The History of Bree | Tolkien Explained

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It is a relatively small settlement of men, known  primarily as a stopping point for travelers en   route to greater destinations. Lying at the  crossroads of the two great travelways of   Middle-earth, this village would have a history  far longer than its humble status would indicate. Today, on Nerd of the Rings,  we cover the history of Bree. While events in and around Bree would  largely be recorded in the Third Age,   it would be founded thousands of years earlier  in either the First or Second Age. By their own   accounts, Bree was founded during the Elder  Days - also known as the First Age. However,   in the Appendices, we are  told it may have come later. Here we are told the Men of Bree  are descended from men who did not   migrate all the way to Beleriand in the  middle of the First Age. These groups of   men are what are referred to as “Middle  Men” later known as “Pre-Númenóreans”. These ancestors of the Bree-landers would  dwell in the northern White Mountains,   in the lands of what would later be  Rohan. They would actually dwell here   for quite some time. It is only during the  Dark Years - the years following Sauron’s   defeat in Eriador where he dominates most  of the East and South of Middle-earth. During this time, some men of the White  Mountains would come to worship Sauron   out of fear - for instance, those who  would one day become the Oathbreakers.   Others would migrate northward to escape the  spreading darkness. They would make their   way to the Barrow-downs before finally  settling the lands around Bree-hill. In either case, the men of Bree would  long dwell in their village in Eriador,   outlasting events of the world both  great and terrible. After Númenor falls,   and Elendil founds the Kingdom of Arnor,  both Bree and it’s surrounding area,   known as Bree-land, becomes part of this  new Kingdom. Along with the village of Bree,   Bree-land includes the villages of Staddle,  Archet, and Combe. As a result of joining Arnor,   the Bree-landers adopt Westron or Common Tongue  as their native language, giving up their old one. Given its location, at the intersection  of the Great Road going East and West,   and the Greenway going North and  South, Bree would become an important   village for travellers. These famous  roads would run for many long miles,   connecting Gondor to Arnor, and  Lindon to Rivendell and beyond. In 861 TA, when its king, Eärendur dies - Arnor  is split among his three sons. The splinter realms   of Arthedain, Cardolan, and Rhudaur are formed.  At this time, it is likely Bree-land would have   belonged to Arthedain, as its villages lied to  the north of the Great Road. That being said,   we are also told in the appendices that Amon Sul  (and the palantir housed there) were a point of   contention among the realms. We don’t know if  this disputed land would stretch as far as Bree,   but they were certainly placed  very close to the point of tension. The next major change for Bree would come around  the year 1300 TA. After fleeing the darkness   growing near their lands in the Vales of Anduin,  Halflings would come to Eriador. We are told many   would settle in Bree. And while most would migrate  a few hundred years later and found the Shire,   there would continue to be hobbits in Bree  throughout the remainder of the Third Age   and beyond. As a result, Bree would become  one of the most unique settlements in all   Middle-earth. While there would be instances of  different races living near each other - like,   Eregion and Khazad-dum, Dale and Erebor,  or Rohan and The Glittering Caves,   Bree is the rare instance where two races  live side by side in the same village. According to the Bree-hobbits, one of the things  most synonymous with their race would actually   originate in Bree. For the hobbits of Bree  held that they were the first to enjoy the   art of smoking pipe-weed. This plant, which was  likely brought up on the Greenway from Gondor,   would grow on the southern slopes of  Bree-hill. And it is likely here where   Tobold Hornblower first discovered the leaf  and would introduce it in the Shire. From the   southern slopes of Bree there was made a brand  of pipweed called Southlinch, though Barliman   Butterbur would note that its quality was  no match for that of the Southfarthing. Some have theorized that it would have been around  the time of the hobbits' arrival that the Prancing   Pony Inn was built, given the fact that it had  rooms specifically built for hobbits. Though,   we can’t rule out that this may have been  an addition or renovation. After all,   it is said the Prancing Pony had been kept by  the Butterbur family “from time beyond record.” Speaking of the Buttebur name, it exemplifies  a unique tradition of the Bree-landers. Their   surnames tend to come from plants and herbs. We  will later find characters such as Appledore,   Goatleaf, Heathertoes, Pickthorn,  Rushlight, Thistlewool, and Ferny. Eventually, Bree’s time as part of a kingdom  would end. While Bree and its people were no doubt   affected by, and perhaps even fought in, Arnor’s  wars with the Witch-king, there are no documented   battles or skirmishes in the area of Bree-land.  In 1945 TA, the Witch-king finally succeeds in   destroying Arthedain, the final remnant of Arnor.  While the lord of the Nazgul would be driven out   by reinforcements from Gondor and Glorfindel  from Rivendell, the kingdom would not recover. Instead, the remnants of the Dunedain would  exist in the wild as the Rangers of the   North. And Bree would continue to operate  as it’s own village through the centuries   to come. Not only was it common to see men and  hobbits in a place such as the Prancing Pony,   but also dwarves. For in 2802, the dwarven exiles  of Erebor would settle in the Blue Mountains,   ensuring regular travelers on the Great Road. One such dwarf would pass through Bree in  March 2941, meeting the wizard Gandalf in   the process. Together, Thorin and Gandalf  realize their common problem - the dragon   Smaug. This pivotal meeting would  directly lead to the Quest of Erebor,   in which Smaug is slain and Erebor reclaimed.  In Tolkien’s abandoned rewrite of The Hobbit,   Thorin’s Company make a stop in the  Prancing Pony on their way to Rivendell. While it would often seem isolated from the  greater events of the world, that time would soon   end. As early as 2953 TA, Saruman the White, who  had by now long desired the One Ring for himself,   started having spies in Bree. One such spy  is a squint-eyed southerner from Dunland,   who would make purchases of pipeweed  and other goods on the wizards behalf   to be send to Isengard. Ultimately, this  spy, rumored to be a half-orc or goblin-man,   would be discovered by the Nazgul near  Tharbad and is turned to their service. Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin would encounter  the southerner in the Prancing Pony the night   of Sept 29, 3018. He and another spy, Bill  Ferny, would witness Frodo disappear into   thin air when accidentally putting on the  One Ring. Fortunately, Frodo would also   meet the ranger Strider who would safeguard  him and his companions through the night. During their stay at the Prancing Pony, the  hobbits would encounter Nob, a hobbit employee   of Butterbur’s. Nob and his fellow employee Bob  are seen attending to tasks like serving food,   minding ponies in the stables, and tending  to guests. It is Nob who assists the hobbits   in disguising their beds and would  also keep watch that night. Still,   the inn is attacked, the beds torn to  shreds. Unlike in most adaptations,   this was likely not the work of the  ringwraiths. For Aragorn earlier that   very night had said to openly attack a village  in such a manner was not their way. Meaning,   the attackers could well have been Bill Ferny,  the southerner, or other men serving the Nazgul. In the attack, the stables of the Prancing  Pony were also opened and all the animals   inside had run away. Frodo would then buy a  half-starved pony from Bill Ferny for twelve   silver pennies. In turn, Sam would name  the pony Bill. In another parting shot,   Sam would throw an apple at Bill Ferny’s  head as he was spying on them. Aragorn,   Frodo, and the hobbits would then make their way  to nearby Weathertop, once known as Amon Sul.. While the Nazgul would no longer trouble Bree,  their troubles were far from over. With war coming   to Gondor, the dunedain rangers go south to serve  their king. With these secret guardians gone,   the lands of Eriador, including Bree and the Shire  are susceptible to the evil that comes. Ruffians,   under the service of the wizard Saruman, raid  Bree in early 3019. Barliman later says he   believes they were let into the settlement  by Bill Ferny and Harry Goatleaf. For when   the Bree-landers are victorious in defending  their homes, the two men flee with the ruffians. The ruffians would travel to Chetwood,  operating as bandits. Thus the Great   Road that traveled through Bree  was no longer safe. In response,   the citizens of Bree would lock up their homes  early and would station many guards around their   villages. It is during these dark days that  Butterbur would realize how much the rangers   had done for him and his community. Not only  were there robbers, but wolves would howl around   the fences and dark shapes were in the woods -  dreadful things that made the blood run cold. Thankfully, on October 28, 3019, Frodo,  Gandalf, and the hobbits would return to Bree,   bringing glad tidings to Barliman at the  Prancing Pony. The rangers had returned,   and there was now a king once again in Gondor,  who would refound the northern kingdom of Arnor   and bring prosperity to the lands of Eriador  once more. Butterbur seems to like this news,   though he hopes the king will leave Bree alone. the northern kingdom of Arnor. And no  doubt the village, and the Prancing Pony,   would benefit greatly from the increased traffic  on the two great roads - once again connecting   the two realms of men to one another,  and to the many peoples of Middle-earth. as always I want to say a huge thank you to  all my patreon and YouTube supporters who   make this channel possible Tom de Bombadil  19 listy the Cinda Rabbi Rob Thomas Charles   Leisure CCDC red team Joe teer the mighty  MIM Andrew Carlile swirled traveler Matthew   Jeffrey Viking Lord Leo vitori Sky carcass  slide belts Dane Ragnar Berto ber Graham   derot the darkhaired one wiland Michel woo and  Debbie if you enjoyed the artwork in this video   check out the artists in the description  to purchase prints of their great work   for yourself thanks so much for watching and  we'll see you next time on nerd of the Rings
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
Views: 135,451
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, bree, prancing pony, butterbur, barliman butterbur, Bill Ferny, nob the hobbit, nob and bob, middle earth, lotr bree, complete travels, history of Bree, bree land, Nazgul, Ringwraiths, bill the pony
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 16sec (796 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 06 2024
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