Goldie Hawn Is Always Happy | Carson Tonight Show

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my next guest you all know she came from the resident giggler on television's laugh into an academy award-winning performance in her very first motion picture Cactus Flower and she's currently starring in the motion picture uh we hadn't Warren Beatty was on the other night called shampoo would you welcome goalie Hawn [Music] [Music] good Heavens that's just a slip of a dress that's you're Slinky tonight I know it really Slinky do you feel do you feel Slinky when you wear something like that I mean black I had a discussion about that today did you really yeah because um I didn't know whether to wear something like this or whether to wear something less you can't wear much less but I mean you mean less provocative provocative yeah well but black is provocative I like black it's my favorite um is black a color no white is the absence of color what is black black is beautiful like I said black is a uh hello a couple of students here tonight in college uh black is not a color right what is black it's the absence of color that's right so I have an absence of color on yes you do have an absence of color we'll check into that with our staff staff what is up black they don't know anything anyway it's nice to see you again last time we met we I think we were over to Mr Sami Khan's one evening together that's right right talking about it and you were talking about your early days all the crazy things you did I remember you're talking about being a go-go dancer I remember these things you see in case right somebody shows up on the show and I remember all these little you were a go-go dancer in a place called The Peppermint Lounge at one time no no it wasn't The Peppermint Lounge the peppermint box the peppermint box actually I did work at The Peppermint Lounge and for a couple of nights but I worked at the peppermint box which was uh I had a go-go agent do we do we want to talk about whatever you don't have to you can talk about anything you wanted I um I I had actually had to make a living um and I I tried out for a lot of Broadway shows and things and uh I wasn't very successful at it I was right I was quite a good dancer I thought but for some reason I didn't make it and uh so I had a go-go agent and I would call my Go-Go agent and I would say uh Ron um do you have any jobs for me and he'd say well yeah I got a job for you Goldie uh there's a place called The Peppermint Lounge at peppermint box and it's across from the Pacific not the Pacific Palisades the Palisades in New Jersey so I get in a Greyhound Bus New Jersey Palace New Jersey Palisades right and I got on a bus and I go and I stop in front of this little box little little box and I walk in and I had all my Frills on and all the Fringe you know that you're sharing and it was very big then my Spike Keels and crisscross tights and I went with my bag and I looked at the girl there and she's standing at the counter and she says hey baby come on in she says we are gonna get it on tonight I said hey I came here to dance I'm here to dance I make 25 a night and I'm you know where do I change and where do I dance and where's the boss she says well the boss is over here so I went and met the boss and he was drunk out of his mind he is leaning over the thing and he's going hey baby you don't have to get dressed tea time tonight I said I wanted to where my dressing room is I wanted to I want to get dressed and put on my Fringe and I want you to tell me where to go so I went up and I danced on the table that was about this is one story of many but I I danced on a table about as big as this and it was wobbling and I danced and that was it you know it it it my Go-Go agent never came to pick me up I asked the woman where you know where the Greyhound bus was at two in the morning she says there's no Greyhound bus here so I had to go ask some drugs I realized they had agents just for a go go you said my Google agents and he took 25 to 10 excuse me 10 yeah 10 of 25 you've paid your dues right oh there's more there's more I can't tell at all well in fact I didn't finish that story I wouldn't dare there's much more interesting things to talk about your Google agent hi you're sweetheart mouth no we were uh I haven't seen shampoo yet but I understand I know the plot of it yeah yeah it's a wonderful picture yeah I hear it's kind of crazy so successful it's uh it's unbelievable you know you work on a picture and you you you it's a job we had worn baby on the other night and uh he plays a hairdresser in this who has affairs with his clients right uh All of Me yeah that's what I I don't know but you I'm the only one that doesn't get any is there a reason for that uh uh I'm his girlfriend and that's raising enough I guess oh you're his girlfriend in the picture I play his girlfriend yeah and usually the girlfriends or the wives don't get as much as everybody else sometimes [Applause] there are just a few of you out there face the fact oh all right um now um yeah you play Geo is that I played Jill yeah I play um is this a close to life type of role I think there is a time in my life when when I was a jail there was a time in my life when I saw things happening in front of me and didn't have the courage or the the will even to express myself and to say uh wait a minute I don't I don't like this you know I can't live this way I think every woman comes to a point in her life hopefully where she looks around her and is have this has the strength and the ability to say I'm happy or I'm not happy and do something about it I think you've matured a lot right that's your I mean did you have that attitude four or five six years ago nope I haven't what was it brought that all around just experiences well I getting you know I guess it's assuming a certain amount of responsibility being able to have a certain amount of Freedom right having to learn to accept it uh meeting people every day having them relate to you in a certain way you have to turn around and face yourself and look at yourself and look at your situation in life and uh uh some women are lucky enough to be independent to where they are able to do this you know there are other women that that that need things other than just internal gratification Sometimes women need to eat sometimes they need to have a nice house have diamonds on their fingers and these values and they stay in a relationship they're not necessarily happy what's important to you are diamonds on the fingers I wore this is this is actually my only diamond ring other than my wedding ring that I don't wear anymore um that's okay we're not that's happened it does happen has that made you wiser I think so yeah I think so I hope so are you contemplating marriage again I don't mean to sound like a fan magazine interview no people always ask questions like this yeah no I'm not contemplating marriage I don't understand it well none of us do it we don't even know why salmon go Upstream but there they are oh you get married because it's there like mountain climber said yeah I guess true but it's you know it's a sad thing there's so much jealousy uh relating no I can't you haven't seen shampoo so it's hard to talk about it uh it's a one of these films that you must see because it has it appeals to so many levels it appeals to everybody everybody talks about it you go to a party and you sit and you people are having little groups discussing everybody sees part of them somewhere everybody represents someone else and what goes on inside of them uh it's it's extraordinary the film is is is taking off it's grossing and enormous amount of money over 40 million dollars it's projected and it's it's one it's exciting you know it's like I say when you work on a film like this you have no idea that it's going to take off it's going to be this successful but the fact is is that it deals with certain secret areas that that we have inside of us you know and that uh fantasize everybody fantasizes oh I have wonderful fantasy what kind of what I mean one that we could oh God I don't know if I could it's like if it's not too I'll think about it during the commercial break would you and I'll think of one of mine everyone has fantasies that's true though and now a word from nice and easy the hair coloring that sells the most we're back we're talking with Goldie Hawn you just said to me why we were sitting here maybe I shouldn't say that you were nervous about coming out here tonight what for we've known each other a while you know you do this so easy yeah I don't know I just I have so many thoughts in my head yeah any of me want to get out we don't you know we can go any direction you'd like to go anything else that's Freedom that's expressing that you really would like to say no we were talking about fantasies you ever have a fantasy uh I have a lot of fantasies but my fantasies are strange because they don't they designate colors and they they have to do with sensuality they don't have to do with specific things they don't have to do with specific actions right I have a fantasy that you put your hand on my hand that's not a fantasy to me I I think of other things more abstract things hmm are you a Scorpio yes so am I so you know what I'm talking about yes we have a uh could you explain that to us what could you explain that to us aluminum siding plays a great part in our dreams we do strange things with aluminum siding never comes into the average person you know you don't have to touch or have a physical act is what you're saying well I think that that sexuality is also mostly in the brain that's Dr David Rubin says the the most important sexual organ is the human brain I think so that's I brain's on hold lately but it's how do I say that I don't even know I don't know um hold yes um your father was a violinist what a blend I go in and out of these conversations Very sensual violin I think so music music is very sensual my father's a violinist and he's did he urge you when you were young to study the violin he no he didn't he helped me uh he encouraged me as my mother did to expand on my gift which I'm still discovering yeah um you make long-range plans you look and say hey goalie of three years now I'd like to be doing this or next week yeah yeah I don't either lots of people always say what would you like to do I assume you're doing what you like to do I am doing what I tomorrow I will be confronted with another set diversions I will be able to take this road or that road and then I have to decide which which road I want to take it's a good way to look at it so you don't say five years now I want the little cottage with a picket fence right a Guernsey cow a Guernsey cow I wouldn't mind having a Guernsey cow I wouldn't mind having a lot of animals that's one thing I like I like to have children there are certain basic things or basic to my nature that I need to express myself because you generally would like to have children or do you think it's a role that no I I went fulfilled yeah I went through that that stage I think I'd be a very good mother um I also think that I need to give I need I need to have someone to give to that's a very important part of my life um and personally quietly I haven't worked in seven months after since I've done shampoo what do you do now all the time I went to um I went to Tehran did you yes I went to the film festival there and I I met a lot of interesting people I went to Isfahan and Shiraz in Greece and I traveled all over the place and I met some fabulous people and I mean that's important I'm lucky I'm lucky to be in that position to be able to do it you know and and I take this time Now's the Time to do it absolutely right and uh it's it's great it's so great to be able to meet all those interests you sound like you got everything all together now goalie yeah maybe I do for now for now I know you have to leave early tonight too you have to go do something but I think would you come back again with us tonight yes anytime you want really because you're a delight thank you thank you [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Johnny Carson
Views: 413,433
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: episode, best, funny, youtube, funny videos, comedy, laugh, funniest, stand up, comedian, hilarious, stand up comedy, johnny carson, tonight show, humor, sketch, johnny carson bloopers, johnny carson show, johnny carson animals, johnny carson monologue, johnny, carson, tonight, show, funny video, best of johnny carson, funniest moments johnny carson, goldie hawn
Id: MvBHGKdScio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 1sec (841 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 18 2023
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