in my movement face all right if you go to like a tournament like matches last like probably two hours max yeah yeah two and a half hours including the setup yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah it's it's not bad it's like it goes a lot faster but in this one we're having fun so yeah and drinking beer all right so what we got here is the characters are coming up to try to with the chappie i moved and advanced the squad of guardsmen as long along with the company commander these bulgrin have moved their way up as have these guardsmen beneath it guardsmen and more teams over there have stayed and obviously vanvet's there the manticore has moved his way back it'll stop the eradicators from coming in and it stops the these guys from getting to me and besides this i've simply just put the tank on the cover so that the tank can fire through the building and that's about it all right uh psychic phase this is a important one in my opinion uh i am going to send this into your uh i'm actually going to send this probably into your dreadnought psychic maelstrom which dude uh this guy here to the dread okay oh can you deny i'm in 24. well let's find out let's see if you can get it i failed oh okay um you know i think i will cp that though i like this one i fail again oh no night shroud is going on the is actually going to be going on that squad of guardsman that's currently in combat with your outriders it goes oh sorry it's not nitro it's like a barrier but it works um as for orders go this time it's going to be uh first ranked second rank from these guys right here and then he's gonna give this squad of guardsmen move move move i hope you don't want this objective actually i actually have nine i gotta kill five of them four what are the stats on those servators back there they're really weak um they're like they're like one wound are they one wound now saves on fours toughness of what t3 oh interesting these moors are going into there actually i'm changing my mind uh well i'm not changing my mind but i gotta do these over here all right uh he's going to give them a fix bayonets you know what that means i'm gonna fight right now fix bayonets dog in common force could this plus would be fives three up three up yeah easy oh ooh get you wanna spend cp you wanna spend your last cp so you'll be out of cp later nah i'm dying he's gonna spend his second uh order on himself to a fixed bayonets what hey again threes all right that's the captain fives one one wounds three up three up the company commander yeah all right yeah this more team in the way back is going to shoot the servitors t6 that was good uh all right 8 11 without re-rolls threes all right four wounds no ap no ap all right these are four ups all right there's only four of them statistically you should win this is fine yeah this is fine easy or up they all die [Music] you wanna spend a cp do you have more mortars yes spend a cp come on you're going to spend cbt scp don't don't worry about that don't fall for the bait come on do it come on dude you do this to us i know it feels good um so these guys are going to shoot into the the van vets all right and also these guys are going to do the same he's going to give himself take aim okay all right so incoming on fours oh jesus that was those ones no we got it we figured it out it's cocked i'm losing my mind here fives don't fail don't build the veil all right all right and next up is going to be nork he's going to shoot his ripper gun at uh that dude right there apothecary yeah i think he hits on force on threes one wound no ap yeah does he give himself a six i think he does all right is this one yeah it's just the one just the one damage all right you got demoted six up ah uh i'm going to fire the lehman rust tank am i i'm gonna fire everything into these van vets literally everything oh wait yeah i think that bulgarian can take care of the dreadnought by god i hope they can heavy bolter on a fours got one wounds on a three that's it minus one three up three up go uh 2d six shots for the battle cannon got them both i'm gonna keep those on fours that was statistical on twos because strength eight all right four minus two minus two four up yes sir wow wow all right that sucks us all right uh there's all the guns there's yeah yeah oh there's a heavy suburb in there all right cool cool heavy suburb there's a forest breaker right here yeah get up all right this this mortar team right here is going to is going to fire their last guns that they actually have that i'm going to remember this time uh they're going to go they got six attacks they're going to fire them all into him okay and then they're going to fire the mortar into this squad all right the last guns wounds on fives all right the mortars the mortars on those guys back there all right hitting on fours but i'm moving on four so we'll see that's really good i had to make up for it all right six wounds on those boys easy easy uh almost easy our one dies technically one i have not shot the mana core correct so okay here's here's my mind is right heavy bolts here is obviously going to one thing and that's these van vets but the missile i'm determining can i do a lot on here right or do i kill these two assault intercessors and force you to take a different unit for oaths all right i'm gonna fire the i'm gonna fire the manticore at this uh those these these guys are bambits and i'm gonna fire the big missile at these four guys the uh heavy bolts are on first on force oh my god on threes okay two at minus one okay they're cool uh the missile 26 11. five six wow all right and then 10 11. fours that was very bad i got three on twos i felt another one oh my god minus two on them over there five three damage each so these two die yeah do that dude uh my double heavy flavor on that chimera is going to fire into combat because it can it's the vehicle 36 on threes same one please almost one dies i think it's time for charges i'm charging nork dead og into the chaplain he makes it yeah um strakin i don't even know what that is yeah as long as you got a one yeah uh all right the bulgarian into the van vets um you know what actually into the dread all right i'm done with my movement all right do you have anything you want to do devout push perhaps big dick energy he just chooses not to on a four up i devout push what'd i get three uh so i won't okay okay all right the the fate has been sealed it's time for me to attack iron hands tracking four by five or plus one so five attacks on twos on your champion bike uh wounds on threes no rerolls four two damage each does he have a feeling pain nope missed that one two damage so he's down a five all right uh nork dead og four attacks with his huge knife on threes got them all wounds on fours fours two damage damage all right his thunderous headbutt come down one attack hits wounds on a three wounds minus two fives d3 is he dead he is just a headboard the out of a space marine chapel and poke around the dread threes so it would be fours because i'm strength seven that was not good or up two uh technically it's two engines each but dreadnought so yeah this is two damage yeah three now we're in prolonged it is your turn to hit me it's just down at one wound right you're on your little captain dude yep three sixes out of wound threes the ties have changed dude all right i'm going to attack the van vet in the back eleven attacks fours kata chan you have one cp just do it for up you do it regardless of what you rolled ah what was that was that your cp or no no that was to decide all right then he's dead damn it redemptive redemptor yeah back into your dudes uh how many taxes is fine back into my dudes very bottom bracket fives and that bastard is a four-up involved but i only got one okay so i'm gonna roll that one at a time for pinball for a pinfall i'm a gamer i'm a gamer i'm a gamer all right i'm gonna punch the out of that outrider fours god wins on fives nothing literally zero all right cool oh no you have to hit the chimera first oh okay all right that's better you need five so fives saved one lost five i think i'm still alive i'm down to one um okay now i'm gonna punch you with my company commander threes on the hour right i'm the outrider two wounds nice no way no he's done a three i haven't done jack to him i think we're done that's it i think we're finally done with that as for morale these guys need to take it yeah they can they can use uh grimaldis's leadership at nine so oh yeah so i get engaged over here though i don't think i get over there because of tank so two points for engage and you get to see peace you're up to two yeah and you hold one objective correct so you get five for primaries okay your turn my dude tentacle of hate had to do chargers i'm gonna do it on the chapter master three up three up three up cool and then recitation of focus chapter master as well yeah all right cool i'm gonna give him reroll all fails himself yeah cool i'll show move movement i gotta complete my objective your objective get get banked get banked yeah yeah revive a dude uh apothecary those stayed yeah it uh shooting all right all right you wanted to get one shoot damn it shoot shoot uh eradicators into your tank okay all right i dropped one all right all right they just go through so d6 damage each just roll box scars easy seven close out of five those guys can shoot uh there'd be three of them threes all right because you're two yeah okay then sixes one lips one dice my acquittal from apothecary he's gonna do four damage threes uh minus three all right he dies four damage pistol yeah four damage four damage because he did four damage you fired that once correct at a guardsman correct with one hp correct okay you know what upsets me the more about that's what there were two characters here that you could have shot and this guy has four wounds exactly but she just had to revive your guy yep the dreadnought can fire in close combat do that yeah is it all of his guns all of his guns three up armor got it all right just hit you cool heavy 12. all right i am i am all right threes threes again all right failed one one's down to two wounds cool and the next one storm bolters five star mother put the dice down one two up good i think that's it uh pistol shots yeah writer from the outrider into the company come here so you get the assassinate point yeah yeah cool threes threes cool five of binfo you ever seen this mine's one four it's a compton what was that something something compton was all around what was it like you've never been you've never been from michigan you've never done this before or whatever i forgot the meme the tank is all right cool too all right four ups dies because it doesn't explode no all right charges charges the one that the only one that matters mana core all right six six right yeah rule fails all right if i i i don't get this i lose but they're all going in and yeah managor this game went from scuff to scum this is what i've been waiting for the whole match the whole time i wish that the eradicators were there too busy it's like a gremlin it's gonna kill someone like you're about to stab somebody yeah boy all right uh it's not threes no re-rolls six is all the wound six oh my god these sixes oh my god all right so that's one two three four five nine wounds so i need sixes i saved one so i take eight damage i am uh still alive down to two no it's bracketed no oh man all right trap master into your guard twos is strength five so three three oh my god oh my god dude why are you using those diamonds i've taken my horrible roles in the beginning of the game and i was supposed to see you oh my god crusaders yeah god wait three times three is not six three times three is nine oh hitting on three zero one threes we were only one sixes auto wounds everything's falling apart uh threes [Laughter] three times three is six seven yeah my bull grin yeah go ahead all right kill him okay i didn't kill a man of course freeze you'll kill it next round yeah yeah all right uh fail there we go all right wounds on fours oh there was one there i didn't roll yeah all right minus one as he's not a water wound you piece of cool i got my back yeah man you can fight back i'm so defeated right now man uh five five attacks on fives yep no re-rolls oh okay cool two auto wounds all right sure wait twos all right i have to take it on this one he says minus three right uh b minus four now minute assault that's all six up no one dies four pin oh god two die should charge the ban yes uh i think it's like seven or eight they may i might need to roll for them for the run all right oh i'm gonna attack your uh you're the outrighter will die five to oh it's still ten right okay do it come on for the love of god okay it's not 547 it starts at seven yeah all right all right three wounds no ap roll three ones and twos nope too bad i'm sorry it'll never happen no yeah you have to attack him with your outright now ref yeah tell me there you go writer uh let's be like four attacks on threes yeah sure i think i don't know oh yeah threes actually yeah all right uh uh mine is one two three two just die are we done all right we're done all right um morel uh i gotta check bulgrin morale bulgrin i don't know they have a thing leadership 10. there's ship leadership eight they're fine yeah um they lost two if i roll a six oh thank god um all right that's it okay score it score it uh you got you got four for oaths i'm pretty sure yeah you killed uh you killed the character engage you get uh you get max yeah i'm gonna know refer engage and then you also got three more for assassinate whoo-hoo all right my turn bricky holds more yeah currently i hold you hold more oh wait no no i don't know oh oh yeah so it's 10 points for me yeah ten points for me i do get three for banners though well i still haven't calculated no there were no braces we have no prisoners yet but even but but even so he's still pretty close you have my box over there don't count the devastators maggie's like what's a devastator i'm going to advance these okay i'm done are you ready yeah cool all right tell us what you did dude all right i moved things these guys are actually under the guardsmen are there uh the manchester didn't move and that's about it all right all right uh psychic powers of the psychic uh i really hope that i can kill this dread this turn um and if i don't well that's gonna suck uh but i'm going to use my psychic maelstrom on your uh on your dudes another answer or the crusaders the crusaders okay maelstrom of the psychic fails cp reroll fails i am sad all right i'm gonna smite over there on that outrider i can only smile on one d6 though so i need a five no all right continuing okay um all right so uh this company commander is going to do two things he's going to give move move move to both squads okay perfect uh time for some shooting i think all right the manticore is going to shoot you with this heavy bolter okay it's on six sides because it's super up it fails who do you get who to guess um all right uh the oh that's disgusting is going to ripper gun your um the river the uh the crusaders yep three shots got two wounds on uh threes one wound noip just one three up nice the heavy flamer from that singular veteran in the same squad all right threes two and minus one so fours okay wow um i guess since the sergeant is uh is oh he gave us a um take game so he's gonna choose overcharged plaza pistol shot again into the crusaders okay one he fails uh i'm not gonna do that yeah all right cool actually why won't i do this let's do it it okay i should just do it i'm gonna re-roll that oh no you guys you guys telling me i'm silly for not shooting at them this actually legitimately might have ruined the game you got three points for that and i was going to charge with him oh bro i'm sorry oh i'm sorry one two three for assassinate this is not scripted [Laughter] holy i cannot believe it just happened okay oh boy um wow i am i am livid i am lemon all right uh uh possible the pistol into the outright oh god damn it i hit him who's on five i did it roll a two i'm a god one damage oh down to two all right mortars uh both mortar teams are going dead into well i guess just now yeah both more teams are going to go into that squad of crusaders okay so uh 66 wow oh wow all right four uh nine ten fourteen fourteen out of six models all right uh so that's six 14. all right uh hits on fours that was also not particularly great oh no oh no oh no it's it's began to fail me when it was the time i needed it most i was better five at no ap no ap threes oh two die yeah rip that's better okay it's good okay okay uh one of those dudes was revived by the way over your last one yes uh all right in that case i'm going to charge uh i'm going to charge your singular i'm going to charge both your apothecary and your singular crusader with norkdog all right he's not actually up top all right you got seven cool he's actually below for the audience the other guys move so they can't do it um i'm going to move my i'm gonna charge my veteran into your apothecary six makes it because that damn dice is in the way but he's e he's there across the entire board i guess that guy's been moving uh all right i think that's it okay melee yeah nork is gonna put everything into that singular crusader all right all right on threes that was really bad oh i'm sorry i'm sorry oh yeah uh wounds on a three though okay minus one that's one fourth two damage he did crusader is dead or dead thank god the single veteran into the apothecary ye fails all right uh and then after that that's it continue combat your turn my turn unless you wanted to devout push or hook intervene over there i'm sorry i was going very fast yeah oh you didn't charge these guys right no i didn't charge them i'll do this one okay uh well i'm gonna fight redemptor first yeah well i assume so yeah uh sorry i'm talking very quick yeah uh do you need to do five attacks oh actually i want to charge my guy into the redemptor do you mind yeah go ahead all right got it i'll make those attacks real quick three hits oh zelds hits only one wins only on six no all right go ahead cool that's a character right yep i'm gonna i'm gonna go into him all right well you would you would charge don't you get five because the shotgun yeah he was in charge earlier so yeah that new one cool just the one uh what was i hitting on five yeah fives jesus one's on two it's a one i'm not just kidding all right uh i got 160 left for pinball let's go all right uh then my turn the shot bulgrin into the dreadnought please force better uh four ups minus one thank god he did all right does he blow sixes right yep no oh darn oh right yeah he still has a cp oh thank god the journalist that's i'm gonna ears continued right continue over there or oh i'm gonna do that the manticore yeah all right two three the manticore three four twelve thirteen uh yeah whatever is my shock assault yeah three cool threes sixes auto wound man what are these sixes with those vans this one's cut yeah cool oh man those sixes with those fan bets though four and then fives fives be rolling everything okay okay how many is that uh these uh ds yeah i'm sorry i can't count six is death explosion no the manticore's gone did it hallelujah wait how many moves did the dreadnought have they're had three i had one left after that i had one yeah okay okay oh that goes tomato core cool your turn uh i'm attacking the outriders all right god damn it that outrider all right the guard i think it's the guardsman yeah ten this time all right survive please so i can fight back fives okay better three or four wounds no minus right no wires threes ah oh he's on a one cpu rule he's he's down to one yeah you're right you're right uh oh yeah you didn't remember the ncp yeah okay all right hit me back okay if i back uh three attacks oh no four sixes on the wind what's that sorry threes but i missed all this one okay okay uh your heroic intervention over here to nork i think oh yeah doo doo doo doo doo i think that b5 with x where's my chapter master six decks of six six uh on twos and fails six other one jesus all right cool uh that one through and then what would this be the strength five yeah oh so fives sorry four's four fours all right cool uh five five at minus what minus four oh god it goes right through that much damage two damage okay i think so north's just dead uh though i think he fights on death yeah yeah i think he told me that earlier heroic sacrifice if he is slaying the fight phase you can immediately fight with him after uh before moving the ball as a casualty even if he has already been chosen to fight the fight phase let's go yeah condition rules it's going yeah it's going all in sir apothecary oh all right uh the huge knife oh man you're gonna head and bite me threes uh two minus one two minus one uh there's four up yep all right cool all right thunderous headbutts the butt the butt i fail oh no i'm sweating the cp yeah let's do it i'm good i'm doing it i wanna let's go one's on two let's go minus two minus two uh five or four is this one five five five oh d3 one uh feel no pain oh yeah six up nope i think you should have been using your feeling of pain for those your crusaders earlier yeah it's too late it i did have more attacks with norfolk before i didn't headbutt them or anything so they could have still died but yeah okay um but he's gone uh yeah he's gone no he's maxed out assassinate that's a max on assassination all right um cool me uh i gain um i get engaged uh i get three for engage yeah one two three and then uh we have no prisoners yet all right dominick did you calculate it it's eight right now eight points yeah yeah okay uh all right i guess i'll put the nd points then one two three four five six seven eight i get five again you get five for primaries you get a cp there it is and uh you are technically one point beneath me currently cool whitney's on himself i'm just going to roll both i'm sorry great cool we got both this game is so scuffed it's so scuffed it's so scuffed i'm really helping i fail i don't i don't fail so okay are you ready yeah i'm ready uh shooting shooting okay all right all right we're speed running now yeah uh i'll do the four from the assault intercessors all right two guardsmen on threes cool cool threes again three's again all right cool they all just died because you're in a cell doctrine or yeah four just died cool stop cut stop commenting you're reading me um i'm sorry uh eradicators into the the thing what thing the the tank oh i forgot that was even there yeah correct uh but six shots yeah three threes yeah correct yeah yeah you did forget well let's find out no no explosion all right cool um these guys uh both pistol from chapter master first that's all fair have intercessors that can also shoot but that hit and then fight threes cool all right one guardsman just dies i mean here right yeah that's one question just does that doesn't matter is there a dude there is that or is that a guardsman is that a that's a dude okay that's a dude he's in combat with your apothecary okay so i can't shoot with my apothecary well you if your thing's a pistol you can shoot with the pistol yeah you can shoot the pistol out of him it's a pistol yeah it's pistol all right cool uh you missed threes i missed right uh it's realized they're in range so i'm gonna shoot with them two good idea threes nope no re-rolls three again rip um outrider pistol into your dudes yeah yeah pistol threes cool and three again no rip uh that's it charge charges uh charge that accessories cool at this point i'm just gonna pull them all right because they're they're very dead and then pistols rapid fire no no uh and then here chapter master into your guard all right uh in cool um and then the yeah oh you're still that's right that's right you're sorry all right cool um if you want to get a longer charge so you can get on the objective you know too he he sells pilings if i kill him then yeah it's it'll be fine that's it all right i'm gonna do some quick changes here these guys are very dutch dead they only have two wounds each okay uh so they're dead no doubts and then i would get on yes you would get on so therefore i would lose my banner okay just for time's sake yup yup uh and then uh you chapter master i would have you fight with it yeah the awesome i with everything so um this is five attacks [Music] five six real and fails it's not twos do auto all right uh threes because yes you're five just all right golden cards four four just die well uh and then the these are all the things it's the whole squad oh okay cool cool all right all right i'm attacking your your are these guys dude do you have these uh those there's no those guys are still there oh that's a different squad oh yeah no that's i got two squads all right i'm gonna go fight me one two three four five six uh six seven uh and then sergeant are you gonna come back it's been so long it's been like four turns of extended combat two two two at minus nothing two minutes nothing three out there do i see beat doesn't matter yes it dies finally it's been 20 years it finally died i died oh my god look all right okay or the here yeah you would hit the veteran um [Music] uh five five tax sixes auto win on threes real ones oh he already dies because you're a doctrine okay because the other ones everybody definitely all right i'm gonna hit you back with those two guardsmen right there yeah uh is one of them a sergeant all right uh four's four fails okay uh points you got oats yup you maxed out oats yeah boy uh as for engage though he only gets these two oh two am i in the middle no no you're fine so just two two two for engage all right it's your boy brookie cern one cp i hold uh technically no i hold three one two and those guys are upset over there so i overtake his guys so i get 15. so i max my primaries i also get two for banners wait how do you get 15 don't you guys tie oh yeah you tie again oh cause i have the thing you tell it three oh my god girl this yeah my bag this is my lone dude grim adventures of maldives all right uh my bad on that one okay so uh more guns and shooting let me make this move face quick yeah i'll just go over points real quick we got 79 to 71. uh black templars is bottom of town this bottom of no this i mean i want moral victory all right let's go all right um quick quick second phase uh psychic maelstrom on probably your your apothecary okay neurom i fail i'm gonna cp it all right i fail all right all right every single time you've done it i've only got off once yeah that's insane yeah that's really really bad jesus christ fashion just gifted 50 subs yo let's go one two three four five six you wrote their name on your arm once on two i did i remember yeah last guns into that squad okay all right um there we go and then wounds on fives okay two wounds on the solutions over there no minus right no miles so one one wound cool uh oh he was supposed to smite them sorry real quick fails all right uh okay that's that uh this guy is going to pew pew on your your about to carry okay he hits does he wound no uh the flame no the flamer guy's gone um these guys are going to go right yeah then i'll leave them uh okay the mortars are going in to fire their last guns into the van vets and then their actual mortar mortars into the uh songs that's over there okay three mortars and these saudi ancestors for 10. nine ten all right hits on fours it's pretty good also wound on fours very good all of those with no ap no ap3s one only one one oh one dead yeah one dies though okay last guns into your uh van vets fours fives oh two two into your vans two of armors cool you're fine okay that's that that's there okay he's there already in combat okay it looks like it's time for the bull grin wait no no no i didn't fire it at them i fired them which one the motor no no the the the one way over there the other oh that guy's still there oh my bad the guy over there i'll just swap him yeah so that guy still has one when he's still over there charges i'm going to charge what no yeah just move it just move over there he still has one with this yeah okay i'm gonna charge over here i knew that i'm gonna charge over here my company commander into your apothecary mix it okay room from my bulgarian into your chapter master five i think that's still fine oh yeah definitely five into him uh and then my astropath actually i'll do it like this just so the astropath can have some room the astropath into the chapter master seven this is just i will drown you in bodies uh uh all right is there and then the guardsmen over there into the assault intercessors okay i think is that a good idea uh all right there they go they're going in eight got it this guy it may not be a good idea you know you know what i need to i need to get whatever i can this is late game and i am fatigued i'm tired too oh my god all right all right you don't have enough oh wait do you have two you can interrupt yes all right well screw it i'm gonna start with the bulgarian then all right one two three four five and then one two three four they're gonna bonk the either chapter master hits on threes oh my god wounds on threes all those are minus one minus one so three yeah two damage do damage okay uh you have to apologize how many wins does he have forgot this is this is about around five i don't think it matters seven all right five okay all right do you wanna interrupt i kind of want to but i'm too tired so go ahead fair enough go ahead it oh one two three all right uh all right if you say so uh fours oh my god only three went through fours comment like kill it's three three wounds three wounds one of the guys over there the intercessors yes no management one more dog oh no all right cool all right uh you're trying to hit me yeah all right uh chappie chaby jeffy jeffy uh he was trying i'm not can't drink five attacks six six tax yes six stacks chappie two is real and fails six is all the wound please run the bulgarian right e all right um g5 you're literally just to i said you're literally just winning nevermind fours okay miss maul but two all right two uh six ups because it's a slap shield got one how much damage two damage down to one wound all right uh company commander on your about to carry i forgot to do that one got two ones on five nothing all right cool um just do your soldering sessions or something okay well i was gonna do a both carrying or do they man on apothecary threes all right yeah oh actually this is a one real ones cool all right and then uh probably three is threes all right two two two five of intervals made one lost the other down to three wounds or maybe two wins i don't know anymore oh my god i'm tired do you have any more or uh no no it's your turn two three yeah all right thanks you're welcome buddy matt fast fast three six on one oh god no oh god uh let's pull these these are bad cool four all right uh so five die oh four four four die four yeah uh one two three four three oh no you have more than me it's all right you scored the end of your turn not at the end at the beginning yeah all right uh that's that uh the um the uh the goddamn the the morale i'm okay on that squad okay uh yeah um do you did i kill three over there it's two two what's your leadership eight you're right you're fine then or eight you're fine you're fine that's good all right all right that's i'm done all right i'm done for the love of god all right okay um i get i get max for engage i'm gonna roll my little one two three oh i failed we don't have to do the litany so we can literally just map this out because you don't have to kill anything i think no he if he moves over and charges the the aftermath here he gets that then he needs to kill these three in order to get but he loses this no i'm saying the dude's in the middle oh yeah do oats anymore that's right you don't need duos they're dudes to kill the after pilot you need to get engaged and you need to and you need to um take objectives you're you're full on assassinate so all he has to do is move his guys to all of it yeah or which one is closer the astropath is you got a better chance because oh yeah because you gotta kill two kids over there yeah okay i see yeah so i'll go literally i still i have three cp right i don't know yeah they have three yeah so i'm going to emperor as well just just so i can get on there all right advance in charge um you want to hear fans for advance yeah uh yeah i think we're gonna be fine right maybe i don't know we'll see we'll see don't forget about your radicators over there they can probably move up and try to charge it yeah or just blast it with melter yeah that's the thing and then there's like five inch movement yeah don't actually shoot you're gonna want the objective yeah i need i need something to charge yeah yeah um that there thing is that it uh obviously you want that objective yeah i want to stay there and then everything all right all right cool pistol those guardsmen over there they stolen yeah two of them threes this game all right cool that plus the melee that's ensuing will probably kill them cool and and you have offset against my op sex so you'd have this objective okay so i just have to make this charge maybe well i don't know if it makes you win but it'll definitely yeah do the charge uh four all right roll the four just don't just don't fail did you fail guys but hey guess what black templars oh okay all right cool i'm pulling the astropath because he has literally a six of armor all right cool and that's another of what you already got i already have excellent max assignment all right so so you have 15 for primaries i will get one more point for banners and then he still has no prisoners that you have to calculate and then well i killed a few more kills a few more and then raph um you need to move those vanguard vets up just a little bit so that he can get engaged oh yeah do the other side he was at 81 he didn't kill enough to get to 90. then in that case it looks like ya boy rashford wins to 83. over a battle of attrition oh my god that's just fighting guard bro let's do that thanks for helping me win you're welcome dude yo if you like battle reports like this and and fantastic other stuff check out our patreon check out our wonderful sponsors at lg in 3d6 if you want more check out subscribe throw a like 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Channel: DiceCheck
Views: 74,355
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: warhammer, warhammer 40k, warhammer 40000, 9th edition, warhammer 9th edition, Black templars, astra militarum, imp guard
Id: XrYSGfMfEg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 16sec (7036 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 20 2021
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