The Hot Seat Podcast || Deconstructing Salafism in the 21st century [Ep 2]

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this Miller he was so loud to wa salam ala rasulillah he sallallahu alayhi wasallam I'm about this Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatu brothers and sisters it gives me great pleasure to welcome you and to introduce you to a brand new show and a brand new podcast called the hot seat to understand a little bit more about the hot seat we first have to understand the context of the modern-day world we find ourselves living in in the year 2019 it is a world in which perhaps perhaps there are more doubts misconceptions and misinterpretations that are thrown around about the religion of Islam than in any other period of time in the history of mankind the Internet is a number one source used by people globally to acquire information any topic and it is riddled and full of false notions and erroneous ideologies about the deen of allah azza wajal our kids ourselves are being exposed to this kind of information on a daily and if not daily that the very least weekly basis and whether we know it or not - whether we choose to accept it or not it is have an effect on ourselves our hearts our minds and ultimately our understanding of this beautiful religion to further complicate the problem many of us find ourselves living in Western societies where the government's and the social norms and pressures are constantly trying to redefine what is good and what is bad what is accepted and what is rejected what Islam is and is allowed to be what Islam is never allowed to be all of this my brothers and sisters ultimately leads to confusion at least the ignorance and if Allah permits it can lead to miss guidance the hotseat has therefore been designed with the permission of allah alone to counter these kind of modern-day contemporary issues head-on by using the knowledge and the guidance of the Muslims of the past the early generations of Muslims the best of generations there's not a single Muslim on the face of the planet today that would doubt the fact that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala completed our religion for us over 1400 years ago and that completed holistic perfect religion is just as applicable now in the year 2019 as it was back then we truly do have classical solutions for contemporary problems however this isn't your normal average Islamic lecture series first of all it's not a lecture it's a discussion between two parties often opposing parties in an attempt to reach the truth be written in there and secondly and perhaps more importantly it's a unique one of its kind interactive podcast where you from the comfort of your own home have the opportunity to vote for and to choose the topic we'll be discussing on the show you also have the chance to ask your own questions on these contemporary issues and to grill the speaker if you feel like he hasn't been grilled enough on the show itself I'll be releasing details of how you can do both of those things at the end of this episode but for now without any further ado let's get into this episode of the hot seat why not another jalapeno deed Calladine I care for Ruby or be him Wow movie P him whoa girls in fear Harlem where they convert allahi wa barakatu said the doorman transacted are Chiron once again for joining me on the hot seat while himself which is a kind of having me this was actually the first episode that we actually released a vote for the public so they had the opportunity to go on the website which is struck ting salafism in the 21st century that's really what the public want us to talk about today so I think a good place to start is with some simple definitions what is a self isn't what is it in the language and what is it in the religion hamdulillah rabbi l-'alameen lahul hamdu lesson was that I will Jamil ashhadu an la illaha EE Cheri Keller una caja de Sabine why shouldn't I say then I wanna be in our Muhammad sallallaahu Holly who are early he was hobby with Derby in Alhambra sunny need I owe me dinner my bad the term self has come in the Quran in eight places no more no less eight places in the Quran the meaning that it revolves around in those eight places in the Quran is the cut doom in Osaka the scholars they say a scene where lamb welfare Australia doom Lahaina the cut doom in was something that the scene lamb and fat selleth it comes from ancestors ancestors and predecessors okay that's what it means in the language Allah says vagina home seller from one metal early life here in and one tomorrow banal or Taney in Lamech are the son of you know and the meaning in all of those two verses that I mentioned and the other remaining verses is ancestor and a predecessor so sort of people who have come before us now okay and so is this a linguistic definition or is this an Islamic specific definition this is the lexical definition I'm the linguistic definition in Arabic language that's what it means and what does it mean the religion of Islam then in the Sharia it means the scholars they said it means following and being of the methodology of the three noble generation the relative haru-nyan move Obama based on hadith sahih bukhari and muslim in hadith abdullah al masud the Prophet Allah is telling he said hi renessa carnita melody in a lunar home to melody in a lunar that the best of generation is my generation and the generation that comes after and the generation that comes after so the messenger he mentioned three generation and in another ayah Allah Azza WA Jalla he said wasabi una una mujer de na alongside with latina oak will be assigning I get a lot mention here the early generation okay so the scholars they said that these three noble generation these golden generation they're the ones that are considered to be the son of the predecessors okay but the delicate that's why many scholars they say seller for song a seller for sada yeah what does that mean is we've heard that before as well pious predecessors okay meaning they've come before us not just in time but in piety and virtue because some people might say well Abu jahil yes you know came before and I would have came before as well and he was at the time with the messenger so what we say is we're not just looking at those who procedures in time but we're looking at those who procedures in virtue as well okay so they procedures in time and virtue okay simultaneously so those are what the scholars mean when they say mad huh boosts Elif Amma add our to sell ephemera okay so that's the time sort of I think it's also worth clarifying terms like things that are have taken the word self but added things to the end for example you often hear the word salafiyyah or salafism well what do these what kind of relation to this half to the term set of so the word Salafi is an inscription your scribing yourself now to the early generation okay you're saying I'm off I'm upon their way you're attributing yourself to them because how do you that I just mentioned the Prophet SAW some he said higher on NASA Kearney they are the best you know of people so their virtue is not only in their knowledge but rather it's their knowledge their action and their belief okay so they are virtuous in three things their knowledge was profound because they saw the revelation come down they saw what was taking place at the time of the messenger sallallahu alaihi salam secondly their actions when they took that knowledge from the messenger at least a lot of em the implementation was also unprecedented and their piety and their belief system what they believed in and their faith and their art leader was also the best no one can level to them or be like them so we're attributing ourselves a ma you're attributing yourself when you say Salafi you're attributing yourself to them in knowledge in action and also in belief in their cream that makes sense and I don't think I would disagree with you when you say that they were the most virtuous they were the most knowledgeable they were the most pious I don't think I'll disagree with you but why do I have to call myself Salafi why can't I just call myself Muslim a lot didn't command me to call myself Salafi did he you see the question that many scholars have discussed and they spoke about is Rahman intimate is it permissible for you to attribute yourself to self here and say I am a selfie and bring that yeah of ascription say I am a selfie describe yourself to the three noble generation and why would one have to do that isn't it slam not enough yeah as you just understand you see in the earliest stages of Islam the early generation when the time of the processing was alive you know everybody whatever he laughs whatever problems happened it would be brought back to the messenger ali salatu salam okay he was alive he was the one that would correct the people's mistakes they would refer back to him he would solve their problems he would answer their questions any inquiries that they had it was to him that they brought it back to after the messenger so allah adios ulema died and he already prophesized this he told us when he saw a lot he said I'm a died and he passed away there came groups people who suede away from that part they left that path they left the path of the messenger alley cilantro sermon the part that he left his companions on okay so their groups came how are it for example the early group that came they came and they labeled the people disbelievers they caused havoc and corruption on the earth and also then the raphe that came the more gr and the number at Esalen came to different groups so different groups came which some of those groups are still Muslims mm-hmm they considered to be from within Islam so the early generation generation the noble generation the scholars of that time who was still upon the past part of the messenger ali salat-u-salam they saw it to be necessary by unanimous agreement that they need to distinguish themselves from these groups I mean these groups they asked some of them are Muslims but you saying I'm a Muslim and then cooling themselves a Muslim it doesn't distinguish one from the other so they wanted to say that you guys since you walked away from the path of the early generation that which a Messenger was upon and his companions we're gonna attribute ourselves to those early generation to the prophet sallallaahu his element and the companions and so we're gonna be called Salafi we're gonna tribute ourselves to them because if you look at all of these groups they got attributed to either a leader from the group or they got attributed to a corrupt belief that they held so a given example of like for example the college mmm they were called Howard because they rebelled against a Muslim leader which was a credo problem okay so they got cold how are each Hara dual they walked away and they left are even a real trollop mmm so they got called Howard they got attributed to that that misguided belief of this so it's a way of distinction basically to say that I'm not following any kind of innovated ideology I'm following the ideology of the as you said Salafists order for the pious predecessors I would question however is that even still relevant in the modern world in my been many centuries ago when you say I'm Santa Fe people automatically understand what you're saying but in the 21st century in the year 2019 we have so many different groups of selfies this one's claiming his salaphi this one's claiming his selfie and this one's claiming he saw the fee so by saying that I'm selling fee you're not really distinguishing yourself from anybody you could be a Salafi jihadi you could be a political someone who's inclined towards politics or you could be someone who's just involved in teaching and terribie are not really concerned with politics so all of these are selfies are they no you see one part I do what I mentioned which is I think it's a contention that many people have a point that many people bring up which is they might even question whether the early generation call themselves selfies they would say were there people called selfies you know is this even true can what can you give us examples and proofs so I think that also needs to be put there okay before the answering of that question before we get there was a mention of Koran is that not enough like you mentioned I was mentioned eight times Salafi was that word mention the Koran you see the term selfie has assert to you they became a consensus amongst the early generation became a consents that you can attribute a soft selfie yeah you could call yourself by that name that it's permissible not that it's obligatory okay but it's permissible okay and and that concerns was transmitted as well that if a person does attribute himself to sell Afiya you'd have to accept it from him I mean let me give you one person who transmitted that concern shakily some tea Mohammed Atta in his much moral Fatah he said when are you back there's no blame on the person my name has ever met happy self the one who atributes himself to the metabee Sahara might have a cellar for he shows himself to be upon the Med hub of this self when tests every day and he tributes himself to Wow Tessa and calls the people to it you know and then he said I'm Allah Allah he said why he will Kabul a daddy coming and if he does say I'm a selfie and he attribute himself to the self he said why are G which is obligatory to accept that from him Billy Park by consensus okay so someone says I'm Santa Fe doesn't matter what they believe what their actions are you just we just agree so leafy beautiful so when a person says I am a selfie yeah just like if a person said I'm a Muslim then we accept it from him okay and then after that we have the rights to see if what he said is in line with what sarahfey is you know just like the more than 15 the messenger said some of them are lying so they came and they showed themselves to be Muslims and the messenger survived some accept Islam from them but as time went on it became clear from their actions you know that which a parent that they were not Muslims so how do we know someone who said the fear someone's just saying I'm a sarahfey if a person is showing us that he is a selfie then we accept it from him even if he doesn't believe it in his heart because that same statement of imminent amia that same question is what he was answering which is he said if someone shows us sela fear we will accept it from him just like we would accept somebody their Islam from them if he says I'm a Muslim from the apparent because we were not shock or something missing that same quote he said we were not we were not placed as one as once to judge people's intentions we're here to just rule and judge people based on their apparent action so if a person says I'm a Salafi we'll say we'll take it from him we wouldn't say but your heart this is what's in your heart this is not true that's not our job but if after that he doesn't show what Sarah fear is and he doesn't hold on to Sarah fear and he doesn't come with the same at the old Sarah fear stands really matter so characteristics and the foundations that Sarah fear stands on if he doesn't come with that then it's just like somebody claiming in Islam and not really being a Muslim i thought ID and he says i'm a muslim you wouldn't accept it from him right okay this goes against a fundamental issue so then what is the belief of herself isn't just just one quote that would be very nice in this issue is that an imam would remember there have been sarah let me know better when he spoke about when he spoke about Adara cottony for example there only is a great imam okay a scholar of hadith he was amazing in hadith I don't know how to praise him this darah cottony his name he came to Baghdad and he said to the people of Baghdad don't worry as long as I live amongst you there's no one who can lie about the Prophet I will make sure that at least at the process I said about clarified this is the type of person he was so look at what the man with the happy you said in his sierra alam ii novella about him he said that what Suhani dado cornea and the hawk on that it was authentically transmitted from Derek Watney that he said mache would ababa Alea Milken up there is nothing I hate more than philosophy I will kill him I hate that science they're happy then straight away when he brought that statement of Daryl cottony he commented on it right under it he said let me add cool Abbadon fear in milk Adam this man had never spoken no has he entered into this subject philosophy 1lg done and he never went into this sophistry and debate tactics he didn't waste his time on all of this while I harder Fedele can he didn't indulge into that but why Bell Canon Selphy and he's a derby he was a selfie he used the word selfie Belkin SLA ven he said he was a selfie and was a selfie so Salafi is known from there as their hotly when he was talking about him theory that Salafi has the characteristics things that he's known for things he does it's not just no Jared in Iowa it's not just a mere claim because the processor my told us in the Hadees no your turn has to be their home if everybody was given what they claimed like the original I'm wanna Coleman a group of people claim the blood and the walls of a group of people I would come and say I think that what you're wearing and that hope that you're wearing is mine I would claim that you killed my father or you killed my cousin or he told my uncle so give me a blood money mm-hmm I think the Prophet said I'll buy you know to Allenwood everybody a mineral element uncle the one who claims has to be evidence for his claim so purposes is a missile if he said if he has full has foundations it has principles okay if you're not in line with those principles no it's not that any someone's chosen to take you out of here it's not as somebody someone's out there to take you out of sort of here but it's just you haven't fulfilled the criteria of what salafiyyah is you've not come with the the requirement of Sophia okay I think one of the most I wanted things about selfies is and people who ascribe themselves to salafiyyah is that they're always talking about the past the glory days of the past we should return to the early three the first three generations like you yourself mentions just now yet the movement of Salafism or salafiyyah it's a relatively new movement it really started in a really gained weight and traction from Muhammad ibn Abdul Wahab in the 18th century he was passed away in 1792 so we talking about the 18th century and then more recently you have the University of Medina established in the 1961 and that's really what propagated a lot of selfies to go around the globe and say spread the Salafi Dawa really both of these things are very recent 18th century is really not that far a long ago when you consider the history of Islam so why is this contradiction present people saying we should return to the early generations yeah this is a completely new movement that's not fair to say and that's not true and anyone who does say that they don't have a proof for that and that's just the mere claim again the reason why it's a mere claim is because cell Afiya in a lie one sentence said of here is the pure Islam that's all is every group claims oh ok Salafi a-- doesn't have a leader every group has a leader that runs it well in Attica I'll tell you something shareholders check a little banner ahem alarm hammon lawfully dinner will burn your hi mala there was a key table he wrote he called it her mood how he could it happy got to Tomasulo her clitoris when he talks about whether posture is permissible or no it's a key the book okay and he talks in it in that book of his when he was authoring it I'm paraphrasing shala Sheikh Adel vanaheim Allah Allah when he was writing the book in there he mentioned that he stood over a book written by another share another cell official whose name is Mohammed received in the Mohammed naseeb RFI ok general ban he said I have stood over the book written by Mohammed receive and happiness e-verify Cheryl Bernie sins I've stood over his book while I was writing this book but he said I have to point out something Albanian is min high and it's used the word main title Amana telomere for the sake of being a trustworthy person and in the academic world I have to point something out care for him because he I mean I see but if I shall be no cool into the same thing but he said I still have to be honest and say something and he said that Muhammad Nasir refer his kitab when it came out at the front of the book he wrote on it and assess her to the establisher of ss-sorry of dial to sell afiyah waha dima ha he called himself that name columns of what was the phone and he said that I'm the establisher of Dallas Olivia and he meant an organization he made okay which was Salafi organization and he call himself the car demo had the server of it and shekel Benny said that we don't accept this from the ship for him to use this which goes back to the question you asked there he said we don't accept this from him and he said it's wrong for him to claim this shekel whenever him all I said if anybody did anybody does claim that it can also reach cook for and shirking okay because islam may be lima allah as your jailer bolted it's a large religion and even alberni went on to saying that self fear may be like muhammad didn't even bring it came from my mother's vagina may be like muhammad looking from Allah to Allah so Salafi ISM a masala figure is the pure essence of Islam it's the untainted version of al-islam it is call allahu allah rasoolallah Sahaba to whom they will tell funny it is Allah said the messenger said and the early generation meaning the sahabas and those who follow them in good what they said nothing more nothing less so where was it before the 18th century you see are you talking about the methodology or the name I'm talking about the as we know in the modern world not necessary the name because we already talked by the name I'm talking about the methodology the movement the methodology was always there I told you that this is the methodology of Nebulon Muhammad is one maybe like Mohammed was upon Abu Bakr was upon this our morals upon this man was upon this and Imam Malik was upon this and I'm a chef it was upon this and you know from the tablet rain you know it image of a rose upon this a Mujahid was upon this you see this is they passed this on to each other they were always there they always there to today we took it from one looking from the other one took it from the other one Sanofi was always there but if you're asking me the name I told you today yeah the name was done when the he hated groups came deviated groups came and when those deviated groups came it became necessary for the people of the sunnah for the people of arizona not this the name said if he was coined Alistair Louis also a term that was coined at that point and the reason why it was coined was to distinguish themselves from those groups okay from those ideologies okay so saying that Salafi has started now is saying that the pure slabs started now that's Luna that's oppression okay that's one that's fine however in the modern world in 2019 is it even possible to go back to the way that the seventh century Arabs lived in the desert they didn't drive cars they didn't have microphones so our new contradict yourself by saying I'm sorry I'm such a failure using all of these modern means you see when we say sarahfey oh we're talking about a credo issue we're talking about a religious issue sorry okay we're talking about a religious issue you know in the read in the dunya Allah Azza WA Jalla tells us to innovate a lot about what Allah tells us to progress you see the Prophet allowed Sarah Mattel told us and I had it up to Milan will be more in your club you know your worldly affairs so the Majel and the discussion the dialogue and the discussion is not about how people want to live in the dunya what kind of business that they want to make what kind of cars they want to drive okay do they want to you know have a samsung mobile phone or do they want to have an iPhone this is not what the discussion really is about the discussion here is your knowledge of the deme who do you take it from this action that you're doing right now where did you get it from this belief that you have who can you attribute you to you see how far does it go to the Prophet Holly salat-u-salam okay would you agree that the world we live in I mean even from a religious aspects the the way of practicing our religion the different groups of different ideologies is different now than it was in the seventh century would you agree with that as in what do you mean as in like though even the way we practice our religion and some of the new issues and that are coming into our religion things that we need rulings on they're always changing they're always new issues that the Salaf or the before us never experienced and obviously our religion encompasses the dunya so something new in the dunya comes we need to understand the ruling of it what you there's new issues that are coming tonight these things that they sort of never had to deal with before so how can we say then we need to return to them we need to return to them when they never experienced these issues so your seat this is a very important question that many people have but they don't structure it correctly in the way they want to ask how do you reconcile between following the early generation meaning the sahabas intended the type of attire in the field golden generation there and that concept of each t hat is opened not just it's jihad is open but the the the issues we're dealing with for example let's say i know it's a dunya issue the internet for example but we need to know the religious ruling of using the internet is it mr. Boies obligatory etc etc so it does affect our religion but they never had the internet okay so again we need to choose one from the other that the internet itself is a worldly issue you're agreeing that it's a world issue so there was no objection in that concept as long as it doesn't have a shadowy problem in it it's a worldly issue you can use it as you wish you can utilize it as you wish as long as it doesn't come with a Mohamed Mohamud Irish Allah as long as it doesn't come with a really religious prohibition okay and the concept of you know our religion you're right the Iran and the Sunnah doesn't give a ruling for Internet and the state yes internet by name but as the poet said well a certain captain in la carrera well I'm the economy sure in Allah Hodari Fadi nuna Lamia Hulu and hookman Anna Maria Moreno but an hour but Leah no additional work or idea to start Rock'em and her Ishida yes you're right our main engine so just give me a summary yeah so ours our Quran doesn't talk about IVF per se doesn't speak about smoking per se and it doesn't talk about drugs per se it doesn't talk about internet per se doesn't talk about coffee per se of course you're not gonna find those things you know individually mentioned but you find principles you can take all of those bacteria okay so it has however it has principles those are the principles that a person needs to study and learn which the early generation knew of so a lot of these things that you're seeing today happening that you're seen as the know as in contemporary issues they all go back to these color it hence why we put this podcast together in the first place we want to show that these contemporary problems they have classical solutions what do we mean where it has classical solutions it means that we can take it back to an ayah and I hadith we can take it back to a we can take it back to legal Maxim's that scholars a Rick okay but Bobby Chavarria and cover it for Kia I'm giving one example and one story that I mentioned before at the time of a tamale man I find him abdel fattah mentioned this in Skeeter Burton heed the time of automatically I found or the allahu ta'ala anhu a man accused his wife of zina accuse her so accused accused or of adultery he said that she's committed zina and the reason why he accused her of that was because she gave birth six months into her pregnancy so he said this woman was pregnant before I got married to her cuz when he got married to her six months after that he got married six months after the marriage she's given birth to a child okay so he accused or of zina and she said this woman she got she got this child before me so the hokum Charlotte was gonna be passed on her the Islamic law and this issue was gonna be passed on her re may be entirely been hastened to speak on this issue and he said that this woman she's not was she's not what's been accused about her okay so the question is how hard again it's a contemporary issue yeah he said that she can't give birth at six months normally can happen okay question is where did you get that from so I leave my real daddy when he said that he comes from the ayah Allah says Hamill who a facade with Arizona Sharla that the pregnancy and the breastfeeding allotted is 30 months telethon Azshara the pregnancy and the breastfeeding is 30 months altogether okay we already in our religion no I mean another I already know that the breastfeeding is 24 months okay there's a lot said well Wally that you earlier Lainey Cammie Lainey that the mother would best feed her child four to two years three years is 24 months so if you subtract from that 30 months you subtract the 24 which is the breastfeeding yeah you have six that six is the pregnancy right hmm so the sahabas day they used caller ID principles they use evidences they learned how to utilize it so any issues that we have we can always do that we can always find a can-do spirit rulings to respond to it but it's just when we become distance from the Quran when we become distance from the Sunna and when we become distance from the thick of the self and of course we okay perhaps I agree with you on micro issues like pregnancy and Internet and things like this but we're also facing large macro issues that we're going through for example there are legions of some Muslim Buddhist with non-muslim OU's and we have other things where we Aslam has really been attacked in the modern world there's no doubt about it aslam is seeing is being seen as a scapegoat and it's really being attached by all fronts and now we have certain issues of whether how we overcome these challenges do you honestly believe with your hand on your heart that it's sitting in a Masjid reading books and going back to this these classical books are really going to solve these real-life issues are in front of us right now maybe Lyme hamsa I said I'm one day he came into the message it he led salat al-fajr and he stood up and he gave a hot bath after salat refresher and then he carried on giving a hot mantle door and then he led Bohr and then he died but after door until a sir okay and then he led acid and then he died but after I served until my rib and then he led my rib and then he got a hapa after Maghrib and Eurasia and then he left led Asia Salalah assalam all of that What did he say the narrator he said he told us what was and what is going to happen Sal Allah autism he told him about the trials and tribulations that I'm gonna come this Sahabi the narrator he said half of the home and half in the whole I'm a Lima home an edema who were Jahid home Angelo the one who'd memorized it that they memorized it and the one who was ignorant about it was ignorant about it in other words maybe like Mohammed told him everything that they need hmm your question here is that did let me like Mohammed did he leave us upon clarity and everything that we need for somebody say yes to you rejected by Allah I left you upon clear cut I left you upon a white road the day is like a night meaning it's a road there's no night it's all day later how can i hurry her ideas even her illa haddock and understand has all of the guidance we need or even though we're living in a fast-paced ever change in the world we don't need any here come this poor on will guide you to the best of offense uh on of course it does the messenger survives I'm said in a hadith tarik to come man in Tama Stockton be he I have left with you something if you hold on to length of the new body you will never be misguided after me he table was from Nettie The Book of Allah and I left the Sunnah with you so yes everything that we will need is right in the book and it's also in the sauna I said I hear what you're saying about salafiyyah and salafism but isn't this just referring to a period of time that happened in the past and I get that it was a very virtuous amazing period of time but it's gone it's happened in the past it's gone we're now in a different period of time why do we still need to keep a firm back today and that claim is not new rotten it's not a new claim it's not something new that hasn't been said before and when was it said before I mean Abdul abuse or Judea who lives in the UK I mean he pushes that he says that it's a challah - Ximena yeah both he said the same Mohammed Ali saw mone said the same many people said that and the scholars of their time responded back to them even ABARES responded to that second Albani responded to that legendary more responded to that you know Sheikh Muhammad Rasul Allah they mean all sorts into that but the truth is that the seller female have as I said to you before it's a med hub that early scholars attributed them some themselves to it and those who come after including ability Meryem abla who came he attributed himself to the Sahara there's a key table written by Mohammed colleen larose he called it a veloute mia a sarahfey and in that book he mentioned the shekel Islam he blew taymiyah was a person he and his students mm-hmm they used to atribute themselves to Salafi they used to call themselves a not calling someone else like the dollar put in example calling themselves yeah they would call themselves sarahfey I mean there's many scholars I can give you that hold himself sarahfey but for example I remember Jesse I mean whether he was telling me or not that's another discussion he called himself sarahfey for example in his kitab a dire fear in media he saw he says yo yo Roger after a better off in Mohammed Abdullah is Salafi was himself okay even though just very assertive he calls himself I mean what's his name Ali mom some money has a key top good and SAP hmm this book is talking about people what they subscribed to themselves okay so in that book he says a Salafi before the scene II well lemme or vehiclethe Salafi seen lamb fat he said and he said he'll be a mitzvah that this term a selfie is Mizpah in a self it's a tribute in ascribing yourself he said it's ascribe yourself to the self when to hell him and he'll be him and your tributing yourself and you're connecting yourself to their main hub right after that that statement of some onion some money he died the year 563 his dream his 6th century scholar 6th century scholar after him came another a man called athira him Allah I feel he summarized the key table and said by some on he summarized it in a key table he called it labelled feet he will answer and lubob feet edible and Sam and he he pointed out under the statement of Sonali or he mentioned under the statement of a synapse of honey and he said Rudy Furby Jamaa a group of people were known as to be mm-hmm Salafi they were known to be a selfie now Sarah did Adam say for example that the key tab called told I'll be honest with you I'm not interested in these people who came after the fifth century the sixth century because you told me at the start is all about the first three generations did we find it in those three generations scholars that were called do you call themselves jealousy for example le mames gonna mention to you now so the dinner domestic a for example in his kitab total amoeba he says was still a feeling befell Fatah selfie with a Fatah because he wants to get rid of the the what a silly silly fee different from a selfie pulla fee is different from a selfie so he clearly says to you a selfie benefit and then he mentions Abu Bakr Abdul Rahman Abdullah Mohammed a Sarah see a selfie and then he said Sally I alpha Tiana Rossi work had a man in Tesla innocent so this man was an early set of time even before it means the like support I mean way way before all of that and he said in that book Nasser didn't admission he said that this man I will become an idol a circus you can say if you want or you can see a Ciroc see in a selfie he said he heard from ABBA I will fatty Anna Rossi and he said work had a man in testability and anyone like him who attributed themselves to the sin of okay fine so we have narrations from people in the past very early on calling themselves Salafi encoding other santa fe and escorts now i will cost him a team in his keto burn her Jaffe by anima Hodja from the early scholars of the self long styler and I Matassa phone the mobile oh sorry he said statements that are also like that and similar to that which in Okayama mentions in this Keith Urban and luma sorry okay fine so they mention that so what is the exact ruling then is you have to Queenie some set of fees it obligatory is it just permissive it's not you don't have to cool yourself Salafi but it's something that's permissible if a person calls themselves selfie that we should accept it from them by consensus as I mentioned the same of sheren-sama Tamiya where he says well I am another Hollis Elif and I might have a self when Tessa every day you are Tessa but legible kamudu daddy come in hability 44 in the mother hysterical a haka that if a person he said there's no blame on a person who shows met happy self okay sure and that she beats himself to the Medicus okay I'm close to the mat abuse LF he says Bally AG babalu Dani Camino it is obligatory to accept that from him billet if acted by consensus there's no difference of opinion he accepted from him and then he said after that he said in med have I said if he died Hakuna haka because the method above the self is nothing except the truth okay so did the mother was self is the truth now and it's gonna be the truth until the day of judgement as I said before Salif I'm a Salafi I'm a medical self it is the pure Islam and it will be until the day of judgement okay so as long as you have the map of the self like the way of the self on you you don't have to call yourself Salafi it's more about the actions that believe the methodology even though the Sharon Lopez he did say it was it's an obligatory really yeah he said okay but really the majority view that is not a bigotry upon you and it's just permissible okay fine why in a 21st century because obviously we're talking about scholars of the past here and now we're dealing with issues that we live in in today's world in the 21st century you see the Salafis focusing on really obscure issues for example how do we interpret the names and attributes of Allah does Allah have a hand for example these these these aren't going to solve the real-life issues that we're facing in the real world we have much bigger fish to fry we got much bigger issues to deal with why so my cell if he's focusing on these small obscure issues it's really wrong for a person to dismiss and also to undermine and to belittle to be honest things that are great Nobu Imams died for Muhammad was whipped for and he was in prison because of it it's very sad that somebody would undermine what we are about well Theora heimola was in prison for and he was you know and great scholars medal whose Arian others they were killed because of its some great Imams were killed because of the issue of a lot of names and attributes so undermine those great imams is really a sad reality to see people undermining that why would you need to undermine it why don't you say we also have new contemporary issues that also need to be tackled because our time is limited of stuff okay well don't undermine the other previous issues of al Qaeda you can't undermine them they are issues that are really connected to even if you think about it Allah is names and attributes is the discussion of today it's actually what's coming up back and forth like for example when people ask you know the concept of good and evil you're asking about a last action subhana wa ta'ala so it's all interconnected it's all connected to our contemporary problems there's you know there's a lot you know did he do all of this evil when he's the you know the most merciful the most kind the most generous and he's watching his slaves being destroyed and this and that these doubts that atheist are pushing forward and still connected to Allah as actions and how does a lot do things and the concept of free will goes back again to Allah as actions to Hanoi to Island actions of the creation or whether Allah created the creations actions so ok but how does I've Allah has a hand affect anything anything in the modern world I understand we refute atheist claims that are coming forward about freewill and divine decree but no atheist is talking about a last hand whether he has a hand I mean it's a distraction from the real life issues it's not really because these are the concepts that Christians are discussing whether Jesus is a divine and a human at the same time and what are the features of can you be divine and can you be human at the same time you know these are actually beautiful as your channel we're discussing here right now mmm you see they are life issues that I have brothers who are at the forefront of debating and discussing with atheists they are the forefront of discussing with Christians and they call me and they ask me questions to do with allows names and attributes to be example Harlock Allah Adam allosaurus Rahman Allah created Adam in the form of Adam Holly Sarah what is that Hadees actually mean what's the correct understanding I get asked and I always have to respond and I always have to respond and give explanations to that hadith are you with me yeah that's a last characteristic and actually beyond that even Jose Murata kitab and discussed it you see even okay I'm mention since kita bersama akan marsala and share coolest army blue team and mentions in his art atrocity and great other scholars talk about so they're not trivial issues that the self spoke about now it's gone it's not taking no it's those issues if you don't understand your verdict on your answers to these contemporary problems will not be correct okay fine why is there so much harshness that we see amongst the selfies today that's a reality that can't be denied you see I'm not here to defend selfies they can't be right and they could be wrong selling okay but I'm talking about the map see the Met habit is infallible the map is free from errors and mistakes you see just like a Muslim cannot talk for the Muslims you can talk for Islam and the religion mmm there can't be Muslims that drink they can't be Muslims that you know can be Xena there can be Muslims that cheat you see this concept of you know a person has to dismantle case by case situation where I have talked about everything in order map in order for my argument to be valid it's no it's not correct it's not fair don't you know it's not it's not looking at it in the right way I mean there can't be people who are treated themselves to severe but do wrong things who don't come with you know you know about art and obedience you see sella fear isn't just a key the issue so they feel as I said you is the pure essence of Islam so enters everything it that enters the way you deal with your wife and how you are to your wife and how you are to your neighbors so the fear is that so the fear is how you are toward your children so the fear is how you are in terms of your Salah and the Gemara and the congregation Sarah fear is how you pray instead of it is how you dress and this is the sad reality where there are some people today they saw the selfie you know community they saw some people attribute themselves Olivia who gives so much importance to the outer appearance they give so much importance to the outer appearance which is wrong the person should first of all work on the inner inner inner inner essence of his himself and his heart so they saw a people who've given more importance to their outer appearance whereas their heart is more tainted and so what do they do they then undermined the outer appearance right there went to a very extreme the other extreme so no Sarah fear is that you work on both okay your outer appearance is good and it's upright and so is number one your inner essence your heart room without a doubt one does not eliminate the other I lost it about the Jews and the Christian or Carla Tilly who deleted Nosara Irish a more colatina Sarah Listeria whoo - ah - a Romeo through Nikita both parties the truth was amongst them they had elements of truth within themselves this group had won a portion of the truth and this one had a portion of the truth yeah but each one was saying to the other group you know you're wrong because you're Christian we're gonna take it from you and the Christian say - did you you're a Jew I'm not taking anything from you meaning they won't taking the truth that was with these people okay okay find a question before I move on to a topic that I really want to address which is the different types of selfies that we see in the modern world but just before we get onto that another thing that is very very common is you often see selfies having this really fanaticism towards Saudi Arabia it is part of salafiyyah then to have a fanaticism to a Saudi already Arabia it is something that just a set of his - I mean again it brings me back to the point I was mentioning which is you can't find selfies do things and say things you can't see selfies act in a particular way that doesn't in any way shape or form have anything to do with Salafi itself the Medhat okay when I forget attributed themselves to Islam can we now then say this is what Muslims are like no you know yeah I understand that's a point well proven so whoever you find when we look at metabee self and we look at the methodology of the self and we find that individual not in line with the Quran and the Sunnah he's not in line with how the companions were hmm then what we say is you are not selling fear however much claims that you put forward I don't ever much you say you are Salafi okay because this is what Sophia stands on these are the rule of this Olivia is the foundation of Sophia so I can't defend individuals my job isn't to defend a particular shape I'm not here to defend a you know you know a particular individual in the Taoist scene or something like that I can only speak for this man up you know for in a high alert or medallion fitna a person who's alive no one can give them reassurance if you're alive you can do mistakes does that mean men happy self is wrong yeah okay no I understand okay so I agree with you that just because someone calls themselves a selfie or ascribes themselves to salafiyyah it doesn't mean that they're necessarily following the right path of a salafiyyah and they could have issues within themselves it doesn't mean that the the the methodology of Salafi or methodology of salafiyyah is is free from that basically it's free from those errors and mistakes but we do see in the modern world different categorizations of Salafis whether we look in the Islamic world or more predominantly in the academic Western world where people like quinton wa taala works for example has separated Salafis into different groups and he comes with three main groups he comes with the purest Salafis we're really only concerned with the way the teaching Islam the way it used to be and they're not really involved in politics or anything like that then you have the politicos as he calls them who are again they call himself Salafi they believe that the early three generations were the best of generations but they have a different methodology slightly to get to the same goal which is let's work with the political system and let's change the system from within in order to reach our goal and then you have the third group which is obviously the jihadis which are well known as Isis or some a bit nodding people like this are all three of these selfies like worked all away exclaims for example you see academics Western academics from their way of looking at Sarah fear is based on anyone who comes from for example Saudi Arabia is a selfie by default you know whatever ideology he pushes whatever belief he has so all of these three all of these three groups if you look at who he named for each group like the ID had is he Osama bin Laden because he Saudi and the political is for example he would choose suffer how early a sermon and because the Saudis and the purists for example for him it's the masti of Saudi Arabia and Sheikh of blue bells in a bit of a mean and a blue shark for zan and others because they're all Saudis so for the him Salafi is Saudi okay and that's incorrect I told you salafiyyah is the pure essence of al-islam salafiyyah is before saudi arabia came into the picture of Korea is before even the dollar of Mohammed Abdullah way before of that way before a blue taymiyah if you tame a did a follow the matter with self you'll be misguided you see this map is not individuals it's not people you know you either follow it and this is his criterias or you're out you're not in it so what I mean by that is that belief where these are self is because they are from a particular land and that's what brings them to sell afiyah is a fallacy it's a mistaken belief and an unreasonable argument but sarahfey as I talk to you a hassle solely has foundations yes we need to look at with all of these three groups which of those followed we need to look at which one of them followed the what sell Afiya considers it and what Kinsella fear is the soul and the Foundation's offs Olivia so we look at set of fear stands on a little ass sincerity so the fear stands on a TV follow the message in the salon the cinema and the 1330s turns on is a test Kia so we look at sincerity so a scheming test kids purification okay so we look at Sarah fear in terms of a class the class meeting Sofia is about tawheed oneness of Allah they don't associate partners with Allah in anything okay just like other Muslims so so far there's no difference no that many groups top leave this concept we have many like grave worshipers okay themselves to Islam who don't come with to heat and a little R&R alliance or field called Berman the arrived at in Serie A Class finale Larry so field caliber mean Aradia teensy well who Fahad area 14 it was means that you do any and everything for Allah alone your intent is no one other than Allah this is for Allah and the scholars they divide the sincerity into two a colossal Reba ADA and a colossal my boot in class in the action that you're doing meaning you distinguish one liberated from the other like you solid bore is different from the Sunna of the whole I'm a salat failure the Sunna before failure and the stretcher itself you separate one from the other good hello this is cool class about this is called the NIA of an intention distinct between what is obligatory and was voluntary we're not talking about that one mm-hmm we're talking about the second form which is which is lost with my boot who are you doing this action for salafism they're known for this they don't do anything elliptical our children only second seek in the face of Allah if I'm fair degree the second foundation that said if he stands on is addictive are they follow the messenger so allah allah cinema they swallow the professor Ivarsson any and everything and how he lived some allow out of cinnamon the way he did things and the way he saw a lot i didn't said i'm i preached and the way he saw a lot is what he started with in his dower so they don't just follow him in a particular part of his life and a segment of his life but they follow the messenger in totality okay all of his way around it's a lot Islam they follow him in his acknowledge a little Salam and the knowledge that he called to they follow him in that they follow in the process him in his actions they follow the process or I said in his dower you see so now we look at the politicos that he's talking about there the politicos are activists yes just activists they have no mashach in me they don't have any is like they don't have a say in the in the revival of the religion they're trying to revive the religion but they're doing it through activism so they have the same end code they're not that's not that's my point they're not reviving the religion they're just working towards their position of leadership that's really what it is it's just how can we get to power they're working towards their own dunya needs very honest with you but they're clogging it and they you know making it look like that they're using the you know the Sharia that's what the politicos aren't us the people he's referring to people have a political you know objective and they wanted to get to a petite okay the one that's really gaining traction is this term Salafi jihadi so Stella Fiji had this let me give an example look at the politicals that he's referring to right we saw it what took place in Egypt those so-called politico's when they came into power was a religion the Sharia was it the Quran and Sunnah like The Book of Allah was not judged by their Dean that wasn't what the judge that's what that was what was promised to the people right yeah no they don't really care about that they have no desire they have no rubber to be very honest once they get in power or an order sooner or this and that because look if you don't study the Quran of the Sunnah you have no knowledge of it yeah when you do get into power what are you gonna use you're gonna use the well you know right mm-hmm I thought the jihad is which is the third group that he refers to as salaries yeah the jihadis are ones whose distorted the meaning of her come surely they've distorted the concept of jihad what is what is it you had actually mean you know what does you know what did the prophet do in my car when he was in Makkah I'm not commanded I'm telling live in a cleaner on Khufu I do hmm Allah commanded the process Rama no take your hand back okay masala Toa to zakat established a prayer give the zakat don't fight right now the other in what you're not impact not one who should fight and the messiness of a least element was commanded to do what you know who did I for one won't be Lord added I named John he didn't turn away from the ignorant ones that's how he did it but he was also commanded to fight as well but that's what that was a time in a context with a meanie and etc that doesn't mean our religion doesn't have geologically it does yeah but it has it in its context the Salafi will follow the Prophet in a way he did it how he did it agreed and is that his won't do that as I know where the dunes to the center future had this I mean really Derek the the reality in front of us testifies to not them do not they've killed innocent women and children from within Islam they did not the process had covenant with the non-muslim so he had no idea yes food yeah unless about - Salam and if stuck to those promises that he made for them there's no promises there's no who there's no morality there's no nothing none of that the books they write on it there are books the figureheads have written Mohammed democracy has a coke is it's got articles and books that he's written about this concept you know Abu Qatada l4a stealing you know kill even women he was saying hmm even women where is he following the process really not where serafian not you see my friend okay so when an average Muslim for example picks up the newspaper and he reads and this is a quote from The Sunday Times in Sri Lanka for example it's a recent event that happened in Sri Lanka more than the immediate Isis threat I further the argument that the larger issue seems to be the threat of the ideology of Salafism so what is a Muslim enta belief when he reads something like that he's meant to dismiss this claim because the reality is that these people are not selfies well you see this is my point edy I'll say the problem is Muslims you don't you don't accept that from them hmm so why should a selfie or um you know they do say the problem is Islam exactly so they say you're a problem yes but you know you can't say you know you can't say this newspaper saying is that particularly it's a particular brand of Islam no I saw ISM this is what they called it so and it's not they're not alone in this claim the Guardian I mentioned the Daily Mail I mention it why why would they say that this is got something to sell if you what reason is behind it they believe that the jihadi the fighting methodology is something that was found in the early generations or it really I'm not even believe that they actually believe or they know what the early generations of Islam actually how they participate in perhaps some of the people who are propagating this ideology for example like you said from Saudi Arabia or secondly maybe their end goal is the same I either end goes to revive the religion of Islam the way it was in the early generations and this makes them Salafi okay I mean right now I mean do to it not being the topic that we're talking about right now if you look at these companies statements that these people bring right now they're example Isis if you see what they bring al Qaeda before them and all the groups that existed before that they quoted most things that they quoted what people had nothing to do with our selves here they're example quoted say it what a saintly man for example was you know it was one of the people they quote they note and that's who they look up to they read these works these are the works for them that becomes you know the mouth stone the alum student Alan Mulally Mubarak sorry I'm a leaf Italia whatever it's called okay written by say total and others like that these were the works that they use they praise I mean don't even go far useful carb are we you know he said he said that the last stage I'm an ad to be honest I didn't write it down I'll bring it he said the last stage of say it autumns life it's he said it's an extreme position of killing a bloodshed hmm why sure he - I don't mean earlier korto isn't hawaiian himself he's their Mufti he's the mufti of the equine yeah he's admitting to that but this is what's a Trotter was about he mentioned the same columns tafseer when he wrote it first is his little he reread it again and added things into it which he saw to be vital to mention because of because the you know save quote it was not student of knowledge where he studied and he gained knowledge from it his upbringing was not like Mohammad Abdu perhaps upbringing where he took from a scholar and he saw knowledge and he led it's not like upbringing of Albania Malawi blue bands or whatever they mean or others where you would read in their lives where they studied he wasn't he was an activist he used to listen to our best our God who is not even a Muslim - okay he was a man who is if you looked at him he was an HT rocky a communist in the beginning say it whatever do you see my point and then he got oppressed and then he used his emotions and found the Koran and segments of the Quran to serve that so what you're saying is in regardless of what the non-muslim Western academics claim all the Western newspapers claim the people that they're calling Salafi these guys are Salafi those people themselves are actually almost freeing themselves from the claim by their actions number one because they're clearly an opposition to salafiyyah and secondly even by some of their statements they're actually admitting that in our Salafi and that is sufficient as a proof against the Western academic yeah I'm saying in selfies you know if many people claim something you look at what is the ok you know if selfies I told you it has a no soul it has principles it has foundations we need to look at those foundations we look at that when we look at the foundations of what said if here stands on what it means Sena fear then we say you're in you're out you're in you're out right yeah but everybody who have different ideals cannot all be selfies at the same time could it be contradictory I mean if a guardian comes and says no Mohammed was a prophet or to him mm-hmm you know people are gonna be like you know sorry but you know almost impression yeah yeah you're not you're not a Muslim he's claiming Islam he's claiming Lisa he's saying I'm Muslim is it fair to put him a Muslim because he claims it in other words anyone anybody can claim anything okay fine to end this particular episode I find a question I have for you is if somebody understands what you're saying as a salafiyyah or Salafi or salafism being the authentic pure Islam taking it back to the early generations and understanding the religion the way they understood it how does one become a selfie then what I you know I'm a layman in the religion but I understand what you're saying and I agree with you I want to become a selfie how do I go about doing that sarahfey it doesn't need you to go as I say and I always mentioned this it's not and it doesn't require from you to go and sign a and then wait for the approval of the application and then their membership is a membership card is sent to your house and then now you are selling fee it's not like that no do you have to give a barrier and a pledge of allegiance to a leader nor do you have to be signed up somewhere no no no said of here in simple terms is or on what Sunnah be my early history for Salah and before me said of his father the Quran and the Sunnah you understanding on how the early generation understood it you act upon this religion you follow this deal in the way that the early generation understood it you don't bring anything new you do not deduct anything from this religion nor do you add anything to this religion which they have which they've added or which they've deducted from it okay salafiyyah is the pure Islam it's not a group like the groups that are out there it's not attracted that group table fee which has a leader which has a hater on organization it has a you know the permission has to come back from the main office and then he gives up none of that and it's not like wanna muslimeen where they have you know the up the more you go up the ladder the more you go get into the circle and then you find out what the real target is but the rest of the people are just the support is like Hezbollah Reid who I like that as well that the Emir said and this said Salafi is not like that Salafi is man can I add a measly man and adding helium Asami anyone who is upon that which I and my companions are upon today that is sarahfey and Salafi is today we suffer from three two types of people yeah okay selfies we suffer from two types of people and the messenger survivors are mentioned them the prophecy in the Hadees resolume Desilu letters el apartamento materially denied a hawk tail area of the room and Harlem when I'm in Harlem had a idea I'm gonna live I'm an attorney the Prophet told us here that there are three groups one is the saved group selfies thus to remaining groups are the more hot Villa her there are those who deceived the Salafists they pretended a Salafist and they infiltrate them okay they're like hypocrites they pretend to be like them they tried to pretend to walk like them talk like them be like them because the said if he walks unique because he walks the way that prophet walked the celery stalks unique because he talks like the Prophet spoke he carries himself in a unique way because this is what the prophet saw Sammy did so they pretend to be them like them they pretend to be with them and that they are supporting them and they're aiding them but then they are backstabbing them the Prophet told us that the mauvilla and there's a third group which are those the Montilla um those who try to go against them directly and fight with them face-to-face okay the Prophet told us erase a lot - Salam Lyle Boudreaux Manhandler home well I'm an holophone those who deceived them which are the mauvilla and the mobile era those who try to go head-to-head with them Allah the prophet orders layer the room they will not harm them until the hour comes they'll always be and they will always remain so Salafi I might look at a time that they're becoming weaker and they're becoming small but that doesn't mean they will go the glad tiding of the process is that they will remain in a year it's a lot about Manali huh they will remain until the day of judgement comes they will remain so I said that I had one more question but I also have another one to add on to that you're saying selfie or being a selfie is the truth and is the one saved sect what about when somebody attributes them for example being a Hanafi or a chef or a maliki or humbly does that mean they no longer selfie now I mean those these amounts they were all the self that we're talking about attribute yourself to Italica remember W he said in the trauma of a zbd he said what can I say Mahalo Hanafy and selfie I said oh I see so even they used the two together they said both of them did he said it was Hanafy selfie so a person can be both it's not just missing one from the other you can be a shot for a selfie you can be humbly selfie meaning like it just explained explained on that a little bit so someone is a Hanafy Hannifin selfie for example what what does that mean he's already said that wait we're tributing ourselves to the three noble generation right yes well these scholars are from the three noble generation they are the self that were attributing ourselves to but when you tend to say Hanafy and salafiyyah you mean my Ikeda is a P that is Elif okay you know because many people have now come and tributed themselves to the ashari belief yes and they attributed themselves to an imam abu hanifa or attributed themselves emotionally you're trying to say I'm upon the cell area that I feel it was upon right I see understood easy very clear exactly I understand once again for joining me on the hot seat until next time bismi llahi so panicle won't be home decay eyeshadow la in a healer and a stockbroker where to Bowie Lake I hope you enjoyed and benefited from that discussion please do share with your friends and family members if you feel like they might benefit too and don't forget to hit that subscribe button below so notified of any new episodes check out that's the hot seat on there you'll find a little bit more information about the podcast and you'll also have the chance to vote for which topic you'd like to see discussed on the show you can also ask questions on the website to the speaker himself about these contemporary modern-day issues until next time feel marilla he was Salam alaikum warahmatu allahi wa barakatu
Channel: Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah
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Length: 68min 2sec (4082 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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