The Human Organ People Have Been Eating

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being a new parent is stressful it's kind of like owning a cat except it's louder it refuses to use its litter box and if you ignore it it'll resent you at your funeral it makes sense why so many to be parents attend Lamaze and prenatal classes if you feel prepared you're probably forgetting something could that something be a mouthful of your afterbirth [Music] today's episode is on the health benefits of consuming placenta after childbirth as always we recommend speaking with your doctor about you and your baby's needs before going ahead with any alternative medical practices and with that out of the way let's get into it have you been feeling rundown after giving birth have you been looking for a hot boost to your breast milk production do you want to be like your favorite celebrities well try placenta it's the newest hottest diet trend that every mammal on earth does except for us and camels don't ask me why I tried to find out but that'll be a mystery for another day placenta Fiji it's amazing it's incredible it's making me uncomfortable can we stop now Cat Cat I almost got enough remember you really gotta sell it girl we've we've done nine takes if he was emotionless in the first one and in the second one and anyway you know what I mean I don't think it's gonna change now I believe that I am adequately emotive the fact that you would say that makes me so very mad right now forgive me for trying to have a little fun with this bizarre topic nice jeez well to be fair as I said earlier the majority of mammals eat their own placenta so it's statistically the most normal thing for us to do yeah when I was a kid I had a cat who did this moving on the eating of placenta isn't new but it is gaining a lot of traction around the world famous folk like Kim and Kourtney Kardashian are doing it Mayim Bialik had a little taste and in 2006 Tom Cruise said he'd eat Katie Holmes placenta sure of course he would well who needed to sleep anyways but is this just another hokey pseudo scientific alternative medicine or is it backed by more than just celebrity endorsements human consumption of placenta is called placenta Fei Jie while animal consumption of placenta is called placenta Fei Jie yeah we have two main hypotheses as to why it exists in nature the first is to avoid predators from being able to pinpoint a newborn based on the scent of the placenta and the second is nest cleanliness because who wants a pile of meat nests attracting flies this is contestable though sofia k johnson md of friedrich schiller university Jenna's placenta lab of the clinic of obstetrics and gynecology in a meta-analysis of 46 different papers entitled placenta worth trying human maternal placenta AG possible benefit and potential risks notes that many squirrels choose to consume their placenta when they could simply discard it from their nests and for many cloven hoofed mammals placenta Fei Jia doesn't alter any major changes in infant mortality the underlying drive behind placenta Fei Jia is still up in the air researchers have also seen that our closest evolutionary relatives Apes also consume placenta so they believe that our aversion to consuming it is a tradition that developed over years of evolution it is also possible that the consumption of placenta is linked to the mother's need to increase caloric intake after an energy consuming birth however it's assumed that most women in industrialized nations wouldn't need to resort to this as their diets are likely diverse and full enough to survive post birth the modern health claims for humans is that the consumption of placenta can help ward off postpartum depression and increase post birth energy levels in the mother Sora gentlemen there isn't much of a point for you to eat it postpartum depression is caused by a few things primarily a dramatic drop of estrogen and progesterone after giving birth and secondarily by an increase in stress and anxiety dealing with a newborn among other things that being said placenta effigy has been around a little longer than our knowledge of hormones and predates the very concept of depression so what were their incentives towards this practice William Ober MD argues that one of the first historical references to human placenta AG comes from ancient Egypt's King murmur in an image of King murmur he is seen with a standard emblazoned with the placenta and umbilical cord over notes that the ancient Egyptians believed a child was formed from the mother's blood not shed during gestation and that the placenta was a reserve of vital life material so it would be seen as a symbol of life and power for a king on a military campaign the Old Testaments book of Deuteronomy chapter xxviii also contained references to placenta Fiji according to Ober the speaker in this passage warns the Israelites of the punishment for going against the Word of God threatening siege and war in which women would eat their own placentas instead of feeding their children Ober argues that if we can consider the Bible to reflect the cultures of the time this passage can point toward the attitudes toward placenta Fiji in cultures in and around the Mid East the Bible as read by Ober is making value judgments of the cultures with which Israelites would be familiar using placenta Fiji as a marker of barbarism to reinforce the need for faith in God placenta effigy has also been documented in China since the late 16th century in the great pharmacopoeia of 1596 Lee Shi Chen recommends a mixture of breast milk and placenta for an illness called Chi exhaustion kind of Chi exhaustion is characterized by anaemia weakness in your extremities : us in your sexual organs and premature ejaculation well I'm glad you all have a soundbite of that essentially the remedy consisted of three cups of breast milk with a sprinkling of dried powdered placenta on top which was then left out to warm in the Sun before drinking which doesn't sound like it tastes that good but health-wise it was equal to non placenta phage ik remedies for the same illnesses in Europe since the placenta is the tissue through which nutrients passed from mother to offspring the theory for modern mothers is that by eating it you can recoup some of those nutrients and get a blast of pregnancy hormones that will be quickly dropping after giving birth but what is actually in human placenta hormone and nutrient wise so what's the big tissue the study placenta worth trying rights that a single placenta weighing 450 grams contains an average of 234 calories 4 grams of fat 899 milligrams of cholesterol 513 grams of sodium 48 grams of protein and a plethora of minerals and B vitamins in terms of hormones it contains oxytocin estrogens progesterone and human placenta lacta Jim researchers found these hormones in both raw and dried placenta however the concentrations of these hormones were drastically reduced in the dried caplets and remains debatable though whether the hormones become biologically available after intake as steroid hormones are poorly absorbed when taken orally according to our study from the University of Jena and the risk associated with ingesting one's own placenta following a spontaneous non-interventional delivery without long-term pharmacological treatment during pregnancy is relatively low so the benefits aren't confirmed but what are these risks if one receives anaesthesia during delivery then the consumption of placenta is not recommended as it could absorb opioids or other anesthetics likewise if a mother smokes during pregnancy then the levels of cadmium in the placenta would increase and can cause damage to the liver and kidneys there is also a risk of bacterial infection if the placenta is not stored safely the CDC and Health Canada have advised against consuming placenta as it can contain infectious agents such as bacteria and viruses and that the preparation process could also potentially introduce infectious agents according to a report published by a CDC in 2017 an infant in Oregon contracted a serious bacterial infection caused by B streptococcus a bacteria also known as GBS which is normally part of our healthy gut microbiome but can cause severe invasive infections in newborns and people with compromised immune systems the baby was treated but he ended up in the ER only five days later upon investigation the bacteria source was traced to capsules his mother had been taking containing her dried placenta that was prepared by a private company the CDC report states that the encapsulation process might not have reached a high enough temperature for enough time to eliminate the bacteria which may have resulted in the mother carrying colonies of the GBS in her intestine and on her skin inadvertently transferring it to her baby as there are no regulations or standards in place for companies in placenta dehydration and encapsulation the bacteria that led to the infection in our case was found only after the baby got seriously ill for the second time it's true the placenta contains a good amount of pregnancy hormones however it's not certain if the oral consumption of placenta is an efficient method of acquiring them a 1918 study did find a link between consumption of placenta and breast milk production which is great but isn't the primary concern of those consuming placenta today in the end placenta worth trying are used that since the bacteria in our CDC case wasn't found in the mother's breast milk it could be assumed that the stomach functions as a barrier against bacteria and that it may be likely the GPS transmission was due to close contact of mother and baby after birth they conclude even if the described effects of placenta ingestion were attributable to a placebo effect mother and child could in certain cases benefit from improved well-being and better health while being exposed to a low individual risk that is if it's prepared safely of course let's get one thing straight I'm not a parent not really taking care of myself is hard enough bean does rely on me for some things but his species can survive in the vacuum of space so honestly I think he's the one taking care of me we all would go great lengths to keep the ones we love safe and healthy let alone what a parent would do for their child as of now it appears that eating your placenta may have some health benefits for both mother and child however some of those benefits can be attributable to the placebo effect if you go through sanitary channels to prepare your placenta for your own consumption there is little risk involved and if it means a healthier stronger baby well Who am I to tell you how to raise your children just speak to your doctor about it they'll give you a recommendation with you and your child's best interests in mind
Channel: Brew
Views: 299,043
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Keywords: placenta, eating placenta, eat placenta, eat placenta after birth, kardashians eat placenta, kardashian placenta dinner, kardashian placenta, why eat placenta, kardashians eat placenta reaction, eat my placenta, moms eat placentas, cow eat placenta, dog eat placenta, cat eat placenta, animals eat planceta, placenta previa, placenta accreta, placenta encapsulation, placenta pills, placenta benefits, placenta eating benefits, placenta benefits eating, kim kardashian placenta
Id: 7N_E5rhUCcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 23sec (683 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 08 2020
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