The Hot Seat Podcast || The Evil Eye - Causes and Cure [Ep 13]

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why our jobs are double Oulu not robbing another field jalapeno deed Calladine I care for Rubio Rob be him he can love love he pee him whoa he goes awry whom fear Hardy I mean what salatu was-salam ala rasoolillah he sallallahu alayhi wa sallam I'm a bad Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu once again I'm joined on the hotseat bios that Mohammed same humble understood Abdul Rahman Hassan just act like Aaron for joining me both laugh e5 - so we've come to the final part of this trilogy that we're doing on the world of the unseen so previously we spoken about Jin possession we spoke about magic and now we come to the topic of evil eye so I want to get straight into inshallah again very simple generic question of the start what exactly is evil eye okay smell our hamdulillah salat wa salam and i was really left early he was sorry he first of all we know that the evil eye is something that is true the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wasallam said and the hadith is in Sahih Muslim from the hadith or Delamere best audio lover and Houma he said a lion hawk well Ocana shaken cervical code or cervical I'm worried estas el to enforce it so we know that this is something true and the reason I started with that rather than talking about what this concept is before we just get into that is I think that it's really important really profound the way the Prophet Solomon said those words I'll I in a hug what we're about to talk about is something real so we get into the definition of it I think it's important to bear in mind that this is something that is is real and true and has a profound effect and that if something were to overtake the divine decree would be the evil eyes someday X is something true and something which has a profound effect I personally like the way that an imam even opium Raheem allow Dada describes and he describes in many different ways he has a lot of statements describing it but he describes it like an arrow he said fella Yahoo Germany are in salmon marina we eat asada fell Baden la with quiet Ella as therapy what Allah Lemmy inferred SM parabrahma would Alice or he be he casts airman has see Sarah I think the way he describes very beautiful he says it's like an arrow that comes out like and like a an arrow which isn't a physical arrow but something that behaves like an arrow that comes out from the person who gives the evil eye and if it strikes the body of someone that doesn't have protection it causes an effect upon them and otherwise it doesn't affect that person perhaps it would even come back upon the person who gave it like a real arrow might you know bounce off and fall back exactly the same way and he also said what a salut will mean a jab in any Bechet the core of it is is that the person giving the evil eye is impressed by something then after that this person has he said so much better ok fear to never see Haditha he's like he's corrupt and wicked soul causes that import being impressed by something and amazed by something he causes it to have an effect upon the person that he's impressed with all that he is amazed with did you have something um did a little bit on me no salatu salam on a shallow feelin be well more saline say you know what i mean i'm mohammed while early he was Harvey whatever in a yearning you know Medina my bad the only see that we go through as the children of Adam is two types so the first model is broad Cal beer illnesses that happened to the heart and I'm Rob dullness is that happened to the physical side the body the am radical beer is either Suharto shoe had doubts or desires I mean that's the best translation sir shahe wat is desires and subbu hat is doubts that so these are illnesses at the heart go through and that's not what we're really talking about here even though some of the scholars they strongly bonded between the illnesses of the heart with the illness of the body that there's a strong relationship between the two like in the one we're focusing here and talking about here my mainly is I'm rod Bethenny I like the physical side and I mean is one of those things that happen to the physical side that's why anything our best insider Muslim it clearly states that the iron is happy it's true it's real so it physically has a physical existence it's not something metaphoric or something that just is not seen it's actually seen this person is affected and when you look at the tire defect of the real am I like Al Kut Barbie and it will come here and you look at a blue Jersey and other Emma you tend to find they use the word a line and even the word itself a line some people think it's just you have to see the person you're doing the Aisne to that's not really the only that's not necessarily the case but can give a person and I'm just merely hearing about them and that's why I lasted in the Iowa in your casual Edina Cafaro now usually Honecker be above sorry blem SME radhika or your whole una una mejor moon Allah says when I do Latino comfort when the disbelievers were close to now you slew Hanukkah just make you sleep Mohammed let me see me really cry when they heard the truth see him but they heard it so those even who heard it can have an effect on a person by just merely hearing it so the term I know meaning seeing is me baby Talib this generally the case majority of the times but it's not only the case it can actually happen from just merely hearing about someone I mean I thought that was important to point out this effect that you mentioned him what he's are we talking about here so what I mean by it and suddenly disintegrate so sudden he finds holes in it or he puts in the wash and it changes like what exactly are we talking about here so here first of all we have to say that not everyone who has this amazement and jealousy effects other people with it jealousy and amazement in in a negative sense all is harmful to the person who gives them and that's why or one of the reasons why Eliza just said when Michelle has it in her hasit because al has said it has sharp throat any evils in it and Allah Azza WA JAL chose to mention it among among the most greatest of the evil or the greatest of the evils from those things which allah azza wa jalla min sharri wa min sharri mahalik that allah azzawajal created because jealousy and indeed that kind of amazement with something that that is what's the word that is accompanied by an F switches cabeza like a corrupt soul and an a an an evil soul is harmful to the person who does it however there are some people who along with causing themselves harm and causing harm to their hearts and causing harm to their good deeds and causing harm to their relationship with Allah Azza WA JAL cause physical harm to manifest itself in the person that they are that they are speaking about or that they are have heard about or that they are amazed with now I personally feel that when you gather together the a hadith and perhaps we're going to talk about the the hadith of Sahel that is in more table ma Malik it's most not imam ahmed and others insha'Allah we can talk about that in a moment but there are different sort of situations one is that a person can be jealous or can be amazed by a particular characteristic of a person like their hair or their folk or something that they possess and bear in mind it's not the saab you're jealous of you don't wish that you could be a hope it's the person's ownership of it that the jealousy comes with that's why I asked one of the Messiah and I said to him that she I want to understand better you know because this issue of someone being jealous of the car they're not they're not jealous of the car right they're jealous of that owners relationship with it the fact that he has ownership of it so here it could affect the person in that specific thing and this is quite common so for example someone gives iron on someone's hand their hair begins to fall or their hair begins to it doesn't have the same quality that it had before or it could be that the person becomes generally sick in their whole body especially if someone is jealous of something like the person's skin north or the person's whole body for example or even generally so it can strike a person in different ways and if you think of the example if an opium gave it's such a good example of shooting an arrow at somebody because you can shoot an arrow at somebody and miss you can shoot an arrow at somebody and the arrow can be deflected by the person's armor or it can cause them some harm but it can be less than the harm that you intended you aim for the heart but you struck the arm for example so it's a very very good example the example of the arrow because it shows that how it can affect people in different ways but it can affect people up to a very very significant effect to the point that the prophet sallallaahu are anyway Selim described the person describe the person of like the person who is killing like he said I'll am i up to a Hadouken aha would one of you wish to kill his brother so the issue is not a small thing wait just we're talking about his table changing color and he could reach a person to the point that a person dies from it so this is a voluntary action that's what I'm understanding for me like you voluntarily shoot an arrow somewhere like like for example for me to have the meat and flick some with the evil eye it's like I have to be intending that they get the evil eye or not what can I just be amazing like for my child for example I don't wish any harm for them but I just look at them and think wow I mean if you look at the statement he mentioned there's a strong bond built between a lion and a hazard and that's when of course the person intends to you know acid itself jealousy this is something what's the difference between suitors so so let me explain for both the first so the first one is an asset and the second one is the issue of a job you are fascinated something and this is not necessarily you intending anything evil but as a male in math and loci you mentioned it I came across a statement by I saw a bloke like my mother say it and I and I came across the statement I think was a big leader him along with Allah when he came on the explanation of the hadith Allah my octorok maja he mentioned that the job here can be a mother to her own child without her intending Eva for the child but she just didn't say what she should have said when she saw that which amazed her you know and so here what comes with it is that enough switches kabisa that evil comes from and the other ones hazard jealousy and the stolid hell you said enough copies her like the mother to her daughter she has nerves cabeza no not necessary to harm the child okay every in the left serve was too early man divided into three or my battery when I've seen enough cell amara to be so and left us with another commands of evil second one is enough switch Islam allows immobile Mahima when I hope she will be not seen Obama and the third learn a lot about her - Allah says here - enough solo to my England he regenerated Arabic around later model so sometimes the left itself can have an evil evilness in it without intending you to actually do it to that person that's why we were commanded to say particular things so it prevents all of this from taking place so here perhaps we can say that the worst kind of ein analyzer journals best is the one where the person deliberately has has a conscious and deliberate feeling of evil and desire for that person to lose what they have but that a person simply not not sticking to the commands of allah azzawajal and the commands that the messenger saws item is given that can can also have evil consequences upon a person even if it isn't a conscious and deliberate effort to do so it still comes from something wrong it doesn't come from something good it comes from an F that has flaws and and faults in it that the person is not doing what they are supposed to do to the point that even our claim not only mentioned a person afflicting their child but I found also that he mentioned a person afflicting themselves as well that a person could potentially afflict work hard he said racketeering Oh Roger own F sir who he said a person could even give I into himself so holla because of a person's not following the proper procedure and the proper Islamic etiquettes when feeling amazed and proud by something else let's talk about now what is the proper Islamic etiquette when feeling when seeing something that impresses you amazes you this brings us to a point which i think is very important as well is that this is an illness now this person gets afflicted with night this I know is afflicted this individual and so what he does is that is personally from sick from it and we know from the famous hadith precisely menzel Allah and lo Angela who they were animal home and animal jheel imagine you know that there's no illness that happens to be that except that it has a cure the one who knows it knows that the one who doesn't know when doesn't know it so I am is an illness like what happens to the individual is the illness it comes sometimes from the angle of your jab fascination and amazement with something and sometimes it even comes from acid and hazardous College they say it's two times hazard which is Muhammad and that which is made the moon blameworthy and praiseworthy the famous one famous one is that the process let me said in the hadith no has to the in love eternity knee there is no hazard accepted two things a lot you don't enter allahu melon force Allah Ta'ala hellokitty a personal I gave him wolf and he's taking that wealth and he's spending in the course of alliance with Jana I also what I do I tell our Elmen a man who Allah gave him knowledge he gave him the Quran he gave him the sooner he gave him knowledge of the religion and he's there teaching the people and so you look at that and you say oh I would like to have that but it's not what you want that person to lose you want it that had to be for that person but you also wait for yourself this hazardous praiseworthy okay the second form of hazard is the one that you want this person to lose it and this is where it automatically falls into the mat loom and blameworthy one where you see a good trait in someone and you want that good trait to be taken away from that person and that has two levels a level where it's I want that person to lose it and I want it for myself and that's evil and it's bad the second one is that you want the person to lose it and not necessarily get it for yourself and that's even worse as long as this person doesn't have it I'm happy don't want this person to have it and that's even worse so these characteristics of a hazard of course is that which I beliefs had towards Adam Ali Salaam so it's a characteristic I started from him and a lot also mentioned it for the disbelievers that they have for the Muslims when they live in a cough a room in a leaky tabby the disbelievers they wish this is what they want Loara do la cámara de manikkam they want to take you back after your faith and belief of Allah Azza WA Jalla I want you to believe they want you to be like them Fatah who known as Sarah they want both of you part them and all of you to be misguided so to answer your question on the issue that we came to so not assert the Kerber is a slow progression so in this hadith and let's talk about studies of of second grade that he said that he did a whoreson at a place called al Haram and he took off his his clothing or his that he took off his Jubba his cloak that he was wearing and there was someone called Amira BIA who was looking at him and Sahel was a man who had he was fair skinned and his skin was very we had very beautiful skin so I'm herb Arabiya said he said I have not seen he said Mara a tu que yo me le he said while Jill de Allah he said that I have not seen skin like this no in the skin of a virgin and cell fell down on the spot and when he fell down on the spot and his condition grew worse they took him to the messenger of allah sallallahu are any worse element they told him when and when he came to him we said them we mentioned the Heidi which the prophet saw him he said he said Allah may after a hakama ha he then he's an ell lab or actor he said would you not have said would you not have invoked Baraka for him I would you not have said may Allah bless you always this effect now in this I did a little bit of research and because this issue came up about the exact see her the exact phrase that you should use here in order to seek Baraka for someone and many of the dilemma when they mentioned is they said it was sufficient to mention to return the blessing to Allah so Jung sufficient for you to return the blessing to Allah subhana Allah and to say that this is from Allah like somebody saying Masha Allah or something like that but the wording of the hadith is to invoke and this and in a lot as well knows best the safer what is Aslam is that you follow the wording of the hadith and you invoke Baraka for that person like saying for example Allah abetik or barek Allahu fika may Allah bless you or may Allah give you blessings or may Allah bless you in it but Allah who like a female Allah give you blessings in it or something like that where you invoke the Baraka and that's the wording of the Hadees and some of them they used the evidence they steadily will either they used the iron sword to lkf regarding the person when they enter the garden and he said ma sha allah la quwwata illa billah but here the hadith itself this hadith that is in as we said similarly Muhammad an asylum headband and the mortal man Malik that here the wording is to invoke Baraka for the person and that of course includes returning the blessing to a larger in I saying that that blessing came from allah subhanaw taala and asking allah so rejected blessed that person and that removes all of the jab that amazement and all of the hazard if it exists from the person's heart you have so what we can do is we can divide the cure for the iron into two we can one is the prevention which is the Asin because Arabs and even in the English language are required to hydrometallurgy prevention is better than cure so it's Auslan you shouldn't have to see your brother or your sister suffer you should say this at the beginning when you see something that amazes you you just allahumma barik mubarak allahu laka you breathe you know you bring the statement into whatever amazes you and fascinates you of course if this is the majority of the real Emma they mentioned rather shake loose on Tinian actually sorry that was compiled by Chef Michoud Hassan on the gin a quality blue team regarding gin and he took from his much more and you know German Masonic and other books like that a blue team erm Allah he says that this generally comes from a person who is fascinated a little Sally showed that he was fascinated and so he would say a lot of Mubarak I'm about a colonic because he didn't tell even Auslan he didn't want you to suffer he didn't want this person to be afflicted with something evil he said it out of fascination like in the one who's has it he won't say that he doesn't want good for you and he's not intending good for you so the second cure is after the problem has happened so if you've been fascinated with something and you saw that this person something happened to them the Prophet SAW Allah said guided us to to vote for the person so I actually do although and whatever is left for over from the water that water that is poured over the person or they shower with that water and the prophet Elijah said never told us that if that would if the person requests you is hey can you give me water the Prophet SAW Allah and then give like your question and you're asked for it you should get give and the armor of the Prophet Elijah's dilemma in the science of a soldiers we study that the commandments of the process time and what he instructs us to do it shows obligation so if the person asks you to do although for them you have to do it for them it's not an issue of whether you know he I didn't do anything wrong well I didn't even if you think you did anything wrong the sculpt of this brother and this past is hot you have to be intimate Nina to it okay so here much an extra point with the sheer said we're talking about classifying down the Cure's now into the prevention and the cure and the cure that that man mentioned regarding the the hustle and regarding the water this is a cure which is used when the person is known or the person is suspected and I think it's very profound in the hadith of obscenity I've this hadith regarding what happened to him that in this hadith the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam indicated or he asked them was their girlfriends no no no there's a wording there's a wedding I'm looking for a healthy German Arabic Sheikh I take a moon at the table that's what it's called yeah okay so we just resume on that point so in some of the narration of the hadith the Prophet SAW him said he'll Tetrahymena I hadn't yeah do you accuse anyone of this so here either the person is known or either there is at least halibut old man like there is some kind of preponderant a belief that this person has done this but what do you do also when there is no we don't know at all who did this we have no idea whatsoever for this we have another hadith this in the hadith of as mum into a maze and the reference for the hadith in ahmed and in a tyranny that she said regarding the children of java that the children of Jaffa have been afflicted by the evil eye shall we not recite rockier for them shall we not recite rockier for them and the prophets like salem said yes for if anything were to overtake the divine decree it would be the evil eye so here what we take this hadith is this hadith upon the person we don't know the children are sick it appears that their sickness is not something which has a medical cause and we believe these children from the side looking at them they've been touched by the evil eye and therefore now if we don't know who to ask and we don't have anyone that we make to allow a team of now that we go through the mess of a rakia a Sharia of of rakia chronic therapy Quranic healing yeah I definitely want to talk about real clear shot a yeah and a lot more detail and shot a lot but just before we move off evil eye I know we're doing the world of the unseen but with the previous kind of topics we've covered jinn possession for example we accept the existence of jinn another topic like magic we can see that you know people might be blowing or not so have hair like the hadith of the Prophet SAW some that we took earlier but evil eye well what is causing this so how does this happen I look at a microphone and I am amazed by it and suddenly the microphone crashes to the ground like what how does this happening what is the cause for this I just doesn't seem to add up rationally here I think as we've spoken about in the very beginning of this of this three-part series about the importance of believing in the unseen we spoke about the statement of Allah Azza WA JAL and ladino Nabil right those who believe in the unseen and how belief in the unseen is a fundamental characteristic of the believers and a fundamental characteristic of the people who are successful now we have a statement from the prophet sallallaahu or anyone's LML i in oaxaca truth that the consequences for example i see someone's car and i'm amazed by it it doesn't mean just by looking at the cars is gonna crush the ground i could come by that night and scratch the car and i know how their consequences of my jealousy is true why can't we just interpret that way does that make more sense i mean first of all shift him mentioned muhammed mensch is something very important which is that you know the unseen is something we are commanded to surrender to believe in losses fellow Allah because I only had tell you hockey mcafee my job a home so my Laird you do film frozen hard I'm in mark of it while you sell limited cinema this is the point I want from the ayah which is that you surrender to it you see and so the ayah for our because I when I had to hack him okay the hokum of Allah is two types the first program is her home which is Charlie and her home which is Coney hurkman Charlotte is Allah the Quran and the Sunnah I come from Allah Azza WA JAL we need to surrender to that we need to believe in it whenever ia tells us something when how details are something we believe in it we also have to believe in the universal things Allah does subhana WA Ta'ala we can't reject them things that a lot about aquata Allah has established and those two I add those two hokum I can which are Shari and how much a Konya both little ons existence of Ranawat Allah and they both affirm a lot about go to Allah his ability his knowledge his infinite knowledge his infinite abilities Hannah Montana so this issue of the iron affecting people is not only just a idea meaning we can see from the hadith of the Prophet Salima I recited the iron sort of column which I drew lady naka four layers Lyon again many other portion of the Quran hadith you can find in you also see when we in the world that we live in in today you see actual people being affected by someone looking at them or incidents here again I want to just interject with the hadith that we mentioned of certain area this hadith it's very the hadith is very clear the companion simply said that I've never seen skin like this and he dropped to the ground and he didn't come back later on and you know scratch him or her throw him down or something like that the reality is we have to take these a hadith together and sprint so we come back to again the man will ripe and taking the Sharia as a whole taking all of the hadith together and again not rejecting things because they just don't make sense to us the reality is the hypeeeee generally speaking is something which the the intellect doesn't have a place in even though the Quran and the Sunna don't contradict the sound intellect but the reality is that the intellect just can't stand up to matters relating to the unseen because you just don't have things to compare it to you don't have a basis of principles or ideas or concepts through which you can understand how this works this works on a level that is outside of our knowledge and understanding but it's sufficient for us that aside that we must talk sallallaahu I am the one who is truthful in what he said and the one who is believed for what he said told us that it is the truth and that's why we started the very first thing that I mentioned too is that I know the ironist is the truth because it's something which if you take it from a purely logical perspective you would say well I don't really see the scientific basis or the logical basis for me to believe in this but we see the shadowy basis to believe in it Islamic basis is there any dispute of the hadith with her companion so another companion and he fell to the ground there's any dispute over his authenticity could be I mean I'm not gonna say there isn't but like Himalaya out were really someone who would we won't give consideration to a member to fund the people of the field and the people who are grounded in the science are saying he's authentic so we don't look at well lemme lemme he has a very very powerful statement of his he said to me at him in bad deed Anika or why you don't work who say don't tell Italy Sofia later on we we have like how many Muhammed authenticated how did we hurt him well Boozer ah we have even sick Heath who authenticated suity has a reseller even on it so we have these in BA who we say like you know they know this field I mean they they really know the science but academia and motor are healing so if I wait or sale or sell it elesif inhale comes and say something about the Hadees will just say okay I mean how Diana he this is just his speech and his whatever he wants to say you can say no problem and even you you laughter you have to look at this point which is important you can't push something based on possibilities Clancy what about poss this is possible I mean everything in this world there's a possibility there is a possibility we can't eliminate possibilities from just about every situation in our lives how do you know you're here right now possibility possibility me inauthentic there's no the possibility of this all not being I draw an example scratch on the car you know what about if there's a possibility that this happened what about this possibility that happened I could say okay what about the possibility you and I and checked him are not sitting here right now so the dream it could be a possibility we could be dreaming could not be a reality so things like that don't push away certainty well yeah clearly I'll be shocked car remove certainty which is a statement of the prophet alayhi salatu salam Aaronic evidences can't remove it with speculations possibilities and then more than that let's talk about some of the companions who narrated this is not only narrated in the hadith we mentioned sauce owner ate from every nod bus straight from Aisha from abu saeed al Qadri it's narrated from umm Salama from Jabra bin abdullah from from r wa who narrated from um Salama from waver as we said Sherburn abdullah all of these companions innovating totally different snot they were narrating the same event that might be you know they're all narrating different times in which the prophets lie some said something about to establish the evil eye the evil eyes the truth or the dua to save you from the evil eye or gibreel generation about gbemi share equally the iron seeking refuge from the evil of every envious eye and so on this is narrated by so many of the companions in so many different ways I don't think there's any basis for you to take one particular hadith and say this hadith you know it doesn't isn't authentic or whatever come to the other ten twenty you know so on it's very difficult to argue that regarding the evil eye and it's something that we should submit to and accept even if we don't understand the the mechanism by which that actually happens because that is something as part of the ghaib and the rape you only have what allah azzawajal told you and what his messenger sallallaahu are they were seldom told you don't have anything additional to that so all you can do is to take what you have been given which we have been given the reality of the Aisne we've been given the protection from giving in to other people we've been given to are to protect yourself from a happening to you and we've been given the concept of rakesh area for treating it under treating with the water and the hustle and so on that's sufficient you know the Sharia gives us everything we need as for the things that we don't need that are not important to us or that are not critical for our understanding then at the end of the day if we haven't been told about all of the tough our sale and the details then that's not that's not critical to us we've been told it's a reality we've been to how to protect how to cure it how to seek refuge from it and so on that's what that's those are what the people need okay let's talk about okay sure let's go into that so what exactly is real clear Rukia is to seek refuge in Allah Allah Allah for a particular individual for you to do it for yourself as well it's the sea refuge in a lot about a katana and the way that you do it by seeking refuge in Allah is three main ways number one is Quran by reciting the words of a lot about katana because the Quran is the speech of Allah Allah says in the Quran were in a Hydra min and mushy heinous Taraka you know hot I smack and I'm Allah Quran is the speech of Allah so you read verses of the Quran and the Quran is the cue Allah says when you let 0 min al qarani maha shiva and the word mineral karani has a balloon failure mentions in his key tab that with the way it is not earlier mean he does it mean that some of the Quran is of cure it's actually by any genes here I mean SIA my own little gene sorry it's actually just saying that the Quran is a cure for us just like Allah said in surah 2 surah - let me only lead in a calf room in a leaky table a lot of sorted by inna a lot about her - Allah he said in a lady in a kafir Oh min a little time he has not already as well so it's not some of the the in little kaoru min added heater and aquifer we can't use the word mean here as table area so when unity luminal core I mean the whole Quran is a cure-all so Allah said in another ayah yeah even a sahaja yog come over tomorrow become what she found him official daughter this is the I wanted to bring to you so when we do have say operand bill Quran the I you mentioned that was the first I was obviously a general ayah that talks about the Quran being Shiva when we look at the iron through units like you just mentioned now Lynn Murphy sued or the Quran is a cure the manifested or doesn't that show that Allah is now restricting it he's actually saying it's a cure for the things that in your heart i ignorant go for sherek all of these kind of actions or these kind of things up staying aha it's not necessarily a cure like I'm sure you guys are gonna say for a headache or for a scratch on your hand or for mental illnesses okay it's good that you asked that question to be honest and I haven't really done a good research on this particular topic personally but this is one thing that it's primal I if I did look at while back or recently I was looking at the Cylons reading the ayah were a lot about catalysis yeah Onizuka DiGiacomo a more adult America mushiya only my facade or it's a tool for the person sniffs and al hamdulillah at the beginning of the discussion of what I mean is and what it means the next of people can affect another person so the Quran is a cure for that evil Nexus within us it does cure it so it's a preventative cause for it and it will carry about heimola and I say it he has a heater couldn't afford a man well I thought it would in fact hear something like that this could say it I'll but Russia or I'm out why something I thought I mean he's lame he pointed this out that the nafs that the individuals have in them that affect the I love a person who you affecting a person by a job we mentioned that it means that you're fascinated with something and so you're evil Neffs has an effect on this person here the Quran is a cure for that even nerfs of yours and it's not only a cure for that the other eye explains that the Quran is also a cure for and then left emptied a disaster awesome to have anything to add on that morning yeah so there's actually two points I wanted to add is if we took it we can just step back a little sure we still talking about the definition of role here here and I wanted to quote to you from and have another Hodja it's also mentioned by and Noah we and others but I have them in Roger he mentioned the aged man on this that rakia if it has three Schrute then it is a rockier Sharia it is a sure I an Islamic rookie rakia in general the word in general refers to these words that are said I think perhaps in English sometimes we call it incantations or words that are said and this is something that existed in the time of jahiliya so it existed prior to Islam that people had certain words they would read in order to effect a cure by the permission of Allah up on a sick person and certain people became known for this in even the time of of jihad I will come to the hadith in that regard but here what we want to say is that what I have done her job or him a long time I mentioned he mentioned that each man on this first of all an takuna be Kayla Mueller hey Tyler or BS my heels if I see that this rakia takes place using the knee the speech of Allah or Lars names and attributes secondly what we listening bill listen al arabi I will be my aura for man and a human lady or that is by an Arabic tongue or that which its words unknown so it's not like words that are people don't know what the words are or don't understand what the words are and thirdly and yet attack it or I knew at akkad and Nawrocki atlatl SLB that he had well be that allahi ta'ala for here Jay is a true mobility if this happens and it's permissive it's permissible piety this isn't similar to this words equivalent to this and have it up in Hajj I mentioned each mark upon it and now we brought it in his explanation of Sahih Muslim and others among the scholars who mentioned the atfec of the lemma upon these three things so first of all this is man in itself also is a response to this issue that it's only for what is in the hearts but more than that the hadith of the prophet sallallaahu is a because remember we understand the Quran in the light of the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu and it was seldom and actions of the Sahaba of the allahu anhum there are numerous numerous a hadith of the Sahaba using and in fact I would venture to say the majority of the examples of Rokia among the Sahaba were for what we would call physical medical illnesses snake bites scorpion stings fever and so on I will just give you an example from a be sorry al houdry and the hadith is very long so I just want to to summarize that there was a that they passed by some they passed by a tribe from all the tribes of Arabs and their leader was stung and one of them said to go to this group which contained a bizarre Idol Qadri so if we come to the the Shaheed from it that he recited upon them where Cora hamdulillahi rabbil alameen anima new shiva min Akkad he says though he was freed from chains fan Pollak I am she wanna be he ha he he left like the person got up walking as though nothing had happened to him and they went to the Prophet Solomon the prophets like him said well my Eureka and her rakia what will make you know that it's a rakia and he said odd a sub tomb you did the right thing and the hadith is is a long hadith the hadith narrated by Bukhari and Muslim and others and it has various narrations and various different any examples from it but the key thing we've got here is you we've got Rakesh area being used for somebody who has what is a known medical complaint it's a sting scorpion sting or a snakebite someone who is lady who's been bitten it's not something that is is necessarily honey from the jinn or from the Ino from the world of the unseen you have examples of the fever you have the Prophet sighs I'm entering upon I share of the Allah and her and a woman is there who is treating her and he says i lady happy ki Tabinda treat her with the Book of Allah hadith in this are so numerous and that they teach us that this ayah is not restricted to the matters of the heart even though the matters of the heart are the greatest of matters and it's what's more important the safety and the health of your heart or the safety and health of your you know one of your limbs your finger or your arm or whatever it might be so the robe leadership idea is that you seek refuge in a lot about a koala and you do the seeking or refuge in Allah Kabbalah khattala through reciting the Quran so a person reads the Quran and there are many evidences to support this a lot about go to Allah he says when you lazy luminal irani Maha Shiva we have sent down from the Quran a cure the Quran in its totality some of the people of innovation they tried to say that the word min here in this verse is earlier so some of the verses are being said to be kills but we reject our we said that the min doesn't always mean some like in the verse in surah Tauba era what loss is in the ladina in the live in a forum in elite Qatari so the added heat up are all core far they're not Muslims so to say that the mean here means bad idea is incorrect so it's as if al Qaeda mention is he tapped out whenever it's by an allegiance which means that the whole entire Quran in his essence is a cure and in other words a lot about wata'ala he says subhana WA Ta'ala yeah I own a sahaja yog come more a lot to me Arabic home where she fell in my facade or Allah is mentioned is high note Allah that he has sent down cure for mankind so the Quran is a cure for the two types of illnesses that I mentioned I'm rather a loop and a mother I began it kills the hearts and it also kills the body and the heart is the foundation allow any future Cydia mudra it's our adjusted okulu in a faceted fasted urges to do cool our here called also what the room here is is that allows names and attributes we know a lot about Hetalia has names and all of the names of allah have meaning in it and they have characteristics in it and the belief of Allatoona is a lot of names are a lemon-peel a moon ability very deleterious debt or saw from ability very there anything a little money that allah is names are not just mere names they are names that have within them characteristics and attributes and meanings that are taken from it so the names of allah and his characteristics are a cure or okiya so how does that manifest itself in practicality and say i've got a scorpion sting on my hand i can just repeat one of our last names no it's one of the biggest example for it's a forces to the speech of a lack of adequate analogies the Quran so the Quran is a characteristic an attribute of a lot of our code China the reason why we took that one out is because of his in thank you value and how great the Quran is so one is the speech of Allah and the speech of Allah is a characteristics of his so Hanna with China sharing this point if I just interrupt for a second and give another practical example sure what about the hadith for example and when the prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said ad he bats or abanazar issuer anti-shah feel lash Eva he'll a she fell she fell a hard so here's a perfect example of a Las names cause the pain to go away Lord of mankind cure and you are the cure so the name our rub is mentioned and the name Shafi is mentioned there is no cure except your cure cure that even no sickness or Haram she correctly and also the third one being dua and supplication and begging allah subhanho wa taala because allah says in the quran waiters at EBI D&E for Indian curry which he would have wanted there either done Allah is close to panel tonalities creation and he gives them what they ask for and so this shows us that these three are what the Arabic term means and that is why I remember curavi and him am even Roger and Noah we all three of them she has mentioned the two know we and even harder and Qaddafi as well they all mentioned this definition together also the rakia is to uplift a harm that has afflicted a person so it is rough or butter is to remove a harm as before in a person and it's also to wrongly can also be to prevent yourself from something that hasn't even happened yet the scholars they categorize the rakia into two types that she has mentioned it but our formality it's a rupee Hashanah yeah rakia shurkia so the rakia are the conditions of the chef Ryan chef Mohammad Javad Allah mentioned that it's in the cry it's the speech of a lot of article two ala it's a clear-cut Arabic the person doesn't believe that this means itself beings the cure we don't believe means can kill you the means are that which we come with and we leave the results with a large vagina and if the person any of those three if it's missing then it becomes okay she kia no I want to go back to hadith aerostat Tim you mentioned earlier and I was when the companions were on a journey and I came across a group leader and he had been I think it was a scorpion sting he was afraid to it and they did rocky on him and he was immediately cured they went back to the prophet saw some he approved of it there is a context is hadith or isn't it and the Companions were at I'm desperate for kind of food shelter money the tribe had refused them right that's right so is this not just an example of a lot of helping the companions during this particular time as kind of like a miracle which we discussed previously in the magic episodes why can't we see is that why do we then take it as a general rule that we can use it and anyone else can use it ie is it not from the Cara Matt of the olia and something which happens in opposition to the norms in order just in order for our lives which are to help his believing slave at a time of need yeah the problem with that is from multiple angles and I'm gonna mention three angles the first angle which I would have a problem with that is it's the statement of the prophet sallallaahu I do seldom cut a Saab them in the same hadith you did the right thing and his statement wanna you dareka and Harrell here well how what made you know that it was a rakia he didn't say well my Udrih can Kurama min caramel Thalia or Eliza July or something like that he said it was a rakia and he said you did the right thing so you this cut ass optim means that abu saeed had a choice to make he made a choice to take a certain set of actions and the choice that he made was they was the correct one the second problem that I have with this is the other a hadith including the Hadees of evening Abbas which narrates a similar story but from a different set of companions in which the prophet sallallaahu is and said in hadith in Bukhari and others in hakama in hakama a hot tamale he'll add your kitab Allah the most deserving thing for which you took a reward is the Book of Allah and the Hadees of Raqqa even sohara said it from his his nephew narrated ecology assault in which the prophet sallallaahu Arya Salim said cool I'm Reema a man Akeelah bureau creatine bottle Akkad a Kelter bureaucracy hoc or pure creatine hoc we rocket luck he said that eat from it for what for as far as many for there are people who have eaten with a false rakia but you have eaten from a true Rukia and a hadith in this regard are many then we add to this not only we mentioned the high device in which the profits item said Ali G Hibiki tabular treat her with the Book of Allah we also have this hadith in which the prophets Ison made it general and he said - no climbing Khomeini on fire haha who for their fan whoever of you he was asked about rakia and he was asked about having prohibited at a certain time and we know with regard to rakia here that this was something that was present in the time of jahiliyya when he was asked about it again he said whoever of you is able to benefit your brother I with rakia let him do so so he opened the up for people to be able to do and indeed he said that as an example himself sallallaahu son with his family and indeed with his his own sicknesses when I share of the allahu and she will breed them are without over him except that she would blow onto his hand and use his hand to wipe over his body because it was of more Baraka than her hand and the narrations in this are are many and indeed are more than we have time to mention so I think that it's very difficult to frame that as a as a from the caramel and alia as something that just happened as a one-off while this was a habit of the Sahaba of the allahu anhum and it was a habit of the prophet sallallaahu re wasilla so having a look at some of these innovations and taking the theory from them is fine but really practically we know that the prophets of allah irani of sedima did suffer illness because he was a human being and when he did he also called a doctor if rock is that while this all-encompassing cure for everything sickness of the heart sickness of the body everything why not just recite put on over himself why did he call a doctor so it's caught first of all from party and muslim from the hadith of a share of your love her and her she said can also lie so allah it was tell him either I marry either Maria I don't mean early he never that I'll a he'd been more with that that a memory of Amara behula Deemer toffee jl2 I'm also Ali well I'm sir I'm Sarah who be ad the ad in FC he he and I cannot out of a Mubarak attend mini Eddie I shall of the ilaha and her she said The Messenger of Allah if one of his family would become sick he would blow over them with some water with that and this can that that he used to hear this kinda here this was his habit that's what kinda means right when it comes in the day his habit was to blow over them with Amara with that and when he became sick from his sickness that he died in she said I used to blow over him and I would wipe with his hand because it had more Baraka than my hand so this was a habit of the prophets and his family and it doesn't negate going to the doctor there is no issue here because this as we mentioned is one of the means by which Allah has given us the secret cure and allah subhanaw taala has given us the other means as well through through medicine and so on so there is no harm but here this hadith indicates that it was his habit with his family and with himself so lala haria seldom not to exclude the practice of raki and blowing over himself with some more with that so i mean even even if i follow up with a more of a logical argument me no quran and sunnah be Nasser but you don't go to the doctors for every type of illness that you have you go to the pharmacy sometime just get a tablet and just use it that doesn't negate that the doctor can help and nor does you know you taking the medicine actually from the pharmacy directly negates the you know they complement one another but if I had an all-encompassing cure like you're making rook here to be like better you can cure everything and everything I wouldn't really need to go to the pharmacy I wouldn't need to go to the doctor I would just say in my home I do okay I don't know I think if you have their concept of Turku being fair less bad doing the causes that Eliza jealous placed for you while putting your trust in the one who makes those causes into reality actually work then I don't see why you can't take multiple causes if a large L has placed multiple as Bab for your cure some of them being rakia Sharia and some of them being medicine why you wouldn't take all the bad that are available to you in order to seek a cure and if I'm not mistaken even orclimber him allowed to a de mentioned the benefit of combining between any these things if I'm not mistaken I remember a quote Nokia I'm allowed to Allah in the benefit of joining between and he taking and even will claim himself was someone who did this any of you in his book sadder rather than in other books where he brings you benefits that are we would class as medical treatments perfect medicine and so on and at the same time he talks about Raqqa Sharia and so on so and at the same time to iron and so and so to me if they're all means for allies to bring you a cure there's no reason why you can't take all the means that are available to you having said that there's no doubt that there are some things where you are drawn to one particular means over another for example like for example typically if you have a headache for example you might be drawn to a particular kind of medication that you you have your halibut or bunny or you believe that this is inshallah by the permission of Allah this is gonna help me so you you know you try that first or you take that first for example and similarly there are other illnesses for which you are drawn towards other kinds of cures and other kinds of treatments but I feel about rakesh area also is very important to mention is how it demonstrates your relationship with the Quran and you are tied to the Quran and your attachment to the Quran and your belief in the quran is the kalaam of allah georgette and i remember a quote from a bloke Leonor him allowed to era in which he said that the one that the Quran is not sufficient for him may Allah may not make anything sufficient for him and look one that the Quran is not a cure for him philosopher who may Allah not cure him if a person doesn't have that attachment to the Quran and that belief in the Quran that desire to use the Quran as a treatment then in reality you know it doesn't it doesn't it speaks volumes for a person's relationship with the Quran I mean even two points even the statement the ayah what Carla Rasool we are being a home eater had to had alkaline amadora even on claim he said he drew Quran it comes in many different ways how did you reach Eli with he wanted a Buddhist bajoran the boycotted the Quran so he mentions that the types of Hatcher and boycotted of the Quran and he said I think he mentioned five types and in one of them he said who had Giroux stiffer boycotting the Quran by not looking seeking cure from it now there's something I want to go to you know whether you go for the Quran as your only cure and you only use the Quran as your cue and you abandon the doctors or whether you only go to the doctors and you don't find you don't look for the Quran as a it doesn't negate that the Quran is a cure that's the point we wanna understand here whether you go to the Quran for the only cure or whether you only go to doctors it's not our point of contention a question is is the Quran a Rokia can it cure you know someone doesn't want to go to a doctor at all he just wants to go to a pharmacy doesn't negate the doctor with the permission of Allah knows what he's doing and he can help you you see and somebody doesn't like going to the pharmacy and just wants to go to a doctor and so it doesn't negate the pharmacy what they supply you with and also help you know thank you you bought a number of narrations from your side there is a narration that often comes in this topic and is a hadith of the Prophet sallallahu alayhi wa sallam where he mentioned that seventy thousand of his Ummah will enter paradise without reckoning and from them are those who don't seek or okiya that's the English translation is that not him indicating that is not a good thing to do rakia you're referring to hadith an imam moussa narrating so how many have not even our best of your Martin Arnold and this hadith the Prophet SAW Allah Ali was said lemma he was speaking about the seventy thousand people who were promised or the seventy thousand people were going to come the day of judgement and Sabrina alpha sub brunette elephant at noon agenda to be ladies a sermon when I add up so there's an ant agenda without any punishment or without even any reckoning they're not gonna be interrogated a question just enter Jannah and the Prophet he didn't say it's Abu Bakr Umar Uthman or Ali but what he did is he gave a description of a group of people and so the processor me he said whom Allah Dean Elias start on when I have one well I thought your own a lot of Bohemian I work alone so we have in the hadith when I start old they don't ask for here so this hadith shows us that the Rukia what does it mean not to ask for here it means that the last portion of the hadith which is were a lot of behavior McAloon cocoon means they don't ask for the creation they don't rely on the creation their bond is with Allah Azza WA Jalla so they do not ask for opium means they don't ask a person to do rupee on them they stick to do it all here on themselves so you can do okay on yourself because what is that on Easter card means it's all about rupiah so they don't request anyone to decree on them so what they do is they rely on Allah Ya Allah and they come with it themselves they don't put they're relying on the creation and they do it for themselves now two points that we need to mention here this hadith does not indicate any way shape or form they're asking for opiates Harlem as first has to be understood it doesn't say that it just takes that person out of the 70,000 US all it shows it doesn't say that he'll gonna be your doing how long because we have many textual evidences with a process element you know he himself asked for here or it was done on him rakia does that take him out the 7 mm maybe time happens above the 70,000 and he he's been promised under to serve those and I said I was too long sermon re but he did that to show the permissibility of it that you can do it and even in the hadith is what I could have wound and we know the key the prophet Elijah sort of evil is kuraha he no J is just a burn yourself most culturally rotary it's a form of medication as well so it doesn't show that it's Haram Auslan only it just shows if you want to be from seventy thousand this is are the criteria set for it the second thing I want to mention from the hadith is that the relationship between your reliance in a lotta Berkeley California when you which convinced us to the conditions are even harder on Qaddafi and now we were mentioning which is that you do not depend on the means when you're doing over here this means doesn't bring about the results even medication that you take you don't rely on the medication and say this medication is gonna help me and if it doesn't work you start getting violent and abusive and angry and stressed and you know all of these are a spare needs and goal is in the hands of a lot about a quarter Anna and I just by quoting an imam who not pay him on her multi Linzer married he said and I'll just translate it he said that is because these people will enter paradise without being called to account because of the perfection of their to hate therefore he described him as people who did not ask others to perform rockier for them hence he said and they put their trust in an altar of bohemian karoon because of their complete trust in their Lord their contentment with him their faith in Him their being pleased with him and seeking their needs for him they do not ask people for anything be it rukia or anything else and they are not influenced by omens and superstitions that could prevent them from doing what they want to do because superstition detracts from and weakens at tawheed now there's one other just one of the point in this hadith which I also feel as an understanding is that there are situations in which asking for Rukia could take a different ruling completely and that is because of the principle male etymological Allah be he for who are worshiped whatever is needed to fulfill awajum is in itself watch if so let's say somebody is afflicted with a jinn problem which is stopping them from praying and they've tried to read upon themselves but they haven't been able to do that and they've waited for someone to come along and offer to read on them but nobody came along to offer to read on them so in this case we tell the person and so many times you see a person say I say what's the matter why you haven't asked somebody to give you some advice and help and so on I said well I want to be from the 70,000 and yet that person is not is not able to perform the yji but because of a problem that they have so in this case I think that then they need for asking so one of the reasons why it's permissible and it's not forbidden to do so but this comes under the same thing as asking people for anything as if I am said it's like this habit people have asking for everything right like even can you do this for me can you help me with this key that habit of asking people for things it's not something haram but it does detract from your toach cool in Allah when it gets to such a level that you're all the time your your instant response to things and problems is to ask someone else so the default position is to rely on yourself is that the best that's the best thing to do to do Rakhi on yourself or if somebody offers real clear to be done on you and says for example I share of the alarm and her when the profits lesson became sick she read on him she didn't he didn't say or I shall will you will you read on me she simply started to read on him as he used to read on her when she was sick so that here is an example of that that doesn't exclude you from that group because you didn't ask anyone here okay final topic I want to export is let's take you now to the modern mode we're in 2019 we have many people doing real care and they're not really interested in curing the patient it's just a become a business they charged large amounts of money for and they often like intend to delay their kind of the treatments they get more and more sessions more money out of it what are your thoughts on these kind of practices that are going on in front of us now well I I to be honest I I agree with you that there is a problem among people performing Rokia who are not performing it with the correct attributes of the Rakhi because there are attributes that are deserving to be inside of the person who performs rockier for other people and one of those attributes is sincerity and one of those attributes is the care for the person and sometimes we see people who are missing those things I don't think that means we should you know to use the expression throw the baby out with the bathwater and that we should be saying to people that rockier shouldn't be done but by encouraging people and what I've really dedicated my time to in terms of teaching is helping people to do this for themselves and for their families this reduces the need for people to go to other people bringing them closer to Allah bringing them closer to the Quran making their connection stronger and inshallah Allah producing better results by the permission of Allah so gel and then on top of that any day there are there are people and there is a need for people who have a certain speciality in it and there were among the Sahaba people who were known for rakia who used to do it before prior to Islam and ask the prophets and permission after that and they became known for it and there is a hadith in hakama a hot tamale his eager kids have a lot the most deserving thing you take in a reward for is the Book of Allah we don't want to exclude those things but there are def there are definitely abuses of the system and we should all be insha'Allah Allah trying to prevent these from taking place and one of the major ways we can do that is by teaching people how to do the simple treatment upon yourself and one of the things I strongly disagree with is making basic Rokia into the secret science that nobody knows when I say basic I'm talking about a person has a fever or something like that or they're worried about their children maybe think that maybe they got afflicted by the evil eye with something this basic thing of just reading the simple look at what eyeshadow the Allah and how did she read them or with that which one of us doesn't know the matter with that you know the last three solos of the Quran it's very very easy just to blow over somebody I think that the more we educate people to do this PE lighter Ana and the more we connect people directly to our lives Orajel instead of the system of waiting for so-called experts to come who who you rightly said often don't care about the patient and often don't perform rukia you know in the right way in the most honorable and truthful way there is no doubt that this is something we need to deal with and we need to address I mean if you look at The Hideaway Ceridian Hoadley and you look at it as a you know you look at it to ponder over it and actually take benefits and lessons from it there's a no answer of your question is actually in there mr. Adel Adri when the man asked him who from amongst you can can do rukia and I would say that he said me first of all he wasn't it he wasn't there wasn't like a billboard and a banner where he had so he people come to he came to him that's one thing that the scholars extracted from that second thing is that I was her idol quadra-port a condition that you're gonna give us this much if this man gets cured which is another thing which taking money best based on an hourly rate that needs to be looked at him say it is in Manoa no no a theme that has now become very common if the person chooses to give you the money you harm delay you don't reject what's being offered to you but to say look my hourly rates are this much and I take this much because the conditions should be based on if you person gets cured I want as much I breathe hard on you and you get better give me this much and you both agree on it and he get that's permissible for you so making it a profession a profession as a profession and you I mean I don't see that we are many self the self made this is their profession and they that's one the second thing I didn't see in the self when I read this here on that they did it would you call it charge based on an ongoing service or ongoing treatment they said this is give me the much this much or it's not gonna carry on so what you do is when you fill out the person's most dear in need of it you should stop and you say look you have to pay this much so you you're basically talking to the family members of this patient over price while you can see this person is suffering and you say no I'm not gonna put that money down in first in the table or you know nothing's gonna go forward so you're right it take it took away a lot a lot from the the Baraka and hey that this thing could have had document find a question I'm going to pose to you as a conclusion to this topic we mentioned many times that the Quran is a Schieffer many people they wear something called tar weave or tau YZ wear what exactly is this first of all and what is the ruling on using this yeah I'd like to show him to handle it so I'm gonna come check him with another question as well he okay you see the issue of the tower with is that when you look at the Sahaba there were two views view that detail was from mr. wall and a view that said that wasn't permissible and Allah told us in the Quran Allah master of to be a machine for home or in a lie there's a difference of opinion [Music] the hokum is with allies with and we have to go back to her Islander to go to the Quran and the Sunnah by the way when we say there's a difference of opinion here you have to understand that it they first say with these conditions there's a difference of opinion so it has to be clear Quran it can be seen by everybody can be understood this is the word of Alliance but you know it's in the Arabic language it's not gonna be used good to go to the toilet or so that it's not in places of your body weights by the filthy or like a shuttle chortle chortle they put conditions on then they different they said can this be seen as a cure this is a run the speech of Allah we say if there's a difference of opinion on an issue like that we take it back to Quran and Sunnah we don't find it and the reason why we don't find it is because when the Sahaba came to a process a time and the prophecy setting what is it that's in your hand and he said in ma here were Hina and then he said in the or who take care of analogy - hello Hannah take it off it will only increase you in weakness the scholars suelen Phil they say Turk least if Salafi Mulder le fameux in Turkey least if sorry female the female unit Solomon's a little emotional quali well our artists are heavily Marathi he says when a Zealand letter Castillo sorry Manzi little room we feel our Holly the Prophet didn't do is stiff song he didn't question him what is it as written on your and your on your Thomas do you have Quran under do you not have other than a holiday the fact that the Prophet didn't do a stiff Sun fee Mulder in a team and at the time when there's a possibility could have been this or that you ness010 to the moment flock one we make it general you say all situations where entire ways and unconditionally it's incorrect you can't wear it it's incorrect it's not allowed and you're not allowed to know now I would only add to that that there is a further concern and the further concern is that this issue of Tara wheat from the Quran has become a Wasilla to shake and that is because today your average Muslim is not able to distinguish properly between what is from the Quran and what is not from the Quran so what we see is the person almost University out of out of a thousand people you know 995 will tell you this is the Quran that I have around my neck no one is gonna say it's the names of Shiva and it's this it's that it's the other when you open it and look at it Arabic words are written say see look it's Quran but it's just scribbled Arabic words and when you read those words you often find ya found your harmony please oh please oh please names of Shelton and Sheryl Tina in Sojin you know all kinds of things in their pictures pyramids as eyes signs of the devil and so on but most people will when you ask them why do you have this they will say some of the Sahaba allowed to eat in the Quran so it's become a means to share a means to share so we say that even if and I still have a big issue with this being allowed by some of the Sahaba because even the narrations not regard are not very clear from all of them many that even every shaver was one of them in his Masonic who also negated it from a number of the Sahaba and some of them had said about them that they put around they chose left for teaching like after living out of an asset there's a lot of quick questions and queries but even if we accept that for the sake of argument of the Sahaba of the Elohim some of them allow a tweet from the Quran first of all there is no way that they allowed the tie we that people have today which are just symbols and signs and numbers and her of mikata and all wrapped up in a leather pouch and so with knots in the top and all that kind of stuff and secondly even if we allowed people to just print a page of the most half and hold it around their neck it has become our sila to shake a means for people to commit shirk out of their ignorance not knowing the Arabic language not knowing the Quran properly not being able to tell the difference between what is karana what is not Quran and being told by the people giving these things that this is from the Quran and you know I used to allow it arrived alive in our noble ass used to allow it so please take it from me so to me even if we accept that opinion from them we would still not allow because it's become a means and we know the principle of cetera of blocking the roads which lead to Haram and the roads which lead to okay to conclude the episode my final question too shame is what is your advice to someone who has been doing real clear for a particular illness anytime for illness for a very long time and they continue to do it and the Cure hasn't come yet what are you advice where this kind of person so I think rakia has a lot of parallels with draw a lot of parallels with JA and a lot of the things you can say about two-hour or true about rakia Sharia as well so I believe that when you have a person who says to you that I've been doing wrong here for a long time the first thing you say to them is that this is a very similar statement to a person who says I'd be making dua for a long time we say that you are you making dua like that for a long time it doesn't mean you shouldn't despair or you shouldn't rush and stop doing it that's the first thing the second thing is that the person should look at the causes which prevented all from being accepted the things which like are mentioned in the hadith about the man who was on a long journey I should've REI multi a day here a summer arab-arab he raised his hands to the sky whose dusty in disheveled he said my lord my lord but his food was Haram and his Haram and his knowledge nourishment was how his food was Haram his clothing was Haram he was nourished with Haram so these are some of the things also and the third thing we would advise people to do is we'd advise people to go back through the the reliable books and the reliable videos about rakesh area and to look at what they are doing because often when they go back to the beginning and look at it again they will find things that they can improve and things they can change and things they didn't realize before so many times people think of it only in the sense of I'm reciting this amount of the Quran every day but they don't think about their relationship with the Quran their attachment to it they don't think about their sincerity they don't think about their Toba they don't think about dua to allah cetera so they're just counting on how many pages of the most half i'm reading and asking allah for Shiva so we would say again the third thing in summary would be to go back through the instructions to go back through the reliable books and videos and to look at where the mistakes might be perhaps a large elevator will open up for them a means for their cure otherwise to be patient with the afflictions that happen to people while best is lobbying BP give glad tidings to the patient the people who are patient and the people who bear it for a long time and look at from those two stories that I think from the most beneficial in this regard is the story of Ayub are they salaam because of the patients that he had with the sickness he had and he said Messiahship on we know spin will adapt the Shaitaan has afflicted me with a portion of torment and punishment and he was patient amount of time that he was patient and turning to allah subhanaw taala and seeking a cure from allah so vision and also the do out of the door out of the noon of Yunus and a Salaam and when Eliza region when he said now in Atlanta so Hannah in the country middle of body mean and what that entails from Toba and turning to Allah so jet analyst a festive another one a Jana who now come Rockefeller kanonji meaning that we answered him and we saved him from his distress and we will save every believer like this every believer who makes it so turning to our line to our toe by other things as well as really looking at the person's relationship with Allah Azza WA JAL and going back over there how they've learned what to do and then if they need to ask advice from someone insha'Allah we hope that asking advice doesn't come under the stair car that takes somebody out of the 70,000 be denied Allah to go and say can you give me some advice can you give me some ideas about what I can be doing shall allow Tyler we hope there's no harm and so I just wanted to add on two things the chef's kind of already touched on which is to make it five insha'Allah Tyla that is her slovenly balaiah as much energy think good of a lot about Cortana Allah mentions to us in the Quran that you can run new Canadian anthem better become this is what you thought of your Lord and a lot of other coat Allah is of Allah is what you think of him soprano Donna and in Devon the ability I am what my slave thinks of me would that be a precise translation I am with what my savings of me so you need to think good of a lot about equation and it's really hardly shock to think you know happy good of your Lord at a time when you're feeling down and the fifth point I'm at the second point on my behalf to make it five in total is asking Allah for forgiveness and repenting Allah says in the ayah on Easter feel or about come to mama - boo la humor terracotta and hasslein you know ask your Lord for forgiveness and he still feel horrible film atubu ilayh and then repent to him and some of the scholars is still far and Tober they make it two different things anybody Jaime has a return on it got a defeat Oba when he speaks about the concept of table and he still fought what is the difference will speak about that somewhere else but he's asking a lot for forgiveness and repenting teams from Hanoi to Allah Allah says you mature kumite and Hasan you'll get a good life and another ayah Allah says when I'm in a sari I mean that Kirino a woman fell in here no higher Tampa so if you come with righteous action male or female you do good actions Allah Allah Allah Allah he will give you a good life and the opposite is when you turn away from your Lord yes you say Panama you actually see people are sick and they're going through illnesses and you still listen to music it's still smoking they still do Haram still doing the RIBA and everything and then Allah says women are only for a moment on bunkin when I should worry automatically I'm at the AMA what happiness are you waiting for what good life are you are you waiting for and this is gonna be your illness is just gonna increase and probably get worse and worse and worse now does that come on Haven for joining me on another episode of the hot seat we hope you benefited from the miniseries we just released on the world of the unseen we spoke about the importance of self Rokia in this episode and how it's actually much simpler than many people imagined I'd like to recommend a video from our Sheikh Muhammad him humble on YouTube called a simple guide to self Rokia just a reminder if you have any questions about any of the episodes we released on the hot seat you can email us at questions at the hot seat until next time via Manila he was salam o alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu
Channel: Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah
Views: 11,790
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Islaam, Islam, Quran, Qur'an, Qur'aan, Sunnah, Muhammad, Hadith, Hadeeth, Ustadh, Abdulrahman Hassan, Ustaadh, Salafi, Salafiyyah, Sunni, Lesson, Al Kauthar, Al Maghrib, Mufti Menk, Nouman Ali Khan, Yasir Qadhi, Islaamic Lesson, Islamic, Islaamic, Tawheed, Shirk, Bidah, Jannah
Id: r2EsXMh8dDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 51sec (4791 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 27 2019
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