DISCUSSION: So You Want to Be a Student of Knowledge? || #AMAUAcademy

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[Music] announcement which we've been building up to for a very long time and just to give people a recap of where we are today with al madras youtube channel is approaching 2000 videos by the grace of allah it's had a good amount of traction people are consuming the content and inshallah we hope and pray they're benefiting from it uh we've had a number of of live classes the media we have the amiu junior program split between the 7 to 12 and the 13 to 19 year olds where they're studying a subset of islamic sciences in a way that is is well suited to them that includes classes for parents and a number of different series some of the podcasts and all the things that people have been used to seeing from amu on a daily weekly and monthly basis by the grace of allah and all of that that people know about amiu and have been seeing all of that has been leading up to something bigger than that inshallah and that was the purpose for which you yourself started this project and the purpose for which i joined later on and that's what we want to tell people about today where we've actually come to and and this new project that we are launching which is the core of what amau is all about and to start off with i just thought we could step back and look a little bit about why you wanted to start a project like this and where why it's led up to where it is and then we can talk a little bit about what it's going to offer inshallah and how people can enjoy and be and be involved with really know and understand how it was an amazing journey to work with you and to do classes and dorad it was something only allah knows how happy i am and how thankful i am allah bless you and you are someone who is someone very dear to me and i truly love you for for the sake of allah allah amin this idea of wanting to teach books and classes has always been something i loved from a very young age and i it's not something i came up with it was something i saw from the mashiach that i studied with when i was young my parents sent me to somalia and i went to an islamic school over there the school was called alibaba before i could go into the school i had to do a year speaking in arabic there was a teacher by the leadership of mahmoud who was a a solid student of knowledge when it came to the arabic language when it came to hadith it was very good and he even got a scholarship to go to yemen but for one reason or another he never managed to go there um and so what happened was he ended up staying but i got he ended up staying and a class was made for him to teach a group of westerners so i was in a class with a few westerners from canada from the uk but no i was only the one from the uk and one was from sweden it was a few of us and for one year i studied with him arabic and i studied it in jerumiah arabic grammar he taught me he used to speak to us in arabic it was a very very beneficial class then i actually enrolled into the school and i started from uh and i went to 30 third a week and thirtieth away which is three years now in there we had tabi islamiyah we had islamic history what the teacher would do was in the class is that he knew everything from memory or sometimes he had a little note with him but there was no mukarra meaning there's no curriculum given to the students so the student has to write it from the teacher's mouth directly now i wasn't used to that quickly your teacher's speaking you're writing everything so that class shaped me in the sense of writing note taking organizing your notes and that side of the world and many third world countries as they call it education is very important in comparison to what i saw in the uk education wasn't that important people were born classes teachers were treated in a very bad way this was a bit different students even the baddest kid in the class he would pay attention to all the classes and he would memorize because the school would stick your name on the wall when the results come and everyone's going to see your name there it was a bit embarrassing then my uncle my mom's first cousin he took me to a halaca and that's in my local area and i sat down one day and this was the thirst of sheikh ali i sat in the i remember that day when i first came he was teaching and he was going through it he had a program where he started from and he was making his way up he had a program in arabic grammar he was making his way up everything there was going on and there was a once a week there was a tafsir class that would go and all of that made me understand i i rarely saw the shaykh do muhammad like one one-off lectures one of lectures here and there but the bulk of these sessions were uh were books and the places he gave us reminders were inside the books and that's why he would give us a little reminder to jihad and there was a few reminders that were given the people who would come to that reminder were the same students who were coming and studying the books so for me i always saw a reminder was for a person who's was basically studying and learning and every now and then he needs to be reminded of certain things that he he or she should uphold then i came to the west after somalia and then egypt and saudi i came to uh i came to the west if i look at the the countries i went to i always found somebody very unique the reason why i found somalia very unique is because the the way that the book is explained in somalia is every word is explained every letter is told the student memorizes the way the teacher teaches now i went to saudi arabia i saw talika like a whole three pages would be read on the sheikh and he would give like a few words i felt i understood what sheikh is saying but i this line i didn't understand what the is saying i didn't stand this kind of people i know the overall meaning but what about this line what does he mean by i always missed that that method of studying even to the extent the hamish the hawashi the footnote everything in it will be mentioned so that concept of books was instilled at a very young age and then on top of that i uh studied with sheikh known as we've done a podcast with him in mayu this is set a program in teaching books from beginning that was when sometimes i go and i look at i have everything an external hard drive i'm lost of words we're talking about thousands of recordings he's only got muslim left and the reason why he didn't even do muslim yet is because another ship was teaching muslim about that time so he's gonna now shall i tell him he's gonna do sahih muslim he's now done the six books of hadith all the quran that i possibly can this brought a thought to my mind the english speakers don't have this they haven't been given this opportunity a lot of the times what we see in the uk is that they talk about how to seek knowledge but the person is actually memorized had seen knowledge and the things to do and don't even some people you meet they even know the books to study but then it's not available for me where do i study it where can i go and study it so i had a dream very early on to create an institute where a person can come and 50 lessons 100 lessons whatever it takes of for example they can listen they got their text they go through it and they learn the next lesson they do the same in stages in steps where the person starts from what a and then goes to z a to z but i couldn't do it i needed a team allah wa ta'ala and allah's blessings are many very honest loving brothers who came together with me um and they helped i remember i met my and this idea me and another brother spoke about it and then he was told about it and he came to me and he said i heard you you have a dream of going through a mayu and i i said yeah but there's a few obstacles and all our blessings happen what it needed for us to do that day what needs to be done and we're going to make it happen i said to him one thing i said ahi in the past we've done mistakes there were shortcomings that happened on our side we wanted to deliver things but there was obstacles that we couldn't deliver the work in order to do that we have to show the people that we're here to serve their needs in knowledge and be of their service because what people shift don't understand is it's a i it's an honor for me to teach the people and it's a blessing of allah by people benefiting and learning it's a nerve for me it's an opportunity for me it doesn't raise me higher than them and it doesn't make me better than them it just puts me in the service of the ummah but allah accept it from me and allah forgives me for any mistakes or shortcomings or errors i've come with i told let's make this but we have to work hard before we even try to open this institute we have to make sure everything is done to the best of our ability and i said we need one person on board we need that person to come here well actually i'm going to tell you when when when the idea was presented to me it really resonated with me you know a lot of tower projects there are a lot of really good projects and we don't want to take away from the amazing projects online institutes online universities learning programs courses that people can take it's amazing but i something resonated with me and what resonated with me i think is to do with my experience of learning going to medina with a certain vision and almost realizing that the things that were needed were not quite in place for me at that time for example not being able to finish books from beginning to end a lot of people might have that idea about the islamic university but it's not like that you you take a little piece of this book a little piece of that book half of this book you know maybe the whole of that book if the teacher gets to the end of it and you end up with little pieces of things there's a lot of broken knowledge and there are a lot of holes in what you should know there's a lot of sciences that you never got a chance to learn for example specializing in hadith we got a lot of books in in hadith in reality and we didn't even finish the amount of of text that would be in it and the student was required to do that in their own time and that for me to see something to be able to contribute to something where people can study complete books from beginning to end without the pressure of a timetable that says you need to finish this book in the next three weeks the opportunity to study for all those people who couldn't study how many people wanted to go to this chamber or that jammeh or this country or that country but they weren't able to do and those people they have the desire to do they have inshallah the ability to do it by the help of allah but they just didn't get the opportunity to do that and another thing that resonated with me to be honest with you is when i looked at the standard of many of the students coming from the west in comparison to other countries so we're sitting together with the same sheikh we study in the same book and i'm asking myself why are these brothers really understanding a lot more than i understood and i realized that's because i went in at nearly zero and they went in having studied these books in their own language before having sat with the students of knowledge and their graduates who had come back and taught them in details before having gone through structured programs of knowledge before and then going to sit with them and for them what they took from those masha's was many many times more than what i took from them and i saw that and thought if we could do a small something small to start to remedy that problem to provide opportunity to learn for those people who could not get that opportunity elsewhere to provide a chance for those people who are starting out on their journey to reach a higher standard so that when they take that journey and they go on that that journey for the sake of knowledge they take more from it because they they were at a certain standard to begin with and to provide access to all those books that we couldn't find all those subjects that nobody else teaches and to do so in a way that isn't pressured by a university style syllabus or a curriculum going back to the classical way i remember shaking this profound line and i think now it's better people are more aware but for me when i first read the books that deal with the way to seek knowledge it was a complete eye-opener for me to actually realize that there's a method to seeking knowledge which is really only one method there may be variations in the books but the method is one method joining between memorization and understanding taking things with tadarroj step by step taking knowledge in all of the phonon of islam not just in one or two sciences but across the board to form a base from that base moving through the level of you know kind of taking knowledge in a basic way to getting the dale to being able to compare between different opinions to being able to articulate your own opinions to specialize going through that journey with stages and to be able to contribute something like that for people in the english language along with a program for learning arabic that is what really really attracted me about al madras that we will be able to launch and we'll be able to tell people about today some of the the features of this uh of of this program inshallah tell me a little bit about how you if we talk about this program how did you how did you think about it and how did you kind of put it together so over the years i've been collecting books on manhattan methodologies have to seek how to seek knowledge i i read a book and i'll try to summarize the book and write notes from it and organize it and structure it and even some of those books i'd go few times back to it and i've done lectures here one lecture there and all of that until finally i thought to myself i think now alhamdulillah i've collected gathered together enough to say that any person who studied this this program can really reach a high level and a taba like very good in their knowledge in their understanding it's not just books you need to study but books we're gonna suggest you should be reading on the side and you'll be asked questions and and you would have to freely read that yourself but every muslim for you to read on the side and imam who shot them you said something very profound already many years back he says the way to attain knowledge is two ways and he says the first one is and he says first one he called it he said it is that the student sits with the teacher and that theater teaches you he says this one finish this book you're good you can now move on to the next you are good enough to be allowed to move into the next book then the next because even if you give the barnard and the program to someone they need the teacher to tell them you know this move on to the next and not only that just test them go through tell them what they need to memorize because i've tried my best to do some books on youtube people who don't know should i start with this one should i not do this one which one should i do first and also subhanallah um the second method he said which is it's that the student goes and reads the books themselves but he said that can't be done unless the first is intact unless the first is present which is you have already sought knowledge with the mesha they've taught you for example a person studied let's say now for example the person's done finished and done and dusted that one they got tested on it by their teacher he said you are good enough now go to the next book okay which is the person finishes off those little things that are remaining good now the teacher says now that you've done mutherin now you're going to go to qatar good you're very good you pass the test you're qualified now i'm going to put inside there self a bit of suffer you need so they teach you for example let's say hypothetically and he says to you understand this and go through it now you've got three books in nahau one book in sarf and then you finally go to the last book with your teacher which is you study it you memorize it you learn it you do it take off on this book even if it goes for six months that book no problem after that you don't need a teacher to teach your grammar you can go and get mughal put it here by ibn hashan and read it there are going to be scale at some issues here or there might pop up but you can go and ask the teacher the shaykh that taught you that is what shaatim is talking about that you studied that program with a teacher and now you can go and open the books and use what you studied in in in this something this is in all of the sciences this is not just someone because we did that in some sciences i feel like you know in in akida in hadith in certain things but in others like for someone to do it and when we see all the science we're not even just talking about hadith quran the things which are the fundamentals but even the supporting sciences the extra you know things like sciences we're talking about things that are maybe people have not even heard of before topics subjects that people have not even but the scholars have written about them and have set books and you can set a program in those where someone studies book by book and stage by stage 100 even subhanallah one of the things i learned is that let's take akida for example let's take akita for example the person started now that is i'm going to separate akida from taheed the two different things okay and inshallah i'm going to talk about this in great details with the podcast i want to do with the beloved brother for example starts from we're talking about here of worshipping allah alone the books which are written on the topic of worshiping allah alone and not making a partner with him in his worship yes let's put them together so it makes it even more easy for people the person starts with the hate series first they say they take the sword finished you get tested now you are allowed to go to the next book and the next is in the next book after that once you do that then you go to kitab once you go to kitab with it and you study it you i have now got to hate you this is the two the first you do is the feedback once you finish that you go for the next shadow which is fatima so i said for the left you did the metal all of these books this i'm not talking about i'm talking about the method the book you will understand what ibn abdullah is saying finish that now you do now the of ibn al-qaeda once you've done that you go for the again another shadow of the catapult the grandson of hamlet muhammad once you get fatwa and all of the notes of that that you studied the notes that you took and then and then and then the method of and the all of that s place it on your book you never need to look at unto fatherhood sorry unfathomably sorry you never need to carry a book of taheed ever again you just carry with you kitab with your head whenever you want to do go to another country or you need to do or you have a darcya this kitab is the your to go to i never personally go and restart the letters anymore i don't read cash for sure anymore i don't read any other ice i have everything on my photo images so the student when he wants to travel and he wants to yeah he goes that's how he does it now let's do another science and i'll just mention that for example personal studies finishes bay bonya the teacher says you're good you're well second guitar this teacher goes you're gonna do uh now the person goes to the last book which is when they do the alfie then they do the shah of fatful of al-imam all of those other books what you studied you place on your patrol on the sides your to go to other scholars might choose to deliver whichever you want to take no problem like in i like movies you go for father and mother if i want to travel i'm going to keep my photography in my backpack or my luggage that so i learned you can save time you can revise quickly when it comes to your notes and everything and you have a bad name well organized this is something i found not present in the english language the poet he said no one's going to live forever and you're not going to live for thousands of years there's a few things you need to do you have to have a book you've memorized and each science at least one book you've memorized and you have to have one you go back to all the time one explanation you always go back to the benefit here chef is that it's it's organized and guess what in your head everything's structured things are not mixed up you can separate things when you read much more alpha tower now and you've done this whole entire program it makes sense so this is like beyond the program now like you're going into like your own the second part of what the shout will be you're starting to read books and you're starting to go into more advanced and large works but they make sense because you've got that foundation in all of the sciences of islam people are going to ask a question they're going to say this sounds difficult so i want to talk a little bit about how we can try to make it easier for people the first thing is that by breaking sciences down step by step that in itself makes things easy for people right starting in a basic way go into the next book sometimes we join a class online or we watch a class in youtube well i attended a halacha whenever and the level that they're teaching i remember this happened to me once when i attended a a a door for teaching studying ted murray and at that time there were some books before ted maria that i hadn't finished yeah i said then it felt like i was sitting in a class with japanese or something you know like i was lost completely lost and i was making notes but it wasn't so one of the things that makes it naturally easier is to start with people from the beginning take people from the very first steps but also this idea of taking a madras about how we want to take the students in the first year the first you know few months with the program taking them into a mud hull for every science what's that what's the idea behind it now we've uh we've started the uh we've mentioned the books that we're going to study we realized that i just said for example someone might look and say i don't even know what we said to ourselves instead of bringing the book straight away why don't we do every science we do an introduction to it and the aim from that introduction is that the student has an overview and a general understanding of what the science about so the person is going to learn the definition of what the science is the reality of it he's going to learn the historical development of that science how it came about because remember for example if you're studying naho for example and you're urumiya for example first of all the first question you're gonna ask yourself is why is it called why is it why is that why is that the name another thing you would ask yourself is when you're studying the book is you're gonna hear the word khaf and then they're going to say again and they say it's the same you're thinking why is it diff why is there two words because it's based on two methods that exists but who are the base and who are the kofi in so what we want to do insha'allah is kind of give the student a an introduction where he learns what nahuwah is why it started how it started who started it what was the beginning the story so the aim is to tell a person the story basically of where it all started from and how it came to the way it is today so that when you open a book in that science you're like i know what i'm studying i know what benefit this science has i know the uh reality of it and danny that's why when the scholars a lot of the time want to teach a book they first talk about the virtue of knowledge is to make you feel i want to i want to study this much because by knowing the virtue in something you want to do it even more so there's something really i i i'm going to give a really practical example of some of the the content that's upcoming one of the ones that i enjoyed so much was the introduction to fick where the the topic came up of ichthyolaf and why what are the causes of it and how to manage it because for example the first time you study a book of what's a math habit why am i studying this book from the method is this the truth is it like revelation is it everything i is it not should i take one should i not what does it what do i do with it and then i found this differences of opinion because i already have watched videos on youtube so i know that someone else has a different opinion to this person how do i even manage that giving the student those tools before they start studying fit itself for me that was a very of great benefit a person even teaching it was so nice to feel to say to someone look you don't have to worry these things exist and you're going to come across them but this is the purpose of it this is how to deal with it this is the cause of it this is and these are the evidences and so on so you're preparing the student with the tools they need to be able to study that particular science some of them aside and the issues they might need to know about before they actually start even different names for things like you mentioned earlier or is that something more than taheed and instead hey the subset of akira is akira what are these two words and what about the books that are called iman and the other ones that called sharia so this is also this is that we're going to study so the student understands that there are maybe different names for the same thing a little bit of the history some of the issues around it and that gives them that makes them comfortable to be able to start studying the book so that as many people can benefit from this program as as possible so that was something as well that was was very important and also you know this this the idea that amau is trying to inshallah achieve is to make yourself sufficient you don't have to spend the rest of your life impending or someone to tell you what allah and his messenger is saying you're not you shouldn't be a foreigner from your creator to be directly understanding what he's telling you and be in a direct relationship and that there shouldn't be an intermediary between you and allah and and if you look at many groups in islam you tend to find they love to keep their followers in that isolated exactly yeah so they don't know but they always stick to them but if they bring that knowledge to them sometime with the reality is that the person will know who's right and who's wrong and what is right and what is not wrong what is wrong the person will also understand what direction i want to go i think this is vital that the muslims are educated about their religion and they're taught and they learn that's what i like about if you look at the quran the way he speaks about knowledge the way he gives importance to knowledge subhanallah it's profound it's it's shocking allah says for example michelle a lot of you all know already know these verses allah says the one who is from the people of jannah and the one who's from the people of the hellfire they are not equal the same way the one who knows and the one who is ignorant are not equal the prophet also said in a hadith and this is one of the most profound hadith i've seen is anyone who allah wants good for them you deal allah makes them understand is that if allah does not make you understand this religion he doesn't want good for you i think for me personally that's just one thing that should strike a chord in your mind and you should be worried that if you don't have understanding of this religion it might be a reason allah doesn't want good for you because the ones who allah gives understanding to is the people of that's why i came across a profound statement of his he said the way allah chooses who is he going to give it to he said the same way allah chooses the prophets and the messengers he chooses the people of knowledge they're selected and he divides the selection into two a general selection which is a profits and a specific selection which is the people of knowledge they're selected they're chosen but for you to be a person who has knowledge of this deal and understand this religion it's a selection from allah not hadith many people don't know the ending which is the prophet that said many people don't know which is allah the prophet said i am the one who divides but allah is the one who gives i can just divide amongst the people that knowledge spread it out to them tell them about it but the one who's going to be given that knowledge that is from allah also another left i came across that narrative it's a different wording knowledge is not something you just get you have to exert that effort and follow an opportunity like this i think to go online from your own home just open the computer and study that's the best basic uh requirement from you and revise and study and go through those notes you don't have to travel you have to go to another country it's all there's no age limit there's no age limit you can study and you can learn and you can go through those no and the video doesn't er it doesn't erase insha'allah you keep watching it that's what that effort is needed what did he say you're not gonna attain things unless you try unless you exert brothers if you've on sisters if you've lost the opportunity in the past if you've missed out in the past and you never got the opportunity to study and learn i hope insha'allah this is an opportunity for you to seize and to take inshaallahu ta'ala in terms of exactly what each subject is how those subjects are going to be taught the way that i break it down and the names of all those subjects for example i let severely tempted quickly hadith you're going to study hadith um some science is that you have to study there's some sciences that you need to study so you can protect illumina says for example you just have to study them just so it doesn't taint your your fit your hadith and all of that which is for example you got a mantra you're going to do it in order to understand to protect it from the harm that it's going to have on and how is it going but you're not taking it to embrace it as a science that it's right and it's true and it's the way forward isn't but you know it so you can warn against it that's the bab that came from ibn team and others also you're going to study for example the 12 sciences inshallah when it comes to the arabic language there's 12 sciences all of those sciences that once this program is done i i want inshallah allah too from within within this allah brings up scholars great knowledgeable people who become what the prophet said that we have passed a knowledge on to people who are greater than us the prophet did not say and the prophet said may um illuminate the face of a person who hears my speech he memorizes it and then he takes what he memorized and then he passed it on to someone else and that person in which he passed it on to has more understanding and better than them which they understand more from it and they memorize it better than you and they shine from it i ask allah makes that happen i want to talk a little bit about the arabic language because the one of the big criticisms people have and we've we've presented this project it's the first time we're presenting it to everybody but we've presented it to a lot of people our teachers to uh people who have helped to facilitate the project people who we we value their advice and a lot of people have asked the question can this be done in english and there are two answers to that i'll let you answer the question can you learn these sciences in english and then we also want to put the void answer that that's not the only thing that you're going to be doing and i'll talk a little bit about the arabic program but first of all insha'allah can you actually learn these sciences in english so the question really is can you learn all of these things in another language other than the arabic language and i personally believe the answer to that is definitely yes because i learned in the somali language they taught me in the somali language i learned and i benefited a lot from it what i understand from the somali when they teach is that they bring in a lot of arabic in there like they they quote things in arabic so when we're saying that they're teaching in somalia they're teaching in somali with a significant amount of arabic is that same yeah that's the another thing another point i was going to say which is the way that i plan to teach inshallah which is already the style i do it in is that you're going to hear every quote in arabic language that's number one every hadith you're going to hear it in arabic the titles and the subtitles and the quotes and the references and all of that is in arabic but we translate it what we're really doing is we're translators we put notes together we're translating for you those sentences those wordings explaining around it in english but the core of it is going to be in arabic because otherwise you'd have to learn everything twice right once in the original language and then go back and learn it again why is it any different from a chef sitting in front of you in arabic and another brother translating exactly that i see the same way his teacher speaks arabic and then this person comes and he translates what the sheikh said can somebody study the religion like that of course they can on top of that we have put together a program and this is something i've been involved in to help people to learn the arabic language along with this because there's no doubt that we want people i i don't want people to say that i study from muhammad from and that's where i could go to we want to facilitate people to go far beyond that you know this this issue of what what i always think of it the way i think of it i don't know if that's if it's the right way to think about but i think of it like the concept of uh this issue of like if you can go to somebody's teacher if you can go beyond to that person amazing but to do that you're going to need the arabic language and the arabic language doesn't come in a day or two days so the idea is while you're learning you're also learning arabic but also i wanted to design a course for people who are not full-time students in an arabic speaking country p a lot of people have tried to learn arabic and i'm just i just did it and we didn't get it it was too hard for us we tried to learn but we just we ended up with something but not everything so everything we've said about seeking knowledge i believe can be applied to learning arabic as well there is a structure there's a path there's a way to do it there's a way we can make it easy for people so the idea is to have an arabic program that goes alongside the main institute program at the same time it makes it easy for people to pick up the language with an emphasis on practicality with an emphasis on what you need for that year for the next year and so on and the idea inshallah is to facilitate many people to learn arabic so that those people as they go further on through the program their arabic becomes better and better they're starting to now take from where we took as much as they can they're starting to be able to access the source material you're speaking sheikh and you're given the hadith in arabic the ayah in arabic the reference in arabic the quoting arabic they're starting to understand that directly without although the translation helps and so the person graduates with a very good standard of arabic that is practical not just theoretical not just i know the grammar how many people we know you could give them you know you could give them any ayah in the quran and they can tell you the grammar the differences of opinion about it but they can't practically order a coffee or they can't practically say something because there hasn't been an emphasis on the practical learning of the language so we want to give a balance we want people to know all that complicated grammar at the right times for them when it's right for them when it's easy for them to digest but at the same time for people to really embrace the language because in reality you can't islam you can't understand it as it was revealed without that language so that's another part of the program that people will be engaged with and be able to study so we're talking about a program that is based around studying classical books classical method that's based around the most efficient and effective way to study those books that's based on step by step study that is you can take it in your own time according to the time commitments you have it's not a race there's some people you know you can take only a few issues every day and still you can achieve a great amount of knowledge it's not it's not a race that everyone has to race to the end it's there for you as much as you want and also in your own time to take whatever suits you to have an arabic program to have books and sciences that are not normally taught to have it available in the language you understand along with arabic to help to build up your arabic knowledge as well this is the concept that we're presenting to people through a inshallah portal which is the amau and people the students will have notes the student will know what we're teaching it will be organized for you insha'allah every level that you you finish you won't be able to move on to the next unless you've finished that one but then there's no time restriction on that one you can take as long as you want but you just have to pass the exam to go to the next insha'allah there's also be certificates of participation and graduation inshallah the hustle of al madras is to really let you fly to go out there and learn the dean of allah preserve them and honor them one of the things i really loved about what they used to do was they used to encourage me to not just take their word for it and go and research it why are you just sticking to this go look for it yourself and that made me realize that it's an honor when your student says i disagree with you that he's reached that level where he can disagree with a lot of the vedic now okay why do you disagree with me and we have a discussion it's something to be proud of i want the muslim ummah to be not connected to a person but they keep restricting themselves to this this whole reason of celebrity all this so that really goes back to never growing as a person you need to think of your shaykh i want to pass him i want to go beyond and above his status in knowledge i have to be honest and i have to say this allahu akbar over the years we've seen many brothers in the that were seen may allah preserve them on all of them doing a lot of praiseworthy this movement now of has now gone to the high level very and what i mean by that is that there's that desire now the concept of lectures is really reducing to a level in english language it's reducing then how it was before there's people saying what book are you going to teach what book a few years back when i never used to see that i used to always come to the message that i would be told please you're not going to teach a book i got banned from some mischievous because i took books rather than give a lecture and they got very upset and annoyed with that but allah almighty is those same places now that are calling me and saying look you have a week two weeks insha'allah can you go through a book so after russia it's going to be an it's going to be double that there's going to be subhanallah even better and even greater insha'allah that's what we want progression progress and a starting point insha'allah and i hope that allah gives me yourself and all the other brothers will come on board in the future inshallah that allah gives us the strength and the ability to really start this program and take it to the end knowledge hasn't got an end but to a high level now there's something that i wanted to focus on which is still i feel like a lot of students when they're hearing about the academy and they're hearing about the idea behind it the concept behind it a lot of people might might ask a few questions they might ask is this going to be too difficult for me what kind of student are you looking for what kind of what are you looking for in the people who sign up to this academy and maybe even who might it not be for so i think we could answer all of that through one thing what kind of person are we looking for to sign up to the academy what sort of student i i mentioned the statement of alibaba that i said you're not gonna gain unless you come with three qualities six qualities to be smart person smart here what i'm looking for an anime is looking for is a person who knows what they need they know what they need rather than a person who just wants to not doesn't know the importance of what they're learning they don't value what they're learning a smart person really is a person who works towards what will benefit him in this world and hereafter you have to be veki smart and also you have to have a brain that's taking the information that is not an issue if you've got repetition you can go over it again again if you haven't understood it you can ask as much questions as you want to your teachers that's why we're here to help you inshallah you have to be striving how would you distinguish you have to be keen clean you have to have the motivation and then wealth-wise not to look around and financially be unable to do it so if you're somebody who's struggling to eat you can't seek knowledge you're preoccupied but a lot of us are hamdi away are not worried in that regard but not shift is that a little point i wanted to make which is that even the way that the course is structured it being online and the way that the course is going to be the registration and so on has been made easy for students and i was talking to some of the the the management of the administration in the project and really every effort has been made to make it as easy as possible for people to join without putting obstacles because a lot of places when you go to seek knowledge there are obstacles you know there's age limits there are financial constraints there are you know and for sure projects need to survive but at the same time it's been structured in a way to make it as easy as possible for people to be able to join without having those worries and pressures that you you don't have to be a scholar student of knowledge you can come as basic as zero as with is to take you by the hand and to allow you to grow what about time commitment like a lot of people ask how do i know that i have enough time because there are a number of of online institutes which have smaller time commitments and i think the nice thing about madras romero for me personally is i believe it has its own niche and its own particular style and structure which is a little different it's quite different to some to the other things that are out there so that for me is important that there are a wide range of things you can watch youtube lectures for an hour a week it's not so much for me a particular amount of time like you must have five hours or ten but you really that commitment and keenness to actually do something regularly and consistently and to stick with it and to really want it and i think when you want that you find the time to be able to complete something that's that's for me something i don't have also the fact that we're not restricting anyone with time everyone's speed is different everyone's intake is different and also the teachers for me to teach you knowing that i haven't got time restriction i can go through this class i can teach based on the the amount that the students can take it allows me to you know take my time the goal is that you learn that's the aim it's not how long it takes you're not racing with anyone as you should have said before it's not a competition there's no year there's no number of years right there's no like set number of years like this is going to be in so maybe that's something like somebody who's got this idea that i'm just going to finish everything in a year or in two years maybe that's that was a wrong mistake that was not telling the students of the methodology knowledge and this idea where you go to this country for example egypt and you come back after two years well you're going to master the arabic language no you're not receivable they said when he was dying he was writing words and terminologies he never heard of and today which is one of the books he's written is one of the most sophisticated most hardest books that even the non-muslims orientalists when they read it they said this can't even be a book written by a muslim they predicted and said it's not written by khalil ahmed and what about the kitab al-kitab i see yeah i mean the point i'm saying is that you can't master uh he said in he said that no one can say that they've mastered the entire arabic language except the prophet we can't so the thing is that we need to tell people there's always more and that's why you're that when you know that you're always going to carry on seeking knowledge you mean i had that until today i'm still listening to your lectures and sorry classes i'm online studying from the show my teacher one day in his external hard drive he had he showed me he wasn't showing it to me but he wanted me to put some stuff in there for him and i saw his external hard drive and i saw the shadow of sunnah dawood by shaq so i said do you listen to the heart of the muslim because of course i benefit from it sheikh reads the heart of the scholars and he still goes to audios and recorded his innocence the point is we're students we're going to carry on on this part in charlotte tyler by still studying and collecting all the heart of the scholars and what they've done and also reading the books and looking at what the books have and once you understand that you're going to learn that you can do 20 years of seeking knowledge you still have to go and carry and seek your knowledge so the structure is there in terms of you have a structure and a plan ahead of you you know what you're doing today tomorrow the next day but at the same time the the limit or the artificial limits are removed that's the way i like to think of it the limits which are structures which help people to study which tells someone what to study tomorrow and the next day are there but the artificial pressure to finish this inside of one week or finish this inside of two weeks is not there instead the goal is to actually gain that knowledge to get it to be able to take it on board and to really be able to practice it and implement it correct correct so that's something and also even the books the way i plan insha'allah there's a few mistakes i've been done in the past and this is an opportunity for me to rectify my mistakes and when the method i teach is is better this time inshallah which is every book should be treated the way that that book was written by the author so for example when you're teaching whichever one you want to call it is that it should be treated as a jerumiah whatever the sheikh is mentioning in jerusalem is what you're going to take now that you've understood that you're going to go to the next book and extra information is going to come and then the next book extra information is going to come so it's going to be more easier for you to start from beginning book to make your way up rather than hearing everything in this book where you're so baffled and confused and you're like am i studying at dulumia or am i studying alvia to malik i get brought inside so we've we've kind of learned over the over the years it's been a very very productive discussion i hope that it has got people's interest because today was the idea was for you and me to actually just to present to people what we've been working on since a long long time and what we've been you know the the videos we've been recording the content we've been making the planning the course planning the all of the work that's been going on behind the scenes in order to launch the institute this is what it was working towards this is what we've been working towards and i think all of that that we wanted to share with people today is to get people interested in the idea so i think that's a good place for us to wrap up in charlotte i'm sure that along with this video there will be additional information for people to look at to read to go also just to remind them as well that the history of alban i think they should see we did it we did a part in the in the the dora that we did live remember yeah that's what i wanted that's what i want people the story of that of go there and watch it so they understand where the where it all started from insha'allah i asked the link to that video well i'm just very very pleased that we've managed to get to the stage where each other all of this work can can start to turn into something tangible for people it's been tangible for us for a long time but for something that people can actually see what is coming out and inshallah people can join us on that journey by the permission of our lives to start this together and to finish it together inshallah our beings are great if we live and we're all going to make us a key to to opening and people who lock the doors of evil and may allah forgive us for any mistakes or shortcomings and errors that we've done in our lives privately and publicly allah forgive us against allah i think that's a good place for us to stop and that's what allah made easy for us to mention and allah knows best mohammed
Channel: Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah
Views: 17,336
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Keywords: Islaam, Islam, Quran, Qur'an, Qur'aan, Sunnah, Muhammad, Hadith, Hadeeth, Ustadh, Abdulrahman Hassan, Ustaadh, Salafi, Salafiyyah, Sunni, Lesson, Islamic, Islaamic, Tawheed, Shirk, Bidah, Jannah, Muhammad Tim Humble, Tim Humble, AMAU, Al Madrasatu Al Umariyyah, Abdul Rahman Hassan, AMAU at Home, AMAU short course, Dawahman, Dawah man, Imran ibn mansur, Naseeha Sessions, Etiquettes, Manners, Allah, Iman, Eman, Eeman, Imaan, Dawah, Da'wah, Iman boost, allah, amau, amau islam, taqwa, shamsi, speakers corner, spubs, islam
Id: zvqaWNG-V7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 32sec (3752 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 09 2022
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