The Iconic Goldie Hawn Loves To Shares Stories With Alan Carr | Alan Carr Chatty Man

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[Music] on this week's Chatty Man Hollywood Legend Goldie horn Ricky Wilson and Catherine Ry Rish rangan aan and [Applause] rudimentos hi hello welcome to sh what a weak it's been The X Factor finally got to the end of the sixth chair challenge they couldn't make up their minds could they giveing a seat take it it back if it was a pregnant woman on the bus by the time they'd made the mind up she would have had it next it's judges houses and all the tears oh I hope all that dark eye makeup of chery's is waterproof I mean she going end up so streaky she end up looking like a barcode with dimpl would she so Jamie Oliver went to Parliament did you see that to ask him to put a tax on the fizzy drinks that are making kids obese apparently a fizzy drink tax could raise 1 billion a year just think we can spend it on pick and mix could we but a fizzy drink tax will hit us hard I'm already contemplating getting a Wong alone so I can buy a full fat Coke and [Music] carry that Jamie was particularly outraged at the sugar levels in Red Bull yes turns out Red Bull gives you Bingo wings that's a good joke and finally apparently do you hear about this Beyonce is worried about an unauthorized biography out next week that is expected to suggest that her marriage to Jay-Z and I'm not one for gossip is in trouble that's going to be a bit of divorce battle is it especially when they have to work out who gets to keep Salange you ever no you ever she's your sister you ever the book also alleges that Beyonce put gaffa tape around her middle to look thinner of course Beyonce is not the only star to use gaffa tape apparently it's the only thing sticky enough to help Kim Kardashian wax off her back hair that is what I read well a l at we have for you tonight after six long years I'm delighted to say I finally got the horn that's right my Hollywood heroine Goldie horn will be dropping by there the stars of the funniest show on music since eight out of 10 cats did the mobos that's right bring the noises Ricky Wilson and Katherine Ryan are in the house but first here's the brilliant standup who's giving us all the juicy gos on Lord Sugar's Wednesday night fingerings it's romes hello hello my love what's this stuff come on uh this this drink I sort of got told about in in Scotland it's called a pickle back and what you have is you have a shot of whiskey and then you have a shot of pickle juice oh it's honestly M it's off the charts good like honestly it's wicked liar I'm not lying who told you about this they laying up against a skip vomiting this is mate I'm telling you it will change your life have you got four glasses four no listen last time I'll be I'm can I be honest with you I can't even remember you being on I was so hammered I woke up the next day and I went what did I do last night I had a chat show yeah you called me romish ranga nanga you you said said I got a gozy eye kept banging on about it oh no I didn't yeah you did you said I can't tell if you're looking at me or not it was it's funny is it funny it's I was can't stop making apple sorry anyway listen should we have a shot then yeah so if you do the pickle juice okay right if you pour those out cuz I don't want to do that oh God going to be my fingers are going to stink don't you know don't finger it out mate you got just don't put any cucum I've got meat gold I smell a fish when she comes down just pour pour the juice in oh this is going to beit it trust oh no and now the set smells of fish come on okay so what you do neck the whiskey yeah and then like quick time mate right ready 3 two one [Applause] go I'm going to be honest with you that isn't as good as I hoped but it does take the taste of sick should we one one you [Applause] no let's with go to talk about your new show Asian provocator yeah it's been called a cross between An Idiot Abroad and who do you think you are yeah it's a kind of who's this idiot now how would you describe it no that's right you know sort of uh the whole idea was that my mom was concerned that I didn't know enough about my shr Lankan Heritage so we decided that she would organize the activities I do in Sri Lanka to sort of get an idea like get connected with my Heritage so that's basically the whole idea behind it um yeah so I just go out and then basically force fed shanka that's how it works cuz I couldn't believe that in the episode one with the chicken well the thing is is that my mom thought it'd be nice for like the start of the journey to have like a a a blessing like a a religious blessing but there was some sort of miscommunication cuz that's nothing that my mom has anything to do like basically they just took me to a village they put me in this like bamboo cage and then this guy sort of like got possessed and started freaking out and then yeah we had a sword and he was like flailing the sword around and then he just rubbed my head with a chicken and the worst thing about the chicken I don't know if it's worse or better but the chicken wasn't dead it was like I thought it was dead no it was like stoned like so they they sort of gave it a blowback and then he sort of went oh man oh my God I'm properly chilled out now man take me to romes and then and then the guy started like just drying my head with a chicken and then after it finished just put it down and it just went shake it off and then just walked off like in nothing had happened might not knows but you're a vegan I mean and they also they tell you to go what's it spear fishing still fishing yeah yeah well me you're a vegan it's like when my name gave me spint rhino vouchers you know it's that inappropriate it's not right nothing's going to happen well I sort of thought the thing is like being vegan is a bit of a first world privilege so I didn't want to turn up that these guys like made their living from fish I want to turn up and go well I think it's absolutely disgusting what you're doing so um I decided to do it but I did sort of sabotage it like I didn't actually want to catch a fish so basically what happened is I sat on a stick for four hours that's it's a really exciting show I hope you watch oh it is it is good now in the show you met a lot of your relative your uncle never turned up to meet you at the airport unbelievable mate no don't applaud that mate you got Hyster I hysterical but but basically the first episode my uncle he didn't turn up to most of it like like he bear it in mind like he knew it was a TV show was at the airport he didn't show up yeah did like an like went to do an experien thing he didn't show up in the end that episode I made friends with his driver he kept sending he kept sending aravinda he kept sending his driver to pick me up on that and we ended up forming a Rel what we ended up being mates I tell what mate smash the out of arinda it's so funny is so funny but no offense the real star of the show is your M and it Shanty is it true she's looking for more TV work since the show started she has got out of control mate you know what I thought it'd be a nice little cute thing to get a you know have a little cameo in the show but she's got out of control man she's like everyone's going out she's so much funnier than you and then my mom's going everybody's saying I'm a better comedian than you R me I think your agent wants to represent me now you know all this sort of stuff she's loving it man like we like just today we we went shopping and then somebody tooted and went mom you should have your own show well look on Chatty Man we like to make dreams come true we do so we thought we'd give her our own Chatty Man this is the first episode of shanty Ragan aan chatty mom K the [Applause] titles welcome to Shanti rangad and Chim my guest tonight are my son romes a well thank you for having us on CH you're welcome can I say how happy I am for your success you don't mean that r no I really tell you Mom I think I want to ask you Alan when my son was on your show last time you made fun of his lazy eye why would you do that yeah why would you do that why would you do that let's get R's M on backfire now it I'm waiting for the answer I'm waiting for the answer okay okay listen listen I was I was drunk and all of that's not an EXC it is a bloody EXC how dare you talk you show this woman respect you're right you're I didn't I did all I said was I just reminded of some of the things that kids used to say in the playground about lazy ey one looking at you one looking for you one on dim one on Dazzle but you're not drunk now are you you're telling the truth yeah I was trying to raise awareness cuz I cuz I run a lazy eye charity do you yeah he's full of don't listen to no it's I've got J got a lazy eye charity and you see that you know the people with the tabards and stuff you know in the street with the buckets what's it called look look look this way [Applause] look looking good looking [Music] good looking good Shanty looking good looking good Shanty question chant romise you have visited Sri Lanka on your show Asian provocator what have we learned about did you learn anything uh while you were there did you learn the language no you know I didn't you know I learned a lot but I didn't I didn't learn the language now you didn't learn the language no but I learned about you know I got I got in touch with my culture and Heritage and I I felt like my love for my mother grew as a result of knowing where she originat and you know I felt a new found bond with my mom and I realized what a wonderful woman she is thank you so you know understand it I want to go to Sri Lanka you're not welcome mate you're are welcome anytime you can go you're not the bloody Embassy Mom all right I the next question shall I ask her yeah pleas is your show Shanty oh thank you you're going on a tour for 18 weeks aren't you conc plug yeah aren't you concern that my grandchildren are going to grow up not knowing who their father is that's a bit hard to probably get some money for his isn't this supposed to be light entertainment here's Morgan's last story um yes I am concerned you are concerned yeah but I know you going to do something about that or what do you want me to do cancel the tour so that I can I'm not asking you to cancel the tour I mean I don't I'm not that worried I mean yeah I mean I'm worried why you're leaving your wife alone yeah well she's probably got a boyfriend I'm [Applause] away I'm away for that long I wouldn't blame her to be honestly oh hello Shanty what would that look for well I'm not happy with this answer Jesus Christ this has gone wrong you know he T it's about being angry and irrational was he an angry child cuz sometimes like he comes on here and he can be if I tell you the truth he was an angry child yeah but he's always have a serious face I don't know why Never Smile never smile always angry yes by that yeah I get lot of that when he's on here yeah you are I'm like what's you know yeah he's got a bad a bad attitude it is um really bad attitude it is weird turn that upside down I love people who smile you you like me I love you I'm always smiling I mean it's weird that I don't smile when I get called a fat bellied coconut no M the truth man you have to accept it okay nobody nobody tell you the clook thank you thank you I don't work the crowd just get on they're supporting me I going to lose some weight beard that's not on your card that is not on your card that is we were all we were all thinking it we were all thinking it she just say what we're all thinking that is not on the auto qu or on your card the auto said well that's all we've got time for all the old day was out I'm going to try mom you try try if somebody come and tells me you got a handsome son flat stomach I who says that sentence who's ever said you got a handsome son flat stomach have you seen that video that when you were running you it's like a bouncy castle there H to God don't agree with me sorry sorry sorry you are applauding fat shaming you that's all we have got time for tonight big thank you to my guests Romy Fran and Alan car everybody brilliant you're a star you're a please take a seat next to your you're a now as well as agent provocator you're also a regular on the new series of The Apprentice you're fired with Jack D how tough is it to get a job on that show does that Claud man you know the one who looks like ver Troya on hormone replacement doesn't he look a bit like ver TR know I think he's I think he's a very good-looking man I I do I did one of the your FS with him like he was he was one of the panel and it was frightening sort of being next to him just s worried that he's going to turn to you analyze what you're wearing or whatever how you're doing on the show he is intimidating but actually really nice guy oh is he yeah but just in that context you make yourself like you can't about I mean you have the candidates on your show are they as big as they come across on the you know they're going my first word wasn't mummy it was money and all that do people actually say that I mean they do say some M like one of them says like every time every morning I wake up and I get a surge of adrenaline around my body because I just think I'm going to be the next big business person this you need medical help JY you wake up you got a surge of adrenaline rushing around your body I need a doctor M you mean that's not a good sign good luck with the rest of the Apprentice good luck with the rest of Asian progator when's your tour starting February February yeah just February yeah February just February you know what if you really want to come look it up all right give it up for a r it over everyone all right for a member of Hollywood royalty and a true Queen of the gays it's the amazing Goldie h oh my God I love this gold so oh well I sprayed it gold CU your name's Goldie I know I can't no I don't know but was this always here it's always been gold I was lying to you and I'm loving the cross dressing what's going on with this well first of all I wore this which is well hello boys I was freezing so this is my manager's jacket anyway how are you I thought you started crossdressing or something it's not that kind of show well it isn't is it anyway that's that so what's up well let me get you a nice drink listen you've been on my guest bucket list for 15 years why is it taking you so bloody long to come on the gold so I don't know sweetart I can't answer that question I mean actually I'm happy I'm here now I don't know even that I was ever asked was I let's have a drink first that hurts me I don't know your daughter's been on K she's been on twice true she has been she's been on she's so adorable but can I I say I'm a bit how can I put this Kate's got a bit of a potty mouth oh I heard it was this this is a family show this goes out to this goes out at 4:00 in the afternoon after after with Adora I mean we don't want to wear that I very rely swear well actually I don't swear that much either and at home when the kids were little I never ever and I say little I mean they were in their teenage years and so allow curing I couldn't I would not happen in the household well Kate's made up for lost time Che oh my God cuz not only are you a mom now you're a nan now what kind of Nan are you cuz you know my mom yeah my my brother's had two kids but the thing that gets me about me Mom I come in the kids drawing up the walls oh and he's rubbed chocolate cake in the carpet you little thing now when I did that I wasn't on the naughty step she' ripped the naughty stelf and tried to Whit me with it it's doule standards well I'm not so sure I mean I don't care about the chocolate in the rug and I don't care about the drawing on the wall but I do care that they're kind and they're considerate and they listen and that they're there but I'm not kind of a grandmother that tells their children how to raise their children I just don't do it and you ever ask her Russell yeah and can I just say I'm loving his mustache I mean have you seen the mustache well it's gone now did it tickle I didn't like it and I don't like facial hair oh um and I don't like um necessarily kissing facial hair uh because you're not finding the lips no he's big Ain that big you still find the lips well by the way his bottom lip is just available but the top lip isn't and it's it's all that hair growing down and and then it's sort of like you looked it up like and when I came back from one of my trips I had seen him for about two weeks and I came in and he looked so cute but then he had the hair thing and then he went went to kiss each other and it was so sweet because he just kind of lifted it up like that and kissed we've got to talk about you doing an episode of Jamie Oliver's uh Friday night Feast the end of the pier I am what's your specialist dish say I came around you and CT's house I probably would make something quite simple which is a mushroom uh wine reduction with over a beautiful piece of Kurt's elk Kurt's [Laughter] [Applause] elk what does CT's elk taste [Applause] like not oh my God I just HT myself as my makeup running okay Kurt has been a hunter and ever since I've known him and that he he he shoots and uh we have you know a freezer full of wonder into something dirty about shooting just ignore you know this is going nowhere you asked me a question they Twisted it into something TST they Twisted it stop it that me I mean you're taking them arm I'm not taking them on no there's nothing to do with anything that Kurt has on him yes but but what he does anyway this meal is going to be weird this meal is going to be weird when I turn up I can tell you you may not want to come to [Laughter] dinner the wonderful everyone lovely and thank you so much the stars of a new comedy panel show who are set to bring more laughs to the world of music than the time Peter Andre said just you see I will headline glastenbury Rick it's Ricky Wilson and Catherine Ryan hello hello my love now listen we've got to talk about your new show Bring the Noise it's a musical panel show with fun bits in and everything yeah it's it's comedy and music and and and there's me and Katherine every week and there's some regular Nicole and and Joel Joel's amazing it's so funny when you say panel show it doesn't really do it justice does there are no questions it's all games and we all get involved in the performance I think tiny Tempa the premier rap artist of the uking he's so great and I had to Massacre his music right in front of him and it's a laugh but here I am rapping oh now I know I'm rapping my loves this rapping that's going on this is how Mom's rap yeah and uh and he did come over and very very politely correct me like this is how you I was like that's a lost cause tiny but everyone takes it really seriously and I think that you can have fun and also really care about the games you care about them at home because you want to win because the team Captain's tiny temper and Nicole shering I know now what's Nicole like because is she like knocking over columns getting yogurt on her face she that is she I'd hate to go on holiday with her what she like yogurt everywhere what's amazing is that you'll get an A sing on a proper you know Nicole will go and and it sounds perfect when you get it right it's such a victory it's so much fun to guess I'm I'm the worst one on it I think your medium is danc though really right thank you Ricky that's true well last week on the show me and Adam Lambert recreated the video for Bohemian rats I don't if you saw it live right here in the studio it almost it wasn't like the clap it was like bit like common cold bit like I've got bit of a BG yeah so I was thinking why don't we combine the powers of Chatty Man and bring the noise and try and go fullblown viral this week are you up for that yeah yeah okay here's what we're going to do we were going to conduct a giant survey to find out Britain's favorite ever music videos but we couldn't be asked so instead we copied and pasted a list of the 100 best music videos off the internet so there you go we've got the list there can you see that to make things more interesting we're going to put that list on shuffle and it's going to choose a video to recreate and one of us has got to do it okay are you with me one of us has to do this right let's find out who's going to perform first Ricky you're up first yes Ricky you're performing Faith by George Michael go and get ready go and get ready sing along if you want to performing Faith from George Michael it's Ricky [Applause] Wilson but I've been thinking about Tom what are you waiting for why is it taking so long for you to see there something more what you waiting for I'll be so D sure I won [Music] be Rick that was good okay who up next and what video are they [Applause] recreating it's Catherine and you're going to be Adele okay someone like you please go and get ready go Captain right there a DL a Ginger Ginger is she really Ginger sh like the son of come out tomorrow like that Nicola from girls alow doing the Walker shame performing Someone Like You It's Nicola from gos aloud [Music] [Applause] come here is and I love that hurts inside and I can't remember Adele opening her legs that wide on that bridge anyway let's see let's see who I'm going to be performing Britney Spar hit me one more time [Applause] y thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you so much I got a lot of cheap wig in my mouth that's not the first time that's it for tonight's show a massive thank you to Goldie horn Rish R aan and of course Bring the Noise is Ricky Wilson [Applause] and
Channel: Alan Carr: Chatty Man
Views: 13,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Carr Full Episode, Alan Carr: Chatty Man, Best TV Moments Compilation, British Entertainment, Chat Show Series, Chatty Man Channel, Comedy Interviews, Comedy Legends Showcase, Famous Actors, Female Actress, Hit Comedy Series, Iconic Guests, Late Night Show, Laugh Out Loud Moments, Live Audience Laughter, Male Comedian, Music Performance, Romesh Ranganathan, Stand-up Comedians Spotlight, TV Series, UK Comedy
Id: hkhFBEfnbeg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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