Fall of Arnor and Rise of Rohan - Middle-Earth Lore DOCUMENTARY

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In the first video in our series on the War of  the Ring, we described how the rings came to be,   how the Dark lord Sauron corrupted the hearts of  men and led to the downfall of Numenor and how   the alliance of free peoples defeated his forces  at Barad-Dur, but this was just the beginning of   the War of the ring. In this episode, we will talk  about the successor states of Numenor - Gondor and   Arnor, how they were continuously attacked  by the servants of Sauron, leading to the   battles of Fornost and the Field of Celebrant.  Welcome to the Wizards and Warriors channel! We have so many videos on the way and don’t  want you to sleep on them, but at the same   time we know how important sleep is, so if  you have issues with sleeping or anxiety,   we recommend using the sponsor of this video  Endel, which is a uniquely useful application   that creates personalized soundscapes to help  you focus, relax, or sleep. 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Support our channel and improve   your quality of life with Endel, who has a special  offer for our viewers: the first 100 people to   download Endel using the link in the description  will get a free week of audio experiences! With the defeat of Sauron and his forces at  the siege of Barad-Dur came the end of the   Second Age and the beginning of the Third  which would come to be dominated by the Men   due to the waning power of the Elves following  the death of so many of them and the decision   taken by some to sail to the Undying Lands. At this stage however, the situation was far   from ideal for the descendants of Númenor, even  with the apparent destruction of the Great Enemy.   Even before the Last Alliance entered Mordor,  Sauron sent a contingent of Orcs to hold the   passes in the Misty Mountains from the  oncoming host of Elendil and Gil-Galad.   Seeing the strength of the Free Peoples of  Middle Earth before them the Orcs fled into   the mountains, and were not pursued due to the  necessity of defeating the Dark Lord however.  Following the successful siege of Barad-Dur,  Isildur who took the ring of Sauron as a weregild   for the death of his father and brother, made his  way to Gondor. Isildur spent the first two years   of the new – Third Age consolidating his rule  and reorganising the realm. He also replanted   the sapling of the White Tree in Minas Ithil in  memory of his fallen brother. The Numenoreans, who   remained true to Valar, began to also be known as  Dunedain and the “Men of the West” in that period.   The greater part of his army was sent to  Arnor which needed it more at the moment,   and the king himself set out for Rivendell  in order to seek the counsel of Elrond.   Moving from Osgiliath, Isildur and his retinue  passed through the Vale of the Anduin making   their way towards the Cirith Forn en Andrath  which was a high pass in the Misty Mountains   inevitably bringing them to Rivendell. The  host made its way North to Lórien taking a path   leading towards Thranduil’s domain of Greenwood.  The Anduin had however flooded forcing the   group to take an alternative route along the  slopes of the eastern bank of the great river.  To the left of the company were an imposing  set of cliffs overlooking the Anduin and   to their right were hills and forested areas.  The Dunedain had been singing marching songs,   however this ceased immediately as one of their  scouts had heard an oncoming horde of Orcs. Acting   quickly, Isildur formed his men into a Thangail  which meant shield fence or wall in Numenorean.   This formation was two men deep and flexible  on the flanks allowing for quick readjustments   and would favour the Numenoreans who estimated  that they were outnumbered almost ten to one.   Isildur begrudged the terrain for forcing him to  take such a defensive stance, as if the Orcs had   attacked them earlier in the march, they could  have formed a Dírnaith which was a wedge-shaped   formation that would have allowed the superior  martial prowess of his retinue to shatter the   Orcish lines sending them into a quick rout. The battle began with a volley of Orcish arrows,   quickly followed up by an assault at  the very center of the shield wall.   The disciplined Numenorians stood strong and  used their immense height of which they towered   over even the largest orc to push back this  onslaught. Isildur was no fool however and seeing   the overwhelming size of the Orcish horde sent  his squire with the shards of his father’s sword   Narsil to Rivendell in order to entrust them with  lord Elrond, before continuing the fight himself.  The battle restarted following this brief pause,  and piles of Orc corpses had begun to mount around   the Numenorean lines, who utilising their superior  longbows drove the enemy from the pathway.   Believing that the Orcs with their craven  nature had been sufficiently demoralised so as   to flee the field, Isildur gave orders  to move to a lower more level ground.   The Orcs however had greater numbers than the  estimation Isildur had given them and returned   in force as the shield wall had begun to move. During this secondary assault the Orcs attacked   in a full crescent formation in order to place  immense pressure upon the entirety of the Dunedain   defensive formation. With their massive numerical  advantage, the Orcish pressure began to pay off   and men began to die, their formation beginning  to collapse. Isildur’s sons Ciryon and Aratan   were slain in this assault, with the third son  to accompany him on the journey - Elevndur urging   his father to wear the ring and flee across the  Anduin to make it to Rivendell using another road.   Isildur said: “I cannot use it. I dread  the pain of touching it. And I have not   yet found the strength to bend it to my will.  It needs one greater than I know myself to be.   My pride has fallen. It should go to the Keepers  of the Three.” But he was convinced by his son.  Isildur put on the ring of Sauron, which granted  invisibility to the wearer, and fled down the   valley, as his retinue paid with their lives to  give their king a fighting chance at escape, dying   almost to a man. That included Elendur who fought  a rearguard action to buy his father more time.   Abandoning his arms and armour bar a short  sword, Isildur plunged into the Anduin,   yet in its flooded state the strength of the river  began to overwhelm the High King and he was pulled   further and further towards the marshes of the  Gladden Fields. He became tangled in the reeds and   rushes, and the One Ring was pulled from Isildur’s  finger, who initially felt unmitigated loss at   this but soon after a feeling of an immense burden  being taken from him. This feeling of absolution   was not to last however, as emerging from the  river a group of Orcish archers spotted this   imposing mountain of a man and feathered him  with arrows rather than meeting the unarmoured   warrior in hand-to-hand combat. Isildur’s body  fell back into the river never to be recovered.   His arms and armour were found in the aftermath  of the battle but the ring itself would not be   discovered again until hobbit Déagol happened upon  it in TA 2463. In the meantime, a force of Woodmen   who were friends of the Beornings and dwelt within  the Western part of Greenwood had come to relieve   the Dunedain rearguard. They arrived too late  however and would only save three of the Dunedain.  The Disaster at the Gladden Fields had led to the  death of Isildur and his three sons. Isildur’s   youngest son Valandil was named King of Arnor,  however the most important decision taken during   his reign was to refuse the Kingship of Gondor,  which caused a split between the two Kingdoms.  The two Kingdoms however would continue to  prosper under the Kings of Númenorean blood,   however following the death of King Eärendur in  TA 861 the Arnor was torn asunder by infighting   and civil war: The Kingdoms of Arthedain,  Cardolan and Rhudaur emerged from this conflict,   with the King of Arthedain claiming unrecognised  High Kingship over the latter. In the years that   followed, the Kings of the respective  Northern Kingdoms wasted their strength   in foolish and unnecessary conflicts which  left each nation weakened. In the meantime,   enemies began to gather to the outskirts of these  nations eager to take advantage, presenting the   greatest threat to the land once known as Arnor. Meanwhile the Kingdom of Gondor began to prosper,   becoming a wholly separate political entity and  prospered. Gondor had to deal with an invasion   of the Easterlings, who were men corrupted  by Sauron and Morgoth. This initial invasion   sparked a sixty-year conflict which was brought to  a conclusion by Turambar, the Ninth King of Gondor   who successfully defeated the Easterlings and  annexed a large area from Rhovanion to Mordor.   Gondor entered a Golden Age following this  victory, helmed by the four Ship Kings who   ruled wisely beginning with the reign of Tarannon  Falastur in TA 830 and ending with the death of   Hyarmendacil I in TA 1149. The latter expanded  Gondor to its greatest extent, ruling a nation   which stretched from the fringes of Mirkwood in  the North to Umbar in the South. The military   might of Gondor ensured this superiority,  with many visitors at the time remarking,   “In Gondor precious stones are but pebbles for  the children to play with”. Yet this Golden Age   was about to end, as the defeat of Sauron was not  as everlasting as the Great Alliance had hoped.  During the reign of King Malvegil of Arthedain,  Sauron’s lieutenant the Witch King of Angmar,   head of the Nazgul and bearer of a Ring of Power  had emerged at the head of a large host of Orcs   and other creatures. He drove the Dwarves from  their holds and established a nation of Angmar.   Malvegil’s successor Argeleb managed  to unite Arthedain and Cardolan,   but was unable to sway Rhudaur which had  already fallen to the taint of the Witch King.   Hostilities commenced when the men of Rhudaur were  forced to march on their kinsmen in Arthedain in   TA 1356. In the Battle of Amon Sûl which decided  the conflict, many were slaughtered on both sides,   chief among them the would-be  Uniter of the North, Argeleb.  The following years were to prove utterly  devastating for the Northern realms. In TA 1409,   Rhudaur was annexed by Angmar and with this  added strength the Witch-King attacked Cardolan.   The country was devastated, with most of its  settlements being destroyed. Amon Sul was razed   and the survivors fled westward. Arthedien was  invaded next and its capital Fornost was besieged,   but the Elves of the Grey Havens, Lorien and  Rivendell relieved it. United armies of the   Elves led by Elrond defeated Angmar, but not  completely, and the conflict left Arthedain   as the last human Kingdom in the North locked in a  bitter struggle with Angmar for six hundred years.  The matters to the South were also far from  idyllic: the Easterlings continued to be a threat,   but Gondor’s military superiority allowed  Rómendacil I’ to utterly rout of the Easterling   host in TA 1248, with the aid of the men of  Rhovanion who would later become the Rohirrim.   Internal discord also played its part: the nobles  despised king Valacar for marrying a princess of   Rhovanion and when he died in TA 1432, his  son King Eldacar was overthrown by Castimir   the Captain of the ships. He proved an incapable  ruler who caused the decay of much of the Country.   Eldacar returned in 1447 and with the  help of the Rhovanion horsemen and   regained his throne, however Osgiliath was  sacked and its Palantír alongside its splendour   forever lost. In the meantime, the sons of  Castimir following the death of their father   fled to Umbar establishing their own Kingdom which  would trouble Gondor for centuries. These problems   didn’t allow Gondor to help Arnor when itsaid  may have proved pivotal in stemming the tide.  Both nations managed to recover some of  their former power, with King Telemnar even   planning a conquest of Umbar, however the  Great Plague struck in 1636. In the North,   Cardolan was finally left bereft of any human  population and Barrow Wights from Angmar, which   were spirits of a malicious nature, were sent by  the enemy to take over the former settlements.   Gondor’s cities were decimated and many tasked  with watching over Mordor were abandoned.   The White Tree died in Osgiliath and  a sapling was brought to Minas Anor   which became the capital in 1640. It was said  that had an enemy attacked at this point, all   of Gondor would have fallen, yet said foes were in  as bad of a shape as Gondor following the plague.   Arthedain with its sparser population  was not as badly affected by the Plague,   however its population continued to decline  during this period with some of its best   farmland being granted to the Hobbits in TA  1601 forming what would become the Shire.  Gondor and Arthedain survived this dire situation,  however, with King Araval of Arthedain, alongside   his Elven allies Lindon and Rivendell, defeating  the Witch King in Cardolan in TA 1851, earning his   kingdom what was to be its final repireve.  Araval’s prowess as a diplomat allowed for   increased ties with Gondor and had circumstances  not played their part could have brought about   the salvation of his realm. However, the forces  of the Dark Lord had other contingencies in   place it seemed and both nations were to  be forever changed by the conflict to come.  In TA 1851 a confederation of Easterling  tribes called Wainriders began to raid Gondor   and Rhovanion, enslaving many of the latter  and destroying much of what was their home.   After five years of these raids the King Narmacil  II led a force alongside Marhari of Rhovanion to   meet the Wainriders in the field and. The Battle  of the Plains was a complete disaster for Gondor   as King Narmacil was slain and Marhari leading  a desperate rear-guard in order to save   the remnants of the host was also killed,  effectively ending Rhovanion as a nation.  The remnants of Marhari’s people fled into Gondor  where they would become known as the Éothéod under   his son Marwhini. However, the majority of  Rhovanion was enslaved by the Wainriders,   who had won a decisive yet pyrrhic victory with  their casualties being so severe so as to check   their advance further into Gondor. The Wainriders  were to rule in Rhovanion for forty-five years,   and weakened Gondor was unable  to turn its eyes to the North,   where Angmar had gathered its forces  for one final push into Arthedain.   During this period the Éothéod and Gondor  continued to grow in friendship through   their opposition against the Wainriders. The  Éothéod in particular learned of the Wainriders’   plans to attack Gondor by TA 1899 through the  enslaved populace which still owed them loyalty.  This led to a pre-emptive strike by  King Calimehtar from Northern Ithillien,   disrupting Wainrider plans to assault the Éothéod  in Calenardhon. With this, Marwhini gathered his   horsemen and marched to Gondor’s aid in what would  become known as the Second Battle of Dagorlad,   where the allied armies defeated the Wainriders.  The King chose not to pursue them however,   allowing for a slave revolt in Rhovanion to  further weaken them instead, however they were not   fully defeated as the revolt was not fully  successful. The decision not to pursue the   Wainriders’ would come back to haunt Gondor,  as they made alliances with the men of Khand   and Harad. The Éothéod again warned Gondor of  this dual threat in both the North and South.   King Ondoher alongside King Arvedui of Arthedain  realised that the attacks of Angmar and the   Wainriders must have been coordinated by an  overwhelmingly menacing force and this led   to the ties between nations renewed in TA 1940  as Arvedui married Ondoher’s daughter Fíriel.  King Ondoher marched North while his most trusted  General Eärnil marched South. Ondoher hoped to   fight in Dagorlad again, but was surprised outside  the Black Gate by a combined force of Wainriders   and Rhûn who destroyed his army, killing him and  two of his sons. The Wainriders’ believed Gondor   had been completely defeated and took their time  sacking lands along Ithilien, yet this was not   the case as Eärnil’s smaller force had won to the  South. Accumulating the survivors of the Battle at   the Black Gate Eärnil fell upon the Wainrider camp  utterly routing them. Those who survived drowned   in the Dead Marshes, effectively ending the war. Eärnil was named King of Gondor despite Arvedui’s   claim to the Kingship which would have united  both nations under a common banner giving them   the strength to resist this Northern advance by  the Witch King, as the Council of Gondor preferred   the former’s claim. Rhovanion was freed with its  people mostly joining the Éothéod, however the   War weakened Gondor at an absolutely critical  moment resulting in the loss of territory.  Throughout the entirety of this period Angmar  continued to assault Arnor who resisted fiercely   yet hopelessly, making their foes pay for every  inch. In TA 1974 the Kingdom was finally overrun   with the Witch King sweeping across  the country driving all before him   and taking the capital of Fornost, causing King  Arvedui and his remaining followers to flee.   Arvedui drowned in the Icebay of Farochel during  the rout. He was the last King of Arthedain.  The Witch King now seemed poised  to form his empire in the North.   King of Gondor Eärnil sent a force commanded by  his son Eärnur with as many soldiers as he could   spare to relieve Arvedui when the attack just  started. This army arrived a year too late as the   Kingdom of Arthedain had already been destroyed.  With the Prince of Gondor came men of Rhovanion,   Elves from Lindon and other such Northern  Elven Kingdoms, the survivors of Arthedain   among them Prince Aranarth and according to Shire  Historians a company of their finest archers.  Seeing that the burned-out shell of Fornost  would provide countless opportunities for ambush,   Eärnur moved his forces to a plain to the  West of the city near Lake Evendim to meet   the Witch King in open territory. The Armies  of Angmar rushed to meet them and seeing this   the Prince of Gondor sent his cavalry North into  the Hills of Evendim to ambush the over confident   foes. With this the battle began as the might  of Angmar crashed into the Gondorian centre.   This assault could have proved catastrophic if it  was not for the battle-hardened lines of infantry   who had repulsed the Wainriders in the  not-so-distant past. The fighting was   brutal with casualties beginning to mount on both  sides, it is at this point the cavalry sensing   the pivotal moment in the battle charged down from  the hills crashing into the rear of Angmar’s line.   The battle shifted immediately with the surrounded  warriors of Angmar falling in swathes. Realising   he was all but defeated the Witch King attempted  to retreat to the East. Yet he would earn no   reprieve there, as the Elven hero Glorfindel led  a second host from Rivendell up from the South,   so caught between the rock and a hard place the  army of the Witch King was utterly destroyed.  Eärnur then challenged the Witch King to single  combat as the army of Angmar fell apart around   him, his stalwart heart however was not matched  by that of his horse, as it panicked under the   Witch King’s gaze and fled. The Witch King taunted  the young Prince before fleeing the field himself,   it is at this point that Glorfindel uttered the  famous words to his young friend and ally that,   “not by the hand of mortal man  would the Witch-king be slain”.  Sauron was immensely pleased by this result  as the destruction of Arnor was of far greater   import than the loss of Angmar, and as distracted  Gondor lost the pivotal fortress of Minas Ithil to   the Ringwraiths as their forces were tied down in  the North. It would later be renamed Minas Morgul   or the Tower of Sorcerers, while Minas Anor was  renamed Minas Tirith or the Tower of the Guard in   the common tongue. In the North, Aranarth bearing  witness to how few of his people had survived   declined to re-found Arthedain, instead becoming  the First Chieftain of the Dúnedain maintaining   this rule for 131 years in the wilds of Eriador  in order to protect his people from Angmar’s evil.  Following the death of his father Eärnur became  king in TA 2043. He was immensely capable,   but his vanity soon got the better of him.  The Witch King played upon this fatal flaw,   challenging the childless King to single combat.  Remembering the shame he had felt at Fornost,   the King was going to accept it if it were not for  the wise counsel of his Steward Mardil Voronwë.   The second challenge came in TA 2050 accusing  the King of cowardice, and this time Mardil   was unable to sway the King from such a foolish  action. Leaving his crown on the tomb of his,   Eärnur marched out with a small escort  of Knights in the plains of Minas Morgul,   never to be heard from again. With this ended the line of Anarion and Gondor   was left Kingless in the hands of the Stewards  who ruled with varying degrees of competency.   They were to rule, “Until the King Returned” as  Eärnur had never been confirmed as deceased nor   had he named an heir, and the stewards refused  to claim the crown fearing another civil war.   While Gondor persisted during this period, it came  extremely close to destruction when a group of   Easterlings called Balchoth attacked, influenced  by Sauron. Seeing that Gondor could not prevail   alone, Steward Cirion sent word to the Éothéod  and their ruler Eorl the Young, however hopes   that the messengers might get through were slim. Regardless, the army of Gondor prepared to meet   the Balchoth on the Field of Celebrant even  without any true hope of victory. This battle   took place in Calenardhon as Cirion knowing the  defences of the area knew that he had to fight   or allow the Balchoth to put the populace of the  region to the sword. Six riders had been sent to   Eorl. Five of them were killed on the way North,  with the sixth Borondir arriving just in time.   Eorl realising that if Gondor fell his  people could soon return to the pitiful   existence they were forced to endure under  the Wainriders, marched his seven thousand   horsemen and hundreds of mounted archers along  the almost 500-mile road that led to Calenardhon.  Unfortunately for Cirion his hopes that the  river Anduin will slow down the enemy didn’t come   true. Before he could arrive, the Balchoth built  hundreds of boats and started crossing the river.   The defenders of the fortifications guarding the  Western bank did their best to slow down the foe,   but were killed and the fortification taken.  The Steward attempted to relieve the battered   defenders, but his forces were easily  repelled. Cirion started retreating North,   but here he was assaulted by a group of orcs  and his forces were pushed towards the Anduin.   The situation looked extremely bleak as  the Balchoth and orcs descended upon the   now hopeless Gondorians. A defence was mounted  but they were continuously pushed closer to the   river. It was at this point that Eorl’s host  entered the fray. His army crossed the Undeeps   and he led a massed cavalry charge right into the  rear of the enemy force. The prospect of victory   urged the Gondorians on, who with renewed  vigor provided the anvil upon which the   Éothéod could destroy the enemy host. Those who  fled from the field were pursued by the Éothéod   who slaughtered as many as they could, forever  ending the threat posed by the Balchoth.  Following on from the battle bonds between  the Éothéod and Gondor were formalised,   as they were granted the almost deserted  province of Calenardhon which was soon to   become Rohan and its people the Rohirrim or  Eorlingas in their own tongue. Eorl swore an   eternal oath of friendship to Gondor, that if  Gondor called for aid the men of Rohan would   answer. A relationship which would prove to be the  determining factor in the fate of both nations.  The threat of the Dark Lord was not yet defeated  and our store of the War of the Ring will continue   soon. More videos on the history  of Middle Earth are on the way   and we are planning to cover the battles of many  other fantasy, sci-fi, and space opera universes,   so make sure you have subscribed and pressed the  bell button! Please, consider liking and sharing,   as it helps immensely, and don’t forget to comment  - we will try to read and respond to every comment   as we want to know what you think about  this video and which videos you hope to see   in the future! This is the Wizards and Warriors  channel and we’ll catch you on the next one!
Channel: Wizards and Warriors
Views: 434,402
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: arnor, gladden fields, disaster, rohan, united kingdom, fornost, celebrant, Field of Celebrant, angmar war, witch-king, Kings and Generals, Cold War, Lord of the Rings, Gil-Galad, Elrond, Elendil, Anarion, Isildur, Sauron, elf, dwarves, humans, men, orcs, war of the last alliance, battle, dagorlad, barad dur, documentary, middle earth, Middle-Earth, animated, fantasy, sci-fi, wizards, warriors, gandalf, hobbits, ring, decisive battles, history, lore, sauron
Id: lCbbDreAx3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 32sec (1652 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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