What happened to the dwarves after The Hobbit?

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what happened to the dwarves in The Hobbit after The Hobbit let's take a look hi everyone this is Robert welcome to in deep geek on this channel we cover the best in fantasy books and TV shows the Lord of the Rings A Song of Ice and Fire The Witcher and much more if you like the sound of that there's a subscribe button in the bottom right of your screen in The Hobbit 13 dwarves plus Bilbo and Gandalf retook Erebor the Lonely Mountain from Smaug this was a huge victory for the Dwarven Nation as a whole for centuries they had been forced to flee before the forces of evil balrog and dragon but now finally they had recovered one of their homelands leaving aside all of the other things going on in that story this was a massive and unlikely win for the dwarves an entire nation had been cast from the Lonely Mountain by Smaug now just 13 of them plus Bilbo of course had won it back those 13 dwarves were soon supplemented by many more from dines community in the Iron Hills and erebor's population and economy boomed our attention may stay with Bilbo and his return to the Shire but big things were happening around Erebor off-camera though survived the quest of Erebor when our Legends among dwarves but what happened to them after The Hobbit well let's start with the dwarves whose fate we know about in The Hobbit itself Thorin and spoilers here obviously Thorin dies in the Battle of the Five Armies things were not looking good until Thorin who had been barricaded in the Lonely Mountain charged into the action with the other dwarves armed and armored with the best that erebor's Armory had to provide he smashed into the orc Army briefly turning the tide of the battle Thorin led the attack but was struck down Philly and Kylie thorin's nephews stood over his dying body defending it to the last they this act of heroism incidentally led to Philly and killy's mother being one of the few female dwarf names that we know this was their mother and clearly raised them well but Philly and Kylie tragically both died in that action and with them and thorin's death the line of thrine thorin's Father ended so dying iron foot inherited rulership of the Lonely Mountain for a few decades the Erebor Community prospered they built positive relations with the elves of North markwood and particularly with the humans of Lake Town in short Dale was rebuilt edible restored and prosperity abounded so 10 of the original dwarves survived and presumably prospered in Erebor but what does Tolkien tell us about what they actually did after that well let's start with Balin about half a century after Erebor was liberated Berlin led a small group of dwarves to try to reclaim kazadum as well as we saw in the Fellowship of the Ring this was not ultimately successful in fact it ended in tragedy the Total Wipeout of the dwarves we probably shouldn't be too harsh on this Mission as they did manage to take control of much of morya for several years but still we'd learn about balin's fate in The Lord of the Rings after being declared the Lord of morya he went to see the mirror mirror a spiritually important place for the dwarves just outside the Eastern dord of kazadum and he was shot by an orc I made a video about everything that happened next if you're interested in that but his was the grave that Gimli wept over when the fellowship passed through Moria years later Gimli was a distant cousin to Berlin and will have known him in his youth so this was a personal loss as well as caring about the dwarves reclaiming their Homeland more broadly two of the other dwarves we know had gone with Balin this wasn't just a personal mission it was a serious attempt at retaking kasadum iron was one of the two that's gimli's Uncle when Balin was killed ayin realized that the game was up and led a group of dwarves West to see if they could get out the west gate they couldn't it was blocked by The Watcher in the water that tentacle creature the fellowship encounter Outside morya The Watcher in the water killed Oyen Ori was also a part of the group and took it upon himself to record the colony's last moments listening to the drums drums in the deep and waiting for the Orcs to attack in the hope that perhaps someone would find that record and learn what happened Tolkien doesn't dwell on it but Gimli recognizes his large bold handwriting in the book before it's tailed off it's how he learned of his death so 13 dwarves on the original Quest three die in the Battle of the Five Armies and three more in the quests to retake has a doom that leaves seven dwallin balin's brother was actually quite old by dwarf standards in The Hobbit at 169 years old only Thorin and Balin were older but he seems to have been quite robust he survived the Battle of the Five Armies and he was still around by the time of the events of the Lord of the Rings indeed Tolkien tells us that he survived that too whether he fought in the epic battle of Dale which took place while her attention in the story was on Gondor and morya we don't know but Tolkien does tell us that he lived through to the year 91 of the fourth age at the ripe old age of 340. for reference most dwarves lived to about 250 and Christopher Tolkien even speculated later that perhaps this was a typographical error by his father but whether that's true or not dwalin clearly had a good and long life we also know a bit about what happened to gloin Owen's brother and gimli's father in the build up to the war of the Ring the dwarves of Erebor grew concerned about a couple of things first Balin who had been writing home regularly from Moria had stopped writing all had gone quiet second Sauron had sent an emissary to them out of the blue seeking a ring of power and offering them the return of the remaining rings of power that the dwarf Lords had had clearly something was up and glowing was dispatched along with his son Gimli and some others to journey to Rivendell to share their news and see if elwand had heard anything about barlin's Mission given what was going on in the world this was quite a responsibility so clearly glorian was well respected in dines court there he met Bilbo again and Frodo sitting next to him at the feast and giving him the news of Erebor and its surrounding area it was his son Gimli of course who joined the fellowship and distinguished himself so well so presumably glorian himself returned to Erebor to tell dyin what he had learned which will have helped him in the preparations for the battle to come with the eastlings and presumably Gimli at some point returned to tell him what had befallen his brother oin glowing died just a few years later aged 253 a noble life perhaps slightly less noble life if perhaps a happier one was led by bomber you'll remember him from The Hobbit happily eating his way through well whatever was put in front of him which leads us to the slightly less heroic aspect glorian recounts that 60 years after The Hobbit bomber was now so fat that he could not move himself from his couch to his chair at table and it took six young dwarves to lift him then we have the final for Pfeiffer BofA Dori and Nori gloine tells Frodo at the Council of elrond that they are all alive and well at Edible but that's about all we do know and Tolkien doesn't tell us more elsewhere although we can probably guess each received their 14th share of the loot from the quest of Erebor that's 1 14th of the Dragon horde just pause for one moment to remember that smile was lying on a literal Hill of gold and gems and other treasure Bilbo struggles to climb up it it's so big so we can confidently assert that they each entered their Middle Ages not just comfortably wealthy but some of the wealthiest people in the whole world 60 years at least they lived lives of comfort and ease seemingly choosing not to volunteer to go on any more missions like Berlin or gloin had however they were all still young enough at the time of the war of the Ring to be expected to take part in the battle defending Erebor from the easterling attack that was a hard-fought battle three days of Close Quarter fighting and then a Siege many dwarves died including King Dyne I think we can safely assume that bomba didn't take part but the others probably did and perhaps one or more died defending the Homeland they had fought so hard for the first time around sadly we simply don't know other than a few highlights Tolkien is content to let the dwarves slowly fade from view in the fourth age so perhaps we should too the quest of edible was a Monumental moment in dwarf history turning the tide of their Fortunes in the third age all 10 of the dwarves who survived prospered hugely becoming wealthy beyond their wildest dreams but it seems not to have fundamentally changed any of them Berlin still risked everything in pursuit of a Homeland he'd never known gloin was fiercely loyal to his family bomber just carried on eating and Pfeiffer both Dorian Nori seemed to have lived contented lives away from the headlines the quest of edible was never fundamentally about the pursuit of gold and riches and becoming amazingly wealthy didn't fundamentally change any of the dwarves What mattered more was that they had their Homeland once more some went off to try to reclaim another ancient home While others stayed and defended edibald itself if you'd like to see more videos about the Lord of the Rings please click on the link to the left of your screen or for livestream's new short form videos interviews and more please check out my new channel idg live there's a link in the middle of your screen now that's all for this time thanks for watching I'll see you again soon
Channel: In Deep Geek
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Length: 10min 18sec (618 seconds)
Published: Mon May 15 2023
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