The Union of Maedhros - Timeline of Arda #7

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[Music] in those days my furrows son a fan or lifted up his heart perceiving that Morgoth was not unassailable for the deeds of Beren and lúthien were sung in many songs throughout Beleriand yet Morgoth would destroy them all one by one if they could not again unite and make a new league and common counsel and he began those counsels for the raising of the fortunes of the Eldar that are called the union of my throws hey guys you stand here and I hope you all are doing well wherever you are in middle-earth today we will finally be continuing our timeline of artist series where we talk about the major events in the timeline of Tolkien's works and today we will be going all the way to the end of the Battle of unnumbered tears the fall of hiking Finnegan son of fingolfin and the capturing of Horan father of Turin by Morgoth ultimately I foresee there being two more episodes of the timeline of artist series in the first age after this one and then we will move on into the second age this video and the next two will individually include one of the great tales each and by that I mean that this one will cover the main story and major points in Beren and lúthien while the next covers such points in the children of children and the final one the fall of Gondolin however we will not go into too much depth on those stories here as I have covered each of the great tales as told in The Silmarillion in their own separate videos I'll link the Beren and lúthien videos as well as some other related articles and videos in the description and cards above if you haven't caught up on our timeline of artists series up to this point only to the first and latest episodes as well as it may be quite confusing if you're not caught up these stories come from The Silmarillion so please check that out with all of that said let's begin our tale we will begin our tale endureth early on in the year 460 of the first stage after Finn GaN cure den and Turin of the house of hador pushed back the orcish assault on hip LEM in the far northwest of Beleriand but indeed we come now to the forest where dwells bata here of the House of Bay hor and his kin who are outlaws all of these outlaws would be slain by sauron's orcs save Baron son of bata here we are now in the events of Baron and Toulouse which I will quickly summarize here again links for the more in-depth tale are in the description and cards above ultimately Baron acts as a sole outlawed or chthonian until he has driven southwards into doriath where he meets lúthien daughter a single eventually he goes on the quest for the so Marella given to him by King Fingal for his daughter's hand in marriage to do this quest baron uses the ring of butter here and the oath that fin rod made to his father bought here of aid and friendship to recruit the help of the elven king of Narva thrummed after the leaving of fin rod there is political factionalism and social turmoil in Nardo throbbed until the sons of fan or kuru finn and kel agora leave and/or address the kin of finn rod is recognized as the new steward and after the death of thin rod king of Narva thronged they go north and are captured by Sauron on his Isle of werewolves were had once been the first dwelling of Finn rod Finn rod and his small company of elves are slain but Barron survives and is saved by lúthien and the hound who owned a Valinor and Sauron goes afterwards to doroth on yon now named tower new Femina Beren and lúthien walk free but baron remembers his oath and after an encounter with co-defendant cala Gorem baron goes northwards by himself and lúthien and huan chase after him the eldest sons went to hammering where their eldest brother might throws dwelt as this was after their leaving from nargoth robbed boss Beren and lúthien walked together afterwards upon this quest and the two went to hang bent and stole one of the souls from morgoth's crown now this is quite a large deal in the context of The Silmarillion narrative as it shows Morgoth could be assailed which will give my throat's hope to found his union among the free peoples later but after the theft of the so Merle car keroth the werewolf of Morgoth bits the handoff of baron and took the silmaril within his guts and he ran wild from the north Beren and lúthien were saved by the eagles and taken southward even as then Gordo Drimmer up did and they flew over gondola baron was healed and returned to Fingal with lúthien where they told their tail and Fingal's heart was softened towards baron and to likely all men as well baron took lúthien 's hand but soon a darkness fell upon doriath from the north and the hunting of the wolf ensued where baron huon Fingal and some others went to hunt Kaka wroth on the edge of the forest of doriath Huan slew Carter Roth but he and Baron were both ultimately slain by the venom of the wolf but the summer L was recovered lúthien too fell into darkness and she came to the halls of mandos where she sang a song of such sorrow and mandos was moved he sought the counsel of manway who best knew the will of Aluva tog and in the end lúthien and baron were returned to middle-earth where they were to live mortal lives and they went from doriath to their own Island and Nasiri and told Galan the green Isle thereafter called door fern I queen are the land of the dead that live with all of that said the major points in the tale that affected the timeline and its factions in a major way where the deaths of bata here and fin rod for afterwards store chthonian became inhabited by Sauron and men no longer and Otto dress now ruled in nargoth rond instead of fin rod also tol Syrian was no longer fortified by the free peoples nor the enemy but it would allow for the easy passage of orcs in the future one of the summer ills was now removed from Morgoth and was in the hands of Fingal which would spur more kin slings and the invocation of the oath of fan or end his seven sons later in the timeline and of course the recapturing of the so merle would in heart and might throw sand like lead the other free peoples as well leading us into the next part of our tale my throws would devise a great alliance to push back Morgoth and his forces and to salt them for if the free peoples remained divided Morgoth would destroy each faction of the free peoples however the shadow of the past was shown as the Union was not as great as it could have been for the ill deeds of the Faen Orient's wrought little friendship between the sons and nargoth ront and doriath due to the deeds of cala garment korfin or address would not march forth but a small company of his people defied him led by Gwyn door son of Greenland as he grieved for the capture of his brother kelmer during the dagger abraço lock the battle of sudden flame Gwyn door and his elves would join under Finnegan of the house of finger fitment the high king of the null door and Gwyn door would be the only one of that company to return home even after his shirring by Morgoth from doriath came only balligan mob long who would not be idle during such a time and this was after my throw sent his brothers told Fingal to surrender the so Merle and he would not do so Fingal gave the two elves leave to join only if they joined Finn GaN and not the sons of fan war and then Fingal's strengthened his borders even as Kellogg Ormond cooter Finn vowed openly that they would slay Fingal if they returned from war and he had not surrendered the summer oh my throats did not reply to Fingal's defiance for he busied himself with gathering forces to him came the now green dwarves of no Grodd and fell aghast and the easterling's under Bora and roofing this force would March with my throw sent his null door in the West fing gand who was ever the friend of his cousin my throat's gathered his forces under his banner would march his null door the elves of the foul ass the men of the house of hador under cordon and to the men of the house of haloth under the Lord Hal meer and then his son Hal dear as how mere past before war came and of course the few elves of nargoth rond and tory alpha 2 also fight in this host tidings even came to torgan of Gondolin who shall play a part in this tale as well my throws made a show of his power too soon however for the orcs were driven out of all of the northward regions of Beleriand and even door chthonian would be free of them for a time and Morgoth took counsel and sent forth spies for even some faithless men and my throw systolic Morgoth however when all elves men and dwarves were gathered that could be the plan was made my throats would draw morgoth's armies forth over and fell Glee's and then Finn GaN would issue forth from the West and break the armies between the hammer and the anvil as it were and they would use a beacon Endor chthonian for this signal on the allotted day the morning of midsummer in 472 of the first age the trumpets of the Eldar sounded forth at the arrival of the Sun in the east were raised the standards of the fan orience and in the West the standard of finge on the hiking of the null door stood tall Finn Gahan looked out from the walls of ethyl cerium and on the east side of arid weather and was his host of the factions of the elves hidden from the enemy on the right were the hosts of the factions of men Finn gone if the sight of the elves looked towards the thunderdrum and saw a black smoke and two new Morgoth accepted their challenge but a doubt fell upon him and he looked towards his friends in the east wondering if he might see the dust of an Fowley thrives beneath the armies of my throws however unknown to Finn gong in the east my throats had been betrayed and delayed by old Lord the easterling's with false warnings of assault from Egmond but who came from the south for fen Gong as elves and men and fen gongs hosts took up a call for torgan of Gondolin came unlooked-for with an army of 10,000 strong elves of Gondolin when Finn GaN heard the great trumpet of his brother torgan quote a shadow passed and his heart was uplifted and he shouted aloud who to lien array ie elder BA are at an Atari the two lien array the day has come behold people of the Eldar and fathers of men the day has come and all those who heard his great voice echo in the Hills answered crying Alta I lo may the night is passing end quote but Morgoth who knew much of the designs of the free peoples and sent a great force only part of the whole towards hilum and they had come far before they were seen the null door wished to assail them as their fury grew hot within them but horan spoke against it and bade them hold as Morgoth strength was always greater than it first appeared the signal of my throats did not comment the host grew impatient but still horror and bade them hold so that the orcs might break upon them in the hills but more Goths evil strategy came to a head when the orc host drew very close before the stream of cerium and his captains sent out riders with tokens of parley they rode up before the outworks of the barrage a Theal and they brought to quell mir brother of Gwyn door of Naga throng who had been captured during the Battle of sudden flame Quinn door happened to be in the out works and saw his brother who had been blinded the orcs said they had more such prisoners at hang bent and that they would deal with them when they returned unless the elves made haste thus the orcs violently mutilated and slew Goellner and left him the flame of wrath became madness within Gwyn door who left on horseback with many riders beside him and they rode forth and they slew the heralds and went on deep into the host and so the battle was joined quotes and seeing this all the hosts of the null door was set on fire and Finn GaN put on his white helman sounded his trumpet and all the hosts of him left forth from the hills in sudden onslaught the light of the drawing of the swords of the null door was like a fire in a field of reeds and so fell and Swift was their onset that almost the designs of Morgoth went astray and quotes the army of Morgoth was swept away and the banners of fincon came before in Bend Gwyn door and his elves of Narva thronged even burst through the gate of an Bend and slew the guards within upon the stairs and Morgoth trembled on his throne as the elves beat upon his doors but that company was trapped and the elves of Nagas thronged were slain except windoor who was taken and Finn gone could not come to their aid from the secret doors in fangore Bertram Morgoth sent forth his main host and the West was beaten back with heavy losses thus began the Nanaia Thornwood yad the Battle of unnumbered tiers on the 4th day of the war the host of fen Gong retreated over the sense of an fouled leaf and Haldia of the Haledon was slain as were most of the men of breadth hill then came the army of my throws and hope was renewed in the elves it is possible that the elves would have won that battle had all of their armies proven faithful and that's time the orcs were nearly routed but Morgoth unleashed his last powers and to Angband was emptied from this Third Army came wolves wolf riders Balrogs dragons and Glau drunk the father of dragons himself elves and men withered before him and he drove the armies of my throats and Feng GaN apart some say that Morgoth still would not have won was it not for the treachery of men as the plots of old Fang were unveiled many of the easterling's fled with lies and fear in their hearts but the sons of all Fame drove in behind the sons of fan or coming near to the standard of my throws mega lore slew all dorothea cursed who led the easterling's in this treason and the sons of bore other easterling's slew the sons all fast and all worth before they were slain themselves then a host of evil men came up and assailed the host of my throws as old or had kept them hidden in the eastern hills the sons of fan or survived and with a remnant of mill Durant now green they hewed out of the battle and escaped towards mount dole met in the east and now green stood last of the Eastern force as they could withstand fire more than elves and men with their terrible battle masks they stood against the Dragons the dwarves assailed Glavine who struck down their dwarven King as a Khal who with his last stroke stabbed cloud wrong in the stomach with his knife and so the dragon fled as did many of the beasts of an bend the dwarves bore their lord away and sang a dirge and deep voices they gave no more heed to their foes and their enemies let them be but now we come to the slaughter in the West as Finn gone and torgan were outnumbered three to one gothmog the Lord of Balrogs came and drove a wedge between the elven hosts and high Qing Feng GaN was surrounded torgan and Horton were thrust aside towards the fen of sattvic Finn GaN stood alone against gothmog until another bow rock came up behind him and cast a throng of fire about him gothmog then slew the elven King with his black axe the battle was lost and horror and big torgan go as within him was the last hope of the Eldar and while he and Gondolin stood Morgoth should know fear torgan said that Gondolin would not now be hidden long and if it would be discovered it would fall then hor Hortons brother said that if it would stand for but a time a hope should come for men and elves out of tore God's house and even though who were and torgren would never meet again a new star from the two would arise my Glen son of evil of the dark elf torrents nephew overheard this and would remember although he said not the store GaN heeded these words and summoned the remaining hosts of Finnegan's people and his own and they set out for a retreat XLE on and Glorfindel guarded the flanks and the men of d'Or Dolman under the rule of Horton guarded the retreat and they did not wish to leave the north and they would stand to the end if they could not win back their homes the treachery of old or was redressed and out of all of the deeds that the fathers of men did for the elves the last stand of the men of d'Or Loman has most renowned among them torgan who had once fostered horton and who are in Gondolin for a time escaped and the brothers Horton and who are stood and slowly withdrew until they came behind the fan of satiric with the stream of reveal behind them there they made their stand the Sun set on the sixth day of battle and it grew dark poor was slain with the poisoned arrow to the eye and the men of HOD were worse Elena well about him in a heap even as the orcs hue their heads and piled them last of all horton stood and he cast his shield aside wielding an axe two-handed he slew the troll guard of gothmog and his axe smoked in black blood and tell it withered he cried out a into Luva meaning day shall come again with every kill and seventy times he uttered this but in the end they took him alive by the command of Morgoth orcs grappled him with their hands even though he hewed their arms from them but more came until he was buried beneath them then gothmog bound him and dragged him to hang bent and so ended the nur nayeth our new idiot the fifth battle the battle of unnumbered tears Morgoth had won in more ways than one four men had slain men and elves were estranged from men not of the three houses of the adine from that day forth the realm of Finnegan was destroyed and the fan Orient's wandered the wild and they mingled with the green elves of Assyria and in Brazil only some Haledon remained and hand ear son of Hal dere was their new Lord and to his limb never returned Finnegan's host nor any men of Hodder's house nor tidings of such lords but easterling's came there as a reward for the treachery against my throat is host and they harassed the people of that land and were shut in hit them orcs and wolves went free in the north but doriath and nargoth rond remained hidden and safe either because more often do little of them or the time of his mouse had not yet come for them many elves took refuge in havens of the phallus but ere the winter of the next year came more goth sent a host over his lemoned Neverest coming down the rivers birth on and mening and they ravaged the phallus besieging burthen bar and egg the rest even the Tower of Baron M Ross was cast down and many of kir dance people were slain or enslaved some escaped by sea such as Iranian Gogol odd who had been sent to the havens after the dagger bragger Locke by his father and the remnant of elves sailed with cured and south to the Isle of Bal are making a new refuge for all that could come there after hearing of this torgan sent more messengers to syrians mouths asking for the aid of cured end at the bidding of torgan seven ships were built by cured annum to sail to west and only one survived the storms of assay and was saved by omen he was Veron way and we will discuss him more in a future timeline video as he was returned to middle-earth the thoughts of Morgoth now dwells upon torgan the new High King of the Noldor and his City of Gondolin for they eluded him and out of all of his foes he most desired to take or slate organ Morgoth hated the house of finger fin most for they had friendship with Elmo and finger fin himself had wounded Morgoth even during their time in Valinor torgan had cast a shadow upon Morgoth for he for bones that his ruin should come to him from tour comet as we shall see with torrents grandson arnd Morgoth had good reason to be afraid finally horton was brought before Morgoth as the Dark Lord knew he had friendship with the king of Gondolin horton the greatest warrior among men mocked the Dark Lord and so Morgoth cursed Horton his wife more win of the house of peor and their offspring setting a doom upon them then he put Horton in a high chair of stone upon the thong dreama and with the eyes and ears of Morgoth Horan would bear witness to the evil and despair that should come to those whom he loved until all was fulfilled to it's terrible end who never asked for death or mercy for himself or his kin by the command of Morgoth his orcs piled the bodies of those who have fallen and then our knife our noid yacht into a hill and it was called Hoth in Minden jian the hill of slain or Hoth in knife the hill of Tears but grass would come there alone in the desert of Morgoth and no creature of Morgoth thereafter tread upon that earth beneath which the swords of men and elves rusted and that brings us to the end of our tale at the end of the year 473 of the first age we shall pick up again in the next episode of the timeline of our de with the major points and timeline of the tale of the children of children and the ruin of doriath from today's tale about the union of my throws we see one of the greatest moments of sorrow in Tolkien's works but we can still learn from it it may be that the free peoples would have had victory against Morgoth if their people had stayed true to one another we see what strength lies in friendship from Finnegan and my throws and if we could be so loyal to others as they were and avoid treachery unlike the easterling's we may see victory and joy in the end thank you all for watching this rather sad tale if you enjoyed today's episode please be sure to hit that like button and share this with a friend what are your thoughts on the union of my throat's and everything else we covered in this video let me know your thoughts questions additions and corrections in the comments below for me while this is a sorrowful tale it illustrates the terrible nature of betrayal and infighting among people which is an ever-present theme in a contentious world I do enjoy this story and I especially love the moments of Hope and Glory within it even if such moments are rare let me know what you think in the comments below also please be sure to check out our music channel Facebook Twitter emerge and patreon for podcasts and escorts are in the description below a huge thank you and shout out to our Valar tier patrons on patreon Adrien Delatour Chris Ortner and Marseille thank you guys for the support really means a lot I also wanted to give another shout-out to the Extra Life Foundation which is collaborating with Standing Stone games the company that runs the Lord of the Rings online to raise money for children's hospitals it would mean a lot to me if you checked out their partnership and consider donating it runs through November 15th also the Lord of the Rings Online expansion Menace morbol is coming out this week on Tuesday November 5th so please check that out too you all know how much I love that game and I hope you guys check it out links for all of those are in the description below finally don't forget to subscribe and hit that Bell button to join the men of the West and all of the free peoples today and I will see you all again next week with another video on the differences between the Lord of the Rings books and movies continuing our what's different series with part 1 of the two towers everyone thank you all so much for joining me on this adventure until the next one my great friends
Channel: Men of the West
Views: 173,493
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Silmarillion, Timeline of Arda, Lore, Middle-earth, Tolkien, Lord of the Rings, Yoystan, Men of the West, Beren and Luthien, Thingol, Melkor, Gondolin, Turgon, Fingon
Id: xGeZ_q2hvnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 36sec (1356 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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