DEBUNKING: Are there ghost in rp_downtown_v2?

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Good evening, everyone. Today we're going to be talking about rp_downtown_v2 Once again, but with the exception we're gonna be talking about ghost. So uhmm epic scout cameo what really perked my discussion was all the comments you saw earlier such as.. there was a very strange black figure floating around the map, can anyone tell me if it were added? i did see a figure, it was in the metro something.. jumped on the tracks and i cut it on camera. cut it, on camera? cut it? alright man we need some expert gmod mapper to find this ghost on hammer compiled the map on hammer trying to find the ghost for 30 minutes, checked most of the figures spots, none. probably a scripted event but the figure is bugged??????? this map is legit haunted wtf is this place cursed.... and so into a new discussion, uhm I saw this comment about needing a hammer mapper and I've used hammer for about 3 or so years and uhh I know my way around it pretty well so uhhh I looked into the vmf file for this map after seeing someone said in my youtube comments on the last video, that, someone in a discord server that theyre in, went in hammer and saw "a ghost". I was obviously perplexed by this reply, so I asked for a screenshot of the vmf. the screenshot was gman and apparently that was the ghost. now this doesn't make any sense cause gman isnt a ghost you can't configure that to an NPC in hammer. so I downloaded the map from the workshop using BSPsource to find it myself. heres my raw version vs the one screenshot that was sent to me so, gman was added in. It wasn't a ghost. uhm, I don't know who added it. Or if it was even added by the guy. But, they got the wrong map. so yeah no ghost. though this is not to say I didn't search thick and through I went through this map, sorting through the NPC's, entities and etc with absolutely nothing. There are simply no ghost. You can't add anything externally into hammer without using the hammer engine and its tools. the only abundant thing I saw was cubemaps which reflect the world for you. this can end up warping shadows and creating illusions in the engine which is what people see for actual ghost sightings ill debunk that in the later portion of this video first onto soundscapes though these soundscapes affect your perception very much and theyre used all over the steam workshop in horror maps they're what creates that scary, environment, scary ambient sounds. these soundscapes (if not custom made), are from ravenholm. easily the scariest part of Half Life 2. If you take a look at a majority of comments, notice its them "hearing things" now lets go into Ravenholm and take a look around pretty creepy stuff. if you go into the hotel in rp_downtown_v2, youll find the exact same ambient sound which here is also used in Ravenholm if you search up the exact file name And you can even see here outlined, "breathing of scared people from inside the building". as this entire soundscape was supposed to capture, citizens in Ravenholm, not being able to leave their homes cause of zombies. and, that sound is often used in uh hotel's and such and RP maps as it gives the environment of "oh there are people inside rooms" that's literally the entire purpose literally the entire reason. so, it comes from this specific soundscape. bible chapter 2 besides that, uh, ghost sightings, yeah, those aren't real. and I was actually going to quickly show you guys how easy it is to make a "ghost sighting" video. so lets just say this, we load into garrys mod. I get in the game. I noclip over here let's say I want to walk down this street, cause this street looks like something I want to make a ghost video out of. so I get a citizen, paint them black, and walk down the road. live 2009 footage boom literally next ghost video on youtube this was probably one of the most easiest videos just to record and put out and say it was a ghost I could've made this video and said "I just found this on my harddrive from 2011 O.O what teh f..." and that would make people believe that theres ghost here but theres not. I just wouldn't believe what people are talking about I wouldn't believe "ghost" and, I think, the reason why people think ghost exist on this map in the first place is because a majority of people who play garrys mod are very young people. so, its like, I don't think any straight-forward thinking adult would believe theres spirits haunting the source engine but- yeah thats my take on it. I don't really care if I get hate for this video cause I'm just telling it as it is. There's no ghost in hammer, theres no ghost on this map.. so yeah, I appreciate you guys watching my last video uhh, especially with all the kind supporting comments. it was really nice. I'll be sure to pump out more videos like this leave a like, leave a comment. tell me your thoughts, dislike if you disliked it. im out, appreciate it guys.
Channel: stellarr 1
Views: 367,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DarkRP, GMOD, Ghosts, HL2
Id: 9BK6qDTv9Go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 4sec (364 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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