The History of Eregion (Hollin) | Tolkien Explained

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It is the great realm of the Gwaith-i-Mirdain  - the jewel-smiths of the elves, most famous   of craftsmen since Feanor himself. While its  history would span for less than 1000 years,   it would have a lasting impact  on the History of Middle-earth,   and in one version of the story, include  a revolt against Galadriel herself. Today on Nerd of the Rings, we  cover the history of Eregion. After the lands of Beleriand fall into  the sea at the end of the First Age,   many of the Noldor who both survived and  chose to remain in Middle-earth settle   in the newly established realm of Lindon.  Aside from some small islands off the coast,   these lands are all that remain of the  former Beleriand. They are led by Gil-galad,   now High King of the Noldor after the  death of Turgon in the fall of Gondolin. As the Second Age gets underway, many of the  Teleri - survivors of Doriath and Ossiriand,   would make their way east to establish  realms among the Silvan elves. However,   we would also see Noldor leave as well. One of the  earliest to leave is Galadriel with her husband   Celeborn. She would leave her grand-nephew  Gil-galad’s realm to dwell near Lake Nenuial. Yet, there was another notable citizen of Lindon,  Celebrimbor, the grandson of Feanor - creator of   the silmarils and the greatest craftsman to  ever live. After some 700 years in Lindon,   Celebrimbor and many other Noldor leave.  They are drawn eastward not by ambition   to rule their own land, but by the promise of the  mithril being mined by the Dwarves of Khazad-dum. In 750 SA, these Noldorin elves establish the  realm of Eregion, and begin to build the capital   of Ost-in-Edhil, which means “Fortress of the  Eldar”. Ost-in-Edhil lies near the Sirannon River,   many miles downstream from the west gate of  Moria. A great friendship forms between the   dwarves of Khazad-dum and the elves of Eregion.  They not only live in peace with one another,   but they trade freely, with a high road running  from Ost-in-Edhil to the west gate of Moria. Among the elves, Celebrimbor leads a guild of  craftsman called the Gwaith-i-Mirdain. “The People   of the Jewel-smiths”. Their work was so marvelous,  it was said to be the greatest since the time of   Feanor himself. The Mirdain also worked directly  with the dwarves. It is Celebrimbor himself who   helps the dwarf Narvi to build the Doors of Durin.  From mithril, the Mirdain are able to create   Ithildin, the substance used to create moon runes,  which reflect the light of the moon and stars. As Tolkien states: “Elves and Dwarves had great  profit from this association: so that Eregion   became far stronger, and Khazad-dûm far more  beautiful, than either would have done alone.” But Tolkien goes on to  mention in Unfinished Tales:  News of these things came to the ears of  Sauron, and increased the fears that he felt   concerning the coming of the Númenóreans  to Lindon and the coasts further south,   and their friendship with Gil-galad;  and he heard tell also of Aldarion,   son of Tar-Meneldur the King of Númenor,  now become a great ship-builder who brought   his vessels to haven far down into the Harad.  Sauron therefore left Eriador alone for a while,   and he chose the land of Mordor, as it was  afterwards called, for a stronghold as a   counter to the threat of the Númenórean landings  [this is dated c. 1000 in the Tale of Years]. When   he felt himself to be secure he sent emissaries  to Eriador, and finally, in about the year 1200   of the Second Age, came himself, wearing  the fairest form that he could contrive. After raising his stronghold of Mordor to  combat the threat of Numenor, Sauron makes   his move against the elves of Eriador -  fearing a great alliance of men, elves,   and dwarves. After being turned away by Gil-galad  and Elrond in Lindon, he comes to Eregion,   where under the guise of Annatar, the Lord of  Gifts, he comes to befriend the elves. Like   Gil-galad and Elrond, we are told Galadriel  does not fall for this fair visage of Sauron. This is where things get interesting from  a canon perspective. In Unfinished Tales,   we get a version of the text that seems to  imply it may have been Galadriel and Celeborn   who actually founded Eregion, presumably leading  them until Annatar’s presence creates a rift. In   this version, we find that Galadriel perceived  the dark lord’s stirring in Middle-earth as   early as the year 500 SA. This is what leads  her and Celeborn to make their move east - for   Galadriel believed this “residue of evil” could  only be fought by an alliance of all its enemies. Here we find that Annatar spends 150-200  years influencing the Gwaith-i-Mirdain,   all while returning Galadriel’s scorn with outward  patience and courtesy. Finally between 1350-1400   SA, he moves to expel Galadriel, convincing  Celebrimbor and the Gwaith-i-Mirdain to   rebel against the Lord and Lady. And here, we can  resume what is a more clear-cut version of events… Galadriel and her daughter Celebrian leave  through Khazad-dum, coming to the elven realm   of Lorinand. Celeborn, who was not fond of  dwarves - no doubt due to their race’s role   in the fall of Doriath - stays in Eregion, where  he is largely ignored by Celebrimbor and Annatar. After centuries of Annatar’s tutelage, the  Gwaith-i-Mirdain forge 16 great rings of   power. Around 1500 SA, Sauron leaves Eregion,  making his way back to Mordor. Meanwhile,   Celebrimbor and his jewel-smiths use their  newfound knowledge to create three more   rings without Sauron’s knowledge or involvement.  These three rings are completed around 1590 SA,   and just 10 years later, Sauron forges  his One Ring in the Fires of Mount Doom,   made to bring all other  ringbearers under his sway. However, the moment Sauron puts on his master  ring, he and his treachery become known to   the elves bearing the Three. Celebrimbor,  who was not corrupted in heart or faith,   but had merely accepted Sauron as what he posed to  be, immediately revolts against Sauron. He travels   to Lorinand, seeking once again the counsel of  Galadriel. Galadriel in turn says the rings should   be hidden, never used, and dispersed far from  Eregion where Sauron would believe them to be. Thus, Celebrimbor gives to Galadriel Nenya,  the Ring of Water, which she would keep for   all her remaining days in Middle-earth. Vilya  and Narya are sent to Gil-galad in Lindon,   with the Ring of Air being kept by the king,  and the Ring of Fire kept by Cirdan the   Shipwright. Upon learning of Celebrimbor’s  defiance, Sauron discards his fair visage,   taking on the form of cruelty and power he would  use to drive his armies in war. In 1695 SA, he   leads his host out of Mordor, marching north  to Eregion. This attack would have come sooner,   were it not for the two blue wizards, who  worked against him in the east and south,   thus his recruitment in these lands  did not go as smoothly as he hoped. Still, he would come to Eregion with  great force as Gil-galad sends Elrond   to reinforce their fellow elves. Celeborn  leads an initial sortie out of Eregion,   driving back the vanguard of Sauron’s host.  Celeborn would then combine forces with   Elrond as the latter arrives. However,  Sauron’s main host would come - driving   them back and surrounding Eregion, cutting  Celeborn and Elrond off from Ost-in-Edhil. The capital would fall in 1697 SA. Celebrimbor  makes a valiant last stand on the very steps of   the House of the Mirdain. He is taken captive  and tortured by Sauron, leading the dark lord   to take possession of the 16 rings. However,  Celebrimbor would tell nothing of the Three,   which Sauron coveted above all others.  Celebrimbor dies from his torment,   and his body is shot with orc arrows.  Sauron then has his body placed upon a   pole and used as a banner as they  turn toward the host of Elrond. Elrond’s forces would have been destroyed,  were it not for the Dwarves of Khazad-dum,   who attack Sauron’s rear, diverting his  attention and allowing Elrond, Celeborn,   and the survivors of Eregion to escape  north, where they would establish Rivendell. The Doors of Durin are closed, and the host of  Sauron would destroy Ost-in-Edhil and ravage   not only Eregion, but much of Eriador over  the coming years. While the War of the Elves   and Sauron would rage on, the realm of Eregion  would be no more, dying along with its lord. Despite its demise in 1697 SA, the  effects of this elven realm would be   felt to the very latest days of the  Third Age. Not only in the Rings of   Power and their role over the centuries, but  in the land itself. Over 4,700 years later,   The Fellowship of the Ring would pass through  the former lands of Eregion on their Quest. Now widely known as Hollin, we see the very  land speaks of the elves who once dwelt there… The Fellowship travels for many miles on the  now broken and decayed road that once led from   Ost-in-Edhil to the very Doors of Moria. A stark  reminder of these great realms that once were,   the friendship that thrived between them, and  the evil that befell at the hands of Sauron. As always, I want to say a huge  thank you to all my patreon and   youtube supporters who make this channel possible:  TomDaBombadil19, Lissomie the Sinda, Rabbi  Rob Thomas, Charles Leasure, CCDCRedTeam,   Joe Tepper, The Mighty Mîm,Leo Vettori,  Skycarcass, SlideBelts, Dane Ragnarsson,   BertoBerg, Graham Derricott, The Dark  Haired One, Wyland, Michael Woo, and Debbie. If you enjoyed the artwork in this  video, check out the artists in the   description and purchase prints  of their great work for yourself! Thanks so much for watching and subscribing, and  we’ll see you next time on Nerd of the Rings.
Channel: Nerd of the Rings
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Keywords: tolkien, lord of the rings, lotr, hobbit, the hobbit, nerd of the rings, silmarillion, eregion, celebrimbor, galadriel, rings of power, tolkien lore, history of middle earth, history of eregion, history of hollin, hollin lord of the rings, fellowship in hollin, sauron, annatar, annatar rings of power, sauron rings of power, annatar elves, creation of rings of power, fall of eregion, numenor, numenoreans
Id: siRKN0z-XAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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