Sci-Fi Short Film “Future Boyfriend" | DUST Exclusive

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Its like Black Mirror but lower quality

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/UEDerpLeader 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Seeing a whole lot of stuff from dust lately, seems weird

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/nick_lab 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

This is a pretty cute short but I think they overdid the background score, and some of the lines felt too long and dragged out. Seems it was managed on a pretty tiny budget though, so good job! Was it a student film?

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/thk_ 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Bonus French Stewart.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/sausage-deluxxxe 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies

Cubs won the world series 2016

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/eloquentlysaid 📅︎︎ Jan 25 2020 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/inner_and_outer 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2020 🗫︎ replies

Nice short, Thanks.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/carmand2001 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2020 🗫︎ replies
(bright piano music) - Wow, this is a really nice place Stuart. - Well, I wanted to take you some place special tonight Miss Landon. - Kaylie. - Kaylie. I've been coming here for years. This place is practically an institution. I'm putting your purse on the back of your chair. - Thank you. - Okay. - Okay. (intense music) - Is there anything else sir? - No, no everything's fine. Sorry, he just looks familiar. - It's okay. So, I have an interview for a new job next week. It's just a job interview for the Marriott but it'll allow me to take some classes. See if I can do some more photography stuff. Hey, it's okay. I'm having a really delightful time with you. - I feel the same way. But if things are gonna get serious between us I should maybe come clean about something. - Okay. - You should know, I'm not sure how to say this. - It's okay. - Kaylie, (rapid bell music) I'm from the future. (bell music) (Kaylie chuckles) I traveled here two weeks ago from the year 2078. I came here using a time travel app. - We have to go back? - No, it's kind of a one way trip. There's a whole disrupting the fabric of time thing. Look, I can show you the app. - Hi Stuart. You accessed you phone again. What do you want me to do? - No, he came with the, - Strange, current network of 4G. What odd wasteland have you brought me to 15G man? Oh my god. - No, cut no. - These are like olden days. This is hella old. Did you get shots before you came here? Because you oughta get shots. This is so old, this is super old. - Okay, okay, just turn that thing off. Okay, I believe you. But, why travel back to now? Do you have to stop an assassination or, kill the next Hitler or something? - Actually I came back to date you. To be your boyfriend. - Wait, what? Am I like some famous historical figure or something? - (chuckles) no, no. No, nothing like that. You're actually a resident in the nursing home I work at. - Nursing home? Can I have some more wine? Thank you. Sorry, I'm sorry. I just, I'm in a nursing home. - Well yeah, I mean, you're a lot older 63 years from now. You can't take care of yourself so I take care of you. - What about my children, why aren't I with them? - You never had any children. Maybe we can change that this time around. Right, let's take it slow, we'll take it slow, we'll take it slow. - I get stuck in a nursing home? - Okay look, I know this is a lot to take in Miss Landon. Kaylie. Wow, I really need to stop doing that. Kaylie, Kaylie, Kaylie. I know this is a lot to handle but I think you're a really amazing old woman. When I met you six decades from now I was really taken back with how well you and I clicked. There was just this chemistry, you know? But the age difference was a bit much. So I thought, hey, if we get along so well I bet if we were the same age we would be the perfect couple. - Wait, wait. What year were you born? - 2050. - 2050. - Yeah, the year the Cubs finally win the world series. - But. - Look, maybe seeing some images of us will make you feel better. - Hey Stuart it got you some - [Stuart] Video menu. - No. - I found my grandma's old Blu-ray player and set it up in your room so we could watch all those old high-defs. - All right, I think it's working. I've never tried the selfie droning mode. Oh, you hit power. Power. (both laughing) - Oh my god. That's me. - Here we are at your bone density screening. I love that dress on you. Do you have it yet? - No. - And look, here's from your 98th birthday party. - Who are you? (bright bell music) - Happy birthday. - What? - Okay, you know what, this is too weird. I can't. I, I was planning on having sex with you tonight. - Really that's great. - No, not great. It would be super weird to be naked in front of you now. - No, it'll be fine. I see you naked everyday when I give you your morning sponge bath. - Gross. - Kaylie, do you know how many people end up dating their nurses. - This is different Stuart. It's not like we met in physical therapy. We would never be normal. I would never meet your friends, or your family, or your parents. - You can meet my grandparents. My grandma actually attends the junior high right by your apartment. - Jesus. I'm older than your grandmother. - We can make this work. You and me we can do this. Next week, you're gonna get that job at the Marriott. And they give you this really great plaque when you retire. 50 years of service. It's just like that Jay Weathermans. Jay Weatherman. Oh my god, our waiter is Jay Weatherman the famous musician. - The what, the reception job? - He's gonna be the godfather of psych-rock in a few years. I mean, he's huge. - When I retire, what about my photography career? - Sort of thought that was a hobby you used to have. (somber music) - Okay, nope. I'm done. I'm done. I can't, I just can't. - Okay, where are you going? - Look, I don't know why you thought coming back in time and lying to me about who you were and then just unloading every little grizzly detail about my life was going to work out well for you romantically? But, I am not that old lady that you knew. I don't want to be that old lady that you knew. You should have stayed in your own time. You would've had a better shot with me then. Ooh. - I might be in to it, it could've worked maybe. - No that's gross. No, I just. You're a creep and I will see you in 50 years. (somber music) - Here you are sir. - Keep it up man. The bands gonna make it. - Band? (somber music) - Stuart, it looked like you were attempting to access, oh, she go? Oh Stuart. Oh buddy. Oh poodle do. Oh, poodle baby Stuart. I'm not good in these situations. I'm sorry your date didn't work out. - All right ready? Yes. One, two, three. Yay, yay, you did it, she did it. Yay. - I'm having a really delightful time with you tonight young man. - Yeah, well you used to think so anyway. - Do you know where my purse is? - Do you know where my purse is? Let me just get this straight. In the year 2075 I'm a single, retired hotel worker with no children, living in a state funded nursing home? - Yes. - You are a man who not only enjoyed spending time with me as a doddering old lady, but you also decided to dangerously travel back in time to go on a date with me? - Well, yeah. - And if things worked between us, there's a possibility we could change that future? - Absolutely. (romantic music) - I need you to forget the future you know. We're gonna make our own future. Deal? - Deal. - Let's go. (bright romantic music) - Can I just say one thing? - What? - I just really want you to take better care of your teeth this time around. - Stuart. - You have really beautiful teeth. This one's rotting in the future. - [Kaylie] Stop it, not okay, not okay. (bright romantic music) - [Announcer] Watch Dust. Like this video. Subscribe for new visions of the future every week. It is the business of the future to be dangerous. Your future is Dust.
Channel: DUST
Views: 2,613,330
Rating: 4.8766432 out of 5
Keywords: sci-fi, short film, dust, watchdust, filmmakers, science-fiction, CGI, aliens, French Stewart, science fiction, Ben Rock, Future Boyfriend, getdusted, exclusive, premiere, movie premiere, comedy, comedy sci-fi, sci-fi short film, comedy short film, Valentine's Day, future tech, nursing home, love, dating, A. Vincent Ularich, Emily Bell, Ron Morehouse, comedy short, funny sci-fi, indie film, tinder, apps, Pat McNeely, Dominic Mora, Harold and Maude, romance, romantic comedy, Valentinesci-fi
Id: A_1YHHhry0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2017
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